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What is Frame?
The frame is not how you talk, walk, or piss

It's not how James bond walks

Its how much James bond has been through

Its the certainty in every aspect of his being that reflects that he
can handle anything

It's not in his voice or the way he talks

It's just that his whole body reflects that

“ I have been to 100x more difficult battles in life than I can

handle it all.”
That's frame

Every human that comes in contact with you feels that energy

From your words, BODY, and presence

A jacked dude got a strong frame because his body reflects he has put his
body through something that has administered pain to him
His clarity got shot up

He knows himself

His limits better

Frame is just a reflection of the energy that you have accumulated by going
through life

If you have done nothing and wasted yourself in comfort

It will be dull

You'll be fidgety in the real world

You ll uncertain

And the world can sense it

Women can sense it




It is nothing but knowing your worth

Valuing yourself more than anything else in the interaction and

Being certain in whatever you say and do

Every cell of your body must be in alignment in that

Why universe and women test your frame

The universe is a woman who wants to get dominated by worthy men

Get this engrained in your head.

That's why UNIVERSE puts you in adversity

It gives you setbacks

To test

How bad do you really want it?

Because if someone wants it truly

He'll be going for it

Brushing off all the shit

And he'll get it no matter what

But the next dude

Who gives up and quits

The universe will know that he is not ready for it

He is not congruent with what he wants

The universe will send him back

For facing more shit so that he can actually know what he wants and go for
it again

IF you fail the test


You are in the process of building

If you passed the test


You are in the process of building

Why do women test you?

No matter how far we have come

Human nature never changes

During cavemen times, women used to rely on men for food & safety

During that time

How strong a man is

What status he had in society will tell her will this dude be able to protect
her or not

We do not have wars

No battle for LANDS

So women challenge your presence

For testing

Can this man handle my shit?

Has he gone through this much of life?

If not

If a man can’t handle a woman’s shit test

How the fuck he will be able to handle her chaos

She just can’t rely on you for her life, safety, and kids

She just can’t

She has to test you

You have to have that natural frame for passing that test

Can you fake it?

Walking like bond

Standing in a certain way

Walking slowly

You can follow this shit

And it might get you results

But the real world will see through it

And the world does’nt reward fakers

A girl doesn’t want a half ass man

Everyone can sense that there is something wrong with you

Fake it till you make it is bullshit in the case of game

Of course, you can attract low-quality men/women

But to be honest with you

Fake it till you make it is just a COPE for SKIPPING THE ACTUAL

-Talking slowly
-Walking slowly
-Hard eye contact

They are outcomes of having a strong frame

if you follow them, you'll reinforce the reality of a man in command

But internally, you'll be the dude who will feel fake as FUCK

A Natural’s FRAME

Grounded - Man has been through thousands of battles, He knows how to

control and direct his energy

Certain - Man has lost countless battles so he exactly knows what he

wants and how to get it

Every aspect of his being conveys absolute certainty

Don’t fuck with me / I can handle everything - Man’s eyes have seen
thousands of failures

He had lost himself countless times and found himself another countless

You can strip away everything from him

He'll be there

Where he should be
How does frame come naturally?

Everything you go through in life is hardening you or softening


You are consciously choosing your battles

The frame is just how hardened you have been by life

So that you know yourself

You value yourself
And you go out and put your heart on the line for getting what you want

There are 3 elements of FRAME

1. Verbal
2. Physical
3. Inner Conviction

A strong frame is an outcome of the third element

If you literally feel entitled to do and say whatever you want to

Your body and words will follow

I'll be teaching you how to maximize that


You must have these mindsets ingrained in every cell of your body

Take them as the foundation of the building

If these are weak, the building won’t be able to stand strong

It will get destroyed in the chaos

Take these mindsets as the unsaid, unwritten rule of every conversation you
want to get into

Every word in the conversation will come out by getting filtered from these

#1 Taming your insecurities -

“Everyone is human

Everyone was born naked

They have their own insecurities

I accept myself the way I am

I am complete with my imperfections

They make me sexy “

If you are insecure about your height people will tease you about that

You react to it

People will tease you more and more

Just accept it

“Yeah man

I am short that's what makes me so damn sexy and freaking fucking

dangerous “

Your value lies in you

You are a chemical reaction that won’t happen again in this universe

You are you

NO one can match your level

So fucking chill

Never defend your insecurities

Girl / betas / Men in general

The universe is inclined toward humans who are secure in their own value
In this world where everyone is hiding their scars

A man who owns them and wears them like a badge attracts other people

They just can’t help it but have to get attracted to you

Be secure in your value always

#2 Holding the Conversation

“I am not leaving the conversation no matter what happens

I am not escalating it with my hands or power

My wit/humor is enough for winning this frame battle “

#3 You can’t win this Frame Battle by being in your

head all day

Initially, you'll be in the head because you'll be applying the techniques in

the interactions consciously

But after some time you'll loosen up

You have to loosen up

Because you can’t win this game by being self-conscious

You have to be free and flowing and not give a fuck

So understand that you can’t win this battle being Self Conscious

#4 I am the rock

“I have seen myself naked in the mirror a thousand times

I am more self-aware than you

I have accepted my insecurities

NO one can use them against me “

#5 I am the Authority

In every conversation where you want to hold the FRAME

There is an unsaid rule

“I am the Authority

Her words does’nt matter

NO matter what her background is

Where she has been too

She might be the daughter of BIDEN

But if she is having a conversation with you

You are the authority

Act like that “

#5 My value is higher than you

“I want you but I don’t need you

My presence as a man is value in itself

It gives you a masculine core to rely on

No matter who you are

You are not me

And that's my value

My value is higher than you “

How to imbibe these mindsets in every cell of your

I can write a whole another fucking book on how to reprogram yourself and
create another identity

This is what I have done for myself consciously over the years and I help my
clients in doing that too

But we will keep it simple here

The goal is to IMBIBE the above mindsets

Here is how you do it

1. Open the voice recorder

2. Record these mindsets in your own voice starting with I AM

( I have written them in that format only )

3. Start listening to these mindsets on repeat

The more, the better

At least 100 times every day

You are allowed to judge this stuff

But before doing that, I would advise you to try it for at least 3 days

If you are dumb enough to execute whatever I say, YOU LL THRIVE

Also, you can follow RUBY here



How this whole game of building an indestructible

FRAME will work?
1. You'll apply whatever methods I'll show you in your conversations

2. You'll see what works for you and what not

3. You'll bring your own art to it

4. You'll forget whatever prerequisite replies I have given to you because

you can’t win this game being in your head

5. You'll start coming up with your own stuff

6. You ll thrive

We'll be moving from conscious reps to the unconscious art

stage naturally

Practical Frame techniques that you can apply in your next

interaction for

-Passing shit tests

-Holding the conversation
-Stealing the girl
-Setting the Man to woman vibe
-Not coming across as a beta bitch in front of your friends when someone
tries to be little you

NOTE: Remember that there can be 1000 more techniques

The Internet is filled with them

The point is not to make you a dork who keeps memorizing them
The point is to give you something tangible and result-oriented
that gets you desired results

Techniques primarily focus on interaction with women

I believe that you all dudes don’t have to appear on JOE Rogan
podcast or be on CNBC so that you can sound politically correct

Also, most dudes are like chicks today so these techniques will
work on your friends too

It's better to give you most of something that works than to give
you something of everything that does’nt work

I have practically applied these techniques in the field

They fucking works

Your value innately is so much that you don’t give a fuck what other person
is saying or asking

You innately believe that you are above that person in terms of social value

So you reply with something that the question didn't happen in the first

She: she what’s your type

You: The weather is so pleasant you know

Another way you can use this technique is

In a conversation, whenever someone is taking a low blow

Hitting on your insecurities

You can just ignore the part that takes you the blow

Like nothing happened and just keep the convo going

If it's not a big deal for you

It's not a big deal for them either

Example :

He: yo dude your shoes are so dirty did you soak them in dirt

You: yeah Man, How is it going with you

#2 Exaggeration

Situations it is used in : Every man to woman interaction

Group interaction
This is another frame control technique that you use to steal power from
another human when they try to belittle you

Here is a personal incident :

I was sitting in a group of people

My friends and some hot girls

In that kind of scenario, your friends will try to steal a frame from you

because they want to out-alpha the dude with the strongest Frame

It's just a natural tendency of betas

We were playing some games and shit

Truth and dare stuff

My Friend: So how many girls you have slept with

(In this scenario, an insecure dude would have been like

“You don’t know me

I am a pimp I slept with 1000 women “

It would have actually conveyed that this dude is trying to be someone he is


So here is what I did )

Me: Zero brother


I am just unloveable

My own mother didn't love me

With a smile

1. He wasn't expecting this reply

2. I overexaggerated it to a level that he just can’t reply to it

He lost the power of his question

I stole his frame effortlessly

Now the girl knows who is the ALPHA of the group

Another Example

Girl: You are so childish

Insecure reply: NO I am the Man

Exaggerated reply: Yeah! I just came from play school

We played the XYZ game today

Let me show you how it is played

Exaggeration works best in one on one conversations with a woman

And in a group as well

When she shit tests you

Just exaggerate the reply

And you ll WIN

Situations it is used in - Conversing with a girl

Every man-to-woman scenario has a notion that

The boy is chasing the girl

Here is what you'll be gonna do

You Frame the situation in a way that girl is chasing you

And she'll actually start chasing you because you reframed the reality

She: So what you are doing after that

You: You want to know it because you want to come to my house

for doing all the bad things

She: laugh / NO that's not what I mean

You: I completely know what you mean

Don’t explain

See what you have done is

1. Set the frame into a man-to-woman vibe if it was not there already

2. You have created the reality of her chasing you

It's a pretty dope technique

Works really well


Use it consciously first and after some time it will start happening naturally

It's all about reps


Situations it is used in -

1. When women are trying to be high value or imposing their value on you

2. Taking things sexual and trying to shame you for only wanting sex
You use this technique to disqualify the girl

Use this in social scenarios to take power from the alpha of the group


You: let's go home I got the cards signed by David Blaine I'll show
you that

She: you are taking me home because You want to have sex with

You: You see girl I'll not fuck you even in your wildest dreams

Stop your fantasies

You are not my type

She: I was just joking

It is a bit of an advanced technique because you have to be really good with


You must know in what amount you have to disqualify her

Don’t disqualify her too much

it kills all the sexual vibe

Just a little bit of push for establishing your value and bam
You are good to go


Situations it is used in - Works best when you are on a date

The main concept of this technique is

You Verbalize the reality of the conversation


You are going on a date with a girl you know

You meet her

You pump her state

And you say

“You are my girlfriend for the next 1 hour

I'll treat you like that

Hold my hand

Let's Go “

I talked about the 3 pillars of the frame

1. Verbal
2. Physical
3. Inner Conviction

The better the third one the first 2 will follow

So focus on being entitled in this case

If you say the above stuff with half ass conviction, she ll not comply

The truth is

When you verbalise the frame with conviction

Girls follow

The point is how congruent you are with what you say

When you say

“Don’t do that”

“You are like a child “

“You are not allowed to do that”

The conviction with which you say it matters the most

So start pre-framing the conversation

Start giving her commands

Set the rules with conviction

She ll follow

She has to

Because no dudes got the mindsets that you have

Only a high-value dude can have them

The reality creation formula

How to bring the reality of having strong

from to LIFE?
You are weak because you have created a reality around you of being weak

You on a daily basis reinforce the proof of being weak to your subconscious

You are not conscious of it

That's why it is happening on autopilot

Here is how we will create the reality of having an indestructible frame

STEP 1: You give your subconscious the commands that you got
an indestructible frame (the mindsets recording)

STEP 2: You go out and interact

Put all the techniques in use

You'll lose some battles.

You'll win many

You only focus on the references that give you tangible proof that you got a
strong frame

STEP 3: You give your subconscious the tangible PROOFS that it

was asking for

You repeat step 1

You repeat step 2 more

And soon having a strong frame will be a fact for you

You never question how many fingers you have

DO you ???
The same will go for the FRAME

What’s next?
That's fucking it, brother

You literally have everything

A complete step-by-step process of BUILDING A STRONG frame

Again like anything else you have to put in the reps

You have to put yourself in conflicting interactions

Because every interaction is an opportunity for building a strong frame

As you know FRAME is a just a PART of who you are

Having a strong FRAME will help you massively in your interactions

But if you are looking to get into a relationship then their are more things to
be done

Because interaction is a process and FRAME is not a part of the interaction

its a part of your personality

If you want to master the whole process

Starting from How to be the man to How to take her home


It consists of 14 courses that will give you the complete roadmap

How to build an indestructible FRAME? is just one course out of the whole

If you are a college student or an office guy below 25 I would highly

recommend you to get it HERE


If you found some value in this COURSE, give it a FIVE star here

Want to share your experience

Tell me here

I'll be sharing a few more resources on FRAME

The advanced stuff and other techniques

But only to those who FUCKING TOOK ACTION

SO go out


Your brother


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