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Create and manage design options

Learn how to create design option sets and

design options. Then control the elements in the
design options and create dedicated views for
the design options.

o Collaboration and coordination

Learning objectives:

• Create design option sets and design

• Create dedicated views for design
• Control the elements in a design option. The completed exercise

1. Open the exercise file


Figure 1. The opened design_options.rvt


Create and manage design options Page | 1

2. In the Manage tab, Design Options
panel, click Design Options.

Figure 2. Design Options tooltip

3. In the Design Options dialog, click New

under Option Set. Then click New under

Figure 3. Design Options dialog

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4. Select the design option set and then
click Rename. Rename the option set to
Entry and then click Close.

Figure 4. Design Options dialog

5. Select the north wall in the floor plan

view. Then switch to the Manage tab.
In the Design Options panel, click Add
to Set.

Figure 5. Add to Set tooltip

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6. In the Add to Design Option Set dialog,
select both Option 1 and Option 2 and
click OK.

Figure 6. Add to Design Option Set dialog

7. In the Manage tab, Design Options

panel, expand the Active Design Option
drop-down menu and select Option 1.

Figure 7. Active Design Option drop-down


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8. For design option 1, model the entry as
shown in the image using the Wall tool
and Modify tools.

Figure 8. Design Option 1

9. Change the Active Design Option to

Option 2. For design option 2, model
the entry as shown in the image using
the Wall tool and Modify tools. Then
change the Active Design Option to
Main Model.

Figure 9. Design Option 2

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10. Duplicate the Level 1 floor plan view.
Then rename one view Level 1 – Option
1 and the other Level 1 – Option 2. In
the Level 1 – Option 1 view, type VG to
open the Visibility/Graphic Overrides
dialog. On the Design Options tab,
change the Design Option to Option 1.
In the Level 1 – Option 2 view, set the
Figure 10. Design Options tab in the
Design Option to Option 2.
Visibility/Graphic Overrides dialog

11. Open the Design Options dialog again.

Select Option 2 and click Make Primary
under Option. Then click Accept
Primary under Option Set.

Figure 11. Design Options dialog

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12. In the Accept Primary dialog, click
Accept primary. Then choose to delete
the Option 1 dedicated views.

Figure 12. Accept Primary dialog

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