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FUNK GUMBO RADIO - http://www.live365.


Funk Gumbo Radio is greatly honored that the highly talented Yinka Oyewole of the Nigerian/Scottish/Essex/London Rock-Grunge Soul group Sabatta did Part 2 of our Funk Gumbo 5 Questions. Sabattas new self-titled album Sabatta is on sale at:

BIO: An enigma, an anomaly, an exception to the rule, Yinka Oyewole exists as much in spite of the world
as a part of it and the same could be said of his band SABATTA. Born in Romford, Essex, UK of Nigerian parentage, educated in the North of Scotland and resident in South London, Yinkas life has been nothing if not eventful! Originally having dreamt of being a fine artist Yinka switched to music early because he felt he could reach more people than putting work in a gallery. Musically Yinka was exposed to so many forms of music: rock, hip-hop, hi-life, Afrobeat but the guitar is what possessed and moved him from the start and inspired him to form Sabatta. Sabatta might be described by some as an alternative rock band but its more a blend of grooves, beats, guitar and lyrics. Formed around 2006 Sabatta has released two critically acclaimed albums Princess Raw and Emperors New Clothes. Having played in the UK, France and the USA as well as England and having shared bills with artists including Peter Doherty, Slaves to Gravity, Saul Williams, Zoe Kravitz, and Janelle Monae, Sabattas affair with the disparate and diverse has continued unabated. The cultural make up of the group has always been diverse the line-up for the last two years being English drummer, Brazilian bassist and British-Nigerian singer/guitarist now joined by Hungarian virtuoso Zoltan Toth on bass that tradition not only continues but is ready to music SABATTA is seemingly on the verge! With the new album Sex Power Death, Yinka moves his musical unit into new territory not so much expanding the sound with extra instrumentation (on the first two albums there were already keys and strings and percussion) as much as emphatically bringing it to the fore but never losing that sharp Sabatta edge! Yinka: Ive always had a lot of sounds in my head getting them out of there seems to be the smartest thing to do! Ive lived in a few different places, mixed with different types of people, and had many experiences I want to share that. Where I live right now I see worlds collide you go in Elephant & Castle shopping centre or the pub over the road and its like the bar scene from Star Wars literally! I think as a musician or an artist, to not reflect your environment in your work would be dishonest for me at least, so with my new songs I really want to explore that. As a live band SABATTA has always been captivating but expect upcoming live shows to be turned up a notch Yinka: Anyone who comes to see us play will get more than 120%. Everybody wants to perform these days but we feel its a privilege not a right. We want the audience to hear the music theyve downloaded, live but BETTER and with a jaw-dropping performance to go with it. Its hard work but whats really great that isnt? In 2011 expect jaws to drop!
Funk Gumbo Radio Los Angeles, CA 90019 Live Internet Network

9-15-2011 - Written By: David L. $Money Train$ Watts & Howard Hobson Funk Gumbo Radio

Funk Gumbo 1: The guitar is very prominent in the sound

of the group. What styles, techniques or tools do you employ to create that frenetic Sabatta sound?

Sabatta: Honestly, this is gonna be a short answer, I just play. That's it. I'm
not classical or anything trained really. I have no musical theory. I did a few lessons at school - most of which consisted of the teacher transcribing songs I had written. I just play that bitch! LOL!

Funk Gumbo 2: How much does your personal life and relationships factor into songs like "Princess", "Raw" and "Didn't C It".

Sabatta: Well, I guess quite a lot. Raw though that's more fictional - but
like with all good fiction there are parts of reality in it. But it is a story. The other two they are much closer to home. Princess is basically about a girl I was seeing and Didn't C It is about how I was feeling at a particular time.
Funk Gumbo Radio Los Angeles, CA 90019 Live Internet Network

Funk Gumbo 3: Tell us about the process of putting together your latest album "Makes Me Feel Alive". What are you saying with this album?

Sabatta: Well, the album is actually just called SABATTA now. And
the process was VERY long - mainly due to financial constraints and life situations. But I produced it - both executively and creatively. I'm saying here's some real music with the album - seriously. Real live, live, music. What you here are takes - with some guitar and vocal overdubs and very little editing - it's not a 'pro tools' albums though I used pro tools - it's the sound of a band playing - and I'm VERY proud of it!

Funk Gumbo Radio Los Angeles, CA 90019 Live Internet Network

FUNK GUMBO 4: Have you noticed any difference or any

similarities in your audiences when you perform your music in America, Europe and Africa--especially in Nigeria?

Sabatta: Well, I unfortunately I haven't played back in Nigeria yet - but

that's in the works since I've had some inquiries recently - so as soon as that occurs I'll let you know. There are definitely differences between reactions in America and Europe and within both continents. Playing in New York so far has been a lot of fun - the audiences are similar to New York in as much as they are both very shrewd and knowledgeable audiences who get the opportunity to see so many acts that you have to do a great deal to stand out, but I've had great responses so far in NYC - and also in Philadelphia. Playing in France was a real eye opener though - it's a clich, but it's true they really appreciate music and musicians and are VERY responsive also the promoters treat you so well. The crowds are LOUD!

Funk Gumbo 5: If you could perform with anyone past or

present, who would it be and why?

Sabatta: Fela, Jimi and Snoop cos they are some cool motherfuckers!
Funk Gumbo Radio Los Angeles, CA 90019 Live Internet Network

Funk Gumbo Radio Los Angeles, CA 90019 Live Internet Network

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