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Future time

Task A
1. Sonia looks like she's going to fall asleep any minute!
2. When I leave school, I'm going to be a journalist.
3. When Jake's got his degree, he's going / going to go to drama school for a
4. Watch out or you're going to get into trouble!
5. When are they going to realise that they have to improve their customer
6. When are you going to open a branch in Little Hampton?
7. It sounds like we're not having /going to have a sales conference this year.
8. I think house prices are going to fall in about six months.
9. Why is Tony applying / going to apply for that position? He's not qualified at
10.We're discussing / going to discuss this in detail in the next meeting.
11.I'm pretty sure that building's being / going to be knocked down next week.
12.There's no doubt the events of the last few days are going to be written about
by future historians.
13.You're not handing / going to hand in your resignation tomorrow, are you?
14.Fiona and Jerry aren't going to become arrogant when they release their CD,
are they?
15. The airline industry's going to have to cut costs in the near future.

Task B
1. I can't come to the beach this weekend, I'm afraid, as we're visiting my
2. The Prime Minister will answer all of your questions in due course.
3. What time does your plane arrive / is your plane arriving?
4. I'm looking after the neighbours' kids tomorrow evening so I can't come
5. Shall we move on to the next item on the agenda now?
6. I don't feel well at all. "Are you going to be sick?"
7. The last bus leaves / is leaving at midnight.
8. Karen, shall I give you a hand with that report?
9. I'm afraid I won't have time to finish all this work today.
10.When is she going to get round to having new business cards printed?

Task C
1. I will come into the office on Saturday morning if you like, Pete.
2. Carol, will you show Harry how to use the photocopier, please?
3. From the look of things, it is going to snow later today (it will snow).
4. Hurry up! We will miss the ferry!
5. The winner will be / is going to be / is announced on 14th January.
6. I can’t come in to work this morning because I am going to the doctor’s.
7. Don’t worry! They won’t sack / aren’t going to sack anyone for at least six
8. Is Jenny going to find / Will Jenny find a job easily when she graduates?
9. No, I’m afraid I won’t be at the meeting tomorrow.
10. The new version will be / is going to be launched in the spring.
11. I will order a pizza, shall I?
12. It looks like some people will be made / are going to be made redundant
quite soon.
13. What time does the train leave / is the train leaving on Saturday?

Task D
1. I think we'll have sold out of these by the end of the day. Correct
2. On Tuesday, Toby will have been being with the company for exactly 35
will have been
3. We'll have been becoming the market leader by the end of the summer. We'll
have become
4. At the end of the summer, I'll have taking the same train to work every
morning for 15 years. I'll have been taking
5. When we meet tomorrow afternoon, will you already have a chance to look at
the sales figures? will you already have had
6. You'll have driven for hours without a break when we get there, so you'll need
a rest before we go out. You'll have been driving
7. A Managing Director will have appointed by the end of the month. will have
been appointed
8. Sandra won't have been finished the reports by then, but she should at least
have started. won't have finished
9. Ron's going to be very surprised when he hears the news. He definitely will
have been expecting it. won’t have been expecting
10.Will you have managed to put something down in writing by the end of the
day? Correct
11.Why will they have been waiting for hours? I thought you'd told them we were
going to leave later. Correct
12. It sounds like the invitations won't all have delivering by next Friday. won't
all have been delivered
Task E
1. Ed will have applied
2. I will hopefully be running
3. We will have lived (we will have been living)
4. Will Gemma already have arrived
5. You won’t be travelling / won’t have been travelling; you will have had / you
will be having
6. We will be waiting
7. 1000 people will have been jumping (1000 people will have jumped)
8. The boys will be signing
9. will you be interviewing
10. Terry won’t have seen
11. will you be doing
12. We won’t be seeing

Task F
1. You can all go home when the bell rings.
2. I’ll take notes while Ahmed asks the questions.
3. You become a junior employee once you’ve been a trainee for three months.
4. Miss Jones will be interviewing the candidates while Mr Dawkins is recording
the interviews.
5. We’ll assess the situation again us soon as the sales figures come in.
6. We’ll only consider promoting you once you’ve worked for us for over a year.
7. They won’t make a profit until they start selling in much larger quantities.
8. I’ll know for sure that the book is going to be published when I am offered a

Task G
1. arrive
2. will be shown
3. give
4. will be taken / will be shown
5. are waiting
6. are called
7. will last
8. will be recorded
9. is
10.will be destroyed
11. will be notified
12. Has been drawn up
Task H
1. Shona is just about to find out if she has been promoted.
2. They are on the point of deciding whether to close the Paris office.
3. I am due to give a presentation to the board on Friday morning.
4. Are you about to go home?
5. Actually, we aren’t on the verge of having a general election.
6. What time are the inspectors due to arrive tomorrow?
7. You are not to tell anyone about this.

Task I
1. was
2. would
3. was
4. had
5. Were
6. was
7. were; would
8. were
9. to

Task J
1. will
2. have
3. soon
4. happens
5. will
6. still
7. be
8. working
9. be
10. doing
11. while
12. are
13. become
14. been
15. by

Task K
1. C
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. A
6. D
7. B
8. A

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