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Quarter 4 – Module 6 & 7:
Statistical Mini-
Mathematics – Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 6 & 7: Formulating Statistical Mini-Research
First Edition, 2021

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Published by the Department of Education, SDO Nueva Ecija

Schools Division Superintendent: Jessie D. Ferrer, CESO V
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent: Mina Grace L. Acosta, PhD, CESO VI
Ronilo E. Hilario

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Benigno R. Barrientos

Mary Grace A. Samonte
Editors: Arnel V. Ferriol
Leonides E. Bulalayao PhD
Teresita S. Moraleda
Reviewer: SDO Nueva Ecija
Layout Artist: Benigno R. Barrientos
Mary Grace A. Samonte
Management Team: Jessie D. Ferrer CESO V
Mina Gracia L. Acosta PhD, CESO VI
Ronilo E. Hilario
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Beverly T. Mangulabnan PhD
Eleonor A. Manibog PhD

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Introductory Message

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our

dear learners, can continue your studies and learn while at
home. Activities, questions, directions, exercises, and
discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide

you step-by-step as you discover and understand the lesson
prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on

lessons in each SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed
on completing this module or if you need to ask your facilitator
or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of the
lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-
test to self-check you learning. Answer keys are provided for
each activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the

Teacher are also provided to our facilitators and parents for
strategies and reminders on how they can best help you on
your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary

marks on any part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper
in answering the exercises and tests. And read the instructions
carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in

answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult
your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.
What I Need to Know

This lesson aims to assess your knowledge and skills of the different
mathematics concepts related to statistics to investigate thoroughly in
various situations, formulate real-life problems involving measures of
position and solve them using a variety of strategies. It covers the key
concepts on measures of position intended to formulate statistical mini-
research. You shall undergo a series and a variety of activities to process the
knowledge and skills learned and reflect to understand such concepts to
further develop their critical thinking and problem solving skills.

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. conduct and formulate statistical mini-research. (M10SP-IVf-g-1)

What I Know

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Take note of the items that
you were not able to answer correctly and find the right answer as you go
through this module. Write the letter of your choice on a sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following is the branch of Mathematics that deals with the
science of collecting, organizing, presenting, analyzing and interpreting
numerical data?
A. Algebra C. Statistics
B. Geometry D. Trigonometry

2. It is used to determine the number of sample size in a research.

A. Z-test C. Pearson’s r
B. Slovin’s Formula D. ANOVA

3. Which of the following determine the position of a single value in relation

to other values in a sample or population data set?
A. Mean of Grouped Data C. Measures of Position
B. Measures of Central Tendency D. Percentile Rank
4. What do you call the data that come from original source and intended to
answer specific research questions?
A. External Data C. Primary Data
B. Internal Data D. Secondary Data

5. It is defined as the critical suggestion regarding the best course of action in

a certain issue.
A. Background of the Study C. Hypothesis
B. Conclusions D. Recommendations
Lesson Formulates Statistical
1 Mini-Research

What’s In

Everyday, we encounter statistics. Some company advertisement use

statistics so that more customers would prefer their product over competitors
such as a certain petroleum company claims that 60% of fuel consumers
preferred their products compare to other fuel companies. Statistics is also
used to show the quality of a product just like the claim of safeguard soap;
the company advertises their soap can kill 99.99% of germs. There is a wide
application of statistics in different field such as astronomy, business,
education, sciences and other fields.

We define statistics as a branch of Mathematics that examines and

investigates ways to process and analyze the data gathered. Statistics
provides procedure in data collection, presentation, organization, and
interpretation to have a meaningful idea that is useful to decision-makers.

Let us try to give emphasis on formulating statistical mini-research you

observed while we undergo this module.
What’s New

In conducting a mini research, it should be planned carefully and done

in a very organized manner. Before carrying out the mini research, you should
consider the following questions:

1. What is the issue or problem that you would like to study?

2. Why are you conducting the mini-research?
3. 1Where will you collect the data?
4. Who will be the respondents?
5. How will you collect the data?
6. What is the time frame to conduct the mini-research?

These questions will guide you to have a bigger and better picture of the
mini-research that you will be conducting.

What is It

Let us start the journey of learnings on formulating and conducting statistical


Research is a process used to collect and analyze information to

increase our understanding of a topic or issue. It is a systematic investigation
into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and arrive
at a new conclusion.
Hence, statistics is a branch of Mathematics that deals with the science
of collecting, organizing, presenting, analyzing, and interpreting numerical
data or COPAI.
The Steps in Formulating Mini-Research

1. Collecting data- it refers to the process of obtaining information.

2. Organizing of data- it refers to the ascertaining (after a calculation,
investigation, experiment, survey, or study).
3. Presenting the data into tables, graphs, or charts, so that logical and
statistical conclusion can be drawn from the collected measurements.
4. Analyzing data- it refers to the process of extracting from the given data
relevant information from which numerical description can be formed.
5. Interpreting data- it is the task of drawing conclusion from the analyzed

The 2 Sources of Data

1. Primary Data are the data that come from an original source, and are
intended to answer specific research questions. It can be taken by interview,
mail-in questionnaire, survey or experimentation.

2. Secondary Data are the data that are taken from previously recorded data
such as information in research conducted, industry financial statements,
business, periodicals, and government reports.

The Skills to be Developed

1. Learning Discovery Skills

2. Establishing Connections
3. Listening Skills
4. Writing Skills
5. Observing Skills
6. Numeracy in terms of Measures of Positions

Importance of Research in our Daily Lives

1. It gives light to inquiries about the right information.

2. It develops right attitude towards the availability of information.
3. It sharpens the brain and gives judicious visions to look.
4. It leads to the ultimate philosophy of all the subjects and builds graphic
vision of life.
5. It empowers with knowledge and efficient learning of new things.
6. It helps in understanding various issues of life in a large manner.
7. It involves to mark out the thin line between truth and lie.
8. It makes good habits in reading, analyzing, thinking, and learning.
Format of the Statistical Mini-Research

I. Title Page
In its simplest form, a title page is something that gets put at the very
start of an academic research paper. It is designed to be an indicator of the
basic points of your project. The main components of any title page includes
title of your research, your own name, the name of your school in which you
have written and are submitting the paper.

II. Introduction/ Rationale

a. Statement of the Problem
A statement of the problem is a broad overview of the questions that
will be addressed in a given area of research. It outlines the description of the
issue/s, includes a vision, suggests the method/s used to solve the problem
and provides a hypothesis. Usually while writing the problem statement,
researcher/s use/s the 5W’s (What, Who, Where, When, Why).

b. Definition of Terms
An alphabetical list of important terms or acronyms that you define,
particularly ambiguous terms or those used in a special way. These terms
include particular theoretical constructs, formulas, operational definitions,
schools of thought and discipline-specific acronyms.

c. Hypothesis (Optional)
A hypothesis is a statement that can be tested by scientific research. If
you want to test a relationship between two or more things, you need to write
hypotheses before you start your experiment or data collection.

III. Main Parts

a. Background of the Study
The background of the study is best used to present contextual
or pre-requisite information that is important or essential to understand the
main body of your research. Perhaps, there were some historical
developments that set the stage for your research questions or research. You
need to explain which aspects of each discipline you are including and not

b. Presentation and Analysis of Data

It is to make use of collected data which is considered to be raw data
into graphical representation. It must be processed to be used for any
application. Data analysis helps in taken a decision or answering the research
i. Sampling Method/ Systematic Random Sampling
Slovin’s formula is used to determine the sample size. A
confidence level of 95% gives a margin error of 5%; a confidence level of
99% gives a margin error of 1%. The formula used:

n= , where n- the sample size
N-the total population
e-the margin of error

ii. Measures of Position of Grouped Data

The measures of position of grouped data determine the position
of a single value in relation to other values in a sample or a population
data set. The formulas are as follows:

• Quartile
 kN 
 4 − cfb 
Qk = LB +   (i )
 fQk 
 
• Decile
 kN 
 10 − cfb 
Dk = LB +   (i )
 f Dk 
 
• Percentile

 kN 
 100 − cfb 
Pk = LB +   (i )
 f Pk 
 

IV. Conclusions and Recommendations

a. Conclusions
Concluding paragraphs should be clear and sum up what you have
presented in your research without sounding redundant. An effective
concluding can also add impact to what you have presented in your paper.
Conclusions can also serve as a basis for continuing research, creating new
ideas to resolve an issue you highlighted in your paper or new approaches to
a topic.
b. Recommendations
Recommendations can be defined as a critical suggestion regarding the
best course of action in a certain issue, but result in a beneficial outcome.

V. Appendices
Appendices serve as a space for materials that help clarify your
research, which are not included in the main text. Items that might be
included such as letters, documentation, survey-questionnaire.

The Procedures in Conducting Mini-Research

1. This mini-research is done individually. Formulate a problem regarding on

any topic relevant on these days. Make it sure that the mini-research
should be quantifiable.

2. Prepare for a set of questions necessary to gather information needed to

your topic. Either e-mail, e-questions, or hand-written set of questions.

3. Select a random sample among the respondents applying the Slovin’s

formula or the systematic random sampling method.

4. Distribute the set of questions to proper and target participant and gather
their answers.

5. Contact the teacher to avoid problems in computation and interpretation

of the gathered information for the measures of position to be computed.

6. If you have arrived at a conclusion or generalization from the data you

gathered, work on writing the main parts of the paper and finalize the

7. Re-read and proof-read your work before finalizing. Then prepare for the
written report of the results.

8. Present your research and illustrate how the measures of position were
applied in the process of arriving the conclusions and recommendations.

Now, apply these knowledge and skills to formulate and conduct research by
your own understanding.
What’s More

Directions: Identify the following format of the statistical mini-research based

on your understanding. Choose your answer from the box then write it on a
sheet of paper.
Name of School Hypothesis

Introduction/Rationale Title Page

Background of the Study Definition of Terms

Statement of the Problem Name of Teacher

Main Parts Title Research

Presentation and Analysis of Data Name of Researchers









What I Have Learned

Directions: On a sheet of paper, copy and evaluate yourself of the main

concepts/skills that you have learned in our lesson. Put a ( √ ) the
appropriate columns that matches your level of understanding using the
following legend:

3- very clear 2- clear 1-not clear

Parts of the Statistical Mini-Research 3 2 1

I. Title Page
II. Introduction/ Rationale
III. Main Parts

What I Can Do
Based on Research!

Conduct a mini-research about the topic that you are interested in. Ask
yourself the question, what do you want to know? Use the format in
conducting mini-research (I. Title Page, II. Introduction/Rationale, III. Main
Parts). Then, construct a grouped frequency distribution.

Use the Rubrics in Assessing the Student’s Performance

Understand- Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated
ing of the substantial understanding gaps in their little
Task understanding even some of understanding understanding
of the content, ideas or details of the content of the content
processes and may have been and task
demands of the misunderstood
Completion Completed the Completed Completed the Completed the
of the Task task with the most of the task even task but with
correct task some of little or no
information information success
are missing
Correctness Manifested Manifested Manifested Manifested
of the Task accurate most of the some of the most of the
answers answers are answers are answers are
correct correct incorrect


Directions: Choose the letter that you think best answers the question. Write
your answer in your paper.

1. What is the process used to collect and analyze information to increase our
understanding of a topic or issue?
A. Analysis of Data C. Research
B. Hypothesis D. Sampling Method

2. Which of the following refers to the process extracting from the given data
relevant information from which numerical description can be formed?
A. Analysis of Data C. Interpretation of Data
B. Collection of Data D. Organization of Data

3. What is a statement that can be tested by a scientific research?

A. Conclusions C. Recommendations
B. Hypothesis D. Statement of the Problem

4. If the confidence level of 95% , what is the margin of error (%) ?

A. 1 C. 5
B. 2 D. 4

5. What do you call the part where the researcher’s task is to draw conclusions
from the analyzed data?
A. Analysis of Data C. Interpretation of Data
B. Collection of Data D. Organization of Data
6. The following are the main components of any title page of a research
A. The name of the researcher/s
B. The name of the school of the researcher/s
C. The title of the research
D. The researcher/s address

7. Which of the following is the broad overview of the questions that will be
addressed in a given area research?
A. Background of the study C. Definition of Terms
B. Conclusions D. Statement of the Problem

8. What do you call the data that are taken from previous recorded data?
A. External Data C. Primary Data
B. Internal Data D. Secondary Data

9. It serves as a space for materials that help clarify your research.

A. Appendices C. Generalization
B. Conclusions D. Recommendations

10. It is defined as the critical suggestion regarding the best course of action
in a certain issue.
A. Recommendations C. Conclusion
B. Hypothesis D. Background of the study
Answer Key


Bluman, Allan G. Elementary Statistics: A Step by Step Approach 8 th Edition.

USA: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009

Callanta, Melvin M., et al. Mathematics Learner’s Module Grade 10. Pasig City,
Philippines: REX Book Store, Inc., 2015

Obaña, Generoso G., et al. Understanding Mathematics Grade 10. Manila,

Philippines: Vicarish Publication and Trading, Inc., 2014

Sirug, Winston S., PhD. Basic Statistics and Probability. Manila, Philippines:
Mindshapers Co. Inc., 2010

Website/ Internet

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