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MODEL united nations

March 30th, 2022

Halo People in the world,

Assalamualaikum, Peace be upon You

Hi, I'm Elizabeth Lawrence. I represent the country of the United Kingdom. Every country in
the world needs to understand the importance of gender equality. Some places still don't
understand the importance of every gender has their pride. Especially for women. They need
to have a chance, to live their lives not getting harmed or even getting differentiated from
men. They are the same as living humans. They have the right to achieve their pride.

All people should receive equal treatment and not be discriminated against based on their
gender identity, which is natural

Not all societies experience discrimination based on race or ethnicity, but all societies
experience discrimination based on gender—in the form of inequalities and differences—to
varying degrees. It often takes a long time to change this injustice. This atmosphere of
injustice can sometimes change drastically due to socio-economic policies and changes.

Discrimination based on gender still occurs in all aspects of life, all over the world. This is a
fact despite considerable progress in gender equality today. The nature and extent of
discrimination vary widely across countries or regions. There is not a single region in a third-
world country where women have enjoyed equality in legal, social, and economic rights.
Gender disparities in opportunity and control over resources, the economy, power, and
political participation are ubiquitous. Women and girls bear the brunt of the inequalities that
occur, but basically, inequality is detrimental to everyone. Therefore, gender equality is the
main issue of a development goal that has its value.
Things we need to do is,
-End all forms of discrimination against women everywhere
-Eliminate all forms of violence against women in public and private spaces, including human
trafficking and sexual exploitation, as well as various other types of exploitation

Adamski Poland
Sukarasa, Samarang, Garut, Indonesia, 44161
MODEL united nations
March 30th, 2022

That's my opinion to bring gender equality to the world. I hope our world may be
peaceful and lets people earn their pride.


Adamski Poland
Sukarasa, Samarang, Garut, Indonesia, 44161

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