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Fujairah Oil Industry Zone

Health, Safety, Environment and Quality Management System

Code of Practice (CoP)-01

Leadership, Commitment and Accountability

Doc. No.: HSEQ-CoP-01, Revision 0

Date of Revision: 5th December 2017 Effective from: 1st January 2018

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Document Authorisation

Document Authority / Owner Document Controller / Custodian

HSEQ Coordinator Management System Administrator
Is overall responsible for the content, quality, adequacy, and Is responsible for maintaining updated versions of this
continuing applicability of this document. document.

Revision Record
Revision Date of Reason for Revision / Description of Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Number Revision Changes (Title) (Title) (Title)

DNV GL Chief Executive

5th December Deputy Chairman
0 Issued for use (Consultant) Officer (CEO)

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Document Control
Deviations and deferments from the requirements specified in this document are permitted only if
approved in writing by the FOIZ Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Any such deviations and deferments shall be
approved for only a limited and specified time, and shall be supported by a risk assessment and control.
Before referring to this document, it is the user's responsibility to use the latest version (hard or electronic
Copy Control
The electronic version of the document is available on the FOIZ website and shall be considered as the
“Controlled Document”. Printed copies shall be considered as uncontrolled unless otherwise stamped
“CONTROLLED COPY” in red ink and numbered on the front page.
Controlled copies can only be issued by the Document Controller (Executive Secretary) and it is the
responsibility of the Document Controller to maintain a record of all controlled copies issued and to ensure
that all controlled copies are recalled and reissued whenever the document is revised.
FOIZ employees, operators, investors, stakeholders and authorised contractors may maintain uncontrolled
printed copies of this document for their personal use. They are however responsible for ensuring that only
the up to date version of this document is used at any time.
Review Cycle
This document shall be reviewed and revised as necessary at least once in 3 years by the Document
Authority. In addition, this code of practice must be reviewed and revised as necessary whenever there are
any significant changes in FOIZ’s HSEQ MS Manual affecting the CoP. Such changes may include changes to
the HSEQ MS policies, organization structure, roles and responsibilities and any management or control
procedure directly linked to this CoP. What constitutes a “significant” change must be determined by the
CEO and the HSEQ Coordinator in line with the criteria specified in the Management of Change (Ref. 01).
All FOIZ employees, operators, investors, stakeholders, authorised contractors and any other users of this
document are encouraged to provide their feedback to the CEO that could result in an improvement. This
feedback could be on matters relating to the structure, format and / or content of this manual and such
feedback can be provided by email or any other means.
The terminology used in this document has very specific and clear meaning within the context of FOIZ. The
verbs “should”, “shall” and “must” used throughout this document denote that the action is a mandatory
requirement. These terms are used interchangeably with no specific difference in the intent.
Throughout the HSE MS documentation, the term “Plant” refers to the companies that are already
operating and those who have signed agreements to become operational within the FOIZ area.

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List of Abbreviations and Definitions:

CoP Code of Practice

HSEIA Health. Safety and Environmental Impact Assessment
HSEQ MS Health, Safety, Environment and Quality Management System
Plant The physical asset that is within the FOIZ area and is either operational or in the
process of development.

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Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations and Definitions: ...................................................................................... 4
1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Vision and Values .................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Leadership Commitment ........................................................................................................................ 6
1.3 HSEQ Governance and Accountability .................................................................................................. 7
1.4 List of References ................................................................................................................................... 9

Appendix 1: Plant Physical Conditions Checklist for Management Tour

List of Tables
No table entries.

List of Figures
Figure 1: Assurance Process .................................................................................................................................. 8

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1 Introduction
This Code of Practice provides guidance on how FOIZ will implement and monitor its HSEQ MS. It also
determines the level of commitment required by FOIZ and the Plant Management to ensure all aspects of
this CoP are complied with and the accountability at all levels to ensure the HSEQ is an integral part of the
systems being applied across all the Plants within the FOIZ area.
Leadership, commitment and accountability are the driver of the HSEQ MS to ensure that all the
requirements of the HSEQ MS are met, and that continual improvement in HSEQ performance is achieved
year after year.
FOIZ has the overall governance and accountability of the implementation, monitoring and continual
improvements to the HSEQ Management System. The Plant management have the responsibility to comply
with the applicable requirements of the FOIZ HSEQ MS by applying their own HSEQ management systems.
This Code of Practice is a high-level document that is creating a standard which outlines the process to be
applied by a Plant. This CoP is mandatory and each Pant shall demonstrate how it complies or will comply
through an agreed action plan to overcome any breaches in the HSEQ systems currently being applied.
It is recognised by FOIZ that the Plants will have different levels of maturity in their HSEQ systems. The
vision of FOIZ is to bring all Plants up to one common level that shows improvements within their HSEQ MS.
By taking an approach that creates a “One Zone Safety Culture,” both FOIZ and the Plants will benefit from
a reduction in accidents by learning from the wider HSE community and sharing improvements in HSE
performance through corrective actions.
Leadership, commitment and accountability is also demonstrated by personally complying with the HSE
rules always; coaching / mentoring / motivating the Plant management to exhibit prudent conduct and
etiquette; empowering the FOIZ HSEQ team/ Plant employees to intervene and stop any substandard
and/or hazardous work activity without any fear of blame; recognizing and suitably rewarding good
behaviours and performance; and strictly enforcing “zero tolerance” regarding wilful non-compliances.
This Code of Practice contains 3 sub-elements. The FOIZ requirements under each sub-element are
specified in the following sub-sections.


The vision and values of FOIZ are the philosophy to implement the HSEQ policy. Each Plant will apply their
own vision and values to managing HSEQ.
The vision of FOIZ is to continually grow and facilitate the development of the oil terminals and
infrastructure for industrial use within the defined boundary. Hydrocarbon product storage is currently the
dominant industry for FOIZ and other diverse types of organisations will be encouraged to invest.
The FOIZ vision for HSEQ is to guide and support the Plant management towards a “Zero Accidents”
approach to HSE. To achieve this vision, FOIZ will take a governance role across all the Plants to ensure the
standards of HSE performance are continually improved year on year.
The FOIZ Members and the CEO are the main driver to ensure the vision is implemented in FOIZ
consistently through the HSEQ MS.
FOIZ sets its values by applying the current best practice to HSEQ throughout the design, development,
operation and decommissioning of all the assets within the FOIZ area. The vision and values are
implemented through the HSEQ policy and supporting documents and systems (Ref: Code of Practice No. 2).


Leadership at all levels within FOIZ and the Plants shall strictly comply with all applicable requirements of
the Codes of Practice.

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Leadership at all levels within FOIZ shall promote a “One Zone Safety Culture” by personally complying
with the HSEQ MS and to exhibit prudent conduct and etiquette, that are cascaded down to the Plant
employees / contractors and implemented through their own management structure.
The CEO and the FOIZ Members shall demonstrate commitment to HSEQ leadership through quarterly
visits (2 locations per quarter) and through active engagement with the Plant management.
The visits will be scheduled by FOIZ at the start of each calendar year. At least 2 FOIZ Members and 2
personnel from the FOIZ HSEQ team will attend the visit.
The FOIZ team will use a Physical Conditions checklist (Appendix 1) for the Plant visit.
The visit agenda will be based on the following:
 Discussion with Plant management team on any HSEQ issues that have arisen during the year,
 Update on the Plant to determine any projects or major changes,
 Implementation of the annual HSE Plan,
 HSE initiatives at the Plant (awards etc.), and
 The Plant visit which can be the entire facility or specific areas dependent upon size of the Plant.
Following the visit, FOIZ will issue a report and the Plant management will develop an action plan which
will be sent to the FOIZ HSEQ Coordinator, who will track the actions through to close out.
Plants will be visited on a rotational basis with at least 8 being visited in each year.


Governance is applied through FOIZ by providing guidance on the implementation of the HSEQ MS and
monitoring the HSEQ performance of the Plants. Governance can be defined as “Setting and applying
HSEQ standards and performance parameters that include laws, regulations and industry codes.”
Governance within FOIZ is an enabler to support the implementation of the HSEQ MS by the Plants.
The Chairman / Deputy Chairman has the overall HSEQ MS accountability for governance within FOIZ. They
are supported by the FOIZ Members who are accountable for the assurance in implementation and
monitoring of the HSEQ MS through the CEO to the Plants.
FOIZ and the Plants will comply with existing and future laws and regulations that are applicable to the
scope of their activities.
FOIZ is the body that acts as the liaison between the Plants and the Federal and Fujairah authorities for all
aspects of adherence to laws and regulations.
FOIZ is the “Governance body” that provides direction and guidance to cover the gaps between the
current laws and regulations and the operational activities at the Plants.
FOIZ can issue “Improvement Notices” or “Prohibitive Notices” if a Plant or project does not comply with
laws, regulations, recommendations from the HSEIA process, inspections or audits.
Measurement of the HSEQ MS is through audits, inspections and the application of the HSE Impact
Assessment (HSEIA) process. The HSEIA provides assurance to FOIZ that all foreseeable risks are identified
and mitigated to an acceptable ALARP condition. The HSEIA process is described in detail within the Code
of Practice 05.
The FOIZ approach to HSEQ governance and assurance is to agree targets, reward improvements in HSEQ
performance and as a last resort apply punitive measures against individuals or the investors.
The CEO shall maintain a suitable organisational structure within FOIZ for the application of the HSEQ MS
governance. The CEO will review the HSEQ MS annually (during Q4) based upon the requirements of the
FOIZ vision and strategy, and revise as necessary.
Any potential changes to the HSEQ MS will be communicated and consulted through the HSEQ MS
Governance committee to the Senior Plant Managers. Changes will have an implementation period agreed

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on a Plant by Plant basis which considers the risk exposure (if the change is not made) and the resource /
budgetary requirements. Once the implementation period has been agreed an action plan will be
developed by the Plant. The action plan will be monitored by FOIZ through to close out. Any potential
deviations from the action plan must be highlighted to FOIZ, by the Senior Plant Manager through the
HSEQ Governance committee for approval.
The assurance of the changes being implemented will be through the FOIZ HSE committee which is chaired
by the HSEQ Coordinator. All updates on the changes will be communicated by the HSEQ Coordinator to
the CEO and the HSEQ Governance committee.
The CEO has the overall accountability for the HSEQ assurance within FOIZ. The HSEQ Coordinator has the
responsibility for the application of the HSEQ assurance process across the Plants. The Senior Plant
Manager has the responsibility for compliance with the applicable HSEQ MS requirements associated with
their facility and to provide sufficient resources to apply the criteria set out within their HSEQ MS.
The Plant management are not mandated by FOIZ to have an HSEQ MS that “mirrors” the FOIZ HSEQ MS.
However, they are required to meet the applicable requirements of the HSEQ MS in their own methods of
work, frameworks and processes.
If the Plant has their own HSEQ MS that has been assessed by FOIZ as being compliant then the Plant will
follow their own systems to manage HSEQ issues.
Assurance across FOIZ is applied through a structured monitoring of the HSEQ MS in the form of
inspections, audits, noncompliance and outcomes from incidents or accidents. The assurance process is
shown in Figure 1.

Chairman / Deputy


FOIZ HSE Committee

Nonconformities from
Accidents and Near Non compliance with
Plant and Shareholder Plant inspections
Miss situations laws and regulations

Figure 1: Assurance Process

Within new projects FOIZ requires that a risk management methodology must be agreed prior to the
project commencement to begin the HSEQ MS assurance process. This risk management process shall be
followed throughout the project duration (Ref. Code of Practice 05). and any subsequent reports will be
presented to FOIZ. The FOIZ team will follow up with the actions for the completion of the risk mitigation

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Ref; No. Document
Ref 01 Code of Practice 5, Sub Element 5.4 Management of Change

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Appendix 1: Plant Physical Conditions Checklist for Management Tour

Physical conditions Verification Checklists

Plant Location within the Plant Date & Time

Table A: Substandard Conditions

Category Specific Conditions & Activities Observed

A - General Workplace Conditions

1 Floors (Walking & Working Surfaces)

2 Aisles and Passageways

3 Platforms/Scaffolding

4 Ladders and Stairs

5 Exits/Egress

6 Roadways

7 Ventilation/Extraction & Gaseous Exhausts

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Category Specific Conditions & Activities Observed

B - Facilities

8 Lighting and Noise Exposure

9 Ergonomic Factors

10 Drainage and Effluent Treatment

11 Steam Plants and Systems

C - Materials

12 Stacking and Storage

13 Chemicals and Fuels

14 Compressed Gases

15 Waste Disposal

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Category Specific Conditions & Activities Observed

D - Equipment

16 Hand and Portable Tools

17 Machine Tools and Guarding

18 Mobile Equipment

19 Lifting Gear and Equipment

20 Materials-Handling Equipment

21 Pressure Vessels/Systems

22 Mechanical Power Systems

23 Hydraulic Power Systems

24 Pneumatic Power Systems

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Category Specific Conditions & Activities Observed

25 Electrical Power Systems

26 Valves and Mechanical Controls

E - Hazard Controls

27 Lock-out Systems

28 Signs, Tags and Colour Coding

29 Materials Labelling

30 Warning Systems

31 Personal Protective Equipment

F - Emergency Systems

32 Emergency Instructions

33 Fire Protection

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Category Specific Conditions & Activities Observed

34 First Aid, Eye Baths and Showers

35 Emergency Rescue Equipment

G. Other




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