Outline For Pre-Historic and Egytian Art

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Paleolithic period

Hunter Gatherer

- Human create the first sculptures and paintings, long before the invention of writing
- The most ancient period known human history

Silhouette View

View where the image is in the solid shape.

Profile View

A side view often very detailed or very realistic.

Mesolithic period (15,000 – 8,000 CE) [In Greek, Meso = Middle, Lithos = Stone]

TAMING OF DOG FOOD GATHERING – they able hunt food much easier of the dog

- The art of this time ranges in scale from tiny figurines to life size painting and relief sculptures on cave walls.

Neolithic period (8,000 – 2,300 BCE) [In Greek, Neo = New Lithos = Stone]

Agriculture, Monumental, Architecture and Domestic Animals

- Beginning of agriculture and the formation of the earliest settled communities, first in Anatolia
and Mesopotamia and later in Europe.
- The Birth of monumental sculpture and architecture and the introduction of coherent narratives in painting.

Monumental Architecture-Large Scale Architecture

Megalith – A large stone that forms a prehistoric monument.

Palette of king Narmer – known to use royal ceremonial

Hieratic scale representing the size of things according to their importance

Register one of a number of bands or sections into which a design is divided

Important Gods of Ancient Egypt

- Hathor = daughter of Re, divine mother of the Pharaohs

- Osiris = Lord of the Underworld, murdered by his brother Seth. Osiris’ wife was Isis
- Horus = son of Osiris, avenged his father’s death by killing Seth and become king of Egypt
- Ra [later merged with God Amen (Amen—Ra)] = the supreme god, God of sun, brought light to the world

The Rosetta Stone – Hieroglyph

There are 3 types of Crowns

- The Upper Egypt

- The Lower Egypt
- United Egypt

Great Pyramids of Menkaure, and Khufu. Giza, Egypt. Fourth dynasty

Symbols of the Sun, resembling the pyramidal ben-ben stone, an emblem of Heliopolis, the location of the
cult and the temple of Ra.

Menkaus & Mastaba.

My thoughts about the significance of Pre-historic and Egyptian art in our present art was, the artworks from the
prehistoric era convey how people from that era live their lives. These artworks are important for the people in the
present times to know and find what people in the early times do for living. These artworks also convey the religious
and culture of early people

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