Hedging Expressions

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Introductory verbs

There are various introductory verbs which allow the writer to express caution rather
than certainty in their writing. The following is a list of some of the most common
ones. Some of these are linked to cautious nouns, adverbs or adjectives, in which
case these are also given.
 tend to ➞ tendency (n)
 assume ➞ assumption (n)
 indicate ➞ indication (n)
 estimate ➞ estimate (n)
 seem to ➞ seemingly (adv)
 appear to be ➞ apparently (adv)
 doubt ➞ doubtful (adj)
 believe
 suggest
 think

Modal verbs

Another way of being cautious is to use the modal verbs expressing uncertainty, in
place of stronger, more certain modals such as will or would. The following are
modals which express uncertainty.
 may
 might
 can
 could


There are many adverbs which can be used to express caution. Some of these are
associated with cautious adjectives or nouns, in which case these are also given. The
adverbs can be divided into two types: modal adverbs, which are related to the
possibility of something happening, and adverbs of frequency, which give
information on how often something happens.
 probably ➞ probable (adj), probability (n)
 possibly ➞ possible (adj), possibility (n)
 seemingly ➞ seem to (v)
 apparently ➞ appear to be (v)
 arguably
 perhaps
 maybe
 presumably
 conceivably


The following adjectives can be used to express caution. Again, some of these are
associated with other word forms, in which case these are also given.
 probable ➞ probably (adv), probability (n)
 possible ➞ possibly (adv), possibility (n)
 likely ➞ likelihood (n)
 doubtful ➞ doubt (v)
 unlikely
 uncertain


The following nouns can be used to express caution. Some of these are associated
with other word forms, in which case these are also given.
 probability ➞ probably (adv), probable (adj)
 possibility ➞ possibly (adv), possible (adj)
 likelihood ➞ likely (adj)
 assumption ➞ assume (v)
 tendency ➞ tend to (v)
 indication ➞ indicate (v)
 estimate ➞ estimate (v)
 evidence
 trend
 claim
Other phrases

There are three other ways to express caution. The first is to use words or phrases to
show frequency, degree, quantity and time.
 sometimes
 often
 generally
 usually
 commonly
 frequently
 occasionally
 in general
 as a rule
 approximately
 roughly
 about
 reasonably
 somehow
 somewhat

The second way is to use introductory phrases, such as the following.

 It is generally agreed that
 In our opinion
 In our view
 It is our view that
 We feel that
 We believe that
 I believe that
 To our knowledge
 One would expect that

The final way is to use if clauses.

 if true
 if anything
Bailey, S. (2000). Academic Writing. Abingdon: RoutledgeFalmer

Hyland, K. (2006) English for Academic Purposes: An advanced resource book.

Abingdon: Routledge.

Hyland, K. (2009) Academic Discourse: English in a Global Context. London:


Jordan, R.R. (1997) English for Academic Purposes: A guide and resource book for
teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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