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1.1. Curriculum and Study Modality
The training of undergraduate students at the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) in
face-to-face, blended and distance learning modalities, in accordance with the current provisions of
Peruvian laws, is developed through academic activities guided by these regulations, which are
available for all students on the University’s website and information systems.

The face-to-face modality will admit the use of information and communication technologies and/or
online learning environments up to 20% of the total credits of the program, the blended modality
between 20% and up to 70% of the total blended credits within the program, and no more than 80%
of the total credits for the undergraduate academic programs in the distance learning modality, with
the exception of programs specially designed for adults over the age of 24.

The study regime is organized by credits, with a flexible curriculum, and is developed through
academic terms.

1.2. Academic year

The academic year comprises two academic terms (term 1 and 2), whose start and end dates are
published on UPC’s Academic Calendar. Optionally, students may enroll in summer courses and –
exceptionally– in other terms, in accordance with the provisions established by each School to achieve
the corresponding number of academic credits according to their program curriculum. They may enroll
in the maximum number of credits as established in paragraph 1.6.h of these Regulations.

Each academic term and the period in which summer courses are taken comprise both teaching weeks
and exam periods.

1.3. Curriculum
The curriculum reflects the University’s study regime and includes the following:
a. The list of courses.
b. The academic load established for each course.
c. The mandatory or elective nature of the courses, as well as their prerequisites.
d. The number of credits for each course.

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Undergraduate programs have a minimum of 200 credits, which include general and program courses,
as well as specialization courses, when applicable. General courses are aimed at the students’
comprehensive training and have a minimum of 35 credits. Specialization and program courses,
including elective courses, provide students with the corresponding professional and specialty
knowledge, and have a minimum of 165 credits.

1.4. Courses
a. Courses can differ in nature: lectures, seminars, workshops or labs.
b. Mandatory courses are taught at least once every academic year. However, if the number of
students willing to take the mandatory course in a specific term when it is not taught is greater than
or equal to twelve, the University may program it.

1.5. Academic Credit

Academic credits measure the educational time required for students to achieve theoretical and
practical learning. Academic credits measure the educational time required for students to
demonstrate learning achievements. The latter may include both teaching and non-teaching activities
that allow facilitating the learning process.

The teaching activities are understood as the activities programmed in the course syllabi. The
teaching activities are guided, monitored and/or supervised by the faculty members. The courses
may be taught face-to-face, blended and/or online.

Non-teaching activities are understood as activities developed by the students in an autonomous

manner (individual or collaborative work, study, research, field work, data collection, participation or
development of projects, among others), which contribute to the achievement of theoretical or
practical learning throughout the course. The learning outcomes of said activities are assessed within
the framework of the course.

The courses have the following value in terms of credits:

a. One (1) academic credit per 16 theoretical class hours scheduled. Theoretical class sessions
are understood as face-to-face or online faculty-student interactions, in a synchronous or
asynchronous manner, in which the learning of new knowledge, abilities and attitudes is
developed or assessed.
b. One (1) academic credit per 32 practical class hours scheduled.

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Practical class sessions are understood as face-to-face or online faculty-student interactions in

which students actively participate in applying and integrating the new knowledge, abilities and
attitudes acquired.

c. One (1) academic credit per 32 non-teaching hours (whether practical or theoretical). They must
be explicitly stated in the syllabus and be aligned with teaching activities and/or evaluations.

Remedial courses allow students to earn academic credits, and account for the maximum academic
load of students and for administrative purposes only, as established in the corresponding regulations.

1.6. Academic Load

Academic load (or teaching load) refers to the sum of course credits in which students are enrolled
during an academic term. The students’ academic load is governed by the following provisions:
a. Students must enroll in courses equivalent to a minimum of 12 credits (except in the summer term).
Students must enroll in a minimum of 12 credits per term, unless they need fewer credits tocomplete
the program, in order to keep their status as regular students and be considered full- time students.
Exceptionally, when students’ academic performance puts them at an imminent risk of dismissal,
the Program Director may authorize –at the student’s request– their enrollment in fewer numbers
of credits. In addition, in the case of the School of Medicine, if the course is taught throughout the
year and, when applicable, the Program Director may exceptionally authorize students to enroll in
a fewer number of credits.
b. Students at academic risk are not allowed to enroll in more than 18 academic credits.
c. Students under observation or enrolled in a remedial course may not enroll in more than 18
academic credits.
d. Students who, during the preceding academic term, have obtained a weighted average between
13.00 and 15.00 points may enroll in a maximum of 23 academic credits.
e. Students who, during the preceding academic term, have obtained a weighted average above
15.00 may enroll in a maximum of 27 academic credits.
f. Students who are taking a course for the third time –for one academic term during their stay at
the University– must not enroll in more than 12 credits.
g. Incoming students must follow the course structure established in the corresponding curriculum,
which may include remedial courses, based on the results of their placement tests.
h. Students may enroll in a maximum of 11 credits during the summer term.

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2.1. Class Attendance and Evaluations
Class attendance and evaluations are governed by the following provisions:
a. Attendance to scheduled theoretical and practical class sessions, evaluations, or any other activity
programmed within the framework of the course is mandatory. Attendance should be taken no
later than 15 minutes after the scheduled start time of the session. A student who fails toreport for
attendance will be considered absent. The students must remain during the class session. Should
they leave the session, the faculty member may modify the attendance record and consider the
student as absent.

It is mandatory for students to carry out all the activities scheduled on UPC’s Learning Management
System (Virtual Classroom), as per the teaching and non-teaching hours of face-to- face, blended
and online courses.
b. (i) For students to be able to take the final evaluation of a course (an exam or equivalent evaluation),
they must attend –at least– 75% of the scheduled theoretical and practical sessions, whether
during face-to-face or synchronous online sessions. Students who, for any reason, fail to
attend more than 25% of the class sessions of a course will have zero in the final evaluation.
(ii) If students take the final evaluation of a course (an exam or other evaluation) and obtain a
grade for it, but exceed the absence limit, they will have a zero grade for said evaluation.
(iii) In order to calculate the final average of a course in which students have exceeded the 25%
absence limit, the grades obtained will be averaged, including the zero of the final evaluation.
This provision applies to the evaluations detailed in Appendix 6 of these Regulations in order
of priority.
c. Students, who fail to submit an evaluation or academic assignment within the deadline established
in the course and without adequate justification submitted to and approved by the faculty member
of the course, shall be marked with a zero grade evaluation, wich will be recorded as “Not taken”
on the system.
d. Students, who do not take a make-up evaluation scheduled in the course syllabus, except for the
final exam, may request a remedial process for evaluations not taken. Said process consists in
making up for one of the grades of the evaluations not taken with the grade obtained in the final
exam (EB).
The deadline to submit remedial applications and make the corresponding payment is set by the
Registrar’s Office. Students who have started said process may not access the evaluationremedial
process provided in paragraph “e” of this section.
The remedial process applies to courses with EB evaluations in the evaluation formula only. The
make-up process will proceed for the courses that do not have an “EB” evaluation in their evaluation
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e. If students fail to take a final exam (EB), they may make it up at a later date than the one initially
scheduled. The make-up exam covers all the topics of the course. Students who are absent during
the exam shall obtain a grade equivalent to zero.
The deadline to apply and pay for said process is set by the Registrar's Office, which schedules
one date only for make-up evaluations and communicates it to the students. Remedial exams only
replace final exams that students failed to take on the date initially scheduled, except for the
provisions set forth in the preceding paragraph – that is, courses that do not have an EB evaluation
in their evaluation formula.
Students who have started said process may not access the evaluation remedial process provided
in paragraph “d” of this section.
f. Students who fail to attend more than 25% of the hours scheduled for the course may request a
make-up exam for an evaluation not taken. The latter does not apply to the final evaluation of the
course (a final exam or other evaluation) for which –according to paragraph 2.1.b. of these
Regulations–, a zero grade will be recorded for exceeding the maximum number of absences in
the course.
g. The dates of evaluations and submission of assignments will be established in the syllabus and/or
Virtual Classroom of the course. If an evaluation is submitted after the due date and time, it will be
considered as failed.

2.2. Teaching and Make-Up of Class Sessions

a. The course syllabus is uploaded onto the course’s Virtual Classroom and must be reviewed by
faculty members and students on the first day of classes.
b. Teaching in Hybrid Classrooms: Hybrid Classrooms refer to classrooms in which the faculty
members carry out teaching activities in a synchronous and face-to-face manner, with the
participation of both face-to-face and distance-learning students at the same time. If students
choose to attend face-to-face classes, the program credit will be considered face-to-face. Class
sessions taught in hybrid classrooms are governed by the corresponding Protocol, these
regulations and other relevant University regulations.
c. In the case of distance-learning students (including participation in hybrid classrooms), the
following technical requirements must be taken into account:
CPU (Processor) 2.0 GHz or higher
RAM 4 GB or higher
Operating System - Windows 10 or higher
- MacOS 10 or higher
Bandwidth 15MB/s download speed and 5MB/s
upload speed

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Browser(s) - Google Chrome

- Microsoft Edge
- Firefox
- Safari (if using an iPad)
Equipment Headset (headset with microphone)
and webcam, in case the faculty member
requires it.

The students acknowledge that in order to participate and for courses offered in the online and/or
blended modalities to be evaluated, these technical requirements are mandatory and it is their
responsibility to comply with them in an optimal way throughout the term. The students who cannot
meet the requirements upon enrollment shall opt for the face-to-face modality.

d. For the purposes of interaction and development of learning outcomes, in the courses offered in
the online and/or blended modality (as far as online sessions are concerned), the faculty member
must keep the camera on throughout the session. Students, on the other hand, must turn it on at
the beginning of the session, each time they participate and when requested by the faculty member,
which is a requirement for attendance at the session to be taken into account. The faculty member
may flag a student as absent if they fail to respond to a call or do not turn on the camera when
requested to do so during the session.
e. Class sessions taught remotely will be recorded by the faculty member.

f. Scheduled classes are taught on the scheduled dates and times. If, for any reason, this provision
is not fulfilled by the faculty member, they must - under their responsibility - make up the class on
another day and time, in agreement with the students and with prior notice of the Registrar’s Office.
The programmed classes are taught according to the scheduled time and date. If, for any reason,
these regulations are not complied with, faculty members are responsible for scheduling a make-
up class on a different day and time, in agreement with the students and informing the Registrar’s

2.3. Evaluation
The evaluation of students’ academic performance is as follows:
a. Continuous evaluation.
b. Mid-term evaluation.
c. Final evaluation, which includes all the topics covered throughout the course.

2.4. Grading System

a. Grades are given on a scale from 1 to 20. The minimum passing grade is 13.

b. A good academic performance is considered to be above 15.00, which means that students are
in the upper third of their programs.
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2.5. Types of Grades

a. Course Grading
Evaluation is continuous and translates into grades for each course as per the evaluation formula
in each syllabus. Evaluations should be conducted in the following proportions: 40% for continuous
evaluation, 30% for the mid-term evaluation and 30% for the final evaluation.
The faculty members must submit the grades of the mid-term and final evaluations to the
Registrar’s Office -which shall inform the students- within one week after their completion
(7 calendar days); and all grades of the continuous evaluations before the beginning of the
mid-term and final evaluation period, respectively. All grades shall be expressed in hundredths,
without rounding them up. When calculating the course grade resulting from weighing previous
grades, fractions of 0.50 and above will be rounded up to the next whole number.
b. Weighted Average
The result at the end of each academic term is obtained by weighing the course grades, according
to their value in terms of credits. The sum of the products of said multiplications is divided by the
number of credits students were enrolled in, excluding the courses they withdrew from and including
courses whose grades were zero. The weighted average is expressed in hundredths.

c. Accumulated Weighted Average

The accumulated average per student upon completion of the program is calculated according to
the methodology set forth in the previous paragraph. The accumulated weighted average is
expressed in hundredths.

2.6. Evaluation Schedule

Mid-term evaluations are taken at the end of the first half of each academic term, and final evaluations
are taken at the end of the term. They are programmed as per the exam calendar published by the
Registrar's Office.

2.7. Evaluation Format

a. Written mid-term and final evaluations using booklets are not anonymous for grading purposes. Any
misidentification or tampering to the students’ booklets will annul the exam.
b. If a student does not turn in the booklet for a mid-term or final evaluation, the exam will be annulled
and the grade will be zero.
c. Faculty members are entitled to determine whether the course evaluations be oral or using a
different format, provided the exams are aligned with the learning outcomes developed or assessed
in the course as per each modality.
d. In the case of tests and exams whose grading may be done via a computer, students may

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include their code or any other type of identification.

e. Maximum tolerance time for the student’s entrance in an evaluation is 15 minutes, as long as no
other student has previously left the classroom.
f. Evaluations can be recorded on video and with audio. The recordings will be stored for two weeks
and may be used as evidence for disciplinary sanctions.
g. In the case of evaluations, faculty members may use supervisory and/or anti-plagiarism
mechanisms, through digital tools. Supervisory tools mainly allow identifying each student and
monitor their behavior during the evaluation, whereas anti-plagiarism tools allow identifying the
percentage and similarity detail of the students’ assignments and evaluations. Authorization for the
use of additional apps, software, learning resources or other devices, or any other specific
conditions or restrictions, will be indicated in the instructions of the evaluations. The University will
provide the necessary guidelines for the implementation of this section.

h. During the mid-term and final exams, students must identify themselves and show their National
ID or Student ID card (TIU) at the request of the exam supervisor. The University may implement
other identification and/or remote monitoring measures, depending on the nature of the evaluation,
such as asking students to turn on their webcam.
i. The students may file a claim only within 7 days after the grade has been registered in the
University’s systems. If a claim is filed, the faculty member will report the student’s claim to
Academic Records for validation before attending to it.
j. In the case of online evaluations, the students are responsible for submitting the evaluation
according to the indications and for ensuring that it has been properly submitted.
k. In the case of online evaluations, the students must ensure that the computers or devices used to
take the evaluation are in good condition and optimal configuration, including the Internet
connection, as established in the course and relevant regulations. Technical failures on behalf of
the students will not be considered as exceptions to the obligation to take or submit the evaluations
in a timely manner.

2.8. Authority during Evaluations

a. The faculty member of each course decides on the length and use of materials, notes or books or
any other tools necessary to take the evaluation, as set forth in the Virtual Classroom of the course
at least one week in advance.
b. The supervisor may modify the conditions during the evaluation in order to prevent any event that
may hinder the performance of said evaluation.
c. If a student commits a violation against academic integrity when taking an evaluation –whetheran
exam, practice test or other– they will obtain a grade equivalent to zero for the evaluation in which
the offense is committed in addition to the corresponding disciplinary sanctions.
d. The identification of a violation against academic integrity in an evaluation is as follows: If the
violation is detected when the evaluation is in progress, the supervisor is responsible for notifying

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the latter. If detected when the evaluation is being graded, the faculty member is responsible for
identifying and communicating the violation. In both cases, in which there must be objective
evidence of the misconduct, an incident notification report must be submitted to AcademicRecords,
describing the facts and attaching the evaluation and evidence, in order to forward it to the
Academic Director of the respective campus/site and initiate the corresponding disciplinary
process, if warranted, in accordance with the Student Disciplinary Regulations.
e. If before, during or after a mid-term or final evaluations, students commit a flagrant violation that
is not related to academic integrity, the supervisor shall annul the exam, whose grade will be
zero, in addition to applying the corresponding disciplinary measures. The supervisor must
prepare a report to be submitted to Academic Records so as to record the grade of zero
and submit the report to apply disciplinary measures.

2.9. Reviewing Exams and Evaluation Grades

Student may request to have their grades reviewed. Said procedure applies when returning the
evaluation and using the corresponding form and procedures. In order to proceed, the faculty member
must take into consideration the following:
a. A grade may be reviewed when there has been an addition mistake or if an answer has
not been reviewed –whether partially or totally. Claims regarding evaluation criteria or
grading rigorousness will not be accepted. The request must clearly specify the evaluation
or part of the evaluation requested to be reviewed and the relationship to the assessment
rubric used and the evidence supporting said request.
b. If the evaluation has been taken in writing, the request must be attached to the request. Exams
answered partially or totally with a pencil or erasable pen (except if it is a mistake in the addition
to obtain the grade) or exams with the student’s identification different from their code, or exams
where students have added more information after grading will not be accepted. With regard to the
latter, students are committing a violation against academic integrity and will be subject to the
corresponding academic and disciplinary sanctions.
c. The procedure must be carried out by the students or the person they appointed to collect the
d. Once the established claims procedure has been completed, the decision is cannot be reversed.
e. Students may not make a claim more than once for the same evaluation.
f. If necessary, the booklet under claim will be discarded by Academic Records after the Minutes
have been recorded.

The request for evaluation review through the system must be addressed within a maximum of 7
calendar days after the grade has been entered into the system, except for the final exam grade,
whose request must be presented the same day it is returned. After said deadlines, students lose their
right to make a claim.

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3.1. Enrollment
Students are responsible for enrolling before the start of the academic term within the deadlines and
conditions set forth by the Registrar's Office.

Upon enrollment, the students must sign a waiver stating that they are aware of the regulations,
norms and procedures in force at the University. Likewise, the students must state that they are aware
of the study modality authorized by the program, are responsible for selecting the modality of courses
(the schedule of face-to-face and/or distance-learning education sessions), and know the technical
requirements for each modality, taking into account the current curriculum and relevant updates.

It is the students’ responsibility to comply with the percentage limits established in these regulations,
according to each study modality. Likewise, students must remain in the study modality in which they
are enrolled, unless they wish to change modalities following the corresponding procedure.

Enrolling implies the commitment to comply with the University's principles and regulations, provided
as follows:
a. Enrollment is carried out according to the priority order of students, as determined by the weighted
average obtained in previous academic terms (terms 1 and 2, without taking into consideration the
courses taken during the summer term). Exceptionally, students who resume their studies may
enroll during the term established for preferential enrollment (except for enrollment with a Letter of
Continuance, in which case the priority order is applied according to the weighted average of the
last term in which they were enrolled).
Students who meet the following requirements may also have access to preferential enrollment:
Have 27 or fewer pending credits (between mandatory and electives) to complete the Curriculum
and meet the prerequisites of all pending mandatory courses.
b. Students may not enroll in a course if they have not passed those which are prerequisites as per
the corresponding curriculum. Otherwise, their enrollment in said course will be annulled.
c. Enrollment in courses of different levels may not exceed three consecutive terms. An exception is
made for students who have already finished a program and are studying a dual major.
Exceptionally, the Registrar’s Office may authorize students to enroll in courses with a gap of four
consecutive academic terms, so that students may complete the minimum load of 12 credits, as
established in section 1.6.a of these Regulations.
d. Exceptionally, the Registrar's Office may authorize students to take a course of another program,
with the approval of the Program Director who coordinates the course or any person they may
appoint as their representative. After passing the course, the credits are validated as electives.
e. Schedule conflicts are not allowed. If students have schedule conflicts upon enrollment, the course
of the upper term in the curriculum will be annulled, as long as they did not fail said course.

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f. A student may not enroll in 3 or 4 courses in which they are at academic risk at the same time.
g. During the academic term in which students complete their studies, and with the authorization of
the Registrar’s Office, students may:

▪ Enroll in more than 27 credits, without exceeding 30 credits, if they comply with the information
established in section 1.6.e. of these Regulations; as long as the students have completed or
complete the program in 5 years –that is, the minimum to complete the program according to
University Law N° 30220.
▪ Enroll in less than 12 credits.
h. Changes in the enrollment process in accordance with the corresponding regulations are allowed
if they are external to students or authorized by the Registrar’s Office. The Registrar’s Office is
responsible for said process.
i. Incoming students whose documentation is pending (such as certificates and/or diplomas, among
other physical and/or virtual documents issued by national and/or international educational
institutions) may be required to submit them before, during or after the enrollment process initiated
by the Registrar's Office and/or other areas of the University. Failure to comply with submission
using the adequate format in a timely manner constitutes a disciplinary misconduct subject to
sanction and/or prohibition to enroll.
j. In order for the enrollment to come into effect, students must confirm that they took the
psychopedagogical or any other tests requested by the University.
k. Students on academic probation –that is, students who have failed a course for the third time and
have been suspended for a year for academic reasons– may enroll only in the course they failed
and after complying with the corresponding internal process and provisions to return to their
academic program.
l. Upon enrollment, the Registrar's Office will audit the latter. The Registrar's Office may annul the
enrollment process of the students who fail to comply with these regulations.
m. During their studies, and as per the provisions set forth in UPC´s English Requirement Regulations
for Undergraduate and Undergraduate Working Adult (EPE) programs, students must be able to
understand texts in English and, upon completion, reach a proficiency level. Students learn English
gradually. This is why they can take the courses that are part of the curriculum of each program,
according to the provisions detailed in the English Requirement Regulations.
Students must take the Placement Test, submit certificates of local English language institutes
and/or certificates of international exams recognized by the University, as per the English
Requirement Regulations and for the corresponding purposes.

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n. The University provides students with an email address. The latter must be used for academic and
personal development purposes only and students are responsible for checking it on a regular
basis and in an appropriate manner. The University deems this email address to be valid to send
information to students and to be the means for communication with faculty members andother
areas of the University for academic purposes only.
o. All students must have, at least, one tutor or representative, whose complete name must be
registered in the University's system during the Admissions process. The person appointed by the
students to fulfill this role will receive information linked to the students’ academic life, which must
be fully consented by the students, as per the corresponding regulations. Said information might
be of a disciplinary, academic (such as grades, number of credits earned, schedule and
attendance, among others) or economic nature or other, relevant to their academic process.
p. Students must register the representative or tutor's full name. In addition, the University may ask
students to update this information at any time, or before every enrollment process. It is the
students’ responsibility to appoint their representative or tutor.
q. Students must verify that their names are registered in the University’s system in the same way as
they appear on their National ID (DNI) and must inform the University of any changes, by submitting
the official document as proof.
r. For enrollment purposes, UPC students must meet the vaccination requirements –in order to
safeguard their health and that of others– as established by the University’s Schools and set forth
in the corresponding regulations. In addition, students are responsible for any accidents and/or
adverse events they may suffer or any disease they contract in the campus/sites they visit as
enrolled students and as part of their educational process. They are also responsible for taking
care of the furniture, goods and equipment used at such places, and are held liable for any loss,
damage or malfunction they may cause.
s. Students who have pending administrative or legal processes with the University or are involved
in any other litigious situation may not enroll as students in any of the University’s academic

3.2. Course Withdrawal

a. After enrollment, students may withdraw from a maximum of two courses per academic term.
Said withdrawals may take place between weeks 5 and 15 of each academic term (or during the
corresponding weeks of the summer term, as per the dates established by the Registrar's Office
in UPC’s Academic Calendar).

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b. Students may not withdraw from the same course more than twice.
c. Course withdrawal does not supersede the effects of a disciplinary sanction for any event that
occurred in the course in which the student was enrolled.

3.3. Term Withdrawal

a. Students may request a term withdrawal for duly justified reasons, through the term withdrawal
process, which it is available from week 2 to week 15 of each academic term through the MI UPC
platform, as per the provisions of UPC’s Academic and Administrative Regulations and to be
authorized by the University. If requested after the start of the mid-term evaluations, students must
pay the full amount of the tuition fee for the academic term.
b. Once the term withdrawal has been approved, students will not obtain a grade for the courses in
which they were enrolled. The courses will not be considered as failed. Term withdrawal does not
exempt the students from any disciplinary procedures.
c. If a student does not log in to the Virtual Classroom and does not have a grade in any of the
courses in which they are enrolled, has not made the payment of the second ballot, and has not
previously withdrawn, the Registrar's Office shall withdraw the students on its own motion and notify
them about their decision. In addition, withdrawal proceeds in exceptional situations, justified by
the corresponding authority and approved by resolution of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs
and Research. The latter refers to situations when students’ continuance means a serious risk to
the health, physical integrity or protection of fundamental rights of members of the academic
community or the students.
d. Students may not withdraw from a term in their program more than two consecutive times or three
alternate times. To that end, only academic terms 1 and 2 will be taken into account. The latter
does not take into account the summer terms or the withdrawals authorized by the Registrar’s
Office on its own motion. Students with a Letter of Continuance may not withdraw from the term.

3.4. Observation

Students with a weighted average below 13.00 in the preceding academic term will be under
observation, and their academic load for the next academic term will be limited to that provided in
section 1.6.c. of these Regulations. The effects of the latter are redeemed once the students obtain
a passing weighted average.

3.5. Academic Risk

Students who are at academic risk are appointed an advisor and their academic load is therefore
limited should they be in any of the following situations:

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a. Failing a course for the second time.

b. Obtaining a Letter of Continuance.
c. Enrolling in the maximum number of terms as established in section 3.6.b of these Regulations.
d. Failing two consecutive weighted averages.
e. Failing three alternate weighted averages.

The support provided to students at risk and all relevant academic aspects are set forth in the
corresponding regulations, approved by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Research.

3.6. Dismissal
Except for the cases stated in the final paragraph of this section, students who are dismissed may
not reenter the University if they:
a. Fail a course in which they are enrolled for the third time.
b. Do not complete the courses required to graduate from a program, which is 200 credits in a
maximum of 17 academic terms (or the period equivalent to 12 credits per academic term in
programs with more credits). This calculation takes into account the academic terms in which
students received a sanction resulting in enrollment annulment, suspension or restriction.
According to these Regulations, if students withdraw from a term, that term is not taken into
consideration in the calculation. If students need one or two terms to complete the program, a
resolution of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Research may authorize increasing the
number of terms for continuance purposes. In the case of a program transfer, the calculation is
made based on the first term in which the student is transferring.
c. Students were separated following disciplinary measures.
d. Fail to pass a course for the fourth time when on academic probation.
Students who were dismissed as per the specifications set forth in paragraphs a and b of this
section may apply for reincorporation to the University as long as they comply with the deadlines
and conditions established in the corresponding procedure.


4.1. Enrollment Reservation

a. Applicants, who are admitted to the University, enroll and request an enrollment reservation, must
make the latter to the Registrar’s Office before the start of the term. The Registrar’s Office may
authorize a reservation up to two consecutive academic terms. If students do not proceed with the
enrollment process after said deadline, they will lose the rights acquired in the admissions process.
b. Students who do not enroll in a specific academic term (terms 1 and 2) must request the

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enrollment reservation to the Registrar’s Office.

c. Authorizations for enrollment reservation due to work or any other reason must be duly justified
and may be granted for a maximum of three consecutive or alternate years.

4.2. Resumption of Studies

a. Students who withdrew from the University and, having requested their enrollment reservation
within the set deadlines, may resume their studies and keep their academic record, including
passed and failed courses.
b. If students fail to request their enrollment reservation, they must make any pending payments and
pay the corresponding fees for the resumption when applying for the latter.
c. Students who resume their studies are assigned the tuition scale equivalent to the one they were
assigned when dismissed. In addition, they may take an evaluation, depending on how long they
were out so as to validate their studies.

4.3. Internal Program Transfer

Students may request a transfer from one academic program to another within their School or a
change to a program in another School. Said request must be submitted in accordance with the
guidelines for Internal Program Transfers. In the case of a second internal transfer or more, the
students must take a vocational test with the psychopedagogical area, the result of which must be
submitted to the Full-Time Campus Faculty Member of the program before requesting the
corresponding procedure. In case the request is approved, the course equivalence chart will be
applied and the course validations will be effective as of the following academic term.

4.4. Course Validation

a. Students may request some courses taken in another higher education institution to be validated,
as per the validation process established by the University.
b. If the course validation request is denied, students may apply for a reconsideration only once,
based on supporting documents.
c. When a course passed in another higher education institution is validated, the original grade shall
not be recorded, only a passing grade.

4.5. Letter of Continuance

Students may request a Letter of Continuance only once during their studies if they:
a. Fail to pass a course for the third time and require the corresponding authorization to enroll a fourth
time in the same course and program (they may enroll in the course only if they obtain a Letter of
Continuance and after being separated from the University for one year, as they are on academic
probation); or

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b. Are in any of the situations set forth in section 3.6.b of these Regulations.
c. Fail to pass a course for the third time and request an internal transfer to another program whose
curriculum does not offer said course as a mandatory course.

In order to issue the letter, the provisions determined in the Letter of Continuance Procedure must be
taken into account. Under no circumstance will students who have been dismissed from the University
due to disciplinary measures be able to request a Letter of Continuance.

4.6. UPC Mentions

a. Definition
UPC Mentions refer to a series of elective courses offered by the University’s academic programs
and departments in order to strengthen the comprehensive training of students for the following
▪ To add value to the students’ academic and professional training.
▪ To complement the academic training in a profession by broadening the knowledge on specific
areas or topics in the field of specialization, as well as its relationship with other disciplines.
▪ To be a means of specialization in certain areas of a profession or in a multidisciplinary setting,
so as to strengthen the competencies required by the labor market or that meet the
stakeholders’ needs.

b. Design and Characteristics

▪ UPC Mentions are designed by each academic program and department. They can be
designed and offered by one academic program or more. The School Deans approve them and
submit their proposal to the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Research for authorization.
Upon completion of the program, the University grants the corresponding diplomas.
▪ UPC Mentions entail a maximum of 15 credits. Students may opt for more than one Mention
simultaneously or successively.
▪ UPC students take the courses of a Mention during their studies. The total number of credits
earned must not exceed the maximum number of credits allowed by UPC’s Study Regulations.
Students do not have to make additional payments.
▪ In case students complete their studies and wish to obtain a Mention, they must request the
approval of the Program Director and pay the corresponding academic fees based on the
number of credits or academic terms, as applicable. To this end, they must resume their studies,
which will come into effect upon authorization.

c. Certifications

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Upon completion of UPC Mentions, students are granted the corresponding certificates and a diploma
that certifies the Mention.

4.7. Second Degree

Students who enroll in a program but wish to enroll in a course of another program so as to complete
a second degree, may do so by means of an authorization from the corresponding Program Director.
In this regard, the courses will be considered as elective courses to their initial academic curriculum.
The credits earned will also be considered for academic, administrative and regulatory purposes and
the grades will be taken into account for the calculation of the weighted and cumulative weighted
averages of the term.

The maximum period of continuance at UPC referred to in paragraph c of section 3.6 of these
Regulations may be reasonably extended through a resolution of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs
and Research, as per the date of the authorization of the Program Director.

Students may enroll in the second program once they have completed the curriculum of the first.
Students must pay the corresponding regular students’ tuition fee. However, if they are enrolled in
fewer than 12 credits, they shall pay a tuition fee for the corresponding credits.


5.1. Within the framework of the students’ educational process, the University promotes Academic
Missions geared towards the learning of new knowledge and competencies.

5.2. To participate in an Academic Mission, one must be a student when signing up for a Mission and
during the date in which it takes place, and be over 18 at the moment the mission takes place.

5.3. Students from all the programs may participate in Academic Missions if they have earned more than
20 credits and/or validated at the university and meet all the requirements established in the Academic
Mission Procedure. Students who –in the term prior to the Mission or in the one when the Mission takes
place– have received disciplinary sanctions, are at academic risk as per these Regulations, or have a
failing weighted average during the term or accumulated failing weighted averages will not be able to

5.4. The verification of the learning outcomes of students who participate in Academic Missions will be
carried out based on objective evidence, previously defined criteria in the program-specific Mission,

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and detailed in the Program's Final Report of the results obtained during the Academic Mission. Said
reports are part of the University’s Integrated Academic Quality System (SICA).

5.5. Academic Missions and international exchange programs, as well as semesters abroad and double
degrees, are regulated by the provisions, norms and specific procedures approved by UPC and the
University abroad. Compliance with the latter is mandatory in order to participate. In the event of
misconduct against academic probity or other disciplinary offenses when enrolled as students
at UPC and while participating in joint programs in universities abroad, UPC may temporarily
suspend or terminate the student’s participation in the program in which the misconduct
occurred, following the procedures established for this purpose.

6.1. In accordance with its bylaws, UPC encourages the participation of faculty members, students and
graduates in the institution’s bodies, for which they can present initiatives or make suggestions through
the academic authorities of their corresponding academic program, so as to be assessed by UPC’s
Advisory Committee or the Academic Advisory Committees.

6.2. The Ombudsman’s Office is responsible for the protection of the rights of the members of UPC’s
academic community and ensures the effectiveness of the principle of responsible authority. According
to the University’s bylaws, the Secretary General is responsible for its coordination. In order to make
a claim on what is considered a violation of individual rights, a letter may be submitted to UPC’s
Ombudsman’s Office, who will consult, coordinate and evaluate the necessary issues related to the
matter within 30 calendar days –said period may be extended.
To this end, the Ombudsman’s Office will be able to request an expert’s opinion on the matter before
issuing the corresponding resolution, which is not legally binding. Collective and labor issues,
disciplinary measures, faculty and students’ academic evaluations, among other issues, which may
be solved as per the University's regulations and procedures, will not fall under the Ombudsman’s
Office responsibility.

6.3. All the processes described in these Regulations that may require a schedule, students must take into
account UPC’s Calendar which is available on UPC’s web page at: (

6.4. Diversity of thought, gender, sexual orientation, race, marital status, nationality or religion are
considered pillars that sustain UPC’s Diversity and Non-Discrimination Policy and sustain its
fundamental activities.

6.5. The University recognizes and respects the right to religious freedom, facilitating –through the
corresponding procedures– the participation of students in religious activities and holiday

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celebrations, without affecting their academic activities.

6.6. All works created by students within their educational process, courses, contests, events, academic
projects or other activities developed as students will be held by UPC in relation to their proprietary
rights. It is understood that, by accepting these Regulations, students assign and transfer all property
rights of the productions created at the University, for free, for the maximum time period established
in the Copyright Law, exclusively, on national and international territory. The cession of rights includes
the rights for reproduction, public communication, distribution, adaptation, transformation and any type
of exploitation of the works, in any format (physical or digital). The students, as the sole creators, will
hold all moral rights to the production as per the Copyright Law, Legislative Decree No. 822. The
University must abide by the right to claim authorship of a work developed by students and explicitly
state the students’ authorship in any kind of use or exploitation of the latter.

6.7. All provisions described in these Regulations must be understood in accordance with the Academic
Administrative Regulations, the Student Disciplinary Regulations, the Regulations for Academic
Degrees and Professional Titles, and the English Requirement Policy Undergraduate and
Undergraduate Working Adult (EPE) programs, and any other current University regulations.

6.8. Students who pay the tuition fee and the first installment are eligible for course selection and
enrollment, as per the provisions of these Regulations. In case they are unable to do so at the closure
of the regular process, the University will proceed to the students’ course selection based on their
academic progress, which will be confirmed to the students by means of a communication indicating
the courses in which they have been enrolled. After receiving said communication, the students may
confirm the selection of courses proposed by the University, request modifications or refuse it, within
five weeks for regular terms or two weeks for Summer terms, as long as they have not attended
any class sessions (whether face-to-face or online). The University may then proceed with the
corresponding refund and will cancel the course selection, in accordance with the existing procedure
for said purpose.

6.9. In the case of face-to-face sessions, students must strictly comply with the biosafety protocols in force.
Failure to do so puts their health and that of other members of the academic community at risk,which
constitutes an offense punishable by disciplinary action.

Students must comply with the Plan for the Surveillance, Prevention and Control of COVID-19 at the
University, as well as other related provisions, which are available for consultation and awareness -
through a link- during the enrollment process, so that they can express their consent and conformity..

6.10. These Regulations may be interpreted by a Resolution of the Rector or Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs
and Research, who is duly authorized to rule on those matters as a necessary requirement in order to
guarantee their fulfillment.

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6.11. These Regulations have been approved by a Resolution of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and
Research, and will come into effect as of the day after their approval.

Appendix 1: Study Regime for Students with Disabilities

“An individual with a disability is a person with one or more handicaps evidenced in the significant loss of one
or more of their physical, mental or sensory functions, involving the decrease or absence of the ability to perform
an activity in forms or ways considered normal, limiting his/her performance of a role, function or exercise of
activities and opportunities, for their equal participation in society” (General Law on Persons with Disabilities).

Students with disabilities must register with the Educational Quality department and are governed by the
provisions established in these Study Regulations, as follows:

Non-Applicable Sections The following provisions apply instead

1.6. Academic Load, Students may enroll in the academic terms 1 and 2, in courses equivalent to
fewer than 12 credits.
Enrollment is carried out on the dates scheduled by the Registrar's Office for
3.1. Enrollment, paragraph a
incoming students.
Once enrolled, students may withdraw from courses during the scheduled time
frame, regardless of the number of academic credits in which they are enrolled.

Students may not withdraw from a course if:

a. They have previously withdrawn from a course twice.
3.2. Course Withdrawal b. They have enrolled for the third time.
c. They obtained a failing grade of zero due to a disciplinary sanction.
Withdrawal from a course does not annul the effects of a disciplinary sanction.

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Not completing the courses required to graduate from a program in a period

exceeding 100% of the number of academic terms specified in the curriculum.
This calculation takes into account the academic terms in which students
received a sanction resulting in enrollment annulment, suspension or
3.6. Dismissal, paragraph b restriction. If students withdraw from a term, said term is not taken into
consideration in the calculation.
In the case of program transfers, a Resolution of the Vice-Rector for Academic
Affairs and Research may authorize increasing the number of continuance terms.

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Appendix 2: Study Regime for Outstanding Athletes

The University fosters the practice of sports and recreational activities as educational factors that contribute to
the students’ training and development. Hence, in accordance with the University's bylaws, Law No. 30220 and
Law No. 30476, UPC fosters its Highly-Competitive Sports Program (PRODAC), which seeks to promote,
support and enhance the Outstanding Athletes’ academic and sports performance.

Outstanding Athletes refers to students who represent the University or Peru as a result of their skills and sports
achievements in one or more disciplines, including the members of the Highly-Competitive Sports Program
(PRODAC). They stand out in different sports and maintain a good academic and disciplinary performance.
They may be classified in one of the following categories:
1. UPC Athletes: Outstanding Athletes who are part of the University Sports Team, who frequently
train and participate in national and international inter-university championships and tournaments,
while keeping a good academic and disciplinary performance.
2. Qualified Athletes: Outstanding Athletes who belong to a National Sports Federation and are recognized by
the Peruvian Institute of Sports, the Peruvian Olympic Committee or the Peruvian National Paralympic
Association. Qualified Athletes have access to benefits granted only if they have previously registered with
and are accredited as such by the Student Life Office.
3. Professional or Semi-Professional League Players: Outstanding Athlete representing a Soccer or Volleyball
club in the respective national top leagues of those disciplines. For Soccer, players in the first division, second
division or reserve division are considered. In the case of Volleyball, the latter refers to athletes who
participate in the National Superior Volleyball League in the superior category, female under 20, female
under 18, male under 21 and male under 19 categories. Professional or semi-professional league players
may access benefits granted only if they have previously registered with and are accredited as such by the
Student Life Office.

Outstanding Athletes are governed under the provisions established in these Study Regulations, and enjoy the
following rights:

Non-Applicable The following provisions apply instead: Special Rights

Qualified Athletes may enroll, in academic terms 1 and 2, in courses equivalent to
1.6. Academic Load, fewer than 12 credits.
paragraph a League Athletes may enroll, in academic terms 1 and 2, in courses equivalent to fewer
than 12 credits.

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Non-Applicable The following provisions apply instead: Special Rights

Outstanding Athletes have an additional 25% absence rate as per the provisions
2.1. Class Attendance
stated in this section, by submitting a letter of the National Sports Federation they
and Evaluations
represent or a request to the Sports department of the Student Life Office in order
(paragraph b)
to justify their absences, as applicable.
In both cases, the Registrar’s Office will accept the request for a remedial evaluation
upon previous agreement with the Student Life Office.

The Registrar's Office authorizes students to reschedule the mid-term and final
evaluations, practice tests and other evaluations set forth in each course syllabus
at a later date. The deadlines to submit said requests are set by the Registrar’s
Requests submitted by outstanding athletes and approved by the Student Life
2.1. Class Attendance Office are not subject to fees for make-up evaluations.
and Evaluations The authorization may be granted for all the courses’ evaluations of each academic
(paragraph d) term, provided that the dates are strictly justified by absences due to trainings and
participation in official competitions. In both cases, the Registrar’s Office will accept
the request for a make-up evaluation, with the previous authorization from the
Student Life

2.1. Class Attendance The Registrar’s Office schedules and publishes the dates for make-up evaluations.
and Said evaluations must include the corresponding topics and percentage weight.
(paragraph e)
Outstanding Athletes registered with the Student Life Office who meet the
requirements for participation and attendance to trainings and competitions will have
3.1. Enrollment (paragraph
a) access to preferential enrollment prior to the regular enrollment process.

Other benefits include:

(i) Tutoring Program: Outstanding athletes have access to a tutoring service provided by the University to tend
to their academic needs on a permanent basis throughout the academic term.
(ii) Regular student status and minimum academic load: Outstanding athletes of the PRODAC program are
entitled to enroll in fewer than 12 credits without losing their status as regular students.

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The University adheres to the rights and benefits established for PRODAC athletes, as per the provisions set
forth in this Appendix, in UPC’s Academic Administrative Regulations (with regard to scholarships), in the
internal provisions and other corresponding procedures. The latter are approved, updated and/or registered
periodically through a rectoral resolution or one from the Finance and Administration Department, as applicable.

Outstanding athletes’ rights are inherent to their status as university students, as set forth in the current
legislation and in the University’s internal regulations and stipulated in Law No. 30476 for athletes of the
PRODAC program.

Appendix 3: Study Regime for Cultural Representative Students

The University fosters the development of different performing arts as an educational component that contributes
to the training and development of its students. To this end, the University promotes cultural representation
through its UPC Troupes, which were created to support the artistic and cultural performanceof Cultural
Delegates, develop the students’ art and skills in the field, and participate in institutional events.

Cultural Delegates refer to the members of UPC Troupes –that is, students who represent the University as a
result of their artistic and cultural manifestation skills in one or more disciplines. They stand out in different arts
and maintain a good academic and disciplinary performance.

Cultural Delegates are governed under the provisions established in these Study Regulations, and enjoy the
following rights:

Non-Applicable Sections The following provisions apply instead: Special Rights

Cultural Delegates registered with the Student Life Office, who meet the
requirements to participate in and attend rehearsals and exhibitions, will be
3.1. Enrollment (paragraph a)
subject to preferential enrollment in the following term.

The Cultural Delegates’ rights are inherent to their status as university students, as set forth in the current
legislation and in the University’s internal regulations.

Appendix 4: Study Regime for Audit Students

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1. Audit students refers to students who enrolled as such to take one or more courses.
2. Audit students must enroll on the date scheduled by the Registrar’s Office and are subject to the
availability of vacancies for each course.

3. Program and Academic Directors determine the list of courses and the number of vacancies availablefor
audit students in each term.
4. Audit students must pay the tuition fee corresponding to the number of credits in which they enrolled. If
they are enrolled in 12 credits or more, they will pay the regular student’s tuition.
5. Audit students may not enroll in a course if:
a. They have not completed their secondary education.
b. They have been dismissed for disciplinary reasons in another educational institution.
c. They have been enrolled as regular students at the University and have been dismissed for academic
or disciplinary reasons, dropped out, or have pending debts.
6. Audit students who take courses are entitled to receive a certificate of enrollment, follow-up or completion
of studies.
7. Audit students have the same obligations and rights as regular students and are subject to theapplication
of the same academic requirements and regulations.
8. Audit students are entitled to the recognition of the courses they took, should they decide to join the
University as regular students, subject to the general admissions procedure, once they are admitted and
have effectively enrolled. In this case, the courses they have taken will be recognized for academic
purposes, considering the results (passed or failed), with the grades obtained, and will be granted the
academic credits and the corresponding certification.

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Appendix 5: Notice Regarding the Use of Personal Data

The Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas S.A.C. (hereinafter UPC), domiciled at Av. Prolongación
Primavera 2390, Monterrico, Santiago de Surco, Lima, will register the personal data of its students in the data
bank “Students” (with Registration No. 01461) and will use them for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes
described below: (i) To carry out the activities that correspond to UPC’s academic services and student welfare;
(ii) to answer queries, complaints and suggestions; (iii) to keep students’ records organized and comply with any
other internal regulations contemplated in these Regulations and others approved by the University; (iv) for
payment management of tuition and other items; (v) to answer surveys aimed at academic improvement; (vi) to
give access to scholarships and other benefits provided by UPC; (vii) to maintain internal safety and carry out
incident investigations; (viii) to generate statistics or historical information in an anonymous and dissociated
manner; and (ix) in general, carry out any activity concerning the student status at UPC.

The data collected by UPC is proportional to the achievement of the aforementioned purposes, and may be of
a general and/or sensitive nature, such as name, last name, ID, picture, date of birth, nationality, telephone
number, email address, academic records, school of origin, health status, vocational preferences, work history,
personal and/or family financial information, among other data that may be deemed personal or sensitive and
could be relevant and necessary for the exercise of their rights and duties as UPC students.

UPC may handle the students’ personal data directly or hire third parties to fulfill the preceding purposes,
whether in Peru or abroad. In addition, UPC or third parties have adopted the necessary technical, legal and
organizational security measures to safeguard the students’ personal data. Those responsible for personal
information treatment at UPC’s request are:

• Polysistemas Corp S.A.C., domiciled at Jr. Paramonga 315, Surco, Lima.

• Atlas Internacional Service S.A, ubicada en Av. Alameda Los Pinos 243, Urbanización Villa Marina,
Chorrillos, Lima.
• ITG SOLUTIONS S.A.C., domiciled at Av. Canaval y Moreyra No. 230 Dpto. B Int. Third floor, San
Isidro, Lima
• Microsoft Corporation, domiciled at One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052, United States.

Likewise, for better information management and compliance with internal policies, UPC may share students’
date with Laureate Education Inc, located at 650 S. Exeter Street, Baltimore, Maryland, United States.

Should new parties be responsible for the processing of data, UPC will inform students of the latter via email.

If students do not provide their personal data, UPC will not be able to provide its services. UPC guarantees its

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students the right to Access, Rectification, Cancellation or Opposition specified in Law No. 29733 on the
Protection of Personal Data and its Regulations, Supreme Decree 003-2013-JUS. To this end, students may
send an email free of charge at:

In addition, students must authorize UPC to share their academic information (such as attendance records,
schedule or grade records, payment status, and other information related to their status as students), as well as
information about their financial obligations to UPC, with the legal representatives they have voluntarily
appointed during the admissions process (or other people they may have appointed through the Legal
Representative Registration process at the following link: Students authorize UPC by
putting a check mark in the corresponding box below:

I authorize my academic and financial obligations information to be shared with my representative(s).

I do not authorize.

Finally, students may authorize UPC to contact them in order to provide them with information about the
educational services offered by the University and invite them to informative workshops, talks and events putting
a check mark in the corresponding box below:

I authorize the aforementioned purposes.

I do not authorize.

Appendix 6: Priority for the Application of a Grade of Zero in Final Evaluations for
Exceeding 25 % of Absence Possibilities

A zero grade will be applied for the courses in which students have exceeded 25% of absences according
to the following priority:

Type of Definition Priority

EB Final Evaluation 1
TF Final Assignment 2
TB Assignment 3
EX Oral Presentation 4
DD Performance Evaluation 5
CL Reading Control 6

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Appendix 7: Specific Rules of Conduct for the Use of Third-party Digital Learning Platforms as
part of UPC Courses.

UPC, as part of course design, provides its students with access to third-party digital platforms. Access
instructions and conditions are described in the course syllabi. Third-party platforms may include, among
others, platforms of universities and institutions with which UPC has signed agreements that provide access
to UPC students, as well as platforms such as: Coursera for Campus, Perusall, Citrix, and Microsoft Learn,
among others, that are specifically stated in the syllabus of each course.

All UPC students who access third-party platforms through the courses in which they are enrolled at the
University are subject to the following rules of conduct:

▪ Students must know and respect the conditions of use of each platform.

▪ Students, even on third-party platforms, must follow the rules of conduct established by UPC in the
Guidelines for student participation in blended and online courses, available at the following link: blended-online/

▪ Students must use third-party digital platforms exclusively for academic purposes and those established
in the course syllabi.

▪ Official communication between faculty members and students must be carried out using the official
UPC platforms at all times. There should be no direct communication between the students and the
faculty members on third-party platforms.

▪ The students acknowledge that third party platforms may involve students from other educational
institutions that are not part of UPC, so they should avoid sharing personal information on said platforms.

▪ Neither UPC nor its faculty member will request personal information from students, download files or
apps, or instruct the students –whether directly or indirectly– to a website or Internet service from a third-
party platform.
▪ The students recognize the following official University channels as the only reliable sources to receive
indications from faculty members: email or Virtual Classroom (Blackboard).

Throughout the process of enrollment at the University, by accepting and acknowledging the content of
UPC’s Regulations, the students state –in turn– that they are aware of the Rules of Conduct, exonerate
UPC from any liability for a breach of contract, and are subject to disciplinary procedures that may arise
from the latter, if applicable.

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Appendix 8: Glossary of Study Modalities and Academic Terms

With regard to the application of the Undergraduate Study Regulations and in accordance with the as per
the provisions set forth in the Resolution of the Board of Directors No. 105-2020-SUNEDU/CD, the following
definitions shall apply:
▪ Study Modality:
a. Face-to-face modality:
- Up to 20% online credits.

b. Blended modality:
- Between 20% and 70% online credits.

c. Distance-learning modality:
- Between 70% and 80% online credits.

Course Delivery Modality:

- Face-to-face course: The teaching-learning process takes place in the classrooms of the
University’s campus/sites. This modality of course delivery grants face-to-face credits only.

- Blended course: Refers to courses with face-to-face sessions combined with online
activities that grant face-to-face and online credits, as appropriate.

- Distance education course: Refers to courses in which the learning process does not take
place in a classroom on site and does not require the students to attend face-to-face
sessions or activities. Class sessions and activities are designed so that all students are
connected to the class activities from the location of their choice. Online activities can be
synchronous and/or asynchronous, according to the design established for each course.

Synchronous activities require the students and faculty to connect through digital or electronic means at
the same time and at a previously established schedule.

Asynchronous activities refer to mandatory activities that are performed autonomously by the students,
through the use of learning platforms, simulators and other digital interaction interfaces.

These sessions are specially designed and detailed in the syllabus of the course, to be carried out by
the students without the simultaneous monitoring of the faculty member and, therefore, they do not
require a specific schedule.

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SoA - Secretary General SoA Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Research / Rector 08/03/2023

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Both synchronous and asynchronous activities amount to teaching hours and grant credits to the
students’ training process. The credits corresponding to these activities are referred to as distance
education credits, in accordance with the University’s Credit Hour Policy.

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Milagros Morgan Vice-

Diego Vega General Rector for Academic Edward Roekaert 08/03/2023
Secretary General Affairs and Research Rector

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SoA - Secretary General SoA Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Research / Rector 08/03/2023

Any reproduction is prohibited without authorization from the Quality Assurance Director

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