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Importance of Compensation and Benefits on Performance of Public Water

Utilities in Tanzania

Article  in  African Journal of Business Management · January 2015


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2 authors, including:

Stella Omari
Kisii University


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African Journal of Business and Management Vol 1 (1), ISSN: 2518-0312 Copyright: © 2015 AJBM
Open Access Online @

Importance of Compensation and Benefits on Performance of Public Water

Utilities in Tanzania

Adam Omar Karia1 and Stella Omari2

PhD Candidate, School of Business and Economics, Kisii University
P.O Box 408-40200, Kisii, Kenya
Senior Lecturer, School of Business and Economics, Kisii University, P.O Box 408-40200,
Kisii, Kenya
Corresponding Author email:

This study was conducted to determine the importance of compensation and benefits on
performance of public water utilities in Tanzania. Probability and none probability
techniques was applied in this study and both correlation and descriptive research designs
were used. The study targeted a population of 1355 employees of the five selected public
water utilities. A sample size of 417 was obtained by the use of Krejcie and Morgan formula
(1970). Questionnaire, focus group discussion and interview instruments were used for data
collection. Data analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics with the help of the SPSS
Version 20.0. The results revealed that there is a statistical significant relationship between
compensation and benefits with organizational performance. Correlation correlated at
r(370)= 0.505**, p<0.01 signified that compensation and benefits practices are positive
predictors of performance of the public water utilities . The study recommends that financial,
non-financial, tangible and intangible compensation should be effectively realized to the
public water utilities employees’ so as to enhance performance of both employees and

Key words: Compensation and Benefits; Public Water Utilities; Organizational

Performance; Non-Financial and Financial compensation

1.0 Introduction includes fringe benefits like free insurance,

Compensation and benefits are very important subsidized lunch, intrinsic rewarding jobs, a
to employees and organizational performance. nice work environment and flexible work
Compensation and benefits has been not paid a hours to accommodate personal needs (Malik,
great attention as a contributing factor to 2013).
performance of the public water utilities in Some organizations are experiencing profound
Tanzania. Bernadin (2007) pointed out that managerial difficulties when attempting to use
compensation and benefits are all forms of compensation strategically and often reflecting
financial returns and tangible benefits that a poor fit for the organization, negative
employee receives as a part of employment outcomes of strategic compensation systems
relationship. Employee compensation and which include high costs, a greater
Benefits is one of the very useful and administrative burden and industrial conflict
important HRMP nowadays and it includes all manifest in a de-motivated and disengaged
forms of pay and rewards received by workforce (Trevor, 2008). It is on this note
employees for the performance of their jobs that Public water utilities in Tanzania are
(Snell & Bohlander, 2007). Direct required effectively to address this matter in
compensation includes wages and salaries, line with organizational performance.
incentive-payments, bonuses and commissions Kamaruzaman et al. (2008) observed that
to employees. Indirect compensation the use of benefits coupled with salary has got
comprises many benefits supplied by high stakes as he realized in his study that
employers and non-financial compensation fringe benefits have higher relationship with

African Journal of Business and Management Vol 1 (1), ISSN: 2518-0312 Copyright: © 2015 AJBM
Open Access Online @

organizational commitment in comparison to 2.0 Materials and Methods

mandatory benefits. Further both mandatory 2.1 Research Design
and fringe benefits possessed significant and A correlation and descriptive research design
positive relationship with organizational was used for this study. Correlation study
commitment. enabled the researcher to examine the
Financial and non-financial compensation relationship between compensation and
are forms employed by banks to entice their benefits on performance of public water
employees to remain in the banking sector utilities. Descriptive study design was used in
(Sopiah, 2013). She realized that employees’ describing the working conditions of
job satisfaction is at a good level and there is employees in public water utilities. The
high performance level due to the facts that designs enabled the researcher to observe the
employees are given non-financial conditions as they are without changing their
compensations. There is a positive relationship environment and indicate the nature of the
between extrinsic and intrinsic rewards and relationship that exists.
employees’ performance as observed by Aktar, 2.2 Study Area
Sachu, & Ali, (2012) and Muguongo, Muguna, This study was conducted in the United
& Muriithi (2015). Republic of Tanzania. Tanzania is found in the
Some scholars argue that compensation Eastern part of the Africa continent. The
practice has no direct influence on improving country lies on 5.69440S and 36.32230E
employee performance, but it might be able to latitude and longitude, and has total area of
enhance motivation and therefore to strengthen 945, 087 Square Kilometers.
organizational commitment. Rizal et al. (2014) The study selected five public Water Utilities
in that context he further argued that in the Tanzania Mainland. The selected five
motivation and organizational commitment public water utilities operate in the urban areas
can be influenced by compensation, but of each respective region and City in the
compensation does not have significant effect Tanzania mainland. The involved regions in
on employee performance. the study were, Lindi, Mtwara, Morogoro,
Existence of the total compensation Tanga and Dar es Salaam regions.
strategy, strategic map, and salary structure 2.3 Target Population
and job analysis methods Liza (2014) The study population comprised of 1355
motivates employees to commit their future to employees from the five selected Public Water
an organization. Nawab & Bhatti (2011) Utilities.
realized that better compensation to employees 2.4 Sampling Method and Sample Size
will lead to effective commitment of The study employed simple random sampling,
employees in the organization and hence it stratified sampling, population proportional
will lead to increased organizational sampling (PPS) and Purpose sampling
performance. techniques to collect data. Stratified sampling
Hameed et al. (2014) observed that was used for the selection of the five public
compensation has positive impact on Water utilities for the study. A population
employee performance and so if well managed proportionate sampling (PPS) technique was
it will result into organizational performance. used for the purpose of making equal ration of
Further evidence shows that salary, rewards, sample distribution in the respective Public
incentives and direct compensation have weak Water Utilities. Simple random technique was
or moderate positive relationship to each other. used to get hold of employee representation
Sadiq et al. (2015) found that tangible and from all departments of the five selected
intangible rewards have positive correlation public water utilities. Purposive sampling a
and significant impact with organizational type of non-probability sampling was used to
commitment. Yamoah (2013); Osibanjo et al. sample managing directors and line managers.
(2014); Ibojo & Asabi (2014) revealed that A sample size of 417 employees was used in
compensation and employees’ productivity are the study which was obtained by adopting
positively related. Krejcie & Morgan (1970).
2.5 Data collection Methods:
The study used closed ended questionnaire
which had a 5 level likert scale: Strongly
agree. Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly

African Journal of Business and Management Vol 1 (1), ISSN: 2518-0312 Copyright: © 2015 AJBM
Open Access Online @

Disagree. The questionnaire had factors correlation analysis was used in inferential
measuring compensation and benefits facets. statistics.
Focus group discussion was conducted to all
line managers to seek to seek their opinion in 3.0 Data Analysis, Discussions &
regards to human resource management Presentation
practices and performance of the public water 3.1 Response Rate
utilities. Also interview and focus group A total of 392 questionnaires were distributed
discussion was used to seek clarification of the to the targeted population and 20 line
objective of the study. managers participated in the focus group
2.6 Data Analysis Procedures discussion and 5 managing directors were
Data collected and entered into excel interviewed. Only 370 questionnaires returned
spreadsheet before being imported to IBM and with inclusion of interview and focus
SPSS version 20.0 for analysis. Both group discussions the study accounted a
descriptive and inferential statistics were response rate of 94.7%.
obtained. In the descriptive analysis, 3.2 Frequency distribution of Compensation
frequencies and percentages were used and and Benefits Factors

Table 3.2: Frequency and Percentage Responses on Importance of Compensation and Benefits
Attributes Responses Mea SD
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly n
Agree Disagree
F % F % F % f % f %
Compensation and 15 4.2 26 7.0 137 37.0 96 25.9 96 25.9 3.62 1.06
Benefits practice are
equal treated to
Compensation and 18 4.9 35 9.5 86 23.2 139 37.6 92 24.9 3.68 1.09
Benefits practices
provides are
appropriate to retain
In our organization 21 5.7 24 6.5 115 31.1 123 33.2 87 23.5 3.62 1.08
compensation and
benefits is provided
to improve employee
Effectively operates 7 1.9 17 4.6 100 27. 0 138 37.3 108 29.2 3.87 0.95
Compensation and
Benefits Scheme
Adequate annual 29 7.8 37 10.0 101 27.3 114 30.8 89 24.1 3.53 1.18
budget allocation for
the compensation and
Employee - - 28 7.6 63 17.0 152 41.1 127 34.3 4.02 0.90
performance is
considered to better
Compensation and
There is satisfaction 9 2.4 24 6.5 143 38.6 121 32.1 73 19.7 3.60 0.95
with Compensation
There is satisfaction 10 2.7 23 6.2 92 24.9 140 37.8 105 28.4 3.82 0.99
with employee
Benefits practice

Compensation and 6 1.6 21 5.7 131 35.4 146 39.5 66 17.8 3.66 0.89
Benefits Practices are
the Strategic issue
Key: f – Frequency; SD – Standard Deviation
Source: Field Data (2015)

African Journal of Business and Management Vol 1 (1), ISSN: 2518-0312 Copyright: © 2015 AJBM
Open Access Online @

Treatment of employees is the first factor that “Compensation and Benefits practices
measured the importance of Compensation and provides are appropriate to retain
Benefits on performance of the Public Water employees”. Retention of staff is a very
Utilities Tanzania. A (37%) of all respondents important thing to any organization, amount
were responded neutral in “Compensation and taken to train and develop the staff should be
Benefits practice are equal treated to replicated by retaining the trained, talented and
employees”. Also, another factor was competent staffs who are working in an
compensation and benefits practices. In organization. Staffs who are motivated are
addition, (39.5%) of all respondents were likely to stay for long periods of time in an
disagreed with “Compensation and Benefits organization unlike the demotivated staff that
Practices are the Strategic issue”. The are on high alert to move.
findings reveal a warring trend in that In the Public Water Utilities Tanzania,
employees remained adamant on their compensation and benefits were not consider
response on the way they are compensated and as important issue this is due to fact that,
given benefits from employment also the among of seven factors that measured
majority disagreed on the fact that compensation and benefit in the Public Water
compensation and benefits. A strategic Utilities, six factors indicate low level of
compensation and benefits scheme that defines satisfaction with it except one which indicates
the salaries of employees, incremental scheme very low level. Table 3.2 shows that
of salaries, the method of rewarding and Treatment of employees scored a mean range
giving incentives, and other indirect of 3.62 (Std. Deviation = 1.06), compensation
compensation schemes should be clearly and benefits strategic issue scored a mean
defined. range of 3.66 (Std. Deviation = 0.89),
Moreover, in effective scheme operation Effective scheme operation scored a mean
factor (37.5%) of all respondents was also range of 3.87 (Std. Deviation = 0.95),
disagreed with “Effectively operates improvement of employees performance factor
Compensation and Benefits Scheme”. scored mean range 4.02 (Std. Deviation =
Furthermore, employee performance factor 0.90), Annual budget factor scored a mean
was measured and (41.1%) of all respondents range of 3.53 (Std. Deviation = 1.18),
were disagreed with “Employee performance satisfaction scored a mean range of 3.82 (Std.
is considered to better Compensation and Deviation = 0.99), and employees retention
Benefits”, for the annual budget factor scored a mean range of 3.68 (Std. Deviation =
indicates that (30.8%) of all respondents were 1.09) .
disagreed with “Adequate annual budget 3.3 Correlation analysis
allocation for the compensation and benefits. The analysis sought to find the relationship
The findings are a reflection of how between Compensation and Benefits and
organizations are not running an effective performance of the Public Water Utilities as
compensation and benefits scheme that caters computed by using Pearson product-moment
for all employees fairly. Also the budget correlation coefficient.
allocated to compensation and benefit should Table 3. 3: Correlation between
be increased as a well compensated staff is Compensation and Benefits on Performance
bound to be more motivated thus works of Public Water Utilities
towards realization of the goals of an
organization. Compensation Organization
and Benefits Performance
In addition, satisfaction was another factor Pearson Correlation 1 .505**
that measured the importance of ion and Sig. (2-tailed) .010
Compensation and Benefits on performance of Benefits N 370 25
the Public Water Utilities Tanzania. Table 3.2 Organizati Pearson Correlation .505** 1
on Sig. (2-tailed) .010
indicates that while (38.6%) of all respondents
responded neutral in, “Satisfaction with Performan N 25 25
Compensation practice”, (37.8%) of all ce
respondents were disagreed with “Satisfaction
with Benefits practice”. Lastly in employees’ **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

retention factor, indicates that (37.6%) of all

respondents were disagreed with,

African Journal of Business and Management Vol 1 (1), ISSN: 2518-0312 Copyright: © 2015 AJBM
Open Access Online @

In a Table 3.3, it can be noted that water utilities to pay attention on employees’
compensation and benefits and performance of compensation and benefits aspects as the
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