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Tymin Blackhammer is a dwarf from the northern Blackhammer clan, from the town of

Ironmaster (NW Sword Coast). He took to religion during his early years. At around 50 he
became an acolyte of Moradin, the great soul forger. His extended duty & training was
completed amongst the Gold Dwarfs of the Giant’s Run Mountains. Quite a journey from his
hometown, he took a ship down to Muraan & joined a monastic caravan heading east to the
Shining Plains. Most of the voyage was spent deep in study, but he occasionally took a moment
to absorb some of the grand open scenery, before attending the confines of the mountain

Being away from his kin for such a long time as an acolyte among the Gold Dwarfs of the
Giant’s Run Mountains gave him a short temper & he is quick to judge, even for a dwarf. [flaw]
but he still has a strong sense of what is good & right, despite his outward demeanor.
His critical eye has him often commenting on others’ work, how it could be done better. He
holds himself to high standards too, even his successes are never good enough.

He buries himself in religion often. Seeing OMENS in every event. [trait] & constantly trying to
prove his worth to Moradin [ideal]. Although he spent time away from the north he is strongly
imprinted with the old legends & one that speaks to him the most is the "Lost Hammer of
Bergus". An ancient forgemaster’s hammer. [bond, recover ancient relic]

Tymin has a knack for remembering quotes & proverbs from his studies & enjoys sharing their
insight with the group. Unfortunately his memory isn’t always as accurate & he muddles them
up, often to humerous result. [trait]

Tymin is tall for a Dwarf at 4'9" (144cm) & a slim(ish) 140lbs (63kg) Age 99
Dark skinned & silver-blue eyes. with dark brown hair.
Background : Acolyte
Trait : I see omens in every event or action. The gods try to speak to us, we just need to listen.
Trait 2: 5 I quote (or misquote) sacred texts and proverbs in almost every situation.
Ideal: Aspiration. I seek to prove myself worthy of my god’s favor
Bond: I would die to recover an ancient relic of my faith that was lost long ago.
Flaw: I judge others harshly, and myself even more severely.

One thing to note; for the spells we talked about how domain spells & regular cleric spells are
picked - I found the relevant info that explains that, so I hope I understood correctly.
pg 58 players handbook
• I should have 3 cantrips, always available.
• I select 2 cleric spells to prepare each day.
• Additionally I have 2 domain spells which are always prepared.
However, I have only 2 slots - so i can cast 2 of the total 4 spells I have prepared. I included a
screenshot of the info below too just to make sure I got that right.

DM note to self:
● On his character sheet make sure Paul shows his original rolls for Str Dex Con etc. and
then beside them any modifiers that are getting applied.
● Double check his HP plus race features.
● Notes to Paul on preparing spells/time requirements
● Spell casting focus?
● Make sure he’s OK with weapons and damage die, and also what to add to attack (and
damage) rolls


2019.06.01 - After completing Mine of Phandelver & during Dear Dharma downtime

Treasure, Rewards, Assets, Income (from the end of the last campaign)

Lightbringer & dragon guard breastplate

Temple of Dumathoin - Found potion of healing & dwarven ale mug (electrum)

Monetary treasure to share out - there may be more other players noted. we need to check
I noted:
North barracks 15cp, 13ep,
wizards quarters: potion of vitality
Temple : 190ep, 130gp, 9 gems(10gp each), 15pp,
Social connections

Gundrum Rockseeker, working with regularly at mine.

Nilsa, sent on quest to help dharma
Friendly with Toblin the inn keeper & PIP
Barthen, general store
Qeline Aderleaf & Carp

Current activities/responsibilities

Restoring Temple of Dumathoin within the mine will be his main job - cleaning, repairing
damage. make it useable again, wall hangings, carpet, candelabras, incense etc .

He will help & mentor Nilsa at the Shrine of Timora in his spare time & donate towards its
He will give Nilsa a small statue of Moradin & ask her to place it at the shrine as a reminder of
how both the Gods & the people, no matter their background, can work together.

He will provide healing/restoration for the townsfolk at his Thorsday morning clinic at the Shrine.

He will keep friendly with the locals in Phandolin & regularly be seen at the Stonehill Inn.

Any books or histories found in the mine he will read to learn more about it. He will also explore
& complete his map!

New developments

Downtime activities/Training
see leg below

Lingering injuries

Tymin will forge a dwarven peg leg, with the assistance of any famous dwarf smiths who visit
Phandolin - im sure many are eager.
The leg will have the option to change the foot for certain activities such as swimming or
The leg will be enchanted at the forge to reduce the weight & make it more agile.

Future plans/Goals

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