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Ong Paul Bosire, P.O Box 1700-20100, [Nakuru-Kenya. 2° February, 2021. ‘The General Manager, Human Resource & Administration, Geothermal Development Company limited, P.O Box 100746-00101, Nairobi: Kenya Dear Si RE: APPLICATION FOR SENIOR INFORMATION SCIENTIST POSITION With reference to your internal advertisement on 19" January 2021, 1 wish to apply forthe position of Senior Information Scientist I believe that Chave the required skills, abilities and ‘experience for this job [With a Master of Library and Information Science degree from Kenyatta Univesity and a Bachelor of Science Degre in Information Sciences (2 Class Honous- Upper Division) from Moi University, Ihave a flly understanding of knowledge and information management both in piper and electrone formats. | believe that my strong practical and technical experience gained at KenGen Geothermal Library spanning fora period of two years and Geothermal Development Company for over ten years san information scientist; and my vast knowledge on litrary and information ‘management makes me compeitve forthe position of senior information sient [My ability to establish the frst GDC information resource centre within my ist year of service, development of various rules, guidelines, work processes and procedures and -lssifction Schemes for geo-scentific information management and participation inthe prepation of drat records and archives management policy for GDC and my desire of having a world class information resource centre in geothermal energy development makes me suitable to serve inthe position of senior information cients. ‘The ability to manage library databases, strive for continued excellence, result evened, team player and good time management are Key strengths that T possess for this poston. Together with this cover leter, Ihave atached herein my resume, academic credentials and testimonials for your full consideration, “Thank you in advance, Yours faith Tel: 0726 374 743, E-mail: paulongiri@ phosie@ gde.coke. CURRICULUM VITAE ‘ONGIRI PAUL BOSIRE ‘ddresst P.O Box 17700-20100, Nakuru: Kenya “Telephones 0728374783 EMail Taulongin@yahon em 7 plone all Om Year of Birks 22" Beceniber 198 Kenyan ish and Kiswahili Spoken and wien) (CAREER OBJECTIVE ‘To use my skis and knowledge attained to develop a strong and stale career in information PERSONALITY PROFILE. ‘Work ethics, geting the jb done and doing itighly, strong morals and values, loyalty, honesty, integrity and estan moral background are fundamental concerns of who I have been, who I ‘am and who I willbe, My ambition is to pase this on vo my proceeding generation in love, care and patience EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Year of Award | Qualification Trstietion 7000 ‘Master of Liar and Taformation Sciences | Kenyatta Univer 2008 Bachelor of Science in Information Sclenoes | Moi Univesity (2% Class Honours-Upper Division) 3002 KCSEIA) ‘Ryambara High School 1998 KCPE G02 Maris) “Tomb Primary Scoot SKILLS ATTAINED (Communication skills: Excellent communication, planing and organizational skills Library skills Cataloguing, clasfiaton, indeing, searching, revival, and abstracting, Collection management, se studies, information management policy and planning, Library automation and litrary networking Records and Archives sil Registry management and identification of vital records, disaster planing, preparedness and recovery, appraisal retrieval ion of records, ing, and classifi Arrangement and description, retention and disposition of records and archives, ¥ lectronicrecoeds management and marketing of records and archives services. Information Technology skills Microsoft office applications systems analysis and design. Database construction and management ‘Media and Publishing skis: Print prodvtion, Electronic publishing, Multimedia technology, and substantial and copyediting WORK EXPERIENCE Information Scientist: June 2010 (o Present: Geothermal Development Company (GDC) Duties and responsibiliies: Implementation ofthe best ofice management in esl oriented and timely manner library management Developing adequate mechan sms for information gathering, archiving and management Carrying out day od Ensuring effective communication within the office and diferent levels ofthe department Customer service to library patrons Kans Ensuring continuous improvement in quality of information to internal and external Fostering corporate cultre within that promotes ethical practices and good corporate citizenship Compliance withthe laws ofthe country in respect to information management Maintaining «conducive work environment for atactng, tuning and motivating fellow employees. Key achievements Established the fist GDC Information Resource Centr withia my Fist yea of service, Participated in the preparation of draft GDC records and archives management policy Skilled Information Scientist Temporary Staff: December 2008 to May 2010: Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen). Duties and responsibiies: Database management, document classification, cataloguing abstracting and indexing Data enty, provision of eurent and usr awareness services nd documents reservation Binding of reports, scanning and dispatch of documents, Information searching and retieval both in the library and archives, Circulation, inventory making and property marking of documents. Records management including their are and maintenance, Arrangement, desrision and appraisal of archives. Intern: 9® May 2008-1" August 2008; Department of Civil Reg ties and responsibilities: Data entry and analysis, Appraisal, retention and archiving of records ion, Sheria House ¥ Filing of records searching and reieval of records and archives, ¥ Classification, arrangement and description of records and arcnives Skills acquired: ¥ Ret Teamwork and ime management, val, Searching and filing, ‘Public relations and strong commitment to quality customer cae services. Untrained Teacher: June 2007 to August 2007- Nyaguku Secondary (Mathematics and Business Statics) OTHER TRAININGS: Fire safety waning by MICAS Limited (May 2012, Improving success in Diling: The us of Optimized Exploration, Data Management, ‘Conceptual Modeling and well Design and Planing. S* African Rift Geothermal Conference; Pre-ARGeo Conference, Arusha, Tanzania (October 2014), Geothermal database management for East Africa African Rift Geothermal Conference: Pre-ARGeo Conference, Nairobi, Kenya (November 2012) ¥ Disability Mainstreaming for Geothermal Development Company’ by Nation Counel for Persons with Disabilities (March 2013). Financial Management for GDC by Kenya School of Monetary Studies (May 2019) Quality Management Systems: Implementation of 150 9001:2008 by Kenya Burea of Standards uly 2010) Quality Management Systems: 150 9001:2008-Quality Objective, Process monitoring and root cause analysis by Kenya Bureau of Standards (March 2016) (CONFERENCES! WORKSHOPS ATTENDED ‘+ GDC annual symposium (2013): Presented a paper entitled “Geothermal Infomation ‘Resources Sharing in Kenya” Nakuru - Kenya ‘+ Moi University Information Science Students Association (MUISSA), Information Week (2007): Presented a paper en ‘+ Moi University Information Science Students Assocation (MUISSA), Information Week (2007) Presented a paper entitled “Importance of Knowledge Managemeat oan Economy ‘+ 4 African Rift Geothermal (ARGe0) Conference held en November 2012 in UN- Gigi, Nairobi Kenya, ‘+5 African Rift Geothermal (ARGe0) Conference held on November 2014 in Arusha- Tanzania + 6 african Rift Geothermal (ARGe0) Conference (November 2016) in United Nations Conference Cente (UNCC) - Addis Ababa: Ethiopia: Presented a paper ened “Information Access and Uilization for Capacity Building in Geothermal Enerey Development; A case for the proposed Aftican Geothermal Centre of Excellerce "The Effects of Migratory Records to 2 Covnty. “+ Konya Library Assocation “Gearing up forthe futur: Library and Information Inatve for Digital world” 2017, Nairobi Kenya, ‘+ Kenya Library Associaton “Re-engineering Library for Information Access inthe Digital ra", 2018 Nairob- Kenya AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS. ‘+ An award as Constitution Review Commissioner by Moi University Information Science Assocation: Awarded in recognition of exemplary leadership, contribution and diligent ‘+ Anavard as 180 Committee Meme by Geothermal Development Company: Awarded for being part ofthe ISO Committe that saw Geothermal Development Company (GDC) attain 180 Certification. INTERESTS AND HOBBIES. Information searching, reading newspapers, magazines and journals and watching Footbal REFEREES Dr, PeketsaMangh, [Resource Development Manager- Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KeaGen, P.O Box 785-2017, Naivasha-Kenya, ‘Teis0721 255 379, E-mail: pmangi@kengen coke Prof. Justus Wamukoya, Senior Lecurer-School of Information Sciences, Moi University, P.O Box 3900, Eldore-Kenya, Phone: 0720-439 625, E-mail: jwamukoyal@ Prof. Henry N. Kemoni, Senioe Lecturer- Department of Information and Knowledge Management, Technical Univers P.O Box 52428-00200, Nairobi-Kenya, Phone: 0710431 730, smal: bkemoni@® es wus Rat | SAMMURI YA KENYA ¢\'9 REPUBLIC OF KENYA | sons none 217479808 agile “semen 23654716 } |) ONGIRI PAUL BOSIRE, | i 22 12.984 5 cen f ist! NORTH Nearina wanes 21,04, 2003 « KISII NORTH rn on | atu mown a NYAGUKU N. Bozsese7iEc detembam | Beeee i IDKYA2174798053<<663<<<<<<<661 / _ 8412221M0304018

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