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The Ten Principles of Training

1. Specificity train the specific area you want the benefits for. ie- runners need to run, if you want
stronger arms then you need to work on muscular strength of arms, cardio/flex.

2. overload do more than before to get most benefits for improvements.

3. progression add more gradually

4. moderation overload in small increments

5. variation

Frequency-#times to work out each week

-Intensity speed or weight lifted to increase heart rate and bodies need for more oxygen

-Time- how long the workout will last or how many reps /sets to do

-Type of exercise used to reach goals

-change up your workouts to keep interest too

6. DOMS - delayed onset of muscle soreness- a result of Overdoing vs. Overloading

7. adaptation plateau effect- improvement stops, an indication to change it up, add variation or

8. reversibility use it or lose it- it can take 20 weeks to gain back what you lost in 8 weeks of inactivity.
Avoid complete inactivity to avoid reversibility.

9. warm up and cool down important to avoid injuries and DOMS

10. fuel your body gives it the nutrition it needs throughout the day- 6-8 glasses of water, all food
groups, fibre, variety to receive lots of vitamins and minerals, snacks.


* Have hard and easy days

* Get good sleep reduce muscle fatigue

*If injured – take it easy for a few days to increase recovery

* Wear good footwear and clothing

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