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Current Topics in Research

American Journal of Alzheimer’s

Disease & Other Dementias®
Family History of Alzheimer’s Disease and 2016, Vol. 31(5) 450-456
ª The Author(s) 2016
Reprints and permission:
Cortical Thickness in Patients With Dementia
DOI: 10.1177/1533317516653827

Steffi Ganske1, Robert Haussmann, MD1, Antonia Gruschwitz, MA1,

Annett Werner, PhD2, Antje Osterrath, PhD1,3, Johanna Baumgaertel1,
Jan Lange, MD1, Katharina L. Donix, MD1, Jennifer Linn, MD2,
and Markus Donix, MD1,3

A first-degree family history of Alzheimer’s disease reflects genetic risks for the neurodegenerative disorder. Recent imaging data
suggest localized effects of genetic risks on brain structure in healthy people. It is unknown whether this association can also be
found in patients who already have dementia. Our aim was to investigate whether family history risk modulates regional medial
temporal lobe cortical thickness in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. We performed high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging
and cortical unfolding data analysis on 54 patients and 53 nondemented individuals. A first-degree family history of Alzheimer’s
disease was associated with left hemispheric cortical thinning in the subiculum among patients and controls. The contribution of
Alzheimer’s disease family history to regional brain anatomy changes independent of cognitive impairment may reflect genetic
risks that modulate onset and clinical course of the disease.

hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, subiculum, family history of Alzheimer’s disease, MRI, Alzheimer’s disease

Introduction brain changes that can be differentiated from the influence of

known genetic risk (for review, see Ref. 6).
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) affects approximately 500 000 new
Using high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
patients every year in the United States alone, a number that is
genetic risk factor-associated structural brain changes can already
expected to double in 2050.1 Aside from early-onset forms of
be found in children and adolescents. Shaw and colleagues showed
the neurodegenerative disease due to fully penetrant mutations
a thinner left entorhinal cortex (ERC) in children and young adults
in the amyloid precursor protein or presenilin (PSEN1 and carrying the APOE4 allele.8 This suggests that AD genetic risk
PSEN2) genes, the common late-onset (sporadic) variant has
modulates brain structure in medial temporal lobe regions prefer-
a complex genetic background and an estimated heritability of
entially susceptible to neurodegeneration later in life.9 Neuropatho-
approximately 60% to 80%.2 The e4 allele of the apolipopro-
logical AD staging shows that neurofibrillary tangles first occur in
tein E (APOE4) gene is the most important known genetic risk
the transentorhinal region before they spread into the subiculum
factor associated with an allele dose-dependent increased risk
(SUB) and the hippocampus.9 The AD genetic risk could also
for developing AD and earlier disease onset.3 Genome-wide
influence structural hemispheric asymmetry.8,10 It may contribute
association studies have confirmed a number of other suscept-
to the more severe left hemispheric pathology that precedes right
ibility loci, for example, clusterin (CLU), complement receptor
1 (CR1), bridging integrator 1 (BIN1) or phosphatidylinositol-
binding clathrin assembly protein (PICALM) with small effects 1
Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, Technische
on AD risk, and rare genetic variants, such as phospholipase D3 Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany
(PLD3) and Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 Department of Neuroradiology, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus,
(TREM2) with moderate to large effects.4 However, there Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany
DZNE, German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Dresden, Germany
could be yet undiscovered risk genes of even larger effect size
than APOE4.5 A first-degree family history (FH) of AD can be Corresponding Author:
conceptualized as a composite risk factor reflecting an individ- Markus Donix, MD, Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital Carl Gustav
ual risk pattern of known and unknown susceptibility genes,6 Carus, Technische Universität Dresden, 01307 Dresden, Germany.
associated with a greater risk for developing the disease.7 Email:
Across various neuroimaging studies, family history risk has This article was accepted under the editorship of the former Editor-in-Chief,
been shown to be associated with structural and functional Carol F. Lippa.
Ganske et al 451

hemispheric changes by up to 2 years.11 Thompson and col- 130 individuals who participated in neuropsychological examina-
leagues revealed that patients with AD show an accelerated gray tions and MRI scanning aimed at investigating AD risk factors.
matter volume loss in the left hemisphere when compared with Twenty-three participants of this sample could not be recruited for
the right hemisphere.11 Pronounced left hemispheric pathology in the current study because they did not receive MRI scans. Written
AD has been consistently demonstrated in neuropathological informed consent was obtained; the university’s ethics committee
investigations,12 metabolic (fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emis- approved the study. Among the study participants were 53 non-
sion tomography),13 and structural neuroimaging studies.11,14 demented people (mean age 68.9 + 7.0 years) and 54 patients with
Hemispheric asymmetry can be found in healthy people as well, AD (mean age 72.3 + 6.6 years). All participants underwent
such as left < right hippocampal volume differences.15 The asym- detailed neuropsychological examinations and MRI brain scans.
metric hemispheric development is mediated by differential gene We only recruited patients with AD having mild dementia, meet-
expression in both hemispheres,16 and risk genes may contribute ing standard clinical criteria,26 who had the cognitive capacity to
to lateralization effects in neurodegeneration.8,10 Functional consent. All study participants did not have psychiatric or neuro-
hemispheric specialization, such as the right hippocampus being logical disorders other than the cognitive impairment or any sys-
predominantly involved in spatial memory, and the critical role of temic disease possibly affecting brain function. Patients with AD
the left hippocampus for context-dependent episodic memory were on stable (>6 months) medication with an acetylcholinester-
illustrate that the course of the clinical symptoms in AD reflects ase inhibitor. All patients were right handed and did not receive
the asymmetric progression of neurodegenerative changes within any other psychotropic medication. Positive family history risk
the medial temporal lobes of both hemispheres.17 was defined as having at least 1 first-degree relative who had been
We previously demonstrated that among cognitively healthy diagnosed with AD.26 All participants with this risk factor had a
people, carrying the APOE4 allele is associated with cortical parental family history only. APOE genotype information was
thinning in the ERC and the SUB.18,19 We also showed that available for all participants with AD.
family history risk explains a greater variance in medial tem-
poral cortical thickness than APOE4 and that the pattern of
cortical thinning associated with both risks could reflect par-
tially different mechanisms contributing to cortical atrophy.20 Using a GE Signa HDxt 3-Tesla scanner (General Electric Health
Patients with cognitive impairment also show volume loss in Care, Waukesha, Wisconsin), we obtained high-resolution oblique
the hippocampus and the SUB,21 and cortical thinning in the coronal T2-weighted fast-spin echo scans (repetition time: 5200
ERC and the SUB predicts the clinical course of these milliseconds; echo time: 105 milliseconds; slice thickness: 3 mm;
patients.22 However, there are no data available on how genetic spacing: 0 mm; 19 slices; in-plane voxel size: 0.39  0.39 mm;
risks influence local medial temporal lobe structure in patients field of view: 200 mm). Data analysis was performed with a cor-
who already have cognitive impairments and dementia. Stan- tical unfolding procedure,24,25 which improves the visibility of the
dard MRI data analysis may prevent the detection of subtle risk convoluted medial temporal lobe cortex by flattening the gray
factor-associated changes in brain regions already affected by matter volume into 2-dimensional space (Figure 1). We first manu-
atrophy. It also remains a research focus whether genetic risks ally masked white matter and cerebrospinal fluid on the original
for AD modulate development and clinical course of the dis- MRI sequence, and then connected layers of gray matter were
ease. Whereas APOE4 may be more important for disease grown out using a region-expansion algorithm. The gray matter
onset rather than disease progression,3,23 the potentially more volume contains cornu ammonis fields 1 (CA1), CA2,3 and the
complex genetic background reflected in a family history dentate gyrus (CA23DG), SUB, ERC, perirhinal cortex, parahip-
makes a similar characteristic for this risk factor less likely. pocampal cortex, and the fusiform gyrus. Computational unfolding
In this study, we used high-resolution MRI and an image of the gray matter volume is based on metric multidimensional
analysis technique that unfolds medial temporal lobe subregions scaling. Boundaries between subregions were delineated on the
into a 2-dimensional map24,25 to investigate the influence of AD original MRI data using histological and MRI atlases27,28 and
family history risk on subregional medial temporal cortical thick- mathematically projected to their flat map space coordinates. To
ness among patients with AD and nondemented controls. We measure cortical thickness, for each gray matter voxel, the distance
hypothesized that a family history of AD would be associated to the closest nongray matter voxel is computed. In 2-dimensional
with cortical thinning in the ERC and the SUB, brain regions space, for each voxel, the maximum distance value of the corre-
affected early in AD development. We also expected that the risk sponding 3-dimensional voxels across all layers is taken and multi-
factor-associated cortical thinning would be primarily left later- plied by 2. Thickness in each subregion is calculated by averaging
alized and independent of the participants’ cognitive abilities. the thickness of all voxels (for details on cortical unfolding proce-
dures, see Refs. 24,29). In line with our previous studies and MRI
Methods data analysis strategies for cortical thickness in contrast to volu-
metric measures, we report raw data.30 Investigators performing
Participants MRI scanning and cortical unfolding procedures were unaware of
One hundred seven people participated in this study. They were the patients’ clinical and demographic information.
recruited through advertisements and through our university hos- In order to determine the influence of a first-degree family
pital’s memory clinic. We selected the participants from a pool of history of AD on the left and right hemispheric entorhinal and
452 American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias® 31(5)

Figure 1. Cortical unfolding acquired on oblique coronal MRI scans (A) perpendicular to the long axis of the hippocampus (B). After manual
segmentation of white matter and CSF, the gray matter volume is computationally unfolded and flattened based on metric multidimensional
scaling (C, right hemispheric flat map). Boundaries between the subregions are applied to the high-resolution MRI sequence (B) and mathe-
matically projected to the 2-dimensional space. CA23DG indicates cornu ammonis fields 2,3 and dentate gyrus (the anterior part of the cornu
ammonis fields and dentate gyrus [AntCADG] is part of the CA23DG region); CA1, CA field 1; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; ERC, entorhinal cortex;
FUS, fusiform gyrus (fusiform boundary depicts the medial fusiform vertex, dotted line); MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; PHC, parahippo-
campal cortex; PRC, perirhinal cortex; SUB, subiculum.

subicular cortical thickness, we estimated mixed general linear MMSE score as a covariate in all analyses in order to account
models with subregions as the dependent variables, cognitive for possible MMSE-related effects given the difference in
status (nondemented/demented) and family history risk (yes/ MMSE distribution between patients and controls. However,
no) as between-group factors, and age and Mini Mental State the family history risk groups did not significantly differ in
Examination (MMSE) score as covariates. We also investi- MMSE scores within patients and controls (controls FH:
gated a possible interaction between cognitive status and fam- 28.9, FHþ: 28.8, patients FH: 22.7, FHþ: 22.9).
ily history risk on cortical thickness. After we established Although the groups did not significantly differ in this
significance with the multivariate F tests, we conducted post characteristic, there was an expected trend for a higher fre-
hoc univariate tests to determine the influence of family history quency of family history risk among patients with AD when
risk on regional cortical thickness. Gender and family history compared with controls (Table 1), resulting in an unbalanced
distribution were compared with w2 tests. Statistical analyses risk factor distribution. Therefore, we further investigated a
used a significance level of P < .05. possible factor interaction in the general linear model by
determining the type of interaction. We found an ordinal
interaction type that enables us to interpret the main effects
Results in the way presented here.
Nondemented individuals and patients with AD did not signif- When considering right and left (average) cortical thickness,
icantly differ in educational status or gender distribution. the mixed general linear model yielded significant effects for
Patients with dementia were significantly older; therefore, we cognitive status (demented/nondemented; F ¼ 16.4, df ¼ 2.98,
modeled age as a covariate in all analyses. We also used the P < .001) and family history risk (yes/no) (F ¼ 3.81, df ¼ 2.98,
Ganske et al 453

Table 1. Demographic Characteristics and Neuropsychological Scores.

Characteristics and Measures CTL SD AD SD Significance (P Value)a

N 54 53
Age (years) 68.9 +7.0 72.3 +6.6 .01
Female sex (%) 45.3 50.0 .63
Education (years) 14.3 +2.6 13.4 +2.5 .06
FHþ (%) 24.5 40.7 .07
MMSE (score range 0-30) 28.8 +1.2 22.8 +5.1 <.001
Abbreviations: AD, Alzheimer’s disease; CTL, nondemented control participants; FHþ, first-degree family history of Alzheimer’s disease; MMSE, Mini Mental State
Examination; SD, standard deviation.
a 2
w tests for gender and family history risk distribution.

Figure 2. Right and left hemispheric cortical thickness is shown for the subiculum (SUB) and entorhinal cortex (ERC). As expected, patients
with Alzheimer’s disease (DAT) showed a thinner cortex in both regions compared with controls (CTL) in the right and left hemisphere. A
positive first-degree family history of Alzheimer’s disease (FHþ) was associated with a thinner subiculum in the left hemisphere independent of
the participants’ cognitive abilities.

P ¼ .026). There was no significant interaction between cog- cortical thickness did not vary due to family history status in
nitive status and family history risk. Patients with AD had a both hemispheres.
significantly thinner ERC than controls (AD: 2.23 + 0.13 mm, We additionally investigated whether the APOE genotype
controls: 2.55 + 0.22 mm, P < .001) and a thinner SUB (AD: would influence cortical thickness in the entorhinal region and
1.90 + 0.15 mm, controls: 2.08 + 0.14 mm, P ¼ .001). the SUB among patients with AD. Although we found a trend
Patients with a positive first-degree family history of AD in the left hemisphere toward entorhinal cortical thinning, there
showed a significantly thinner SUB than participants without was no significant association of APOE genotype and cortical
this risk factor (FHþ: 1.92 + 0.13 mm, controls: 2.03 + 0.18 thickness in patients with dementia. Cortical thinning in the
mm, P ¼ .008), whereas entorhinal cortical thickness was not SUB was not explained by the APOE genotype.
significantly different.
When investigating both hemispheres separately (Figure 2),
dementia was associated with a thinner ERC and SUB in both Discussion
hemispheres (right hemisphere: F ¼ 25.08, df ¼ 2.98, P < .001, In this study, we show that a positive first-degree family history
left hemisphere: F ¼ 7.97, df ¼ 2,98, P ¼ .001). Positive AD of AD is associated with cortical thinning in the left hemi-
family history was associated with a thinner SUB only in the spheric SUB. The effect was independent of the patients’ cog-
left hemisphere (F ¼ 4.4, df ¼ 2,98, P ¼ .015). Entorhinal nitive impairments and could be detected in individuals with
454 American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias® 31(5)

AD as well as in control participants. Entorhinal cortical thick- It is likely that many risk alleles ultimately influence neu-
ness did not vary due to the presence of the family history risk ronal damage and atrophy in AD; however, measuring global
factor. cortical or medial temporal lobe atrophy42 may not be suffi-
We previously demonstrated how genetic risks modulate cient to reveal the regional effects of genetic risks that could be
entorhinal and subicular cortical thickness in cognitively additive with or independent of APOE4-associated structural
healthy people.18,19 An additive effect for family history risk brain changes.20 Furthermore, in MRI studies, subregional
and the APOE4 allele was detectable in the SUB in contrast to analyses may be necessary to detect the differences in risk-
the ERC, where both risks did not influence cortical thickness related brain structure changes across risk factors.6,20
more than either risk factor alone.20 In this study, we addition- Investigating family history risk-associated changes in radi-
ally investigated a possible influence of APOE4 genetic risk on ological brain anatomy cannot be used to differentiate the indi-
entorhinal and subicular cortical thickness in patients with AD. vidual effects of risk genes that could vary among individuals.
Although we found a trend for entorhinal rather than subicular Other study limitations include that nongenetic risk factors that
cortical thinning due to the risk allele, this association was not are passed on through generations could also be part of the
significant. This finding is in line with the hypothesis that family history risk factor.6,43 In our participant sample, APOE
APOE4 may preferentially influence the onset rather than the information was only available for patients with dementia, so
clinical course of AD3,23; however, the impact of APOE4 allele we cannot make direct inferences about the differences or simi-
dose on disease progression may become more obvious using larities of APOE- and family history risk-associated effects
nonlinear statistical models.31 We show that family history- among control participants. However, we previously demon-
associated effects are still detectable among patients with strated the influence of both risks on brain structure in healthy
AD. The possibly more complex genetic background that con- individuals.18-20 Finally, healthy relatives of study participants
tributes to family history risk could involve risk genes that could develop AD in the future, and it cannot be determined
modulate brain structure and function through many different clinically whether APOE4 and/or other risk genes contributed
mechanisms across preclinical and clinical stages of AD devel- to the family history among individual participants with this
opment and progression. risk factor.
Hippocampal shape changes are most pronounced in CA1 In summary, we show an association of a first-degree family
and the SUB among patients with AD.32 Scher and colleagues history of AD with subicular cortical thinning in the left hemi-
highlight localized hippocampal atrophy in the lateral portion sphere among patients with AD and nondemented individuals.
of the left hippocampus that includes the SUB in AD when Our data contribute to the idea that genetic risks for AD mod-
compared with vascular dementia.33 Recent data from an ulate local brain structure in key regions susceptible to neuro-
ultrahigh-field MRI postmortem study suggest microscopic pathological changes. Localization and lateralization patterns
iron and activated microglia specifically in the SUB of patients of such effects reflect the characteristic clinical impairments
with AD, consistent with spreading neurodegeneration along and their time course. Future research will be necessary to
entorhinal projections to the hippocampus.34,35 It shows that determine the influence and interplay of individual risk genes
innovative MRI techniques contribute to our understanding of on brain anatomy and function. Until then, it is important to
AD-associated pathology and its subregional effects on medial model the family history factor in MRI investigations of people
temporal lobe integrity. Recent animal data show that the SUB at risk for cognitive decline and also in patients who already
is the earliest hippocampal region showing severe neuronal loss have AD.
in a mice model of AD36 and that subicular neuron damage
could be related to AD through neuroinflammatory pathways.37 Authors’ Note
In AD, the neurofibrillary tangle load correlates with cog- Steffi Ganske and Robert Haussmann contributed equally to the
nitive impairment.38 Neuropathological data suggest that neu- manuscript.
rofibrillary tangle formation could be accelerated in the SUB
in contrast to the entorhinal region,39 an effect that was not Acknowledgments
associated with the APOE4 allele.39 To date, the possible The authors would like to thank Susan Bookheimer, Department of
association of AD susceptibility genes other than APOE4 with Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, David Geffen School of Med-
icine at UCLA, for support and assistance with cortical unfolding. The
brain structure has been rarely investigated. Bralten and col-
authors also thank Cathrin Sauer for her suggestions on the statistical
leagues did not find genotype-related local gray matter vol-
ume differences in healthy people for CLU and PICALM but
showed smaller ERC volumes among CR1 risk allele car- Declaration of Conflicting Interests
riers.40 Others found an association of PICALM with hippo- The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to
campal volume.41 A rare and dysfunctional variant of the the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
TREM2 gene, encoding a protein with anti-inflammatory
characteristics that is highly expressed in the hippocampus, Funding
increases the risk for developing late-onset AD to a magnitude The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support
possibly comparable with APOE440; however, brain imaging for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article:
data are not yet available. Linn has received research support from B. Braun Stiftung,
Ganske et al 455

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