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Beijing’s techno-nationalist approach to digital innovation

puts the United States at a disadvantage, with serious
ramifications for economic, military, and political security.
Now is the time for a strategic response.

he Chinese Communist Party is determined to network technology, is one of the most visible of the
dominate the global digital marketplace. Chinese technology flashpoints in the US-China relationship. 5G
companies with virtually unlimited access to is the backbone for a wide range of new technological
capital for the development of the next generation advances, including Smart Cities and the Internet of
of connectivity are going head-to-head with US Things. China is racing to be first with a whole-of-
companies. Beyond economic competition, Beijing’s government approach encompassing resources and
techno-authoritarianism travels too, and Beijing is bureaucratic coordination not imaginable in the United
working to export to sympathetic regimes the same States, which relies on individual companies in the
combination of equipment and ideology it uses for private sector to build and operate 5G infrastructure.
monitoring and controlling its citizens at home. China’s ambitions extend beyond being first to deploy 5G
Conflicts between China and other nations, nationwide or dominate global market share. To facilitate
including the United States, have been brewing its goals, the Chinese government is carefully calibrating
for decades, centering around China’s unfair trade Chinese companies’ participation in international
practices, subsidies, market barriers, and intellectual standards-setting bodies, aiming to ensure that global
property theft. As high technology becomes increasingly standards are compatible with Chinese technology for
important to the global economy, concern about generations to come.
the Chinese government’s practices in the world of China’s comprehensive approach to advancing 5G,
technology also grows. with the weight of the Chinese government and its
The global race to 5G, the fifth generation of cellular funding behind it, has both economic and national


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security consequences for the United States. China’s pursue state-directed industrial policy, steal intellectual
digital initiatives give China a greater foothold to property, and maintain barriers to market access. One-
expand export markets for its technology, develop global party rule and the suppression of dissent remained
standards that favor Chinese products and services, staples of authoritarian governance. And though the
export its authoritarian values, control information, and sustainability of its debt-driven economic growth is
expand surveillance as it supplies digital infrastructure to certainly questionable, China has shown it can move
consumers and governments throughout the world. from mere copying and assembly to innovation of
advanced technology, even if it relies largely on theft of
Belt and Road, global stage trade secrets and subsidies to its national champions to
The Chinese government’s strategy for achieving do so. Beijing wants to move from “made in China” to
global technological dominance manifests throughout “made by China,” and then to “invented by China.”
President Xi Jinping’s signature foreign policy, the Belt Though the most visible manifestations of BRI are
and Road Initiative (BRI). BRI is an externally oriented economic, it has clear strategic intent, aiming to increase
development program designed to increase Chinese China’s influence over global politics and governance.
presence and investments in countries around the Chinese leaders want to use BRI to revise the global
world, expand markets for Chinese products, and help political and economic order to align with Chinese
China’s slowing economy. It is also solidifying China’s interests. In a speech marking BRI’s fifth anniversary
global footprint and increasing its diplomatic and in August 2018, President Xi emphasized that the
strategic power. BRI, which formally launched in 2013, initiative “serves as a solution for China to participate
is actually not a new concept. It is rather a culmination in global opening up and cooperation, improve global
and rebranding of previous policies and projects aimed economic governance, promote common development
at creating a Chinese sphere of geopolitical and economic and prosperity, and build a community of common
influence that usurps that of the United States and human destiny.” The phrase “common human destiny”
displaces Western liberal values. Chinese leaders call it is repeated throughout Chinese Communist Party
the “project of the century” and have written it into the speeches on BRI and makes clear the all-encompassing
nation’s constitution. As China opened up to the world nature of Xi’s goals.
and implemented market-opening economic reforms
in the 1980s and 1990s, China’s then-paramount leader, Digital Silk Road, surveillance state
Deng Xiaoping, counseled an approach to “hide your A central component of the BRI is the Digital Silk
capabilities and bide your time.” In this view, the outside Road: China’s plan for integrating the digital sectors of
world did not need to see how China was getting stronger telecommunications (including the major companies
until its leaders were ready to exercise the country’s ZTE, China Mobile, and Huawei), the Internet of
strength. With BRI, China’s leadership has signaled an Things, and e-commerce (Alibaba and to create
end to the Deng era. BRI underscores China’s move onto regional connectivity. The plan envisions a China-
the global stage and goes hand-in-hand with newfound centric technological order, founded on Chinese exports
diplomatic assertiveness and aggressive regional military of digital infrastructure such as cross-border optical
buildup. cables and other communications networks, while
Broadly, BRI’s land-based “belt” crosses from China to setting the stage for the Chinese government amassing
Central and South Asia, to the Middle East, and then to large datasets and manipulating political perceptions
Europe. The sea-based “road” connects China with South around the world. According to China’s vice minister of
Asia, the Middle East, East Africa, and Europe via sea- industry and information technology, Chen Zhaoxiong,
lanes that traverse the South China Sea, Indian Ocean, the Digital Silk Road will help “construct a community
Red Sea, Suez Canal, and Eastern Mediterranean. But of common destiny in cyberspace,” a phrase mirroring
BRI’s ambitions are not confined to just two geographic language China uses to describe its preferred vision for a
paths. Although plans for additional areas are less global order aligned to Beijing’s liking.
developed, China’s vision includes Latin America, the Where Chinese 5G equipment and connected
Caribbean, the Arctic, and even outer space. products are used anywhere in the world, they could gain
Two decades ago, China’s entry into the World Trade access to the private data of billions of people, enabling
Organization was promoted as key to spurring both the Chinese government to collect private information
economic and political liberalization. At the time it was about individuals’ medical histories, spending habits,
also believed that liberal democratic governance was political views, personal details expressed on social
a precondition for economic success and sustainable media, physical location, financial situation, and
technological advancement. Instead, China continued to more. Access to such information could be used in any

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number of ways, including gaining a commercial or The app was developed by the Party’s Propaganda
technical advantage in data-driven markets, targeting key Department with help from the Chinese company
individuals for recruitment by intelligence operations, or Alibaba. Code found in the app provides “superuser”
compromising political figures. access to smartphones, enabling the modification of files
China is already employing an Orwellian application and installation of keystroke logging software. Users
of technology to repress an entire population, as seen in must agree to allow access to personal data, cameras,
the chilling actions of the Chinese government against microphones, call logs, and locations in order to run
the Uyghurs, a minority Muslim group, in Xinjiang the app.
province. Estimates of the number of Muslims in The Chinese government’s techno-nationalist
China being held in concentration camps run as high policy has a goal of reducing the country’s dependence
as two million people. Cultural and religious sites, on foreign—principally US—technology and then
such as mosques and cemeteries, are being demolished, achieving technological superiority. It embraces
and Uyghur women are being raped both inside and technology as a central tool of illiberal governance,
outside the camps. Beijing’s repression in Xinjiang is enhancing the effectiveness of surveillance, censorship,
increasingly enabled by a broad array of technology, propaganda, and suppression of dissent, and also aims
including surveillance cameras, artificial intelligence, outward, seeking to export these technologies and
biometrics (such as voice samples and DNA), and facial the authoritarian model they enable. At the May 2017
recognition profiling. The nongovernmental organization Belt and Road Forum President Xi said, “We should
Human Rights Watch has documented extensive use advance the development of big data, cloud computing,
of technology to track and control the Uyghurs. It has and smart cities,” all technologies advanced by 5G.
reported that the Chinese government is installing QR The Digital Silk Road raises serious concerns about
codes on Uyghur homes in order to get instant access to both information security and the expansion of the
the personal details of the people who live there. Leaving surveillance state beyond China’s borders.
one’s home by the back door instead of the front is
deemed suspicious activity. Controlling the playing field
More broadly, through the Chinese government’s Telecommunications are a central part of China’s
system of “social credit scores,” enabled by advanced Belt and Road Initiative, raising alarm about both
communication technologies, the government is working information security globally and the expansion of the
to stamp out dissent and criticism of government officials Chinese surveillance state. Chinese telecommunications
and actions, and to promote conformity and loyalty companies are expanding their efforts to build
to Chinese Communist Party ideology. By gathering infrastructure, provide network services, and sell
information about individuals such as where they are communications equipment in BRI countries. And,
traveling and with whom they are communicating, for together with the equipment, countries are buying
example, the Chinese government is refining its ability its standards. Through the combination of setting
to implement social controls. Already, some people in the standards and building the infrastructure, China
China are finding themselves unable to purchase airplane controls the equipment, the technical assistance, and the
tickets, gain employment, or obtain housing based on ability to shape developing technology.
their social credit scores. China is promoting the implementation of its
A Chinese app known in English as “Study the Great national standards for 5G in countries along the Belt
Nation” and likened to Mao’s “Little Red Book,” released and Road. The Chinese companies Huawei, China
early in 2019, is already being used by one hundred Mobile, and ZTE are closely involved in developing 5G
million people. The app is designed to inculcate in people technology and have increased their participation in
the views of China’s leader, indoctrinating them with “Xi international standard-setting bodies for 5G. According
Jinping thought” and enforcing loyalty to the Chinese to research by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute,
Communist Party. Chinese people are encouraged to as of April 2019, Chinese companies were involved in 52
download the app and use its exercises, earning points 5G initiatives in 34 countries.
by reading articles, commenting positively on them, Chinese control of underlying technical “laws”
and taking quizzes about China and its leader. In some and architectural frameworks gives Chinese products,
workplaces, use of the app is tied to wages, and the app already developed to those standards, a competitive
is mandatory for Party officials and civil servants. It also edge, puts Chinese companies in the prime position
provides a potential “backdoor” for the Party to log users’ to provide technical assistance, and allows new
locations, calls, and contact lists, according to a report technologies produced in China to be designed to
published by the German cybersecurity company Cure53. meet those standards. The United States has long


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benefited from its ability to set standards in a broad of November 2019. Verizon is close behind, with service
range of technical areas, including cell towers, mobile offered in roughly 20 cities and plans to launch in 10 more
device communications, data centers, and smart utility by the end of 2019. T-Mobile has launched the United
networks. Now, BRI is intended to advance the adoption States’ first nationwide network as of early December 2019,
of Chinese technology standards in these and other but this network relies on upgraded 4G equipment and
areas such as high-speed rail, telecommunications, and is only slightly faster than the carrier’s current 4G LTE
energy. If these efforts are successful, they will create network.
long-term reliance on Chinese intellectual property and The Chinese government provides its state-owned
technology, while disadvantaging US and other non- telecommunication companies with an array of
Chinese companies throughout the world. advantages as they move forward on domestic 5G
In purely economic terms, the Chinese government’s implementation. For example, whereas US carriers bid
whole-of-government push to win the race for 5G is $2.7 billion at auctions for 5G spectrum, the Chinese
showing results. According to a report released by the government provides virtually free bandwidth. The
multinational professional services firm Deloitte in telecommunications operator Huawei does not disclose
August 2018, since 2015 China had built 350,000 new how much support it receives from the Chinese
5G towers, compared with 30,000 constructed by the government. According to a Harvard Business School
United States. Factoring in differences in permitting working paper, for a typical Chinese company in a
costs and total market size, Deloitte projected that the technology-intensive sector, 22% of expenditures
United States had underspent China on 5G by about
$24 billion over a three-year period. The four largest US
mobile network operators would have needed to increase
capital expenditures (including costs of 4G network China controls the equipment, the
maintenance, improvements, and new construction) by technical assistance, and the ability
16% over those three years to have kept up with China’s
pace of 5G deployment. to shape developing technology.
Although the United States will likely retain the
lead in implementing some of the most complicated
5G technologies, China is well poised to pull ahead in on research and development consist of government
general commercial rollout as well as become a global subsidies. Huawei, as a flagship Chinese company,
magnet for engineering talent. The sheer scale of China’s likely receives more. And direct subsidies are not the
5G program and the government support provide only benefit tilting the playing field in Huawei’s favor.
significant cost advantages, as do well-established local It receives favorable financing deals backed by Chinese
supply chains and lower permitting costs. The Deloitte state-owned policy banks that can provide huge loans and
study estimates that “equipment necessary to add a guaranteed share of domestic contracts, not to mention
telecommunications carrier in China is about 65% reduced R&D costs through theft of intellectual property.
the cost of adding one in the United States.” China’s US companies are thus forced to compete on an
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology uneven playing field, where Chinese companies can
issued commercial 5G licenses to the country’s three easily be the lowest bidder, often coming in with bids up
major state-owned telecom operators in June 2019. In to 30% lower than non-Chinese companies. In one case,
November, all three launched commercial 5G networks, Huawei underbid by 60% the Swedish company Ericsson
marking an accelerated deployment from China’s in supplying the Dutch carrier KPN for 5G equipment,
original plans to launch in 2020. China Mobile, the according to the Washington Post. Dutch authorities
country’s largest network, is now live in 50 cities, with decided to use Huawei for less vulnerable segments of the
the other two networks planning to reach as many cities network and stick to safer suppliers for the network’s core.
by the end of 2019. Measuring by number of 5G base However, developing countries often cannot afford to take
stations, China is neck-and-neck with South Korea for similar precautions, particularly because Chinese policy
the world’s largest 5G network. Unsurprisingly, Huawei, banks provide generous lending terms to countries that
which has close government ties and is China’s leading install Chinese telecommunications equipment.
telecommunications equipment provider, won half the
contracts for 5G network equipment from China Mobile. Backdoors and hijacked data
By comparison, US networks trail in breadth of The expansion of Huawei creates a number of concerns,
coverage and speed. AT&T’s 5G network is live, but only not least of which are the vulnerabilities in its equipment
for commercial customers in parts of 21 US cities, as that make it open to attack by hackers, the potential

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collection of sensitive data through backdoors, and attempted to reroute the traffic back to Italy, but failed.
the company’s legal obligation to deliver information In another incident of data hijacking described by Doug
to the Chinese government if asked. A report released Madory, director of an Oracle internet analysis unit,
in June 2019 by Finite State, a Columbus, Ohio- China Telecom “engaged in Internet traffic ‘misdirection,’”
based cybersecurity firm, describes how Huawei impacting a large US infrastructure company.
telecommunications gear is far more likely than As a large Chinese company, Huawei is required by
other companies’ equipment to have flaws that can be law to have a Chinese Communist Party Committee,
leveraged by hackers for malicious use. Exploitation of which influences corporate governance in parallel with
known vulnerabilities, such as backdoors, could enable the board of directors. Its role is to enforce the strategic
Huawei, or government or private hackers, to access and ideological goals of the Party. Huawei also benefits
a broad range of data. Such exploitation could allow from subsidies and other advantages the Chinese state
unauthorized, malicious, and disruptive access to US confers to national champions, including guaranteed
critical infrastructure. domestic market share and market entry barriers for
Data hijacking—the redirection of internet traffic foreign competitors. Though Huawei claims that it would
and exfiltration of data—by Chinese telecom equipment not turn over information to the Chinese government if
is well documented. A handful of networks form the it was asked to do so, Chinese law requires companies in
global backbone of the internet, and data generally get China to help national authorities gather intelligence. For a
transmitted across the shortest route to their destination telecom operator, the information could include anything
IP address. The routing process is determined behind the transmitted over a Huawei network. In late July 2019, Czech
Radio broke a story that cited former Huawei managers
in the Czech Republic and Czech intelligence sources
China is well poised to pull ahead asserting that Huawei employees were required to collect
sensitive and personal data on government officials and
in general commercial rollout as
businesspeople. They claimed that the material, which was
well as become a global magnet sometimes shared with officials at the Chinese Embassy,
was entered into a central database that could be accessed
for engineering talent. by Huawei’s headquarters in China.
The Henry Jackson Society in London recently analyzed
scenes through Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) tables, a trove of twenty-five thousand resumes of Huawei
which show the closest network for data to flow through. employees and found that many mid-level technical
In redirecting, the BGP is hijacked by a network that personnel had strong backgrounds in work associated with
claims it is the closest network even if it is not. Hijack intelligence gathering and military activities. Specifically,
attacks are often difficult to detect, especially if they these employees had at least one of the following
simply change the route, capture the data, then deliver it characteristics: “worked as agents within China’s Ministry
to its intended recipient. (It is also possible to intercept of State Security, worked on joint projects with the Chinese
data and never forward it on). But in some cases, the People’s Liberation Army, were educated at China’s leading
geographical internet traffic routes—and the time the military academy, and/or had been employed with a
data spends in transmission—are far too disjointed to be military unit linked to a cyber attack on US corporations.”
accidental. Countries purchasing 5G equipment from Chinese telecom
In 2016 and 2017, internet traffic was redirected operators do so at their peril.
from North America into China a number of times,
as documented in a 2018 article by Chris Demchak Exporting techno-authoritarianism
of the US Naval War College and Yuval Shavitt of Tel Out of national security concerns, some countries,
Aviv University, published in Military Cyber Affairs. starting with Australia, have banned Huawei from
Redirected data to China disappeared into a black box, their 5G network. The United States participates in an
then came back out the other side and proceeded to its important, on-going surveillance and intelligence sharing
destination. arrangement, the Five Eyes (FVEY), with Australia,
In October 2016, a major connection point in Los the United Kingdom, Canada, and New Zealand. If
Angeles (where a long-distance telecommunications any of these countries chooses to allow Huawei into its
carrier connects to a local network and moves the local 5G network, there are serious concerns that this will
traffic to its destination), owned by a China Telecom compromise the group’s ability to share information
subsidiary, was used to re-route bank data to China securely.
that was destined for Italy. In this case, the attackers Chinese-built 5G networks are spreading across Africa


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and Latin America. Huawei has reportedly built about Middle Eastern countries.
70% of Africa’s 4G networks and has signed a contract In 2017, the computer system of the headquarters of
for South Africa’s first commercial 5G network. It should the African Union—an assembly of 55 member states on
be expected that Huawei’s work in 5G across Africa will the continent of Africa—in Addis Ababa was discovered
grow. The China-Africa Research Initiative at the Johns by information technology technicians to be sending out
Hopkins University School of Advanced International large amounts of data at 2:00 a.m. nightly. The French
Studies identified 47 different Huawei projects across newspaper Le Monde reported in 2018 that the data, said
Africa that were benefiting from subsidized loans. to have been the entire contents of the African Union’s
Of those, 45 were financed by the Export-Import servers, was being sent to servers in Shanghai. The
Bank of China. Far beyond providing export credit to African Union headquarters had been designed and built
companies in the way the United States’ EXIM Bank by the Chinese and computer systems had been delivered
does, this goliath state financing vehicle extends credit turn-key—with backdoors in the system. The servers are
to developing countries and Chinese companies in believed to have been made by Huawei.
those countries, often to fund Chinese infrastructure A Chinese state-owned company specializing in big
construction. China’s bank provides loans to favored data and artificial intelligence can mine the equivalent
sectors or causes that are often not commercially viable of five trillion words in 65 different languages every day
but represent a policy, security, or diplomatic priority to from sources such as social and traditional media for
the Chinese government. As of 2018, it had $491 billion in use by China’s national security apparatus, according
outstanding loans—nearly 30 times that of the US EXIM to a report by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.
Bank. The information gathered could be used for a multitude
5G, with its faster download speeds and enhanced of purposes, including tracking criticism of Chinese
capacity, can be used for good and for ill. There are government actions, identifying sources of dissent, and
very real concerns that 5G networks could be used targeting populations or individuals for cultivation as
to sow confusion, seed misinformation, and disrupt “friends” of China.
normal activities in the event of a conflict. Even in
liberal democracies, 5G networks may be used to collect All is not lost ... yet
information to try to silence dissent and undermine There are steps the US government can and should take
opposition. The export of Chinese equipment brings now, including assessing supply chain risk, ensuring that
with it particular concerns about the export of Chinese the nation quickly and securely deploys a 5G network,
techno-authoritarianism and the surveillance state. and enhancing the review of exports and investments
To appreciate what’s at stake, one need only look to protect the country’s national security interests.
at Ecuador’s smart policing system—built by Chinese The United States remains a leader in researching
companies, partly staffed by Chinese technicians, and producing cutting-edge dual-use technologies as
well as some of the essential components in China’s
telecommunications expansion. In the wrong hands,
The entire contents of the African both the technologies and the components could
Union’s servers was being sent undermine United States’ interests. Chinese firms may
seek to acquire this intellectual property and know-how,
to servers in Shanghai. as well as vital data on US citizens, through acquisitions
of US companies.
and financed by Chinese state loans. As of 2018, the US companies and consumers are very clearly at risk,
nationwide network included 4,300 cameras and as is the US military. Advanced technology is central to
was being tested tests for the use of large-scale facial the ability of the nation’s modern military to operate.
recognition. The system also includes the capability to As the Department of Defense considers how best to
track the location of mobile devices. During his visit to harness the immense bandwidth and potential inherent
Ecuador in 2016, Xi Jinping visited the headquarters of in commercial 5G systems, any possible risks associated
the smart policing center, highlighting the role of Chinese with the use of Chinese equipment must get serious
surveillance equipment. Though Ecuador was a pioneer consideration. In an April 3, 2019, statement, six retired
for China’s export of wholesale surveillance systems, US senior military leaders expressed concern about a
other South American countries have followed suit, and Chinese-developed 5G network, including its ability to
China is planning destinations for these technologies provide near-persistent data transfer back to China. They
beyond that continent. In 2018, Xi Jinping called for pointed out that China’s 2017 National Intelligence Law
further Chinese exports of “social stability” techniques to legally requires that “any organization or citizen shall

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support, assist, and cooperate with” the Chinese security adamant that Huawei is a national security threat
services. Using Chinese-developed networks to transfer and not a bargaining chip in trade negotiations. The
military data is inherently risky and could endanger US 2019 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)
military operations in locations around the world. prohibited purchases by federal government agencies
Acting out of both national and economic security of telecommunications equipment or services from
concerns, the Trump administration has taken partial China, including those produced by Huawei and ZTE,
steps to limit or ban Huawei’s purchase of US parts and of surveillance and telecommunications equipment
and components. In May 2019, Huawei was placed on produced by the Chinese companies Hytera, Hikvision,
the Entities List, administered by the Department of and Dahua. The administration released a preliminary
Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security, which version of an interim rule implementing this provision,
identifies companies and other organizations believed and the rule went into effect on August 13. The House
to be involved (or to pose a significant risk of becoming and Senate have recently agreed on language for NDAA
involved) in activities contrary to US national security 2020 that requires Huawei to remain on the entity list
or foreign policy interests. The administration’s ban has until other regulations are put in place to safeguard
been delayed three times with 90-day temporary licenses telecommunications infrastructure, and requires the
from the Department of Commerce, and companies Department of Commerce to issue a report on licenses
have continued selling to Huawei through the waivers. granted for export to Huawei.
In June 2019, President Trump announced at the G20 In an additional attempt to limit Chinese products
meeting that he was lifting some of the restrictions on from US telecommunications infrastructure, the Federal
Huawei. He said he would allow US companies to resume Communications Commission in November 2019 voted
sales of their high-technology equipment to Huawei as unanimously to deny subsidies from the $8.5 billion
annual Universal Service Fund to companies purchasing
Huawei and ZTE equipment, and proposed that the
Using Chinese-developed networks subsidy recipients be required to replace existing Huawei
to transfer military data is inherently equipment in order to receive additional subsidies.
These efforts at oversight by the administration and
risky and could endanger US military the Congress are crucial. But more action is needed.
operations. The US-China Economic and Security Review
Commission, a bipartisan, congressionally chartered
commission that I chaired in 2019, looked closely at 5G
long as the sales did not involve goods related to national and the Internet of Things in its 2018 annual report and
security. According to media reports, Beijing demanded recommended that:
the removal of the US ban on the sale of US technology
to Huawei as a precondition for reaching a trade deal. • Congress direct the National Telecommunications
The Department of Commerce has granted some and Information Administration and Federal
waivers for US companies to sell Huawei products. Communications Commission to (1) identify steps
At the time of writing it is not clear what criteria the to ensure the rapid and secure deployment of a
department is using to make this determination, how 5G network, with a particular focus on the threat
many have been granted, and what the timeline is for posed by equipment and services designed or
future waivers. manufactured in China, and (2) determine whether
China’s techno-nationalist ambitions are still any new statutory authorities are required to ensure
dependent on US technology, and experts disagree the security of domestic 5G networks.
on whether the administration’s actions will stymie • Congress require the Office of Management and
Huawei’s ability to deliver 5G. Some have estimated Budget’s Federal Chief Information Security Officer
that Huawei had a large enough stockpile of parts and Council to prepare an annual report to Congress to
licensing agreements to get it through the end of 2019. ensure that supply chain vulnerabilities from China
Some companies have found ways to sell into China are adequately addressed, particularly for Internet of
without labeling goods as originating from the United Things-enabled technologies.
States. Moreover, stockpiles of networking gear may be
sufficient to give Huawei enough time to find alternatives On a five-year and longer time horizon, the United
to US components, including homegrown substitutes. States needs to think about how to ensure access to
The president’s June announcement was not well critical infrastructure, such as base stations and data
received in Congress, where some senators have been centers, that is not produced in the United States, if


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alternative, trusted suppliers Ericsson, Nokia, and

Samsung do not continue to produce leading-edge
Some senators have been adamant
technology. The nation must ramp up efforts in four that Huawei is a national security
1. Work with allies to develop new sources threat and not a bargaining chip in
of critical technology. Outspending the Chinese trade negotiations.
government is not an option. Rather, the United
States must collaborate with its allies and partners
who share concerns to invest in the development of standards and govern the internet. Chinese company
new sources of critical technology, from innovation representatives hold chair and vice-chair positions on
through production. The Chinese government is 10 of the 56 decision-making panels at the 3GPP, the
transparent about the sectors of its economy it plans on main 5G standards organization. The Chinese national
building and about its use of a whole-of-government Huolin Zhao was reelected Secretary General for the
approach to achieve its goals. The United States needs International Telecommunications Union in 2018 for a
its own whole-of-government approach, partnered four-year term beginning in 2019. In November 2019,
with the private sector, to address the challenges. This China nominated a candidate to lead the United Nations
approach must include participation by the Department World International Property Organization, which
of Defense, the Defense Advanced Research sets the rules for international patents, trademarks,
Projects Agency, the Defense Intelligence Unit, the and copyrights. The United States must ratchet up its
intelligence community, the InQTel venture capital participation and leadership in the 3GPP, the International
group, the Department of Commerce, the Federal Telecommunications Union, the International Standards
Communications Commission, the National Institute Organization, the International Electrotechnical
of Standards and Technology, and the National Science Commission, the Internet Engineering Task Force, and the
Foundation, among others. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standards
2. Formulate forward-looking industrial policy. Association.
It is past time for the US government to get over the The security of individuals, companies, and
allergic reaction to “industrial policy.” With limited governments across the globe relies on international
resources, decisions will need to be made about where collaboration in the setting of 5G standards and requires
to focus, and government must become more tolerant a vibrant private sector across countries and continents to
of risk—some innovation succeeds, some does not. supply secure physical infrastructure and software. Time
Government investment in foundational research is remains for the United States, together with its allies,
essential to remaining competitive. to lead this effort to create large 5G networks with the
3. Support domestic companies whose products necessary cybersecurity, but the door is slowly closing.
will be essential to the future of 5G. US companies
critical to the development of 5G must remain Carolyn Bartholomew was the chair of the congressionally
economically vibrant; this will include Qualcomm, chartered US-China Economic and Security Review
which leads in chips for 5G devices; Intel, which Commission in 2019 and now serves as its 2020 vice chair.
provides chips used in 5G network equipment; Cisco
and Dell, which provide routers and switches used in Recommended reading
network equipment; and HP, a leader in chips used in Deloitte, “5G: The chance to lead for a decade” (2018).
connected devices within the Internet of Things. In the Chris C. Demchak and Yuval Shavitt, “China’s Maxim –
face of China’s pursuit of technological self-sufficiency, Leave No Access Point Unexploited: The Hidden Story
US firms face the loss of an important market, and, of China Telecom’s BGP Hijacking,” Military Cyber
with that market, revenue vital for funding future R&D. Affairs 3, no. 1 (2018).
The US government should work with these companies Finite State, “Supply Chain Assessment: Huawei
to identify and implement programs and policies that Technologies Co., Ltd.” (June 2019).
will best assist them in meeting the China challenge. US-China Economic and Security Review Commission,
4. Play a leadership role in international 2018 Report to Congress (Washington, DC: US
standards-setting. Given the Chinese government’s Government Printing Office, 2018).
active pursuit of leadership in organizations that set Lily Fang, Chaopeng Wu, Josh Lerner, and Qi Zhang,
standards, it is critically important for the United “Corruption, Government Subsidies, and Innovation:
States to increase its engagement and participate Evidence from China,” Harvard Business School,
vigorously in international organizations that set working paper 19-031 (2018).

WINTER 2020 57

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