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Adding Description on JNQ

KB 1470726

Journal Inquiry Output Customization

We need to amend the existing JNQ Journal Inquiry output form to display an additional element, which steps do we need to

1. Start FRD Form Designer and check out the form for Financials Inquiry SALQ - JOURNAL.
Save it as a new form with a new name, modify it as requested, then save and check in the form. 
It's required to run FRC Form Compiler for this new form separately if you don't use the option to automatically server compile
forms on check in in Form Designer.

2. Run FLD Filter Designer and open the filter Financials Inquiry SALQ - JOURNAL INQUIRY.
Save the filter under a new name. Please note the Filter ID for this new filter which displayed on the right side of the filter
selection window.
Edit the new filter if required, then click the menu item 'File -> Select Results Destination'. Select the new form just created in
Form Designer and confirm with OK.

3. In the SunSystems User Manager select the menu item Settings ->SunSystems -> Function Extensions.
In the list of menu entries, highlight the original JNQ Journal Inquiry function entry and click the 'Extend' button to create a new
JNQ function entry from the existing one.
In the new screen add a Suffix for each line, it will be added to the existing JNQ to identify your customized menu item; i.e.
Suffix NEW would result in a menu entry JNQNEW.
Enter the Filter ID of your new filter in the Filter ID line of the 'Available Paramters' section. Please note that the filter ID is a 6
digit value, so a filter ID '1234' must be entered as '001234'. Click OK to save and close.

4. On the 'Groups' tab in User Manager select the group which should have access to ne new menu entry. 
Double click the group name and select Function Permission from the left. In the right window you can identify the new entry
from the name (i.e JNQNEW) and because its icon displayed in red instead of grey. Set the check mark to allow access.

5. Lauch SunSystems and start UGM User Group Menu Designer, select to open the group menu of the group with permission
to that new function.
Select the tab 'Ledgers' on the right, then highlight the new function on the left and click the 'Add' button. 
Save the menu entry and close UGM and SunSystems.

6. Log in with a login from that permitted group and check for the new menu entry and run JNQNEW to see the additional
contents on the output form.

If the new function shall replace the existing JNQ menu entry for the group in question it's sufficient to untick the group's
Function Permission for the original JNQ entry in User Manager; this will remove the entry automatically without having to
delete it manually in UGM.


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