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School Name : SMP Bina Harapan

Subject : Mathematics
Grade/Semester : VIII/II
Time Allocation : 80 minutes
Learning Objective : Peserta didik dapat menjelaskan cara untuk menentukan luas permukaan dan volume bangun ruang (prisma,
tabung, bola, limas, dan kerucut) dan menyelesaikan masalah yang terkait.
Learning Outcomes:
1.1. From the given material and doing exercises, students can determine the surface area of a prism precisely.
1.7. From the given material and doing exercises, students can determine the volume of a cylinder precisely.

Question Learning
Mathematical Ability Indicator Question Form
Number Outcome
1 1.1. Mathematical Communication Essay
. 1. Express Mathematical Idea
a. Create an illustration model as an idea to use
b. Write down the ideas that will be used in the form of formula
1. Understand, Interpert, and Evaluate Mathematical Learning
a. Write solutions according to ideas that have been
determined coherently
1. Present Idea
a. Write down the ideas and information that has been given to
the problem
b. Write the information contained in the problem in the form
of mathematical notation, according to the formula used
1 1.1. Problem Solving Skill
. 1. Understanding the problem
a. Write down the given information.
b. Write down the problem being asked.
c. Understand the information provided
1. Planning
a. Presenting information and problems in the problem, using
b. Determine the mathematical model, in the form of a formula
that will be used in solving the problem.
1. Implementing the problem-solving plan
a. Solving problems using the formula that has been planned.
b. Write a problem solving sequencly.
1. Double check
a. Performs checks on sequences and results in problem
1 1.7. HOTS
. 1. Transfer
a. Use other learning concepts to solve the problem.
1. Critical Thinking
a. Write down the reasons of using the formula.
b. Write the conclusion from the result of problem solving.
1. Problem Solving
a. Understanding the Problem
1. Write down the given information.
2. Write down the problem being asked.
3. Presenting the given information by variables.
4. Presenting the given information by illustration.
a. Planning
1. Estimate the formula to be used, by writing the formula
a. Implementing the Problem Solving Plan
1. Writing problem solving sequentially using the formula
that has been planned.
a. Double Checking
1. Check the steps of problem solving by writing correctly
and in order.
1 1.7. Problem Solving Skill
. 1. Understanding the problem
a. Write down the given information.
b. Write down the problem being asked.
c. Understand the information provided
1. Planning
a. Presenting information and problems in the problem, using
b. Determine the mathematical model, in the form of a formula
that will be used in solving the problem.
1. Implementing the problem-solving plan
a. Solving problems using the formula that has been planned.
b. Write a problem solving sequencly.
1. Double check
a. Performs checks on sequences and results in problem

School Name : SMA Puri Lestari

Subject : Mathematics
Grade/Semester : XI/II
Time Allocation : 60 minutes
Learning Objective : Peserta didik dapat memodelkan pinjaman dan investasi dengan bunga majemuk dan anuitas, menyelidiki (secara
numerik atau grafis) pengaruh masing-masing parameter (suku bunga, periode pembayaran) dalam model tersebut.
Learning Outcomes:
1.1 Students can explain the concept of compound interest through the material provided precisely.
1.4 Students can model the concept of annuity into loans through examples of problems correctly.

Item Learning Problem

Mathematical Ability Indicator
Number Outcome Form
1 1. Problem Solving Skill Essay
. 1. 1. Understanding the problem
a. Write the known information.
b. Writing the problem being asked.
c. Understanding the given information.
1. Planning
a. Present the information and problems in the problem, using
b. Determine the mathematical model, in the form of a formula
that will be used in problem solving.
1. Implementing the problem-solving plan
a. Solved the problem using the planned formula.
b. Wrote the problem solving in order.
1. Double check
a. Checking the sequence and results of the problem solv-
1 1.1. Mathematical Creativity
. 1. Flexibility
a. Using a creative way by writing problem solving
b. Get the right answer
1. Fluency
a. Write the steps used in problem
solving coherently and rationally
1 1.4. Problem Solving Skill
. 1. Understanding the problem
a. Write the known information.
b. Writing the problem being asked.
c. Understanding the given information.
1. Planning
a. Present the information and problems in the problem, using
b. Determine the mathematical model, in the form of a formula
that will be used in problem solving.
1. Implementing the problem-solving plan
a. Solved the problem using the planned formula.
b. Wrote the problem solving in order.
1. Double check
a. Checking the sequence and results of the problem solv-
1 1.4. Mathematical Communication
. 1. Express Mathematics Idea
a. Write down the ideas that will be used in the form of
1. Understanding, Interpret, and Evaluate
mathematical learning.
a. Write solutions according to ideas that have been
determined coherently.
1. Present Ideas.

a. Write down the ideas and

information that has been given
to the problem.
b. Write the information contained
in the problem in the form of
mathematical notation, according
to the formula used.

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