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Name: ______________________ Class: _________________ Date: _________ ID: U

Unit 4 Test

MAIN IDEAS: Listen. Choose the correct answer. [Track 21CC 4_U4_1.mp3]

____ 1. What does the speaker do in the talk? Choose three answers.
a. Defines the meaning of the term big data
b. Illustrates how big data improves our lives
c. Emphasizes the risks of relying on big data
d. Discusses how to learn more about big data
e. Explains what information makes up big data

____ 2. What ideas does the speaker express in the talk? Choose three answers.
a. Big data can help people save money in a variety of ways.
b. Analysis of big data can lead to insights into health issues.
c. Big organizations and individuals both profit from big data.
d. Big data has serious problems that stop it from being useful.
e. Companies that are not investing in data analysis will struggle.

DETAILS: Listen. Answer T (true) or F (false).

____ 3. The speaker says that data and information can be considered synonyms of each other. [Track 21CC

____ 4. The speaker says that the collected information can include sound files, video files, and image files.
[Track 21CC 4_U4_3.mp3]

____ 5. The speaker purchased a laptop computer from a shopping mall for approximately $800. [Track 21CC

____ 6. Smart devices help the speaker save at least $1200 every year on household expenses. [Track 21CC

____ 7. The speaker caught the flu last winter and made an appointment to see a physician. [Track 21CC

____ 8. The speaker says that analyzing big data for health trends will help people remain healthy. [Track 21CC

____ 9. The speaker suggests that few people are concerned about big data causing a loss of privacy. [Track 21CC

____ 10. The speaker feels that the benefits that big data will bring are greater than the drawbacks. [Track 21CC
Name: ______________________ ID: U

LISTENING SKILL: Listen. Choose the correct answer.

____ 11. Does the speaker express a fact, an opinion, or both a fact and an opinion? [Track 21CC 4_U4_10.mp3]
a. a fact only
b. an opinion only
c. both a fact and an opinion

____ 12. Does the speaker express a fact, an opinion, or both a fact and an opinion? [Track 21CC 4_U4_11.mp3]
a. a fact only
b. an opinion only
c. both a fact and an opinion

____ 13. Does the speaker express a fact, an opinion, or both a fact and an opinion? [Track 21CC 4_U4_12.mp3]
a. a fact only
b. an opinion only
c. both a fact and an opinion

____ 14. The speaker says that big data resulted in her saving money and getting a great laptop. [Track 21CC

SPEAKING SKILL: Listen. Answer T (true) or F (false).

____ 15. The speaker says that she is helping the environment as a result of using less energy. [Track 21CC

____ 16. The speaker says that many people she knows came down with flu because she got a flu shot. [Track
21CC 4_U4_15.mp3]

PRONUNCIATION SKILL: Read the compound nouns. Choose the answer that gives the
correct stress. [Track 21CC 4_U4_16.mp3]

____ 17. How should the compound noun “big data” be stressed?
a. BIG data
b. big DAta
c. big daTA

____ 18. How should the compound noun “shopping mall” be stressed?
a. SHOPping mall
b. shopPING mall
c. shopping MALL

____ 19. How should the compound noun “climate change” be stressed?
a. CLImate change
b. cliMATE change
c. climate CHANGE

____ 20. How should the compound noun “health issues” be stressed?
a. HEALTH issues
b. health ISSues
c. health issUES
Name: ______________________ ID: U

VOCABULARY: Read the sentences with words from unit 4. Then write the correct word to
complete the sentence.

21. Ghazal’s restaurant ____________________ when she hired a new chef.

(customized / overlooked / prospered)

22. Rather than buy the shoes in the store, Jim chose to purchase them online because the Web site gave him
the option to ____________________ the color.
(customize / overlook / prosper)

23. Magda’s boss ____________________ her regular lateness because she was such an excellent data
(customized / overlooked / prospered)

24. After working in ____________________ for many years, Jung-Ho decided to make a career change.
(commerce / formula / sector)

25. According to a government report, job gains are expected in the construction ____________________ .
(commerce / formula / sector)

26. For her thesis, Elena analyzed hundreds of successful video games and found that many of them followed
a relatively simple ____________________.
(commerce / formula / sector)

VOCABULARY: Read the sentences with words from unit 4. Then choose the word or phrase
that has the same meaning as the bold words.

____ 27. The weather was affecting her Internet connection, so it took much longer to transmit the data than
a. allow
b. offer
c. send

____ 28. The manager worked hard with his team of programmers to eliminate all of the bugs from the software
a. cut back on
b. get rid of
c. look up to

____ 29. When asked what his most productive trait was, the author said it was his ability to write every single
a. category
b. quality
c. vision
Name: ______________________ ID: U

____ 30. When asked what they felt the most important stage of the process was, everybody gave a different
a. emphasis
b. procedure
c. resource

Unit 4 Test
Answer Section

1. ANS: A, B, E PTS: 3 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4

TOP: Main Ideas NOT: 21CC 4_U4_1.mp3
2. ANS: A, B, C PTS: 3 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4
TOP: Main Ideas NOT: 21CC 4_U4_1.mp3
3. ANS: T PTS: 3 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4
TOP: Details NOT: 21CC 4_U4_2.mp3
4. ANS: T PTS: 3 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4
TOP: Details NOT: 21CC 4_U4_3.mp3
5. ANS: F PTS: 3 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4
TOP: Details NOT: 21CC 4_U4_4.mp3
6. ANS: F PTS: 3 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4
TOP: Details NOT: 21CC 4_U4_5.mp3
7. ANS: F PTS: 3 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4
TOP: Details NOT: 21CC 4_U4_6.mp3
8. ANS: T PTS: 3 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4
TOP: Details NOT: 21CC 4_U4_7.mp3
9. ANS: F PTS: 3 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4
TOP: Details NOT: 21CC 4_U4_8.mp3
10. ANS: T PTS: 3 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4
TOP: Details NOT: 21CC 4_U4_9.mp3
11. ANS: C PTS: 5 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4
TOP: Listening Skill NOT: 21CC 4_U4_10.mp3
12. ANS: A PTS: 5 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4
TOP: Listening Skill NOT: 21CC 4_U4_11.mp3
13. ANS: B PTS: 5 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4
TOP: Listening Skill NOT: 21CC 4_U4_12.mp3
14. ANS: T PTS: 5 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4
TOP: Speaking Skill NOT: 21CC 4_U4_13.mp3
15. ANS: T PTS: 5 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4
TOP: Speaking Skill NOT: 21CC 4_U4_14.mp3
16. ANS: F PTS: 5 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4
TOP: Speaking Skill NOT: 21CC 4_U4_15.mp3
17. ANS: B PTS: 5 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4
TOP: Pronunciation Skill NOT: 21CC 4_U4_16.mp3
18. ANS: A PTS: 5 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4
TOP: Pronunciation Skill NOT: 21CC 4_U4_16.mp3
19. ANS: A PTS: 5 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4
TOP: Pronunciation Skill NOT: 21CC 4_U4_16.mp3
20. ANS: A PTS: 5 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4
TOP: Pronunciation Skill NOT: 21CC 4_U4_16.mp3
21. ANS: prospered

PTS: 2 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4 TOP: Part I Vocabulary


22. ANS: customize

PTS: 2 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4 TOP: Part I Vocabulary

23. ANS: overlooked

PTS: 2 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4 TOP: Part I Vocabulary

24. ANS: commerce

PTS: 2 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4 TOP: Part I Vocabulary

25. ANS: sector

PTS: 2 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4 TOP: Part I Vocabulary

26. ANS: formula

PTS: 2 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4 TOP: Part I Vocabulary

27. ANS: C PTS: 2 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4
TOP: Part II Vocabulary
28. ANS: B PTS: 2 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4
TOP: Part II Vocabulary
29. ANS: B PTS: 2 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4
TOP: Part II Vocabulary
30. ANS: B PTS: 2 REF: 21CC 4, Unit 4
TOP: Part II Vocabulary

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