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Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP)

Case Study of Greenhouse In Zuthkhoon Chipurson

Under the Project of GBC Priority Valley
Zoodkhun is one of the remote and last village of Chipurson valley. The areas have harsh and
prolong winter season. The growing season only for five to six months. The villagers usually only
able to grow vegetables during this short season while for the remaining months they had to
fetch vegetables from Sost Bazar 60 Km away from the village of Zoodkhun. Keeping in view the
situation and fulfil the nutrition need of the community under the project of GBC one of the
beneficiaries namely Shamsher Ali came to know through announcement in Jamat Khana about
greenhouse benefits. He submitted an application to Chipurson Local Support Organization
number of visits made by LSO board of director and he was supported a green house in his land.
Traditionally people used dried vegetables in winter season. With the introduction of
greenhouse technology community have nutritionally rich vegetables available for use in the off
season. The dried vegetables losses its nutritional elements while drying. The fresh vegetables
in the greenhouse provide them a better nutritional element. In the availability of fresh
vegetables communities has reduce dependency of dried vegetables. The greenhouse run by
Mrs Shamsher ali. Gulzar Begum grows different vegetables, Tomato, Chilli and Turnip round
the year and getting a continue seasonal income. Meanwhile, the facility is not less than
blessing for the other villagers, as fresh vegetables are now available at their door step at
reasonable prices throughout the year that was impossible a year back. Gulzar Begum is the
one look after all the operations and she uttered that its very management intensive enterprise.
She earing monthly income of Rs.10,000 and utilizes the income on the educating her children
as they have three school going children and one of her sons studying at university level.
Community Perspective.
The community has keen interest duplication of this technology in the whole valley and express
their happiness for the use of this technology. Circulation of income in their village. The income
of the beneficiary increased. It is encouraging to note that women participation is seen in the
operation of greenhouse system while male member does his own work. This technology
further adds income of the beneficiary household. The GBC project has created awareness in
the whole valley about the nutrition, greenhouse and possibilities of higher income to the poor
beneficiaries with the small land holding and provide fresh vegetables in off season.
Immediate Outcome of greenhouse
Its enhanced women empowerment by adopting greenhouse technology. Women are found
best suited to manage the green house as it is somewhat similar to their other routine domestic
It is recommended that the outcome of GBC project needs to be replicated in the other
surrounding valleys by involving women especially in greenhouse production to create better
socio-economic impact in the villages, which become a means to minimize poverty.

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