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Questions 1-20

Read the given texts and answer the questions.

1. When did Daniel get up?

A. Eight o’clock C. Half past six
B. Quarter to six D. Quarter past eight

2. Who drive Daniel to school?

A. His father C. His mother
B. His brother D. His sister

3. What did Daniel do after lunch?

A. He watched TV C. He did his homework
B. He took a shower D. He went skateboarding

4. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Daniel can play the violin
B. Daniel attended karate lessons every day
C. Daniel did not help his mother to do housework
D. Daniel played chess with his sister at the weekends
5. How did Daniel keep himself fit?
I) Played chess
II) Attended karate lessons
III) Went jogging
IV) Attended violin lessons
A. I and II C. I and IV
B. II and III D. III and IV

6. How many seasons are there in Japan?

A. Two C. Four
B. Three D. Five

7. Which is the writer’s favourite season?

A. Winter C. Autumn
B. Spring D. Summer

8. When does winter start?

A. December until March C. June until August
B. March until May D. August until December
9. What do people do during winter?
A. Go walking and enjoy picnics C. Go swimming
B. Go skiing on hill slopes D. Go watching cherry blossoms bloom

10. Who sent this email?

A. Siva C. Swee Cheng
B. Vani D. Hana

11. All the ingredients are needed for the recipe except…
A. Butter C. Corn flour
B. Milk D. Eggs
A. sugar and crushed peanuts
B. flour, baking powder and salt
C. milk, oil and eggs
D. the mixture into a hot saucepan

12. sift… __________

13. mix… __________

14. sprinkle… __________

15. pour… __________

Read the letter and answer the questions.

No. 47, Jalan Medan,
Taman Batu Caves,
68100 Selangor.
7 August 2020
Dear Jane,
How are you? I hope you enjoy your holidays.
I stayed with my uncle and aunt in Penang for a week. I travelled to Butterworth by bus.
Then, I took a ferry to the island. My uncle and aunt fetched me from the jetty.
I was very happy to see them and also my cousins. We visited Kek Lok Si Temple, the
War Museum and the Snake Temple. I had a wonderful time there. Then, I flew back to Kuala
Lumpur. That’s all for now. Hope to hear from you.
Your friend,

16. Who wrote the letter?

A. Lyn C. Uncle
B. Jean D. Teacher
17. Where does Lyn live?
A. Taman Pelangi C. Taman Batu Caves
B. Taman Muhibah D. Taman Perdana

18. How many places did they visit?

A. Three C. Four
B. Two D. Five

19. How did Lyn travel to Butterworth?

A. By train C. By plane
B. By bus D. By ship

20.How did Lyn travel back to Kuala Lumpur?

A. By taxi C. By train
B. By ferry D. By aeroplane

Questions 21-40

Complete the paragraphs with suitable words.

My uncle is a __________ (21). He __________ (22) people. He gets up at

half past six every __________ (23). He __________ (24) his car to work. He

likes to do __________ (25) after coming back from work.

21. A. pilot C. dentist

B. singer D. lifeguard

22. A. cooks C. puts out

B. fixes D. saves

23. A. afternoon C. night

B. evening D. morning

24. A. drives C. rides

B. walks D. takes

25. A. karate C. baseball

B. swim D. tennis

Miko’s favourite season is __________ (26). She likes to pick __________

(27) around her garden. At night, her family will gather in a __________ (28) and

sit on a big mat. They like to watch __________ (29) movies together. Sometimes,

they will look at the __________ (30) on the sky.

26.A. winter C. autumn

B. spring D. summer

27. A. onions C. watermelons

B. flowers D. lemons

28. A. living room C. garden

B. dining room D. bedroom

29. A. delicious C. tasty

B. funny D. boring

30. A. planets C. stars

B. Neptune D. Jupiter

Mimi and her mother went to the __________ (31) yesterday. Her mother

put a carton of eggs, a packet of curry powder __________ (32) a tin of sardines

in a __________ (33). There __________ (34) many people queuing up to pay

their groceries. The __________ (35) gave the change to her mother. Then she

put all the groceries into a recyclable bag.

31. A. grocery C. restaurant

B. boutique D. supermarket
32. A. or C. and
B. so D. really

33. A. crate C. container

B. trolley D. wheelbarrow

34. A. is C. was
B. are D. were

35. A. clerk C. supervisor

B. cashier D. shop assistant

Last holiday, my father took __________ (36) to the beach in Teluk Batik.

We laid our food and drinks __________ (37) a big tree. My brother

__________ (38) I went to swim in the sea. My mother was busy __________

(39) food for us. My father was __________ (40) his newspaper.

36. A. ours C. we
B. our D. us

37. A. at C. on
B. in D. under

38. A. but C. so
B. and D. or

39. A. preparing C. frying

B. cooking D. buying

40. A. read C. read

B. reading D. rode
Questions 41-45
Choose the correct sentences.

41. A. Zebras are taller than giraffes.

B. Are than zebras taller giraffes.
C. Giraffes are taller than zebras.
D. Than giraffes are zebras taller.

42. A. Was there a water shark in the.

B. In the water there was a shark.
C. Shark in the water there was.
D. There was a shark in the water.

43. A. Puan Susie always cooks omelette on Saturday.

B. Puan susie always cooks Omelette on saturday.
C. Puan Susie always cooks omelette on saturday.
D. Puan Susie Always cooks Omelette on Saturday.

44. A. The man works in a Police station.

B. The man works in a Police Station.
C. The man works in a police station.
D. the man works in s police station.

i. He drives his car to work.

ii. He gets up very early in the morning.
iii. Mike is a doctor.
iv. He returns home very late at night.

A. ii, iv, i, iii
B. i, ii, iii, iv
C. iii, ii, i, iv
D. iv, i, iii, ii

Questions 46-50
Choose the correct spelling.

46. Jill puts out fires and saves people. He is a __________.

A. firefighter C. faerfightor
B. fairfighter D. fierfitter

47. My brother likes playing __________ with his friends.

A. volleyball C. volliebold
B. wallyball D. volleyboll

48. During __________ season, it is windy and many children flying kites.
A. ortumb C. autumn
B. ordum D. alterm

49. Put your food in a __________ to keep it fresh.

A. ferich C. frich
B. fridge D. feridch

50. We can put meat, vegetables and __________ in pita bread.

A. yougert C. yourgurt
B. yogurt D. yoghurt

Questions 51-60
Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences.

51. My mother hangs her clothes in the __________.

A. rock C. wardrobe
B. sofa D. bookcase

52. I always sit on the __________ while watching television.

A. pillow C. table
B. armchair D. cupboard
53. Chung Ming __________ brushes his teeth. He has healthy teeth.
A. never C. sometimes
B. always D. –

54. We __________ throw rubbish into a drain.

A. never C. sometimes
B. always D. –

55. My father parks his car __________ the truck.

A. in C. next to
B. under D. between

56. Junie sits __________ Cassie and Tommy in class.

A. under C. between
B. behind D. in front of

57. The children always __________ their homework after having their lunch.
A. does C. do
B. doesn’t D. don’t

58. __________ she take a bus to work?

A. Does C. Do
B. Doesn’t D. Don’t

59. No, she __________ take a bus to work.

A. does C. do
B. doesn’t D. don’t

60. Collin and his friends __________ playing football.

A. is C. are
B. am D. –
Questions 61-65
Choose the correct conjunctions.

61. Mrs. Chung orders cupcakes, muffins __________ pizza for tea.
A. but C. so
B. and D. because

62. The boy was sad __________ he lost his wallet.

A. but C. so
B. and D. because

63. Meena studies hard __________ she doesn’t score well in the exam.
A. but C. so
B. and D. because

64. The football match is cancelled __________ everyone goes home.

A. but C. so
B. and D. because

65. “I was late this morning __________ the discipline teacher did not scold
me,” said Men Siang.
A. but C. so
B. and D. because

Questions 66-72
Choose the correct pronouns.

66. Mrs. Cheam is my teacher. __________ teaches us English and Maths.

A. He C. She
B. We D. They

67. Sophy lives near my house. __________ like to play together in the
A. I C. It
B. You D. We

68. __________ am your eldest brother. You are five years younger than me.
A. I C. It
B. You D. We

69. Meng Chong and his brother are at the field now. __________ are flying
A. He C. She
B. We D. They

70. They boy wears a cap. __________ is black.

A. It C. She
B. He D. You

71. This shirt is __________. My uncle bought for me yesterday.

A. his C. mine
B. hers D. yours

72. This is Joseph’s jacket. It is __________.

A. his C. mine
B. hers D. yours

Questions 73-75
Choose the correct orders.

73. A. January, June, April, May

B. January, July, March, November
C. January, February, March, April
D. January, February, August, December

74. A. Friday, Saturday, Tuesday, Thursday

B. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
C. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
D. Monday, Thursday, Sunday, Saturday

75. A. Twenty, fifty, sixty, forty

B. Forty, thirty, fifty, ninety
C. Ten, twelve, eighty, nineteen
D. Forty, fifty, sixty, seventy

Questions 76-80
Match the correct answers to the questions.

76. What is your favourite game?

A. I think the game is interesting.
B. That would be playing football.
C. I play football with my friends.
D. They are playing football every Sunday morning.

77. Where do you play badminton?

A. I play badminton twice a week.
B. I play badminton with my brothers.
C. I play badminton in the hall.
D. I play badminton during school holidays.

78. What did your parents give you on your birthday?

A. It is a beautiful place.
B. You win again. Congratulations!
C. They gave me storybooks.
D. Thank you!

79. When is your piano class?

A. It is on this Saturday.
B. The song is very nice.
C. Yes, it is.
D. Come with me.
80. Why did you absent yesterday?
A. I ate Nasi Lemak this morning.
B. That was amazing.
C. I ride my bicycle every evening.
D. I was having fever.

Questions 81-85
Choose the correct prepositions.

81. The vase is __________ the armchair.

A. in front of C. behind
B. next to D. under

82. The cat is __________ the bookcase.

A. behind C. on
B. in D. above
83. There’s a potted plant __________ the house.
A. in C. in front of
B. beside D. into

84. There’s a piece of cake __________ the coffee table.

A. on C. in
B. next to D. under

85. The dog is sleeping __________ the car.

A. above C. behind
B. in front of D. under

Questions 86-90
Choose the correct plural nouns.

86. The __________ are drinking water.

A. child C. children
B. childs D. childes
87. I have two __________.
A. watches C. watchs
B. watch D. watchies

88. “Many __________ were parked there,” said Mr. Lee to his friend.
A. lorrys C. lorries
B. lorry D. lorryes

89. The dentist removed two of Kelly’s __________.

A. teeth C. tooths
B. tooth D. teeths

90. These __________ are very heavy.

A. box C. boxies
B. boxes D. boxs

Questions 91-95
Choose the suitable responses.

91. A. I am watering the plants.

B. I ate my lunch.
C. Thank you.
D. How are you?
92. A. What’s time now?
B. Where are you going?
C. I’m fine.
D. Could you please help me doing the washing-up?

93. A. Well done.

B. Let’s make a snowman.
C. Hurry up!
D. What’s your name?

94. A. It’s one o’clock.

B. It’s half past one.
C. Let’s go.
D. Come with me.
95. A. That’s amazing.
B. I do karate.
C. I play basketball.
D. No, it isn’t.

Questions 96-100
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

96. __________ does Jack do in the summer?

A. Who C. What
B. When D. Which

97. Ben: __________ is George?

Jane: The boy who stands at the door.
A. What C. Where
B. When D. Which

98. __________’s your school holiday?

A. Who C. When
B. What D. Which

99. __________ coat is yours, the striped one or the blue one?
A. Who C. When
B. What D. Which

100. Nisha: __________ are your parents?

Mary: In Sydney.
A. When C. Where
B. What D. Which

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