DM 219 S. 2023

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fe ie Bw RELEASED Se DepEd, Or ameta Republic of the Philippines Department of Education emcee | ar | SCHOOLS DIVISION OF OROQUIETA CITY E May 9, DIVISIONAL MEMORANDUM No, 219, 8.2023 SUBMISSION OF SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (SIP) WITH INTEGRATION OF THE PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT AREAS AND THE MATATAG EDUCATION AGENDA To: Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Chief Education Supervisors, CID & SGOD Education Program Supervisors / PSDS/ OIC-PSDSs Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads All Others Concerned 1, In attaining the goal stipulated in DepEd Order No. 24 s. 2022 titled Adoption of the Basic Education Development Plan (BEDP) 2030 which is “All Filipinos are able to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully in building a cohesive nation”, there is a need to align the School Improvement Plan (SIP) with DepEd’s Priority Development Areas and the MATATAG Education Agenda. 2. In crafting the SIP, the following enclosures shall serve as references: These can also be accessed through ~—this_—_link: htt /4r a. BEDP Results Framework (Enclosure 1) b. MATATAG Education Agenda-45 Key Initiatives (Enclosure 2) c. BEDP-MATATAG Education Agenda Framework (Enclosure 3) d. Recommended Structure of SIP (Enclosure 4) 3. The Division Education Development Plan (DEDP) can be accessed through this link: https: // 4, ‘The following timelines shall be observed in the submission of the SIP: Schedule I Activities ] May 29-District 1 (AM) District 10 (PM) District Evaluation of SIP May 30-District 2 May 31-District 8 | June 1-District 4 . Address: Oslao St, Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City Para sa Diyos, Para sa Bata, Para sa Bayan Telefax No: (088) ~ 531-0831 The OROquieta Treasures: Our Learners Email Address: ‘Asenso Oroguietal MATATAG wae Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION X - NORTHERN MINDANAO SCHOOLS DIVISION OF OROQUIETA CITY ——— [June 2-District 7 June 5-District 6 June 6-District 5 June 7-District 9 June 8-District 3 June 9-15, 2023 Revision of the School Improvement Plan June 19, 2023 | Deadline of the Submission of Revised SIP to the Division Office 5. The composition of panel members for district evaluation of SIP is shown below: Chair: ‘Assistant Schools Division Superintendent | Chief Education Supervisor-SGOD Chief Education Supervisor-CID Members: EPS-Associates (D1-D10) PSDS/OIC-PSDSs (D-10) Planning Officer SEPS-M&E | SEPS-HRD | Division Research Coordinator Division Guidance Counselor 6. _ The panel members are requested to attend an orientation on May 24, 2023 at 1 p.m. at BAC Room. 7. _ The schedule of the division launching and presentation of SIP will be announced in a separate memorandum. 8. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. ea JEAN G. VELOSO Schools Division Superintendenty Incl, BEDP Framework, MATATAG Education Agenda 45 Key Initiatives, BEDP-MATATAG Education Agenda Framework, Recommended Stricture of SIP "To be indicated at the Perpetual Index Under the following subjects: SIP BEDP MATATAG EDUCATION AGENDA ‘VLA/DM 219 CRAFTING OF SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (SIP) INTEGRATING THE BEDP, MATATAG EDUCATION AGENDA + Address: Osilao St, Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City Para sa Diyos, Para sa Bata, Para sa Bayan Telefax No: (088) ~531-0831 ‘The OROquieta Treasures: Our Learners Email Address: ‘Asenso Oroquietal MATATAG Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION X - NORTHERN MINDANAO SCHOOLS DIVISION OF OROQUIETA CITY ——— Enclosure No. 1 of Division Memorandum No. __ 's. 2023 avenvepuate ee i a ae acumny ERESWIENCY & WELL-BEING 2. EQUITY 3. QUALITY ENABLING MECHANISMS ~ GOVERNANCE access. 2. EQUITY 3.quaury ny fe me apc ray: omar ‘ecmaton tr pong scm Bremerton prone Escrow woos a ao 4. RESILIENCY . Address: Osilao St, Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City ‘Telefax No: (088) ~$31-0831 Email Address: Para sa Diyos, Para sa Bata, Para sa Bayan ‘The OROquieta Treasures: Our Learners ‘Asenso Oroquietal MATATAG. Republic of the Dhilippines: Department of Education REGION X - NORTHERN MINDANAO SCHOOLS DIVISION OF OROQUIETA CITY Enclosure No. 2 of Division Memorandum No, __ s. 2023 ‘Make the curriculum relevant to produce job- ready, active and responsible citizens 1. Reve ak 2 Caton > trae ben mor epee ot ‘Spear oa etn 2. Sterner kaa + enna Sntecenopy tn popu 4 oro Egan pete) we 10. Engage wh CHED ond TESOA, Take steps to accelerate delivery of basic ‘education facilities and services 1. Grace Soa wrmcare aac shone 2. Bama seat at aeons 3. Coxe be remanig gat nsec ‘assur wh os Seat cructon “Eon apc ha & Rowe sous wn encresy Powe mimo psages tt ‘oom nan 7, Opton ou enerea process, Eicny crac memes 1 Ceneneur Nal aceon Pots 9. Sangben ne cmpererary Cataeen pane we ho 10am coma wan Corpo panrginrbeerpwaon CasTPE coma neice eases mtcenenary ‘camer 1 Step enone Bots Proper and GASTPE arecor 12 Ceatene be Proamonert See 45 key initiatives Take good care of learners by promoting learner well-being, inclusive education and positive learning environment « Address: Osila St., Poblacion 1, Oroguieta City Telefax No: (088) -$31-0831 Email Address: rote evant cena you (ation oases ‘Seegen and etree rete pantera Inemers Onsen aah (CA ae (Chen a Cann be LC) Stenger he mesunam 2 toprdng ox rms ogee at fomnctaccinmetin endanger Sexton erator epee term tenenin se 0 oyu rong be ere ‘Satngepier simi soos ae bpegarato Peano sien Give support for teachers to teach better Pee noone cree. Fearne dase eng apache ‘Shnung be PraganePreacrs Suns te Tears PST) 2 Cacao tants ant resin ‘echoogy nremeiieang ome Pe teeta tl ag 4 Prone nag anderen a ‘rengna teresa a aes 5. Fatma be rponerten deca “ree et Staton Posey 4 idee row ence Eason Cee ad Secretar yen 1 Anam aoa eet fects 1. renee ote ont dation ‘tuo wenins st somett achrg vee 10 Expand comrage tee grat. Spec sera 11 Ades hows ecg ert tte-nore py 12 Wen we DOM ete ara teat ‘catars reaseet 19 Comore wen be G3 rm eared ne Speer ets pcan at Ds prove! 14 Prous ato as asta ny (eae nan cognac ection. Para sa Diyos, Para sa Bata, Para sa Bayan ‘The OROguieta Treasures: Our Learners ‘Asenso Oroquietal MATATAG Republic of the Philippines Bepartment of Education REGION X —- NORTHERN MINDANAO SCHOOLS DIVISION OF OROQUIETA CITY Enclosure No. 3 of Division Memorandum No. ___ s. 2023 60 aL sector outcome inremncoiare ENABLING MECHANISMS - GOVERNANCE | « Address: Osilao St, Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City Para sa Diyos, Para sa Bata, Para sa Bayan Telefax No: (088) ~ 531-0831, ‘The OROquieta Treasures: Our Learners Email Address: ‘senso Oroquietal MATATAG Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION X — NORTHERN MINDANAO SCHOOLS DIVISION OF OROQUIETA CITY Enclosure No. 4 of Division Memorandum No. ___ s. 2023 Chapter Title Minimum Content I DepEd's Vision, Articulation of DepEd vision, mission, and core Mission, and Core _values on how these will influence the school ways Values of doing things. 0 School's Current Situation a. Introducing the Description of the school which may include but ‘School not limited to i. size of school, ii, curriculum offering iii, location and catchment areas, iv. environment and socio-economic condition, v. physical environment, vi. immediate community, and vii. linkages. b. School Shows the following: Performance on enrolment trends (minimum of 4 years historical Access data) including its analysis, historical data on: a) community intake rate (5- year-old children located in the catchment areas) for the elementary level, b) simple drop-out rate, c) school leaver rate, and d. transition rates, good performing and problematic KPIs (identified per grade or key stage) and corresponding causes (best practices and bottlenecks -internal or external factors), analysis of the strengths or weaknesses of past interventions or programs /projects/activities in relation to access and Foresceable problems if problematic KPIs are not acted upon + Address: Osilao St, Poblacion 1, Qroquieta City Para sa Divs, Para sa Bato, Para sa Bayan Telefax No: (088) 531-0631 ‘The OROguieta Treasures: Our Learners Email Address: oroquieta.cty@deped gov.oh ‘senso Oroquietal MATATAG = Republic of the Philippines Bepartment of Education REGION X — NORTHERN MINDANAO SCHOOLS DIVISION OF OROQUIETA CITY c. School Reading Proficiencies /Competencies ~ a) present Performance on and describe the level of reading competencies of Quality all learners, b) show the group of high and low performers, c) provide explanation of causes (internal or external factors), iv. explain the strength or weaknesses of past interventions or programs /projects/activities in relation to reading v. discuss potential problems if performance issues are not addressed (if necessary). Learning Standards/Performance ~ a) present and describe latest performance in the National Achievement Test by Subject by group/grade, b) show the group/grade level in high and low performance, c) provide explanation of causes (internal or external factors), iv. explain the strength or weaknesses of past interventions or programs /projects/activities or practice in relation to reading v. discuss potential problems if performance issues are not addressed (if necessary). The school may also discuss the performance regional and division tests (if available), awards and recognition, performance in ILSAs (international Large-Scale Assessments) (if the school has participated) . School concerns —_Analysis of issues on inclusion programs or on Equity and initiatives. Specifically, this section will cover Inclusion learners in disadvantaged sectors like learners with disabilities, working children and youth, street children, children in conflict, indigenous people's etc. This section will: i, identify and describe these learners in disadvantaged sector. ii. describe the challenges they are face in accessing basic education explain the strength or weaknesses of past interventions or programs /projects/activities or practice in relation to reading discuss potential problems if performance issues are not addressed {if necessary). €. School concerns _Analysis of nutritional status of learners, incidence of bullying, school hazards, mental and psychosocial condition including security and Peace and order situation ‘Address: Osilao St, Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City Para sa Diyos, Para sa Bata, Para sa Bayan Telefax No: (088)—531-0831 The OROquieta Treasures: Our Learners Email Address: ‘Asenso Oroquietal MATATAG foes wae @ Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION X ~- NORTHERN MINDANAO SCHOOLS DIVISION OF OROQUIETA CITY £. School concerns on May include school resources analysis on human governance g. Other Unique concerns m Improvement Plan a. Key Performance Indicators (targets) b. strategies/ school strategic directions c. Key Interventions IV Financial Plan a. Six Year Indicative Financial Plan b. Year 1 Annual Tesources, school resources, and development prospects. Basic ratios may be presented and teacher performance, SBM practice, and partnerships, among others. Discuss in this section the governance issues encountered by the school for the last 3 years. It may include unique issues that are not captured in the 4 pillars School Strategic Plan 6-year realistic targets on access, equity, quality, resilience, well-being, and governance. Priorities that the schools shall focus to address key and immediate challenges and harnessing opportunities in the next six years. ‘These are specific actions that school will undertake to accomplish identified strategies, ‘These may be in a form of nationally driven programs and projects, locally initiated interventions to address unique conditions, and specific activities designed to address short-term issues. This shall be converted into output statement. The financial plan provides resources to the key interventions. School Strategic Plan which outlines school priorities in 6year cycle. Should include goals, outcomes, strategies, and outputs for the next 6 years. Please refer to Annex 3 for the suggested format. Plan execution document using the standard Improvement template for Work and Financial Plan. This outline Plan the one (1) year plan of the school from January to December. Please refer to Annex 4 for the suggested format. «Address: Osilao St, Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City aaa vox, Eve Va aca raaae aaa Telefax No: (088) — 532-0831 ‘The OROquieta Treasures: Our Learners Email Address: oroquietacity@deped senso Oroquietal MATATAG eee Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION X — NORTHERN MINDANAO: SCHOOLS DIVISION OF OROQUIETA CITY v School Monitoring _A systematic process for collection, collation, and and analysis of key education data and information Evaluation and that will allow the SGC to determine the progress Adjustments of SIP implementation based on targets. The main objective of the SMEA is to facilitate decision- making for a more relevant and responsive delivery of basic education services at the school level. Pending the issuance of a monitoring and evaluation manual, schools may still use the SRC as a platform/way of communicating the results of school M&E to school stakeholders, provided that the minimum KPIs required in this policy are covered. In monitoring and evaluating the SIP, Mid-year and end-term assessment shall be conducted. May include SMEA culmination and regular Program Implementation Review (PIR as a platform for communicating/reporting of monitoring results. Could be done monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, and annually. M&E strategies and activities shall be aligned with DO 29, s, 2022 or the BEMEF Policy. vl Risk Management _These shalll include the registry of identified Risks, Plan its description, and the strategic solutions to mitigate the impact of each identified risk. Chapter 3-Improvement Plan Key Performance Indicators (targets)-based from DEDP Strategies/School Strategic Directions and Key Interventions Pillar 1: ACCESS STRATEGIES Intermediate Outcome: All school-age children, out-of-school youth, and adults accessed relevant basic learning opportunities, ‘Address: Osilao St, Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City Para sa Diyos, Para sa Bata, Para sa Bayan Telefax No: (088) ~ 531-0831 The OROquiete Treasures: Our Learners Email Address: ‘senso Oroquietal MATATAG ee ‘Republic of the Dhilippines Department of Education REGION X ~ NORTHERN MINDANAO SCHOOLS DIVISION OF OROQUIETA CITY ‘MATATAG FRAMEWORK: ‘TAke good care of learners by promoting learner well-being, inclusive education, and a positive learning environment Strategy 1: Improve the _| Description Proficiency Level of learners in English, Science and Mathematics from 66% to 75%in three fears Strategy 2: | Description panic t Strategy 3:_ | Description _ Strategy 4 | Deseription Strategy 5: Description KEY INTERVENTIONS Project Title: Problem Statement: Project Objective: Root Cause: (You may have two or more project each pillar) | Activity/ies | Output Person | Schedule/ | Budget | Budget Responsible | Voie per | Source Activity. ‘Address: Oslao St, Poblacion 2, Oroquieta City Para sa Diyos, Para sa Bata, Para sa Bayan Telefax No: (088) ~ 531-0831 The OROquieta Treasures: Our Learners Email Address: ‘Asenso Oroquietal MATATAG Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION X - NORTHERN MINDANAO’ SCHOOLS DIVISION OF OROQUIETA CITY Pillar 2: EQUITY STRATEGIES Intermediate Outcome: Disadvantaged school-age children and youth, and adults benefited from appropriate equity initiatives. MATATAG FRAMEWORK: ‘TAke good care of learners by promoting learner well-being, inclusive education, and a positive learning environment; and Strategy 1 Description Strategy 2 Description Strategy 3 Description L = | | KEY INTERVENTIONS Project Title: Problem Statement: Project Objective: Root Cause: Activity/ies | Output Person | Schedule/ | Budget | Budget Responsible Vea per Source Activity i «Address: Osilao St., Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City Para sa Diyos, Para sa Bata, Para sa Bayan Telefax No: (088) 531-0832 The OROguieta Treasures: Our Learners Email Address: ‘senso Oroquieta! MATATAG —— Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION X ~ NORTHERN MINDANAO SCHOOLS DIVISION OF OROQUIETA CITY Pillar 3: QUALITY STRATEGIES Intermediate Outcome: Learners complete K-12 basic ed having attained all learning standards that equip them with the necessary skills and attributes to pursue their chosen paths. MATATAG FRAMEWORK: = MAke the curriculum relevant to produce competent and job-ready, active, | and responsible citizens; Strategy 1 Description | Strategy 2 Description | Strategy 3 Description Strategy 4 Description | Strategy 5 Description «Address: Oslao St, Poblacion 2, Oroquieta Cty Para sa Diyos, Para sa Bat, Para so Bayan Telefax No: (088) - 531-0832 ‘The OROguieta Tressures: Our Learners Email Address: ‘Asenso Oroquietal MATATAG Republic of the Philtppines Department of Education REGION X —- NORTHERN MINDANAO SCHOOLS DIVISION OF OROQUIETA CITY KEY INTERVENTIONS Project Title: Problem Statement: Project Objective: Root Cause: Activity/ies | Output Person Schedule/ | Budget per | Budget Responsible | ae Source Pillar 4: Resiliency and Well-being STRATEGIES Intermediate Outcome: : Learners are resilient and know their rights, and have the life skills to protect themselves and claim their education-related rights from DepEd and other duty-bearers to promote learners’ well-being. | MATATAG FRAMEWORK: *TAke good care of learners by promoting learner well-being, inclusive education, and a positive learning environment; and Strategy 1: Description + Address: Osila St., Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City Para sa Diyos, Para sa Bata, Para sa Bayan Telefax No: (088) -531-0831 ‘The OROguieta Treasures: Our Learners Email Address: ‘Asenso Oroquietal MAT, [ATAG s w Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education REGION X —- NORTHERN MINDANAO SCHOOLS DIVISION OF OROQUIETA CITY cay Description Strategy Description | strategy 4: Description | KEY INTERVENTIONS Project Title Problem Statement: Project Objective: Root Cause: Activity/ies | Output Person Schedule/ | Budget per | Budget Responsible | ley Source ENABLING MECHANISMS- GOVERNANCE STRATEGIES Intermediate Outcome: Efficient, nimble and resilient governance and management processes. MATATAG FRAMEWORK: ‘TAke steps to accelerate delivery of basic education facilities and services. + Address: Oslao St., Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City Para sa Diyos, Para sa Bata, Para sa Bayan Telefax No: (088) -$31-0831 The OROguieta Treasures: Our Learners Email Address: oroquieta ‘Asenso Oroquietal_ MATATAG on Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education REGION X — NORTHERN MINDANAO: SCHOOLS DIVISION OF OROQUIETA CITY f | Strategy 1 Description Strategy 2 __| Description Strategy 3 Description = Strategy 4 Description xs KEY INTERVENTIONS Project Title: Problem Statement: Project Objective: Root Cause: Activity/ies | Output Person Schedule/ | Budget per | Budget | Responsible | Ve ay Source Implement | Pupils join | School Head, | June ~ 20, 000 PTA. MOOE | ‘Campus writing Teachers, March | Journalism | contest Pupils Program | | ENABLING MECHANISMS- GOVERNANCE STRATEGIES Intermediate Outcome: Efficient, nimble and resilient governance and management processes. + Address: Osilao St,, Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City Para sa Diyos, Para sa Bata, Para sa Bayan Telefax No: (088) 531-0831 ‘The OROquieta Treasures: Our Learners Email Address: ‘senso Oroquietal MATATAG Republic of the Philippines Bepartment of Education REGION X - NORTHERN MINDANAO SCHOOLS DIVISION OF OROQUIETA CITY —————— | strategy 1 Description Strategy 2 |Description Strategy 2 Description KEY INTERVENTIONS Project Title: Problem Statement: Project Objective: Root Cause: I Activity/ies | Output Person Schedule/ | Budget per | Budget Responsible | ve sooty Source | I I { ‘Address: Oslao St, Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City Para sa Diyos, Para sa Bata, Para s2 Bayan Telefax No: (088) ~ $31-0831 ‘The OROquieta Treasures: Our Learners Email Address ‘Asenso Oroquietal MATATAG et

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