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Pricing effective from the 1st February 2022

Journal SAGE Choice ($) SAGE Choice (£)

AATCC Journal of Research $3,500 £2,700
About Campus $3,000 £2,300
Academic Forensic Pathology $3,500 £2,700
Accounting History $3,000 £2,300
Acta Radiologica $3,750 £2,900
Acta Sociologica $3,250 £2,500
Action Research $3,250 £2,500
Active Learning in Higher Education $3,500 £2,700
Acupuncture in Medicine $3,750 £2,900
Adaptive Behavior $3,750 £2,900
ADCES in Practice $3,500 £2,700
Administration & Society $3,250 £2,500
Administrative Science Quarterly $3,500 £2,700
Adoption & Fostering $3,000 £2,300
Adult Education Quarterly $3,250 £2,500
Adult Learning $3,000 £2,300
Advances in Developing Human Resources $3,000 £2,300
Advances in Structural Engineering $3,750 £2,900
Affilia $3,250 £2,500
Alexandria $3,000 £2,300
AlterNative $3,000 £2,300
Alternative Law Journal $3,000 £2,300
Alternatives $3,250 £2,500
Alternatives to Laboratory Animals $3,750 £2,900
American Behavioral Scientist $3,250 £2,500
American Economist $3,000 £2,300
American Educational Research Journal $1,000 £800
American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery $3,500 £2,700
American Journal of Evaluation $3,250 £2,500
American Journal of Health Promotion $3,750 £2,900
American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine $3,750 £2,900
American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine $3,500 £2,700
American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy $3,750 £2,900
American Journal of Sports Medicine, The $4,000 £3,100
American Politics Research $3,250 £2,500
American Review of Public Administration, The $3,250 £2,500
American Sociological Review $3,250 £2,500
American String Teacher $3,000 £2,300
American Surgeon $3,750 £2,900
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care $3,750 £2,900
Angiology $4,000 £3,100
Anglican Theological Review $3,000 £2,300
Animation $3,000 £2,300
Annals of Clinical Biochemistry $3,750 £2,900
Annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology $3,750 £2,900
Annals of Pharmacotherapy $4,000 £3,100
ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Soci $3,250 £2,500
Annals of the ICRP $3,500 £2,700
Anthropocene Review, The $3,500 £2,700
Anthropological Theory $3,250 £2,500
Antitrust Bulletin $3,000 £2,300
Applied Psychological Measurement $3,250 £2,500
Applied Spectroscopy $3,750 £2,900
Archive for the Psychology of Religion $3,250 £2,500
Armed Forces & Society $3,250 £2,500
Arts and Humanities in Higher Education $3,000 £2,300
Asian and Pacific Migration Journal $3,250 £2,500
Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals $3,500 £2,700
Asian Journal of Comparative Politics $3,000 £2,300
Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health $1,875 £1,400
Assessment $3,500 £2,700
Assessment for Effective Intervention $3,000 £2,300
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood $3,250 £2,500
Australasian Marketing Journal $3,000 £2,300
Australasian Psychiatry $3,750 £2,900
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry $4,000 £3,100
Australian Journal of Career Development $3,000 £2,300
Australian Journal of Education $3,250 £2,500
Australian Journal of Management $3,250 £2,500
Autism $3,500 £2,700
Avian Biology Research $3,750 £2,900
Behavior Modification $3,250 £2,500
Behavioral Disorders $3,250 £2,500
Beyond Behavior $3,000 £2,300
Bible Translator, The $3,000 £2,300
Biblical Theology Bulletin $3,000 £2,300
Biological Research For Nursing $3,750 £2,900
BMS - Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique $3,000 £2,300
Body & Society $3,250 £2,500
British Journal of Music Therapy $3,000 £2,300
British Journal of Occupational Therapy, The $3,750 £2,900
British Journal of Pain $3,500 £2,700
British Journal of Politics and International Relations $3,250 £2,500
British Journal of Visual Impairment $3,000 £2,300
Building Acoustics $3,500 £2,700
Building Services Engineering Research and Technolo $3,750 £2,900
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society $3,000 £2,300
Business & Society $3,500 £2,700
Business and Professional Communication Quarterly $3,000 £2,300
Business Information Review $3,000 £2,300
Cahiers Élisabéthains $3,000 £2,300
Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal $3,750 £2,900
Canadian Journal of Nursing Research $3,500 £2,700
Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy $3,750 £2,900
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry $4,000 £3,100
Canadian Journal of School Psychology $3,250 £2,500
Canadian Pharmacists Journal $3,500 £2,700
Capital and Class $3,000 £2,300
Career Development and Transition for Exceptional In $3,250 £2,500
Cellular Polymers $3,750 £2,900
Cephalalgia $3,000 £2,300
Child Language Teaching and Therapy $3,250 £2,500
Child Maltreatment $3,250 £2,500
Childhood $3,250 £2,500
China Information $3,250 £2,500
Chinese Journal of Sociology $3,000 £2,300
Christian Education Journal $3,000 £2,300
Chronic Illness $3,750 £2,900
Citizenship, Social and Economics Education $3,000 £2,300
City & Community $3,000 £2,300
Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, The $3,750 £2,900
Clin-Alert $3,500 £2,700
Clinical Case Studies $3,250 £2,500
Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry $3,250 £2,500
Clinical EEG and Neuroscience $3,750 £2,900
Clinical Ethics $3,500 £2,700
Clinical Nursing Research $3,750 £2,900
Clinical Pediatrics $3,750 £2,900
Clinical Psychological Science $3,500 £2,700
Clinical Rehabilitation $4,000 £3,100
Clinical Trials $3,750 £2,900
Clothing and Textiles Research Journal $3,250 £2,500
Coastal Studies & Society $3,000 £2,300
Collections $3,000 £2,300
Common Law World Review $3,000 £2,300
Communication and Sport $3,250 £2,500
Communication and the Public $3,000 £2,300
Communication Disorders Quarterly $3,250 £2,500
Communication Research $3,500 £2,700
Community College Review $3,000 £2,300
Comparative Political Studies $3,500 £2,700
Compensation & Benefits Review $3,000 £2,300
Competition and Change $3,250 £2,500
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries $3,000 £2,300
Concurrent Engineering $3,750 £2,900
Conflict Management and Peace Science $3,250 £2,500
Contemporary Drug Problems $3,000 £2,300
Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood $3,000 £2,300
Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews $3,250 £2,500
Contexts $3,250 £2,500
Convergence $3,250 £2,500
Cooperation and Conflict $3,250 £2,500
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly $3,250 £2,500
Counseling Psychologist, The $3,250 £2,500
Craniomaxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction $3,500 £2,700
Crime & Delinquency $3,250 £2,500
Crime Media Culture $3,250 £2,500
Criminal Justice and Behavior $3,250 £2,500
Criminal Justice Policy Review $3,000 £2,300
Criminal Justice Review $3,000 £2,300
Criminology & Criminal Justice $3,250 £2,500
Critical Research on Religion $3,000 £2,300
Critical Social Policy $3,250 £2,500
Critical Sociology $3,250 £2,500
Critical Studies in Television $3,000 £2,300
Critique of Anthropology $3,250 £2,500
Cross-Cultural Research $3,250 £2,500
Cultural Dynamics $3,000 £2,300
Cultural Geographies $3,250 £2,500
Cultural Sociology $3,250 £2,500
Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies $3,250 £2,500
Culture & Psychology $3,250 £2,500
Current Directions in Psychological Science $3,500 £2,700
Current Sociology $3,250 £2,500
Currents in Biblical Research $3,000 £2,300
Dementia $3,250 £2,500
Developmental Child Welfare $3,000 £2,300
Dialogues in Human Geography $3,500 £2,700
Dialogues in Urban Research $3,000 £2,300
Diogenes $3,000 £2,300
Discourse & Communication $3,250 £2,500
Discourse & Society $3,250 £2,500
Discourse Studies $3,250 £2,500
Downside Review $3,000 £2,300
Dramatherapy $3,000 £2,300
Drug Science, Policy and Law $3,500 £2,700
Earthquake Spectra $4,000 £3,100
East European Politics and Societies $3,250 £2,500
Economic and Industrial Democracy $3,250 £2,500
Economic and Labour Relations Review, The $3,250 £2,500
Economic Development Quarterly $3,250 £2,500
Education and Urban Society $3,250 £2,500
Education, Citizenship and Social Justice $3,000 £2,300
Educational Administration Quarterly $3,500 £2,700
Educational and Psychological Measurement $3,250 £2,500
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis $1,000 £800
Educational Management Administration & Leadershi $3,500 £2,700
Educational Policy $3,250 £2,500
Educational Researcher $1,000 £800
E-Learning and Digital Media $3,000 £2,300
Electronic News $3,000 £2,300
Emerging Adulthood $3,250 £2,500
Emotion Review $3,500 £2,700
Empirical Studies of the Arts $3,250 £2,500
Energy & Environment $3,250 £2,500
Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy $3,000 £2,300
Entrepreneurship, Theory & Practice $3,500 £2,700
Environment and Behavior $3,500 £2,700
Environment and Planning A $3,500 £2,700
Environment and Planning B $3,250 £2,500
Environment and Planning C $3,250 £2,500
Environment and Planning D $3,500 £2,700
Environment and Planning E $3,000 £2,300
Environment and Planning F $3,000 £2,300
Environment and Urbanization $3,250 £2,500
Environmental Law Review $3,000 £2,300
Equity in Education & Society $3,000 £2,300
Ergonomics in Design: The Quarterly of Human Factors $1,500 £1,200
Ethnicities $3,250 £2,500
Ethnography $3,250 £2,500
European Educational Research Journal $3,250 £2,500
European History Quarterly $3,250 £2,500
European Journal of Communication $3,250 £2,500
European Journal of Criminology $3,250 £2,500
European Journal of Cultural Studies $3,250 £2,500
European Journal of Industrial Relations $3,250 £2,500
European Journal of International Relations $3,500 £2,700
European Journal of Mass Spectrometry $3,750 £2,900
European Journal of Ophthalmology $3,750 £2,900
European Journal of Personality $3,500 £2,700
European Journal of Political Theory $3,000 £2,300
European Journal of Probation $3,000 £2,300
European Journal of Social Security $3,000 £2,300
European Journal of Social Theory $3,250 £2,500
European Journal of Women's Studies $3,250 £2,500
European Labour Law Journal $3,000 £2,300
European Physical Education Review $3,250 £2,500
European Stroke Journal $3,500 £2,700
European Union Politics $3,250 £2,500
European Urban and Regional Studies $3,500 £2,700
Evaluation $3,250 £2,500
Evaluation & the Health Professions $3,750 £2,900
Evaluation Journal of Australasia $3,000 £2,300
Evaluation Review $3,250 £2,500
Exceptional Children $3,500 £2,700
Experimental Biology and Medicine $3,750 £2,900
Expository Times $3,000 £2,300
FACE $3,500 £2,700
Families in Society $3,250 £2,500
Family Business Review $3,500 £2,700
Family Journal, The $3,000 £2,300
Federal Law Review $3,000 £2,300
Feminism & Psychology $3,250 £2,500
Feminist Criminology $3,250 £2,500
Feminist Theology $3,000 £2,300
Feminist Theory $3,250 £2,500
Field Methods $3,250 £2,500
First Language $3,250 £2,500
Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilitie $3,250 £2,500
Food and Nutrition Bulletin $3,750 £2,900
Food Science and Technology International $3,750 £2,900
Foot & Ankle International $3,750 £2,900
Foot and Ankle Specialist $3,500 £2,700
Foregut $3,500 £2,700
Forum Italicum $3,000 £2,300
French Cultural Studies $3,250 £2,500
Games and Culture $3,250 £2,500
Gender & Society $3,250 £2,500
General Music Today $3,000 £2,300
German Journal of Human Resource Management $3,250 £2,500
Gifted Child Quarterly $1,000 £800
Gifted Child Today $3,000 £2,300
Gifted Education International $3,000 £2,300
Global Health Promotion $3,250 £2,500
Global Media and Communication $3,000 £2,300
Global Social Policy $3,000 £2,300
Global Studies of Childhood $3,000 £2,300
Group & Organization Management $3,250 £2,500
Group Analysis $3,000 £2,300
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations $3,250 £2,500
Hand $3,500 £2,700
Hand Therapy $3,500 £2,700
Health Education & Behavior $3,750 £2,900
Health Education Journal $3,250 £2,500
Health Information Management Journal $3,250 £2,500
Health Promotion Practice $3,500 £2,700
Health Services Management Research $3,500 £2,700
Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal $3,250 £2,500
Healthcare Management Forum $3,000 £2,300
HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journa $3,750 £2,900
High Performance Polymers $3,750 £2,900
HIP International $3,750 £2,900
Hispanic Health Care International $3,500 £2,700
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences $3,250 £2,500
History of Psychiatry $3,250 £2,500
History of Science $3,250 £2,500
History of the Human Sciences $3,250 £2,500
Holocene, The $3,250 £2,500
Home Health Care Management & Practice $3,500 £2,700
Homicide Studies $3,250 £2,500
Hospital Pharmacy $3,500 £2,700
HSS Journal $3,750 £2,900
Human Factors $1,500 £1,200
Human Geography $3,000 £2,300
Human Relations $3,500 £2,700
Human Resource Development Review $3,500 £2,700
Human Systems $3,000 £2,300
Humanity & Society $3,000 £2,300
IFLA Journal $3,000 £2,300
Illness, Crisis & Loss $3,000 £2,300
ILRReview $3,000 £2,300
Imagination, Cognition and Personality $3,000 £2,300
Improving Schools $3,000 £2,300
Incarceration $3,000 £2,300
Inclusive Practices $3,000 £2,300
Indoor and Built Environment $4,000 £3,100
Industry & Higher Education $3,000 £2,300
Information Development $3,250 £2,500
Information Visualization $3,750 £2,900
Innovations $3,000 £2,300
International Area Studies Review $3,000 £2,300
International Bulletin of Mission Research $3,000 £2,300
International Communication Gazette $3,250 £2,500
International Criminal Justice Review $3,000 £2,300
International Journal $3,250 £2,500
International Journal of Aeroacoustics $3,750 £2,900
International Journal of Aging and Human Developme $3,250 £2,500
International Journal of Architectural Computing $3,500 £2,700
International Journal of Artificial Organs, The $3,750 £2,900
International Journal of Behavioral Development $3,250 £2,500
International Journal of Bilingualism $3,250 £2,500
International Journal of Business Communication $3,250 £2,500
International Journal of Care Coordination $3,500 £2,700
International Journal of Christianity & Education $3,000 £2,300
International Journal of Comparative Sociology $3,250 £2,500
International Journal of Cross Cultural Management $3,000 £2,300
International Journal of Cultural Studies $3,250 £2,500
International Journal of Damage Mechanics $4,000 £3,100
International Journal of Discrimination and the Law $3,000 £2,300
International Journal of Educational Reform $3,000 £2,300
International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Educ $4,000 £3,100
International Journal of Engine Research $3,500 £2,700
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innova $3,000 £2,300
International Journal of Evidence & Proof, The $3,000 £2,300
International Journal of Health Services $3,750 £2,900
International Journal of High Performance Computing $3,750 £2,900
International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds, Th $3,750 £2,900
International Journal of Maritime History $3,000 £2,300
International Journal of Market Research $3,250 £2,500
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Educ $3,500 £2,700
International Journal of Music Education $3,250 £2,500
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Compa $3,250 £2,500
International Journal of Police Science and Managem $3,000 £2,300
International Journal of Press/Politics, The $3,500 £2,700
International Journal of Protective Structures $3,500 £2,700
International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, The $3,750 £2,900
International Journal of Robotics Research $4,000 £3,100
International Journal of Social Psychiatry $3,250 £2,500
International Journal of Space Structures $3,500 £2,700
International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching $3,250 £2,500
International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynam $3,750 £2,900
International Journal of STD & AIDS $3,750 £2,900
International Journal of Stroke $4,000 £3,100
International Journal of Surgical Pathology $3,750 £2,900
International Journal of Toxicology $3,750 £2,900
International Migration Review $3,250 £2,500
International Political Science Review / Revue interna $3,250 £2,500
International Quarterly of Community Health Educati $3,500 £2,700
International Regional Science Review $3,250 £2,500
International Relations $3,250 £2,500
International Review for the Sociology of Sport $3,250 £2,500
International Review of Administrative Sciences $3,250 £2,500
International Review of Qualitative Research $3,000 £2,300
International Review of Victimology $3,000 £2,300
International Small Business Journal $3,500 £2,700
International Social Work $3,250 £2,500
International Sociology $3,250 £2,500
Interpretation $3,000 £2,300
Intervention in School and Clinic $3,250 £2,500
Interventional Neuroradiology $3,750 £2,900
Irish Economic and Social History $3,000 £2,300
Irish Journal of Sociology $3,000 £2,300
Irish Theological Quarterly $3,000 £2,300
JDMS - Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation $3,500 £2,700
JDR Clinical and Translational Research $3,500 £2,700
Journal for the Education of the Gifted $3,000 £2,300
Journal for the History of Astronomy $3,250 £2,500
Journal for the Study of the New Testament $3,000 £2,300
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament $3,000 £2,300
Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha $3,000 £2,300
Journal for Vascular Ultrasound $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Adolescent Research $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Adult and Continuing Education $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Advanced Academics $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Advertising Education $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Aging and Health $4,000 £3,100
Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, The $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Applied Gerontology $4,000 £3,100
Journal of Applied Social Science $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Asian and African Studies $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Attention Disorders $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers $3,750 £2,900
Journal of Biological Rhythms $4,000 £3,100
Journal of Biomaterials Applications $3,750 £2,900
Journal of Black Psychology $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Black Studies $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Building Physics $3,750 £2,900
Journal of Business and Technical Communication $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Career Assessment $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Career Development $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Cellular Plastics $4,000 £3,100
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Child Health Care $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Child Neurology $3,750 £2,900
Journal of Chinese Writing Systems $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Classical Sociology $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Clinical Urology $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making $3,000 £2,300
Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theor $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Commonwealth Literature $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Communication Inquiry $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Composite Materials $3,750 £2,900
Journal of Conflict Resolution $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Consumer Culture $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Contemporary Ethnography $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Contemporary History $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Criminal Law, The $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Criminology $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery $3,750 £2,900
Journal of Dental Research $4,000 £3,100
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Disability Policy Studies $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Drug Education: Substance Abuse Research $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Drug Issues $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Early Adolescence, The $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Early Childhood Literacy $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Early Childhood Research $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Early Intervention $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Education $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics $1,000 £800
Journal of Educational Computing Research $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Educational Technology Systems $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Egyptian Archaeology $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Elastomers and Plastics $3,750 £2,900
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Eth $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Disorders $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Endovascular Therapy $4,000 £3,100
Journal of English Linguistics $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Environment & Development, The $3,250 £2,500
Journal of European Social Policy $3,250 £2,500
Journal of European Studies $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Experiential Education $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Family History $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Family Issues $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Family Nursing $4,000 £3,100
Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery $3,750 £2,900
Journal of Fire Sciences $3,750 £2,900
Journal of General Management $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Generic Medicines $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology $3,750 £2,900
Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume) $3,750 £2,900
Journal of Health and Social Behavior $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Health Psychology $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Health Services Research & Policy $3,750 £2,900
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry $3,750 £2,900
Journal of Historical Research in Music Education $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Holistic Nursing $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Human Lactation $3,750 £2,900
Journal of Humanistic Psychology $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Industrial Relations $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Infection Prevention $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Information Science $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Information Technology $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures $3,750 £2,900
Journal of Intensive Care Medicine $4,000 £3,100
Journal of Interactive Marketing $3,500 £2,700
Journal of International Marketing $5,000 £3,800
Journal of International Political Theory $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Interpersonal Violence $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Interpretation Research $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Language and Social Psychology $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Learning Disabilities $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Literacy Research $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Macromarketing $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Management $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Management Education $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Management Inquiry $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Marketing $5,000 £3,800
Journal of Marketing Education $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Marketing Research $5,000 £3,800
Journal of Material Culture $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Medical Biography $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Medical Screening $3,750 £2,900
Journal of Men's Studies $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Mixed Methods Research $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Modern European History $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Music Teacher Education $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy $3,750 £2,900
Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice $3,750 £2,900
Journal of Onco-Nephrology $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Orthodontics $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Palliative Care $3,750 £2,900
Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Peace Research $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Peacebuilding & Development $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing $3,750 £2,900
Journal of Perioperative Practice $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Pharmacy Practice $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Pharmacy Technology $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Planning Education and Research $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Planning History $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Planning Literature $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Plastic Film and Sheeting $3,750 £2,900
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Prevention and Health Promotion $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Psychology and Theology $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Psychopharmacology $4,000 £3,100
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing $5,000 £3,800
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites $4,000 £3,100
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Research in International Education $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Research in Music Education $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Research in Nursing $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Research on Leadership Education $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials $4,000 £3,100
Journal of School Leadership $3,000 £2,300
Journal of School Nursing $3,750 £2,900
Journal of Scleroderma and Related Disorders $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Service Research $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Social Archaeology $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Social Work $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Sociology $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Special Education Technology $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Special Education, The $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Sport and Social Issues $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Sports Economics $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, The $3,750 £2,900
Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Studies in International Education $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Teacher Education $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Technical Writing and Communication $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare $4,000 £3,100
Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Associatio $3,750 £2,900
Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association $3,250 £2,500
Journal of the Intensive Care Society $3,500 £2,700
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine $4,000 £3,100
Journal of Theoretical Politics $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials $4,000 £3,100
Journal of Transcultural Nursing $3,750 £2,900
Journal of Transformative Education $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Transport History $3,000 £2,300
Journal of Travel Research $3,500 £2,700
Journal of Urban History $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Vacation Marketing $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Vascular Access, The $3,750 £2,900
Journal of Veterinary Dentistry $3,750 £2,900
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation $3,750 £2,900
Journal of Vibration and Control $4,000 £3,100
Journal of Visual Culture $3,250 £2,500
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness $3,250 £2,500
Journal of VitreoRetinal Diseases $3,500 £2,700
Journal of White Collar and Corporate Crime $3,000 £2,300
Journal on Migration and Human Security $3,000 £2,300
Journalism $3,500 £2,700
Journalism & Communication Monographs $3,000 £2,300
Journalism & Mass Communication Educator $3,000 £2,300
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly $3,500 £2,700
Labor Studies Journal $3,000 £2,300
Laboratory Animals $3,000 £2,300
Language and Literature $3,250 £2,500
Language and Speech $3,250 £2,500
Language Teaching Research $3,250 £2,500
Language Testing $3,250 £2,500
Latin American Perspectives $3,250 £2,500
Law, Culture and the Humanities $3,000 £2,300
Leadership $3,250 £2,500
Learning Disability Quarterly $3,250 £2,500
Lighting Research & Technology $3,750 £2,900
Linacre Quarterly $3,500 £2,700
Literacy Research $3,000 £2,300
Literature and History $3,000 £2,300
Local Economy $3,000 £2,300
Lupus $3,750 £2,900
Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law $3,000 £2,300
Management Communication Quarterly $3,250 £2,500
Management in Education $3,000 £2,300
Management Learning $3,500 £2,700
Management Teaching Review $3,000 £2,300
Marketing Theory $3,500 £2,700
Mathematics & Mechanics of Solids $3,750 £2,900
Media International Australia $3,250 £2,500
Media, Culture & Society $3,250 £2,500
Media, War & Conflict $3,000 £2,300
Medical Care Research and Review $4,000 £3,100
Medical Decision Making $3,000 £2,300
Medical Law International $3,500 £2,700
Medicine, Science and the Law $3,750 £2,900
Medico-Legal Journal $3,500 £2,700
Memory Studies $3,250 £2,500
Men and Masculinities $3,250 £2,500
Millennium: Journal of International Studies $3,250 £2,500
Missiology $3,000 £2,300
Mobile Media & Communication $3,250 £2,500
Modern China $3,250 £2,500
Multimodality & Society $3,000 £2,300
Multiple Sclerosis Journal $4,000 £3,100
Music Educators Journal $3,000 £2,300
Musicae Scientiae $3,250 £2,500
NASN School Nurse $3,500 £2,700
NASSP Bulletin $3,000 £2,300
Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights $3,250 £2,500
Neurohospitalist, The $3,500 £2,700
Neuroradiology Journal, The $3,500 £2,700
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair $4,000 £3,100
Neuroscientist, The $4,000 £3,100
New Journal of European Criminal Law $3,000 £2,300
New Labor Forum $3,000 £2,300
New Media & Society $3,500 £2,700
New Perspectives $3,000 £2,300
NEW SOLUTIONS: A Journal of Environmental and Occu $3,500 £2,700
Newspaper Research Journal $3,000 £2,300
Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film $3,000 £2,300
NIR News $3,500 £2,700
Noise & Vibration Worldwide $3,500 £2,700
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly $3,250 £2,500
Nordic Journal of Nursing Research $3,000 £2,300
North American Archaeologist $3,000 £2,300
Nursing Ethics $3,250 £2,500
Nursing Science Quarterly $3,750 £2,900
Nutrition and Health $3,500 £2,700
Obstetric Medicine $3,500 £2,700
OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying $3,250 £2,500
Organization $3,500 £2,700
Organization & Environment $3,500 £2,700
Organization Studies $3,500 £2,700
Organizational Psychology Review $3,250 £2,500
Organizational Research Methods $3,500 £2,700
OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health $3,750 £2,900
Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery $4,000 £3,100
Outlook on Agriculture $3,250 £2,500
Palliative Medicine $4,000 £3,100
Party Politics $3,250 £2,500
Pedagogy in Health Promotion $3,500 £2,700
Pediatric and Developmental Pathology $3,000 £2,300
Perception $3,250 £2,500
Perceptual and Motor Skills $3,250 £2,500
Perfusion $3,750 £2,900
Peritoneal Dialysis International $3,750 £2,900
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin $3,500 £2,700
Personality and Social Psychology Review $3,500 £2,700
Perspectives in Public Health $3,500 £2,700
Perspectives on Psychological Science $3,500 £2,700
Philosophy & Social Criticism $3,000 £2,300
Philosophy of the Social Sciences $3,250 £2,500
Phlebology $3,750 £2,900
Planning Theory $3,250 £2,500
Plastic Surgery $3,750 £2,900
Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles $3,000 £2,300
Police Quarterly $3,250 £2,500
Policy Futures in Education $3,000 £2,300
Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences $3,000 £2,300
Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice $3,500 £2,700
Political Research Quarterly $3,250 £2,500
Political Studies $3,250 £2,500
Political Studies Review $3,250 £2,500
Political Theory $3,250 £2,500
Politics $3,250 £2,500
Politics & Society $3,250 £2,500
Politics, Philosophy & Economics $3,250 £2,500
Polymers from Renewable Resources $3,500 £2,700
Post Reproductive Health $3,500 £2,700
Power and Education $3,000 £2,300
Primary Dental Journal $3,500 £2,700
Prison Journal, The $3,250 £2,500
Pro Ecclesia $3,000 £2,300
Probation Journal $3,000 £2,300
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics So $3,000 £2,300
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineer $3,750 £2,900
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineer $3,750 £2,900
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineer $3,750 £2,900
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineer $3,750 £2,900
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineer $3,750 £2,900
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, $3,750 £2,900
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineer $3,750 £2,900
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers $3,750 £2,900
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers $3,750 £2,900
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers $3,750 £2,900
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineer $3,750 £2,900
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers $3,750 £2,900
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineer $3,750 £2,900
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Enginee $3,500 £2,700
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, $3,750 £2,900
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineer $3,750 £2,900
Proceedings of the International Symposium of Human $1,500 £1,200
Professional School Counseling $3,000 £2,300
Progress in Environmental Geography $3,000 £2,300
Progress in Human Geography $3,500 £2,700
Progress in Physical Geography $3,250 £2,500
Progress in Rubber, Plastics and Recycling Technology $3,750 £2,900
Progress in Transplantation $3,750 £2,900
Project Management Journal $3,250 £2,500
Psychological Reports $3,250 £2,500
Psychological Science $3,500 £2,700
Psychological Science in the Public Interest $3,500 £2,700
Psychology Learning & Teaching $3,000 £2,300
Psychology of Music $3,250 £2,500
Psychology of Women Quarterly $3,500 £2,700
Public Finance Review $3,000 £2,300
Public Health Reports $3,750 £2,900
Public Personnel Management $3,250 £2,500
Public Policy and Administration $3,250 £2,500
Public Relations Inquiry $3,000 £2,300
Public Understanding of Science $3,250 £2,500
Public Works Management & Policy $3,000 £2,300
Punishment & Society $3,250 £2,500
Qualitative Health Research $4,000 £3,100
Qualitative Inquiry $3,500 £2,700
Qualitative Research $3,250 £2,500
Qualitative Social Work $3,250 £2,500
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology $3,250 £2,500
Race & Class $3,250 £2,500
Race and Justice $3,250 £2,500
Rationality and Society $3,250 £2,500
Recherche et Applications en Marketing $3,000 £2,300
Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Editi $3,000 £2,300
Recreational Sports Journal $3,000 £2,300
Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin $3,250 £2,500
RELC Journal $3,250 £2,500
Remedial and Special Education $3,500 £2,700
Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabili $3,250 £2,500
Research in Comparative and International Education $3,000 £2,300
Research in Education $3,000 £2,300
Research Methods in Medicine & Health Sciences $3,500 £2,700
Research on Aging $3,750 £2,900
Research on Social Work Practice $3,250 £2,500
Research Studies in Music Education $3,000 £2,300
Review & Expositor $3,000 £2,300
Review of Black Political Economy $3,000 £2,300
Review of Educational Research $1,000 £800
Review of General Psychology $3,250 £2,500
Review of Public Personnel Administration $3,500 £2,700
Review of Radical Political Economics $3,250 £2,500
Review of Research in Education $1,000 £800
Rural Special Education Quarterly $3,000 £2,300
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health $4,000 £3,100
School Psychology International $3,250 £2,500
Science Communication $3,500 £2,700
Science, Technology & Human Values $3,250 £2,500
Scottish Medical Journal $3,750 £2,900
Sculpture Review $3,000 £2,300
Second Language Research $3,250 £2,500
Security Dialogue $3,250 £2,500
Seminars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia $3,500 £2,700
Sexual Abuse $3,250 £2,500
Sexualities $3,250 £2,500
Shoulder & Elbow $3,500 £2,700
SIMULATION $3,750 £2,900
Simulation & Gaming $3,000 £2,300
SLAS Discovery $3,750 £2,900
SLAS Technology $4,000 £3,100
Small Group Research $3,250 £2,500
Social & Legal Studies $3,250 £2,500
Social Compass $3,250 £2,500
Social Currents $3,000 £2,300
Social Marketing Quarterly $3,000 £2,300
Social Psychological and Personality Science $3,500 £2,700
Social Psychology Quarterly $3,250 £2,500
Social Science Computer Review $3,500 £2,700
Social Science Information $3,250 £2,500
Social Studies of Science $3,250 £2,500
Society and Mental Health $3,250 £2,500
Sociological Methodology $3,250 £2,500
Sociological Methods & Research $3,500 £2,700
Sociological Perspectives $3,250 £2,500
Sociological Research Online $3,250 £2,500
Sociological Review $3,500 £2,700
Sociological Theory $3,250 £2,500
Sociology $3,500 £2,700
Sociology of Education $3,250 £2,500
Sociology of Race and Ethnicity $3,250 £2,500
South African Journal of Psychology $3,250 £2,500
Space and Culture $3,250 £2,500
Sports Health $4,000 £3,100
Stata Journal, The $3,250 £2,500
State and Local Government Review $3,000 £2,300
Statistical Methods in Medical Research $4,000 £3,100
Strategic Organization $3,500 £2,700
String Research Journal $3,000 £2,300
Structural Health Monitoring $4,000 £3,100
Studia Liturgica $3,000 £2,300
Studies in Christian Ethics $3,000 £2,300
Studies in Religion / Sciences Religieuses $3,000 £2,300
Surgical Innovation $3,750 £2,900
Teacher Education and Special Education $3,250 £2,500
Teachers College Record $3,000 £2,300
Teaching Exceptional Children $3,000 £2,300
Teaching of Psychology $3,250 £2,500
Teaching Public Administration $3,000 £2,300
Teaching Sociology $3,250 £2,500
Television & New Media $3,250 £2,500
Textile Research Journal $3,750 £2,900
The Science of Diabetes Self-Management and Care $3,750 £2,900
Theological Studies $3,000 £2,300
Theology $3,000 £2,300
Theology Today $3,000 £2,300
Theoretical Criminology $3,250 £2,500
Theory & Psychology $3,250 £2,500
Theory and Research in Education $3,000 £2,300
Theory, Culture & Society $3,250 £2,500
Thesis Eleven $3,000 £2,300
Time & Society $3,250 £2,500
Topics in Early Childhood Special Education $3,250 £2,500
Tourism and Hospitality Research $3,000 £2,300
Tourism Economics $3,500 £2,700
Tourist Studies $3,250 £2,500
Toxicologic Pathology $3,750 £2,900
Toxicology and Industrial Health $3,750 £2,900
Transactions in Earth, Environment, and Sustainability $3,000 £2,300
Transactions in Planning and Urban Research $3,000 £2,300
Transactions in Urban Data, Science, and Technology $3,000 £2,300
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Con $3,750 £2,900
Transcultural Psychiatry $3,250 £2,500
Transfer - European Review of Labour and Research $3,250 £2,500
Transformation $3,000 £2,300
Transportation Research Record $3,250 £2,500
Trauma $3,500 £2,700
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse $3,500 £2,700
Tropical Doctor $3,750 £2,900
Tumori Journal $3,500 £2,700
Ultrasonic Imaging $3,750 £2,900
Ultrasound $3,500 £2,700
UPDATE: Applications of Research in Music Education $3,000 £2,300
Urban Affairs Review $3,250 £2,500
Urban Education $3,500 £2,700
Urban Studies $3,500 £2,700
Urologia Journal $3,500 £2,700
Vascular $3,750 £2,900
Vascular and Endovascular Surgery $3,750 £2,900
Vascular Medicine $4,000 £3,100
Veterinary Pathology $3,750 £2,900
Violence Against Women $3,250 £2,500
Violence: An International Journal $3,000 £2,300
Visual Communication $3,250 £2,500
War in History $3,250 £2,500
Waste Management and Research $4,000 £3,100
Western Journal of Nursing Research $3,750 £2,900
Wind Engineering $3,500 £2,700
Word of Mouth $3,000 £2,300
Work and Occupations $3,500 £2,700
Work, Employment & Society $3,500 £2,700
Workplace Health & Safety $3,750 £2,900
World Affairs $3,000 £2,300
World Futures Review $3,000 £2,300
World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surg $3,500 £2,700
Written Communication $3,250 £2,500
Young Exceptional Children $3,000 £2,300
Youth & Society $3,250 £2,500
Youth Justice $3,250 £2,500
Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice $3,500 £2,700

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