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Department of Education

Region V
Division of Camarines Sur
(Formerly Calabanga National High School)
Sta. Cruz, Calabanga, Camarines Sur
4TH QUARTER, S/Y 2022-2023

NAME:____________________________________________GRADE&SECTION:____________ SCORE:___________
I. Multiple Choice. Select the correct answer. Write the letter only.

1. Which body system is responsible or carrying oxygen and carbon dioxide in and out of your body?
a. respiratory b. circulatory c. excretory d. reproductive
2. Which body system is responsible for producing offspring?
a. respiratory b. circulatory c. excretory d. reproductive
3. The plants that live in salty environments are called_______________.
a. xerophytes b. halophytes c. hydrophytes d. mesophytes
4. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is a hormone involved in regulating the body’s water balance. Which endocrine
gland releases ADH into the bloodstream?
a. Pituitary b. Thyroid c. Adrenal d. Pancreas
5. Which of the following is the growth and development of plants in response to light?
a. Phototropism b. Photomorphogenesis
c. Thigmotropism d. Gravitropism
6. Lymph nodes and white blood cells are similar in function in that they both_____________
a. have multicellular nuclei b. are blood cells
c. contain hemoglobin d. remove harmful bacteria
7. Spines: Cactus:: __________: Rose
a. Thorns b. Prickles c. Spikes d. Trichomes
8. Starch can be absorbed after they have been digested into_____________________
a. simple sugars b. fatty acids c. protein d. amino acids
9. It transports sugar and water from the leaves to the different parts of the plant.
a. xylem b. phloem c. gastrovascular cavity d. heart
10. Teeth are part of the skeletal system, but they are also part of the digestive system?
a. They begin mechanical digestion.
b. They release enzymes into the saliva for chemical digestion.
c. They begin chemical digestion.
d. They are shaped for grinding , mashing, and tearing food.

II. Matching type. Match the words in column I with the statements in column II. Write the letters only.


______1. Carbon dioxide a. the body’s defense

______2. adrenaline b. controls various organs
______3.cardiovascular system c. with exoskeleton made of chitin
______4. Digestion d. removes metabolic waste
______5. Endocrine glands e. controlled by the pancreas
______6. Excretion f.” fight or flight response”
______7. arthropods g. breaks down large molecules for energy
______8. Homeostasis h. release hormones for metabolic process
______9. Immune system i. circulates oxygen and nutrients to the body.
_____10. Nervous system j. changes food substances into soluble substances
III. Encircle the term that does not belong in each set and explain why?

1. Mesophyll, xylem , phloem

2. Geotropism, thigmotropism, transpiration

3. Ethylene, auxins, giberellins

4. vascular, dermal , epidermis

5. stigma, style, stamen

6. Pancreas, thyroid gland, insulin

7. lymph node, tonsils, pituitary gland

8. sensory, association, motor

9. erythrocytes, leucocytes, arteries

10. testes, penis, fallopian tube

IV. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Select from the terms below.
Blood cardiovascular system digestive system heart small intestine
Blood vessels digestion enzymes pancreas stomach

An example of an organ system is the (1)________________, which includes the (2)________________ and
(3)____________________. It is responsible for pumping and circulating the (4) ____________________________. The
(5)_____________________, extending from the mouth to the anus, is responsible for receiving and digesting food and
excreting waste. This system includes not only the (6)__________________________, (7)________________________, and large
intestine, which move and absorb food, but also organs, such as the (8)____________________, liver, and gallbladder,
which produce digestive (9)_____________________, remove toxins, and store substances necessary for

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