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Mass Personalized IMS Screening System

for Trace Detection
Hazardous Substances and Drugs

LDS line of Products

F-SCAN - The Need

• Designed to enable fast and smooth security control during the departure and arrival at check points
(borders , strategics plants ,prisons etc) without the need for security staff.

• Uses sensitive “IMS fingerprint” technology for convenient,

self-processing trace detection
• F- SCAN increases security at the control points in airports, seaports, and
strategic facilities, Banks, Business buildings

• reduces the number of officers needed throughout the day

• Rapid detection of explosives and narcotics substances in trace amounts at various
checkpoints : Passport and visa control, railway stations, public events, industrial
sites, and specially protected areas

• F-SCAN can easily be integrated with other e–gate security technologies such us:
face recognition, smart card readers for ID cards, E- Passport readers, and
biometric fingerprint scanners

F - Scan Operational Advantages

F- SCAN is a state of the art unique Mass Personalized IMS finger Screening System for
Trace Detection of Hazardous Substances

F SCAN technology is highly sensitive for trace quantity detection

F-SCAN operational advantages include :

• Warm-up Time:
First warm up time of the device is maximum 15 Min (10 Min in normal conditions)
• Cleaning Time:
After detection made, cleaning time of standard quantities is up to 3 min
• Calibration:
Fully automated calibration for BOTH positive (+) and negative (-) substances

• The F-SCAN can detect both positive and negative Ions at the same time

F scan - How it works?

Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS) “Finger print”

This detection process is based upon the mobility of ions during movement in the drift

By sampling traces and sampling the air from the finger plate ,

molecules from the finger passing ionization process using an impulse

Ion's movements are measured, recorded

and compared to a data base

F-SCAN Ionization source

In F Scan technology, particles must transform Ionization.

Ionization is the process by which an atom or a molecule acquires a negative
or positive charge by gaining or losing electrons to form ions.

F - scan offers:
• Rapid simultaneous detection of positive and negative ions
• Non radioactive ionization source
• Wide range of detection including chemical agents and homemade
peroxide-based explosives
• Open and expandable substance database
• The ionizations source is the unique “Corona” source
• Safe for users, passengers, environment and disposal
Simultaneous Detection

• Each material holds a negative (-) or positive (+) polarity

• Until now, operators had to select in advance which polarity to look for – one mode for positive ions and one
mode for negative ions
• Most explosives have a negative (-) polarity
• Most narcotics have a positive (+) polarity

• SOME rare explosives such as TATP (tri-acetone tri-peroxide) are positive (+) in polarity
due to their hydrogen-base!

• The F-SCAN can detect both positive and negative Ions at the same time !

• This includes the full spectrum of BOTH explosives and narcotics at the same time -
all in one mode!

F-SCAN – Substances detection

Detection and Identification of (partial list ) :

Nitrammites (RDX, HMX, tetryl, etc.)
Nitrate Esters (nitroglycerine, EGDN, PETN, etc.)
Nitroaromatics (TNT, DNT, etc.)
Organic peroxides (TATP, HMTD)
Inorganic nitrates (ammonium, potassium and sodium nitrates) + blended explosives based on them

Cannabinoids (hashish/marijuana)
Opiates (morphine, heroin, codeine, fentanyl, etc.)
Amphetamines (amphetamine, methamphetamine, MDMA, etc.)
Cocaine and many more!

F-scan : Large database with peroxide base homemade explosives
№ Full name Marker Chemical formula List of precursors and toxic chemicals detected by F- SCAN
List of explosives detected by F-SCAN 1 Hydrogen sulfide H2S H2S
1 Ammonium nitrate NIT NH4NO3 2 Hydrogen chloride HCL HCl
2 Dinitrotoluene DNT C6Н3CH3(NO2)2 3 Hydrogen fluoride HF HF
3 Trinitrotoluene TNT C6Н2CH3(NO2)3 4 Sulfur dioxide SO2 SO2
4 Trinitroresorcinol (styphnic acid) TNR C6H(NO2)3(OH)2 5 Chlorine CL2 Cl2
5 Trinitrophenol (picric acid) TNPH C6H2(NO2)3OH 6 Ammonia NH3 NH3
6 Dinitronaphthalene DNN C10H6(NO2)2 7 Nitrogen oxide NO NO
7 Dimethyldinitrobutane DMNB СH3(NO2CCH3)2CH3 8 Nitrogen dioxide NO2 NO2
8 Ethyleneglycoldinitrate EGDN C2Н4(ОNO2)2 1 Sarin GB C4H10FO2P
9 Nitroglycerine NG CHONO2(CH2ONO2)2 2 Soman GD C7H16FO2P
10 Pentaerythritol tetranitrate (penthrite) PETN (CH2ONO2)4C 3 Mustard gas MG C4H8Cl2S
4 Vx VX C11H26NO2PS
11 Hexogen (RDX) RDX (CH2)3N3(NO2)3
5 Phosgene CG CCl2O
12 Octogen (HMX) HMX (CH2)4N4(NO2)4 6 Hydrocyanic acid HCN HCN
13 Tetryl TETR (NO2)3C6H2N(NO2)CH3
№ Full name Marker Chemical formula
14 Tetrazole TZ СH2N4
List of drugs detected by F-SCAN
15 Benzofuroxan BF С6H4O2N2
1 Amphetamine AMP C9H13N
16 Triacetone triperoxide TATP (C3H6O2)3 2 Methamphetamine MET C10H15N
17 Hexamethylene triperoxide diamine HMTD N(CH2OOCH2)3N 3 Cocaine COCB, COCS C17H21NO4
18 Plastic explosives based on hexogen RDX Prev. (CH2)3N3(NO2)3 4 Heroin (diacetylmorphine) HER C21H23NO5
(RDX) (hexogen+plasticiser) 5 Tetrahydrocannabinol (psychoactive constituent THC C21H30O2
of the cannabis plant)
19 Plastic explosives based on octogen HMX Prev. (CH2)4N4(NO2)4
6 Methylenedioxyamphetamine (“Sassafras”) MDA C10H13NO2
(HMX) (octogen+plasticiser)
7 Methylenedioxymethamphetamine MDMA C11H15NO2
20 Octol (HMX+TNT) HMX, TNT Mixture (“Ecstasy”)
21 Semtex (RDX+PETN+ plasticiser) RDX, PETN Mixture 8 Phenobarbital PHNB C12H12N2O3
22 Ammonite, amatol TNT, NIT, Mixture 9 Morphine MORP C17H19NO3
(RDX) 10 Codeine CODN C18H21NO3

F-SCAN - Technical Specifications : Standalone system

Feature Value
Overall dimensions of the detector (L×W×H), mm 225120310
Weight, kg 3.5
Detection threshold for TNT, g 2·10-8
Number of measurements (inspected persons) per minute 20
Time for operating mode start-up, min, not more 15
Sampling unit cleaning time in case of severe contamina-
tion, min., not more 2
Mode of operation Round-the-clock
Communication interfaces Ethernet (TCP/IP),
USB, dry contacts

F-SCAN : E- Gate Integrated Options

F- Scan
IMS module


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