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Figure Descriptions and Rules

BY Clark Browning and Marco Pecota

This is an amalgamation of several of the original Legions of Steel books.
Rulebook Illustrations: Tom Frank, Dave McKay - Miniature Conception: Tom Frank, Wes Johnson
Fiction: Wes Johnson and Tom Frank


Produced and distributed by RAYBOX
TheGamesUnited Nations
This book may be printed for personal use.
of Earth

Commando This small device is designed specifically for indoor
combat. When set off it creates a magnetic energized
force field approximately two meters in diameter. This
field can withstand heavy impacts and is typically used
for quick escapes, cover from fire or to slow up enemy
troops. Designed as a one-shot device, the solid energy
core and generating equipment generally burn out after
a few minutes, well after the end of most engagements.
Issued one per Trooper with Blaster, it is used

The Forcewall blocks movement and LOF. Once

detonated, it remains on the board until destroyed.
Forcewalls can be shot down; They have an Armour
Modifier of +1 and require one hit to destroy.

If a Forcewall is created in a square occupied by a figure

the figure is pushed to an unoccupied adjacent square.
Both players roll two dice. The player with the higher
total chooses to which open square the figure is moved.
If there is no such square then the figure is eliminated.
E.g. when occupied by another figure, door or wall

When a figure is "pushed" by the Forcewall grenade it

Paladin P.B.A. maintains in the same facing and loses its fire action if it
Powered body armour (P.B.A.) consists of layered steel has not yet taken one; a Fired counter is placed beside it.
covering an exoskeleton which allows the wearer to
move with little or no encumbrance. Power is derived SX111 Kinetic Pulse Grenade
from a small nuclear fusion reactor in the back of the Using gravitational inversion, the K- pulse grenade emits
armour which drives a hydraulic turbine and electrical a strong concussion wave outward in a circular area. The
generator. The armour adds strength to a Trooper and impact strength decreases as the wave moves further
allows them to carry heavier weapons and unique from the point of detonation. Although this could kill a
armour options. It is environmentally sealed and comes normal human at a range of 20 meters, it has little or no
in different designs with trade- offs between cost, effect on heavily armoured personnel beyond 6 meters.
speed, protection and various options.
K-Pulse: Area of effect weapon rules are used for this
Paladin armour is the happy medium between heavy round. The HIT number is determined by the range of
protection and good mobility. Although it does not the figure from the impact square. The diagonal rule
enhance a Trooper’s speed, it does allow one to move as applies. One die is rolled for each figure or other target
if almost unencumbered. For indoor combat it is in these squares to determine any HITs. The HIT
typically outfitted with the 360-degree camera option, numbers for the various ranges are given below.
High frequency com unit and auto-grey face plate. point or starting area.

LZ9 Blaster
This high- gain plasma weapon is also connected to the
armour’s power pack. The plasma is placed into a
magnetic bottle which is fired out of the weapon as a
bolt. While the damage is not as great as the Plasma
Projector, range and accuracy is improved. It’s reliability
has been proven under fire and it is now the standard
issue to UNE Commandos.

Armed with the Plasma Projector, the Commando Heavy
Weapon Trooper provides vital close range support for
commando operations.


This weapon consists of a hand unit connected to the
armour’s back mounted fusion pack. Plasma (super
heated water broken down into its component particles)
is drawn directly from the power pack into the hand unit.
A magnetic field then fires these charged particles in a
spray. This wash of plasma has a wide area of fire and
does tremendous damage but has limited range. The
Plasma Projector is the standard support weapon of the
UNE Commandos.

This R.X.S. has an Armour Modifier of +1 and requires 2
hits to be eliminated. Due to the Behemoth's size, other
figures incur a roll modifier of +2 when firing past it.

The AutoRAM and AutoGL have a forward arc of fire. The

4 SPLATs each cover one arc of fire. The CDPs have a
front, rear and appropriate side arc (left or right
dependant upon what shoulder it is mounted on)

The Behemoth has an Independent Targeting System

(ITS) which allows the figure to have three fire actions.
The first fire action used by the figure is referred to as
the "primary fire action" and is carried out normally. The
second and third fire actions are "secondary fire actions"
have a +1 Attack modifier. This fire modifier does not
apply when covering or suppressing. When the
Behemoth fires or suppresses, place the appropriate
marker onto the Behemoth template. The name of the
weapon used is covered by the counter. The same
weapon cannot be fired twice in the same turn, unless
using leadership. If the Behemoth did not use all three
fire actions, then the remaining fire actions are used to
cover. A "covering" counter is placed beside the figure
until all fire actions have been used, at which point it is
UNE Heavy Assault Trooper
replaced with a "fired" counter.
Each battalion’s combat support company has a force of
soldiers equipped with heavy powered armour and
RS- 48 Auto R.A.M.
weapons. This Assault platoon is used to attack well
The Rolachev Augmentation Module, designed by
defended positions. Heavy assault troopers are the
Russian scientist Yuri Rolachev, gives inertia and force to
anchor of the assault section. These two soldiers possess
photons. This breakthrough increased the damage and
almost as much firepower as the other six section
penetration capability of lasers, making their use as
members combined. A standard load consists of an
weapons more practical. This heavy machine gun version
autoRAM, two CDPs, an autoGL with plasma grenades
of the R.A.M. laser is carried by combat vehicles,
and a SPLAT system all piled on to a Behemoth RXS.
Behemoths or used in static positions. It has a pom- pom
Assault troopers are not commandos nor vice versa.
configuration for a high rate of fire and a larger capacitor
They are two specialized types of powered infantry who
system for longer sustained fire. The AutoRAM’s weight
sometimes work together. As there are normally only six
is prohibitive even for P.B.A. equipped troops.
heavy assault troopers within an entire battalion, they
are deployed judiciously and only on the most vital of

Behemoth R.X.S.
R.X.S. is short for reactive exo-skeleton. It differs from
P.B.A. in size and method of control. Operating an
R.X.S. is a cross between wearing it, and riding in it.
The pilots, jokingly referred to by others as “elephant
jockeys”, fit snugly into the torso while their limbs
extended into the limbs of the unit. Gimbals and
servos detect the motions of the operator and the
R.X.S. reacts to them. The Behemoth provides the
ultimate in personal protection and can mount several
weapons controlled by an independent targeting
system (I.T.S). The I.T.S. can identify, lock on to and
engage targets with minimal operator assistance.

XDX- 211 Scattered Plasma Assault System presence of a Nachtmacher or whether the firing figure
Nicknamed the SPLAT, this is a single shot plasma walked, ran, remained stationary or is covering. A SPLAT
discharger. The blast is directional, affecting a wide area cannot be used to suppress, automatic fire or snap fire.
similar to a claymore mine. It can be used defensively to As mentioned, the dischargers are individual one-shot
protect vehicles or positions from massed attacks. When weapons. A separate fire action is required to fire each
used offensively the carrying unit (fast attack vehicle or one, after which it cannot be used again. A player may
R.X.S.) detonates it after charging into the centre of a also use the "Grand Slam" option where all four
thickly occupied enemy position. A complete SPLAT is in dischargers are fired simultaneously with only one fire
sets of 4 dischargers(one for each arc of fire). action.

Each discharger of the SPLAT (left, right, front, aft) is a BS- 2 Automatic Grenade Launcher
single shot device which affects all targets in that arc. With a belt feed, good range and large ammo capacity,
The HIT number is equal to the range plus 1. There are the Auto-G.L. can be found mounted on R.X.S. and
no roll modifiers used with the SPLAT so the HIT number vehicles or in static positions. Usually loaded with Plas
remains the same regardless of the targets armour, the grenades it can employ the infamous “double tap”
(auto-fire) to wipe out groups of targets.

X64 Plasma Grenade

With a larger area of effect than a K-pulse,

the Plas grenade is normally employed in
open areas. It is equally effective against light
or heavily armoured troops due to the
armour piercing nature of the plasma
fragments. Its compact design allows it to be
thrown by hand or fired from a grenade

This grenade has a HIT number of 5+ in the

impact square and 6+ out to a range of 3
spaces. Due to the armour-piercing nature of
the plasma fragments, general modifiers for
the target do not apply.

XL27 Close Defence Plasma Weapon
This stripped-down Plasma Projector, known
as the CDP, is mounted on RXS and vehicles
as an antipersonnel weapon. It is usually
installed on a swivel mount which allows a
wider fire arc. The Behemoth RXS has one of
these weapons mounted on each shoulder.

UNE Recce Commando Pathfinder P.B.A.
These men and women are the reconnaissance force of This armour is built light and fast. Although not affording
a UNE Commando company. It is the Recce Commandos’ the protection of Paladin PBA, a trooper in Pathfinder
job to scout ahead of front-line troops and gain essential has speed on his side. An enhanced sensor and scanner
information on enemy positions, strengths, facilities and suite is normally incorporated into the armour to aid in
communications. These troops are typically organized reconnaissance, surveillance and electronic warfare
into patrols consisting of a corporal or sergeant, and operations. Pathfinder suits not including the
three troopers. They are issued the standard LZ9 blaster cumbersome commando options are usually equipped
and two Forcewall grenades. As light reconnaissance with rocket jets allowing short distance flight.
troops, Recce Commandos are expected to fight for
information. They are therefore outfitted with the fast
and light Pathfinder PBA and generally carry no support
weapons. Using speed to their advantage they can
outflank or outmaneuver opponents and retreat from
the battle zone with the information they have gained.

The Rolachev Augmentation Module, designed by Russian
scientist Yuri Rolachev, gives inertia and force to photons.
This breakthrough increased the range and penetration
capability of lasers. The high energy usage and capacitor
charge time limits rate of fire, but good range and
penetration has made it the primary weapon of non-
commando powered troops.

Short range with a relatively powerful high-explosive
warhead, Wrist Rockets are affixed to the forearms of
powered armour to provide extra fire power at close
range. Each rocket is individually mounted.

This is a single shot device. Multiple Wrist Rockets allow

the figure to use automatic fire. The Ironside for
instance, has four which allows 4 shots using normal fire
or 2 using automatic fire.

These are energy dischargers built into the knuckles of
powered armour suits. They create a localized effect
similar to that of a K-pulse grenade in hand to hand

This HTH CBT weapon has an ROF of 2 and HIT number

of 4+.
Each battalion's combat support company has a force of
soldiers equipped with heavy powered armour and
weapons. Assaulting a position is no mean task and these
soldiers are used when the defence is stiffest and the
stakes are highest. They do not rely on speed and
finesse. Superior armour gets them in; superior
firepower gets them out. The bulk of these soldiers are
Assault Troopers. They are equipped with a RAM Laser,
Wrist Rockets and a Grenade Launcher.

Assault troopers are not commandos nor vice versa.

They are two specialized types of powered infantry who
sometimes work together.

With construction similar to Paladin PBA, the Ironside
design places more emphasis on protection and less on
mobility. This additional protection allows troops to
sustain fewer casualties while advancing through open
terrain in spite of their slower movement.

This one shot device is used to clear Wall Rockets. The
Pioneer selects a line of fire within his front arc. A die is
rolled for each Wall Rocket within 3 squares of the
Copperhead's line of fire. The rocket will be set off unless
a "1" is rolled. A figure occupying one of the three
squares directly in front of the activated rocket will be
attacked with a HIT number of 4+. If more than one
possible target is available, the rocket will fire at the
closest figure.


These are shaped charges of C9 explosive with a
safety tamping shroud. Its primary uses are for clearing
large mounds of rubble or destroying walls and doors. It
is particularly effective within a machines complex as a
hard to reach room or corridor can become immediately
accessible if you've got one of these babies around.

These are used by the Pioneer. To place the charge the

Pioneer must be stationary and spend a fire action. The
target must occupy the square directly in front of the
Pioneers are a cross between infantry and military
figure. When the charge is set a satchel charge counter is
engineers. They use their equipment and training to
placed on the target. Once set, the satchel charge can
assist in the mobility and defence of other troops. They
are both demolition experts and master craftsmen who be destroyed. It has a general modifier of O and one
are able to build or destroy virtually any structure the HIT.
military requires. Mine warfare capabilities (both
On any subsequent turn the charge can be detonated by
offensive and defensive) round out this specialist. Their
any figure in the same unit or grouping anywhere on the
standard equipment includes the Pioneer PBA,
board which spends its fire action. Upon detonation, the
Copperhead Snake Line, Satchel Charges, SMART Mines
and Ram Laser. counter is flipped to the rubble side and the target is
destroyed. When detonated it acts as a K-pulse grenade
PIONEER P.B.A. towards any figures in the area. Walls or obstacles
This is a highly modified version of Paladin PBA. It is which are destroyed can now be traversed.
designed specifically for engineering work. The frame is
reinforced and a high torque hydraulic turbine provides
(Sensor Mine, Anti-Robot Targeting) Fight robots with
enough power to lift a small truck. An anchor system,
robots, well why not. This little toy can be highly
used for leverage, is incorporated into the heel section
effective when used judiciously as it protects against
of the armour. Various cutting, digging, drilling and
flanking maneuvers. It is used to slow enemy progress
fastening tools are attached to the forearm sections in a
into lightly defended areas and give a strike team those
retractable configuration. In extreme situations these
extra few seconds they might need to complete their
tools can be used to cut, dig, drill and fasten enemies in
mission. Effectively this is a small mine which has a
hand to hand combat. Hard points are located on various
rocket mounted on it. It has a 360 degree arc of fire and
points of the armour for the mounting of specialty
engages any machine it registers out to 20 meters.
Pioneers carry two of these weapons. To place a SMART
Mine the figure must remain stationary and expends a
These are shaped charges of C9 explosive with a safety
fire action. The mine is then set in the figure's square.
tamping shroud. Its primary uses are for clearing large
These fire at the first machine within a range of 10. They
mounds of rubble or destroying walls and doors. It is have no facing and can fire in any direction. Its HIT
particularly effective within a machines complex as a number is 3+ and is always considered to be covering 0.
hard to reach room or corridor can become immediately Once the mine has fired, the counter is removed. It has a
accessible if you've got one of these babies around. general modifier of O and one HIT. SMART Mines are

small enough that they do not hinder LOF and can be The player selects a line of fire and a range. Roll one die
moved through at no MP penalty. and add this to the range to determine the detonation
square (there is no roll required to actually hit the
SUPPORT TROOPERS square). If the detonation square lays beyond a door or
While the Heavy Weapon Trooper gives a section that Forcewall the said door or Forcewall becomes the
extra "oomph" in terms of firepower, Support Troopers detonation square. If this obstruction is not destroyed
are a platoon resource. They provide a Commando the HIT zone does not extend beyond it. If it is destroyed
platoon with long-range direct-fire support and limited an additional +2 modifier is applied. The HIT zone of this
anti-vehicle/anti-air capabilities. They are outfitted in round extends 10 squares from the detonation square
Paladin PBA and are typically armed with either the along the LOF. Any figure in the LOF is affected. The base
Flechette gun or the Carl-G Mk IV. Support Troopers are HIT number is 3+. All Armour and LOF modifiers are used
almost always accompanied by their Loader. except for the Nachtmacher modifier and they are
determined from the detonation square rather than the
launching figure's square.
Heavy weapons such as the Carl-G or Flechette Gun are H.E.A.P. Round: This is a high explosive armour piercing
too cumbersome for a single trooper to carry the shell. It is designed to take out larger, more heavily
weapon and additional ammunition. Loaders accompany armoured opponents out to long ranges. Its
support weapons to allow for sustained fire or extended effectiveness is limited indoors, but none the less it
combat. They also provide close defence for the gunners comes in handy in certain circumstances.
who are usually preoccupied with long-range or group
targets. The loader is also outfitted in Paladin PBA. General modifiers are not used. This round eliminates
any figure it scores a HIT on.
Loaders operate in Paladin P.B.A. and carry 4 reloads for
the Support Trooper they operate with. To reload a
K-Pulse Round: This round are heavier versions of the
weapon, the loader and Support Trooper must be
adjacent. Both must remain stationary and spend a fire respective hand grenade
action. K-Pulse Grenade rules are used for this rounds Hit
This is the modern version of the Swedish made, man AM5-4 FLEHETTE GUN
portable, anti-tank gun. With high technology
incorporated into the sighting electronics and the This is a heavy magnetic accelerator rifle usually carried
ammunition, the Carl-G regained its place as a standard by fire support troopers. It fires high density armour
battlefield support weapon. In its present form the piercing needles at a high cyclic rate. The weapon's good
weapon incorporates electronic sighting and an auto- range and an excellent rate of fire makes up for its
loading magazine fed action. The firer has the flexibility limited penetration.
of selecting the appropriate ammunition for the

This weapon uses 5 round magazines. The rules used are

dependant on the type of round fired, but none the less
it can never auto fire or suppress. A Commando carrying
the weapon has 5 rounds. A loader is required if the
player wants to have additional ammunition. The Three
rounds are listed below.

C.A.R.P. Round: This round is designed to take out a

large number of enemy. After being fired the round
travels to its detonation point and then explodes
outward sending thin shards of density increased metal
over an extended area.

Weapon ROF PB+ PB S M L X
Blaster 1 -- 5 15 25 35 45
Blaster Carbine 1 -- 3 10 17 25 35
Carl-G Mark IV - HEAP * 1 -- -- -- 30 45 60
Carl-G Mark IV K-Pulse 1 ­ -- 15 30 45 60
Carl-G Mark IV EMP 1 -- -- 15 30 45 60
Close Defense Plasma 1 3 5 10 15 20 25
Flechette Gun 3 -- -- -- 30 45 60
Grenade Launcher * 1 -- 5 10 20 30 40
Auto-GL * 1 -- 10 20 30 45 60
Plasma Projector 2 3 5 10 15 20 25
R.A.M. Laser 1 -- -- 30 40 50 60
R.A.M., Auto 2 ­ -- 30 40 50 60
Splat * 1 1 2 3 4 5 --
Wrist Rocket 1 3 6 9 12 15 20
HIT NUMBER 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 7+
* Targets Armour Modifier is ignored.


Leader ship
Ar mour


Commando 0 1 4 Paladin P.B.A. Blaster, Forcewall Grenade, K-Pulse Grenade
Heavy Weapon Commando 0 1 4 Paladin P.B.A. Plasma Projector
Recce Trooper -1 1 5 Pathfinder P.B.A. Blaster, 2x Forcewall Grenades
Blaster Carbine, 2x Smart Mines, 2 Satchel Charges,
Pioneer 0 1 4 Pioneer Paladin P.B.A
Copper Head Snake Line
Assault Trooper +1 1 3 Ironside P.B.A. RAM Laser, GL, 4x Wrist Rockets
Heavy Assault Trooper +1 2 4 Behemoth R.X.S. Auto RAM Lasers, GL, 2x CDPs, SPALT
Corporals 1
Seargents 2

LEGIONS OF STEEL Opposing figures firing through, into, or out of, one or
more darkened squares do so at a +2 LOF Modifier.

The G1A consists of a G1(bis) 2-handed frame, carrying
an M-2 Scattergun for close or indoor combat, and a
single Nachtmacher grenade. These units were
developed to clear out concentrations of enemy from
the narrow confines of Machine production facilities.
They are commonly encountered in Advanced Internal
Security Hordes, but it is still not uncommon to also find
them fighting out of doors in a building clearing capacity
(or in close terrain, forests, jungles, etc).

This Machine shotgun fires a spray of collapsed steel
flechette in rapid succession. In terms of firepower, this
weapon falls short of the UNE Blaster but still provides a
boost over a Nightmare's Deadbolt Launcher. The
Scattergun is particularly devastating to targets not
equipped with powered body armour.
G1 Nightmare
These humanoid, skeletal robots are the cannon fodder G1B NIGHTMARE
of the Legions of Steel. They have little independent This Nightmare frame carries the "Thumper" in place of
thought and are generally controlled by the Overlord the Deadbolt Launcher.
Computer or more advanced robot types. Untold
numbers of these have been produced. Typically, M-B1 THUMPER
Nightmares are armed with Deadbolt Launchers and a With multiple ammo bays this weapon has genuine
Nachtmacher grenade but can be outfitted with a versatility. These bays are set up on a rotating platform
variety of weaponry. so that the most appropriate grenade for the situation
can be selected.
M- 1 Deadbolt Launcher
This is the standard weapon for the Nightmare robots It is designed to fire the Prometheus, Nachtmacher and
fielded by the Legions of Steel. This sophisticated Disruptor grenades. It holds ten grenades which can be
firearm fires a collapsed steel round. Although in close mixed and matched. Use the appropriate grenade rules
quarter fighting it is inferior to the LZ9 Blaster it has upon impact. The G1B Nightmare variant carries the
better accuracy at longer ranges. A large amount of Thumper.
Commandos and other soldiers have met their maker
due to this ubiquitous weapon. G1C NIGHTMARE
M- G1 Nachtmacher Grenade This Nightmare frame carries the Nega Sphere Generator
Nachtmacher is German for “night maker”. The in place of the Deadbolt Launcher.
grenade creates a six-meter diameter globe of utter
blackness. When detonated, it creates a field which M-X7 NEGA SPHERE GENERATOR
absorbs all light energy in the visible spectrum as well This projector unit creates a 2 meter diameter ball of
as infrared and ultraviolet. Issued mainly to Nightmare negative energy. Once fired the "Nega Sphere" moves in
robots, it is utilized in an attack to cover their advance the direction of launch until burning out or striking a
or on the defense to protect their moving forces. large solid object such as a wall. It is carried by the G1C
Nightmare variant.
Nachtmacher, or “Night Maker,” grenades create a field
of darkness which affects LOF in the target square and When fired, a Nega Sphere counter is placed in front of
the eight squares surrounding it. The effect lasts until the firing figure. During the end segment, it moves. Roll
the end of the Machine player’s next turn. The player 2 dice to determine how many squares it moves. If a 9 to
rolls to hit as normal, and the Nachtmacher counter is 12 is rolled then the sphere dissipates at the end of its
placed with its Turn 1 side up on the target square. move. Any figure struck by the sphere receives a HIT on

a 3+ (only Armour modifiers apply). If the sphere
encounters a solid object such as a door, Forcewall or
wall, it will make a 90 degree turn and continue along an
unobstructed path.

If the squares to the left and right are both open, the
sphere will move randomly (roll one die and on a 1-3 the
sphere turns left, on a 4-6 it turns right). If a dead end is
encountered, the sphere will impact with a random
square (roll one die and on a 1-2 the left square, 2-4 the
square directly ahead and 5-6 the right square).

Impact with a wall disperses a Nega sphere. If a

Forcewall or door is not destroyed, the sphere disperses
and is removed. Any fire through a Nega Sphere receives
a +1 LOS modifier. A figure may not fire a Nega Sphere
generator if it is locked in hand to hand combat.

Mark I Assault Fiend C1 “Succubot” Command and Control Robot

This hulking demonic featured robot stands three Named for its bizarre, feminine appearance, the
meters tall. It’s typical weaponry includes the Napalm- X Succubot is the Machines’ answer to the Human
Flame Weapon with bayonet and a Power Trident. sergeant. Its leadership capabilities allow it to augment
Heavily armed and armoured, it is ultra-deadly at close the mobility, firepower and tactical flexibility of the
range. It’s intellect is more sophisticated than the robots it commands.
Nightmare and is usually assigned 8 to 10 under its
control. Succubots, however, are not nearly as common as
sergeants (proportionately anyways). Usually, the
Overlord computer or a sub-processing unit will control
a horde, providing leadership when necessary. In cases
where units are out of contact or where they require
additional support, Succubots will be assigned. A
Succubot is faster than, although not as heavily
armoured as a Nightmare. The Deadbolt carbine is
inferior to the Deadbolt launcher, but the Spaz rocket
system gives the Succubot a devastating one- punch

M- 1A2 Deadbolt Carbine

This lighter version of the Deadbolt launcher has a
shorter barrel, a smaller magazine and is usually in a
M- 4 Napalm- X Flame Weapon: trigger grip configuration rather than a hard point elbow
This high- tech flame thrower is a terror when used mount. While an inferior weapon to the Deadbolt
against lightly armoured opponents. It’s high rate of launcher, it is just as deadly at close ranges or in limited
fire of a super-heated sodium compound can sup- engagements. The carbine is normally issued as a
press large areas and take out several soldiers at once. secondary or backup weapon, or where weight
It’s effective range is short, but as an indoor weapon it considerations become critical as with the undersized
is excellent. It is mainly issued to the medium sized Gremlin robot.
robots such as the Mark I or Mark II Assault Fiend.
M- DD1 Spaz Rockets
M- H2 Power Trident: These close in weapons are carried by robots to increase
This hand to hand weapon is issued in limited numbers. their short range firepower or as a self defence weapon
It is generally issued to medium size Machines for for command or logistics figures. Each pack can fire a
indoor defense. The energy discharger built into the single burst of two rockets which have a limited range
head of the weapon allows it to rip through even the but good hitting power. With two rocket packs a figure
heaviest of personal armour. such as the Succubot can autofire. The weapon was

dubbed by commandos to describe the rocket’s bizarre painfully reduced to a pool of protoplasmic jelly.
spiraling trajectory and inaccuracy at longer ranges.
The HIT number for this grenade is determined by the
G3 PREDATOR range of a figure from the impact square. The diagonal
While Assault Fiends are combat effective but too costly rule applies. One die is rolled for each non-machine
for general deployment, Nightmares’ limited capabilities figure in these squares to determine any HITS. Armour
are not sufficient for many situations. The Predator is and LOS modifiers apply. There is an additional +1
produced by the Machines as an intermediate unit. It modifier for the Behemoth (+2 total). The HIT numbers
possesses more firepower, armour and processing for the various ranges are given below.
capability than a Nightmare, but is cheaper to build than
a Fiend. Armed with Ice Rifles, Disruptor Grenades and Impact square 3
Prometheus Bombs, a group of G3s form a formidable Range 1 4
assault team. Range 2 5
Range 3 6

Targets affected by the grenade are not eliminated

immediately but are marked with a "Disrupted" counter.
Thereafter, each time the figure is activated a die is
rolled. On a roll of "5" or "6" the figure is eliminated
before it can move or fire. This includes the Behemoth
RXS, even though it would normally take two HITS to

M-G5 Prometheus Bomb

Scientists have not had the opportunity to analyze
samples of the incendiary used in the Prometheus
Bomb due to its unstable nature. This grenade creates
a self-sustained fire ball of a limited duration, which
hinders line of sight and can eliminate units who moves
through the area.

This machine grenade projects a material into the impact

square which creates a self-sustained fireball. This
effectively suppresses the impact square for the bomb's
duration. Use standard grenade rules and place a
"Prometheus Bomb" counter on the resulting impact
square. Any figure which is in or subsequently enters the
square is automatically attacked with a HIT# of 4+. A
M-7 Ice Rifle figure which ends its movement in the bombed square is
With a sub-zero jacket to increase the penetration of a attacked again when it is activated. On the end segment,
roll one die for each Prometheus bomb on the board. On
magnetically accelerated, collapsed steel round, the Ice
a roll of "6" the counter is removed. Any fire into, out of
Rifle is able to combine a good rate of fire with above or through an active Prometheus bombed square is at a
average damage ability. The cryogenic jacket flash +1 LOS modifier.
freezes the outer layer of the target’s armour, allowing
the main penetrator to shatter it without a loss of
momentum. They are issued to Predators or larger units
such as Assault Fiends as its weight prevents it from
being carried by smaller robots.
M-G3 Disruptor Grenade
This machine grenade has an intimidation value which
far exceeds its tactical value. The discharge from the
device sets up a resonant wave in organic material which
breaks down cellular cohesiveness. Affected targets are
not usually killed immediately. The wave takes a few
moments to build up, at which point the victim is

Human analysts speculate that these The Mark II Assault Fiend is lighter, faster and arguably
diminutive robots were not deadlier than the Mark I. This is especially true when it is
specifically designed for combat. It deployed with other combat units. Its command
has been theorized that the G4 is capabilities can support machine forces while the
used as a maintenance and repair Thunder Lance can neutralize enemies long enough for
unit which can be armed with small other machines to dispatch them. Humans engaging the
weapons such as the Deadbolt Mark II, can gain some comfort from the fact that it is
Carbine. The G4 designation in this case would be a not as heavily armoured as the Mark I.
misnomer as it is not a general combat unit. However,
T3(the proper designation) has not gained wide usage Due to the Mark Ill's size, other figures incur a roll
since these theories were formulated. modifier of -2 when firing past it.

A Gremlin is considered to be the height of a kneeling M-E2 THUNDER LANCE

figure; therefore, an adjacent figure does not incur the This weapon is commonly affixed to the M-H4. Using an
+1 modifier for firing past a G4. Up to two G4s can electrical discharger, the Thunder Lance can literally
occupy the same square simultaneously. throw lightning bolts. The bolts can short out and fuse
electrical circuits with a similar effect to that of an
This machine is used in a pursue and destroy capacity. The Thunder Lance is an E.M.P. weapon with an ROF of 2
While it has a heavy chassis, its quadrupedal and capable of automatic fire. Use the chart below for
configuration allows higher top speeds than most other effects.
EMP Effects Chart
The Stalker is Sprint capable allowing it to triple its
movement points. When sprinting it may not move Roll Effect
backward and turns cost 3 MP. The figure cannot fire, it <HIT# No effect
is considered to have expended its Attack action. It is
armed with a Deadbolt Launcher, Wasp Missile pack and HIT# Dazed: -1 to fire and -2 MP until the end of the
two Nachtmacher grenades figure's next action phase, +1 on further EMP effects.

G6 SNIPERBOT HIT# +1 Stunned: Lose all actions and Leadership. At

Reconnaissance, target designation and long-range the end of the figure's action phase, roll a die:1-3 figure
priority target engagement (i.e. sniping) are the main is dazed 4-6 figure remains stunned.
tasks of the G6. To accomplish these it has been
outfitted with a fast, light combat frame, an enhanced HIT# +2 Burnout: Target is immobilized. Effectively
sensor suite and a WASP missile pod. The right eye eliminated (regardless of HITS).
incorporates a visual and electronic scanner while the MW–4 POWER HALBERD
left is a target designator. This eye can be used to guide The operating principles of this hand to hand weapon are
the WASP missiles or "paint" a target for guided similar to that of the M-H2 Power Trident. It is designed to
weapons from other units. This unit also carries a be used two handed with a dual blade configuration. The
Deadbolt Carbine to round out its attack capabilities. charged blades cut though armour with frightening ease.


A light multi-shot missile launcher designed to engage
armoured personnel at long range. Due to its electronic
signature targeting characteristics, any target out to 150
meters is considered to be at medium range. This is its
maximum range in a rapid fire, skirmish situation.

All ranges up to 75 squares are considered short range. It

cannot fire at a target beyond this range. Armour
modifiers are not used when calculating the HIT#.

MARK III ASSAULT FIEND combination of both. Upon impact, the round shatters,
The Mark Ill is as heavy as an Assault Fiend gets. covering the target with its fiery payload. Combustion is
Weighing in at over 2000 kilos it is also considerably fast and intense, burning out in mere seconds. While the
slower than the other robots of its class. This, it makes Hellfire Cannon provides excellent firepower, its heavy
up for by arming itself to the teeth. It has 4 manipulator carriage and goodly sum of ammunition make it a heavy
arms. In one it carries a Protoplasmic Lacerator, in weapon which is only carried by larger robots or used in
another it carries the M-B1 Thumper and the last two static emplacements.
lower arms carry the Hellfire Cannon. These, coupled
with its ability to simultaneously engage two targets, The Hellfire Cannon can switch between 2 rounds. The
make it a deadly adversary. Standard Hellfire Round and the armour piercing HEAP
round which ignores Armour Modifiers.
The Mark Ill has two fire actions. When the Mark Ill fires
or suppresses, place the appropriate marker onto the M-H5 PROTOPLASMIC LACERATOR
Mark Ill template. The name of the weapon used is This hand to hand weapon combines the deadliest
covered by the counter. The same weapon can not be characteristics of both a power blade and a disruptor
fired twice in the same turn, unless using leadership. If weapon. The energy field which surrounds the blade will
the Mark III did not use both fire actions then the curdle flesh at the slightest touch or even on a close pass.
remaining fire actions are used to cover. A "covering" This creates horrible wounds and can sometimes set up a
counter is placed beside the figure until all fire actions disruption effect (see Disruptor Grenade above).
have been used, at which point it is replaced with a
"fired" counter. All weapons have forward firing arcs. A HTH CBT weapon with an attitude! It has an ROF of 2
and HIT number of 3+. Any roll which is exactly the HIT
M-351 HELLFIRE CANNON number does not damage the target immediately, instead
Using a delivery system similar to that of the Ice Rifle, the it becomes disrupted (see Disruptor Grenade above).
Hellfire Cannon fires rounds containing an incendiary
material. This compound is most likely related to either
Napalm-X or Prometheus gel (see below) or possibly a


The X1 was designed with a unique attack ability, hence

its "X" designation. It is constructed with an invasive
interface system used to "jack into" other machines and
control them. PBA and RXS systems are not immune to
this attack. Deployed in "packs" of 4 they hurl
themselves into hand to hand combat, overwhelming
their target. The "jacked" unit then accompanies the
remaining runaways to a new target.

Runaways have the ability to take control of an

opponent's armour. Armour that has been taken over is
referred to as being "jacked." The robot must enter into
HTH combat, expend its fire action and roll a 5 or 6 on
one die. Modifiers are added to this roll as per HTH
combat. If a HIT is scored then that figures control is
taken by the machine player.

If the figure had leadership, it can not be used by the

machine. The machine player can start using the jacked
figure on his next turn.

After affixing itself to an armour it can still be destroyed

and the control of the figure taken back by the
commando. It can not be killed from the front arc of the
jacked figure. When affixed it has a Armour modifier of

If a jacked figure is eliminated, the Runaway which

controlled it remains operational and can attempt to
close with and jack into other figures.

Runaways are designed to operate in groups of two or

more. A Runaway can pass through the square of
another Runaway or occupy the square if both figures
have the same facing.

Weapon ROF PB+ PB S M L X
Claws 2 -- -- 1 -- -- --
Deadbolt Carbine 1 -- -- 15 25 35 45
Deadbolt Launcher 1 -- ­ 25 35 45 55
Hellfire Cannon Round 2 -- -- 20 35 45 55
Hellfire Cannon HEAP* 1 -- 10 20 35 45 55
Ice Rifle 2 ­ 3 10 20 30 40
Napalm X 3 -- -- 5 10 15 20
Nega Sphere Generator 1 SEE RULES
Power Halberd 2 1 -- -- -- -- --
Protoplasmic Lacerator 2 1 -- -- -- -- --
Scattergun 3 -- -- -- 10 20 30
Spaz Rockets 2 3 5 10 15 20 25
Thumper 1 -- 7 15 25 37 50
Thunder Lance 2 5 10 15 20 25 30
W.A.S.P. Missile * 1 -- -- -- 75 -- --
HIT NUMBER 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 7+
* Targets Armour Modifier is ignored.


Leader ship
Ar mour



C1 Succubot -1 1 5 2 C1 Frame Deadbolt Carbine, 2x Spaz Rocket Packs
G1 Nightmare 0 1 4 0 G1 Frame Deadbolt, Nachtmacher Grenade
G1A Nightmare Scattergun, Nachtmacher Grenade
G1B Nightmare 0 1 4 0 G1 Frame Thumper GL
G1C Nightmare 0 1 4 0 G1 Frame Nega Sphere Generator
G3 Predator 1 1 4 0 G3 Frame Ice Rifle, Prometheus Bomb, Disruptor Grenade
G4 Gremlin -2 1 4 0 G4 Frame Deadbolt Carbine
Deadbolt Launcher, 2x Nachtmacher Grenade, WASP
G5 Stalker 0 2 5 0 G5 Frame
Missile pack, Claws
G6 Sniperbot -1 1 5 0 G6 Frame Deadbolt Carbine, WASP Missle Pack
Mark I Assault Fiend +1 2 5 0 Mark I Frame Napalm X Flame Weapon, Power Trident, Molecular
Mark II Assault Fiend 0 2 6 1 Mark II Frame Thunder Lance, Power Halberd
Mark Ill Assault Fiend +2 2 4 0 Mark Ill Frame Helfire Cannon, Thumper, Protoplasmic Lacerator
X1 Runaway -1 1 6 0 X1 Frame Jacking


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