Matuguina STS QUIZ

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Name: Matuguina, Jhonnel P.

Yr&Sec: BET-ET-NS-T-3A Date: Oct. 24, 2022

The Magician’s Twin: CS Lewis and the Case against Scientism.

1) What is scientism?

The definition of scientism in the video is "the attempts to use the tools of
science to explain and govern every aspect of human life.

2) How is science more dangerous than magic?

Science is more dangerous than magic Because science works and magic
does not. You can kill people with guns, knives, poisonous gas, biological
weapons, and bombs made by the applications of science, but magic is wishful

3) Why is science more dangerous than magic?

Science is far more harmful. Since science has the ability to make it
impossible to truly govern people, if it fails, people will not be able to use it to
rule the world. It is possible to control them if you locate the proper charge and
therapies. Science presents a risky situation since there is no alternative method
to safeguard the work being done.

4) What is the presented essence of modernity and its consequence?

We are expected to accept modernity as the only way forward since it is

offered as the answer to every problem. We must acknowledge that, given where
we are today, it is too late to stop certain things from being modernized.

5) What do we need for the sciences to be good?

There are things in the world made by science that are harmful one of which
is the weapon used in war. To keep it in use in the right way let's not let it go to
the wrong person to be used for bad things thing is a way for science to be used
in the right way, not abused science because bad situation will return to you.

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