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Hundur Khalifating

Irrigation Channel

Hundur Khalifating village is situated within Hundur valley of District Ghizer of Gilgit-
Baltistan. The village consisted of 55 HH with a total population of 385. The inhabitants of
the village primarily rely on agriculture for livelihood. During the colossal flash floods of
2010; 35 households were completely damaged along with thousands of trees and
cultivable lands whereas 45 Kettle, 85 sheep, 13 goats, and 72 chickens perished during the
disaster. 10 households out of the 35 were rehabilitated by the community whereas 25
households resettled in other areas. The Hundur Khalifating irrigation channels
(coordinate N:36.52270 E:73.41.905) was entirely damaged i.e. 1000 rft in length and
resulted in extreme difficulties and panic for the community.

The community tried to seek help from Government, but due to delay in response and
lesser external support the village remains vulnerable to calamity; subsequently in 2010
the community approached AKRSP for immediate support.

As per the community’s request; AKRSP visited the site to assess the need of project, and
with the generous financial support of Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF)
rehabilitated the entire irrigation channel. The work on the irrigation channel started on
the 10th of January, 2011 and was completed on the 20 th of July, 2011. The irrigation
channels direct beneficiaries are estimated as 55 households with a population of 385
inhabitants. The total cost of the project was PKR 592336 and PPAF share was PKR 458346
whereas community share was PKR 133990. The length of flood protective work is 300 rft.

As agriculture is the mainstay of village, the intervention also played a significant role in
mitigating food insecurity in long run which was a major threat to community. The
successful completion of project led to remarkable increase in agriculture productivity that
will ultimately increase economic status of the villagers.

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