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Group Members:

Jen Samantha Linchoco

Theresa Tejada

John Ashka Trajano

I. Background

The Alaska Airlines known as one of the excellent service that provides
great service towards to the customers and the company safety measures
wherein actively illustrates the best time performance by good quality
scanning to the baggages. This means the employees appears to be
directly to pinpoint the location, with the help of equipments they’d
process and different procedures takes a gurantee to customer similarly
to the expecation the performance is one of the tackle in the organization
issue due some services are not predicted and can reach out furtherly but
this airline are passionate towards of the good service.
II. Statement of the Problem

B. The proccesses can examine is the communication and providing
some other service that will be way to approach for service. Although,
they are good at managing but the importance of knowing and setting a
prior for knowing the needs & wants of specific person. Throughout of
this study, we can see how they are motivated for superb vision of airline
knowing the lack of service to other company; they’d remarking which is
should be good for demonstration to continue the destionation whereas
open for noting the proper method and outline plan.

C. Alaska Airlines has a high maintenance service which is different than

what we used to be seen. Their kiosk process, passengers can able check
tag their own bags with barcode stickers thereby will deliver them to a
customer service agent at the carousel right away which carries the bags
through the vast underground system that will follow delivers the bags to
a baggage handler. In this, they can automaticcaly sort out certainly and
can recover if theres malicious that will see since they have scanning
method and approaches by technology and own strategy of the company.

III. Areas of Consideration

This company known as first to sell tickets because of their process

system wherein ensuring of the safety of the customer which is rising to
lead the operational management that can contribute to the organizational
problem of the company. Ultimately, their service highlights the how
they are efficient towards to the proper tracking since the arrival is one of
the will be core, if it’s fast or not that mentioned even low visibility
“Alaska Airlines” can run illustrates the procedures within of the
company. On the contrary, the company can meet the standards although
it will take more because of process but the movement highlights the
examination and service that pursue can be competitive to the other
company given the fact this company achieved the high maintenance and
has accesible service for customers.

IV. Alternative Courses of Action

Many of these functions need to be automated, which calls for more study
and development. The future of air travel will include human-integrated
operations until automation is possible. The ability of technology to
understand how a system works, be able to foresee changes in coordination
between system elements, and the level of training needed for human
operators all influence how automation is designed. Procedures and training
must be developed in concert with the technology in order for automation to
be proven to function alongside humans in both nominal and off-nominal
scenarios. Communication, navigation, and surveillance technologies can
minimize or completely remove mistakes in control and knowledge of
aircraft positions that are a result of air traffic management technology.
Despite this, better sensors and displays can reduce the lack of situation
awareness. Kiosks have established themselves as a permanent fixture in
airport terminals, allowing the processing of a sizable number of passengers
to be decentralized from the airport itself. Kiosks offer the airline industry
many benefits, including the elimination of bottlenecks and the ability to
process more baggage check-in. Kiosk services can help travelers save time
and have greater autonomy. Kiosks can free up space in airports and increase
retail options. Since Alaska Airlines has a regulation requiring that bags be
brought to the carousel within 20 minutes of the airplane door opening,
metrics (quantifiable measures) are required to track luggage. The
percentage of bags delivered to their correct destinations on the same aircraft
as the passenger and the proportion of checked baggage damage claims are
the two most significant metrics utilized by airline firms.

V. Recommendation

A lot of frequent flyers avoid checking bags at almost all costs. While
there’s always the risk of the bag getting lost or significantly delayed, the
most significant inconvenience of checking a bag is how long you have to
wait at baggage claim.The 20-minute baggage guarantee really is a game
changer in that regard, since you know the airline will try to deliver on its
promise consistently. By the time you get to the baggage claim belt, you’ll
probably only have to wait 5-10 minutes for your bag, depending on the
airport. Since Alaska Airlines has a policy that bags must be delivered to the
carousel within 20minutes after the airplane door opens at the gate, if not,
affected passengers will receive some kind of compensation in the form of
bonus frequent flyer miles. So the metric use must be clearly shows the time
for baggage from arrival to carousel. Hence,so the most relevant metric used
by airline companies will be the percentage (%) of bags delivered to
proper destination on the same plane as the passenger. Others
include the percentage (%) of damage claimed for checked baggage. By
using the metrics, not only the airline companies able to track the
passenger’s baggage but for able to give a further insight study for future
improvements .

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