Friday The 13th

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Friday the 13th

It was Friday the 13th a few years ago, there was a group of teenagers that decided to go out on that
day. But it was a bad idea because something horrible happen. There were six people in total and
they were Anna, Thomas, Matthew, Miguel, Emma, and veronica.

A group of teenagers wanted to go out because they didn’t believe that it was an unlucky day. So,
they went to visit an abandoned house. Emma and anna weren’t big fans of this idea because they
were scared but they still went with them. When they arrived, Thomas opened the door and it made
a creaking sound and the others followed him, Miguel was the last one in and he left the door open
so if anything happens they could run out as fast as possible. One could hear a pin fall on the floor as
quiet as it was suddenly the door was lamed shut and when they tried to open it was locked.

Veronica started hearing and feeling stuff but everyone was telling her crazy because none of them
were hearing or feeling anything and told her that she was trying to scare them. They were trying to
find a way to get out of that house as soon as possible. Anna found a hole in the wall that led them
to go outside of that house. Everyone got out of that until they noticed that Thomas wasn’t there so
they started calling him but there wasn’t any service so they started shouting but it was all for
nothing. Matthew went to see if there was someone close by that could help them find Thomas.

Eventually, after an hour Thomas got out of the house but he was bleeding a lot so he had to go to
the hospital. They were asking him where he was but he couldn’t remember because he had hit his
head extremely hard on the wall and he forgot a lot of things. Thomas was feeling better after that
day and told his friends that he wasn’t going out on that day ever again.






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