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The statement "available survey data on WRA often suffer from not covering
the entire economy" relates to the aspect of population coverage in quantitative
data gathering. It indicates that the existing survey data on workplace risk
assessments (WRA) do not represent the entire range of companies or organizations
in the economy.



Reliability: The measuring tool should yield consistent results when applied to the
same phenomenon or population repeatedly. It should produce reliable data that can
be trusted for analysis and decision-making.

Validity: The measuring tool should accurately measure what it intends to measure.
It should capture the relevant aspects of workplace risk assessments without
introducing bias or distortion. The tool should measure the intended constructs or
variables accurately and meaningfully.

Representativeness: The measuring tool should have a wide coverage that

represents the target population adequately. It should include a diverse range of
companies or organizations to ensure the findings can be generalized to the entire
economy. This helps in obtaining a comprehensive understanding of the prevalence
and quality of workplace risk assessments across different sectors and company

Precision: The measuring tool should provide precise and detailed data that allows
for accurate analysis and interpretation. It should be capable of capturing nuanced
information related to workplace risk assessments, including specific hazards,
control measures, and evaluation of effectiveness.

Standardization: The measuring tool should have standardized protocols and

procedures to ensure consistency in data collection and analysis. This helps in
minimizing variations and ensuring comparability across different surveys and
Practicality: The measuring tool should be practical and feasible to implement. It
should consider factors such as time, cost, and resources required for data
gathering. It should strike a balance between obtaining comprehensive data and
being manageable within the constraints of the research project.

Applying these characteristics to quantitative methods in researching workplace risk

assessments, researchers can design and use measurement tools that produce
reliable and valid data, cover a representative sample of the economy, provide
precise information, follow standardized protocols, and are practical to implement.
This ensures the data gathered can effectively inform decision-making and
contribute to improving workplace safety and health.

The hierarchy of safety controls is a systematic approach used to prioritize and

implement preventive measures to mitigate workplace risks. It consists of several
levels or criteria that guide the selection and implementation of control measures.
Here is an overview of the criteria of the hierarchy of safety controls:

1. ELIMINATION: Elimination is the highest and most effective level in the

hierarchy of safety controls. It involves completely removing the hazard or risk
from the workplace, thereby eliminating the potential for harm. When
elimination is achieved, there is no need for additional control measures as
the hazard no longer exists.



Hazard Removal: The primary approach in elimination is to physically remove

the hazard from the workplace. This may involve decommissioning or
discontinuing the use of equipment or substances that pose a significant risk.
For example, removing asbestos-containing materials from buildings or
replacing machinery that presents a high risk of injury.

Process Redesign: Elimination can also be achieved through process

redesign or reengineering. This involves modifying the workflow or production
processes to eliminate the need for hazardous tasks or materials. For
instance, redesigning a manufacturing process to remove a step that involves
the use of hazardous chemicals.

2. SUBSTITUTION: Substitution is a critical criterion in the hierarchy of safety

controls and involves replacing hazardous materials, equipment, or processes
with less hazardous alternatives. By eliminating or reducing the use of
hazardous substances or practices, substitution aims to minimize the risk to


Material Substitution: This involves replacing hazardous materials or
chemicals with safer alternatives. For example, replacing toxic cleaning
agents with environmentally friendly and non-toxic cleaning solutions, or using
non-hazardous substances in manufacturing processes instead of highly
reactive or toxic materials.

Equipment Substitution: Substitution can also involve replacing hazardous

equipment or machinery with safer alternatives. For instance, replacing
outdated or malfunctioning machinery with newer models that incorporate
enhanced safety features or replacing manual handling tasks with automated
or mechanized equipment to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries.

3. ENGINEERING CONTROLS: If substitution is not possible, engineering

controls are implemented. Engineering controls modify the workplace or the
equipment to minimize exposure to the hazard.



Safety Guards: Safety guards are physical barriers or protective devices that
are installed on machinery or equipment to prevent contact with hazardous
moving parts. They create a physical barrier between employees and
potential hazards, reducing the risk of accidents or injuries.

Ventilation Systems: Ventilation systems are designed to control and

remove airborne contaminants from the workplace. They help maintain air
quality by removing dust, fumes, gases, or other hazardous substances,
thereby reducing the risk of respiratory problems or exposure-related

Noise Control Measures: Excessive noise levels in the workplace can lead
to hearing loss and other health issues. Engineering controls for noise
reduction can include the installation of sound insulation or absorption
materials, enclosing noisy equipment, or implementing sound barriers to
minimize employee exposure to high noise levels.

Automated Processes: Automation can be employed to reduce or eliminate

the need for direct human involvement in hazardous tasks. By automating
processes, the risk of accidents or injuries associated with manual operations
can be significantly reduced.

4. ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS: Administrative controls are an important

component of the hierarchy of safety controls when engineering controls
alone are insufficient to eliminate or sufficiently mitigate workplace hazards.
These controls involve implementing changes in work practices, policies, or
procedures to reduce the risk to employees.



Training and Education: Providing comprehensive training and education

programs to employees is an effective administrative control. This includes
educating employees on potential hazards, safe work practices, and proper
use of personal protective equipment (PPE). Training programs can empower
employees with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify and mitigate
risks effectively.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): Developing and implementing

clear and standardized operating procedures can help reduce risks. SOPs
outline the step-by-step instructions for carrying out specific tasks or
operations safely. They provide guidance on how to perform work in a manner
that minimizes hazards, ensures consistency, and promotes safe practices
across the organization.

Job Rotation and Workload Management: Administrative controls can

include implementing job rotation strategies to reduce prolonged exposure to
specific hazards. By periodically rotating employees across different tasks or
job roles, the risk of overexposure to certain hazards can be mitigated.
Additionally, effective workload management practices can prevent fatigue,
which can contribute to an increased risk of accidents and errors.


Equipment (PPE) serves as the final level in the hierarchy of safety controls
and is used when other control measures are insufficient or impractical in
eliminating or minimizing the risks. PPE includes various types of protective
gear and equipment designed to protect individuals from specific workplace
hazards. While PPE does not eliminate the hazard itself, it acts as a barrier
between the worker and the hazard. Here are some additional details and
examples of PPE as a control measure:

Selection of Appropriate PPE: The selection of PPE should be based on a

thorough assessment of the hazards present in the workplace. Each type of
hazard requires specific PPE to provide adequate protection. For example,
safety helmets protect against head injuries, goggles or safety glasses protect
the eyes from flying debris or chemical splashes, gloves protect the hands
from cuts or chemical exposure, and respirators protect against airborne

Proper Fit and Use: It is essential to ensure that PPE fits properly and is
used correctly. Ill-fitting or improperly used PPE can compromise its
effectiveness and leave workers vulnerable to hazards. Training and
education on the proper use, maintenance, and storage of PPE should be
provided to employees to promote their understanding and compliance.

It is important to note that the hierarchy of safety controls is intended to guide the
selection and implementation of control measures. Ideally, control measures should
be implemented at the highest feasible level in the hierarchy to minimize the risk to
the greatest extent possible. The goal is to create a safe work environment by
systematically addressing and reducing workplace hazards through the application of
these criteria.

According to Lenhardt and Beck (2016), there are three forms of safety risk
assessments that can be used for workplace risk assessments. These forms are:

1. Baseline Risk Assessment: A baseline risk assessment involves identifying

and assessing the hazards and risks present in the workplace at a specific
point in time. It serves as the initial assessment of the existing risks and
provides a foundation for developing risk management strategies. Baseline
risk assessments typically involve a comprehensive evaluation of the
workplace, including physical, chemical, biological, and psychosocial hazards.
The assessment helps in establishing a benchmark for future comparisons
and tracking changes in risk levels over time.

 This assessment provides an overview of the existing risks in the

workplace at a specific time.
 It involves a comprehensive evaluation of various hazards, including
physical, chemical, biological, and psychosocial factors.

Example: Conducting a baseline risk assessment in a manufacturing facility to

identify potential hazards such as machinery risks, hazardous substances,
ergonomic issues, and stress-related factors.

2. Dynamic Risk Assessment: Dynamic risk assessment focuses on assessing

risks in real-time or during specific work activities. It involves continuously
monitoring and evaluating the changing circumstances and conditions that
may affect the level of risk. This form of assessment is particularly important
in high-risk or dynamic work environments where hazards can vary or emerge
unexpectedly. Dynamic risk assessments enable workers to identify
immediate risks, implement appropriate control measures, and adjust their
work practices to mitigate the risks effectively.

 This assessment focuses on evaluating risks in real-time or during

specific work activities.
 It involves continuous monitoring and assessment of changing
circumstances and conditions.
Example: Performing dynamic risk assessments in construction sites where
hazards can vary throughout the day, such as assessing changing weather
conditions, equipment movement, and evolving work processes.

3. Specific Risk Assessment: A specific risk assessment is conducted to

address a particular hazard or task that requires focused attention. It involves
a detailed evaluation of the risks associated with a specific activity,
equipment, or process. The assessment takes into account the specific
characteristics of the hazard, its potential consequences, and the control
measures needed to reduce the risk. Specific risk assessments are typically
conducted when introducing new equipment, implementing changes to work
processes, or addressing specific safety concerns identified in the workplace.

 This assessment targets a particular hazard or task that requires

specific attention.
 It involves a detailed evaluation of risks associated with a specific
activity, equipment, or process.

Example: Conducting a specific risk assessment for working at heights in a

construction project, which includes evaluating fall hazards, assessing the
stability of scaffolding, and determining appropriate fall protection measures.

In summary, the three forms of safety risk assessments mentioned by Lenhardt and
Beck (2016) are baseline risk assessment, dynamic risk assessment, and specific
risk assessment. Each form serves a distinct purpose in understanding and
managing workplace risks, with baseline assessments establishing the initial risk
profile, dynamic assessments addressing real-time risks, and specific assessments
targeting particular hazards or activities.


(5.2) Explanation: A human can be classified as a safety hazard in certain

situations. Safety hazards are defined as any conditions, actions, or factors that have
the potential to cause harm or injury to individuals. While safety hazards are
commonly associated with physical or environmental factors, humans can also
contribute to the creation or escalation of safety hazards.



1. Human Error: Human error is a significant contributor to accidents and

incidents in various industries. Mistakes, lapses in judgment, lack of attention,
or failure to follow established procedures can lead to unsafe conditions or
actions that pose a risk to individuals' safety.

2. Inadequate Training or Competence: If individuals are not properly trained

or lack the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their tasks safely, they
can inadvertently create hazardous situations. Lack of competence can result
in improper handling of equipment, incorrect use of tools, or failure to
recognize and address potential risks.

3. Negligence or Recklessness: Intentional disregard for safety protocols,

rules, or regulations by individuals can create hazardous conditions. Engaging
in unsafe behaviours, such as operating machinery without proper
authorization, not wearing required personal protective equipment, or ignoring
safety warnings, increases the likelihood of accidents and injuries.

4. Fatigue or Impairment: Human factors such as fatigue, illness, or substance

abuse can impair an individual's judgment, reaction time, and overall ability to
perform tasks safely. Fatigue-related errors, for example, can lead to
decreased alertness and increased likelihood of mistakes or accidents.

It's important to note that classifying humans as safety hazards does not imply blame
or fault, but rather recognizes the potential for human actions or conditions to
contribute to unsafe situations. Effective safety management systems consider
human factors and implement measures to mitigate the risks associated with human
behaviour, such as providing comprehensive training, implementing safety protocols,
promoting a culture of safety, and addressing any underlying factors that may
contribute to human-related safety hazards.

Lenhardt, U., & Beck, D. (2016). Prevalence and quality of workplace risk
assessments–Findings from a representative company survey in Germany. Safety
science, 86, 48-56.

Council of the European Communities. (1989). Council Directive 89/391/EEC of 12

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Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz. (2013).


European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. (2007). Risk assessment.

Health and Safety Executive. (2014). Five steps to risk assessment.

Frick, K., Grosse, H., & Kaiser, G. (2000). Arbeitsschutzmanagement: Leitfaden für
die betriebliche Praxis (Occupational health and safety management: A guide for
practical implementation). Verlag Neue Wirtschafts-Briefe.

Anttonen, H., & Pääkkönen, R. (2010). Risk assessment of complex processes.

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