PRE Final Examination IC Math Edu May 23 2023

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TUESDAY, May 23, 2023 TIME: 07.00-08.30

1) Work on these Pre-FE Questions independently with full honesty by writing

answers on folio or HVS paper
2) On folio paper (HVS) write these sentences:
I will work on these Pre-FE questions independently (won't ask anyone) and
I will do them honestly for the sake of my bright future.
Semarang May 23, 2023.
Who did the Pre-FE
Name each

1. P(w,5) = 20 P(w,3), determine the value of C(2w, w)

2. C(t,2)= t+5, the value of P(2t,t) =...
3. A building has 5 entrances. Three people will enter the building. Find the
number of ways they can enter the building by different doors.
4. There are 8 candidates for Himatika management. A Himatics board will be
formed consisting of a chairman, a deputy chairman and a treasurer.
Determine the number of Himatika management formations that can be
formed if one person is not allowed to hold concurrent positions.
5. From the numbers 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9, a number consisting of three different
numbers will be created. Find the number of numbers that are less than 600.
6. Lottery numbers will be generated consisting of one letter followed by two
different numbers and the second number is an even number. Determine the
number of lottery numbers.
7. Find the number of different arrangements that can be made from the letters
in the word “MATHEMATICARIA”
8. Determine the number of diagonals of facet 200.
9. Before parting ways with her friends Anita and all her friends shook hands
once. Anita counted 66 handshakes. Determine the number of people
present at the meeting.
10. It is known that A = {a,b,c,d,e,f, g}. Find the number of subsets that have at
least 4 elements.
11. In the expansion (1-2x)11 , the coefficient of x3 is n times the coefficient of
x2. Determine the value of n.
12. Find the probability that a family that will have 5 children will have at least
3 boys.
13.A bag contains 23 marbles of which 20 are red and 20 are yellow. Three
marbles are taken from the bag at random. Find the probability of getting
three red marbles.
14. The chances of Ani, Budi and Tigor passing the SNBP respectively are 2:5 ,
1:3 , 3:10 . Determine the probability that at least two of the three pass
15. Box A contains 8 green marbles and 2 yellow marbles. Box B contains 4
green marbles and 6 yellow marbles. A marble is taken from box A and put
in box B. After all the marbles are mixed evenly, a marble is taken from box
B. Find the probability that the same colored marble is drawn from box A
and box B.
16.In a basket there are 40 guavas, 25 of which are red and the others are green.
There were 8 rotten red guavas, while there were 6 rotten green guavas.
Randomly taken a guava from the basket. If the guava collected is a red
guava, determine the probability that the guava is rotten.
17.In a box there are 10 cards consisting of two cards numbered 1, two cards
numbered 3, two cards numbered 5, two cards numbered 7 and two cards
numbered 9. Two cards are taken at random. If the random variable X
represents the difference in the numbers of the two cards drawn. Determine
the value of P(X=1).
18.Y random variable with f.k.p. f(y) = y2:: 5 , 0<y<3, f(y)= 0 for another y.
Determine the mathematical expectation Y and variance of Y.
19. The density function of the random variable X is known with f(x) = y
√x , 0<x<1; f(x)= 0, for another x. Determine the satisfactory y-value.
20. H event, the Harvey family has a boy and a girl. If the Harvey family has
at most one son. If the Harvey family has 3 children, find out if H and K are
independent? are H and K foreign to each other?
21. There are three bags A, B and C. Bag A contains 4 red marbles and 6
green marbles. Bag B contains 7 red marbles and 3 green marbles. Bag C
contains 2 red marbles and 8 green marbles. A bag is picked at random and a
marble is taken from the bag. If a red marble is drawn, find the probability
that the marble drawn is from bag C.
22. It is known that a group of experts consists of 5 mathematicians and 4
computer experts. Commission Four consisting of four people was formed by
randomly selecting from the nine experts. Determine the mathematical
expectation value and the variance of the number of mathematicians who can
sit on the Commission of Four.
23.Y is a random variable with a density function f(y) = (2y – 1):6 , for 1 < y <
3; f(y) = 0 for another y. Find a) E(Y), b) E(30Y + 2023), c) Var(Y),
d) Var(100Y – 23052023)
24.From a fruit pack containing three oranges, two mangoes and three bananas,
4 are randomly selected. If x represents the number of oranges and Y the
number of mangoes in the sample, calculate:
a) Joint probability distribution of X and Y
b) Calculate P[(x,y) A,if A={(x,y)|x+y≤2}]
c) Marginal distribution x
d) Marginal distribution y
e) F(y|2)
f) P(Y=0|X=2)
g) Check if X and Y are free?
25. Two random variables have a combined solid function 𝑓(𝑥,𝑦) = 𝑘(𝑥2+𝑦2), if
0<𝑥<2,1<𝑦<40, and f(x,y) = 0 if another 𝑥,𝑦
a) Find the value of k
b) Calculate P[(x,y)∈A] if A={(x,y)|0<x<2, 2<y<3}
c) Calculate P[(x,y)∈A] if A={(x,y)|1≤x≤2}
d) Find P[(x,y)∈A] if A={(x,y)|X+Y>4}


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