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Sustainable Transport Policy: The Contribution from

Behavioural Scientists
a b
Linda Steg & Gerard Tertoolen
Social and Cultural Planning Office and the Centre of Environmental and Traffic
Psychology , University of Groningen , The Netherlands
Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management , Transport Research
Centre (AVV)
Published online: 15 Mar 2010.

To cite this article: Linda Steg & Gerard Tertoolen (1999) Sustainable Transport Policy: The Contribution from Behavioural
Scientists, Public Money & Management, 19:1, 63-69

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Sustainable Transport Policy: The

Contribution from Behavioural
Linda Steg and Gerard Tertoolen
Publication of the UK Government’s White Paper on Transport, in July 1998,
has raised public awareness of the problems associated with widespread car use.
The authors argue that these problems, which largely result from the aggregated
choices and behaviour of many individual car users, could be mitigated if the
main determinants of car use and the underlying behavioural mechanisms were
better understood. This article examines six strategies for changing social
Downloaded by [New York University] at 22:54 26 April 2015

behaviour, and some important conditions for reducing car use. Examples are
presented of how the insights gained can be applied in practice.
In many countries of the world, the popularity were not previously illuminated after dark, such Linda Steg works at the
and massive use of motor vehicles are leading to as driveways and in gardens. Similarly, a driver Social and Cultural
problems of congestion, environmental quality whose car has been fitted with a catalytic converter Planning Office and at
and quality of life in and around towns and cities. maybe inclined to use it more often because ‘it is the Centre of
It is no longer feasible to resolve these problems a clean car’. Environmental and
through further road building or technical Traffic Psychology,
solutions alone, partly because the gains from Explanations of Car Use University of
such measures almost inevitably tend to be The very widespread use of cars can be Groningen, both in the
overtaken by continued growth of car use. interpreted as a large-scale social dilemma, Netherlands.
Effective solutions require widespread changes reflecting the conflict between individual and
in human behaviour and significant reductions collective interests. From the individual’s Gerard Tertoolen works
in the volume of car traffic. perspective, the advantages of car use outweigh at the Transport
In this article, we start from the position that the negative consequences, such as possible Research Centre (AVV)
the problems arising from car use result from the damage to the environment, safety risks and of the Dutch Ministry of
cumulative effect of many individual choices and other problems. The negative contribution made Transport, Public
behaviours of car users. Behavioural scientists by each individual to the sum total of Works and Water
therefore have a part to play in contributing to environmental costs and risks seems negligible. Management.
the solution of these problems, and it is surprising Correspondingly, the individual may doubt
that they have played a relatively minor role to whether his or her contribution to reducing
date. Traffic and transport issues have damage and risks really makes any significant
conventionally been regarded as a challenge for difference. The result is that individuals tend not
economists and urban planners. These disciplines to feel responsible for such collective problems
regularly make implicit assumptions about and it remains attractive to act purely in one’s
human behaviour and its determinants. A number own interest. A secondary point is that many
of these assumptions prove, on closer inspection, people are pessimistic about other people’s
to have limited validity and to be true only under willingness to change. We could therefore
certain conditions. To give some examples, interpret the current problems of car use as a
economists frequently assume that humans summative consequence of the behaviour of many
behave rationally and will always choose the individual car users, each of whom is shifting off
option with the highest utility. Yet people do what are considered to be negligible costs onto
sometimes make suboptimal decisions, owing to society as a whole.
lack of information or through the influence of Car use seems to have enormous advantages
habit. over alternative means of transport. On the one
Moreover, technologists also assume that hand, these advantages are rationally perceived:
their innovations will be used in the way that was they include speed, comfort, flexibility, radius of
intended by the designer. This assumption is, action and carrying capacity. On the other hand,
unfortunately, disproved by experience. For subjective or emotional factors also play a role,
example in the Netherlands, people who have such as expressing feelings of power or
installed energy-saving lamps are less inclined to superiority, or deriving enjoyment from driving
switch them off when not in use; or they extend (Slotegraaf et al., 1997). Car users can also
the use of energy-saving lamps to places that express their personality through their choice of

a car and the way they use it. The car has the Structural Strategies
potential to impress, while catering to feelings of Car use can be reduced through financial/
self-worth. Slotegraaf et al. (1997) give an economic measures. It can be made more
extensive overview of what they call such ‘intrinsic expensive and the use of alternative means of
motives’ for car use. Their study shows that there transport can be made cheaper. The relevant
are systematic differences between people, to the policy instruments include subsidies, discounts,
extent that intrinsic motives influence car use taxes, fines and tolls. The assumption underlying
behaviour. Advertisers take full advantage of such measures is that people’s response will be
intrinsic motives for car use, and policy aimed at rational, and they will choose the option with the
reducing car use might well be more effective if highest utility at the lowest costs. However, this
it addressed these kinds of motives. does not always happen, since feasible alternatives
The advantages of car use encourage it to to car use must be available. Contrary to what
become a habit. People develop activity patterns policy-makers may think, financial considerations
and a lifestyle which is tuned towards the use of are not, in fact, the main determinants of car use.
a car. Many other reinforcing factors in society Research has demonstrated that people often
help to support car use. Once car dependency is evaluate comfort, speed and flexibility as the
established (Goodwin, 1995; Steg, 1996), it is main advantages of car use and they are prepared
very difficult to alter habits and lifestyles. It to pay for these advantages (see for example
appears that people will mostly reconsider Steg, 1996; Tertoolen et al., 1998). Because car
habitual behaviour only when radical changes use is only partly determined by financial
Downloaded by [New York University] at 22:54 26 April 2015

are introduced into the situation, causing them considerations, demand-price elasticities tend to
to re-evaluate the choices they have hitherto be low. It is worth noting that during the world
made automatically. oil crisis of the mid 1970s the substantial rise in
fuel prices had only a marginal effect on car use.
Strategies for Reducing Car Use In the long term, people compensated for the
Car use is strongly influenced by: rise in fuel prices by purchasing smaller and
more economical cars (Mogridge, 1978). Radical
•The circumstances which determine the rises in the costs of car use could possibly be an
opportunities available, for example the nature effective deterrent, but are unlikely to be easily
of the accessible infrastructure, the quality of achievable owing to lack of political or public
alternatives (public transport), the location of support.
places where people are working, living, Car use can also be restricted through the
shopping and spending leisure time. provision of physical alternatives and physical changes.
•The resources people have, such as the amount This type of strategy relies on directing traffic
of money or time, as well as knowledge. along certain routes, preventing it from entering
•Motivational factors, such as physical, designated areas, altering the geographical
psychological and other needs (see for example relationship of popular destinations and using
Batra and Ray, 1986; Vlek, 1996; Vlek et al., technical apparatus to control traffic in various
1997). ways. Often this type of strategy is run in parallel
with the promotion of alternative modes. The
There is some evidence for thinking that underlying assumption behind such measures is
behaviour resulting from rational processes can that behaviour is shaped by circumstances.
be changed more easily than behaviour that is However, individual preferences might be
habitual in origin. opposed to these changes. The effectiveness of
Several key strategies for altering social physical rearrangements is limited to the extent
behaviour have been proposed. Some of these that individuals have already exercised strategic
are directed at changing the structure of the choices about where to live or how to travel, and
situation, while others are directed initially at by the economic requirements of business and
changing individual preferences and choices. services (Owens, 1984). Exhaustive geographical
This article describes four structural strategies reorganization of origins and destinations of
and two cognitive-motivational strategies (see trips is possible only in the long term.
also Vlek and Michon, 1992; Vlek and Steg, Technological innovations aimed at making
1996). The structural strategies are based on cars cleaner to operate have led to substantial
behavioural principles: car use can be made reductions in the emission of environmentally
less attractive by ‘push’ measures, or the use of damaging exhaust gases. Technological
alternatives may be stimulated by ‘pull’ innovations seem to offer a feasible and popular
measures. Push measures restrict people’s solution, because they involve only a marginal
freedom of choice; pull measures do not. Each limitation on people’s freedom of choice.
of these strategies is based on some, mostly Correspondingly, while technological measures
implicit, assumptions about the determinants may be desirable (if not necessary), they are not
of behaviour and behavioural mechanisms. sufficient to solve the fundamental problems of
These assumptions need to be checked and car use. In the first place, the effect of technological
validated before strategies can be reliably innovations tends to be overtaken by the
implemented. continued growth in total car use. Thus, the



benefits of technological improvements can soon culture in a more environmentally friendly

be submerged by ‘volume effects’. There is also a way. Environmental considerations will,
trend for new cars to be more powerful, heavier however, almost inevitably compete with other
and therefore scarcely less polluting than older interests, especially economic interests.
models. The implication is that technological
innovations are effective only if used in a Cognitive-Motivational Strategies
controlled manner and in association with other The fifth strategy, provision of information, education
measures. Technological innovations may also and communication, involves increasing people’s
have unwanted effects. For example, our research knowledge (for example of transport alternatives),
results have shown that the more people favour heightening their awareness (for example of
technological solutions to the problems of car environmental impacts) and modifying attitudes,
use, the less willing they are to reduce car use and so that the inclination to adopt non-motorized
the more they reject measures aimed at this forms of travel is strengthened. The underlying
objective (Tertoolen et al., 1998; Steg, 1996). The assumption is that people behave in a reasoned
range of contrary outcomes can, incidentally, way and that behaviour can be modified by
include spending the money saved from using altering the perceived costs and benefits
more economical cars or appliances on activities associated with particular choices. This
which are less friendly to the environment. assumption is by no means invariably true.
Finally, radical technological innovations are not In the first place, feasible alternatives to car
easily implemented in many cases: the use must be available before providing
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introduction of electric cars for example requires information can have any effect. And because
a widespread adaptation or expansion of the people’s attention is selective, there is no
infrastructure needed to keep them in service guarantee that they will correctly perceive and
(Bilderbeek et al., 1993). process the information they receive. At the
A third type of structural strategy is legal point when travel habits are being formed, people
regulation coupled with enforcement measures. seldom consider consciously the advantages or
Violations of the regulations—if detected—are disadvantages of different travel modes. Their
usually met with some kind of punishment, fine choices become habitual, especially where the
or censure. The underlying assumption here is same journey is made over and over again (Aarts,
that laws and rules will be internalized by those 1996). Habitual behaviour helps to decrease the
affected. However, it is possible that people may depth and complexity of the decision-making
resist, or elude, the implementation of the law on process, as well as reducing the scope for changing
a wide scale, leading to the legislation or behaviour through persuasion (Verplanken et
regulation being discredited and the practical al., 1994).
effect being reduced to virtually nil. Effective Information, education and communications
regulation and enforcement are therefore originating from governments have to compete
crucially dependent on majority public support, with the mass market advertising campaigns of
or at least compliance. Such strategies also require the automobile industry among many others.
an adequate organization for supervision, The automobile industry spends huge budgets
monitoring and enforcement. On the other hand, on stimulating the purchase and use of cars,
applying a regulation and enforcement strategy while the money spent by government on
may help to increase people’s trust in the co- promoting alternatives is only a small fraction of
operation of others, because there is some this (Steg, 1996). Government information
guarantee that their own willingness to comply campaigns are relatively ineffective if the choices
will not be exploited by others who do not. and behaviour to be encouraged cost much
A fourth strategy, organizational change, uses money, time or trouble. Information campaigns,
physical changes in the choices available with in short, rarely lead to sustainable changes in
changes in the financial and/or social pay-offs. behaviour when it comes to transport. Moreover,
Organizational change strategies are aimed at if the behaviour to be changed has significant
modifying and adapting the structure and advantages to the individual, information
functioning of institutions, organizations and campaigns may even have a contrary effect to
lifestyles, so that they become more supportive of that intended. For example, research has shown
alternative, sustainable transport systems, modes that the Dutch are generally very concerned
and practices. The underlying assumption behind about environmental issues, but this has not
such strategies is that behaviour is embedded in resulted in a reduction in car use (NEPP 2, 1993).
and conditioned by institutions and organizations The discrepancy between actual behaviour (car
in society. There are, however, flaws with this use) and environmental attitude may seem
assumption: puzzling; but it has been well recognized in other
contexts by social psychologists (Festinger, 1957;
•The intended changes must be more or less Cooper and Fazio, 1984). The phenomenon,
uniform with the preferences of the groups ‘cognitive dissonance’, is an unpleasant
being targeted. psychological tension experienced when
•Organizations must be willing to fulfil their attitudes, or attitudes and behaviour, are (or
goals, implement their rules, and express their threaten to be) inconsistent with each other.



Inconsistency may be accentuated, for example can be offered behaviour examples modelled by
through mass media advertising. People are prominent figures in society and their trust in
motivated to reduce cognitive dissonance, either mechanisms of co-operation with others can be
by reducing car use (behavioural change), or by stimulated, in order to achieve common goals.
reducing their environmental awareness (attitude However, it appears that in most cases social
change). Predictions from dissonance theory, factors only influence behaviour which is clearly
supported by research, have shown that visible by others. If the behaviour is more or less
environmental attitudes are more likely to change anonymous, social factors have relatively little
than car use behaviour. One study showed that influence.
people who were relatively well environmentally
aware, and who used their car very frequently, Choice of Change Strategies
showed a reduction in their environmental The first four (‘structural’) of the six strategies
awareness after receiving information about the for behaviour change are generally more effective
(negative) environmental effects of their car use than the last two (‘cognitive-motivational’)
(Tertoolen, 1996; Tertoolen et al., 1997). strategies, but they are often not available or not
Cognitive dissonance may also arise when easily implemented. Cognitive-motivational
more specific attitudes towards car use are at strategies are more easy to design and apply but
issue (Steg, 1996; Steg and Vlek, 1996). These their effectiveness is generally lower; in many
studies have shown that the more thoroughly cases, however, they are the only measures that
people think about the problems resulting from government is prepared to adopt (Vlek and Steg,
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motorized traffic, the lower becomes their 1996). The combined application of several
awareness of the associated problems. By thinking strategies, linked to a consistent set of policy
over the problems of car use, people were goals, is likely to be more effective than the use of
confronted with a discrepancy: they perceive car a single strategy. The choice of strategies should
use as a problem, but they are using a car be based on knowledge of the determinants of
themselves, and they are not willing to give up that behaviour, and on the underlying decision
the enormous personal advantages obtained from processes or behaviour mechanisms.
doing so. Most people appeared to manage the Ideally, policy measures should be designed
sensation of dissonance by evaluating the problem that are based on more than one strategy, and
of car use as being less serious than they had directed at several of the most important
previously. Results also showed that especially determinants of car use. For example, the
people who had a relatively high awareness of introduction of electric cars requires the
the problem initially, experienced a lower level application of several strategies. These include
of problem awareness after thinking over the expansion and adaptation of the infrastructure
issue. Respondents with a relatively low initial so that electric cars are widely available and
awareness of the problem scarcely modified their places for recharging them are plentiful. In
outlook at all. Two further points can be made addition, people need to be informed and
about cognitive dissonance. So cognitive educated about the advantages of electric cars
dissonance especially arises when people have a and about the way to use them. Financial and
relatively high problem awareness, because in economic measures will also be needed to
their case the discrepancy between attitudes stimulate a widespread change from petrol or
(problem awareness) and behaviour (car use) is diesel fuels to electric traction.
particularly acute.
Nevertheless, the provision of information Conditions for Behaviour Change
remains an important prerequisite for We can now review the scope for policy measures
implementing other policy measures, because aimed at reducing car use and the necessary
people must be informed about the need for such conditions which need to be fulfilled (Steg and
measures and about the nature and seriousness Sievers, 1996):
of the problems of car use. Eventually, however,
this may help to raise public support for more •People should be informed about the collective
direct policy measures which restrain car use. costs and risks arising from expansion of
A sixth type of cognitive-motivational strategy motorized traffic, and they must perceive this as a
consists of social modelling and support. This is source of serious environmental and societal
based on the observation that transport behaviour problems. This requires, in the minds of the
(and the underlying cognitive structure) is population, a clear characterization of the
strongly determined by social factors, such as problems and of the possible consequences of
social norms and customs, social comparison neglecting them.
processes occurring in status and power seeking, •People must feel collectively responsible for these
and the public examples set by prominent problems and they need to be convinced that
members of society. In social modelling and their own personal contribution to solving
support strategies, these factors are exploited, them will be significant.
for example by organizing family, company or •People have to balance the individual advantages
community support for the modification of which they derive against the collective
people’s attitudes, preferences, and habits. They disadvantages of car use and they must, again,



be convinced that the problems are worth solving. commuter plans’ are examples of targeting.
•Feasible alternatives should be available, either •Influencing behaviour is more than a funny television
at a superficial (technical) or at a behavioural spot: Communication is but one means of
level. influencing behaviour, and large-scale
•Selected strategies for behaviour change should information campaigns are but one form of
be applied, in order to inform and motivate communication. Behaviour is not merely the
people, and to enable them to make actual use consequence of individual preferences but is
of alternative opportunities. Effective strategies determined by the characteristics of the
require clear policy objectives, and a solid and situation in which behaviour is formed. Policy-
consistent application thereof. makers should not merely transfer messages
•Interventions by government need public and to the public, but should also listen carefully to
political support. People should be prepared public reactions and interpret motives,
to accept the need for, and the likely common means and preferences.
consequences of, policy measures against car •Feelings are facts: Not only the ‘objective’ (i.e.
use. Such success will depend, among other cognitive and rational) factors, but also the
things, on the legitimacy with which they are emotional and affective factors in car use should
perceived (which in turn is connected to be taken seriously. Many drivers look down
problem awareness) and the extent to which on bicycle use or public transport, and the
the measures taken conform with the existing privacy provided by the car plays a real and
norms and value patterns (for example about the important role in car use behaviour.
Downloaded by [New York University] at 22:54 26 April 2015

nature of freedom and justice) in society. •Make smart use of cognitive dissonance: The
discrepancy between attitudes and behaviour
‘Golden Rules’ for Reducing Car Use may result in rejection of information, and
In the concluding section of this article, we offer may even make the provision of information
ten ‘golden rules’ or principles which should be counter-effective. For example, when people
taken into account when designing policy aimed receive feedback about the real costs of using
at reducing car use. These principles are derived cars, they may not reduce their own mileage,
from current research on the psychology of car but may protest at government ‘oppression’
use behaviour. The first three principles are or ‘exploitation’ (Tertoolen et al., 1998) instead.
general, while the remaining seven are more Cognitive dissonance, however, can also be
specific and address psychological factors and used to influence behaviour. A change in
processes. The principles are based on behaviour can be brought about by
experiences gained by evaluating the effects of reimbursing travel on public transport and
recent policy measures aimed at reducing car use not by private car for certain purposes: after
in the Netherlands: some time attitudes may also be altered in line
with the behaviour change that is brought
•Policy should be based on a diagnosis of the main about—provided of course that public
motives for car use: An effective and efficient transport is available, efficient and convenient.
transport policy should be based on •Individualize social dilemmas: The individual’s
understanding the psychological determinants sense of responsibility for large-scale societal
of car use and the behaviour mechanisms problems and their solution may be
involved. This diagnosis should not only be accentuated by reducing them to a more
aimed at detecting individual preferences personal level. So public information might
towards travel behaviour, and car use in stress for example the deteriorating
particular, but should be aimed at analysing accessibility of jobs and services in a city or
opportunities, capabilities, needs and neighbourhood, rather than the global
motivations. increase in car use and its environmental
•Monitoring: The effects of policy interventions consequences and congestion. The effects of
should be clearly evaluated in order to assess individual contributions to the problem can
the extent to which policy objectives are being be made more visible and individual action
reached. Public support for policy measures can appear both more necessary and
can be heightened by providing feedback about productive.
their effects. •Habit and ‘catastrophes’: Travel behaviour is to a
•Identify relevant target groups: Generic measures, large extent habitual. People seldom respond
addressed to the population at large, may to measures which simply provide alternative
evoke unnecessary resistance because they means of transport or to minor changes in the
force some people into a corner, or provide choices confronting them. Changes will
opportunities for some people which are not however be more likely to occur when there is
available to others (Steg, 1996). Target groups a minor ‘catastrophe’—that is a strong and
can be defined on the basis of similar noticeable change in the situation, which
backgrounds, or on the basis of trip motives provokes a reappraisal of existing behaviour.
(for example commuting trips, work-related Examples of ‘catastrophes’ are a doubling in
trips, recreational trips, shopping trips). The fuel prices, or a radical drop in public transport
development of company travel plans or ‘green fares, but they could include individual



‘catastrophes’ such as a change of dwelling or were unlikely to be effective in changing

job. In these circumstances people may behaviour. The application of PPT resulted in
reconsider their habitual use of cars. advice to concentrate promotion on target groups,
•Policy measures should correspond with relevant and to inform these groups about car-pooling,
norms and values: Support for policy measures rather than taking a mass market advertising
is dependent on their perceived legitimacy approach. In this particular example, people
which, in turn, is determined by the extent to living in a specific area were selected as a target
which the measures correspond to existing group, because the area appeared to offer realistic
norms and values in society, including notions and workable alternatives to solo car driving.
of justice, fairness and freedom. For example, The process of disseminating information about
parking charges will be evaluated as more car-pooling was guided by behavioural scientists
acceptable if good, and secure parking places and information was provided by a variety of
are provided. However, if fairness ways (lessons in schools, advertisements, and
considerations are disregarded, behaviour will free publicity in newspapers as well as interviews
tend towards disobedience. It is crucial, etc. on radio). The information campaign was
therefore, to involve citizens in the planning combined with structural rewards for car-poolers:
and evaluation of the policy. The legitimacy of the car-pool area was equipped with more services
policy measures which restrict people’s and frequent car-poolers were offered free
freedom of choice may be improved by breakfasts. An information centre was opened, to
consultation about the aim, necessity and help potential car-poolers in the region. This
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effects of policy measures. strategy resulted in a successful car-pool

•Explain the aim of policy measures as well as the programme and solo car driving declined from
intended effects: Many of the problems associated 84% to 80%, while car-pooling increased from
with continued growth in car use are uncertain 16% to 20%. The number of companies reporting
in their scope and difficult for ordinary people that they encouraged car-pooling increased from
to understand. For example, many people 39% to 46%.
cannot readily visualize what will happen if
they continue to neglect the warnings about Conclusion
congestion and pollution. Clear images about Policy measures aimed at reducing car use need
possible futures, avoiding sensationalism and to be based on careful diagnosis of its main
facilitating careful deliberation of future determinants. It is important to identify target
scenarios, is desirable. groups and tune policy measures towards the
main motives of those groups. Behavioural
In the Netherlands, attempts were made to apply scientists can give a distinctive, innovative and
these ten golden rules in several policy fields. useful contribution to policy-making, not only in
The work was carried out within the framework the definition of the problem but also in the
of the so-called ‘Policy Practice Test’ (PPT), under design, implementation and evaluation of policy
the authority of the Ministry of Transport, Public measures. In the Netherlands, serious attempts
Works and Water Management. The aim of PPT are being made to involve social sciences more
is to incorporate knowledge from behavioural directly in transport policy and social scientists
sciences into actual policy-making. PPT is directed themselves are developing methods which enable
at all stages in policy-making, from the problem policy-makers to utilize new understanding and
definition phase, through the design and knowledge of human behaviour. The emphasis
implementation of policy measures, and the is not only on generating new insights, but on
evaluation of effects with any accompanying making effective use of existing knowledge in the
adjustments. PPT has proved useful for policy- policy process. Behavioural scientists cannot
makers in several areas, including road pricing, however offer simple and general recipes for
car-pooling and maximum speed limits on behavioural change. Advice to policy-makers will
highways (Weggemans et al., 1996; 1997; 1998). always be a matter of made-to-measure strategies.
The message used in PPT is as follows. First, The first results of this approach appear
behavioural scientists and policy-makers defined promising but a great deal more work still needs
or specified the important policy issues to be to be done. ■
addressed. Second, behavioural scientists
analysed the policy area, by applying theories Acknowledgement
and ‘rules’ as described in this article to specific The authors would particularly like to thank
policy topics. The results were fed into practical Francis Terry for his help and encouragement in
advice which could be used to support or adjust producing the final version of this article.
the work of the policy-maker.
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