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20 Example of Past Continuous Tense |. They were playing basketball after school, 2.He was eating food. 3. The rain was raining tonight. 4,She the movie. 5. They were going to the library: 6.He was doing a great job. Where refers to a location Which ‘8 used when a choce needs to bo mad / Winch T-shirt should —] choose? ‘The blue one cr the gray one? 1B? How many ‘refers toa quantity | How many students arein | ‘refers possesson Whose inetrumentia i? Weihe Japenese gts ‘instrument The Continuous Past Tense Write the continuous past form of the verb in parentheses. if there isa “not” before the verb in parentheses, write the negative form of the continuous past. ifthe sentence ends with a question mark, use the subject in parentheses to write the interrogative form of the continuous past. Example of continuous past: At 6am this morning, | was exercising. 1. Last year, |. (teach) at the high school. 2. She (make) her grocery list. 3 (you / work) yesterday? 4, Last week, Anthony, (take) some time off. 5. We (not / enjoy) the movie. 6. (they / visit) their grandmother last summer? 7. My daughter (do) her homework last night. & They___(use) their cellphones during class. 8 (it/ snow) yesterday? 10. The trucks, (plow) the streets this morning. 11. You {Grink) too much last night! 12. The farmers {sell) apples at the market last fall. 13. (1/ talk) in my sleep last night? 14. 1_____(not / talk) to my friend for a week after our fight! Degrees of comparison a) Write the comparative form of the adjectives: 1.Annis____ (happy) than her sister. 2. Myhairis___ (long) than my sister's hair. 3. These exams are getting__ (bad) every year. 4. John is {thin} than Bob. 5. The (s00n), the (better). ) Write the superfative form of the adjectives: 1.Lam the (tal in the class. 2. This isthe (expensive) hotel I've stayed in. 3. New York is one of the (busy) in the USA. 4 od betel ee - OM 5. North Pole is the (cold) place on wr, Earth MW sit sat ¢} Write the comparative or supertative form of the adjectives: 4. My brother is, (young) than me. 2. (many) people want tobe rich 3. Today's weather is (bad) than yesterday's. 4, She is probably the (angry) person | know. 5 (big) desire is to return home. ase cs Brves Cita Sts is BRING BUY ct cr Ein Pas Eta} cet LEAD cuT ag Chg clay WALK TALK tie roa TOOK CTT SHOOK WOKE BROUGHT Erol ele Elen CUD Crag MET tw BLED LED oi toy hg cg WALKED Senta} PAST PARTICIPLE co) arta) STRONG VERBS Cra ELT Cola) Err Er erly Cy as MET READ WEAK VERBS BLED LED cur LeT PUT as Etech TALKED 2 Practice @ ‘@Fill in the blanks with the comparative forms of the al adjectives given in brackets. Don’t forget to use with al the comparative farm! ol 1. Ram is Rita, (tall) ol ol ; ol 2. Apenis asword. (useful) al ol 3. Sarita is her sister. (young) ol ol 4. This dress is that dress. (beautiful) a 4 et ol 5. Mangoes are apples. (cheap) ol B el 6. Iron is wood. (heavy) el ol 7. Mr. Thapa was Mr. Poudel. (wealthy) ot @ . el 8. Acar runs abicycle. (fast) al el 9. Summer feels winter. (hot) ol “ el 10. The fox was the jackal. (cunning) ol al Ld friend. ot Tam my friend, (happy) To joke with someone © Pull yourself together => | Calmdown © So far so good »> Things are going well so far * Speak of the devil »> The person we were just talking about showed up!! © That's the last straw => — My patience has run out © The best of both worlds ©" | Anideal situation © Toget bent out of shape = To get upset © To make matters worse." |= Make a problem worse © You can saythat again > — That's true, agree © Live and learn => = Makeamistake © Break the ice »> Make people feel more comfortable > WWW. Past Perfect Tense Fillin the blank spaces using post perfect tense. 1. The race (clready/inish) by the time the. last person rvived. 2, Steve hod « gold medal because he, {win) the marathon. ‘3. Maria fed her dog after she. (walk) her dog in ‘the evering. 4. Uncle Sam bought a new motorbike after he ride) it afew times. ‘5. By the time Alon and Jane had got to the restaurant, everyone _—___ (begin) eating. 6, Poblo__(break) the vase while trying to put flowers init. 7. ‘There were « lot of people in the park because (was)a very sunny day, 8 Wewere burgled becouse my dad {rot lock) the. bathroom window. 9. My cor wasn't there because my husband (rake) it without asking me. 10. Our grandmother (die) because of old age. 2 SWEET IDIOMS Apiece of cake —® Very cosy @ Easy as pie > Very easy WM Givingcondy —» Very easy, especially when toa baby you do something wrong. ¥ Fruitcake —& Really strange crazy, a hind of serious word W Going bananas —® Becoming crazy. especially | with too much to do. @ Nuvfouty —* Funny kind of crazy, usually mokes you laugh Wsugar and spice —» Very sweet, nice, or kind, feminine, (used for girls.) “Ennatishstudyontine org Punctuation Punctuate the following sentences using capital letters, full stop and question mark. a. i like to drink milk with sugar b. may i have your pencil c. rita is coming for lunch today d. i am excited about our adventure camp. e. what is your favourite food f, how many pencils do you have g. i like tomato soup h. taj Mahal is in agra hetps://worksheetswityfuncemy CLASS 4 PUNCTUATION Q. Rewrite the following sentences using punctuations, 1.has deepti submitted her project Ans. 2. bacons essays are full of words of wisdom Ans. 3. what a fine day it is Ans. 4. kashmir the heaven on the earth is in india Ans. 5, hurrah india has won the cricket world cup Ans. 6. india got freedom on august 15 1947 Ans. 7m narendra modi is our prime minister Ans, 8. wealth may seek us but wisdom must be sought Ans. 9. delhi chennai mumbai and kolkata are the largest cities of india, Ans. 10.hello how are you Ans. Knock someone for six He spent two weeks in bed and was very weak, it really knocked im for six. A wake-up call His mother's illuess was a wake-up call for him to take responsibility for his own health. Kick the bucket He couldn't draw breath, neither could he sigh. He was about to kick the bucket. On the mend He suffered a heart attack last week and thankfully he is on the mend. On its last legs Aryear agp he looked like he was on his last legs bat the situation has clearly changed for the better, The worse for wear Not having slept, he was the worse for wear. Out of sorts Sarah unfortunately wou't be joiving us tonight, she's feeling a little out of sorts. WWWENGLISHLESSONVIASKYPE.COM, REVISION DIALOGUE ~ Eng. for Life ~ beginner’ lessons 1-38) ‘You are anew student at an English course in Wathington, the USA, Your teachers taking te you. Teacher: Hello. You: T:How are you? Yet thanks. And? Tete very well thank you. fm Monica Gibson. What's your name? My, ‘T: Pleased to meet you, (name) Y:Wee. 00. ‘How do you spell your last name? Yetes, Tiare you Rusian? YN, tm rationalty)__ ‘T: Where do you five? Yellivein {counted Telsee. Which ty? ven, ‘T:what’s your address? [need io fit inthe form. YeIe’s_thoute number Street, apartment number —toostcode) —_(einy)_. ‘TThank you very much. Do you work fora ear company? YN, work in/for/at T- Whats your job? Yetm aan Ts And what do you do there? * ‘Tere you married? 10 Sentences of Future Perfect Tense | will have finished my homework by dinner time. How long will you have lived in this city next year? By next summer, they will have built the bridge. The plane will have taken off by two hours. Mary will have gone on a holiday by this time next year: | will have graduated from the university in two years. <=>» 7. She will have fallen asleep by the time we get home. ; 8. By June, | will have finished my work. 9. By the time | arrive to the school, math lesson will have started. 10. They will have written the reports by the time you find her. English Study Here 2 OP (Ws! Sentences of Pas fe anse 1. The baby hod cried before her father came. 2. Hed the water balled when you went be lotehen? 3. By the time | returned home, he had alneanty left. 4. Wheel came home, they bad already eaten the meal. §. He began to run after he fed seen the cat © Dhed never seen such a nice beach befone | went to Hawaal | moved to Paris ebore she cooked the dinner. f cee Roy pened eeinhtened the litsroy? ned home because | Pod fongetiter wry notebook al hone, We ue ar the Grown 2 He Aad wearer a letter bo hes trent 3 They (vier eetied in me felo 4 She has sag 4 500g an ihe classoom, 5.) Rave planted come glans in ry garden. 6.) ave Wee Barly in Tee MoM, 7 Harry fsa bees ieed! bet feel 0 My enor fee cooked toad, B They fee gare hore 10 He has efrun& wailet. 11 He Fer eatien food al my restauneni 12. hey awe pore to Canaria. 13.1 save feared all he sentences. 14. She hos bought a new car. 14. We have worn new clth. LO | Rae poser bo the classracn. 1? We Save weateviee a rere Heer mit, 18 1 Seed fienhe? fio Prench langage 10 Thay (ier een aoonrmg book 20 | Raye Understood al he equates. were. onlymrpenglishcom Past Perfect Exercises Put each sentence’s verbs into simple past and past perfect. 1-When you finally (arrive), | (wait) for you all day. 2- | (modal verb, find, not, plus) my passport for a day because | (hide). it ‘so well. 3 - Even before he (steal) Maria's car, Jerry (arrest). several times before. 4- No wonder it (is) so cold in here last Monday; someone (leave). the window open again. 5-Olga(is)___ sick last Saturday because on Friday (drink), half a liter of vodka. 6 - Mark (clear) the table after everyone (eat)___.._. 7 - Even though she eT him not to, Eddie (take), 's piece of cherry pie. That’s why she’s so mad at him these days. SSLIVEWORKSHEETS @o3.r. 1. Complete the sentences with the Present perfect tense of the verbs in the brackets. Have you ever gone to Japan? | have never gone to Japan, but she has gone to China three times. (GO) 1)_____youever_to the USA? Yes, I have. (BE) 2)She never. cabbage before. (EAT) 3)We recently an airplane. (FLY) 4) he ever your movie? No, he has not. (SEE) 5)I that song since last year. (NOT HEAR) 6)You the tango for years. (DANCE) D you ever, a big gift from your uncle? (GET) 8)You to Brazil. (GO) 9) you ever a pet? Yes, I have. (HAVE) 10) They handball since they were 10. (NOT PLAY) 11) We___ our cousins in America since 2001. (NOT VISIT) 12) He___never___alcohol. (DRINK) 13) You my chocolate cake. (NOT TRY) 14) she a horse before? No, she has not. (RIDE) 15) They, recently anew house. (BUY) 16) _____youever__Harry Potter? (READ) 17) We recently him. (MEET) 18) 1 never. to my sister. (LISTEN) 19) She her first watch. (NOT FIND) 20) They. English since their first grade. (STUDY) Name: Date Time Reimepnaton ol ewring ‘The simple past tense expresses an action that has happened. Choose the correct past tense to complete each sentence. ___ to school in his new car. (drives, drove) ut the window. (yella, yelled) 3. Carte __ __open the box. (rips, ripped) 4, The water _ __outof the tank, (leaked, teaks) 6, The music __ __ beautiful. (sounded, sounding) 6 Joshua _ around the car. (turned, turns) hor eyes. (rubs, rubbed) Ca _my hand. (raise, raised) the question correctly. (answered, answering) 10. He__ _ the entrance. (guards, guarded) 41, James _ __ you for the gift. (thanked, will thank) 12. Dad ___ ____ the heavy bos. (lifted, lft) 19, Spencer __. __the bucket with water, (fila, filled) ‘ge ict itn rv Si iy Cat Name Perfect Tense Verbs Fill in the blank with the perfect tense verb (not the letter) to match the tense in parentheses. 1. They in Freeland for more than 10 years. (present perfect) «©. had lived b. have lived did lived d. has lived 2. By morning, it ‘over 12 inches. (future perfect) e.has snowed b. havesnowed —. willhave snowed _d. hod snowed 3. Myfionds___ me more than once. (past perfect) e.have called b, had called cc. hasealled —_d. do called 4, Chris more than one puzzle. (present perfect) ©. has solved —_b. willhave solved ¢.had solved —_ d. have solved 5. Goby by the time | got there. (past perfect) e.has eaten —b, haveeaten —c. willhave eaten d. hod eaten 6, 5*graders___-100 books by the end of the year. {future perfect) a. haveread b. willhave read ¢. hasread = d. had read SSLIVEWORKSHEETS Devise funny tiny young oval Asia black early great old square small huge important circular glass wooden slim round green beautiful silver rectangular delicious gold grey new ancient America gigantic leather German purple British cotton Africa Shope age size color origin marerian ‘Cvrnw enalahoniie com ae ee ee Simple Present nr. a = Use the correct form of the verbs between parenthesis to fill in the blanks. | ora full American breakfast on the weekends. (go) She lke croissants. 17. Chief Stone___bhue hats. ke) 18. This book very rice istration. (have) 9.1 ‘thot game. (rot like) The grophies creratgood | (oe) breakfast? (they serve) | Yes/No Questions With TO BE - English Study Page Do | like? Do you like? Does he like? Does she like? Does it like? Do we like? Do you like? Do they like? Yes, you do. Yes. he does. Yes, she does. Yes. it does. Yes, we do. Yes, you do. Yes, they do No, | don't No, you don't. No. he doesn't. . she doesn't. No. it doesn't. . we con't. No, No, : Complete the sentences An adverb is a word that describes a verb, an adjective, or another He ran ___. adverb. Adverbs tell the information about an action is done like how, when and where. . He swims . She spoke He gets me. . She plays the piano : . She will plant her garden : The children love to play $ - She arrived for the meeting. The movie is starting . 10.This spaghetti is delicious. Outside Well Totally Here Early Quite Nicely = Quickly Now Beautifully Nama, Core Adverbs tell how an action is done. Mony odkverbss are farmed by adding by ot the ond of an adjective. (Rey nice + hy = wicaly ey j She song nicely. read "Nitsa th ver cd Gardens eich brvoe bp celia bythe aed bed loud peccehd polite silent zoff slow == smooth quick 1. The bunny hopped —__. ®, 2. Fons cheered er the iin Neo Wie S.He_______ ake foro piece of cake. 41 The socal red _—____ eros the sane ~ 1. 5. When the bond performed 6.The plone gided —______—trrgh te shy. “See = aA 7, Tha boby sept __through the siorm 8. The studerds read their books <2 9 The kitten purred d.. Level 2 Grammar Adjectives 1 “Adjectives () | An adjective describes a noun. 2 Complete the blanks with an adjective. 1. There ore flowers in the garden. 2. My mum is 5 ; @w 3. Ioan seea elephant anda turtle, amne___ 5. [havea ruler. 6. The giraffe is eating green leaves. tall pretty small thin fat big long Wlearitig Adjectives Adjectives Worksheet Adjectives describe a person, place or thing. For example: the green grass is growing. The word green is an adjective. Select an adjective from the word bank to complete the sentences below. Word Bank: purple loud clever brave scary funny The firemen rescued the cat from the tree. My friends and | are going to watch a movie. My friend likes to read books about Fairies. Mom and dad are going out for a dinner. Our teacher gave us homework. My sock has a hole in it. Does music hurt your ears? SSLIVEWORKSHEETS Adjectives Write the adjective which best describes the picture on the lines below big / clean / new / old / long / small cute / dirty / short / fat 1{__] Is he? fy hie 1k in AbQuen [Whae! [When {here * §.L_Jisthis? & © Ti ih rey rear rrepcae piece [Whac! |When’ [ihere| 7.._lishe? % He 1 fey hotter [Who | When) (Where! 9,___Jis the dog? ‘The cows in ene park ‘« (Whae} When [atee} BuQuesnons: _J. 2{ is that? ahaube ‘| (what) [Wihen) (Where) 4, ig thé exam ? Ri morea cock ©) {What| [When (Where) « a. is Maria? She in erdion BB [who] (When) [Where 10___is this? Tires Ba Thy rh) ARC [wero] [iwhen! {where Question words Fal in Sia carrot Guerra & 8 our ett? Cee @ _—— pe 0 rem oy oe, — a 3__ tan yon 8 ei © a am ra nm ly, Bos pens eth ch A Bice & 6 ___ a eur eee? See ewe 7. 1 8, _—— 8 oe reg? ee ary es, poem be ig ip Bas asp gh! Th ki 10 1 yom dt? He el ae ome pe ag a eae ey eed ore fe ert Li (eink i a A a? Pe ee 1p ne a en pag | ay ch Ty Figen yo ae |e Hh a Ca Ty A mt & amir tee yom or Ale? Ae: reer fs foe sew oa? Ie very eos id peepee pr hdd? ie epee ters = yong Pai By as __ bag a Tomes i Oa a i] ‘ee WH QUESTIONS IN ENGLISH it | penis awl) ria er Pil sade ak ee a ‘Asking about a place QP waa | Where can f obtain the boot? a On il PUD | hater rach Fj oY | aaperec eh - | eee Mi Lelatold Which in the largest city in the wort? Ao De een ee a ay | ape se rp w ow || ee asd ee ee 52 Yes or No Question smiling ? Name : Simple Past Tense Q. Fill in the blanks using the words given in the bracket to form correct past tense: |. Reena (stand) __next fo Girish on the stage. . The river (freeze) __lastwinter. . Ravi wear) to the party. . I fbuy) abunch of apples yesterday. . They all (sift onthe carpet to hear the announcement. . Rachel (hide) behind the door. |. Judith ttell lisa a secret. Past Simple 1 Exercise 1 Put in am/is/are (present) or was/were (past) 1. Last year he 22, so he 23 now. 2. Today the weather nice, but yesterday It. very cold. 31 hungry. Can I have something to eat? 4, feel fine this morning but 1 very tired last night. 5. Where you at 11 o'clock last Friday morning? 6. Don't buy those shoes. They very expensive. 7. Tlike your new jacket. it expensive? 8. This time last year 1 Paris. 9. ‘Where ‘the children?’ ‘I don’t know. They in the garden ten minutes ago’. 10. Hello, everybody! I sorry 1 late! 11. Where you born?" ‘t born in India.” 12. We married when I eighteen and Roger twenty. Exercise 2 Put is was/were or wasn’t/weren’t. 1. We weren't happy with the hotel. Our room very small and it very clean. 2. George at work last week because he ill, He’s better PRESENT SIMPLE (Affirmative) Exercise.Complete with present simple. (to like) 1 yogurt very much. (to listen) The girls always __ to pop music. (to wear) Janet never jeans. (to teach) Mr. Smith French. (to do) You _____s your homework after school. (to read) Mike___a lot of books. (to learn) We English with Simon. (tobe)He_ ss a good boy. Name : Simple Present Tense Q. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in Simple Present Tense: . lalways___ my friends. (help) . She ____tea but not coffee. (like) .He____very hard for his examination. (work) . You____very little. Its not good for you. (eat) . They ____the teacher's help. (need) .» We ___the railway station. (live) office at 5 p.m. (leave) Please visit our site for worksheets and charts https://whatistheurl.cony crete = What orbs lergyorenes = Which writ = Who creucueTey = How much erLiLiig Jereueurgy = How gen = Why wren = Whose wren = Whom erélcuaTay errs = How well ehCungferiGuTugs) = When erties! erring etéialctey sTaid (+246) ereuactay Semd (+918) eréuauaray Agneneey (+948) sTé1auaTey gAMD (+-a4,6) eTéQuETEY &WITLd(+ 4,8) erazenen erélaueTay 914.4514. = Where = How long " How long = How far = How far = How tall = How many = How often Simple Present Exercises: 10, 1 1, 1 2 3 4. 5. 6. FE 8 9 0 1 . Complete with the Present Simple « . John and I... (be) dating. . Peter .. .. (Like) watching base John (live) in Tokyo. Tony - (prefer) baseball thar We... (have) a big garden Cathy (study) in the library. We. (be) good friends. John . (go) to school every « Mary ..(read) the story. Paul. ..(have) breakfast at he Underline the correct answer in the ® Does Ann live/lives in Africa? e Does Pat arrive/arrives early? Present Simple Tense ) Click on the correct option 1. Bob always drink / drinks tea in the moming. 2. What do / does she like / likes? 3. My sister don’t / doesn't play tennis. 4, They often visit / visits their grandparents at weekends. 5. We sometimes go / goes to the ice rink. 6. Where do / does your parents come / comes from? 7. Do / Does you want / wants to go home? 8.1 don’t / doesn’t watch television after school. oe Complete. Use the Present Simple. 4. Who. Sally in Spain? (visit) She her aunt and uncle. (visit) 2. Tom to school by bus? (go) No, he doesn't. He to school on foot. (go) 3, What. she ‘on TV? (watch) She the news but she ‘soap operas. (watch) (not watch) 4. they swimming? (like) Yes, they do, but they, running. (not like) 5. When you 10 a football match? (go) i to a football match on Sundays. (go) Past Tense (1 We use the Past Tense to talk about things that happened before now. verbs add ~ed to make the Past Tense (these are called the "Regular Verbs"): * [played tennis yesterday. + finished my homework last night. “ed” can have 3 different sounds: “t,”“d,” or “ed” ae “ar “a” “ea” asked cleaned played needed looked learned used started finished listened studied counted talked changed closed wanted worked turned on tried ended watched turned off opened Write the past tense of these regular verbs: watch, change. talk, count. step, turn on, play. finish. open. look, close, dance. use. try. need, study, lsten, want. GktLeartitag Past, present or futur Grade 2 Verbs Workshont (Circle Ihe action verb and write peat, present or future, §. Jean enjoyed this Book, 6. Mant walks everyday. 7. We ate dinner tate. 6. You visit them often. 9. He will go with you. 10. Dad read Ihe paper. Past, Present or Future tense? Select the tense ofeach ofthe sentences below. 11. Max ate his vegetables. 2. The students listened to the lesson. Tomorrow, it will snow. 4, He climbed the stairs last night. 5. Emily looks happy. 6. He will go to soccer camp this summer. 7. We washed our hands with soap. 8. I walk to school with my Mum. 9. The dog barked at the squirrel. 10. The flowers look pretty. ug ud Gail Past Present Future Past Present Future Past Present Future Past Present Future Past Present Future Past Present Future Past Present Future Past Present Future Past Present Future Past Present Future 2¥ets Horksteet int Piss teem: chit = cfenbed Fill in tre rigging verbs, Proceet tevee: climb = climbs Foture senza) chen = net chet Present op Past Si ill in the correct verb: ple 1.1 (see) a very interesting film yesterday. 2. We always (play) volley-ball at school. 3. They (visit) London two years ago. 4. She often ___ (help) her mother at home. 5. Tom (win) the championship last week. 6. Lana, you always _(come) in time! 7. We___ (write) the test yesterday. 8. I always (send) SMS to my friends. 9. My mother usually (come) home at 5 o'clock. 10. The girls (find) that game yesterday. 11. I often (listen) to this wonderful song. 12. He (not help) me with the text yesterday. 13. Liz (not want) to go to the disco club today. 14. We _____ (not take part) in the performance yesterday. 15. Ben__(not often use) his vocabulary in the test. 16. The boys (not play) football last Sunday. 17. The girls {not want) to stay in the gym today. 18.1 (not often read) books. 18. We (not go) to Madrid last Saturday. 20. Pam (not like) to run at all. 21. Mona (not do) her homework yesterday. 22. ‘you (go) to the gym every day? 23. he (write) the test yesterday? 24. they (win) the game last week? 25. they often (do) their homework? 26, she (win) a gold or a silver medal last Sunday? 27.___ he (use) his gadgets every day? 28. you (swim) in the swimming pool every day? 29.___ they (swim) in the swimming pool yesterday? iSPcolectivereaiteys (play) computer games? you (play) computer games yesterday? 3. he (go) to the sports club every day? POR RIO RR BR ae tee te dete Future Perfect Tense Q. Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the verb (future perfect bracket: tense) given in the 1. David (finish) his exams by 14* September. apm (leave) the classrooms by the end of the 3. He (write) the book by the end of this year. 4. The sun_______( rise) before we start out. 5. The birds. (fly) to the South by winter. 6. Richard (received) his package by now. 7. Shruti and Priya (take) a bus home after the concert. 8. My sister (buy) a present for her birthday by 8 o'clock. 9.Robin___the Bonsai plants by this evening. (inspect) 10. The Physics teacher an experiment in the laboratory. (demonstrate) Ht DE De HE OE OE Ob Ob OE OE BE BE BE Ob BE BE OE OE OE Bb BE BE OE Dt 2 He De OE OE BE OE HE OE OE OE OE BE OE OE OE OE DE OE BE OE OE OE Be he De Be Be He te Be Be ee he de te Be de Hr S8LIVEWORKSHEETS ao HO obiothot Name: Date: Simple Future Tense ‘The Simple Future Tense tells us more about an ation an event that will take place in the future. ‘Wilt’Shal are modal verbs. Wil/Shall are positive modal verbs and will mot /shall mot are ‘negative moval verbs. The modal verb willshall are always followed by abase word, Shall is traditionally used with the pronouns *" and ‘we! will + arrive = will arrive will not + text = will not text Fill in the blanks with the correct Simple Future Tense, Example : We will ee (see) a lt more e-books inthe future. Ma (finish ) the work given by my teacher online. 2.Mrs.Tan (not work ) tomorrow because she is sick. 3. Jasleen (present )a PowerPoint presentation to her class next week. 4. May Lee (not leave ) her laptop on the table ‘because it may get stolen. 5. Vijay (Copen ) the door for the guest who are coming for the Information Technology exhibition. ep iiciaen FOR OPIOR ORTOP IOPIC Fill in the blanks with Be, Being or Been 1.No human should be homeless. 2. We'll leave him in charge for the time 3.1 will always _ there for you t 4, I'am tired because I've running (3 my 5. The criminal wills caught and executed. 6. Do you like so ignorant? 7. Hasthispasta ___—sre-heated? 8. Your mom's paintings are sold next week. 9.___ friendly to everyone you meet ! 10. The Tigerhas______s Hunting for two hours. 11.Hehas____ doing his homework since morning 12. ltis_____—_—srhard for me to stay here for long. Angnerkey, burs usc uc'aq bua uEaG UBEq ‘99 ‘UE4 eq UBIO BUIIG Past Tense Questions @ Read the questions and write your answer uting the past tense |. What time did you wake up today? 2, What did you eat for breakfast? 3. What did you watch on T¥ yesterday? 4. What did you do last weekend? 5. What wes the last thing you bought? 6. What tims did you ge to bed last night? 7. What was the last spor! you played? 8. What did you eat for dinner yesterday? Jumbled Sentences “The words inthe sentences below are jumbled up. Your tsk isto form the correct sentences and write ther Con the dotted lines. The first word is therefor you. You must use each word. Do not change the form ofthe words. Thee is an example (0) a the begining, (©) than fpeople /200 / were /last night arrested "More than 200 people were arested lastnight, (1) director / interviewed /by / was the. (2) eng this fof /have / seen / brothers /flm ...None (3) foods / eat /at /faty never / home vn They (4) youfearfgo/were/oy/wouldfnn If (5) she the /usually/at / weekends / work Does? (6) rind / painting / your /d0 the / 100m / mat ot (7) the/onl/play/speak/three/ not/gutar/languages/ but/ ato ...Cart and Jane (8) winter /in/ money / than / much /In spend / summer / mere... People (9) the /is/ mest fin / popular / Coca-Cola / india / drink... Why? (10) sleepy / baby /to/ very / be / seers (11) their /holidays fof / beach / spend / people / the . (12), come /have /you / and / see / time / me /enough .. (13) hotel / the /to him /the / told / way anna (48) find / ys / could /n0t I ne TOOn (15) workers /of /Jobs/ soon / lose / thet / wl. (26) all fin goes / running / weathers mmmens He (17) her (id fad / that / she / not / handbag / lost / realise... She (18) to/ time /is/wedding / arrange / the / ceremony ..t (19) such / have /as/ want / free //as/time (20) bie/small/ ike /the/ or / the / half / you / ba. (21) summer / abroad /elends / my / want this /of (22) that/did/ ike /the not / said /he / party nn Bil (23) by/the/ caught / police / burglar / the nm Was? (24) university / tha | wrtes/ better / the / at / anybody (25) walk /lot / holiday / We [2 nn OM Tom's ‘Would? alt NS sight sigh rst -e Fillin the missing form In the correct tense. Watch out for signal words. 4) Walter__{go) to school last week. 1) why yousays__(leep)infront ofthe V2 ©) What yeu (60) nent year? 4) We__{notfelebrate our aniversary in 2080, ©) Tom, (cay) a hore on Monday. 1) Where__youoten (eae £8) How much money yourfather {earn every month? 1) vesterdnywe______not/wateh bis. 9 Where, _ foe youtwo days 90? 3) Who____ stand behind the curtain ls nigh? 1) They rarely {4 some ie in she supermarket. 9) When____you_ meet) your bst frend the at ie? tn) My lasmateabunys_____ tran) books. 0} What you_______ think, your brother (staan your money? ©} Why__ (be) youhere now? p)t______ nor heae you because was istening to musi a) We {clean} your apartment after you had hada por here. 0) tastrightwe eatin the smoke, 3) Why always tai about me? 4) tyou__eave,|___ miss) you. o_o eat during lessons wy) Mysiste. _ (water the plants everyday 1) test Cstmas {not / gt) any presents. 2) tothe evenings my parnts_____tnevpiay cards. ” 1 (know) you? Lnaven mat you Before. 2) Please,___ help) me. never Wwafuture: Simple past Srey: (eae, seldom) next dayyear.,tomerrom, {ast year/month. In 2030, esterday, 2 days aga In 2010 Date: Identifying Past, Present or Future Verb Tenses Worksheet Present tense verbs tell what happens now. Past tense verbs tell about action that already happened. Future tense verbs tell about action thatis going to happen. Directions: Circe the verb or verbsin each sentence below. Then, write whether the sentence is written in present, past or future tense on the line provided. to the store yesterday. ‘Answer: past Tense lost my wallet when Isat ona chair at the shopping center 2. Michae! will run the marathon in the month of March. 3. The girl is studying for her final examinat ‘4. The team will wash cars to gain money for uniforms. We went shoppit tthe mall over the weekend, 6. Suzy and Sharon will bring food to the potluck Menttyng as, resent and Future Verb Tenses Worksheet Simple Past or Present Perfect? [Simple Past Present Perfect For actions that happened and | For octions which started in the finished in the past ast and continue up to now For actions that happened in the | For actions that happened in-the. past and we know exactly when | past but we don't know the exact time ‘With yesterday, then, ogo, last | With for, since, ever, never, yet, [night/weeke ., in 200%. cbready, 30 far, how long. Pe i . f ‘ 5 g, Use simple Past or Present Perfect: 1 owHelen ever | (try) sushi? . you (Qo) to the wedding last night? BT cen NE foe) to Pari. 4, This year I = (travel) to Athens 3 times so far, 5. Poul and Judith (be) married since 1998. 6. you nish) your homework yet? 7. Last night aunt Betty on--n---(come) by. She ell) Us that this summer they are going to Hawai (visit) many different countries so for. Last .{go) to Ttaly and 3 years ago T {be) in Spain Z.... on (tot/visit) Germany YOU sn nnnennn (Ome) to Greece? (come) in 2007. (watch) the film E:T. yesterday? (leave) the train station. _--(kwow) Jonathan? v= (meet) him in 2009, $0 Tn onennnn (ROW) hi (happen) to Lucy lastnight? Eo Omen EMA¥m mple Past Tense The simple past tense denotes an action or event that occurred in the past. Example: David swam (swim) tervlaps in the pool, Complete cach sentence with the simple past tense of of the irregular verb in the parentheses. tT We (go) to the circus yesterday. 2) Timothy (huy) fresh vegetables at the store. 3) jade (wake) up at dawn to go for a beautiful nature wali. 4) When Alen went beachcombing, he find) many shiny things. 5) Mom grind) some pepper for the Italian dish. 6 Theboys (drink) lemonade after playing basketball 7) My litte brother know) the way to his school 8) The driver (drive) the school bus slowly. 9) The birthday girt (blow) the candies on the cake. 10) He (say) that he was coming. “Teaching Resourews we. tutoringhour com Prefixes & Suffixes ‘ | Suffix Meaning | Example |-age Aresult | Wreckage |rance An action or state Importance |-ant Aperson Asistant ee Aperson Referee ence An action or state [Difference |-er/or A person Teacher |-ery A type or place of work Bakery ress Makes a feminine form Waitress ful ‘As much as will fill {Spoonful -ing An action or result Painting -ion A process, state orresult Decoration Against \ Opposite Dis- Not, opposite of Cause to Cause to ‘Before in in Between ‘Middle ‘Wrongly Not Ant freeze, antithesis Decode, decompose Disconnect, disembark Embrace, emphasis Encode, encounter Forecast, foresight Infield, infiltrate Imbalance International, interact Midday, midway Misfire, misunderstand Nonsense, nonexist Prefix + Word = New Word dis connect disconnect re do redo co exist coexist ‘Aresult Wreckage An action or state Importance ‘Aperson Asistant - “Aperson Referee ‘An action or state [Difference Aperson Teacher type or place of work Bakery Makes a feminine form | Waitress | ‘As much as will fill Spoonful An action or result Painting A process, state or result Decoration Meaning cals ‘Against ‘Antifreeze, antithesis ‘Opposite Decode, decompose 'Not, opposite of Disconnect, disembark Cause to Embrace, emphasis “(Cause to Encode, encounter Before ‘Forecast, foresight ‘In Infield, infiltrate ‘in |Imbalance Between International, interact Middle 'Midday, midway ‘Wrongly |Misfire, misunderstand Not Nonsense, nonexist Name: Date: ‘These words all contain prefixes that mean NOT or THE OPPOSITE OF. Break each word into its syllables using the columns provided. Word _| Prefix Syllable | Syllable Syllable Unable Immature Invent Nonsense Unaware Unafraid Incorrect Impossible Irregular Uncertain Nondairy Disappear Irresponsible Incomplete Improper Dishonest Nonfat Impure Extension: Have student use the prefix to explain the meaning. Ex: Unable ~ notable, immature ~ not Extension: Have student highlight any suffixes you have discussed, ‘his worst mas cease sepleme nt SpoighonVosbular= Ros, Pais nd Sufines Be by LaCie an Lu (ingusyten) P17 2007 Name: co Date: Timo: Match each prefix with its root word and write the new words in the box below. Reimepiaton of ewring Prefix Root, 4. un ° @ agree 2. re e @ seen 3. pre e e possible 4. mis e e correct 5. dis e e@ view 6, im e ee. fill 7. in e e behave Present Perfect Continucus have been thinking have been creaming has been writing have been ealing have noticing They have been laughing Been Present perfect Past perfect Future perfect Uhave been waiting for an hour, (with verb) Thave been wrong before. (with adjective) He had been seeing a psychiatrist. (with verb) She had been anxious about the job. [with adjective) He will have been to three week. bynext Being Being asa Gerund Do you like being so Ignorant? The accident was caused by his being so. clumsy. ‘Being as a Noun Past continuous Present continuous tense ‘A human being Asstrange being stepped out of the space ship. Twas being consid Tor the position Prefixes, Root Words, and Suffixes Challengel Word Activity, Writing Activity, and Testing Sheet! Se ret wre” 4 - “route Root Words G mie tense» (Main Word / Base) & writer : , write ao act play tie . i Suffixes oA tefixes, agree (Come AFTER the Root Word!) ver pte” read ale ful ag 4, mnis- joy -et ent ais view . at AY en- “INE ous un . -or LIST OF IMPORTANT PREFIXES & SUFFIXES Bi- two, twice biannual, bishop Circum- around circumvent Co- with, together coexist Con- with, jointly concur Contra- against contradict Anti- against antidepressant, antidote -ish high quality fiendish -ize, -ise* become civilize city, -ty make territy -en become enlighten -ate become regulate WWW.MECHMAS: Prefix and suffix word-constructor cards Print, laminate and cut out these cards for pupils to use to construct words by adding prefix and suffixes. Here are some examples: [_unllovyling > happlijest > helpjing > lovellifer_> Tillegafiy irobilgD> ‘SparkleBOn.o Copynpn 208, paebos Teter Resouces (SaliaBos ¥S2- srw epsAMRO!2 C8 Prefixes be- TREFLAES SUFFIXES -COME AT THE BEGINNING OF A WOLD | -COMEAT THE END OF A WORD -CHANGE THE MEANING -CHANGE THE MEANING hie NiANING CAME Sue MEANING TAME un not; reversal uncover “5-85 more than one; characters, of verb maker reaches re again; back Teview = ok Ee one - — = quality, state “ie Se ms ji iretee a -ing doing something; walking mpationt; || quality, state dis / dif away; divide : ay how. safely separate;not| disrespect ! - i] -e,-0r | one who; action; | drummer en/em | in; within; enslave i aus dishonor make embolden | } bigger before prefix i] tion, noun: quality, tension : i [__-sion action wrong mistaken | {| -able, able to be reversible a not; in, on; atypical 1] ote oman mide | | ayaa related to, like partial PREFIXES IN ENGLISH over- pre- (Too much) ee) Overwork Prefix Return Superfood Overdue Predetermine Rediscover Superstar Overjoyed —_| Pre-intermediate| Reiterate Supernatural Overeat Preview Reunite Superimpose Overoptimistic Prevent Recall Superhuman mia micro- macro- __(M the oa (Small) ere) Underwater M idfielder Microscope | Macroeconomics Underage Midway Microbiology Macromolecule Undercook Midsummer Microfilm Macrobiotic Underline Midair Microwave Macrocosm Underweight Midpoint Microbe Macrofossil_ Prefi © Fb/englishanofficial xes Words @@e Pre Dis Un Re Premix Disable Unable Rename Pre-write Dislike Unclean Remix Pretest Disobey Unkind Remove Precook Disloyal Unafraid Repay Prepaid Dispose Unusual Rerun Preload Dishonest Unlucky Reshape Pre-read Disagree Unwind Retell Premade Disappear Unlearn Repay ——_—_<-2ce2e @ @eere2n---- Form Used for Examples lat + object + verb get + person + to + verb make + objoct + verb 10 allow / give permission for an action. to convince, persuade, trick or otherwise coerce a result (a mild form). ta force an action / result. The open window let the air escape The manager got the team to stay late. Imada the waiter return my soup, because it was cold. i have # object + verb to give responsibility to produce a result. The policeman had me escort her home. | Use nae mean “allows” or permits. ©) My dad never lets me borrow the car. i| Use let's as a contraction of the formal “let us.” > Let's walk to class together. ) Let us Use let us for a formal tone. Letus pray. Use let us as a demand or plea. © Please let us out of here! LE betup = = Let down. Cease; stop Allow to descend Eg. The rain shows no signof _E.g. They let down the rope and! letting up. fastened it to the basket. Let out Let in Disclose Ne af Let someone or EgHe accidentally let = ay something come in out the location for the Eg. He opened the window to meeting. Ne w letin their. Enlarge by adjusting one it" XX Reveal, disclose, or or more seams divulge Eg. After the holidays he had Wr = Eg. tried not to let on that to have his suits let out. ie Thad already guessed the answer. Cause to explode or Release come out; to release Es Testers were Eg. Stand back when you let let out of school early. off fireworks. EC A2+/ Fill In the sentences with a correct phrasal verb in a correct form. Two of them are given extra: Checkout fallout findout _getonwith giveup goof goon hangout lookafter pickup. take up topup 1. Ineed to ‘my mobile because | can't call anybody. 2. Last week | forgot to wear my hat. It was really cold outside and that is why cold. | don’t know if | have enough money. Let's, the pricet 4, MumitI Mumit! I don’t know how to do this exercise. 1 Help mel! 5. We have to go shopping. All te food from the fridge and we have nothing to eat. 6. During our holiday | met a beautiful girl. Since then we eachother. KidsI! | hear some noises! What's, 2 ‘8. Have you heard? Mary and John wanted to get married but they ‘and cancelled everything. 9. How did you. ‘that we had to finish the exercises at home? 110. Suzy can’t go with us to the cinema. Her son is ill and she needs to him. stheck out ‘Adapted tom English ass A2+ S8LIVEWORKSHEETS ay PHRASAL VERBS Tie down fall over stay away came back geton _ squeeze in go away comein scroll down give away stayin cut out take back pay back _go for 1. A single step, and you will the clift 2. They don't want to their treasures. 3. Don't «Il be right back. 4.Josephhadto______—— the hospital for a week. 5. Your secretary said to 6. If | borrow, I'l remember to : 7. Terrible things will happen if you don't 8.Millie_____ the dress __of some old material. 9. You very late last night. 10. No, no, you can't the plane without your LD. 11. Dowe have time to ‘one more lesson? 12. Lusually comedies and cartoons. 13. Iwill what belongs to me. 14. Come on, and take a little nap. 15. To access your account status, you see the login screen below. S8LIVEWORKSHEETS until ‘SENTENCE PATTERN 1. Dogs bark, asve b.SV &SVO 2. She is a teacher aSVO bSVC cSVA 3. | bought a pen. aSA bSVO cSVA 4, Sita went to school . aSVA bSV cSVO 5. They painted the wall green aSVOC bSVA cSVO 6. Birds fly in the sky aSVCA bSVO cSVA 7. My friend gave me a gift asVO bSVIOD0 «SV 8 We played chess. a aasv bSVC eSVO 9. Yesterday | met Sheela aASVO bSVOC cSVCA 10.She sings sweetly aSVC bSVO cSVA Suffixes Words BS SD ful ness ly Painful Illness Fearful Quietness Mouthful Fatness Stressful Closeness Delightful Kindness Cheerful Rudeness Thankful Sadness Cooly Wonderful _—Boldness quietly less Careless Homeless Fearless Jobless Lifeless Thankless hopeless Headless _—_— ee ee OC @ OC @ ow @ - - - - @Fb/englishanofficial ‘ Affixes Groge of letters attach before and after the root word. un+accept+able= unacceptable (root word) Prefixes Suffixes A grep of letters placed A group af loners placed before the roast wena, efter the rest word. prefix root word suffix uncomfortable irregularly disorganis¢ed unconfidently disrespectfully a, = 2 Prefixes * Definition Prefix: letters added before a root at the beginning of a word * Function A prefix changes the word meaning + Examples Prefix | Meaning | Word un- not unlucky —not lucky uncooked — not cooked None / was / good — Svc |/ wish / you / success. - SVIODO Men / are / mortal. - SVC He / called / his friend / a liar. - SVOC They / made / her angry. - SVOC The judge / found/ him/ guilty. - SVOC Fear / kept / them / silent. — SVOC ee Direct Object Object - it describes, renames Transitive Verb Complement or gives information Examples: — about the object. 1. I found the book interesting. Ss TV DO oC Subject oS 2.They chose Kenna their Jeader. ve we No gave bought sold granted 10 him his wife me me me a pen. a saree. his bicycle. leave. coffee. = Arrange the words to make SVO sentences. like /I/ you> French / 1/ speak — hates / pigeons / he > they / song /a/ sing — sell / flowers / we > you / see / me/ can > buy / milk / he / wants to — feed / you / my / cat / can > sister / has / my / a dog > must / the book / read / you > @ Hema: = Root words: onsondds the prefixes and Sufises LUnicramble the prefixes, rool words, and suffixes io mae a whole mating eects wore nc Yuma Dareto oneal Yo aed Ceonate te oshansdLeamicon Fill in the Prefixes #1 <= ‘Bank of Prefixes: ee eat ‘Use he hank of profies to complas cach word. There may be more than one answer fr some Words fix sense happy mind —_ pert _____ respect equal ____ legal —__ fiction prove frost ceed lucky _—__ lead fat fair ——_ gust _—__ hold _—___ place _—__ usual _— portant draw ___ logical ____trieve __ visible ___ play cellent view ——__ code ——_ flex ene, E ao ees S =atcacee a English 3 Worksheet ~ Gremmor Nome: ote: Score in the Prefixes: Bark of Prefixes de- ex. ine non- pro- un i dis- in- mis- pre- re- une with: usie bank of prefixes to complete each word, There may be more than answer for some —— honest well —_ behave —— agree kind trust tidy —_ obey —— Please possible ‘oppear connect pair callow friendly | ——__ wind tee chief | duce _——__ pert ——_ corn hale proper Jeet —_eertain lead pel fect se. fess place usual portant | logical trieve. Play cellent code flex | fair gust hold | Skillswise worta © Building on root words Build your own words adding prefixes and suffixes tothe root words. How many words can you make? Remember that root words ending in ‘lose the ‘t’ when a sufx beginning with ‘is added. Prefixes root words: ( Gap )*) y=) ED pb) = mA 0000 lu Deccounveraewice ant ‘academe com Write Words Given Prefixes #2 <= —_—__., For each prefix, write a word that bepin with that prefix. Write us many as you can! Prefix Words that begin with the prefix con- com- post- tele- therm- Suffixes | Words “fulness ly less Painful Illness Slowly Careless Fearful Quietness Sadly Homeless Mouthful Fatness Strangely Fearless Stressful Closeness Brightly Jobless Delightful Kindness Shyly Lifeless Cheerful Rudeness Sweetly Thankless Thankful Sadness Coldly Hopeless Wonderful Boldness quietly Headless -err er or oo eo @® @eoer---- @Fb/englishanofficial ‘ faster = more fast in |"ep“more ili Hest-most *elltamen eh pre-before Pree, mis- Present | / You / We / They / Plural noun | have been He / She / It / Singular Noun Past | / You / We / They / Plural noun He / She / It / Singular Noun had been Pose Ihave bean sleeping ‘You have been sleeping We have been sheeping ‘They have been steeping Ho has beon sleeping, ‘She has been sleeping has been sleeping Negative Ihave not been sleeping. ‘You have not been sleeping ‘We have not been sleeping. They have not been sleeping He has not been sleeping ‘She has not been sleeping. has net been steeping Have | Been sleeping? Have you been sleeping? Have we been steeping? Have tney been sleeping? Has he been sleeping? Hes she been sleeping? Hes been sleeping? Exercises * Ihave been tochina. * The weather isnot being cooperative. * | have a friend who has been on TV. * Have youever been arrested. * Ravi is being mean to me. * Which word is used with the perfect tenses in English Grammar? v Been ¥ Being Being: It is used to be like am, is, are, was and were. Examples: John was being care ful. Been: It is used later have like any form of has, had, will have, having Examples: I have been reading since Evening. Use of have, has been v3 is, am, are being v3 Very important Structures cchotecasetacon Fill in the Prefixes and Suffixes #2 © “™*——— Bank of Prefixes Bank of Suffixes imei seble ance ion sment him ore at yy Use the bank of prefixes and suffixes to complete each word. There may be mare than ne nswer fer soe words Prefix - Root Word - Suffix | Prefix - Root Word - Suffix place___ enforce__ law__ ___arrange. Jegal. develop. mature. ——taste. taken___ finite, humane__ a —assign___ help, health___ know. account__ appear. live. avoid. Suna #2 Eaten Precede Submarine Symmetry Postmortem Posterior Predict Subsidiary Symposium Postscript Project Substandard Synchronize Postoperative Prologue Synapse tr Telemedicine Transmit Tricycle Unfinished Television Transaction Trimester Unskilled Telephone Translation Triangle Ungraceful Transfer Triathion Unfriendly ni up aa Unicorn Omniscient Upbeat Unicellular Omnivorous Updo Unicycle Omniscient Upgrade Unilateral Omnidirectional Upload ferrin

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