Language Arts

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WORD BANK: Meaning, definition, synonyms and word relation

1. abroad: in or to a foreign country or countries

2. aesthetic: the study of beauty and artistic taste
3. agonistic: someone who believes that we cannot know if God exists or not
4. airbrushed: describes a photograph which has been improved, having had faults
5. anorexia: a serious illness often resulting in dangerous weight loss, in which a person,
especially a girl or woman, does not eat, or eats too little, because they fear becoming fat
6. association: a connection or relationship between two things or people
7. awareness: the mental state of knowing about something
8. bulimia: a mental illness in which someone eats in an uncontrolled way and in large
amounts, then vomits to remove the food from their body
9. celebrity: someone who is famous, especially in the entertainment business
10. cult: a system of religion directed toward a particular figure or object
11. custom: a way of behaving or a belief which has been established for a long time
12. diet: when someone eats less food, or only particular types of food, because they want to
become thinner or for medical reasons
13. diverse: including many different types
14. dogmas: religious principles laid down by an authority
15. epiphany: a moment of sudden and great realization or understanding
16. expectation: when you expect good things to happen in the future
17. faith: complete trust or confidence in someone or something
18. fashion: is a style that is popular at a particular time, especially in clothes, hair, make-up,
19. foreign: belonging to or coming from another country, not your own
20. globalization: the process and trend of increasing interaction between people or
companies on a world-wide scale due to advances in transportation and communication
21. habits: something that you do regularly, almost without thinking about it
22. heritage: features belonging to the culture of a particular society, such as traditions,
languages or buildings, which still exist from the past and which have a historical
23. identity: who a person is, or the qualities of a person or group which make them different
from others
24. intuition: one's gut feeling or innate sense of judgment
25. journey: the act of traveling from one place to another, especially in a vehicle
26. media: newspapers, magazines, radio and television considered as a group
27. model: a person who wears clothes so that they can be photographed or shown to
possible buyers, or a person who is employed to be photographed or painted
28. multicultural: including people of different races and religions
29. mysticism: the belief that there is hidden meaning in life or that each human being can
unite with God
30. principles: one's set of guiding rules in life
31. race: one of the groups that people are divided into according to their physical
characteristics, such as skin color
32. reflect: to think in a serious and careful way
33. religion: an organized system of belief
34. ritual: an activity or a set of actions that are always done in the same way or at the same
time, sometimes as part of a religion
35. sceptical: not easily convinced, to question the certainty of something
36. self-determination: the process by which a person controls their own life
37. self-esteem: belief and confidence in your own ability and value
38. self-image: one's perception of one's self
39. spirituality: being concerned with one's soul as opposed to material or physical things
40. stereotype: a fixed idea that people have about what someone or something is like,
especially an idea that is wrong
41. value: the amount of worth or usefulness attached to something
42. whitening: making or becoming whiter
43. winner: someone who wins a game, competition or election
44. worldly: a frame of mind where one is conscious of his or place in the world


Simple present
- General Statement
- State of being
- Permanent situations
Present continuous
- Happening right now
- Temporary situations
- Something annoying
- Something that happens again and again



● Every ___ ● Now

● Often ● Later
● Usually ● Tomorrow
● Normally ● This ___
● Tonight
● At the moment

● Studies prove that many TCKs (suffer/are suffering) from depression.
● (I live/I'm living) in this flat until the end of the month.
● The USA (grants/is granting) 50,000 Green Cards every year.
● TCKs usually (speak/are speaking) more than one language.
● Most military families (live/are living) on bases during their time abroad.
● We (run/are running) out of time to talk about the immigration bill.
● He (constantly makes/is constantly making) that slurping noise with his soup!
● My psychiatrist thinks I (suffer/am suffering) from reverse culture shock.
● Some people (find/are finding) the term ‘third culture kid' offensive.

They (go) to a restaurant every Saturday.
They go to a restaurant every Saturday.
She (not/go) to the cinema very often.
She doesn’t go to the cinema very often.
You usually (arrive) late.
You usually arrive late.
He normally (eat) dinner at home.
He normally eats dinner at home.
(you/study) every night?
Do you study every night?
(they/work) late usually?
Do they usually work late?
I (not/drink) coffee very often.
I don’t drink coffee very often.
He (play) tennis now.
He is playing tennis now.
(you/come) to the cinema later?
Are you coming to the cinema later?
They (not/come) to the party tomorrow.
They aren’t coming to the party tomorrow.
He (not/play) golf now.
He isn’t playing golf now.
(you/play) tennis this Sunday?
Are you playing tennis this Sunday?
You (not/go) out later.
You aren’t going out later?
I (not/work) tonight.
I’m not working tonight.
(she/work) at the moment?
Is she working at the moment?
Julie (sleep) now.
Julie is sleeping now.

ADVERBS AND ADJECTIVES: Differences, rules and uses

Adverbs: Qualify the verbs → LY
Adjectives: Qualify nouns (subject, thing, place)

● I will never forget that she very (pointed/pointedly) refused to sing hymns on my
big day.
● She walked (terrible/terribly) slowly.
● My faith is something (personal/personally) to me.
● She died (short/shortly) thereafter.
● I was (initial/initially) bemused and then distressed by their (fierce/fiercely)
disagreements over faith.
● Some people feel (uncomfortable/uncomfortably) discussing religion.
● Annie's genetic predisposition for faith, (like/likely) suppressed by her secular
surroundings and her dominant atheist husband, might have been the crucial
factor that influenced her daughters' (uncompromising/uncompromisingly)


● I like to jog, bake, paint, and watching movies.
I like to jog, bake, paint, and watch movies.

● The company is looking for a candidate who is friendly, organized, meticulous, and is
going to arrive to work on time.
The company is looking for a candidate who is friendly, organized, meticulous, and

● The participants in the workshop learned how to communicate, negotiate, and working
collaboratively for the most effective outcome.
The participants in the workshop learned how to communicate, negotiate, and work
collaboratively for the most effective outcome.
● Her main duties were answering phone calls, filing records, and to conduct visitor
Her main duties were answering phone calls, filing records, and conducting visitor

● The report card stated that the student often talked in class, that the bullied other
students, and rarely finished his homework.
The report card stated that the student often talked in class, bullied other students, and
rarely finished his homework.

● She planned to collect data by either using an online survey or phone interviews.
She planned to collect data by either using an online survey or phoning interviews.

● He prefers movie nights at home over going to loud house parties.

He prefers movie nights at home over loud house parties.

● In the spring, summer, or in the winter, we will go to Germany.

In the spring, summer, or winter, we will go to Germany.

● Eric decorates the Christmas tree, picks up his grandma, and friends are invited over for
Eric decorates the Christmas tree, picks up his grandma, and invites friends over for

● Tennis requires hand-eye coordination, flexibility, and to be able to concentrate.

Tennis requires hand-eye coordination, flexibility, and concentration.

● Veronica threw the rock at the window and the glass was broken.
Veronica threw the rock at the window and the glass broke.

● The teacher has the responsibility of providing help and to review all test material with
the students.
The teacher has the responsibility of providing help and reviewing all test material with
the students.


the more - the more - the fastest - the more - the stronger
the more - the more - the highest - the better - the fatter
● The more you eat, the fatter you will get.
● The more you work out, the stronger you become.
● The more you run, the fastest you'll get.
● The more I buy, the more debt I end up having.
● The highest you go, the better the view.


a. Many ads show very young models. The number of cosmetic surgeries is increasing.
The more ads show very young models, the more cosmetic surgeries increase.

b. Beauty pageants are becoming more and more popular in West Africa. Weight problems, such
as anorexia, are becoming an issue in these countries.
The more beauty pageants become popular in West Africa, the more weight problems become an

c. Many advertisements are banned for sexual content. These ads receive a lot of attention in the
The more advertisements are banned for sexual content, the more attention they receive in the

d. Many Bollywood stars promote skin-whitening cream. Many Indians suffer from the side-
effects of these creams.
The more Bollywood stars promote skin-whitening cream, the more Indians suffer from the side-

e. Parents talk to their children from a young age about the portrayal of 'beauty in the media.
These children are more likely to have a strong self-esteem.
The more parents talk to their children about the portrayal of beauty, the more children have a
strong self-esteem.

f. New innovations in beauty products come out all the time. Women are made to feel that they
need to keep up with these trends to look beautiful.
The more innovations in beauty products, the more women feel that they need to keep up.

g. Awareness campaigns sometimes show anorexic people to shock viewers. These ads actually
stimulate anorexic behavior in patients with anorexia.
The more awareness campaigns show anorexic people, the more patrons show anorexia
● Denotative words in the language of things such as the legal documents, medical papers,
scientific studies, and technical manuals (at least, the well-written ones).

● Connotative words are the stuff of poetry, fiction, and even advertising.


house, dump, home, crib home - crib house dump

exotic, foreign, strange, unknown exotic foreign - unknown strange

babble, talk, chat, conversation chat - conversation talk babble

dinner, feast, slop, meal feast dinner - meal slop

fragrance, stench, smell, odor fragrance smell stench - odor

venerable, old, decrepit, ancient venerable - ancient old decrepit

sound, tune, noise, melody tone - melody sound noise

beast, animal, pet, creature pet animal beast - creature

1.- you live in a house everything is dirty and filled with just

2.- I saw an exotic dance when i went to India it was beautiful

3.- Mark tends babble to when he speaks it's difficult to understand

4.- Every dinner should have to correct amount of vitamins

5.- The odor of the basement was disgusting

6.- In the story he discovered a decrepit mummy from long ago

7.- the sound of the waves is produced by water and the man cycle

8.- There is an enormous beast in the top of the mountain it's impossible to go through

Noun: When you talk about person, animal, object
Verb: it is the action done by the subjects or object
Adj: they are use to qualify nouns
Adv: They are use to qualify verbs

action act active actively

beauty beautify beautiful beautifully
beneficiary benefit beneficial beneficially
creation create creative creatively
decisión decide decisive decisively
difference differentiate different differently
distraction distract distracted distractedly
justification justify justifiable justifiably
protection protect protective protectively
reliability rely reliable reliably
sadness sadden sad sadly
significance signify significant significantly
strength strengthen strong strongly
success succeed successful successfully

1. Peter is a very active person that works out every morning before breakfast.
2. I'm the kind of person that can find beauty everywhere I go.
3. She benefits from the credit given to her by the university.
4. The picture was creatively drawn by the famous artist.
5. After his decision, the jury had to announce the final verdict.
6. I can't differentiate the twins from Europe. They are exactly equal.
7. It was a very distracting argument, that's why she couldn't say no.
8. People don't believe that the justification he gave was enough.
9. The bodyguards offer protection to everyone that is inside the headquarters.
10. Be careful, I don't think you can rely on her. She seems to have other motives.
11. The event was sadly over when the performers had an accident.
12. Another store sold the videogame for a significantly lower price.
13. These exercises will strengthen your stomach muscles.
14. They successfully defended their championship title.

Verbo que tiene ING y que tiene 2 ideas
Has have

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