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Receta para hacer "pancakes"

 3 ounces of flour
 1 egg
 1 egg yolk (yema de huevo)
 1 cup of milk (leche)
 1 tablespoon of sugar
 1/4 cup of melted butter (que esté derretida)
 A pinch of salt
 Butter for the pan

Pancakes/ Hotcakes Recipe


 Flour
 eggs
 milk
 butter
 a pinch of salt


 First, mix the flour, milk, eggs, and a pinch of salt in a bowl.
 Then, heat a pan and add some butter.
 Next, add some of the mix to make a pancake.
 After that, cook for 1 to 2 minutes and flip carefully with a spatula. 
 Finally, serve it with your favorite toppings. 

For this recipe, you can make sweet or salty pancakes. 

For a sweet option, you can add jelly, honey, or arequipe. 
For a salty option, you can add cream, cheese, and ham. 

 Banana pancakes. (Torticas de plátano o banano)

Let’s start with the ingredients:

 200 grams of flour

 2 eggs
 ½ cup of milk
 1 tablespoon of oil
 2 bananas
 1 teaspoon of sugar
 1 tablespoon of syrup

Some people cook this dish in a different way, but this is the way all my
family does it:

1. In a bowl, put the flour, the eggs, the milk, the sugar, the
bananas, and the oil.
2. Whisk the ingredients.
3. Pour some of this mixture into a frying pan and let it cook for 2
minutes on each side. Repeat.
4. Garnish with more fruit and syrup.

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