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A 4022/5078/6038/7038 IV Semester 3 Year LL.B,/Vill Semester 5 Year B.A. LL.B. (Maj.-Min. System)/B.B.A.LL.B/B.Com.LL.B. Examination, ‘October/November 2022 (June 2022) Opt-il: BANKING LAW Duration : 8 Hours Max. Marks : 80 Instructions ? 1. Answer all five Units. 2. One essay type question and one short note/ problem is compulsory from each Unit. 3, Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely. UNIT~1 Q..No. 1. (a) Explain the various types of banks and their functions. Marks : 10 Og og motorivey more eajrid moaberiday Ostono. OR/egs (@) Explain the main features of Banking Regulation ' Act, 1949, Marks : 10 tmctiriv Bobogeo egRabad, 19490 abox) oxpertay, om (&) Write a note on eb domo: State Bank of India. Marks : 6 wadRead Apis" oer. OR/eg== (0) Regional Rural Banks. Marks : 6 sotlebe m.ave eotbrids UNIT II Q.No. 2. (a) Explain the objectives and features of Securitisation Act, 2002. Marks : 10 Hagosyfecis wOnaded, 20020 enfes abe expariva, Bae. OP/eRED (@) Explain the important principles of banking and lending. Marks : 10 Saker shay reo reheat aka et woshootrtdy, p10. 4022/5078/6038/7038 2 (©) Write a note on : eps wdowo: Deposit Insurance Corporation. Marks : 6 goat cabist, apres OR/e@a> (b) Priority sector advances. Marks : 6 ede deabd aboortdrivb, UNIT — IIE Q. No. 3. (a) Define Cheque. Bring out the distinction between a cheque and a promissory note. Marks : 10 eeta, OSONO, wet abey oaMag aks dabOs Sey, (Sel, OR/eqo , (a) What is endorsement ? Explain the types of endorsement. Marks : 10 deoudat acters 2 DOP Oxted toordetrivey Dato, (bd) Write a note on : axp8 exten: Material alteration. Marks : 6 Boos ad eles, OR wae (©) Noting and protest. Marks : 6 Action? sbey agetn, (risbsmbaich absy eleembabct) UNIT —1V Q. No. 4. (a) Discuss the special relationship between a banker and customer. Marks : 10 wmode’ ate) rma and ab athe! Oecd xcnocirids, ir20, OR/er (2) Discuss the various precautions to be taken by a banker while opening the account in the name of (a) Married ‘Woman and (b) Illiterate persons. Marks : 10 motte (a) Soph bts’ obey (b) exits ag sedse), sndadday, Sokosor esabriowetensed aboasosrives wed RO. TT ui + 4022/5078/6038/7038 (b) Write & note on alps ewdomo: Banker's right to set-off. Marks : 6 motes senati, 2 oe ORleg=a (b) Saving account and Current A/c. Marks : 6 summed nd soap 1d ad, UNIT-V @. No. 6. (a) Discuss powers and functions of banking ombudsman. Marks : 10 mngtort Louatpbat aad wped stay moeriv ea, OR edie (a) Explain the various trends in E-Banking Services. Marks : 10 emmotort Aecriy DOG Agrive aOR. (b) Write a note on = tsripS wdomo: Credit Card. Marks : 6 gar marr. OR /egam (©) Traveller's cheques. Marks : 6 saver errs. 4022 Fourth Semester 3 Yr. LL.B. Examination, April/May 2022 (Dec. 2021) Duration ; 3 Hours oPT =I BANKING LAW Max. Marks : 80 Instructions {“1. Answer any five questions from group (a) and Q.No. 1. Q.No.4 Q.No.2 Q.No. 2 Q.No.3. five trom group (b). 2. Figures to the right indicate the marks. 3, Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely. Explain the growth and development of Banking Institutions in India. sO, enotent Aofyld Uae atey eumpabety soa aon. Write a note on: ‘waif domo: Supervisory role of Reserve Bank of India. tadteed ore eQotd sbeQendem my. Discuss the functions of commercial Banks in India meddle anriay emotsrid maderivty atera, 108. naan Explain the general principles relating to secured toan. ejgows meg Acwogtly, main eeyiveh SatbA Marks : 10 Marks :6 Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 10 Pro. Q.No. 4. Q.No. 5. Q.No. 5. Q.No. 6. Q.No.6. b) 7) ») b) a) b) Write @ note on : tsep$ exdom0: ‘Ancillary Services of a Bank, Marks : 6 eotst Radt Zein, Describe the objectives and major features of the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of Indian Act 1951 Marks : 10 spabeab draicd oth ahdy mec Wye Ao mek, 1961 8 eORotbe ended abe: sins, egret, setoso. Write a note on : texips edo: Priority sector advances. Marks 6 wcja toate cvoricrivs ‘ Define Bill of Exchange. Explain the distinction between Bil of Exchange and Promissory Note Marks : 10 cpebob aie ayanda0. Seebob af aha oes aac dabta sfayxitdehy anton, Write a note on: wees widowo: Endorsement Marks 6 sooth Who is a holder in due course 7 Explain the privileges of a holder in due course. Marks : 10 ciig dab qaedsont cincb] toy gable ssedyrivay ona Write a note on : tsi wsdenso: Noting and protesting. Marks : 6 ied aba gave, @ Q.No. 7. a) Q.No. 7. b) Q.No. 8. a) Q.No. 8. b) 4022 Discuss the banker's obligation to maintain secrecy of customer's account. Marks: 10 Matte andod Pagoda, manbderys uodds rmggonR, thir, ‘A cheque written infavour of XYZ's Co. a partnership firm is sent by one of its partners Y, requesting the banker {to credit the amount of the cheque to his personal account. Can the banker do so ? Decide. Marks : 6 XYZ speormod vox ablodgeos uke dostnod smeomd Yai sfocbgd ondit 14s adem simrcioten seedy. tote gr Oc8 cimeduabele? agrOAD, ' Who is a Banker ? Explain general relationship of Banker and Customer. Marks : 10 meso! ccs cinch ? maids abay motors matng, Howogilay, Osf0n. Mr. Shankar couldn't present the cheque received from his friend due to busy schedule. The period of limitation, is about to expire on a day which happens to be a holiday. ‘Advice Mr. Shankar. Marks : 6 Borde ae dete skid wah ded wd mee moet xéxide, cen oxdord me xbms exo stoggobmrbgiciOns dosdat xost pea. 4022 Q.No. 9. a) Q.No. 9. b) Q.No. 10. a) Q.No. 10. b) 4 (mo Explain E-Banking Remittances. Marks : 10, E-tmotont msaridsy, OH080. Write a note on : aps domo: Gyber Evidence. Marks : 6 aes Pe Examine the grounds under which the banking Ombudsman may reject the complaint Marks : 10 Rachrive emosont Louat abet cine equ shee Sdorambcton tf Hoek. ‘Write a note on : ‘alps eden: Greait Card. Marks : 6 gar wer. Duration : 8 Hours Instructions :1. Answer any five Que: completely. Q.No. 1. a) Explain the origin and evolution of Banking Institution in India Marks : wedso9s unoton’ acy shaw Shey Dees uf ONon. Q.No. 1. b) Write short note on Commercial Banks. Marks sarin, motorid arf seo Wied exdictoo Q.No. 2. a) Can a banker make profitable use of funds with him ? If so narrate the methods. Marks : ny, mows sea_oons crash, oeoeodTN weategpabtle? aPch aomneld & OpRainve, SsDw. Q.No, 2. b) Write short note on Agency Services. Marks : iia, Acie wo exo Uafes nds Q.No. 3. a) Explain the functions of Reserve Bank of India. Marks : qadsd Oxafr moet mobrrivety O02. Q.No. 3. b) Write short note on Monopoly of currency issue. Marks 4022 IV Semester 3 Year LL.B. Examination, March 2022 Opt. ~ Il: BANKING LAW ions from group (a) each question carries 10 marks. 2, Answer any five Questions from group (b) each ‘question carries 06 marks. 8, Answers should be written either in English or Kannada Wp, DsichsO, DemALSE wf ome wlalps twdotds. Max. Marks : 80 10 06 10 10 206 Pro. 4022 Q.No. 4. Q.No. 4. Q. No.5. Q.No. 5. Q.No. 6. Q.No. 6, Q.No. 7. Q.No. 7. Q.No. 8. Q. No, 8. 2 AAA What are the activities permitted by Banking Regulation Act, 19449 to be taken up by a Banker ? Marks : 10 motor? Rachosee mote, 19490 Yad, moto" sada emmhinend wlnawindny oxos. ‘Write short note on Exchange control. Marks : 08 Odswod Dorey ree ur ego Wales mda. Explain the rights of a Banker. Marks : 10 IHS ayia OsFOR. Write short note on Consumer protection. Marks : 08 THBES Mockpio wi}, ogo esas ewdow. Who is a customer of a Bank ? Discuss the general relationship between a banker and a customer. Marks : 10 tows ma,aidocid cine 2 modo sbx) mated acbas mains, Howomatay, wuEA. ; ‘Write short note on Bankers lien. Marks : 06 soos GhomOndd url oo wales wow. Define cheque. Explain kinds of crossing of cheque. Marks : 10 wivia, maan,DA. DOG amd deity desdeorivay dato. ‘Write short note on Holder in due course. Marks : 06 menabyaboy, Goos-w7} ow uaed waoxv. Who is paying banker ? State the statutory protection available to a paying banker. Marks : 10 smaiSmd odor aocid odneb 2 war oMAbe RAT, ogpirieny aston. ‘A’has taken Rs. 500 loan from'B’ and’ gives.a promissory note that he promises to pay Rs. 500 on B's marriage day. Is ita valid promissory note ? Marks : 06 ‘a! de. 500 rivaly "2" ctbord diicbiasbakh. ‘o’ob weigh chy agate Acca, ‘W'obd Oma OF ¥ Aegsity abwbersisabaidonh wdata, ac amar: 7 En 2 4022 Q. No. 9. a) What are the new trends in banking system happened with the advancement of technology ? Marks : 10 ZosegAd syikodmcdt w,ctor’ aakichos sex Baygriso cing ? Q.No. 8. .b) Write short note on Credit cards. Marks : 06 $a mates wij, oso Ualpl wdot. Q.No. 10. a) Explain the different kinds of securities for advances from banks. Marks : 10 amotorivodt webs! shooricérienmn Qs oeectd Ge} give, BION, Q..No. 10. b) Write short note on e-banking. Marks : 06 grimobontd wif, op Uaird wow, Duration: 9 Hours Max. IV Semester 3 Year LL.B. Examination, Oct/Nov. 2021 Opt. Il: BANKING LAW Instructions : 1. Answer any five questions from group (a) each Q.No.1 Q.No.1 Q. No.2. Q. No. 2. Q. No. 3. Q.No. 3. Q.No. 4. ») a) ») = question carries 10 marks. 2, Answer any five questions from group (b) each question carries 06 marks. 3. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely, Discuss the functions of Commercial Banks in India. goddclo aratteg tm otorid mosoerivek tra, ‘Write short notes on : om tps weet: ‘Agency Bank. . ada sodri, Explain the ancillary services of a Bank. emote ads Aerie Baton, Write shor notes on = oom Weipl ude: State Bank of India. Ayer cow ear somata. Explain the main features of Banking Regulation Act, 1949, moto Dodedrs mol, 19490 sins) exfoniek, Oston Write short notes on como ti) ween: Deposite Insurance Corporation. cirahit eaiqdinr meer deer. Discuss the powers of Reserve Bank of India over non- banking companies, mmokead dorian aheOcds yadtead oxatr Exod eomdah, ara 4022 Marks : 60 Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 10 PTO. 4022 Q. No. 4. b) Q.No.5. a) Q.No. 5. b) Q.No.6. a) Q.No.6. b) Q.No. 7. a) Q.No.7. b) 2 (mu Write short notes on : BD kes uc Bank Rate Policy formation. mmoet od a3 cs, Explain the duties of a banker to honour customer's cheque. Tage ends Rooms enced tee afrids orton, Write short notes on : ato bis wdot00 : Pass book. SOR 18". Discuss the banker's obligation to maintain secrecy of customer's account. TBs andob Px] gobah wommododyal tmodde mn Sabah, era, Ram, Rahim and Robert are partners in a Rthree firm. They informed the bankers that Ram and Rahim will operate the firm's current account. Can the banker honour the cheque. signed by Ram and Robert ? orate, Deny myx) oUF YOTge O9ty Moxste, senmodmnndsd, mos adap chesbc Rofo mg saadonely astr torbalc aod mcdorason Bibs gaat, aetacagd wets ona? obey oomiste mb atnadd Xokad abst rive em. obo" Sra, daduadde? What is endorsement ? Explain types of endorsement. abstr aonidens 7 205 oedad wabsioecitrivay, ado, Write short notes on : oom saps edo: Crossing. cae Marks : 6 Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Q.No. 8. Q.No. 9. Q.No. 10. Q. No. 10. b) . a) b) a) >) 2 Define cheque. Bring out the distinction between a cheque and a promisory note. ders Dato, eet say aman docks (see ) dcboe ay! (SeK Write short notes on : ceo yefré edeto0: Noting and protesting. Fiabarsahnd at) aagtobaich Narrate the reference of Debt Recovery Tribunals. mo sbobalcdoannd mobseborterl? mxyasatbay Oaton. Write short notes on : coo tales wsdot0: Principles of sound lending. mmo Stebel erg de ries, Brietly explain E-Banking faciities. stm osorr sore ef dodglann O08. Write short notes on : capo baled exdoto0: ATM. a2. 4022 Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 10 Marks : 6

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