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Preventing cancer

Preventing cancer, written by George @Helios_Movement Sold to
Cancer sucks, bad.

We've all met someone who has faced it or if we haven't, chances are that
we will unfortunately meet someone in the future since the numbers don't lie
and cancer is skyrocketing year after year.

Cancer has turned into a multibillion-dollar industry.

HALF A TRILLION dollars are spent in cancer research EVERY YEAR, yet
more and more people get and unfortunately die of cancer!

In this email, you will be given a few important, cheap and effective cancer
prevention tools since i do not promise a cure but a lifestyle that will lessen
your chances of encountering cancer.

Also standard disclaimer that this does not constitute medical advice.

First things first.

Cancer patients most of the time have elevated:

-Free radicals

-Lactic acid

-Nitric oxide







-Interleukin 1-4-6 and 8 among other things.

So our approach will be based on these FACTS since unfortunately when it

comes to cancer, there is a lot of conspiratorial and very harmful advice
going on.

Preventing cancer, written by George @Helios_Movement


● 15K "juice cleanses"

● Telling people who cook everything in canola oil to simply pop apricot
● Neglecting the diet and simply telling someone to meditate
● Raw vegetable diets
● etc

Now let's start the point of this email (cancer prevention) by

mentioning 5 things that are easily accessible and reduce ALL of the
above things that cancer patients have elevated most of the time:

Number 1: Vitamin C

From protecting our cells against oxidative stress, maintaining healthy skin,
blood vessels, iron homeostasis, heart, improved nitric oxide function,
glucose metabolism, blood volume regulation, bones and cartilage all the
way to steroidogenesis, fighting allergies, reducing cortisol, improving sleep,
preventing cognitive decline and supporting the thyroid gland, vitamin C is
an extremely important nutrient.

Dietary sources of vitamin C include: Acerola cherry juice (no pulp),

camu camu, blackberries, pomegranate juice (n.p), kiwis, strawberries,
raspberries, and blueberries.

Note: If you do not want to megadose on phytoestrogens or endotoxin max,

the no pulp part is important

What's the right amount that you need to consume?

This depends on factors such as the number of carbohydrates that you are
consuming, the amount of oxidative stress that you're exposed to and so on.

For most people, 2-3 servings per day seem to do the trick.

Examples: Camu camu in the morning and snacking on berries with lunch
and dinner.

You will also need some sodium in order for it to be properly absorbed.

Preventing cancer, written by George @Helios_Movement

Just do not pair a food that is high in vitamin C with a food that is high in

Number 2: Saturated fats

When someone is deficient in saturated fats his cells will literally break down
and function poorly.

Cells NEED saturated fats, not only for fuel but also for structural
components and to participate in metabolic pathways.

We need quality food sources of fat because fat is a carrier of the important
fat-soluble vitamins A,D,E and K.

Without the proper absorption of these vitamins, our health will begin to
deteriorate since they are important for many functions of the body such as
the function of the thyroid and iron homeostasis.

Each of the fat-soluble vitamins has an anti-stress hormone effect.

Saturated fat sources such as coconut oil have been shown over and over
to improve mitochondrial function if consumed on the proper level.

Without the removal of inferior fats such as: canola oil, sunflower oil,
soybean oil and so on and the addition of quality saturated fats such as
coconut oil, unfortunately the recovery from cancer is not possible.

In order to test this yourselves, try the following.

Slow cook some organic grass finished beef liver in coconut oil and eat it
first thing in the morning.

Without even adding carbs, your body temperature will increase and you will
experience an increase in metabolic rate.

In many studies, the patients who despite the fact that they kept consuming
a diet high-ish in PUFAs, the addition of saturated fats such as coconut oil
improved their health at a phenomenal level.

Number 3: Baking soda (aluminum free) (obviously do not over do it

and you will need a healthy gut in order to use this (something that
most people do not have))

Preventing cancer, written by George @Helios_Movement

Do not combine baking soda with artificial forms of vitamin C.

Start with a teaspoon or even half a teaspoon for a few days on a tall glass
of water and see how you feel.

Number 4: Grounding

Grounding restores and maintains the body’s natural electrical state which
in turn promotes optimum health. Your body becomes suffused with
negatively charged free electrons that are present on the surface of the
Earth and your body equalizes to the same electric energy level as the

Free electrons from grounding reduce oxidative stress even with 15 minute

Ideally, you want to spend as much time grounded as possible and

grounding sandals are a great tool for that.

Number 5: Red light

Red light improves the whole body's ability to take glucose out of the
bloodstream and store it where it is needed, besides improving ATP
generation in general.

Restoring glucose metabolism is crucial for cancer treatment or prevention

and red light is a great tool for this. You do not need a red light device if you
live in a sunny area and can spend 30+ minutes shirtless outside an hour
after sunrise and an hour before sunset.

You do not need a red light device if you live in a sunny area and can spend
30+ minutes shirtless outside an hour after sunrise and an hour before

Now let's move on to a few other things that can help you prevent

● Prioritizing sleep
● Avoiding alcohol
● Avoiding tap water (CRUCIAL)
● Avoiding smoking

Preventing cancer, written by George @Helios_Movement

● Avoiding fragrances
● Avoiding pesticides and herbicides (if you can not afford organic
foods, peeling the skin of fruits and vegetables (on the ones you can),
washing them with ACV (on the ones you can't) and the occasional use of
ginkgo can protect you against them)
● Not exercising and working too much
● Avoiding artificial blue light
● Taurine (start with a very low dose, never take it on an empty stomach
and do not use it daily since it can harm your digestion)
● Providing the nutrients that the citric acid cycle needs (B vitamins and
magnesium mainly)
● Organic chamomile tea (not in tea bags)
● Organic nettle root tea (not in tea bags)
● Organic hibiscus tea (be careful)
● NAC pre bed since when used pre bed it reduces cortisol even more
(obviously do not use it daily since it can deplete you of certain minerals)
● Glycine
● Avoiding food additives and processed foods
● Replacing your synthetic/toxic hygiene products with natural
alternatives and avoiding xenoestrogens
● Not mindlessly using medications (but using them for tail events)
● Tackling unbound iron (see previous emails)
● Getting enough zinc and minerals from sources such as
glyphosate-free bee pollen, organic seaweed (do not overdo it) and heavy
metal-free shilajit
● Organic ginger tea (not in tea bags)
● Boosting CO2 through sunlight, not neglecting carbs such as
unheated honey, occasional use of thiamine (even in very small doses
(50mg)), lowering excessive serotonin (serotonin increases carbonic
anhydrase which degrades CO2) and lowering excessive lactic acid.

Other crucial components in order to prevent cancer are of course things

such as having a healthy gut, thyroid, adrenal glands and androgens so pay
attention to the other files as well.


Preventing cancer, written by George @Helios_Movement

Preventing cancer, written by George @Helios_Movement

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