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April 14th 2023, Managua

English Class
Teacher: Chan Choi Levy
Student: Ingrid Nohemi Tercero Ordeñana

Create 5 sentences for each preposition of place, and verb to be structure in

affirmative, question, negative and negativo question.

➢ Preposition of place.

a) In

1. Joseph is living in other country.

2. My sister is working in Miami city.
3. Mom and dad had dinner in Babe´s restaurant last nigth.
4. Katty will study in Lau University next year.
5. Robert is gonna save money in the bank tomorrow.

b) In front of

1. There is a new pizza restorant in front of my house.

2. Lila has a new office in front of my last job.
3. Mike plays soccer in front of his house.
4. Yesterday I was runing in the park that is in front of my office.
5. Luis bought a new house in front of his mother´s house.

c) Behind

1. There is a dog behind these car.

2. My nephew is hiding behind the wall.
3. My mom´s dog is sleeping behind the tree.
4. There are cell phones stores behind metrocentro mall.
5. My house is located behind police office.
d) On

1. The pizza is on the table.

2. The new position work is on site.
3. The flower fell down on the floor.
4. My computer is on the desk.
5. My couple is sleeping on the bed.

e) Next to

1. The police office is next to the hospital.

2. There is a new restaurant next to the park.
3. July has a store next to her house.
4. Myle is working next to Joe´s office.
5. Mary is studing in the academy next to the mall.

f) Under

1. My shoes are under the bed.

2. They will sleep under the stars the next week.
3. The cell pone is under the table.
4. My classroom is under the second level.
5. The box is under the table.

g) Between

1. My house is between the mall and police office.

2. July´s car is parking between Joe´s car and Mary´s car.
3. Nicaragua is located between Honduras, El salvador and Costa Rica.
4. Lula´s academy is between Ice cream store and Shoes store in the mall.
5. Sophie´s room is between Jose´s room and the kitchen.
➢ Verb to be

a) I am

+ I am civil engineering student.

- I am not 13 years old.
? Who am I speaking with?

b) You are

+ You are my best friend.

- You are not a bad student.
? Are you ok?

c) He/ She is

+ He is working late today.

- She is not kim´s daughter
? Is He at home?

d) It is

+ It is in good conditions.
- It is not the correct place.
? Is it your T-shirt?

e) We are

+ We are the champions.

- We are not work partners.
? Are we invited to the party?

f) They are

+ They are my parents.

- They are not working very well.
? Are they coming here?

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