The Making of Nibs Vol - 1

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Sitting in the living room of Damien Cameron’s home in Suraban where Richard C, Damien and K
Richard C thought about the fact he planned on suggesting the one person he thought would be the best
Academy student he discovered since he graduated 37 years ago. He placed his mug of coffee down asking,
“Do you think I should put Nicholas Calton forward for selection to the Academy of the Street?”
Damien stood, he walked to the window and said as he went, “Yes, the work he did for us on the
Tecbos Publishing raid was excellent. If that is a sample of the work Nicholas has the ability to do, then yes.
The only issue is how will he react to the truth about what is happening here?”
K Dog looked at Damien and then Richard C, after a pause he said, “I think Nicholas will excel in the
environment as long as we give him the training he needs to defend himself. He may be fit but how strong is
he and what are his fighting skills like?”
“Those I have an idea on already, they are not bad. He uses short staves as his preferred close combat
weapon,” Richard C said.
“With that, I would not have a problem seconding your choice then,” K Dog replied before taking a
mouthful of coffee.
“Right then I will send the netmail to the Selection Committee and let them know to start the
observation of Nicholas.”

“You know selection for next years Academy intake is coming up in the near future Gaz?” Sarah C said
as she leaned back into her leather office chair.
“Yes I do. Are you thinking of forwarding a Gangrel Street Gang Unit or something?” Gaz replied as
while he went about sorting out coffees for himself and Sarah C.
Sarah C replied as she sat forward, “Yes.” She reached for the keyboard and mouse and brought up the
unit rosters of all the Gangrel Street Gang Units, scrolling to the line entry for the Bitch Vixens. She pressed
the return key and the screen displayed the database entry for the Bitch Vixens. The screen displayed all the
operations the unit successfully completed since it joined the ranks of the Gangrels some 25 years ago. She
scrolled down and stopped when the screen displayed the operations of the unit for the last four years.
“Which unit you planning to forward to the Selection Committee then?” Gaz asked as he walked to one
of the three leather chairs in front of the desk.
“The Bitch Vixens,” she replied taking the mug of coffee Gaz put on the desk.
Gaz smiled and nodded his head in an approving way. “Good choice, but are they ready to join the
ranks of The Conspiracy, especially with what happened to Paul and Sandra’s mum and dad?” he asked with
a you sure about it tone to his voice.
“I think so. I think they will take the truth in their stride when they know the complete picture of what
is happening here.”

14th Juwar 2068 19:30.

Nick walked down the stairs from the first floor of his family’s home. In a few weeks he would be
heading to college having won a full scholarship. At this point he did not know if he wanted to go. The
scholarship would lead him to a well paid job as either a computer programmer or an electronics engineer,
but during his time in Suraban he had not been idle with the school work the corporate run high school threw
at the students. He started a sideline business of upgrading residential security systems, but rather than install
a brand new system that the thieves would more than likely know, he upgraded the system already present.
He knew instinctively that when a thief came looking for targets they would hit the houses with a security
system they knew. His ideas and plans revolved around presenting thieves with systems that they would have
no idea how to break. With Damien Cameron’s upgrade he overlapped improved movement sensors.
With his first business upgrade he hid a number of movement sensors that sent their detection systems
at right angles to the obvious sensors. The fact of hiding this second layer of sensors would more than likely
catch any thieves before they got close to the target. That job and the month he spent researching the boring
and dull stuff for Cameron’s Raiders could have been some of the most enjoyable time he spent in Suraban.
The research work included information on corporate finances, bios for the main people on the corporate site
the team planned to hit. Richard C in thanks for his work upgraded his Associate listing to one of a full Street
Ghost, but it included a proviso that he should be treated as an associate until he turned 18; his birthday
happened to be only a few weeks away now. He would be legally allowed to move out and become an
independent person, rather than just simply disappearing.
Nick walked towards the front door and realised that his posture to be one of being depressed, which it
should not be. The exams were finished; he headed to a party to celebrate that fact. He wore a feminine crop
top cum sport’s bra and a pair of high leg knickers under his outer clothes. As he passed the coat hooks
beside the door he called to his mum, “I am off out to the party I told you about. Do not expect me home
until sometime tomorrow.” He made the conscious effort to straightening his slouch and afterward he felt
much better. He felt happy at the fact school had finished.
He thought, ‘Payback is going to be a real bitch,’ his thought tones were ones of being evil as now the
school could not do a thing to stop him breaking the bones of the main bullies; the main reason for the
depression, the bullying from the footbaal team.
“Ok hun. Have fun tonight, and do not get drunk,” his mum responded, turning from the work on
finalizing the report to the board of ATDS.
He thought, ‘Jacket or no jacket? Jacket.’
He opened the front door and a few steps down the path, leading from the house to the road, he turned
to look back. He thought, ‘I think this weekend will be the start of something new and a lot of fun. I wonder
why Paul and Sandra invited me to the party? They know I have nothing that even comes close to the clothes
they wear.’ He started the short walk to the bus-stop, heading for South Central 6 Plaza Bus Station.

Sat in a living room were four young people, three women and one man all dressed in black baggies
and various dark tops and t-shirts. All of the tops possessed logos of popular bands famous on the rock scene
or the traditional wolf’s head of the Gangrels Gang. They were smoking pure cambar cigarettes and drinking
large glasses of cabila.
Sandra sat on one of the two sofas along with Tina and Abs who lounged on a couple of bean bags.
Paul her fraternal twin sat on a stool next to the breakfast bar. “Sandra?” Paul asked and turned to look
at Sandra.
“Yes Paul?” Sandra replied.
“Do you think Nick will come tonight?”
“I hope so; I think tonight he will find out that he has a lot more friends than he thought he had.”
Sandra thought, ‘I do hope you come Nick, please come, even if you are not the person I think you are, I want
to show you a good time before you leave Suraban.’
“So how are we going to make sure he knows where to come?”Abs asked looking at her bringing her
back to the conversation.
“I sent him a netmail with the local area map, but we all know what SRa87663 is like, and that is where
you two come in, Tina, Abs.”Sandra said and nodded at Tina and Abs while taking a drag from her cambar
cigarette. “He said he would be arriving at the pub around 20:30 and with where he lives I would say at about
20:20 he’s going to be getting off the bus from Central district. Basically you two meet him somewhere near
the bus-station and escort him to the pub.”
Tina took a mouthful from the glass and after placing it back on the coffee table said, “What makes you
so sure he will come tonight; he has always lived the corporate life. What makes you think he is going to
want to stay and live on this side of the street?”
“Gut instinct,” Sandra replied.
The front door opened and in walked a group of five, three women and two men, all of them looking
and acting in a happy mood.
Abs called, “Hi Darla, Angel, Damieel. Oh hi Mike, Wayne, how are things with you two?”
“Better,” Wayne replied as he took off his leather jacket and went to hang it up in the corridor. “Mike
told his father about me and was pleasantly surprised.”
“Yes, he is ok with it as long as I do not flaunt it around him, which I do not as I spend more time at
the South Central Sharks Home-base than I do at home. Oh thank you for the invite,” Mike said and handed
his jacket to Wayne.
“Hey your welcome man,” Tina replied and she sounded and looked really happy. “You still not signed
on the dotted line then?”
Mike moved into the main room and sat on one of the sofas. “No, I am waiting for a few more months,
until I am 18, before I make the jump. Let me just say dad is not likely to understand my choice this time. At
the first Gathering following my 18th birthday Wayne is going to introduce me.”
Wayne walked back in and Sandra looked at the pair and saw the love of partners in their eyes, she
smiled at the fact two good friends of hers would spend the rest of their lives together.
“You will enjoy the thirteen weeks at command. Basic Training it is an adventure all of its own,” said
Wayne as he sat on Mike’s lap and took out two cambar cigarettes.
“We should be heading to the pub now, remember Tom is coming and we said we would meet him at
the pub along with a few others,” said Paul standing up so he could collect his jacket and holster rig.
Sandra, Abs and Tina all followed him so they too could collect their jackets and holster rigs before
heading for the pub.

Nick turned on to SRb780065 and headed for the bus-stop that would take him to South Central 6
He did enjoy the time he spent in Ne-U-Bar; especially the time he spent with Uthura learning the
combat form of Lappellr. That and the training he got from Cubbadar and Sensei Hume meant he could
survive fights and hand the attackers their arses rather than have them hand him his. It would have come as a
shock to all of the bullies in the school that he was more than capable of handling more than one attacker at
once. He also understood it would not look very good if he had broken some bones, as the school thought the
sun shone out of the footbaal team’s arses. This was due massively to the time he spent with Wong-Ma and
Jum-Fu in Teabban. That period in his life could only be described the best, those two had been brilliant
friends and the training Sensei Hume provided them with gave him a founding in not only the martial arts but
the world of street fighting. He fought the honourable combat; one on one, no holds barred street fighting,
that is until more than one fighter got involved, then the velvet gloves he would have been fighting in would
come off and creator help the attackers. He knew that he was more than capable of ramming his fist right
through a human, but he controlled his massive strength through martial arts discipline.
Since arriving in Suraban he started to notice his hearing, sight and sense of smell were also improving.
He was capable of seeing detail in objects at a far greater distance than anyone else, hear sounds everyone
missed or did not hear. His reactions where definitely faster than nearly everyone including some
professional Street Ghosts and they possessed modifications like Boosted Reflexes.
As he walked up the road to the bus stop he carried his jacket over his shoulder. His face wore a big
smile at being happy at the adventures and the people he had met over his 18 years. Over the last ten months
of living in Suraban he knew this street as every school day he walked it heading for the High School.
As he approached the bus-stop he saw a pair of women wearing smart business attire waiting for the
bus so they could head home for the weekend. Nick glanced up at the information display and saw the bus he
wanted sat as the last of the three buses displayed and would be arriving in five minutes.
‘I think tonight will be fun, and who knows,’ he thought and a subtle smile grew on his lips at this
A couple of minutes later Nick saw the single deck bus he wanted and he stuck his hand out to let the
driver know he wanted to catch it. The driver slowed and stopped the bus almost in front of him and the
double doors opened silently.
Nick dropped the two decks for the ticket into the hopper; the machine buzzed and the ticket appeared
from the slot in the side. He took the ticket and moved down the bus to a free pair of seats where he sat so he
could look out of the window.
After he settled himself in the seat he took out his digital player’s wireless headphones and stuck them
into his ears and after selecting the first track the music started. As the bus drove its route he looked out of
the window at the houses, office blocks, and the various corporate run shops and boutiques.
He thought, 'Is tonight the start of a new page in my life. Will I be in control of my life or will things
over take me? Who knows, but I bet it will be fun finding out.’

Tina and Abs stood in a darkened alley close to the exit from the local bus station. They both watched
for the bus which came from Central District and hopefully Nick would be on board.
Abs looked at the time and said as she checked her sidearm, “It should be here soon.”
“Good,” Tina said, who made a point of having her jacket slightly open and the bulge under her armpit
as obvious as she could make it to those who looked at the pair. She knew it would send the right signal to an
observer that they wore fire arms and along with looking calm and ready to use them. Plus being a known
member of the Gangrel’s Organisation did kind of help; seeing as all Gangrels knew how to fight both close
in and at range. One aspect of membership meant if someone did attack the pair it would mean a whole host
of problems because an attack on one member is seen as an attack on all members; all four million plus.
As the bus from Central Main bus-station turned into the entrance Tina saw Nick stood waiting to get
off and said, “There it is.”
Abs looked at the bus and she easily picked out Nick stood at the front of the bus. ‘What the hell,’ she
thought, 'that is way too much detail.' She even saw the wireless earphones Nick wore.
She heard Tina zip up her jacket as she shifted her Theaban 44 Heavy Automatic so it became less
obvious to the casual observer.
Tina smiled at her life partner Abs as they watched the passengers exit the bus station.

As the bus approached South Central 6 Plaza Bus-Station Nick stood, pressing the bell to indicate
someone wanted to get off at the next stop. He said, “Thank you mate,” to the bus driver and the driver
closed the doors pulling away heading for the exit and its next stop. Stood on the pavement beside the bus
stop he took out his PDU and checked the map Sandra sent him before orientating himself with the various
The rest of the student knew her as a Gangrel and when she came to school she wore black or dark
coloured clothes and lighter than typical student makeup. She also wore contrasting dark and rich colours,
mainly reds, blues and violets. The style of clothing, make-up he knew marked them out as members of the
Gith sub-culture. An interesting planet wide sub-culture where the general population thought they
worshipped dark-gods from before the era called ‘The Schism’.
He pressed the stop button on his Digital Player and removed the earphones as he walked out of the
passenger exit and turned down SRa87663. Small shops belonging to small companies and sole traders lined
the street. From his own understanding and general knowledge of the environment he knew the purchasing
power of the corporations meant every dck counted in trying to make a living. As he walked she saw boards
and coverings covered a few shop fronts which usually meant the shop did not have an owner. He also knew
that most of those did have uses as squats for the homeless and places people could buy illegal drugs.
As he walked toward the meeting place he passed old and beaten up vehicles and leaning against some
stood a mixture of men and women. Some likely sold drugs to passers by and others would likely looking to
earn some money as street-walkers.
As Nick walked towards the main road he neither looked at the people nor did he spend time
wondering about them. His senses were at a very much heightened level, as he wanted to be able to react to a
threat before it became a problem. His plan, should it happen, would be to stop, face the problem and stare
the person down, using his clenched fists as a sign that he stood ready to fight.

Tina looked at Nick and how he held himself, thinking, ‘I wonder about Nick’s upbringing. He looks
like he knows how to fight. Interesting, I wonder what else we don’t know about you Nick. I think Sandra’s
idea of inviting you to join us may pan out better than we initially thought.’

Fifty metres down the road Nick bumped into two girls he saw hanging around with Paul and Sandra.
The left hand one of the pair said, “Hello, I am Tina and this is Abs. Sandra asked us to meet you. She
is waiting at a local pub for a couple of other people to arrive.”
He heard a male sounding voice, not a female one expected from the clothes and the pair of breasts he
could see would indicate. ‘Interesting,’ he thought.

After walking and small talking with the pair they arrived at a set of stairs leading down to the
basement of an old tenement block. The one thing Nick did notice as they descended the steps that the block
appeared to be being looked after by the inhabitants.
“Here we are,” said Tina as opened the door.
Nick followed both Tina and Abs into the main room where he saw both Sandra and Paul sat with a
few more people. Some of the group he did see hanging around with Paul and Sandra when they came into
the high school, others not.
The three walked towards the bar where Nick ordered a pint of Caferras.
Both Tina and Abs ordered a pint of cabila each.
The barman placed his Caferras on the bar. “Three decks, please.”
Nick handed the barman three deck coins, picked up the glass and turned to face the group of friends.
He saw Tom sitting with his friends from school and Tom did look happy. Over the time Nick attended
the high school he did hear stories from other students about Tom being the main target for the bullies since
they arrival two years earlier.
Tom, whilst, not being big in size, did have an intellect that few people realised.
After taking a mouthful of his drink, Tom looked up happy at the fact Nick had been able to find the
bar and arrived in one piece. He called, “Hello Nick.”
Nick approached the group carrying his glass, he looked around and saw a spare wooden chair nearby
and grabbed it. He moved the chair so it sat close to the group. He placed the glass down on the table and
turned to face Tom before saying, “Hi Tom, good to see you here, at least I am not the only person out of
place. Anyway I thought you were not going to be able to make it?”
“No. I put my foot down and walked out. I needed a party to celebrate the last exam and not having to
go back after I return my books, which I will do on Moroth.”
Paul looked at Nick and said, “Hello Nick, it is good to see you made the party.”
“Yes hello Nicki,” said Sandra, she turned to face Nick and her face wore a big smile, it included both
her mouth and eyes. As Tina and Abs sat down, Sandra said, “Hello you two.”
Nick heard Sandra say, ‘Nicki’, but decided to make nothing of it, shrugging his shoulders. He then
took the glass and drunk a mouthful.
“Hello Sandra,” both Abs and Tina responded.
Chapter 2

After a few drinks Sandra looked at Nick as Paul stood, saying to the group, “Shall we head back to
She watched Nick stand, placing the chair back from where it came from. ‘Nicki, I so want this
weekend to be special, for you to embrace the other side of your personality, and also join us the Bitch
Vixens Gangrel Street Gang unit.’

Nick walked with the group down the back streets. He knew South Central to be classified as a
habitable district by the city council, but, Nick knew the real truth, it was a slum, he understood why. The
City government did not have the funds to do anything about changing that classification and as they walked
Nick looked around at the state of the backstreets and alleyways.
He knew from his own private research and also from the people he saw and met during his travels he
understood how the various major scenes worked. How one effected the rest and fact most of the time a little
bit of money or just requiring the fininacal resources the various major players offered meant any problems
would simply go away. He knew how powerful the corporations were with the money they made charging
the prices some did and being effectively small countries the governments just did not have the money to sort
the real problems out.
The conversation, mixed with laughter, seemed to be about school, life and those who deserved a good
beating. During the walk Nick and Tom followed behind Jonathan.
He began to wonder, ‘What if the 'Gangrels' is not just the name they use to make themselves stand out,
I wonder if the Gangrel... Hang on, what was written above the wolf’s head, Gangrel Street Gang. Bloody
Hell! Why the feck did not I guess before. All the Gangrels at school are members of the gang, they must be.
If they belong to a gang, then they also belong to the Gith Community, idiot.’
Paul led the group to the minor road where Paul and Sandra lived.
Nick looked both ways and saw the street; it was more like a dirt track than an actual road. The houses
were all single storey affairs with cross ways white facia boarding. A lot of the windows where broken and
also possessed some boarding and a few even sat on underground garages. A few of the front lawns looked to
have piles of rubbish along with a few large household gadgets. Some of the larger items looked to have been
arranged to construct makeshift fortifications that Nick thought the local children played in and around. He
turned with the group and walked down the road towards the home where the party would take place.
The house they headed for was second up from the corner, behind a line of houses on the main road. It
looked similar to the rest except it did looked cared for being painted red and the area in front of the house
looked to be covered in concrete with a couple of old cars and a motor-bike sat on the concrete.
Paul turned into the driveway and as Nick rounded the corner he saw ten motorbikes and a couple of
motor-trikes, sat outside the closed garage doors. Paul headed for some steps up to a small veranda in front of
an open front door and the sounds of nice relaxing music came from inside.
As Sandra walked behind Nick and Tom, they stepped aside to allow her to go ahead of them. She
stopped at the top of the steps and turned to look at them both.
Tom followed her first, and moved around her when he reached the veranda.
He climbed the steps and saw Sandra waiting for him in front of the open door.
As he reached her she asked, “Why are you here Nicki?”
He stopped and looked at her and to him she looked to be sizing him up for some reason.
“It is better than being at home waiting to be told to pack again and I have just finished my exams
today. Come on, you invited me Sandra. Do you not remember the netmail you sent earlier this week
concerning the party; you and Paul also gave me a personal invite a couple of weeks ago.”
“Yes I do remember. I am surprised you came, as you did not strike me as the type to enjoy all night
He looked at Sandra and he thought he saw something in her face and eyes. “I do sometimes, but I have
to know the people who are going or organizing it and I kind of know you and Paul.”
Sandra turned and led him into the house.
As Nick walked in, he smelt the three different incense sticks and now he heard some pretty good chill
out music in much better quality than outside. He also noticed the light from a number of candles flickered
their patterns on the walls and furniture. He felt the room to have a really nice relaxed atmosphere. As he
breathed in the smells and the air inside the house he begin to relax, he felt his tension and apprehension
dropping away.
Already sat in the room were fifteen people most of whom he did not know from the high school, but
they all wore the same type of clothes as those he met at the bar. With the addition of the new arrivals the
living room looked to be about full.
Paul took Nick and Sandra’s jackets along with Sandra’s shoulder holster, and turned to head for the
other door.
Sandra walked to the kitchenette, and got herself an open bottle of cabila from the fridge and some
glasses. After she poured two glasses and placed them down, she pulled a stool out from under the breakfast
bar and sat down.
Nick moved to face Sandra on the opposite side of the bar and took a mouthful of the cabila sat in front
of him. His improved hearing helped him to pick out the various conversations. He zeroed in on Tom’s and it
sounded like he seemed to be enjoying himself. He took a second mouthful of cabila and thought, ‘Are you
the one person everyone looks for, the perfect match. I think I now understand what my life has been leading
to. You know nothing about me and yet I feel as if you know me.’
The feeling of warmth and friendship he felt coming from the whole room was like nothing he had ever
felt before. The closest feeling he could remember was the friendship he had with Jum-Fu and Wong-Ma all
those years ago. ‘I hope those two still want to be friends. Why did I not keep in contact with my friends?’
Sandra opened the pouch on her left hand side and removed a small patar, a lighter and a small tin.
Upon opening the tin Nick could see the green plant it contained. He also took a slow breath through
his nose and the smell he remembered from seeing a number of people smoking cambar.
Sandra took a small amount of the dried green plant the tin contained, tearing it up before placing it in
the large open end of the patar. She placed the small end against her lips and after finding her lighter she lit
it. Now holding the flame over the open end she drew the flame from the lighter through the patar. After a
couple of seconds of holding her breath, she exhaled slowly.
“Yes, I take people as I find them,” said Nick. “In both of you I see people who are loyal to their own
views. I know how you came to be at the school, your family died in a Health and Safety accident three years
ago. The compensation awarded to you by the company included schooling until the end of college.”
Sandra looked at the large opening and took a second inhale, exhaling slowly after a couple of seconds.
“How come you know that,” Paul inquired, “and that is bullshit. It was not a Health and Safety
accident, we will tell you at some point what we were told by friends of our parents.”
He turned to face Paul who sat of the arm of the closest sofa. “I did a background check on the two of
you,” he said. “What I told you is all know, I do not care about that. I see both of you as loyal to people you
call friends, and over the last nine months I have grown to respect the both of you in many ways.” He took a
mouthful from his glass and continued, “Even though you were almost never in school, the times you where
you showed Tom and I respect and friendship. Especially you, Paul, when you put that little twerp tight-end
on the floor for giving me a dead arm.”
The man, who sat beside Paul turned and offered a cigarette to him along with a lighter. Paul placed it
in his mouth and lit it. After he exhaled the smoke, he said, “That was nothing Nick. The twat deserved it; he
had hit upon Abs and Sandra and had become a nuisance to both of them as well.”
Nick turned back to face Sandra. “And you Sandra, when I look at you I see friendly eyes and you
always wore a smile when you saw me.”
“Thank you Nicki. Oh, was it you that netmailed me and Paul the notes from the lectures we missed?”
she asked with a quizzical look on her face.
He heard the name Nicki again and without knowing what the other names were, he assumed it was
aimed at him. Nick thought, ‘Ok, that is twice. How would you know that is the name I use when
cross-dressing. I have never chatted to a real girl called Sandra in the Young Transgendered chat rooms I
“Yes it was.” He looked away as he felt his cheeks heated up as they turned slightly red.
“Thank you Nicki.”
“Ok, what is with this Nicki?” he asked as he was curious to find out why Sandra kept on referring to
him like that.
“Sorry, the first time I saw you walking to the far table in the canteen I noticed someone who was
down, but not the normal type of down, depressed,” Sandra said. “Let me explain. I watch people and being a
Gangrel my vision is honed to quite a degree. In you I saw the muscle tone of a warrior, possibly a street
fighter, and sometimes I am able discern what sex the person should be. Yours I very definitely can, it shows
as female. Do not you remember both me and Paul came and sat with you?”
“Yes I do,” Nick replied with interest. She went back through the conversations and pretty quick she
came upon a number he had with both Sandra and Paul
“As members of the Gangrel Street Gang we are taught to see, the way you sat and held yourself
confirmed it for me. Being new to the school, most men would be out trying to make friends; some girls sit
defensively and make friends when other people approach. You acted very defensively towards us for the
first few times.”
“Yes, I did,” he replied, “I think both me and Tom are a bit out of place here.” He took a mouthful of
cabila and returned the glass to the breakfast bar.
“Yes I know. We sent Tina and Abs to meet you so you would make it to the party without running
afoul of the locals,” Paul said. He knocked the ash from the end of the cambar cigarette, and passed it on to
the woman who sat in the arm chair beside him.
Both the girls smiled as they stood at the end of the breakfast bar. They moved and gave Nick a hug
and a kiss. He felt his cheeks going red again as he was not use to the closeness the people at the party looked
to have each other.
Paul stood up and walked to the fridge, and took out a can of lager. It fizzed as he opened it. He took a
swig and said, “Can I ask you something Nick?”
“Yes, ask away,” Nick replied taking another mouthful of cabila; he turned to face Paul.
“I guess you are not too happy with a life of constant moving. Am I right?” Paul enquired. “How long
before your next move?”
Nick read Paul’s face and felt as if he should tell the truth. ‘What the hell is happening to me? Paul’s
question was out of interest; wanting, but also not.’
“A few weeks, maybe a month tops. Now I am also thinking about college,” he replied. “Yes you are
right, I do wish my family would just settle down someplace and give me a normal life, if that is even
“Have you ever thought of doing a bunk and disappearing?” Sandra asked. She took a draw on the
patar again.
“No, I have not had the friends to take me in and allow me that chance, besides it would hurt my
“It is time for you to think about you Nick,” Paul responded in a matter of fact tone. “You will be going
off to college in a couple of months anyway, they know that and how long before you are 18?”
“True, just over a month before I am 18,” Nick replied, and after a pause, Sandra passed him the patar
reloaded with fresh cambar taken from her tin and a lighter. “What do I do with this Sandra?”
“Smoke it. Stick the end with the small hole against your lips, hold the business end of the lighter over
the bowl, light the lighter, and suck,” she replied in a sarcastic tone.
He heard a chuckle from a couple of people around him.
He placed the small end against his lips and sparked the lighter. He sucked air through the patar and
this caused the smoke from the burning cambar to scorch his throat as it went down into his lungs; as a result
he had an involuntary bout of hard coughing. The coughing lasted for a good thirty seconds and even after it
finished he could still feel the tenderness of the throat. After he finished, the smoke and chemicals that went
into his lungs began to be absorbed into his blood and he began to take relax a lot more. As he relaxed he
began to hear the music and smell the smells from the various incense sticks being burnt.
Sandra asked, “Do you want to stay in this city Nick?”
“Given the chance, no, but, I am not going to be able to go to the city I would want to live in,” he
“Which is?” Paul inquired.
“Teabban, the capital of Jarrzar I had a couple of very good friends there,” Nick mentioned.
“Ok. This is not Jarrzar but I have grown too really like you. Paul, Tina and Abs have all said yes to
you living here if you want,” Sandra suggested as she took another mouthful of drink.
“You serious!” Nick responded in surprise. He looked at Sandra with a face that said, 'I am not hearing
“Very. I have never been more serious,” she replied.
“Do you want to fit in here Nick?” Paul asked.
“Maybe. Well yes, if it is possible.” He looked at Paul and in his peripheral vision saw a few people
beyond were looking happy at something. Tom’s expression was one of ‘go for it man, you deserve it’.
“I guess you are worrying about things like clothes, yes?” Paul asked.
Nick nodded his head in reply
“Do not worry about things like that. We plan ahead. We have to,” Sandra commented as she picked up
the two glasses of cabila and moved from behind the breakfast bar. She led Nick to a couple of empty bean
bags where she sat down. She placed the two glasses on the hearth.
Nick took a long draw from the patar and, for a second time, spent twenty seconds coughing.
At this everyone in the room laughed and said at the same time, “Welcome to the land of the stoned.”
Nick began to feel very light headed; everything started to spin and the next thing he knew, he was
sitting in Sandra's lap. He could feel Sandra's hand slowly stroking his bare arm in a seductive manor.
Sandra brought her head close to Nick's ear and whispered, “Do not be startled and please hear me
Nick smelt the fragrance Sandra wore. ‘I know that smell, where from?’ he thought. He pondered about
what Sandra wanted to say and nodded.
Sandra continued, “I know about what you do in your spare time, the cross-dressing.”
Nick's eyes opened wide. “Hey! How?” he whispered back somewhat angrily.
“You are not the only one who does research into people. I have been watching you for a few months,
we in the Gangrels, invite members to join rather than accept just anyone; most people could not live up to
our standards. I have broken into your place and found the clothes.”
“Shit, why did I not I upgrade the security at home,” he said quietly and he knew he felt rather angry
with himself for that.
“What?” Sandra asked in a tone that said, ‘I am interested in knowing the reason behind that reply’.
Nick turned his head to look at Sandra and said, “I am a freelance security expert, I break into people’s
houses, to test the security and, if the owners want an upgrade, I upgrade it, so most thieves cannot break in.”
“Ah...,” Sandra said as what Nick told her made sense.
He heard Sandra’s voice raise as something clicked.
“I see. You see Tina?”
He nodded yes.
“She is a full-time cross-dresser and you know how good she is at electronics; she made our bike
communication system and it is also used by the majority of Gangrel Street Gang units. Come with me and
say goodbye to Nick.”
“Ok. I think I can see where this is going, and you do not mind?” he asked in a questioning manner as
he realised Sandra would very likely kill off Nick as a persona.
“No, to be honest I have fallen in love with you, and it is not your male ego either,” Sandra responded.
She was wearing the smile he loved so much. “Come with me.”
He stood up and helped Sandra to her feet. He followed Sandra as she moved around the outside of the
main seating area towards the door that led to the bedrooms.

Paul looked at the pair as they headed for Sandra’s room. He smiled, and thought, ‘Welcome to the
Gangrels Nick.’
Chapter 3

Sandra led Nick to her bedroom, where she grabbed two leather jackets, and her shoulder holster rig
from some hangers behind the door.
The second jacket she handed to Nick which to him looked to be a standard bomber jacket. On the back
he saw a similar wolf’s head motif to the one on Tina’s jacket.
“You had better wear this. We are taking my bike. I want to show you the city after dark on this side of
the street, where life truly is,” Sandra said as she put her shoulder holster on.
“Ok.” Nick looked at Sandra and his face being his most favourite, the one over the last few months he
never used. It showed his interest in learning about the environment, the ups, the downs, where people went
for what and everything else he could learn, his Street Ghost face.
The two of them walked back through the living room, where Sandra took down two small black boxes
from a shelf beside the front door. It looked like they were sitting in a recharger unit. Nick followed her as
she walked into the early evening. The sun looked to be almost now gone, but in the west he could see the
redness of the evening, it faded to a mid blue and gradually faded to black. He looked up and saw the first
stars of evening along with some wispy clouds.
Sandra walked to where her bike sat parked under the veranda. Nick stood at the bottom of the steps
staring in shock, at the size of it. She wheeled it out and propped it on the side-stand. The light above the
garage door provided enough illumination for him to see the bike to be clean and that it looked well
maintained. Sandra handed him one of the small black boxes, from which came two wires, one looked to be
attached to a piece of material, the other connected to an ear piece.
“Our communication system; put this on and we will be able to chat whilst we are riding,” Sandra said
as she clipped the box to her belt and she placed the cables up her back.
“Ok,” Nick responded smiling. He clipped the black box to his trousers and placed the earpiece in his
ear. He watched Sandra put hers on and copied the location for the material band as he did so he felt a small
piece of technology that seemed to have been sown into the middle of the band. He made sure it rested
against his voice box.
“Place the tech against your voice box, you only need to make it vibrate, the technology in the material
picks up the vibration and the box transmits it to all people on the frequency in a three kilometre range. The
earpiece removes the air from your ear channel and then vibrates the responses to the bones of your middle
ear,” Sandra said as she put her jacket on.
Nick heard Sandra’s voice over the earpiece say, “Do you hear me ok?”
Rather than talking normally, he kept his mouth closed and forced his voice box to vibrate as if he
spoke, “Yes, do you hear me?”
“Yes, I do.” Sandra responded.
He smiled at the affirmation and watched Sandra stand the bike up. She swung her leg over so she
could sit on the seat. She flicked out the kick start, and forced the kick start down hard and as the engine
caught Sandra operated the throttle a little and let the engine drop to a gentle purr. She turned and patted the
seat behind her.
As Sandra throttled Nick heard the engine. Even with his relatively limited knowledge of motorbikes,
the engine sounded well looked after. As he put on the jacket he walked towards the bike and swung his leg
over the passenger’s seat. Sitting behind Sandra he wrapped his arms around her waist and held on.

Sandra switched the headlight on, pulled out of the darkening driveway, where she turned left onto the
minor street.
She drove the short distance between the driveway and the main road that ran from Richmond Park
District to West Central. At the junction she turned the bike and headed towards West Central.

As Nick sat behind Sandra he looked around as she drove down the SRa33376 at 50kph. He looked and
saw what life offered the lower and underclass of society. As he watched the street pass them he noticed that
this road looked very similar to SRa87663, except there were no drug dealers. Instead Nick saw both male
and female street-walkers touting for business from the passing cars. He saw a pair of girls climb into the
back of a saloon car and he could hear the trendy popular songs that most of the commercial radio stations
played being played loud even at the distance they were from it. The car indicated right and suddenly pulled
out in front of Sandra which caused her to swerve around it. Sandra hit the horn and stared at the driver who
looked to be laughing.
Nick could not be sure if he laughed at Sandra’s reaction or something that said in the car. He looked at
both sides of the street and up the side roads and the buildings he saw could have been in better condition,
but the low wages or no real income meant what he could see looked rundown compared to Central District.
He estimated only one in six maybe seven looked as if either the landlord or residents looked after the
building. Even on the side streets that joined SRa87663, it looked very much the same. The pavements and
roads were broken up or in the process of breaking up.
The roads possessed numerous potholes and also patches of earth looked to be visible. Down some side
streets he saw Corporate Security Points which normally indicated the borders of an enclave, either
belonging to a specific corporation, or the MegaCorporation his mum and dad worked for, Ebbsu Property
Management. These sights and what he saw as he arrived disgusted him, he began to recall what one of his
friends, the Street Ghost, Uthura told and showed him on a few occasions as he enjoy the time in Ne-U-Bar.
‘The corporations have a lot to answer for.’ Nick's thoughts went back to a conversation between him
and his dad when they lived in Jarrzar and the chat with Wong-Ma’s father about ‘Capitalism’ and the
‘corporate way’. He began to see both concepts and theories as fundamentally wrong, even flawed in certain
respects. He looked at the corners as Sandra drove past, and saw people down on their luck, street walkers, or
the homeless not those who did not want to work, but people who the corporations did not need or want.
They would work if given the chance, but they would not care about the ethics of the companies. They only
cared about getting enough money to support themselves and maybe their families. Other corners groups of
youths milled about looking for something to do, or watching for other street gangs’ attempts to transgress
the borders.
Eighty percent of the shops on the main road looked to be either burnt out or possessed heavy wooden
sheets or metal grills.
Nick heard Sandra’s voice, “This is the real city; the corporations have priced 90% of the small
independently owned local shops out of business. The only place we can buy anything affordable are the
corporate-run Malls and hyper-stores, where most of the stuff is pretty crap.”
As Sandra spoke she drove past a large, brightly lit open plot. A massive building, easily three stories
high, sat on the far side of a large car-park. A large sign, fixed to the front of the building read, ‘Rotanna
“I never knew about this; Central District is so different,” Nick said and realized, ‘Maybe Sandra was
right. Maybe I am a warrior, a warrior for the people not the Corporations I would have likely joined if I had
not been offered this chance.’

Fifteen minutes after leaving the house, Sandra stopped the bike close to a cliff edge. She climbed off
after Nick and they both walked towards the edge of an old quarry workings drop. Nick stopped and stood
next to Sandra as they looked out over the site at the bottom of the cliff.
In front of them looked to be a large enclosure with tall chimneys, large buildings and large covered
tanks which contained some form of chemical. The chimneys spewed smoke and all the buildings and tanks
were lit up by powerful lights.

Nick's improved vision picked out the various vehicles that drove on the roads inside the compound;
the vapours that came from joins in the pipes that ran all over the site. A tall wall surrounded the compound
and the looked to be topped by cartal razor wire facing out over the pavement. He looked at the evenly
spaced towers; each one looked as if it was for watching the compound. He guessed this to be a lie and a way
to get around the planetary laws that indicated anyone outside the compound should be under the jurisdiction
of the city government not the corporation running the site. The convex mirrors and the two guards watching
the city side of the wall proved how this corporation got around the Planetary Government laws.
He settled his vision on one of the guard towers seeing the inside; he saw that most of the towers
seemed to have least three guards. Placed on a weapons rack, were five assault grade weapons and located
just below were a couple of boxes of ammunition, very likely live ammunition. Light coming from ten high
powered lights fixed to the guard tower shone towards the floor and out from the tower, both inside and out.
“What is this place?” he asked Sandra.
“This place was bought by the Ebbsu Corporate Management, the company your father and mother
work for. It is also the site where my mum and dad died. Matur Chemical’s upper management kept the
budget to be spent on Health and Safety far lower than was legal and advised by the various specialists
employed by the corporation to increase the bottom line. They damn as hell knew that to run the correct
Health and Safety procedures on all their sites would mean a drop in profits, by at least a third.”
Nick heard the ‘drop the profits by a third’ and turned his head to stare at Sandra in surprise. “You are
kidding?” he asked and looked back at the site as a chemical truck arrived at one of the loading points.
Sandra shook her head and he read her face at the same time, both said ‘no’.
“In the end most days it was a miracle an accident did not happen. One day one did; a large stack of 25
gallon drums, which were far higher than was correct for the bio-hazardous chemical they contained
collapsed. As the stack collapsed it crushed the cab on the truck my dad was driving. The resulting spill also
killed mum as she was the first on the scene and the signs that should have been visible were not. It was
discovered later than none existed on the entire site, none of the drums had been labelled, others stacks were
even miss-labelled. From what we were told by ET Security Investigations, neither would have suffered, the
fumes alone did most damage to the first eight on site. All of them died within thirty seconds. Then the first
corporate rescue services arrived and they had the correct breathing apparatus. Did you hear about the Matur
Chemical spill three years ago?”
“Yes,” Nick replied. “I am so sorry. From what I remember Digital System News went massive on the
whole tragedy and because of it the corporation was forced to settle big time.”
“Yes right, to the Planetary Government and the controlling governmental agency maybe; not to us the
mere contractor’s families. The corporation apologized and paid a pittance to us, and if it were not for ET
Legal Trust paying the legal bills we probably would not have gotten that. They then sold the entire site to
Ebbsu and made over four million on the sale. They did offer to school us both and pay for our college, but
we were not looking for that. Thankfully both mum and dad where members of the Gangrels and they owned
the house outright, so we were not homeless after the accident,” Sandra said.
Nick also noticed a tear roll down her cheek. He knelt down and placed his head in his hands and rested
his elbows on his knees. He now began to understand what Richard C meant when he said, ‘The ET Trusts
are what make the difference to the people outside the umbrella. If ET Legal Trust paid for the legal costs,’
he stopped. ‘Hang on what did I hear? ‘All Corporations have dirty hands except under the Echo Tech
Umbrella... Bloody hell! Now I understand.’
“Back on the bike, we have a three more places to visit. The next one is one of the city run hospitals
left still under City Government Control,” Sandra said and she turned to walk back to the motorbike.

The route Sandra took to the hospital, which sat located south of the factory complex, took only ten
minutes, but it ran through one of the many real slum areas of South Central.
Here like before Nick saw the same, rundown apartment blocks, tenement buildings and open areas
waiting for some corporation to buy the land or put a new enclave or business park on it.
As Sandra drove past one of the Free Fire Zones which operated in or on the borders of the district,
Nick saw the areas of battle damage, the houses and the large expanses of waste land or rubbleized buildings.
In these areas he knew law and order was in the hands of either the local gangs or strong men and small
groups of well armed thugs.
Sandra slowed and turned the motorbike into the small car-park outside the Emergency and Casualty
entrance. She parked the bike and both she and Nick climbed off. They walked in through the open double
doors that led to the waiting room. The inner set of doors sat closed and Sandra pushed the middle of them,
this opened the two doors and allowed them into the waiting room itself.
The waiting room looked to be a good size and contained over fifty plastic seats. Behind the reception
desk sat a couple of women and they looked tied from the amount of people sat in the waiting room and
likely being treated.
Once they were through the doors a young boy slipped past them and disappeared out through the
closing double doors.
Nick noticed that the boy looked ill, but he still wore a smile on his face when he saw Sandra. His
checked shirt was faded and the trousers he wore were torn in places and patched in others.
Sandra turned to face Nick saying, “I volunteer along with most of the people at the party, and I know
the regulars in here personally as I also home visit. The problem the city hospitals have is that the
corporations price the drugs at a point that if you do not have medical insurance you do not get the
treatments. David, the young one we saw when we walked in, suffers from lukaria and his parents cannot
really afford the drugs and the treatments he needs. They do so by not eating for days at a time. Some days
when I come here I am surprised that he has not gone.”
Nick stood to one side of the door and shook his head. He looked around the full waiting room, and it
looked like serving the fifty plus people were two doctors, five nurses and two orderlies, they all looked
exhausted with large bags under their eyes. The waiting room itself did not look dirty, but is also did not look
clean. On most of the seats sat children or young mothers nursing babies and toddlers.
Sandra moved and sat down on one of the only free plastic seats. She began chatting with one mother
who was holding a small baby; the mother looked as if she was quietly crying.

“Do not cry, what is wrong?” Sandra asked in a comforting voice.

“My baby is sick. The doctor says he cannot do anything. They do not have the necessary drugs to treat
her, and I cannot afford to go to any other hospital.”

Nick looked at the mother and saw in her face the love she showed for the infant. Inside his stomach
went very tight and his face changed from shock to one of anger at the Bio-Tech Corporations. ‘Why price
the drugs out of reach of the people.’ Nick turned and walked calmly out of the waiting room back into the
night. He headed for one of the columns supporting the cover for the Emergency Entrance and he bent down
and leant against the column; he stared into the night sky, his face a mask of pure anger and hatred. ‘Richard
C, Damien, I think I will be joining the ranks of the Street Ghosts. Creator help the corporations when I have
finished with them.’

Sandra looked up from playing with the baby and looked for Nick, she could not see him. She got up
and wandered out the main door into the night where she saw him leaning up against a column. He looked
like he was looking into the night sky.
She walked the short distance to where he crouched and asked, “You ok?”
“No,” Nick replied. “I am actually very angry. Earlier today I remembered what my friends in Teabban
showed me all those years ago, the corporate brainwashing the schools do had an effect on me. Until now
that is. Does the woman know who the father is?” Nick requested and stood up. He turned to face Sandra and
she could see the anger in his eyes and the determination that his face showed.
She looked into a face of someone who now knew his mind and The Creator help those who get in the
way. “I would not have thought so. Most of the mothers are single mothers, and the fathers are corporate
middle and upper management who want a bit on the side as well as a nice family life. Do you want to head
back to the house? I think you have seen enough for one evening.”
“Thank you. Where were you going to take me next?” he asked.
Sandra walked with Nick back to the bike. “Just to the Tower Dome, it is a place where the street
people go to be in a quiet place away from the busy street and survival. It is where we watch the
Corporations conduct business and the life go by.”

“Let’s go there. Can I drive for a bit?” Nick asked and he really wanted to drive the bike.
“Yes you can,” she replied and handed him the keys. She let him climb onto the driver’s position.
He slammed the kick start down and after the engine caught he let the engine settle to a purr.
Sandra climbed on behind him. “So can I take it you are going to stay on this side of the street with us
Dirt Siders?”
He turned his head to look at her and smiled, ‘Yes I am’ at Sandra.
‘I think I have found my partner and equal,’ he thought.

On the journey from the hospital to the Tower, Sandra directed Nick on a small tour of the city, so he
could see the sights and places the Dirt Siders called home.

Nick pulled up outside the Needle Dome Tower and saw the car park looked to be full of disused and
burnt out vehicles ranging from the massive road train cabs to small sub compacts. In places he could see
some of the vehicles suffered from explosions, probably as a result of local gangs having turf battles. The
lights that would have illuminated the car-park no longer worked because the lighting filaments had been
stolen, busted or failed from usage long ago. His knowledge of the city told him that the Needle Dome Tower
once upon a time was one of the main attractions of the City. The observation platform restaurant was
famous for its food; then sixty years ago Echo Tower Suraban got constructed and opened by the Planetary
President. The Eye restaurant became the place to be seen and people flocked to it. The Needle Dome tower
lost its appeal. 20 years after Echo Tower Suraban opened Suraban City Government closed the Needle
Dome as it was costing a couple of million a year to keep and they could not afford it.
Sandra climbed off and taking Nick's hand she led him to a busted window pane near where the lobby
finished and the offices that made up the first five floors started. Once they where inside Nick saw an
expansive area with four separate reception desks and above them were the signs of the last companies to use
the office space in the dome. They found the only working lift to be at the bottom of the shaft, which he
guessed normally, indicated no one was on the observation platform or the top of the dome. They travelled
up to the top of the dome, walking out onto the surface and they walked to where the dome started to go
down and became dangerous.
Nick and Sandra sat down and looked out across the city towards the Commercial and corporate centre
of Central, South Docks and East Strevran Districts. The night sky above looked to be almost clear except for
the odd cloud. Nick looked up at the stars that made up the night’s sky and watched them twinkle and look
down upon them both. Sandra placed her hand around his waist and she held him tight. He could feel that the
hold was affectionate but it missed something, he could not work out what. In the sky short haul passenger
planes, cargo planes and suborbitals flew above them.
The pair spent a good while there, just looking out at the sky scrapers of Central, watching the police,
local news and radio station copters, as they went about their business. They slowly smoked an entire cambar
cigarette and laughed at some of their adventures in Suraban. The sounds that drifted up to them were the
sirens of Security vehicles speeding down the roads, the local emergency response units, and the sounds of
vehicles moving around as part of city life.
Nick saw Sandra look up and she pointed at her favourite star shape, he saw it and smiled, neither of
them wanting to destroy this special occasion.

Sandra looked into Nick's face and saw happiness, joy and what she thought was unconditional love for

‘Are you the one Sandra, are you the one I am meant to spend my life with?’ Nick thought. He looked
into Sandra’s face and saw happiness at being here with him.

‘Mum, dad I wish you were alive now to see me and also to welcome the Bitch Vixens’ newest member,
I think; no I hope,’ Sandra thought as she sat on the dome with the person she hopped would become her
After half an hour, but it could have be a couple of hours for all the pair cared, Sandra said, “One more
place to go Nick, do you remember I said to let yourself go and say good bye to Nick?”
“Yes I do.”
“Then do so and let me and the guys show you what you could look and feel like ... in reality, because
if I am right then the Aces Gang is going to be in for a shock.”

“Ok,” Nick replied smiling evilly to himself. At this he knew ‘Nick’ was on his last few minutes of life.
‘Be warned, for the Black Fairy rises,’ he thought as they stood and headed back for the motorbike.
Chapter 4

The pair travelled back to where they parked the motorbike, and Nick drove back to the house where
they entered through the side door. He followed Sandra into her bedroom, where he looked around the room.
The room was about the same size as his old room. A fitted wardrobe lined the wall that backed onto
the other large bedroom, a dressing table sat opposite along with a couple of shelving units on which sat a
few books and other items of Sandra’s. A double bed, with a bed side table on each side, sat under the
window. An office style chair sat under the dressing table and a couple of easy chairs sat on the corridor wall.
He handed his jacket to Sandra who hung it on the coat hooks, behind the door; Sandra quickly placed
her jacket beside it. Sandra then led him to the chair under the dressing table and sat him down. “I want to
ask you something.”
“Ok, ask away,” he replied looking happily into the eyes of his friend and now partner.
“Will you Nick, allow me to transform you, from who you are now into who we both know you are
inside here?” Sandra stabbed her finger into his chest.
“I do,” he replied.
“Undress then, totally.” Sandra headed for her wardrobe where she started to rummage through it.
He did just that he undressed removing all of his clothes including the female knickers and the top he
wore earlier. He knew his physique to be not too bad, toned and honed by the cycling and the shadow
sparring he did. Most weekends he would do a good sixty kilometres in the higher gears and the route
normally included at least two good hill climbs. His Sumdar afternoons were spent in the garden of his old
home shadow fighting and running through the various forms and sequences he knew from his life on the
road. The one advantage he knew he possessed, he had a lot less body hair than most men, including his dad,
and most of it was really light in colour and difficult to see against his skin.

“How much smoking terminology do you understand?” Sandra asked looking right at Nick’s face after
checking the rest of the body over. ‘You are going to make one hell of a good looking Vixen.’
“A bit, I know what a waterpatar and a patar are and how to roll a cigarette, but that is about it, until I
came here I have never even smoked a cigarette.”
“See my pouch?” she said pointing to the pouch on her belt. “Get the tin out and load the blue
waterpatar with cambar.”

“Ok.” He hoped no one was going to walk in whilst he was in his current state. He stood and walked to
where Sandra stood still rummaging through the chest of draws inside the wardrobe. He took the tin out,
opened it and ripped some cambar from what was inside the tin. He placed the tin back in Sandra’s pouch
and loaded the waterpatar like Sandra requested.
After he loaded it, Sandra said, “Bring it here.”
He walked towards her carrying the waterpatar.
Sandra stood and took the waterpatar from him. She took the lighter out of the pouch and lit it and after
putting the large end against her mouth she took a good draw from the waterpatar which bubbled as she drew
the smoke through the patar and through the water. After finishing the smoke in the long tube she handed it
to him along with the lighter.
He also too took a good draw from it, this time only coughing a few times as the water cooled the hot
smoke. He held the smoke in for a few seconds exhaling slowly.
Sandra stood up holding a black corset which she had taken from a hanger in the main wardrobe
section. She passed him it along with a matching thong.
He stepped into the thong and pulled it up over his legs. The sensation of him pulling the thong up was
the death blow of ‘Nick’. He knew for how ever long it took his true love to transform ‘Nick’ from his
current state to the new and improved person would be the cocoon stage. The female to emerge the other side
would take the war to the Corporations that deserved her retribution. As he finished pulling up the thong he
tucked his member between his legs and made sure the thong sat tight against him. He could feel himself
getting aroused by this, it felt not much different than normal at home when he dressed as a girl, he would get
the same feelings which he controlled through mediating and breathing. He slowed his breathing to the
controlled state both Sensei Hume and Cubbadar taught him.
He looked at Sandra as she moved around to her back wrapping the corset around her. The front middle
was hooked from the bottom to the top and the back was a line of at least fifteen pairs of holes, hanging from
the bottom and top was a long black ribbon. Sandra threaded the two ribbons through the holes and tightened
each cross of the ribbons until the corset sat tight but not uncomfortable. Sandra took a box that sat on the top
of the chest of drawers, opened it and took out two breast forms which she slipped into the right locations.
She removed them after checking the look and fit, she applied a gluey substance to the flat back and for a
second time she positioned them and stepped back. She smiled and nodded her approval at the way the new
member was beginning to look. “See what I mean, I think ahead. Sit in the chair and Tina and I will do your
makeup. You want a drink?”
“Yes please.” She walked to the chair in front of the dresser and sat down, waiting for Sandra and Tina
to return.

Sandra walked out of the bedroom corridor into the living room and headed to the fridge to get two
cans of lager. She looked around and saw Tina looking at her with a face that asked, ‘what is happening
She smiled back and mouthed, “Shall we dance hun.”
Tina’s head nodded in an approving way and she tapped Abs on the arm.

“It is almost time to welcome our ninth member.”

“I will get everything ready. A Delt 357 you think?” Abs replied.
“Yes,” answered Tina as she got up and took her glass of cabila and followed Sandra towards Sandra’s
As Tina disappeared through the corridor door Abs walked through the front door and down the steps
heading for the garage and the Bitch Vixens arsenal.

Sandra walked back in with Tina close behind. Tina closed the door and the pair studied Nick.
Tina walked towards Nick thinking about something.
“Can we do this without you seeing the results until the end?” asked Tina.
“Ok, I guess, as long as I can still drink!”
“Of course you can,” she responded as she walked to the wardrobe and opened it, she possessed an idea
how long Tina would need sorting out the base makeup, this gave her about thirty minutes to get the items for
Nick to wear. Hold-ups were a must as Nick did like to wear stockings as she did fins numerous pairs when
she broke in.
She took a pair out of the top drawer and turned to face Tina waving to get her attention. Tina looked at
her and she pointed at her boots and then at Nick’s shoes and mouthed, ‘Size?’
Tina bent down, grabbed one and tossed it at Sandra. She caught the underarm lob and looked inside
seeing the size said eight, at this she smiled as they wore the same size shoes.
She bent down and took out one of her spare setadar toe capped biker boots out and placed these with
the hold-ups. With the boots and hold-ups went a pair of her Black eight inch wide baggies. These were soon
joined by one of the matching tops she owned.
She removed her top and slipped the other one to match the one Nick would wear. She walked to where
Tina worked on Nick’s make-up.

Tina took a blindfold from the top draw of the dresser and placed it over Nick’s eyes, smiling as she
did. She turned and opened Sandra’s dresser side drawers which revealed Sandra’s main make-up supply; she
added Sandra’s travelling make-up bag. She rummaged through the bottom left draw and found a new,
un-opened Githage White Matt concealer foundation; she took it out along with a large tub of moisturizer.
She opened the moisturizer taking a quantity and massaged it into Nick’s face. After the moisturizer she
applied the concealer foundation and that too got massaged in until it became a thin layer covering enough of
the shadow and the face to make people wonder. She knew when Nick started hormones it would be so much
easier to cover the shadow as the speed it grew slowed and the hair became finer.
She looked at Nick sat there in the chair whilst she waited for the foundation to set slightly, she
thought, ‘If you bring just your skills in electronics and computers, you are going to be an asset to us, but
seeing you like this, I think you are going to bring so much more. Welcome to the Gangrels whatever you
name yourself. It will be a pleasure to work along side you.’
When it had set to the point she wanted, she applied the white finishing powder. She took one of the
large brushes and the pot of loose powder, Sandra mixed her own out of a slightly cream finishing powder
and bright white talcum powder. Tina dabbed the powder all over Nick’s face and then lightly brushed the
powder so it covered everything it needed to, including the top and side join of the breast forms to the skin.
Sandra walked over carrying some clothes and smiled at Tina to indicate her happiness with the way
Nick began to look.

Nick felt the brush applying some finishing power to his face and when Tina finished she heard Tina
step back. He felt Sandra lift her right leg and slide what felt like a silky, very fine mesh like material, she
realised that these must be a pair of hold-up stockings, she felt the same being done to her left leg.
She then felt her right foot placed into what felt like a pair of boots; Sandra pulled her to her feet so she
could have the size and fitting checked. Sandra sat her back into the chair and removed the boot.
Tina said to her, “Close your eyes hun. I am about to remove your blindfold so I can do the last bit,
your eyes.”
She closed her eyes and the blindfold got removed. She could feel the moisturizer and then the
foundation being applied to the area covered by the blindfold.
After the setting powder, she felt eye-shadow being stroked onto her eye lids. This feeling was
followed by liquid eyeliner which she felt being applied to the upper lids along the edge of the eyelashes. The
application of mascara was the last job Tina did and it was now she was able to take a swig from her can of
She then felt a pair of trousers being slipped on and she was made to stand so the trousers could be
pulled right up and fastened. This was followed by the pulling on of a top which finished her look. She felt
her right foot being lifted and placed into the boot again, only when she was firmly into the boot did the left
leg lift and placed into the other boot.
She felt the hair tie being removed from the male pony tail she wore and one of the pair’s hands
slightly change her hair, probably to a slightly more feminine look.
The other one led her a few feet and stopped her saying, “Open your eyes my lover.”
She opened his eyes and looked right at a full length mirror. The human looking back could only be
described as the one from her dreams; a real bitch-looking female with nicely sized breasts, cleavage looked
implied rather than shown directly and her hips were noticeable but not too large. The boots, she wore, felt
comfortable, and the trousers where of the baggy variety most Giths preferred, when not wearing long skirts.
The top was tight and you could just see the outline of the corset through it.
‘I need to correct the minor issue of the forms and other male noticeable bits.’ She stood looking at the
woman looking back and knew without any doubt that she indeed made the right choice. She realised that
‘her’ was here to stay and she thought, ‘I am not being known as Nicki, that is for sure.’ She thought for a
few seconds and decided on her new name. “Thank you both. I think I will be called Nibola Calton - or Nibs
for short,” she said with a calm evenly pitched voice. She noticed Tina look at her and she read the face as
one of shock more than anything else.
Chapter 5

Sandra heard the name and thought, ‘I was so right when I asked the guys about asking you to join.’
“Welcome to the Gangrels Nibs.”

Nibs turned to face Sandra and saw she wore a matching top and her face was one of pure happiness.
“Yes welcome to the Gangrels Nibs. Let us introduce our newest member to the others,” said Tina with
a happy tone in her voice as well.
“Just confirm something for me; the Gangrels are a Street Gang?”
Tina stepped towards the door to open it and said as she did, “Yes, The Gangrels are a Street Gang that
we all, bar Tom, belong to.”
“Yes, let us,” Sandra agreed and moved to Nibs’ side stepping through the open door slightly ahead of
Tina joined the two and brought up the rear of the group.
Sandra walked to the living room door and opened it and allowed Nibs to enter first.

Paul saw the door open and stood up from the chair he sat in. He moved to stand beside the door and
just as the newest member entered he took something out of his trouser pocket and placed it around Nibs’
neck. “Use the patar with pride,” he said.

Nibs saw that Abs also stood beside Paul and her hands held an open pouch, inside which contained the
same size tin as everyone else’s. A standard combat utility belt, a lot of Street Ghosts used, as did she when
she broke in to clients homes.
Abs wrapped the belt around her waist securing it at the front. Abs then made sure the pouch was on
the left hand side of her body and said. “Always keep the tin topped up.”
She turned and saw everyone in the room smiled at her. She completed the turn and gave Sandra a kiss
on the lips which Sandra returned with equal measure.
After the kiss broke Sandra said, “In the cellar here and a few other places throughout the city we have
enough Cambar growing to supply us all and keep us supplied all the time.”
“Thank you all.” She moved into the living room and realized that only once before in her life did she
felt so welcomed. It was during Nick’s life whilst she was living in Jarrzar at the party a couple of weeks
before she left and went to Rujunvia. ‘I wonder how Tammeria is getting on.’
“Darla also has something for you,” said Abs smiling similar smiles as Sandra, Paul and the rest of the
Tom looked up when the door opened and Paul moved to stand beside the door. He stared as the new
arrival walked in and saw Paul place a patar around her neck and then Abs wrapped a belt with a pouch on
around her waist. After moving away from the pair she turned and gave a kiss to Sandra who returned the
kiss and he noticed Paul smiled more than anyone else at this action. The kiss broke and the woman entered
the living room proper, where he saw her take the tin from her pouch and load the patar which sat around her
He thought, ‘When I walked into the party I thought I was in heaven,’ but to look at the newest arrival
he knew he missed something in his life. He got up and walked over, asking, “May I ask your name
“You may,” replied the woman, “my name is Nibola Calton or Nibs for short.”
“Hang on, I know that voice,” he said when he heard the voice. He stared in utter shock as he realised
this woman to be Nick, but not the Nick he knew. “Nick?” he exclaimed and asked at the same time.
“Nick, who is Nick?” replied Nibs, “Nick is dead. Nibs now inhabits this body.”
He heard true confidence in her voice and the slight slouch Nick had was gone, Nibs stood straight and
held her head high. “You have changed Nick somehow Sandra.” ‘I wish I had someone who would do that
for me.’
He felt unhappy inside as he had a feeling he would never find true love. The kiss Nibs gave Sandra
showed true love, love for an equal.

Nibs looked at Tom as he returned to his seat, and saw that even though Tom hid it well, he felt
unhappy. ‘One day Tom, I think this evening is me being invited to join and for you to be helped.’
Darla stood up and Angel and Damieel closely followed, the two smiling identical women walking a
couple of steps behind their Mistress. Darla’s carried a long case easily fifteen inches long and the clip to
holding the top closed faced Nibs.
She opened the top and saw an eight inch combat survival knife and its scabbard, which could go into
either her boots of onto her new belt. She took the knife and slotted it home into the scabbard and she slid in
whole thing into the straps inside her right boot. She covered the boot again standing back up and smiled
‘thank you’ at Darla.
Angel and Damieel both moved around Darla and kissed her on each cheek. She moved to the seat
Jonathan and Michella vacated for her and Sandra where she saw everyone in the room smiled at welcoming
a new member.
She knew that this day she had left the world of a loner and entered the world where the whole of the
Gangrel Street Gang was her friend.
02:00 15th Juwar.
Paul suggested, “Let us go and have some fun with the vents.”
The thirteen people who still enjoyed the party all stood smiling, as this had turned into a great party,
the welcoming or a new member, and now having fun with the ‘Vents’.
“Yes,” responded a few of the party goers as they stood up to follow him.
Paul headed into the bedroom corridor and grabbed the leather jackets and holster rigs from the coat
hooks just inside the door.
Abs and Tina both headed for their room which sat beside the side door.
After Paul had passed all the remaining jackets out, he headed for the farthest door on the opposite side
of the corridor to Sandra’s, Tina’s and Abs’ rooms.
He walked out, a couple of minutes later wearing his holster which hung from his belt just in front of
his Gangrel pouch and on the opposite side was a second open topped pouch, in it were four magazines. He
slid his left arm into his jacket, this was made easily the fitting of the communication system. He walked
back into the living room where Darla passed him a communication system. He clipped to his belt just behind
the magazine pouch and passed the wires up his back and over his shoulder. Abs followed by Tina walked
into the living room wearing their jackets and communication systems.

Whilst the others were moving Nibs stood and waited for her jacket and communication system which
were both in Sandra’s room.

Sandra headed for her bedroom and grabbed the two leather jackets and the communication systems
they had worn earlier that evening.
She also took a second shoulder holster rig from the hook beside the door into her room and headed
back for the living room. She walked through the door and threw the shoulder holster, leather jacket and
communication system to Nibs, who caught the items.

Nibs slipped the shoulder holster on and clipped the small box to her belt just behind her Gangrel
pouch. She saw Abs walk back into the living room and head for her carrying a second pistol.
Abs’ hand grasped around the outside of the trigger guard and in her other hand was four spare
magazines. She handed her the Echo Delt .357 heavy automatic pistol along with the 4 magazines and said,
“That is yours Nibs, a welcome to the Bitch Vixens present,” said Abs.
She smiled and slid the pistol home into the holster and clipped the four magazines into their holder
under the opposite arm.
She felt good and happy to be welcomed.
“How are you with an SMG?” asked Sandra when she had finished putting her jacket on. She was
carrying a HK77.
“I do not know, why?”
“When we go out having fun I normally use this.” She showed her the HK77, “or an M22 Assault
An evil grin spread across her face as Sandra passed the weapon to her along with five full blank firing
magazines. She slipped the sling over her head and right shoulder and she shifted the weapon to her back.
She took the magazines Sandra handed her and these went into the two front pockets of her jacket which she
clipped closed and zipped up the front of her jacket. She followed everyone else out of the house and down
the steps.
As she walked out of the house she heard Darla ask, “You coming Tom or are you staying here?”
“How can I? I have not got a jacket or bike,” replied Tom.

“You have now.” Paul disappeared towards his room, and returned with a leather jacket, which he
passed to Tom.
“Transport?” asked Tom.
“You can ride with me Tom,” replied Darla.

The group, which included three large motor-trikes and seven motor-bikes, drove through the streets
towards one of the many corporate housing estates that existed along the borders of South Central and
Richmond Park District. The estates were smart, clean and well maintained with most of the habitation
blocks made from either prefab single storey homes or ten/eleven storey tower blocks gleaming with glass,
clean steel and concrete. Each street and road they drove through looked to be well maintained with tarmac;
the pot-holes were quickly filled and repaired.
The pavements were again in much better state than the ones in South Central. The trees and in places
borders of bushes were planted in specifically created areas and not just sticking through the pavements and
the roots splitting the pavement as they snaked through the ground.
The group played chase as one would roar through the estates with the rest of the group following a
few seconds behind. At some junctions they stopped and one bike went to the middle and wheel span whilst
going around in a circle.
As Paul moved into the middle of the Junction she loaded the first blank round and Paul wheel span in
the middle she squeezed the trigger on the HK77. She was holding it with the barrel pointing into the air and
the stock against her arm. As she squeezed the trigger and fired first the first round the action of the blank
round firing forced block back and ejected the spent casing. The breech closed and took the next round from
the magazine, which she fired again, the kick from the rounds firing went into her elbow.
Her knowledge of her own body and the limited control she possessed over it, she tensed the skin and
muscles which lessened the impact of the kick against the elbow. The blank rounds making as much noise as
the real bullets but with out the risk of a bullet hitting a civilian as it came back to Darra Von.
The group which now numbered ten motorbikes, five motor-trikes and a heavy open top convertible
pulled up in the car-park belonging to three corporate owned housing tower blocks. Sandra drove into the
middle of the circle formed and after she slotted the forth magazine Sandra selected second and pulled and
locked the front brake. As she fired the first round Sandra revved the engine high and released the clutch and
the rear wheel started to spin. She released the throttle and grabbed it again before it could fully reset and the
engine stall, and revved the engine high again pushing the revs towards the red line.
From the convertible came the loud sweet sounds of The Huntress’ song, ‘To Die Old is a Sin’.
As Sandra took the bike around in a circle, Nibs could see Tom looked to be really enjoying things.

Tom knew when Tina asked him to come the party would be fun, he enjoyed being around the Giths
and Gangrels, they knew how to have a good time and pretty much enjoyed life. The only down side of going
to South Central High was the Aces and the bullying he had drawn the brunt of. He was not very big and like
Nick and more than likely Nibs, he hated footbaal, he hated most sports really. As Sandra completed her first
three sixty the group including him shouted one and half way through her second he saw the security guards
begin to move as they had started to receive complaints from the residents. On a few of the balconies stood
adults who were looking down angry at the scene of the various motor vehicles revving engines and playing
heavy rock very loud. He tapped Darla on the shoulder and pointed at the security officers as they headed for
the doors.
Darla spoke over the communication system, “Security.”
He grabbed the hold strap as all the bikes dropped into first and pulled away, a few selected second and
as they pulled away either wheel spun as they slowly released the front brakes or pulled wheelies as they
headed for the route out of the car-park. The convertible’s rear wheels span as it left the car-park.

Around 03:00 the group, which now totalled twelve motorbikes, both with passengers, returning home
after clubbing on the alternative scene, returned to the house. The group were all laughing at some of the
antics they did.
Pretty much the rest of the weekend was they same, members of the scene coming and going, but the
core of the Bitch Vixens, Tom, and three other people just kept the party ticking over.
16th Juwar 23:00
As Darla, Angel and Damieel walked out of the door, Paul and Sandra were standing in the middle of
the living room. Nibs and Tina were sat on the sofa down the bedroom wall and Abs sat on the one that
divided the coffee table and the projector screen area from the rest of the room.
As Damieel closed the door Abs turned and said, “Sandra, you know what. As Frodar was the last day
of term for us, we should go to school tomorrow and give a certain few students our goodbye presents.”
“I hope that includes me. I would not mind thanking a few people who need to be thanked for the last
nine months of hell.” Nibs’ face just looked evil as she made a mental list of people who deserved thanking.
At the top sat a Gary McKrudder, 6 foot 4 inches of Defensive Back, as weak as the next guy when facing
someone trained in street fighting and who has nothing to loose. In second place was Simione Potter, a
fellow, Defensive Back but he also possessed a fast set of legs when chasing Tight Receivers, but like
McKrudder was weak as 95% of all people. All it would take was a few simple kicks and punches to the right
spots on the body and both would be on their backs. Third place went to Detric Pots the team’s main Strike
Thrower. She had seen Detric practice boxing in the Gym and he also taught some of the students, especially
if they were from the team. ‘Take out a boxer’s legs and he is yours for the taking.’
“Yes,” responded Sandra, “I can think of a few people who need a goodbye present. Tina, Abs?”
“Yes, I think a few people need a goodbye gift of some kind?” responded each of them.

After a couple of hours of sorting out the living room, Abs, Tina and Paul went to gone to bed leaving
Nibs and Sandra sat in the living room as lovers do, cuddling up to each other. They said nothing for the last
fifteen minutes, but they were still exploring each other. Being displayed on the screen were some patterns
changing as the music from the computer changed and travelled the path the composer had written for it.
Sandra asked, “How do you feel my love?”
“How do I feel?” She paused and thought about her answer. “I feel welcomed, wanted, supported.”
Sandra smiled at the answer she gave. “I am so happy that you accepted the offer, especially after the
last ten months.”
“The last ten months outside school were good, and sometimes in school as well. The last ten months
were the culmination of the last six years.”
“You must have had some adventures and met some very interesting people indeed.”
“Oh yes, I will tell you some of them at some point. I am tired hun and need some sleep as I want to be
on my best behaviour for tomorrow and the present giving.”
“Yes we should get some sleep; the weekend has been the best party in quite a while. I wish Amy and
Bill had been able to make it, I think they would have enjoyed themselves as well.”
They got up and Sandra led her to her bedroom. She closed the door and turned the main lighting block
down to a lighting level where you could see enough to enjoy each other.
Sandra span her round along with lightly pushing her across the room until the back of her knees hit the
edge of the bed and she sat down. Sandra stood standing over her as she looked up at her life partner. Sandra
then lent over and pulled off the top she wore. As her lips came into view Sandra again kissed her, this time
with a bit more pressure. Her tongue lightly stroked across her lips which opened and let Sandra’s tongue in
and she also returned the favour. The kiss became passionate. The pair then undressed and climbed into bed
and fell into a peaceful sleep in each other’s arms.

As she dropped off into a peaceful sleep laying on the bed next to Sandra she was thought, ‘I have
found my life partner, I know I have.’
Chapter 5

Moroth 17th Juwar 2068

She opened her eyes and saw daylight coming through the gaps in the heavy curtains. She lifted her
head and looked over at the clock on Sandra’s bedside table it displayed 08:00BN. She then looked around
the room and thought, ‘Where am I? This is not home.’ She then looked at the person sleeping beside her,
‘Now I remember.’ She smiled as the events of the weekend flooded back to her. She then looked around the
room taking in each item and realised this was now home. She sat up looking down at the person sleeping
beside her. The person she looked at, to her anyway, was the most beautiful person she had ever seen and it
was not in the looks department she saw beauty. Each time she looked at Sandra, she saw a beauty that was
the whole person. She swung her legs out from under the covers, stood up wondering what she should do
about covering her body, because she needed the toilet. She wandered over to the open wardrobe and looked
through the various clothing items hung up. She found a black dressing gown which she slipped on and tied it
at the waist. She walked to the closed bedroom door and opened it. She walked over the corridor to the
bathroom opposite. As she exited Sandra’s room she noticed a light looked to be on in the living room and
quiet music drifted through the house. She walked into the bathroom which sat slightly further down the
opposite wall. She sat on the toilet, rather than stood as she would have done before the weekend.
Upon finishing she stood up and took a hard look at her face in the mirror, looking for blemishes and
things that were not feminine. She saw the normal thing of male facial hair, which she knew all men to
female transgendered suffered from. Otherwise, the first thing she could see were her eyebrows not exactly
very feminine looking. ‘That is easy to correct with a pair or tweezers and a mirror or a friend.’ The only
other male aspect, bar the usual problem of the item hanging between her legs, was the Adam’s apple. She
looked down at herself. ‘That thing is going,’ she thought to herself in a matter of fact way.
After she finished looking at herself in the mirror, she walked out turning towards the door to the living
room; her improving sense of smell could smell the aroma of freshly made coffee. It was like a drug to her,
that and Spiced Sweet Chai. She walked to the door into the living room and opened only to find Tina sat at
the breakfast bar. She could see sat in front of her a bowl and half way between the bowl and Tina’s mouth
went a spoon. Alongside the bowl was the free local broadsheet newspaper, which got delivered to you or
you could get one from a local shop. On the opposite side of the cereal bowl was a ‘large’ cup of coffee.
Tina lifted her head and turned it as she heard the door open. As Nibs walked out she finished the
mouth full of cereal saying, “Good morning Nibs, I hope you had a good sleep and I hope I did not wake you.
I do not seem to need much sleep so I am normally first up.”
“No you did not wake me. I am an early riser, but I do normally need around seven to eight hours a
night but I am still buzzing from the weekend, and thank you, I did have a good sleep.”
“Now that is good to hear.”
She saw Tina smile after hearing her reply.
She wandered into the kitchen area before turning to Tina and asked, “Where is the coffee?”
“In the percolator, there,” replied Tina and she pointed at the percolator which sat located next to the
She shook her head at the fact she completely missed it over the weekend. The jug looked to be
half-filled with black coffee.
“Cups are in the cupboard above the percolator.”
“Thank you Tina,” she replied and opened the door. She took a cup out and poured the hot steaming
coffee into it. She scooped two spoonfuls of sugar into the mug and, after retrieving the mily from the fridge,
poured a little into the coffee. She then moved to the breakfast bar and sat down opposite Tina.
“Can I ask you some questions Tina?”
“Yes, go ahead.”
“How come you are who you are?”
“Cause it feels right to dress and be a woman, I am still debating having the final operations. That is a
philosophical question that does not carry just one answer Nibs.”
“I know, but I had to ask so I can try and sort out my own feelings now. May I ask who you were
before you decided to become Tina?”

“Who was I...?” Tina replied. She sat back and thought about the question and then took a sip from her
“The person I was before I met Abs and Darla was a very weak-willed, and physically weak person,
prone to bouts of depression, and in certain respects similar to Nick the target for all the high-school bullies. I
existed, would be the best description of my life at that time. I had seen Abs or as I knew her Anna Detric a
few times on the bus I took to and from school. Then one day, mid first term four years ago the only seat
available on the way to school was one next to her, which I took. As the journey to the high school took 45
minutes, after 15 minutes Abs asked me if I was alright. I said I was and she quietly said “You are a liar but I
do understand why”. I replied to that statement, “OK, no I am not alright. I hate going to the high-school, as I
am one of the main targets for the school bullies.” I remember the conversation me and Abs had that day as if
it happened yesterday.
“I know, both me and Darla see you and the problems you have every day. May I ask a personal
question, John?”
“Yes, ok.”
“Have you ever thought about not being a loner as that is the way you act when you are in school, and
joining one of the many groups of young people?”
She then took a mouthful of cereal and when she finished eating it she continued. “What, joining a
“Yes, if that is what you want to call it, then yes, ever thought about joining a gang?”
“No, no gang would ever let me near them.”
“That is where you are wrong.”
“In what way am I wrong?”
“The gang I belong to, The Gangrel Street Gang, are always on the lookout for new possible members.”
“The Gangrel Street Gang, I have not heard of that gang before.” On later thinking about it I had, but
they were mainly bits of stories I over heard in the canteen and around the school.
“That does not surprise me, you have heard of The Northern Aces, The Runners, Black Hill mob, yes?”
She then took a sip of coffee. Nibs followed suit and took a mouth full. After they both returned the
cups to the breakfast bar she went on. “Right, the Gangrels are somewhat different in the fact we do not
openly advertise. We effectively select our members from those young people who are not affiliated with any
other gang, and we seek those who are being disadvantaged by society. We are one of the few groups and
organisations that are non-area specific. The other two are Central, which I know you know about, and
Centra the main policing arm of Central, which at that time was under investigation by Central for
“Non-area specific?”
“Yes. We do not have a specific area of the city we as a gang call base bar command which is located
in South Docks District. We all meet in small groups at members’ homes or public places. We also are the
only gang to operate in small units, hiring ourselves out to other gangs, normally for a small fee plus
expenses, which to be honest are normally just the cost of the ammo expenditure plus any other minor
charges we incur when we are on operation.
“So let me get this straight The Gangrels hire out to other gangs to do what?
“To help said gangs out when they need it, the operations range from assisting in a relative formal open
warfare battle between two or more gangs. Some of the other work we do may involve us defending a place
from attack, or sometimes it is helping in the training of new recruits or helping a new gang get started.
“My next question was the one that started me down the path that has led me to where I am now, living
with my life partner Abs and being sat here in the home base of the Bitch Vixens. Why are you telling me
“Because I think as does Darla, that you would be an asset to us. You know how to disappear in plain
sight. We think that all people should be allowed the chance to get better, improve in all ways, plus the unit I
and Darla belong to are currently looking for new members as we lost two, to medical retirement about six
months ago.
“Ok, sounds interesting.
“Talk to Darla as she is currently acting as our unit membership coordinator.
“Who else are members?
“You have seen Angel and Damieel around.
“And a few more from the local neighbourhoods.”
She sighed, took another sip of coffee, and continued, “As we were getting off the school bus Abs said
to me, “This afternoon, after school, ring home and tell your parents you are going to a friend’s house to start
a school project or something. Then come to the nurse’s office and ask for Darla.” I did and Darla and Abs
took me back to Darla’s and with the Twins playing host, the three of us just spent the evening chatting.
“To be honest I had no idea that Darla was analysing my replies and responses. Darla then rang home
and asked my mum if I could stay overnight as it was very late and as most of the buses had stopped running
by that time. Mum said that I could, so Darla, Abs and I continued chatting until the early hours when I fell
asleep. When I woke it was after the start time for school and Abs was sat across from me. Abs had told the
school that I was ill and would not be in for a couple of days. Abs then took me on a shopping trip and told
me what the previous night had been all about. Darla, is a trained youth counsellor and had spent the evening
analysing the answers I was giving, she was also looking at how I acted, my posture and how I sat. She came
to the conclusion that my mind was wrong for the body. Abs explained it to me that Darla thought I was very
likely Trans, but she was unable to decide where on the scale I was.
“Abs took me shopping for a few pieces of woman’s clothes. When both Abs and I got back to Darla’s,
Abs and the Twins helped me to change and did my makeup. When Darla got home from working at the
school, she was amazed by the change in my personality. Rather than the submissive shy boy I had been, the
person that sat in her living room was a girl who had confidence in herself. That evening Darla, Abs and me
travelled to my home, where even mum said she immediately noticed the change in me and agreed to let me
be the person I wanted to be rather than the person the world expected me to be by the physical body. I have
not looked back since. Ever since that day, Abs and I have been inseparable. The only down side is that mum
became very distant. I have no idea why, but it is the only thing that was bad. My brothers accepted me as did
“How old is Darla then?” asked Nibs.
“27, she is quite old for a being an active gang member but she loves the scene, the thrill of the chase,
etc, etc.”
“The first night at home after I got to sleep, I dreamt that John was being picked on by the bullies only
to have this young girl lay into them like a being possessed. After she had got rid of the bullies and helped
John up, I saw it was the new improved me. At that point I woke up.”
“You do not mind me asking these questions do you?”
“No, I do not. I have very little to hide from people and I hide nothing from my friends, I now count
you as one of those.”

During the following half-hour the pair sat drinking coffee, chatting about being trans. Around
09:00BN Sandra and Abs appeared from the corridor.
“Good morning, hun,” Nibs said when she saw Sandra, who looked somewhat bleary-eyed, with Abs
being in a similar state. “Coffee?” she asked both.
“Oh please, you are an agall, Nibs.”
“Yes, thanks Nibs,” answered Abs as the pair collapsed onto the two sofas.
She went about getting the pair a mug of coffee. After placing the cup down Sandra lent over and
grabbed the remote to the projector and switched it on. Sandra scrolled through the channels until she found
one of the more adult cartoon channels and started to watch the cartoon being broadcast. It was about a team
of five kids who helped rescue animals from dangerous situations using abilities a friendly god gave them.
A short while after Sandra and Abs appeared from their bedrooms; Paul strolled out very much awake.
He looked at Sandra and Abs and commented on the way Sandra looked, “God, you look like shit, sis.”
“I feel like shit. Come on, I am not like you. I hate the mornings,” responded Sandra and, as Paul
walked out of the front door, she stuck her tongue out at his disappearing form.
Abs looked up after she taking a sip from her mug of coffee. “When do we plan on hitting school
“Around mid-morning break, and due to the people who need thanking I think we had better stay until
school’s finished,” replied Tina after looking at Abs and Sandra.

Paul walked back into the house after completing his morning walk and saw the four girls sat around
the breakfast bar after they just finished breakfast and a cup of coffee. The girls headed to their rooms to get
ready for the day.
At around 10:15BN when she along with the rest of the girls walked back into the living room. Nibs
wore one of Sandra’s tight black T-shirts which said across the front “FUCK ME” over a skull and
crossbones. Under that was a fully-metal-boned corset that gave her a definite waist and hips. She also wore
tight black jeans and her calf-high biker boots. The makeup Sandra, Abs and Tina did for her and themselves
was true Githic Mistress, dark and sultry.
Out of the blue she said, “I have got to get some things from home. I also feel some responsibility to let
my family know I am alright and not to worry about me.”
Just before departing for school the five friends smoked a Cambar patar, and when the patars were
finished the group felt relaxed. They knew the Aces were going to be in for a very big shock.
Just before they walked out of the house Nibs took out a Zibark Celtar Cross and chain that hung inside
her wallet, and put it on.
As she did Sandra saw the cross around her neck and said, “That is beautiful,”
“Thank you sweet, I was given it by a couple of friends from Jarrzar. I took it off a couple of weeks
after leaving and promised myself that I would never wear it again until I found myself, and I think I have
now found myself again.” She knew that her face just showed happy. “At some point I will tell you about
some of the adventures I had in Jarrzar.”
She followed Tina, Abs and Paul out of the door, into another warm mid morning, and down the steps
to the driveway. Paul walked to the garage doors and opened it, Tina, Abs and Sandra who came down
behind Nibs, after closing and locking the front door walked into the basement garage. The four walked to
where their bikes were parked and knocked them off their stands wheeling them out on to the drive way,
where the four propped the bikes on to the kick stands.
She checked her communications rig and pistol, she zipped her jacket up as the bike rides over the
weekend she did feel a bit cold. She joined Sandra riding pillion. Tina switched the electrics of her 1100
Wizban Street Thunder and rammed kick start down. The engine sound that emanated from Tina’s bike was
sweet. Both Paul and Abs climbed onto Mit-bu 1000RSxs. The pair rammed the kicked starts down.
Chapter 6

As the four bikes drove at a leisurely pace through the streets, Nibs’ eyes were constantly looking
around looking at the various environments, and differences between South Central and Central District. To
her South Central looked and felt rundown, and forgotten. Central Downtown was bright and clean and the
main centre of the capital. The roads were properly maintained compared to South Central. The shops were
the biggest dichotomy she could see, 95% of all the shops in South Central looked closed or used heavy
security fitted to the windows and doors and were of the low end of the market scale. The shops on the main
roads of Central, as it was more commonly known, were of the big department store chains and very
defiantly catered for the middle and upper management classes, not the working or lower classes.
As they approached the school, they saw two of the school’s student monitors standing watching the
main gate. These people attempted to make sure that the school rules were not broken, and only allowed
valid people off the campus; they also tried to make sure that no troublemakers got in. The bikes turned right
and passed an office block belonging to Night Security Consulting, a top end security consultancy. They
provided specialist security advice, training and security personal for the mega rich that could afford to pay
the prices. As they approached the gate students, who owned vehicles, used to get onto the school grounds,
Sandra indicated left and turned into the entrance way. Both Abs and Tina smiled as they turned left and
passed the security camera, which looked to be ‘Out of Order’ again.
She heard Abs’ voice over the communication. system, “Why does the school have a camera there, it
spends more time out of order than it does working?”
“No idea,” replied Sandra and Paul.
She noticed the camera and looked at it. To her, the camera looked as if it had been put out of order by
a professional Street Ghost.
The school itself was made from five buildings, most had at least three floors and one had six. Just
behind the main gates was a three-storey main building, made from a combination of breeze blocks fronted
by bricks, steel and glass on the top floor. This building contained all the main offices, computer department
and main hall. Off to the left, looking at the main building from the street, was a three storey steel and glass
building, containing the library, canteen and a few classrooms. Behind the library block, as it was known,
was a large six storey building made mainly from bricks with an extension added to the right hand side made
from breeze blocks, fronted by a metal fascia. Streaming from this building came a large group of students
after just finishing some lesson or other. Spewing from the roof was steam and smoke from the underground
boilers. Not only were the bulk of the teaching rooms in this block, but it also contained the TV studio that
made the school semi-famous on the footbaal circuit, from here presenters of the live matches made the
shows. To the left hand side, behind the main block was the sports block and covered swimming pool, both
buildings were constructed from bricks. Around the top, some 7 metres up, were a line of windows that
allowed the sun to stream into the sports hall and swimming pool. Beside the sports hall was the science
block, again constructed from steel and glass. Coming out of this building were more students. Surrounding
the school itself were large open areas of concrete, tarmac and grass. Along the back fences were a line of
trees that in a few places clumped into small groves, which created small areas people could disappear into.
Running the length of the North fence was CW4, suspended some 20 metres up on a flyover. Running down
the east fence 40 metres up, where it crossed the CW4 was IC7, the main North-South InterCity route.
She watched the students mill around and saw stood around an expensive car, probably brought by
some ‘daddy’, were a group of the footbaal’s teams Cheer Leader Squad. The driver and passenger’s
windows were down and sitting inside were Simione Potter and Amy Dunction. All of the girls were giggling
and laughing at some unheard joke. She saw Tina swing the back of bike around which caused they group to
stop laughing. She saw Tina wink at Sandra, and realised that she was about to have some fun. Tina then
revved the engine so it red-lined, the rear wheel span and produced a massive cloud of smoke, rubber and
tarmac. The waste gas the engine was producing combining with the stuff the back wheel produced formed a
large cloud which engulfed the girls and the car.
Tina turned her head and saw the girls getting covered in the dust and particles. All the girls started to
cough as they breathed the noxious gases and particles. She then released the throttle, selected first and
pulled off apologising to the girls in a fake sorry voice, “Oh, so sorry for that you lot.” She then followed the
rest of the group towards the motorcycle park in Student Car-park B. As Tina and everyone pulled away,
three of the older girls turned and shouted obscenities towards Tina and the group. Tina just laughed out loud
and shouted back, “Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.”
As Tina pulled away she looked back and saw the Simione open the gull-wing door and climb out. She
read the face and body language and was able to tell he was angry at what that Tina had done. Out of the
passenger seat climbed Amy. From what she knew, from the school grape vine, Amy had had a run in with
Abs, over some course work Abs had done and Amy copied. An investigation happened, and she knew what
the outcome had been, as she had just arrived in the school, was that Abs had had to redo the work. Amy
joined Simione, as he marched towards the group.
Sandra sub-vocalised, “Simione and Amy are heading this way.”
She turned her head to look in the direction the pair were coming from and sub-vocalised a reply, “He
is mine. Let us see if he recognizes me now I have changed.”
“Yes, lets,” replied Paul over the communication system as he and the others parked in the marked
She pointed at an empty bay that was at the end of the four bays the group was about to use. Sandra
turned and parked in the bay indicated so making sure she was closest to the direction Simione came from.
She climbed off as Sandra switched off the engine; Sandra followed her in climbing off and brought the
bike up onto the motor-bike’s main stand. She moved to the back of the bike and stood waiting for the rest of
the guys to finish parking the bikes. She watched the group as they slid the magazines they all carried out of
the various holders and slotted them into metal boxes welded to the frames. She also kept her hearing
concentrating on the sound of Simione’s steps on the tarmac.

“Hun, you want to pass me your ammunition magazines,” Sandra said.

Nibs dropped the magazines from the holder and passed them to her. Nibs then went to drop the
magazine from the pistol, which she shook her head at and then she indicated Simione was close.

As Simione stormed passed her heading towards where Tina was finishing sorting out the magazines,
Nibs stuck her leg out, caught and sent Simione sprawling face first into the tarmac.
When Simione’s face hit the tarmac, she moved so she stood over his prone body and lightly kicked the
groin to get his attention. By this point a small group of students started to gather as Amy stared at the scene
from just inside the cordon made by the students watching the scene. Paul and Sandra both watched the
group gather making sure none of the students were members of the footbaal team and got brave. She
stooped and grabbed Simione’s left arm, which she twisted and applied a wrist lock, so as she shifted
Simione onto his back the wrist lock caused pain. When the manoeuvre finished she looked down into
Simione’s angry face, Tina and Abs also stood over him looking down.
As he looked up at them he shouted, “I am going to kill you poof for that stunt, Central is not going to
be able to stop the Aces wiping out the Bitch Vixens now.”
“Not before we have finished with you.” She smiled when Simione looked at her.
“What the hell?” said Simione in a, ‘Who the fuck are you voice’ and after a short pause to allow the
voice to marry up to a face, “Do I know you?”
“Yes you do Simione. I use to be called Nicholas Calton.” She bent down and removed the designer
shades that were sticking out of the breast pocket of his expensive designer jacket. She looked at them
flicking them open and placing them on the top of her head. “I think I will have those as payment for the
emotional suffering you have put me through since I arrived here.” She used her left hand and grabbed the
scruff of his shirt. She pulled at the shirt and lifted his head off the ground; the next sound was a loud slap as
she brought her right hand across his face hard. The red welt that started to appear was satisfying, to all of the
girls present, especially her, she said, “That was part payment for the physical abuse.”
“Let us leave him laying on the ground to contemplate his bullying,” commanded Paul with authority.
“Yes, you are not worth it,” she commented in a ‘if I ever see you again you will regret it’ tone. As she
stood up she placed her left boot beside Simione’s waist, and swung her right boot very low to the ground
and struck the groin and arse area hard. “Oh, I am so sorry, did that hurt?” she said in a fake sorry voice
mocking the very existence of Simione. She quickly joined the rest of her friends as they pushed their way
through the crowd, who had started to disperse, walking away from the prostrate Simione in the direction of
the science block.
Simione’s face was agony as the pain from the injury hit him full force. He curled up into a ball
clutching his groin, very close to sobbing with the pain. Amy glared at the group as they left the scene. A few
more of the girls and blokes Simione associated with pushed through the crowd as it dispersed. A couple of
the guys went to him and helped him up. The rest glared at the group. Nibs removed the shades from the top
of her head, placed them over her eyes and asked, “What do you think guys?” She then stopped, turned and
peered over the top of her new designer shades right at a couple of Simione friends the pair glared daggers at
the five friends. The rest of the group as they were helping Simione stopped so they could also turn and
glared back. One of the guys mouthed, ‘You are dead.’
She just turned, laughed and said in a voice that carried, “Oh, I am scared.”
“Do not know,” replied Sandra as she looked in a ‘I am not sure way’ at her face.

She along the her four friends walked towards the back of the Sports Hall around the Science Block, as
a couple of known bullying hang outs of the Footbaal Team were present around the two doors into the
building. She saw a couple of very githic looking girls stood leaning against the wall smoking what looked
like cambar cigarettes. She had seen the pair around school and realized they were from the 4th year.
“Allow me to introduce Abbey and Clare both members of a sister unit, Dark Mists Combat Support
Unit,” said Tina as they approached.
“Hello,” said the pair.
“We saw your dealing with Simione just then, very nice,” said Abbey.
“Thank you, Nibola Calton at your service,” she said in as feminine a voice as possible so not to alarm
the pair, then stared at Tina until she realized what she had done.
“It is a pleasure to meet you Nibola,” replied Clare.
“Do not worry about things like voice hun,” said Sandra when she realized what Nibs did, “all
members of the Gangrels are screened for problems like not accepting life as life; they accept all people as
much as we do.”
She along with the rest of the group just laughed. “Oh and its Nibs not Nibola,” she said using her
normal male voice when she had stopped laughing.
She crouched down and rested her back against the Sports Hall wall. She looked around across the
fields towards the CW. She thought to herself, ‘I wonder if mum and dad will accept me now or will I
become like a lot of the people I know from the Trans chat rooms.’ She took out her PDU removing the stylus
from its holder in the back. She tapped the power button which caused the system to boot to full mode from
phone mode, which it was designed to stay in whilst it was not being used to surf the net or use the 10.8
MegaPixel NetCam.
Tina who stood opposite her asked, “How long have you known how to fight. I saw Simione’s head
moving in sympathy as your hand came in?” in a tone that was genuinely interested in knowing.
“Ever since I lived in Jarrzar, Sensei Hume opened a dojo dedicated to instructing students in the ways
of what Hume called Martial Street Fighting, the honourable combat of street fighting was another name he
used a few times. Basically it was street fighting pure and simple, but he taught that using the techniques in a
proper street fight was always the last resort, and should never be used unless all other methods had been
tried first. When I left Jarrzar, Cubbadar from the city of Vickortia, Rudeash, he taught me the martial art of
Mauya, then Uthura from Ne-U-Bar who taught me Lappellr.”
“And now us and Gangrel Street,” added Abs to the list, “and I agree that slap was evil.”
Sandra tapped her on the shoulder and offered her the cambar cigarette when she looked at her. She
took it, the lighter and stuck it between her lips. She placed the PDU on the ground and using her left hand
she shielded the flame from the light breeze to relight the cambar cigarette. She then passed the lighter back
to Sandra and picked her PDU up from the ground. She opened the NetViewer and scrolled down the
favourite list selecting the YoungTrans chat room.
Clare who stood on the other side of her said, “I see you have Nibs hooked.”
“Of course,” replied Sandra to Clare’s statement.
As the net page loaded it also automatically logged her into the site and chat room. She then brought up
the touch screen keyboard typing using the stylus to strike the keys. She looked down the list of people in
and saw a couple of friends from Suraban. She had never had the courage to actually go out dressed, until
now that is. ‘I think it’s time to visit some of my trans friends in Suraban.’ She typed, ‘Hi all’, pressing the
enter button and following that, her normal greeting, ‘Just so my friends know, I am now fulltime and have
been since Frodar evening.’
She took a draw on the cambar cigarette exhaling the smoke after slightly coughing. She then noticed
Tina was looking at what she did.
“What you doing Nibs?” asked Tina moving so she could crouch beside her.
“Chatting in one of the Transgendered chat rooms I use.” On the screen appeared, ‘Sophie says:- Yes
Nicki. How come thought you were stuck because of parents not understanding???’ She typed the reply ‘
Mum and dad do not know about it, I am no longer living at home. I am living with friends from the High
Tina looked at the screen and asked, “Who are these people?”
“Most are Trans or friends of who are under the age of about 20 to 22, most of them are closet because
of family. These I know are not.” Nibs used the stylus to point to five of the names.
“I never knew these places existed, I wonder how many Trans Gangrels use these rooms?”
She took a third drag on the Cambar cigarette then offered it to Tina, who took it taking from her pouch
her lighter so she could relight it. She then entered, ‘I will be online in the next few days and give my profile
a radical revise. Bye all’. She then pressed the log out button which was followed by her pressing the power
button. She watched the PDU close and revert to phone mode.
“That is a nice piece of technology Nibs, how powerful is it?” asked Tina as she slid the PDU back into
the inside pocket of her jacket.
“This, it is a C400 Personal Data Unit, I have added to it, the mobile phone, net access and 10.8
MegaPixel NetCam. It has also got a 400gig memory stick and three expansion cards. I have made sure it has
room for four more cards.”
“That is nice. It must have cost a bit?” asked Tina as the pair stood.
“At the last count I have spent about 3000decks on it, but I use it and my Digital player for note taking.
I think the expense is worth it.”

As lunchtime approached the group wandered the school grounds looking at the usual student hang-out
areas for certain members of the Footbaal Team.
The bell to indicate the start of lunch rang and the group headed out of the same school gate they used
when they arrived that morning. As they did, she looked at the camera, located on a three metre pole over the
student vehicle access gate. She looked at the camera using her knowledge of various methods of disabling
security cameras linked to a central CCC control room. She specifically looked for any tell tale signs of who
disabled it, as it would likely indicate that Night Security Consulting would be hit again. She was surprised
as this would be the fourth time they would have been hit in the last two months. From the way it looked she
knew it professional carried out the tas, rather than a student. “I will say this; whoever disabled the camera
was a pro.”

“Hey, how can you tell?” Paul asked.

“I just can, Paul. You know my final year major was electronics.”
“Ok,” he responded.
He heard Nibs’ reply thinking, ‘What does Nibs mean it was done by a professional.’
The group turned down the street towards the main entrance, as he turned he had a close look at the
camera and wondered what Nibs knew. ‘That answer does not answer anything, it just opens more questions.
Sandra said she thought you to be enigma when she did the background research.’
The lights controlling the junction which included the school entrance were on red and so the friends
crossed on the diagonal. Nibs walked hand in hand with Sandra, she did not caring who saw them together.
Tina and Abs who were just ahead were also holding hands as they led the group down the secondary road
passed small shops that catered for the specialist collector markets. She glanced into one of the shop
windows only to see a rack covered in small postage stamps. The next shop down possessed a display of
antiques and in the window sat an old rocking chair made from Common Brattiss.
The group came to a cafe and Paul held the door open for the girls to enter. Upon entering the group
saw two teachers from the science department sat eating a meal, she knew why they sat eating lunch in the
cafe. She quietly laughed at the vain attempt to control the consumption of alcohol by the student body. The
girls headed for one of the tables located in the open window. Paul grabbed a fifth chair and sat between
Sandra and Tina. Sandra after sitting grabbed the menu, making a play for keeping it to herself. She went to
grab it and, like lightning, moved her other hand and lightly tickled Sandra in the waist area smiling all the
time. Sandra passed the menu to her and she put it down on the table. She lightly kissed Sandra on the cheek
and signalled for the waiter.
The waiter walked over and asked, “Are you ready to order?”
She replied, in a more feminine voice, after looking around the table seeing nods and smiles in reply,
“Yes we are, can I have a large spiced chai latte please?”
“Certainly ma’am.”
Sandra requested, “Latte, please?”
“White coffee, thanks?” said Paul as the waiter wrote the various orders down.
Tina requested, “Two Earl Greys, black please.”
“Certainly.” After finishing, the waiter turned and disappeared towards the serving area.
As he departed she said, “Thank you.”
“Pretty voice,” commented Tina in response to her feminine voice.
“Thank you Tina.”
The following five minutes the five friends quietly chatted about who they hopped to see that
afternoon. The waiter returned carrying a tray on which sat five cups. He placed each person’s drink in front
of them and also placed down a small plate with the bill on.
She took from the inside pocket of her jacket her wallet. She then picked up the bill and read the total,
opened her wallet and removed a ten-deck note and handed both the bill and money to the waiter, who left
and headed for the till area.
Sandra tapped her on the arm and pointed at Tom who walked past the open window, on the opposite
side of the road, carrying a full rucksack.
Sandra called, “Tom.”
She saw Tom stop, and he looked around for the voice.

Tom smiled when he saw Sandra and her waving from the café on the opposite side of the road. He
walked back the short distance to the pedestrian crossing near Suraban’s old centre of Government, where he
waited for the lights to change. The lights turned to red on the road and green on the pedestrian crossing and
he crossed the road. After he walked to the café’s open windows he said, “Hello, guys, thought you would
still be recovering from the weekend.”
“Nuts man,” said Sandra. “We are all toughened party animals.”
All the friends were smiling as she said it.

Nibs looked at everyone, “No one got any problems with Tom joining us?”
Both Tina and Abs said, “No.”
Then Sandra and Paul nodded their ‘no problem at all’ replies.
“Thank you guys,” replied Tom in a happy tone of voice. He came in, dropped his rucksack in the gap
Sandra and Paul made, grabbed a chair from one of the nearby tables and said, “I will be back in a sec, I need
the toilet.” He turned and disappeared into the café back area.
After a few minutes she saw Tom returning via the serving area, he looked up at the menu board above
the counter, talking to one of the staff working behind the bar. After nodding a reply to something the staff
member asked, he went digging into his pocket to take some money out. After receiving some change he
returned to the table carrying his drink, just in front of the waiter carrying the receipt on a small plate.
After the waiter left the receipt on the table, she picked it up along with her change and saw a business
card hidden beneath the receipt. On the front was written ‘P.T.O.’. On the back was written – If you and
your friends are looking for some professional work please ring or netmail me. The netmail address she
recognized as being a GhostNet account. She then showed the business card to Sandra, just as Abs indicated
to the group that she saw a group of cheerleader girls containing one of the targets. All of them were wearing
the latest expensive designer outfits, walking towards the café heading for the school.
“Here they come,” said Abs when she saw the group.

“At last,” Sandra responded somewhat happy, she stood up saying, “You three going to join the fun?”
“Yes, why not?” the three girls chimed.
The four girls pushed the chairs back and stood up. They headed for the door so they could wait on the
pavement outside. They stood on the south side of the café, making it look like they were waiting for a
vehicle to arrive. They looked at the group sauntering up the road, one girl seemed to be the centre of
attention. Nibs who stood opposite her asked, “Is it the one in the centre?”
She smiled and nodded. The pair both lit the Cambar cigarettes they were carrying, she took a couple of
drags from it, passing them to Tina and Abs, respectively, who did the same.

Sat inside the café, Tom asked Paul, “What is going on?”
“Fun,” replied Paul, “Payback is a bitch.”

Just as the group of girls passed the four friends, Sandra and the others followed, a few feet behind,
until they where along side the alleyway that ran down beside the Café. She forced her way through the girls
who stopped as she grabbed Zoë, who stood in the centre of the group, slamming her up against the Café’s
outside wall. Sandra inserted her forearm under Zoë’s chin pinning her against the wall.
She paused while Zoë’s eyes focused and recognized who it pinning her to the wall, only talking when
Zoë face turned to one of shock, “Now what am I going to do to you now I have left school, and no long have
to abide by the not physically hurting you rule.” After a short pause she continued, “I know what…” Like
Nibs did to Simione earlier she slapped Zoë across the face, hard. The slap that sounded was loud, easily
registering in the rest of the group.
Whilst she dealtwith the Zoë, Nibs, Tina and Abs all moved to make sure none of Zoë friends moved to
try and stop her. She now understood that her friends were also well trained in and respected the Street
Fighting scene.
She continued in the same tone, “Watch for me, Zoë, at night. You will never know when and where I
will crop up next and next time I will not just slap you.” After she finished talking she removed her forearm
from under Zoë’s chin and let her drop to the ground.

Nibs saw the welt that Sandra created; she also noticed that Zoë was now looking very scared. Sandra
and the rest of the friends moved away, back into the street so they could to return to their drinks and Cambar
cigarettes in the café.

Inside Paul and Tom overheard what Sandra said as Sandra made sure the group did not suddenly go
deaf. Paul rolled up a Cambar cigarette and lit it. “What are your plans now that High school has finished?”
“College, then hopefully work,” Tom replied while listening to Sandra have her monologue with Zoë.
Paul smiled and quietly giggled as well.
After the four girls returned Tom said, “Remind me never to get on the wrong side of you lot.”
“Ok Tom,” replied Sandra, and offered the Cambar cigarette Nibs passed to her, to Tom, who accepted
it, took a draw on it and coughed a bit.
At the end of the drinks the six friends headed back towards the school and to the main hangout of a
specific group of the Footbaal Team, the main canteen.

When the group walked into the canteen a quick look around the room told everyone that group they
were looking for had not put in an appearance, yet.
The group walked to the food run and all purchased light lunches before heading for the seats they
specifically wanted, the one’s the rest of the school was forbidden to use on pain of a severe beating, dished
out by the members of the footbaal team. They walked passed Simon who was eating a sandwich and on the
table beside the book he was reading was a black coffee. She liked Simon’s science lessons. She saw Simon
nod a ‘hello guys’, which was returned to her surprise by Tina and Paul.
After five minutes six members of the Football Team’s Defensive team, and their girlfriends, entered
the canteen from the direction of the library. As they passed one table where a couple of the smaller third
years were sitting, one of the fourth year members of the group threw a punch which got the third year
rubbing his arm. She, watched the group from when they had entered, and thought, ‘Today I start to take
back the school from the bullies.’
They walked to the food counter and pushed three of the second years out of the way as they were
getting the meal of the day. One of the second years dropped his tray on which sat his pudding of pie and
custard, she saw the face of the boy as the bowl went. She also saw his face as the bowl hit upside down and
kept most of the custard within the bowl. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Tom smile at the fortune that
second year had just received. She knew why as well, as Nick had watched Tom taking a beating from
McKrudder, Detric and Simione once as exactly the same thing happened, except it was a plate with gravy on
that had gone and it had gone at a crooked angle. Tom had spent the next month off school recovering from
the beating. She saw that some of the girls that had been with Zoë earlier were hanging off their boyfriends
Tina commented when she didn’t see Detric or Simione with the group, “I hope Simione and Zoë are
going to be ok.” The comment and tone of voice made everyone laugh. Which again broke another one of the
unwritten rules of the canteen, ‘no laughing unless at one of the Footbaal Team’s jokes’.
When the bullies had departed the food run, she saw the two teachers by the door and Simon stand and
very quickly depart, Simon via the open fire escape and the other two by the main door. The small group
started to walk towards their area of tables. They stopped dead and stared when they saw her and the others
sitting at their table. Sandra and her smiled when they heard two of the four fourth year’s chuckle to
themselves. The pair knew exactly what was going to happen when the group were in an area clear of tables.
McKrudder, also know in the school as the Hunk, face screwed up in a combination of anger and contempt
for the friends.
As The Hunk angrily marched towards the friends she said, “Excuse me friends. We have an ape that
needs to be put back in its cage.” She knew that even though the Hunk was 6’4, a quick targeted kick to the
groin would bring almost anyone to their knees. She stood up and stepped into the walk way and took two
steps towards the Hunk. Before he could even think about reacting to her initial attack which knocked the
tray he was carrying all over his girlfriend. The girlfriend let go of McKrudder’s arm and stared down at her
ruined designer outfit. She then executed a powerful snap kick attack targeted at The Hunk’s groin. To her
satisfaction The Hunk’s face screwed up in agony as she landed the kick smack bang on target. The Hunk’s
hands and arms went to protect the groin from any more kicks. She did not plan on hitting him there again,
sent her hands to his head, which she dragged down so it could met the upswing of her right knee.
With the force of the knee hitting and the release of the head a second before, The Hunk took off in a
back arc and landed in the middle of his friends who were standing staring in utter shock as this girl had
taken one of the larger members off his feet. As The Hunk landed he sent them sprawling into other tables
and members of the student body who had stood to watch the unfolding fight.

Paul, who watched for any members of staff or the school monitors, could see the kitchen staff
watching the scene. He smiled when even more kitchen staff walked out to watch. None of them moved to
get the monitors or security. The teachers who had been present had made themselves scarce. He realised that
they all must have realised this morning after Simione, the showdown between the Gangrels and The Aces
which had been brewing for some time was about to explode.
He saw Nibs standing over the prone breathing body. Nibs then knelt down landing her right knee in
the chest area. Nibs’ left leg was pinning The Hunk’s right arm to the floor.

The Hunk blinked as he tried to focus through the pain of the initial kick. Nibs waited for him to see
who was pinning him to the floor. Her face showed utter contempt for his existence. “Oops. Did you spill
your food? Do you want me to run and buy you some more?” She paused.
The agonized squeak that came from his mouth said made her smile. “I will kill you, you poof.”
“Oh I am so scared. Welcome to your nightmare.” At this point she lifted her steel toe-capped boot so
as she brought it down it impacted his manhood. His face changed to one of pure agony and he started
screaming like a girl.

Sandra who had turned on the end watched the scene as The Hunk’s friends got themselves straight.
One of the group had been lucky and had remained standing looked at the friends as he moved to give The
Hunk the necessary assistance he needed in dealing with the person pinning him down. She looked with a
face that said at him ‘You help him; I help Nibs’ at the same time she started to get up. The person stopped
short as he had been on the receiving end of a beating dished out by her brother a couple of years ago and he
had been present when Paul had mashed the fourth year earlier in the year, Sandra had him restrained with an
arm lock.

Nibs stood up and after looking at the group, who were just staring at what this female had just done to
one of the toughest members of the footbaal team, with a face which said ‘who’s next’. She retook her seat so
she could continue to eat lunch.
“You know something Nibs, I am surprised we have not seen the Principal or her assistants,” said Paul
after she had sat down.
The friends watched a couple of members of the footbaal team help The Hunk to stand and walk to an
empty table near the windows that overlooked the large field behind the school.
“I saw the teachers made themselves very scarce,” said Tina.
“I think most people have realised that the Gangrels and The Aces are about to explode into open
warfare,” said Sandra.
“Bring it on,” she said. “Make my life a living hell will you. Welcome to the hell that will be your life
for the short term future.” All of the guys looked at her and saw that she meant it.
After finishing lunch the six stood and headed out of the canteen via the fire escape.
Tom asked “I need to drop off these books to the library, where you lot heading towards?”
“Do not know, some place secluded and quiet so we can wait for the end of school and finish giving
people their presents,” replied Paul, “more than likely to the north east corner under the cityway.”
“Ok, I will wander and find you,” responded Tom.
“Look into the trees and bushes not at them,” said Sandra as Tom turned and left them.
As Tom walked away the five friends headed for the north east corner via the most direct route, which
took them across the footbaal pitches and around the stadium. They soon reached the secluded corner where
the trees had clumped a bit more and created a small grove. The ground cover also consisted of slightly
longer grass and low woodland plants, these and the trees stretched along the rest of the fence line. Through
the gaps in the trees and shrubs, she could see a twenty metre wide strip of wasteland before a fence line that
indicated the borders of another Corporate owned housing estate. Even though the IC and CW were pretty
close the noise level seemed to be a lot lower than she expected.
Paul led the group to the start of the path that led into the small grove. He walked around the strallam
bush, closely followed by Nibs and then Sandra, Tina and Abs brought up the rear.
“Hi, Simon,” said Paul and sat himself down on an old log.
She saw Simon sat leaning against an Ashforrk tree. Hanging from his mouth was a 15cm stemmed
patar. From his mouth came a puff of bluish smoke from the material in the patar’s bowl.
The grove was made from three Ashforrk Trees, two strallam bushes and a couple of Tracarm Burch
trees. Around the edge were a couple of logs and half a pallet.
“Oh. Hello all. Yes join me if you want guys...”
She saw Simon look at her and his face screwed up as if trying to work something out. She moved
towards a second ashforrk tree and sat down on the roots. Sandra soon joined her. Abs and Tina moved to the
other log.
“Who is the new one with you?”
“Oh meet Nibola Calton – or as she prefers to be known – Nibs,” replied Paul.
“Welcome Nibs,” said Simon. “Which member of the Gorillas had your attention? I left when I saw
them and you lot sitting where you were. I also noticed Danni and James also left rather fast.”
“Gary McKrudder, alias, The Hunk,” she responded.
“After your dealing with Simione, I took it upon myself to warn the rest of the staff that if we saw you
lot and any member of the footbaal team in the same area, they were to disappear. I also had a chat with the
monitors and told them that if they heard of any incidents they were to take their time getting to the site.
Things must happen in their own way, and you would not want to be on the receiving end of their fists and
feet, they are all experts in street fighting.”
“That would explain the lack of Mrs MacFields or any of her assistants,” said Sandra as took out her tin
and cigarette making equipment.
“I saw the aftermath of your dealing with Simione, and I know I heard Simoine cry ‘the Bitch Vixens
are going to get slaughtered’ or something similar. Nice one on the McKrudder front. I knew he had it
coming, I just did not know when and from whom. Oh, his parents are going to be on the warpath after they
hear about the incident. What did you do?”
“Crushed his groin and flattened his nose into his face.” She joined everyone else in rolling a Camber
“Ouch, arrrrrrhhhhhhh,” responded Simon, his face was similar to the face Gary had, without the
screaming. “That is a good point, you are very new?” he asked looking at her.
“No I am not,” she replied, “I used to go by the name Nicholas.”
“No, no way...” Simon’s face was one of shock. “Nicholas Calton?”
“Yes, that was me,” she said, with a broad grin. “Seeing as I have now officially finished my exams I
do not need to be here, but the rules state that I am still a student until Ebinar so I thought I would clean
house before I say fuck off to the schooling system.”
“How many have read you Nick?” asked Simon.
She glared at him.
“Sorry... Nibs,” Simon corrected himself.
“Better... no one yet, but I am another Gith or Gangrel to most people, both societies do seem to be
slightly strange.”
A short while later Tom called, “You in there guys?”
When they heard Tom’s voice Paul stood up and walked out of the small clearing.
Paul and Tom, after a couple of seconds appeared and Tom carried a far lighter-looking rucksack.
“Oh. Hello Simon,” said Tom when he came into view.
“Afternoon Tom did not realize you knew this group,” said Simon indicating Paul and group.
“Yes for a few months now,” responded Tom.

The friends sat there for the rest of lunch and the afternoon smoking and chatting.
Tom disappeared after a couple of hours due to work calling him in to cover a shift and Simon left to
teach a class in the last period.
As the end of school approached the friends headed for the student car park and their bikes. They made
quite a lot of noise as they left the school for the last time. They turned right and headed down the main road.
A little way down the road they turned into an alleyway between a corner shop and an apartment block. The
alleyway lead to the back of the shops and some garages. The group parked up in the entrance so they could
look for the rest of the people who needed ‘thanking’.
As the last of the students were leaving the friends saw none of the rest of the recieptants of their
leaving presents.
Nibs said, “They have chicken out and left by the other entrance and gone the long way home.”
“Yes it looks that way or they are still in school,” responded Tina.
The group then climbed on to their bikes and started the engines.
As she climbed behind Sandra she said, “Hey guys can we stop past mine. I need to get a few things?”
“Hey, no problem,” answered Paul as he led the four bikes he indicated left and pulled out onto the
main road heading away from the school.
Chapter 7

As the group turned left onto the road where she use to live she sub-vocalised, “Everyone, seventh
house on the left.”
All four bikes indicated left and pulled up the driveway slowing to a stop just beside the path leading to
the few steps up to the front door.
When she climbed off she said, “Come on everyone. No one is home and I do not give a shit who sees.
I still officially live here and you are my friends.”
“Ok,” responded everyone and followed her up the path and the two stairs to the front door.
She opened the front door she stepped inside and allowed the rest of the friends in. “Make yourselves at
home everyone,” she said after closing the front door. “Can someone stick the kettle on and make some
drinks? I would not worry about my parents coming home anytime soon.”
“Ok,” said Tina and Abs, “where is the kitchen?”
“Through there,” she said and pointed at the door off the large dining room.
“Anything I can do?” asked Sandra.
“Yes hun, there is,” she replied as she headed for the stairs to the first floor.
Paul turned left and went to sit down in the living room. The upstairs had four doors leading off the
landing which was a circle with the stairs being the middle. On the walls which were creamy off white were
pictures of her mum and dad and Nick having fun.
She led Sandra up the stairs. She turned right at the top of the stairs, right again, opened a door and
walked into her bedroom, which, as normal, was a mess, clothes piled in one corner, books, notes and other
items in a second. Along one wall sat a large wardrobe, from the top of which she grabbed two large
rucksacks and threw them onto the bed. She took two smaller rucksacks, which were hanging from hooks on
the side.
As Sandra walked up the stairs and round the landing she looked at the pictures and asked, “Are these
of you and your mum and dad?”
As she walked across her room towards the desk on which were her laptop computer and other office
peripherals she turned her head and looked at where Sandra looked, “Yes, that one is my favourite,” and she
pointed to the one hung beside her room’s door. The picture showed Nick and two Jarrzarians at a religious
site someplace beautiful.
Sandra, stood beside the door way and looked at the picture. “Who are the other two?” asked Sandra as
she stepped into the doorway, “and what do you want me to do?”
“Jum-Fu and Wong-Ma. Two of my closest friends, do you remember when Paul asked where would
want to live?” she asked, “Could you go to the under-bed storage area and get the clothes you find there and
fill one of the large rucksacks and then empty the cupboard there into the other one,” she said and pointed to
the cupboard hanging on the wall.
As Sandra stooped she slid the door to the storage area open she replied, “Yes I do, why?”
“Meet the reasons for me saying Theaban in Jarrzar. That picture was taken by Jum’s mum when we
were visiting a Tabbar Shrine. It was there me and them performed a Blood Family Ceremony. I forgot the
underlying principles when I left Jarrzar, and that is friends however far they are from you will always be
there for you,” she replied as she cleared her pens and pencils from the various pots into one of the small
rucksacks. She reached up to the top shelf above the desk and took down a stack of business cards which
were stuck to on a spike, she placed it on the desk and reached up again and took down the top of the spike.
She then took out a stack of note books from the shelving units and these were placed beside the business
cards. She placed the spike into the rucksack and that was closely followed by the stack of note books. She
then opened the top draw of her desk and took out a long zipped wallet, in which were a fibre optic camera
and an endoscope controllable extender. The next few wallets out of the drawers all contained her precision
toolkits. These she used in her job as an Independent Security consultant. From the second draw down she
took a twenty centimetre long by ten centimetre wide by fifteen centimetre deep black box with a large coil
of thin cables protruding from one end. She smiled as she remembered the fun she had with that little box of
tricks. The next item she took out was a small LPD screen and the control box for the endoscope. From the
very back of the draw she took the two chargers which were plugged into a four socket extension block. She
turned to Sandra and said, “Could you unplug the charger from the socket behind the bedside cabinet, and
throw me the entire unit?”
She watched Sandra move and smiled at one of the closest friends she had excluding Jum and Wong, as
she unplugged the adaptor. Sandra threw the adaptor then the charger plate to her which she caught,
reconnected the wire to the plate and then placed it in the same side pocket as the pens and pencils. She then
moved around the chair and opened the second draw on the opposite side of the desk where she took out two
hard cases one got slipped down the back of the current rucksack. The second she slid into the other side
pocket, a third hard box went into the front pocket.
At this the rucksack sat pretty much full and she pulled the draw string and then closed the top and
clipped it down. She laid the rucksack down flat on the desk. She then opened the second rucksack and
placed it on the ground. She knelt down and opened the bottom draw of the left hand side. From the bottom
drawer she took her most prized possession, a Delt XA2000 Tablet Computer with full-speed wireless
networking and an ultra-high-resolution touch screen. She placed the tablet into its protective bag which lay
underneath it. The bag with the Tablet in she slid into the open rucksack. She then stood and disconnected the
Laptop from the hard-line network and unplugged the power pack from the six plug extension block located
on the back of the desk. She slipped both the power pack and NetCams into the side pocket; these items were
joined by a wireless trackball mouse. She then bent down and took a second protective bag and slipped the
laptop into that and this package she slipped into the rucksack in front of the tablet. She pulled ten books
from the bottom shelf forward and out of the shelving unit, these were placed on the desk, she then took two
DDD cases which were hidden behind the books out and these ended up in the rucksack in front of the
“This is still half empty, anything else,” said Sandra said as she finished digging the clothes out from
under the bed and cupboard.
“Yes, the bedside table,” she said as he moved, carrying the first rucksack, to the wardrobe, and opened
it. She bent down and dragged the base unit which sat hidden inside out. She grabbed the top handle
belonging to a removable drive day and pulled it forward and out from the base unit, she did the same to the
one beneath the first. She placed the two drives on the ground. She then went to the rucksack opening the top
going into the main pocket of the rucksack where she took out one of the small zipped wallets. She opened it
and removed a cross-head screwdriver. She then switched the base unit off. After the computer finished
powering down she disconnected all the cables from the back and then removed the whole base unit so she
could unscrew the back and remove the cover. When the cover came off she unscrewed the removable high
speed platter drive bays and took them out.
“Drinks!” was called up the stairs by Abs.
“Thank you, be down in a minute,” she called back and went back to re-placing the cover on the base
“Finished,” said Sandra standing up from beside the bed.
“Thank you hun, I should be done in a couple of minutes, I need these two drives as they contain my
life’s projects and all my personal data. Can you take those two rucksacks downstairs for me?” She pointed
to the two large rucksacks. “Not these two,” she said, pointing to the two small bags.
“Ok,” replied Sandra as she heaved one of the two large rucksacks onto her back and grabbed the other
one only to put it back down.
She finished replacing the cover and slid the base unit back into its home in the wardrobe. She picked
up the completed bays and stuffed them into the top of the rucksack holding the tablet and laptop. She
grabbed her second wallet from under the pillow where she hid it, and stuffed it into the inside pocket of the
leather jacket she wore. She also grabbed her favourite fleece and night combat jacket from the hooks beside
the door and stuffed them into a plastic bag.
As she left her bedroom she grabbed the long bag that sat beside the door, her weapons of choice when
it came to the armed close fighting, her short staves. The pair had been given to her by Jum and Wong when
she left Jarrzar. She carried them and the bags out and left them on the landing. She went into her parents’
bedroom and to her mum’s bedside table, where she opened the drawer, and removed a large wad of deck
notes. This too ended up in the inside pocket. When she exited the room she saw Sandra carrying the second
rucksack down the stairs. She headed for the bathroom and took her razor and shaving gel from the cupboard.
She opened the airing cupboard and took down one of the numerous small bath bags into which went the
razor and gel along with her toothbrush and a couple of face clothes. She took from her towel holder her face
towel. She then turned and took both her freshly aired bath towels from the airing cupboard, she also took her
green towelling robe and closed the airing cupboard door. She walked out grabbing the two small rucksacks
and other bags. She followed Sandra down the stairs and placed all the bags beside the front door. She then
turned right and joined her new friends having her last drink of coffee at her old home.
Just as she walked out, she picked up the notebook which sat by the phone and wrote a note to her
mum and dad -
I am OK mum, dad, but I need to find where I am supposed to be and the person I am supposed to be.
Do not worry, I have found some new friends, and the stories you hear from school about the incidents
are true, it was me and my new friends cleaning house. By the time you read this I will have cleaned out my
bank account. Do not bother to look for me – you will not find me – when I am ready I will find you.
I have also nicked all the money in the house. Total about 1700dks. I pledge as your offspring that I
will repay you the whole sum as soon as I am able to.

She left the note on the coffee table, picked up the rucksack which contained her laptop and Tablet
computer. She then closed the door on her old life forever; she took her house keys off her key-ring and
posted them through the letterbox. She turned and joined her new friends who were standing in the driveway
waiting for her to join them. After she climbed on behind Sandra she looked back at the house, sad that she
had been forced to run-away, but she was also happy she was in control of her actions and she knew what she
would be doing. For some unknown reason she knew this was the life she was suppose to lead. The rest of
her bags were carried by Abs, Tina and Paul and all her bathroom equipment and plastic bag were in the box
on Paul’s bike.
By 18:00 that day she had transferred 3000dks in her main bank account into her Street Ghost account
and ordered a Street Ghost Debit Card. She smiled when she remembered Uthura telling her, ‘the Street
Ghost Bank is officially called the 10th Bank of Echo Tech City. All Full Street Ghosts when they are
sponsored get an account opened and the account number is your password to the system. The bank has
regular customers, but the entire upper management are retired Street Ghosts.’ Outside the seventh Surra
National Bank, she checked her Street Ghost Account, and saw it contained 14,000dcks ready available
funds. ‘I need to email Damien and tell him that I am now a full ghost.’
At close to 19:00, Sandra and her drove slowly past her old home and she saw mum sitting in the chair
crying, an ET security vehicle sat parked behind the car mum used to get to work. Dad had his arm wrapped
around her and sat on the other sofa was a Security officer and walking into the room she saw a second. She
felt a tear welled up in her eye which she wiped away.
“How long before you plan to see them?” came over the communication system from Sandra.
“No idea. How long is a piece of string? When I am ready to.”
The two said nothing until they got back to Home Base.
“Shopping tomorrow,” she said and her face wore a happy smile.
“Yes, shopping and you become a true Gangrel.”

The pair walked through the front door after parking Sandra’s bike in the under-house garage. She saw
Paul lounging in one of the armchairs in front of the fireplace. Tina and Abs were sat at the breakfast bar,
drinking a hot drink and quietly chatting and laughing together. Sat on the comfy sofas around the coffee
table was Darla with her back to the front door. Sat on the floor in front of her were the twins, Angel and
Damieel. Sat on one of the other sofas was someone she had seen hanging out with the Footbaal team. She
had no idea who he was, as she never took any notice of who was in the team. The only members she knew
the names of were the main bullies.
Sandra turned towards her so she could take her jacket, and saw her face and the look of ‘what the hell
is he doing here?’
“Oh shit, we forgot to tell you Nibs. Allow me to introduce Gary Sutherland, the only member of the
Vixens not to be at the party over the weekend,” Sandra responded to her angry face.
“As I think it would be bad protocol to give him what for, I will leave it,” she whispered angrily in
Sandra’s ear.

Paul looked up and around to see Nibs slamming the front door hard, with Nibs on the outside. “Gary?”
he asked Sandra looking quizzical.
Sandra replied with a nodded yes.
“I will explain the politics. I will leave you to talk to Gary.”
At this point he noticed Gary looked up from reading the Surra National Times. He guessed Gary
wondered why his name had been said and no one had said hello or anything else.
“Gary,” he said, “You remember Sandra asked about Nick joining the Vixens?”
“Yes,” replied Gary.
“Nick said yes, except its Nibola Calton, not Nick we gained as a member.”
“Oh! I poked my head around the canteen door and saw you lot sat where The Gorillas normally sat, I
also saw The Hunk go sprawling after the new female with you had landed the knee.”
“Yes her.”

Outside, Nibs sat on the top step and started to roll a fresh cambar cigarette.
Sandra walked out behind her, closed the front door and sat beside her. “Sorry hun we should have told
you about Gary this morning but it did slip my mind.”
“Well at least he never hurt me either physically or emotionally. He just stood there and allowed it to
happen. Which is just as bad,” she said putting the cambar cigarette into her mouth and flicked her lighter to
light the tip. She then took a deep draw through it.
“True and he never would have done anything to hurt you,” replied Sandra. “As a Gangrel he respects
all life except those we are paid to hurt or those who want to hurt us or our friends.”
There was a pause.
“I guess you have no idea concerning gang politics and the regulations we as Gang members live under
at the school and in general society?” continued Sandra.
“No I do not. They never really bothered me until now.”
“Let me explain how the youth culture works at the school and throughout Suraban. The Footbaal
Team or as they are known on the streets ‘The Aces’, run the student side of the school, they vet all the hall
monitors, and such. As a side-line some of the members bully those who are weaker or those who stand out
as different. They also hate the Gangrels because they get their butts handed to them regularly when Gangrel
units are hired to help other gangs kick their arses in battle, something to do with them being arrogant. Simon
and a couple more teachers belong to an organisation called Central which makes sure the various gangs,
which the school has seven at the last count, do not declare open war when on school grounds.”
She looked questionably as Sandra.
“Yes, Simon, we had a smoke with, he is the main contact Central has in the school. From what we as
Gangrels know it is an organisation set up by the city government about 15 years ago to oversee the affairs of
the youths and young adults until about the age of 24. As Suraban has always had a high percentage of Street
Gangs a lot of the work is at making sure they do not break the laws of Suraban and Surra. As both the
Gangrels and the Aces are members we follow Central’s rules concerning firearms and things like that.
Frodar evening’s fun with the Vents, all the bullets we were carrying.”
“Were blanks,” she responded, “I noticed that when you passed me the 77.”
“Yes,” said Sandra, “A school rule enforced by Central is that the various Gangs are forbidden to help a
member of the student body who is not a listed member of the same gang.”
“I see now, with that rule what you did was the most you could do.”
“Yes,” said Sandra. “You probably already guessed that the pistols we all carry are armed with live
“I actually had not noticed to be honest.”
“That is a blatant breaking of the rules that all weapons unless you are heading to a War Zone or to a
free fire zone or an area designated as a live fire area, must be loaded with blanks.”
“Why break that rule?” she asked, she knew she looked interested in knowing.
“A few years ago Central ran a group called Centra. Basically Centra were Central’s policing arm.
Except Centra got accused of corruption, Central investigated and dissolved the force. Queen Sarah, our
leader, now, back then she had just been transferred from the Bitch Vixens to one of the Command Units,
had been negotiating privately with the leadership of Central that should Centra be dissolved the Gangrels
become the policing force. Central signed the contract instructing The Gangrels be Central’s policing force
two months after the disbandment of Centra. Within the contract are instructions concerning certain rules,
like the carrying of live rounds in our weapons and the positioning of hides on the bikes or other vehicles
were lost in the neither worlds.”
She then offered the cambar cigarette to Sandra, who took it and removed her lighter from her pouch so
she could relight it.
After taking a draw Sandra continued, “Central like the Street Ghost world respects the Gangrels for
the simple reason, we understand the responsibility of carrying weapons and live ammo. All members are
also trained in how to handle firearms ranging from pistols to heavy machine guns responsibly.” She looked
at Sandra with a face saying how come. “I should say all Gangrels spend thirteen weekends at command up
in South Docks District learning how to be a Gangrel, but with people like yourself, it is pointless you know
how to handle a weapon and how to defend yourself. A big part of it is learning how to be safe with firearms
and also marksmanship. I can triple tap a human sized target, with my Tard Kinetic 44 Heavy Automatic, and
stop him dead at 150metres.”
“You will stop most people dead with one bullet fired from that cannon,” she responded wearing a
smile. “I think I see now, but that still don’t explain Gary inside.”
“Gary, a full member of the Gangrels with one and a half years front line combat experience with the
South Blue Ridge Maulers and six months with us the Bitch Vixens, has a good set of legs and is an excellent
Tight Receiver and had been playing for two years previous to the Aces arriving. When the footbaal team
arrived after the summer holidays a couple of years ago, everyone on the old team was put on notice that you
either join or we put you in hospital. Gary was going to quit, he played because he enjoyed playing, but under
the new regime he found it very difficult to continue. He was specifically asked by the coach to stay on the
team. With the hatred the Aces have for us Gary keeps his Gangrel membership a secret.”
“Now I understand,” she said.
“I must say she has some nice moves. I hear she broke his nose with the knee.” Gary said.

After Nibs and Sandra finished taking outside, Sandra opened the door and walked in slightly ahead of
her. When the door opened the silence that fell over the room was palpable.
Darla turned to look at the pair saying, “Hello Nibs, good day I hear?”
As she walked in she saw that Darla held held two long leashes which were attached to the collars
Angel and Damieel wore.
She handed her jacket to Sandra who took them and the shoulder holsters to their room.
Gary said, she realised he was trying to break the silence that had descended, “I must say, nice knee
young...” Gary paused for a noticeable second, “lady” continued Gary.
“Why thank you Gary,” she replied.

“Some introductions are in order I think.” Paul said realizing that Nibs knew who Gary was, wasn’t
going to say anything and other than him telling Gary who Nibs was and had been was also not willing to be
the first to break the silence. “Nibola Calton also known as Nibs, this is Gary Sutherland, Gary Nibs,” Paul
then paused for a bit and continued, “yes, that is a good point, where were you on Frodar night?”
“I was stuck at a footbaal event and spent the entire weekend celebrating the league win. I have to play
a maximum of three more games before I can be free of that fucking bunch of twats,” answered Gary.

Nibs just burst out laughing when she realized Gary either was playing dumb or he had no idea who
she had been. “I think a slightly better introduction is in order,” she said. “Before I came to the party on
Frodar I was known as Nicholas Calton, the guy, you and those twats use to bully at school.”
“Fecking hell!” exclaimed Gary. “You have got to be kidding.”
“No we are not Gary,” interjected Sandra as she walked back into the living room.
She guessed playing along as when she looked at her she winked, “this is the same person.”
“Feck, I still do not believe it.” With this he stood and walked past the cross sofa. When he stood in
front of her he went down on bended knee, “I apologise to you Nick for the hell that I may have put you
through.” Gary stood sticking his hand out and before Nibs could say anything, “and welcome Nibola
Calton,” he moved and whispered in her ear, “I hope I can call you Nibs.” As he moved back he went back to
his normal voice, “to your new life as a Gangrel.”
She stood there in complete shock, “I was going to tell you off for calling me Nick, but then I realized
what you were doing, certainly, everyone else knows me as Nibs.”
Abs got up and headed for where the coffee percolator stood, empty. She then heard the water running
as she headed for the pile of bean bags and cushions. Sandra followed her and sat in the one of the two arm
chairs, closest to where she sat.
“Thank you, Nibs,” replied Gary as he sat back down looking relieved.
“When I saw you I was not sure who you were, but seeing as you were with Paul and Sandra, and had
taken ‘The Hunk’ himself down, I made myself scarce.”
“I only wanted ‘The Hunk’ and Detrick, Simoine was an added bonus.”
As she sat down she took her PDU from her pouch and looked at the charge meter, it read almost
empty. She got back up and walked to the bedroom where she removed the charger block from the rucksack
and clipped the PDU into it. She walked back into the living room and saw Sandra now sat on the pile of
cushions where she had been. This left the arm chair free. She plugged the charger into the four plug wall
socket beside the fireplace and placed the charger and PDU with the rest of the mobiles on the mantel piece.
She sat in the arm chair smiling at Sandra who smiled back at her. Sandra moved so to sit beside her
left leg, resting her head on her left thigh. Abs brought over a tray on which sat a hot drink for everyone.
The conversation went from subject to subject until Gary said, “My weekend was not all that bad, I did
make contact with a Street Fixer at Samueal’s celebration on Savradar, and from that meeting, and he
contacted me yesterday. He has offered us some Street Ghost work even though we are only associates.”
“Oh, who is employing?” she asked
“Who is the target?” asked Paul.
Everyone’s head turned to look at Gary.
“The Street Fixer wants some computer files from an low security office block in Eban Hill district. He
said it was paying 10,000 each member plus up to 10,000 deck expense account,” replied Gary
“Who is the target?” asked Darla.
“The law firm of Juliet and Daughters.”
“Interesting,” she said as she took out her tin and loaded her patar. She then took the lighter which was
tied to the arm of the arm chair and lit the flame and took a draw from the patar.
“What is hun?” asked Sandra and turned her head to look at her face.
“I am wondering what the law firm is working on to warrant a Street Ghost team going in,” she said.
“Gary do you know who is employing?” She then took a second draw from the patar. She then offered the
pipe to Sandra, who showed the Cambar cigarette she held. She then took the last draw from the pipe and
then reached over and emptied it in the ash tray.
“The Street Fixer said Ittsu Tech is the employer. I think he has more information when we accept,”
replied Gary.
“Mm,” she said, “What is Ittsu doing that warrants a law firm having information they want.”
“True,” said Tina.
Sandra reached up and grabbed her collar and dragged her head down to where her head was, “It is
getting late, and I am tired hun. It has been a long few days,” whispered Sandra into her ear over a stifled
“Yes me too.” She also covered a yawn. They got up both saying, “Night everyone,” as they moved
towards the bedrooms.
“When are you next down this way Gary?” she asked
“Not tomorrow, on Ulleam, I have got deliveries tomorrow and I think dad wants me to run some
errands on Ulleam morning,” replied Gary as he stood and joined Darla and the Twins in getting their jackets
from the hooks in the bedroom corridor.
“Oh yes Darla. I am having a girls shopping trip, you are invited.”
“Ok, ring me in the morning when you have decided where you are going, and we three,” as Darla
indicated Angel, Damieel and herself, “Shall join the fun. And I bet it is going to be fun.”

As Sandra and her left the living room she said, “I would have thought Darla would have left the twins
at home tomorrow if they have been bad.”
“Nah, Darla will punish them tonight and that will be the last of it.”
“Ok.” She followed Sandra to her room.
Sandra closed the door of her bedroom to the outside world. She then grabbed her around the neck and
kissed her passionately on the lips. She returned the invitation and the two of them spun around until they
both fell over the bed and landed with her on the bottom and Sandra on top. Sandra pinned both of her arms
to the bed and sat on her stomach. She then dragged them together above her head. She was playfully
fighting her trying to get her hands free.

Even though Nibs was only play fighting Sandra could feel Nibs’ strength. Her muscles were tight and
well toned. She removed one hand when the other hand had hold of both of Nibs’ wrists. She reached over
and opened a drawer in her bedside cabinet, removing a couple of hand cuffs and cuffed both of Nibs’ hands
to the end of the bed all the time smiling evilly.
The rest of the night was full of interesting fun.
Chapter 8

Torbar 18th Juwar

Sandra heard a noise from the area around her wardrobe, slowly opened her eyes to look a pair of dark
blue cords. “Uhhmmmm, Paul!” her tone was, ‘what do you want in there’.
“Sorry sis, I need to find the Jhann box.”
“It is in your bedside cupboard.”
“Oh yes, I remember now, sorry.” Paul ran out of the bedroom.
She looked at the disappearing form as a pillow got launched at his back, with some power behind it.
“What the heck!” exclaimed Paul as Nibs’ head appeared from under the covers.
“Sorry Paul. I have no idea where I got that strength from, it just happened,” responded Nibs in
apologetic tones.
“Not to worry,” replied Paul and his head appeared around the door frame, “it was only a pillow.”
“Do you mind,” she said suddenly, “the Gangrels may have a uni sex policy that covers all genders and
perceived, but Nibs has lead a sheltered life, now get and let us up or the next thing flying will be my fist,
and you are yet to beat me bro.”
“I know. I am gone.” Paul then reached in and pulled the door shut

Nibs blinked a couple of times and then rubbed the sleep clear from her eyes.
Sandra said when she sat up on her elbows, “3 inches left and you would have hit his back.”
“That is not bad for eyes closed and only hearing Paul’s voice and footsteps.”
“That is not.”
She looked at the clock, it read 10.30BN. “What is the Jhann Box?”
“It is the Vixens alter box,” replied Sandra.
“Alter box?”
“Yes both Paul and Tina follow the Path of Paygan.”
“Now I understand. Do you follow it too, hun?”
Sandra replied as she took the Cambar cigarette from the bedside table on her side as well as the
lighter, “Not as closely as Paul or Tina, but I do take part in the ceremonies and rites. How about you sweet?”
“I do not follow a specific mythos or path as such, I mix and match bits from a lot of the traditional
mythos, especially ones native to Jarrzar and that area.”
She sat up properly, took the half-smoked Cambar cigarette from her side’s bedside table ashtray, lit it,
and took a draw from it.
“Garribon mu tunni Sandra san,” she said out of the blue.
“What did you just say, hun?” asked Sandra after taking a draw and expelling the smoke.
“I love you, Sandra in Street Jarrzarian,” she replied. “I am fluent in all Jarrzarian from the High stuff
you would speak to people from above your station, to Street which is what 80% of Jarrzar speaks.”
“Bloody hell, you are a person of many talents, Nibola,” responded Sandra as she swung her legs out
and stood up. Sandra removed her blue bath robe from the corner of the bed and slipped it on.
“You going to get up, I am planning on making you a little more feminine today, like plucking your
eyebrows and generally getting rid of your unwanted hair.” Sandra headed out of the bedroom and across the
corridor to the bathroom.
She could hear the running of water.
“Ok hun.” She swung her legs out, grabbed her green bath robe from the corner of the bed and slipped
it on. She followed Sandra across the passageway to the bathroom, when upon entering she closed the door
and sat on the side of the bath.
Sandra turned around and saw her sitting on the edge of the bath. Sandra turned back and took out from
the cupboard a pair of tweezers, then she turned to face her and said, “Look up at me and close your eyes
She closed her eyes and looked up at Sandra while she started to remove the unwanted hair from her
After a short period of sharp spikes of pain, from Sandra pulling and shaping the brows, she stopped
and said, “Open your eyes and look.”
She opened her eyes and saw a mirror in front of her face showing the new shape and style of her
eyebrows. She smiled as her eyes actually looked feminine rather than the mess they started looking like.
Sandra stooped, checked the temperature of the water with her hand turning the cold tap off. Sandra
turned back to the cupboard and took from the top of the cupboard above the sink an incense stick, which she
lit and placed in a holder on the toilet cistern. Sandra checked the water again and turned the hot tap off,
untied the belt which held her bathrobe closed, it slipped to the ground and she climbed into the bath. “You
getting in here?”
“Yes.” She untied her bathrobe and it joined Sandra’s on the floor. She climbed in and sat between
Sandra’s legs. The bath was surprising bigger than it looked stood looking down at it. Both of them had their
legs outstretched. Sandra wrapped her arms around her waist and nibbled her ear. She smiled and reached
behind her and sent her hand down.
After twenty minutes sitting in the bath enjoying each other’s company, Sandra and her heard a bike
engine start then after it revved high they heard a loud clunk and the engine died.
“Oh crap, that does not sound good” said Sandra. “I wonder whose bike that was?”
“Bloody thing.” They heard through the open bathroom window.
Both of them said “Abs,” in answer to Sandra’s question.

After about an hour of relaxing in a hot bath Sandra got out, took a couple of towels from the airing
cupboard and wrapped one around her upper body. She left the second one on the closed toilet. After Sandra
got out, Nibs moved back so she leant against the slopped end of the bath. She still wore the smile, it not
having changed since Sandra finished her eyebrows. Sandra opened the cupboard door, removing her shaving
stuff and said when she facing her again, “Would you lift your left leg and put it on the edge of the bath
“Ok.” She did as she had been told to. Sandra then spent the next half hour shaving her legs, arms and
her private areas. When Sandra stood up after finishing the area around her groin, she got out, patted herself
down and put her bathrobe on. She headed into the bedroom, and collected her wash-kit from the top of the
dresser. She returned to the bath room, and saw Sandra, just topping hairs as they appeared. She ran a
washing bowl full of water and shaved her face very close.
Around 13.00 the pair walked into the living room dressed and ready for shopping, only to have the
front door slam open, and an annoyed Abs storm in from the driveway. The living room itself was in a state
which Paul looked to be sorting out slowly.
“What happened here?” asked Sandra.
“Paul,” replied Tina who sat at the breakfast bar.
She walked into the kitchen area. “Coffee, love?”
“No thanks. I will do us both a chai,” replied Sandra as she followed her into the area and shooed her
“Oh, thank you.” Her face now looked shocked. She then headed for the mantle piece and took her
PDU off charge, powering it up.
Abs stood over the sink washing her hands. “Looks like I am not going shopping today!”
“Oh why not?” she asked as she looked up from sitting on the sofa. She tapped the NetViewer and after
it loaded and displayed her designed BlackNet home page. Here she looked at her BlackNet inbox sat as the
top item on the page under the titles.
“My bike’s timing chain came loose and has gotten lodged in the cam casing.”
“Was that the clunk we heard earlier?” asked Sandra whilst waiting for the milk to heat up on the
“Yes it was,” replied Abs very angrily.
“Hun,” replied Tina. “You are riding pillion with me. We can get your bike fixed later or tomorrow.”
She looked up saying after seeing a couple of new messages, but they were not from either Jum or
Wong. “I will give you a hand with it. I am pretty good with electronic and mechanical things, especially
security systems.” She wore a smile on her face as she opened the top one and clicked the link that sent her to
YoungTrans site. She opened the site’s own inbox and opened the unread message, it read – ‘Hi, I just
heard about your excellent news, I hope to see you on the scene soon. Mike.’
Both Tina and Abs looked at Nibs and said simultaneously, “What?”
“Yes, I break into a people’s houses and then upgrade the security system. I was planning on either
going into the freelance business testing security systems or joining one of the big security companies when I
finished college.” She then tapped her PDU’s stylus on the button which would take her to the various forum
boards after she had made a note to reply to Mike’s netmail.
“Hell yes,” exclaimed Abs. “We have found her. The one person we needed in the team.”

After a few seconds Paul remembered what Nibs said yesterday at school. “That is how you were able
to recognize a professional job on the camera.”
“Yes,” said Nibs and nodded. “You do know that to be taken seriously in the Street Ghost world you
need to hold full Street Ghost licences.”

“Yes,” replied Sandra from the kitchen. “As Gangrels when we turn 18 all we have to do is ask and one
of the adult members to sponsors us.”
“All of the Vixens know how to handle themselves in a fight, both with and without firearms. We are
professional, well trained and well armed. The HK77 you had on Frodar is one of our standard firearms for
most of our combat work.” Abs continued, “We also use M22 Assault Carbines.”
“Our Associate Street Ghost listing says we are an all-girl team,” said Paul smiling as the news.
“An all-girl team?”
“Yes, the team used to include just me, but six months ago Gary joined us as a member, we are
honorary girls. We both have to wear battle makeup and try to look as fem as possible. It is kind of fun as we
scare most of the local gangs when we are out in full Goth battle dress,” said Paul.
“I bet you do,” she responded. “Two big hulking girls, how come Gary only joined six months ago?”
she requested whilst looking down the main topics displayed. Nibs selected one called Corporate No-Nos.
“Ask Gary that, Nibs, he loves telling people who ask.”
“Ok as long as your there too hun.” Scanned through the list of various No-Nos
“Ok”, replied Sandra. As Sandra started she looked up and saw her walking towards the sofas carrying
two cups both had steam rising from them. “Seven months ago, the Black Snake gang from North Hills were
challenged to a War Zone by the Red Wing gang from Western Beeches. The Black Snakes contacted us, the
Bitch Vixens and two other Gangrel units to support their leader's plan of attack. Red Wing got wind of the
contact, somehow, but had no idea which Gangrel units had been employed. The plan called for the Vixens to
launch an assault on the centre zone with Gary’s and Tybias Mitten’s units to our left and right respectively.
The overall plan was to have the Vixens and the other units’ assault first with the support of the Black
She walked to the sofa and sat in what had become her usual seat the corner one nearest the wall and
door to the bed room corridor. She looked through the long list of No-Nos and at the end she had not found
anything on the situation between Ittsu and the law firm. ‘I wonder why not.’ She tapped the post button and
scribbed a message to the board asking if anyone knew any information on what Ittsu was up to at the
moment. The message also asked for information on the Law Firm and the general security setup at the
company’s offices.
“One problem was that the Red Wings tried to second-guess the plan and placed the bulk of their forces
facing Gary’s unit. Tybias blasted through the defences in record time. We were taking some fire from the
left and could see that Gary’s unit faced a lot of the defences. We asked Tybias’ unit to turn left and mop up
our assault zone which was falling apart, whilst we moved in support of Gary’s unit, which we did, in the end
the combined assault of the Vixens coming in on the flank. The fire base Gary's unit had set up and the
supporting Black Snakes proved to be too much for the Red Wings, who retreated. At the time the leader of
the Red Wings had thought he had lost the battle badly.”
Paul continued after lighting a cambar cigrette, “I think Darla contacted him a little while later and let
him know he had bloodied the Black Snakes and almost destroyed to the last man a high ranked B+ Assault
Unit. We are talking Gary's unit was almost an A-rated Gangrel unit. From what Darla said his reaction to
this news was more shock and surprise than anything else. She also added that he should not be too
disappointed as not many gangs can say they survived a major assault by three Gangrel units working in
conjunction with support forces. To finish how Gary joined the Vixens - only four members of his unit
survived, and they had a twelve man unit to start with. One member died before Darla could get to him to
stabilize his wounds, the other two got patched up but they left active service and have not yet returned.”
She then opened her BlackNet netmail and selected compose message and sent one to Damien saying
that she was about to enter the Biz with a new team from the high school she went to.
“In the scheme of Street Gang politics and money, hiring two A-rated Gangrel units and a high
B+-rated one was a coup for the Black Snakes. Major kudos with the local Gangs,” added Abs.
“A-rated?” she asked.
“Yes, Gangrel units are rated according to their professionalism, training and basic equipment. The
Vixens are one of the top A-rated units. Gary’s was and Tybias’ units is also rated quite highly and have a
good reputation on the streets,” answered Paul.
“My next question may sound stupid, but where do the gangs buy weapons and equipment from?”
“Most gangs have been in existence for quite a while, and a lot of it is done through fences or the Black
or Grey markets, but some gangs go to Battle Zone Supplies in the North of the city, which is a major arms
supplier to the gangs and Street Ghost communities,” replied Sandra.
“I know about Battle Zone Supplies.” She then asked, “What about money?”
“How do gangs operate, black market, ransoms, and other semi-legal money-making schemes,” replied
Tina, “most try and hide there illegal activities from Central and their investigators which if the rumours I
have heard are true then it should become a came of cat and moulzua, where Central and the Gangrels are the
cats and the Gangs are the moulzuai.”
“Plus the Gangrels think some gangs are also sponsored by the corps,” said Abs, “and Gary thinks the
Aces are one of those.”
“I think some gang members supply their own weapons directly from the corporate military supply
centres,” said Paul, “Some of the weapons we have seen have been too modern to be supplied by the other
After spending twenty minutes chatting and laughing at some of the battles that the Bitch Vixens had
been involved with and some of the places she had ‘upgraded’.
Sandra and her stood up and headed for the bedroom to finish getting ready. Thirty minutes later the
pair walked back into the living room, both looking drop dead gorgeous Giths. Each wore the opposite,
where she wore black, Sandra wore deep purple, and where Sandra wore black she wore deep purple. The
makeup was one of sultry drop dead gorgeous Gith.
“We ready then?” asked Sandra.
“Yes we are,” both Abs and Tina said as they headed for their room.
“Where are you three talking me then?”
“The Harliquanis Shopping Mall in South Peninsula District, the best mall to go to for Githic clothing
outlets and the surrounding back streets house the best other specialist outlets in the alternative lifestyles. The
only problem is that it also has several famous CHM outlets heavily used by the CHM posse, which
generally make for some interesting times. That is a good point how much money have you got to play
with?” Sandra asked.
“Cash, seventeen hundred, in the bank, fourteen thousand.” She smiled a little as she remembered
research work and the other lessons and things she learnt from Cameron’s Raiders.
“Fourteen thousand!” exclaimed Paul and he just stared at her, “How come?”
“Seven thousand for some research work I have done for people. Four thousand decks from the security
upgrades, and three thousand from my allowance.”
“Ok, that is damn good pay for research work,” said Paul.
“The research work included finding information about high security installations and similar.”
“Ok,” said Paul.
“Anyone rung Darla yet?” asked Sandra.
“Not yet.” replied Tina as she walked back in wearing her leather jacket. She grabbed her mobile from
the mantle piece, she quick-dialled Darla and told her where they were going.
As the four girls walked out of the house and down the stairs to where the bikes were kept. Abs’ bike
sat in pieces to one side of the driveway. Sandra and Tina walked into the garage and wheeled their bikes out
into the fresh air.
“Nibs you can drive,” said Sandra to her.
“I am not legal to drive.”
“Like we give a shit,” responded Tina as she stood the bike on its kick stand, “The Bitch Vixens all ride
so you might as well get used to it and get some practice at it.” Tina slid her gloves over her hands.
Sandra smiled at her and handed her a pair of biker gloves. She put them on and flexed her fingers and
walked towards Sandra’s bike which like Tina’s was on its kick stand.
“Ok, at some point I am going to need a bike I guess,” she said
“Yes, I guess so,” responded Sandra, sounding a bit disappointed, which she picked up on and gave her
a quick kiss on her check.
Paul stood on the veranda and said, “See you guys later.” He turned and walked back into the house
and closed the door.
She lifted her left leg over the seat taking the motorbike off its kick stand, this being her second time of
riding, she balanced the weight between her legs. The first time she had driven it. The first she was on a party
high, fuelled by the Cambar and the entry into the true unknown world. Using her right boot she flicked out
the kick start. She then stood on it and pushed hard against the resistance in the starter motor. The engine
caught. As the engine fired into life she twisted the throttle which fed more fuel into the air stream, revved
the engine to make sure it started. When the bike engine settled into a purr Sandra handed her the
communication system. Which she placed the ear piece in her ear and wrapped the microphone band around
her neck, making sure it was resting against her voice box. “Testing, one, two, three.” came over the
“Everyone hear that?” asked Sandra.
“Yes,” came the response from the three girls.
Tina straddled her bike then like her, slammed the kick start down and started her bike. Abs climbed
behind Tina. Sandra joined her on her bike. The two bikes’ engines revved in unison, and both drivers
selected first gear, released the clutch and pulled up the driveway away from the under-house garage, the
engine sounds echoing off the wooden clad walls of the house and surrounding houses. They turned left into
the minor street that ran in front of Paul’s and Sandra’s house. This being the second time in daylight and not
on a party fuel high she looked up and down the street, quite a few houses up and down the street looked as if
they were derelict. She could see that people still lived in them from the washing lines or cars, bikes and
kids’ toys that sat in front gardens. Home Base and the one opposite were the only ones that still had all the
windows and were painted. Most of the houses possessed at least one broken window, or most of the front
windows boarded up, after being broken by vandals or local street gangs.
Sandra’s voice came over the communication system. “Most of the houses on both sides are used by
drug users or dealers as squats or ultra-low income families,” Sandra said to her as she looked around at the
run-down state of the neighbourhood.
“Corporate politics and profit margins must be maintained, I guess,” she responded her face being one
of ‘what have they done to deserve this type of life’.
“What is even worse is most of the families used to work for the corporations before job cutbacks, or
they got too old to be economical to retrain in the new ways of doing business,” said Tina in response to her
“The more I see of this side of city life, the more I hate the corporations and the more I want to get
even somehow.”
“Snap,” said Sandra.
Sat outside the house on the right hand side behind the houses on the main road were three gents, all
looking high on something. The front door slammed open and out staggered a female, looking as if she was
on the upside of a high, as she slumped down on the steps that led to the house, happy and contented.
“What gets dealt in there?” she asked.
“No idea,” answered Abs.
As the bikes slowed and indicated left at the junction to head for the start of IC7, the four girls saw a
three-trailer road train driving towards them coming from the direction of IC7. The truck driver pulled the
horn and stuck his fist out of the window in salute when he saw the girls and the bikes. Tina, closely followed
by her, pressed the buttons that sounded the bike horns, returning the salute until the tractor passed them.
After the last trailer passed, Tina accelerated first to cross the road, she followed and accelerated down the
main road.

As she followed Tina down the road, her eyes were glancing around taking things in, her improved
vision seeing the little things that made the neighbourhood tick. As they passed one corner she saw one
Ajzarian gent subtlety handing a package to a female from Deebina. She also noticed the state of the houses,
apartments and tenement blocks. She knew a lot of the problems were down to the corporations’ control of
the planetary government and the various country governments. She saw that both sides of the street were
lined with run-down apartment complexes, small disused stores, and derelict town houses. Most were either
burnt out or the ground and first floors windows broken and or they had been completely removed. Only a
few small convenience stores were still open and even these used some form of screening for the windows. A
couple of low-C-ranked Mini malls also ran the normal 26hr service. In one she saw a security guard stood
close to the door in; probably employed and trained by the corporation owning the store. The street life was
one of survival more than anything, and trash recycling of the corporate enclaves that dotted the area.
The two motor-bikes travelled down the main road towards the start of IC7, they drove past two of the
best known sites in South Central; South Central Free Fire, an area where the local and corporate security
forces did not go unless they have massive backup. The other was Diaballibo Tech Corporate Enclave. The
entire enclave sat behind a ten-foot high wall topped with cartal razor wire and covered 691,412square
metres. As she looked around she noticed the camera on the top of the wall, near the corner of the wall,
tracked them as they approached and as they passed it kept them in sight. About 100 yards from the corner
sat a fully-manned security checkpoint which she glanced at and saw two security personal stood on the
borders and they were again watching the bikes. At around 75metres away, she was able to determine what
assault rifles they were carrying, D300s with smart scopes attached to the carrying handle. This fact
immediately rang alarm bells in her head. As the bikes passed, she glanced at the gap in the wall and saw a
sand bag gun emplacement and a security armoured vehicle.
“Touchy,” she stated over the communication system.
“Yes slightly, did you see the camera, it tracked us,” stated Sandra in response.
“Did you see the firepower the guards were carrying?” responded Abs, “Full assault rifles with what
looked like smart scopes.”
“I did, I also looked into the compound, they also had what looked like a full gun emplacement and a
security armoured vehicle, with I think a 30mm cannon. That is some serious firepower,” she replied. The
alarm bells stopped, as what she read a couple of weeks earlier on the BlackNet Forums concerning a
massive raid on a Tech enclave clicked. The assault rifles, the gun emplacement and security vehicle meant
it’s either happened and they are making sure no one comes to finish the job or they have gotten wind of it
and are making sure that when it does happen they are stopped dead. “Someone is planning a hit or one has
just happened,” she said.
“You watching the road, hun,” said Sandra to her after tapping her on the shoulder.
She shook her head, clearing the thought processes, and went back to concentrating on the thing at
hand, driving the bike. “Sorry, miles away.”
“I guessed.”

The bikes travelled on past low-income apartment blocks, low-priced hotels, and other amenities that
made a city run and just keep its head above bankruptcy. Arriving at the start of IC7 the two bikes headed
around the roundabout coming off on the exit that was the start of IC7. The IC7 was the main north road
leading to the city of Sheatrate the capital of Sheedan, some 3400 km away. She saw Tina as she indicated to
come off she opened the accelerator and the bike accelerated out of the corner onto the middle lane. She
followed suit feeling the arms that Sandra wrapped around her waist slightly tighten and as she came out of
the corner she too opened the throttle and accelerated. She also joined, after exiting the roundabout, the
middle lane and as the speedometer passed 60mph, she pressed the button that engaged the cornering
auto-gyro. When she felt the effects of the auto-gyro she pulled the clutch and put the bike into sixth and
opened the throttle, she soon joined Tina in the outside lane and accelerated, they both were travelling at
close to 200kph and flew pass cars, trucks. Other bikers came onto the IC7 and most if they could reach the
speed the pair did were driving with the four girls.
After travelling 20 kilometres they approached the bridge that connected the South Docks with Western
Docks Districts, They saw a sign that said the ‘Bridge Closed - major incident’. The diversion signs pointed
to the off ramp and they pointed further up river, likely would lead them to the next bridge which was a main
road, not an IC. The bikes slowed to come off the IC she indicated to turn right and follow the diversion
signs. Sandra said over the communication system, “Turn left here Nibs, use the disused tunnels, its quicker
and easier.”
“What, the metro tunnel that was closed forty years ago due to water seepage?”
“Yes, and the story about water seepage is bollocks, no water has ever seeped into the tunnel system.
From what the Gangrels and other people in the know, it was costing too much to maintain the tunnels to the
level of safety the Planetary Government wanted. So to save money they closed them, the mole people now
use the entire network of tunnels, the old subsurface areas, sewers and old tunnels to live in.”
She changed the indicator and followed Tina as she turned left and headed up the main road towards
the coast and East Stevran District, as the bikes slowed and pulled off the five other bikers headed right and
followed the diversion signs. The two bikes travelled down the main road until Tina indicated right and
joined a secondary road that ran through a light industry industrial park. After a couple of miles the road
exited the light industrial park and drove through an area of wasteland. She looked around and saw the
tell-tale signs of battles between various forces. The wasteland area was covered in burnt out wrecks, bullet
ridden vehicles and motor-bikes. They soon approached the fencing that marked the land area belonging old
Storm and flood drains of the River Stevran. The storm and flood drains were now disused as the river was
managed upstream on the edge of the Low Back Foothills. She again glanced around as the other side of the
road were the backs of low income apartments and squats, mixed in with small light industrial units, some
were open and others looked closed but they had lights on inside. The other side of the fence she saw piles of
human-dumped rubbish and the odd 25-gallon drum most possessed labels that had faded or had been
removed deliberately.
As the fence continued the girls came upon an unlocked gate, being held slightly open, by piles of
pallets and a couple of sealed drums. The entrance was not wide enough to allow bikes to drive through at
speed, and so both bikes slowed, negotiated the opening and continued for a short way at the same height as
the road way. They then came upon a down-ramp that would lead them down to the bottom of the Storm
“Only a kilometre more to go until the entrance to the tunnels,” said Sandra.
The kilometre was along the bottom of the storm drain, some 20 metres up were bridges that took the
roads that crossed from one side to the other. The storm drain itself was made from concrete forms, each
about ten metres long by five metres wide. The group approached the entrance and both bikes slowed to
about 10 kph and entered the tunnels through another gate, this one hung off its hinges. Tina, who was in the
lead, turned her twin headlights onto high-beam. Almost immediately the light highlighted a dog that looked
at the approaching bikes and ran into a small side tunnel. After a couple of kilomtres of a downhill slope, the
tunnel opened into a large tunnel, which seemed to be well lit from overhead halogen lamps. The tracks that
ran up the middle no longer existed, likely removed by the mole people so they could be used as building or
tunnel construction supports. After about a kilometre the bikes entered into an area where on each side of the
tunnel were raised platforms, which looked very much like the metro station they learnt about in history. On
the platforms were various sizes of area divided up by material, plasterboard, wood or other thin large
boards. Playing in the middle where the tracks would have ran were twenty odd children aged between three
and about thirteen. Sat on the platform edges, with their legs hanging down, were a few older children. Most
had some form of firearm, and if not they definitely had a close-combat weapon laying in their laps or close
by. She saw in some of the homes, for want of a better word, people cooking on electric stoves, computers
with what looked like net access, and out of one home came some music that she loved to listen to.
“The rejects from society?” she asked just as they exited the station.
“Yes the Mole People,” replied Tina. “The rejects and oppressed in some cases from what I learnt in
history, the metro tunnels run throughout Suraban, and the Mole People have entrances and exits everywhere.
I think my father said that at some points it carried between two and three million people a day.”
“Gangrel Command is located in similar tunnels under Western Beeches. Some people speculate that
the tunnels and the entire place are far older than the metro.”
“How come they live down here?” she asked over the communication system.
“Most moved down here when the corps forcibly evicted them from their homes, when the corporate
land grab happened. And they have never left the tunnels; most know them like the backs of their hands and
can get to most places in the city without being seen by us the topsiders, as they call us.”
“Good bunch of people to know then,” she responded.
“Yes, if and when you make friends,” said Abs. “It is very hard to make friends down here. They see
nearly all of the surface people as corporate wage slaves and hate us accordingly and the ones they do not
they still keep at arm’s length.”
“Arh,” she said in response. “How do they survive though, I saw computers, TVs and lights?”
“That stuff is easy to get, patch the main cable and bingo, power and cable LPD/Net access. It is
rumoured that a couple of the bigger corps provide food shipments for the people, it is not confirmed or
denied,” said Sandra.
She knew which corporations would do that, the ones linked to Echo Tech Inc. they had the reputation
that they cared for the people who worked for them and the earlier conversations with Sandra and Richard C,
to her meant that it had to be Echo Tech Inc. She also remembered what Mingu said when Nick was ten, ‘that
all the MegaCorporations have dirty hands except ATEC and Echo Technology Incorporated whose’ hands
were dirty through cleaning up the other corporations’ messes.’ Since that time she had done a lot research
into the big fifteen MegaCorporations and found that the reputation Echo Tech Inc and companies had was
true. Echo Tech Inc, all the companies under it and ATEC and its family of companies operated as non-profit
companies, all their profits got fed into various Trust Funds and it was via them that the companies helped
the downtrodden and those not employed by them.
After travelling, quite slowly, for about three a kilometre Sandra said, “Be warned hun, be ready to
follow Tina if she accelerates. We are very close to an area of the tunnels that few people go though
voluntarily. The inhabitants are a lot more ready and willing to kill you for looking at them in the wrong way,
also listen for mine or Abs shout to move. Let me fight back, you concentrate on driving.”
“Ok,” she responded as she brought her concentration to max and started to filter noises and sights.
“If it does come down to having to accelerate, hold on to the seat strap. If I had not known security
systems so well I would very likely be a professional cycle scrambler, when I was living in Ne-U-Bar I
spent the summer with a couple of friends, cycle scrambling in some overgrown woods.”

“Ok.” Sandra secretly smiled to herself in thanks that Nibs could handle a bike, even if it was a push
bike, and this would not be her first time of being in a situation that may warrant some dangerous driving.
Abs’ voice came over the communication system, “Get ready.”

“Ok,” Nibs replied.

As the girls drove along the tunnel they approached a section of tunnel that possessed openings in the
wall which led to rough hewn chambers. The walls of the chambers were bare rock, some had lights, others
not. Her improved senses kicked in, and as she followed Tina down the middle of the tunnel, she could see
Abs held her pistol in her hands, and she sensed Sandra also held her pistol out and cocked. Abs head along
with Tina’s constantly moving looking into alcoves and darkened areas. She also looked; her improved
vision penetrating some of the darker alcoves and areas, in these she saw teenagers and young adults not
moving but it looked like most of them were carrying some form of close combat weapon or fire-arm. In the
back of one alcove she saw three people cross an entrance to a tunnel that ran behind the alcove, in military
style, they all carried their weapons in patrol position.
After 150-odd metres, they exited the area and were once again back in more normal-looking tunnels
lined with concrete. After travelling about a kilometre, the girls came upon another station-style place much
larger than the one south of the river. From the layout and direction of the tunnels that exited the station, it
looked like it use to be a major junction. Other than that it looked very similar to the one south of the river in
that it had lots of people, homes, and children living there.
“Not far now,” said Sandra in her ear.
“Thank you hun.”
After a short distance Tina turned right and accelerated up a tunnel similar to the one they used to enter
the tunnels, south of the river. It was dug out of rock and shored up by the train track and timber shoring. At
the top, Tina asked over the communication system, “Which way?”
“Right,” said Sandra in reply to Tina’s question.
“Right it is,” replied Tina
She saw the slow-moving traffic heading for IC7, and followed Tina in turning right. Both bikes
headed down the main road that ran beside old heavy industrial sites, and the old Stevran harbour. After
travelling about couple of kilometres, the pair passed a sign indicating they were entering ‘West Docks
District - the third largest shipping terminal in the world.’ Estimates that the five big shipping companies
alone handled upwards of 600 million containers each per quarter through the terminal. A smaller separate
sign beneath the large main sign said ‘careful heavy containers moving’. The main road the girls drove
along had fencing on both sides, and at regular intervals were closed gates. Sensors located on tall poles
controlled the opening and closing of the gates. Both bikes slowed as a terminal tractor towing a container
crossed the road ahead of them, it headed into one of the long term storage compounds. On the side of the
container was a logo for Military Production Industries. As it passed through the river side gate, the one
opposite opened and when the tractor completed crossing the road and entered the long term storage
compound the gate on the river side started to close. She saw it also had a danger - explosives sticker on the
rear door and the door catch was secured by a Security Binding Tape. A twenty meter tall mobile gantry
crane dropped the hoist securing cradle onto the top of the container.
After about ten minutes the girls turned the bikes north onto a main road that would take them to IC3
and onwards towards the Harliquanis mall. Through out the ride she had been, in addition to seeing the
dirt-siders world, looking at how companies and corporations did things. This being the first time other than
the foot research she did for Damien she had been able to actually able to see the world outside what the
corporations wanted you to see.
She noticed that a fence ran off the fence on both sides of the road and looked like it divided the docks
into two distinct areas. She saw up ahead was a flashing sign indicating diversion in operation. Just ahead of
the sign were a gated fence and the main road continuing beyond the closed gates. The road passed two
office blocks owned by Xorone Ltd. The skyscrapers were two 60-storey plus affairs built from concrete,
metal and glass. Displayed on the right building was Xorone Ltd’s logo.
As she followed Tina around the diversion, she thought to herself, ‘I need to do some serious research
work into the corporations that have their Headquarters and major centres in the city.'
Upon rejoining the main road, the girls turned north and continued to drive. After a short while they
moved from West Docks into the District she loved and hated in equal measure, the Foreign Quarter or North
Reaches District. She loved the district because she could go and be within the various languages she knew
and also pick up the starts of new ones. The hate she felt was against the governments of the controlling
countries and their pandering to the various MegaCorporations. She knew at the next election she would be
going to go and vote but put a cross across the whole ballot, and void it. She understood that the world
needed to change the whole electoral system from system that allowed the Corporations to give the votes to
what ever party or person they controlled or knew would not hurt them. To the system she thought Echo
County used; one person one vote. Using this would give the people the chance to actually control who got
elected and governed.
After travelling through North Reaches District they turned right and headed for IC3.

As the girls approached the on-ramp for IC3, they needed o slow, as another hold-up looked to be
affecting the on ramp for the IC. As she negotiated the slow moving vehicles, she heard Sandra ring Darla.
As the bike moved at a relatively slow speed, she heard Sandra tell Darla about the hold up and the ETA of
them at the mall entrance. After spending forty minutes in the go-slow they passed the hold-up, a jack-knifed
five-trailer road train blocking both sides of the IC. IC troopers, local police and rescue were in attendance
slowly clearing the backlog of traffic. When the girls cleared the traffic jam, Sandra rang Darla for a second
time and gave an update to their ETA at the Mall.
IC3 had been constructed to include walls that blocked most of the view cars and motor-bikes could
see. In places the IC sped along the ground but more often it was ten plus metres up supported on concrete
pillars. The bike sped pasted many Corporate enclaves, many of them housing multiple smaller corporations
in relative peace. Two of the largest enclaves were 100% owned and managed by Zul, a subsidiary of ATEC
Inc; and KRX, a subsidiary of C.Industries. As the IC was on the ground as it passed through the two
Enclaves, both sites had exits and entries to the IC on their land, from what she could see all four exits from
the IC had security checkpoints. Looking over the walls she could see that most of the area near the IC
looked nice, ten storey apartment blocks that looked clean and well maintained on most were wind turbines
and also most apartments possessed hanging plants coming from the roof tops. It gave the buildings a natural
look rather than hard and angular that people expected from that type of building. The IC rose on another
flyover as it exited the KRX enclave, as the bikes climbed you could see the area affected by the corporation
extended beyond the border fence.
As the girls neared the end of IC3 they both got into the correct lane for the end of IC off ramps that
would take them onto the main road that ran to the shopping district. After about ten minutes of driving they
neared the shopping district. As they drove down main shopping street, her eyes were flicking left to right
looking at this and that, the massive department stores, the boutiques, and all the people that thronged the
street and surrounds most of the day.
As Tina, who was slightly ahead, approached the Harliquanis Shopping Mall, she indicated right and
took the filter lane heading for one of the many car-parks. She slowed and stopped as the lights changed and
another set went green, after waiting for a couple of minutes as the lights completed the cycle Tina and her
accelerated as the lights turned green. The two bikes turned right onto the main road that led around the
eastern and northern sides of the Shopping Mall. At the first car-park entrance Tina indicated left and crossed
the road into the entranceway. They both slowly negotiated the bike entrance; it allowed motor-bikes and
other two-wheeled vehicles free access to the car parks. She followed Tina as she drove through the car-park
to the second floor and parked in the bike bay next to the one Tina selected. After she parked and locked the
bike up, she passed her four pistol magazines to Sandra who placed them along with hers into the metal box
located just under the fuel tank.
When the magazines where away in the hides Sandra stood and said, “Nice ride thank you, you are
pretty good at handling the bike.”
Chapter 9

“Thank you hun.” She smiled and joined the three girls as they walked towards the lift and stairs lobby
and then onto the ground floor to meet Darla and the twins. The lift lobby was a good forty feet long by
twenty feet wide. Along the furthest wall from the double doors which lead to the car-park were four sets of
lift doors. In a small section off to the side behind the doors were the stairs that ran from the third floor to
Sub-basement 2. All four girls simultaneously headed for the stairs down and when they cleared the last
flight of stairs, Abs opened the door onto the main car park which ran in front of the main entrance. The
friends started to walk around the outside of the shopping centre, which looked to be constructed from bricks,
steel, and toughened glass. The crowds moved on an ebb and flow that moved with an unknown controlling
mind, around the four they seemed to pass through the crowds effortlessly. The four girls rounded the corner
and approached the main entrance Darla saw them as they saw her, they then waved at her. Darla returned the
wave and started towards them.
Darla greeted the group and Nibs asked, “Where are Angel and Damieel?”
Where they actually meet was in front of a set of doors to Digital Gaming.
“Off running errands for me.”
“Excuse me please,” said a voice of a woman as she approached the group.
“Oops, sorry,” everyone said and moved to the side closest to the main entrance, where they had a
small chuckle.
“They will be joining us latter though?” she asked.
“Yes they should.”
“Onward with the shopping trip then.”
“Yes on with the shopping,” said all the girls together.
The front of the mall consisted of all glass, both the first and second floors started slightly away from
the actual front. As the group walked through the main doors they saw that the first floor ped-way ran down
in front of the first floor shop fronts, the middle area was clear to the roof, except for the bridges at regular
intervals joining the two sides. An up and down escalator ran from the ground to the first floor, a pair of
concrete backed slopes joined the first floor to the second. On the south side of the ground floor ped-way sat
a branch of Fraks Burgers, a popular burger bar with the CHMs, and Surra Home Stores. The north side
consisted of Mark Dytas Clothing and the Mall’s Security Control.
As the group walked through the main doors Darla turned and said, “Welcome Nibola, to The
Harliquanis Shopping Mall.”
The shopping centre was bright, strip lights hung from the underside of the first floor ped-way. The
ground floor had a few water features, lots of bench seats and a couple of open air cafés and small stalls
selling clothes, calendars, candles and other assorted items. All the levels were full of shoppers and some
teenagers, most of whom should have been at school, and if the education system cared would have called it
Mothers were dragging toddlers or pushing pushchairs with babies or toddlers, some crying others
sleeping. One mother sat on one of the bench seats, in her arms was a baby and it looked like the baby was
being fed while a slightly older toddler sat close to her on a leash tied to his wrist.
“Why, thank you Darla,” she replied again, she wore a smile on her face. She also felt very light
headed, but she thought that was due to being true to herself.
“Prepare for 90% CHM shopping, but the best 10% Alternative shopping in the entire city,” responded
“That is in here,” added Sandra.
“And 100% the best alternative scene outside on the back streets,” said Abs.
“And the second home of the Gangrel Street gang,” added Tina.
Just inside the main doors Darla directed the group to the escalators to take them to the first floor, “I
think a drink to celebrate the outfitting of Nibs, on me,” said Darla.
“Thank you Darla,” everyone said in response to Darla’s offer.
The group travelled the two escalators to the second floor, where the café Darla wanted sat open.
Above the window sat a sign which read ‘Demology Café’.
The five friends walked into the café and right up to the serving area. One of the two bar men standing
behind the bar recognised the group and smiled. “Welcome back, ladies of the night.” She saw him look at
each of the group with his eyes, his eyes settled on her. “A new lady of the night?” he asked inquiringly.
Darla answered “Yes allow me to introduce Nibola Calton.”
“Welcome Nibola,” He also wore a happy look.
“Please call me Nibs.”
He smiled at that. “Can I take it your normal orders ladies?”
“Yes,” responded Darla, “Nibs?”
After a quick read of the drinks menu she said, “Spiced Chai Latte, please.”
“Certainly, I shall bring them over to you.”
“Thank you,” replied Darla.
The group turned and walked towards one of the booths that lined the wall, opposite the bar. The front
of the café consisted of a single piece of glass with the door cut into the right hand side of it. Just outside in a
small area cordoned off from the rest of the second floor where a few seats and tables. The actual café was
quite modern-looking with a few walled booths lining the wall each one contained a table and two
comfortable bench seats. Pictures of famous sportsmen or film stars, most long dead lined the walls. The rest
of the floor area consisted of a few round tables and chairs. Above the first line of pictures sat a second row
of film and sports memorabilia. Also dotted around were posters of upcoming events - concerts and festivals.
One festival poster caught her eye and the eye of the group it advertised a three-day music and arts
festival in West Hills District. The festival looked to be celebrating its tenth year. On the bottom of the poster
showed the net address where more information could be found.
She took out her PDU powered it up off the phone mode and typed the address in and brought up the
pages. “Mm,” she said, “site says they are looking for people to help setup and steward the festival. It may be
awesome fun to go and help them.”

“True it may,” Sandra said smiling as she and Paul had been to one music festival when she was very
“I know one thing,” said Tina.
“What is that hun?” inquired Abs.
“I am definitely going, it is the festival mum and dad helped at before we moved to South Cove,” said
“Oh yes, it is I remember you talking about it,” responded Abs, “then I am also going.”
“Same here,” said Nibs.
Sandra nodded her answer.
“When is it?” asked Darla.

Nibs also noticed a group of CHM teenagers outside stood against the railings that demarcated the walk
area from the open drop to the ground floor. As she watched them she noticed the magazine plate of a pistol
flash into view and was gone again as the female moved and the jacket she wore moved, hiding the pistol
“5th to the 7th of Auar, three weekends time,” answered Abs.
The barman who took the drinks orders walked over carrying a tray with the various drinks on. “Spiced
Chai Latte for the newest lady,” he said as he placed a large cup of frothy milk in front of her. “Coffee for
you two,” he said, placing tall cups in front of Sandra and Tina. “Black tea for you my dear,” he said as he
placed a mug in front of Darla. “And a Latte for you Abs.”
“Thank you,” came the reply from all five girls.
At this he placed the bill on the table and walked back to the counter.
“He seems to be a nice man. How do you lot know him? I guess not from him being just a barman,”
she asked.
“No.” said Darla and turned to look at her, “He is one of the Fixers my mum and dad used for things
like specialist ammunition, information and similar.”
After finishing the drinks, the group walked to the bar carrying the dirty cups. Darla paid the tab for the
drinks. After the second barman ran up the tab and Darla handed over the money she said, "Maybe see you
later Tony."
“I will be here you lot,” replied Tony as he continued to serve the two customers.
As the group headed towards the escalator so they could return to the first floor. The group she saw
from inside the café had shrunk but they were still leaning on the railings beside the escalator down. She
heard a degority comment come from the group she turned her head and stared at them over the top of
Simione’s designer shades whilst she continued to follow the rest of the group. As she did, she smiled and
continued on down the escalator.
When the group reached the first floor the five friends headed into the mall proper. They took the north
walkway which passed beside an Oyds Chemists, one of the larger chemists and general beauty stockists.
When they reached one of the two cross junctions they turned right moving to left hand side of the aerial
walkway. They passed Ecchy Clothes, a trendy clothing outlet catering to the 16+ teenager and young adult.
The next store was the one the group wanted Githage.
As the girls approached the store, she saw the frontage of Githage, the front consisted of a large piece
of glass with metal supports holding the glass in place. The glass looked to be etched with spider-web
designs in the corners. Behind the glass stood a couple of mannequins modelling two complete outfits, one
male, the other female. The male one wore black baggy trousers, with at least 10 pockets dotted all over it,
and a tight black t-shirt with ‘Rifts from the Towers’ logo, one of the better known Gith bands, across the
front. The female mannequin modelled a full-length dress made from black, red and purple material, which
looked very elegant and expensive.
As the girls walked into the shop, she was arm in arm with Sandra and saw the the inside of the shop.
The back of the shop draped in a deep red cloth hanging in high downloops. A deep red carpet covered the
floor; it felt springy under the boots. Pillars dotted the actual shop and on all of them were full length mirrors.
The clothes were either on hung on clothes racks or folded on shelving units.
Looking across the shop she could see five distinct areas, the area at the very back looked like it more
formal wear. The entire left wall was dedicated to The House of Gith clothing line from C.E.G. Fashion
Producers. The opposite wall contained underwear from the From Hell with Love label, most of the rest of
the store was dedicated to Gangrel and Gith Street Fashions. The wall behind the front was where the shoes
and boots were on display.
As the group entered, Sandra and her wandered over to the counter and asked, “Is Sarah in?”
“Yes she is, she is in the back,” replied a late-teenager gent, whose name tag showed he was called
The second Dominic made the comment the drapes hanging at the back of the shop parted, and a tall
woman, not much older than around 22, possibly 24, entered and quickly surveyed the shop. She wore a tight
Githage top, and a long deep red skirt which reached the floor hiding her feet; her long hair white with black
streaks fell down her back. She very quickly spotted the group of girls browsing the clothes racks. She
walked over and asked, “Can I help you ladies?”
“Yes you can Sarah,” replied Sandra.
“Bloody hell, Sandra and the rest of the retrobate Vixens,” said Sarah as she surveyed the group
smiling. “Oh and a new member?” asked Sarah.
“Yes, allow me to formally introduce Queen Sarah Cutherlate, Leader of the Gangrels, to Nibola
Calton, our newest Bitch Vixen.”
“Welcome Nibola?” inquired Sarah.
She looked at Sarah smiling. “Please its Nibs, thank you.”
“If you need any help please just ask, the staff here are all Gangrels.”
“Thank you again.”
After feeling and placing various items against herself all of the time Sandra, Tina, Abs and Darla
commenting on the way it looked or did not. She heard in the tones used sincerity that most so called friends
would never give when offering advice on clothes. All of the clothes were of very good quality and not too
highly priced. This surprised her, as the research she had done into clothing and prices did show the prices of
alternative scene clothes were slight more than the rest of the clothing market. After spending a good fifteen
minutes browsing and listening to the advice of all the girls she had chosen 2 full-length skirts, three corsets,
two normal tops, a couple of pairs of normal trousers, a pair of tight leather jeans, and a pair of steel
toe-capped biker boots.
Sandra and her wandered over to where one of the three shop assistants stood and asked him, “Where
are the changing rooms?”
The shop assistant pointed to the back of the shop saying, “Over there ma’am.”
The pair wandered to the back of the shop, where Sandra held the clothes she carried, while she tried
the clothes on. “Can you help me with this corset, love?”
“No probs hun,” said Sandra in reply, took a peek into the changing room, and helped her with the
corset and she continued to try clothes on. After another ten minutes Darla, Tina and Abs wandered outside
and sat on the benches outside the shop, having told Sandra where they were heading.

Outside the rest of the friends sat waiting for the pair to finish.
“I wish those two would hurry up!” Tina said.
“That is not very lady-like Tina, girls love shopping,” retorted Darla
“I know, and I do, but god, these two know how to make it last.”

Nibs put the clothes she wore that morning back on and walked out of the changing booth, in her hands
were a few of the clothes. “Thank you hun,” she said.
Sandra stood carrying the bulk of the clothes she had chosen “No problem my love, I am just happy
to see you happy.”
The pair walked over to the counter to pay for the items.
Sandra placed all the clothes she carried on the counter and these were joined by the trousers and two
tops Nibs held. When Heather finished running up the total which came to 350 decks. Heather pressed ‘
Discount One’ button and the total dropped to 245decks. She took out her wallet and handed over 250 decks,
Heather run in the total and hand back a five deck note in change. “Would it be possible for me to collect the
bags later today?”
“Yes that should not be a problem ma’am,” replied Heather
“Thank you.”
The pair walked out of Githage hand in hand smiling and approached the others.
Sandra said, “Next shop.”

The next shop sat opposite Githage and was called ‘Pleasant Places Pleasant Smells’ and a sign outside
said the shop was registered to undertake body piercing. A wide entrance way spilt the shop front in half.
Behind the left hand window sat a large red velvet-covered board with all different pieces of jewellery, and
the display in the right window displayed some sculptures and ornaments. After a quick browse of the
display left window, she choose a pair of partner rings and some ear-studs.
Sandra and she entered the shop, which was as wide as the frontage suggested but not very deep. In the
centre were some display shelves holding sculptures and ornaments led customers around the edge of the
shop, where the shelves on the walls held more. In front of the shelves sat a large cardboard display stand
which held all manner of incense sticks and other such nice-smelling burnable materials. The pair wandered
up to the counter located on the left hand side of the shop. The man standing behind the counter asked, “Can
I be of assistance?”
“Yes I would like to purchase a pair of studs for my ears,” she said.
“Certainly ma’am.” He stood and took out a large catalogue and flipped to the page that had the display
in the window, “Which studs would you like?” asked the shop assistant.
“These pair of studs,” she replied and pointed to the items on the page.
“I will wait for you with the others outside, hun.”
“Ok.” She smiled as Sandra left the shop. She said after Sandra left the shop. “Can I also purchase this
partner ring set.” She pointed to the set on the page.
“Certainly,” said the sales assistant, “Would the lady like to be pieced now?”
“Please,” she replied.
At this, the sales assistant pressed a button on the counter and a door in the back wall opened, a gent
walked out and headed to the counter and asked, “What is up Tony?”
“This lady wishes to have her ears pierced Nicholas.”
“No problem,” said Nicholas. “Would you please follow me ma’am.”
She followed Nicholas to a chair where she sat and Nicholas went about preparing her for the two
piercings. She asked Nicholas, “Do you undertake inscriptions here or would I have to go elsewhere?”
“We do undertake inscriptions here, why do you ask?”
“I wish to have a partner ring set inscribed with something.”
“No problem, just give the inscription to Tony and he will complete it today.”
“Thank you.”
Nicholas collected the two studs from the stock held in the draws of the piercing area and loaded the
piercing gun with one of them. He marked the points where he would insert the studs.
She thought about the inscription she wanted on the rings.
Nicholas placed the gun against her ears and she felt a slight pang of pain as the piercing gun inserted
the ear studs. Then he held a mirror in front of her. She looked at the two studs and smiled. Nicholas led her
to the counter where she asked Tony, “Would you please inscribe the partner rings with something?”
“Yes no problem,” came Tony’s response.
She then wrote the inscription down, ‘Till death do us part’ on the outside of both and in one wrote
‘to Sandra from Nibs’, and the other ‘to Nibs from Sandra’.
“It will be done by about 18:00 ma’am,” said Tony.
“Thank you,” she responded, “I shall be back then.”
“Pay for your other purchases when you return. May I say you pass easily and well?” said Nicholas as
she turn to leave the shop.
She stopped and turned to face Nicholas. “What…What did you just say?”
“It takes one to know one.”
“Arh,” she said as the penny dropped. “Are you also?”
“I am, ma’am, I pass but that is about it. Chat to you later this afternoon,” said Nicholas.
She turned and walked out, smiling as she went. As she approached the others, the twins bounded up,
joyful and happy as they always seemed.
“Finished you two?” asked Darla.
“Yes mistress,” responded the pair simultaneously.
“I need a drink.” said Tina.
“Yes, so do I,” said Darla, “Let's go to the High Café?”
“Yes, lets,” responded Abs.

The seven friends walked to the up escalator that would lead them to the main central dome. From the
second floor they travelled to up a second escalator to the High Café. The café was located in the dome that
sat in the middle of the two main corridors.
The café looked very similar to the one they had sat in yesterday during lunch-time at school. They
found a large table and all sat to wait for the staff to come and get their order. Looking over the balcony
fencing they could watch the people eating at the open air café on the first floor and the one on the ground
floor. When the waiter came over he took the various drinks orders with a smile, and walked away to fill it.
The group just sat there and soaked up the atmosphere of the Mall. When the waiter returned, he was
carrying a tray with five steaming cups and two tall glasses.
The glasses were passed to Tina and Angel and the rest of the cups which all contained a strong coffee,
were placed in front of everyone else.
“Cheers,” said Abs as she picked her cup up and raised it in drinks toasting fashion, “To good friends
and good times.”
“Agreed,” responded everyone else and brought the various drinks together over the middle of the
table. Each mug or glass tapped at least two others and made a chink sound.
“To us all” she whispered under her breath, and thought, ‘What is going on, why do I feel this way
and what is happening to me.’ “Anyone know when the Graduation Prom is?” She took a sip from her coffee.
“It’s not until the 16th of Ebinar. Why?” asked Tina after sipping her Black Earl Grey.
“Oh I had not planned on going as I would not have had a date and I may have already moved, but now
I am thinking there is fun to be had,” she responded to Tina’s question with an evil look in her eyes and an
evil smile on her lips.
“Hell yes,” said Tina.
She looked out just thinking about a few things she needed to do, one was to sponsor the rest of the
Vixens so they could become full Street Ghosts, and join the ranks of those people she truly looked up to.
The second would involved installing her drives on Homebase’s computer. She felt a hand rest on her thigh
and she glanced down and saw it belonged to Sandra. ‘I so love you hun. I so love you.’
“Did someone not mouth we are dead yesterday?” asked Abs as she put her cup of coffee back on the
“They did,” said Sandra as she sipped her coffee.
“Does this year’s prom have a theme of something?” asked Abs.
“Yes its fancy dress,” replied Tina then taking her cup and taking a mouthful.
“Damn I and the twins can’t go,” said Darla. She noticed that Darla was looking down and somewhat
“I do not see why not, we all have two invites, one for the person and one for their partner, and as six of
the Vixens go to the school, therefore 6 tickets for us and 6 for our partners,” she said, “If I read the invites
and posters right.”
“Yes that is the way I read them as well,” said Sandra.
“Hell yes,” responded Darla in happiness.
“As I am now going and have a date," she said, and smiled at Sandra who smiled back, "I know what I
am planning on going as.”
“What then?” asked Sandra after placing her empty cup on the table.
“Samr, a famous female warrior from ancient Jarrzar,” she replied.
“Ok,” replied Sandra sounding interested. “Did Samr have any partners?”
“I think she did have, and if my memory serves me right I think she was accompanied by eight others I
do not remember the sexes, but that is not heard to find out,” she responded.
After they finished their drinks, Tina paid for them all and the group left for Mark Dytas Clothing, the
big clothing department store they passed when they walked in. It would be from here she could get more
normal general run-of-the-mill clothes from, they were all black or dark colours.

The friends left Mark Dytas Clothing and headed to the farthest ped-way from the entrance. Here they
wanted Peninsula Combat Supplies, the shop itself sold military surplus equipment and from what she knew
some firearms and bladed close combat weapons. This would be the last shop they planned on visiting in here
other than picking up the partner rings and bags from Githage.
The seven friends browsed the windows and saw one of the male manikins carried an M20 assault
She said, “I am surprise at that,” and pointed at the M20.
“It must be a pellet gun or something,” said Darla, “Ihave not heard of this shop selling assault grade
fire power. They sell pistols and some SMGs and ammunition, but I have not heard about the assault grade
The group continued down the shop window and entered the shop. Just inside the entrance they were
accosted by a shop assistant who asked, “Can I help any of you ladies?”
“Not at the moment, thanks,” Nibs responded.
The shop was very airy with light streaming down from the ceiling light tubes. She realized that she
knew this shop; she had been here once before as Nick when the Cameron Raiders had made an out-of-hours
purchase call. The floor space was covered with shelving units and clothes racks, which contained everything
a military nut, could ever want. She only really wanted a pair of sniper fingerless gloves.
When she had bought them she asked, “Tina, can you, no, do you think you could wire a smart gun rig
into the palms of these gloves?” as she was putting them on.
“I don’t see why not, I will need the technology to do it though.”
“Ok,” she responded and thought, ‘Email Damien Cameron to see if he knows where I can get the Tech

Just before they collected the bags from Githage she led the group back to the ‘Pleasant Places Pleasant
Smells’. When they arrived she said, “Would you mind waiting for me out here, sweet.”
“Ok hun,” said Sandra looking slightly surprised.
She walked into the shop, and paid Nicholas for the ear studs and the Partner Rings.
“I hope you and your friends would not mind coming out clubbing with me and the rest of the LTBG
scene. Oh yes, take this it is from a very good pair of hair dressers and image consultants in the back streets.”
“Thank you. I think the Vixens may take you up on that offer and I will look them up today if there
open.” She carried the two blue boxes both of them hidden behind her back out of the shop and she
approached Sandra. She then went down onto one knee and presented one of the two ring boxes open to
Sandra and said, “Till death do us part my love.” She then took the ring out, showed the inscription to Sandra
and placed it upon her partner’s ring finger.

Sandra’s jaw dropped, when she saw the ring. “Is it the partner ring we saw in the window?”
“Yes it is, hun.”
“May I have the other box please?” she asked.
“You may hun,” replied Nibs
She saw Nibs bring the other box out and stand up. Nibs then passed the second ring box to her.
She then knelt on one knee and said, “Till death do us part my love.” She likewise placed the ring on
Nibs’ ring finger. She then stood and Nibs grabbed by her before planting a massive kiss on her lips.
A good thirty seconds later. “Urhmmm,” said Darla.

“Oops, sorry,” the pair apologised as they broke the kiss.

“We have other places to go I think,” continued Darla.
“We do,” said Sandra, and all seven girls walked across the joining bridge to Githage and the bags they
left there.
As they crossed the bridge Nibs asked Sandra, “Do you know anything about these people, Nicholas
the manager handed me their card.” She passed the card to Sandra, who looked at it.
“Yes I do, Face Design, run by Arage and iLleathe the mistress and master of Gith make-up and hair. It
is one of the places we are planning on going. The other is Risers to the Occasion and the purchase of your
first formal Gith dress, you will need it when I introduce you to the Gangrels, next Gathering. I love you
Nibs,” replied Sandra as she slipped her arm through Nibs’ and nestled into her arm.
Nibs smiled a happy smile, “I love you too hun, with all my heart.”
After collecting the five bags from Githage Tina suggested, “One more coffee in Demology to
celebrate the completion of phase one of the shopping trip.” The twins carried most of the bags as they
seemed to want to.
“The ring is beautiful hun. Thank you so much.”
“You are welcome my sweet, I thought it would be a good way of signifying our commitment to each
other.” She thought, ‘I have so found the people I feel close to, not only on the personal level, but the
spiritual one too.’ She smiled as they walked back to the main entrance and the escalator to the second floor.

The group walked in to order their drinks and found Tony lent over one of the booth tables cleaning it,
turned and said, “Hello, welcome back. Your usual.”
“Mm.” After a second’s thought they all said, “yes.”
The friends turned around and headed back out the door and sat in the demarcated area in the front of
the café. After they all grabbed chairs and sat down they all took out either their tins and started to roll
cambar cigarettes or took one they made earlier and lit that, since they left the house that lunch time the
friends had not felt like smoking, even though the run to the centre was rather stressful.
She looked inside the café and noticed Tony heading towards the door carrying a tray. Tony dished out
each of the drinks to the respective girls and after placing the tray on a nearby table grabbed himself a seat so
he could join the girls and sat down. “You guys interested in some freelance work?” asked Tony.
“Interested,” answered Darla. “What makes you think we would not be?”
“Yes, you are right. The Mr. Smith who employed me to offer the job was very specific about who I
was to offer it to, he said only offer it to The Bitch Vixens, and as you are the only team I know who go by
the name The Bitch Vixens. So I now offer you the job.”
“Very interested now,” said Sandra. The entire group turned to look at Tony.
“The job entails the breaking and entering of an R&D research centre owned by Narizzan Inc. The
client wants to get his hands on an experimental assault rifle that has been designed and the prototype
constructed there and housed in a safe on the third floor. Mr Smith did also say the contract asked for two
teams to operate in a co-ordinated fashion, as the overall raid also included the destruction of a specific lab
on the same site.”
“That does sound interesting,” Nibs said.
“How much is the employer offering?” asked Darla.
“The Mr. Smith’s bosses gave him six million, five million decks on delivery for the assault rifle itself,
and a million decks for the computer plans and live fire test results. Plus bonuses dependent on other data
related to the various weapons projects.”
“Now that is a lot of money for an assault rifle,” said Abs.
“Yes I know,” said Tony, “I will let you think about it and tell me your answer later.”
“Ok Tony.”
Tony got up, grabbed the tray and disappeared back into the café.
“Do we take the job?” asked Sandra.
“Only after we do some serious research into the target corporation and other information relating to
the job, like who is employing us.” She thought, ‘Who the feck knows we are about to break into the Street
Ghost world. The money is elite-rated team fees, not a team just starting out. Five million plus a million for
the plans, not many corporations can afford or would want to pay that type of money, especially to a group
just starting out.’
The group sat there and mulled things over in their heads, even after they finished the drinks they
continued to sit, think and chat amongst themselves for some time.
During the time she had taken her PDU out and was viewing various pages looking for information on
the job. “I need my computers to do the research properly!” she exclaimed as she put her PDU away.
“True, we do need to be sat brainstorming things in a place conducive of productive work. Yours or
mine?” asked Darla.
“Ours, net access,” answered Sandra.
“True,” responded Darla, “yours it is then. Sod the rest of the shopping trip, it can wait.”
The group stood up and as they were heading for the escalator down to the first floor, Darla stuck her
head around the door and said, “Thank you Tony, can you put the drinks on a tab for us. Chat to you soon.”
“Ok girls, have fun and the drinks are on the house,” said Tony.
Chapter 10

As the seven friends headed for the escalator down to the first floor, Sandra asked Darla, “Where are
you guys parked?”
“Car park E Sub-basement 1,” replied Darla. “Where are you lot parked?”
“Car park A Level 2,” responded Abs.
“Is Car park E not around the back of the shopping centre?” asked Tina.
“It is. We will meet you in the Dalphin Pub car park in 20 minutes. I need to make a run to mine first to
pick up a fresh supply of Cambar and something I have at mine, which may be of use to us,” responded
Darla. “Angel, Damieel take the bags from Nibs and Sandra. We will carry them as I know only Paul’s
motor-bike has a box. Both the motor-trikes have also got boxes and carrying nets.”
“Ok, thank you Darla, Angel, Damieel,” she replied happy. She handed the bags to Angel and Damieel,
who just smiled and when the group arrived on the first floor The Twins followed Darla as she headed back
into the shopping mall proper.
Nibs, Sandra, Abs and Tina continued down to the ground floor and headed out of the main entrance
and right down the outside of the mall re-tracing their earlier steps.
“That was fun,” she said smiling and walking hand-in-hand with her true love Sandra.
“That was,” replied Tina who like Nibs and Sandra, held the hand of Abs. She guessed that Abs meant
similar to Tina and the feeling was returned.
‘I think I am beginning to understand what it means to these three and the rest of the guys at the party,
just to be a Gangrel and a Gith. They accepted me at face value and they generally do not seem to have
agendas with people. Other than Sandra and Paul, they have known me five days and yet I feel as if I have
lived a life time as their friends.’
When the group had reached the doors into the lift and stair lobby, she pushed the double-doors open,
and before they could swing back, all four girls passed through. Sandra tucked her right arm through her left
arm, and placed her head on her shoulder. She looked at her head and saw the smile of happiness.
“Lift or stairs?” asked Abs.
“Stairs,” Sandra and her said together.
“Stairs it is, then,” responded Abs.
As the four girls reached the second floor, they passed a group of late-teen early-twenties men walking
down the stairs from a higher level.
“You girls lesbians?” shouted one of the guys.
“So what if we are,” replied Abs as she pushed the door to the level open.
“We will change that,” another one said. “Come and try some real cock.”
Tina and her looked at each other just burst out laughing and shouted back as the doors closed.
“Guess what boys. There are two real cocks here,” said Tina and along with the rest of the girls just
burst out laughing at Tina’s comment.
Just the other side of the doors as they were swinging back, the four girls separated with Nibs and
Sandra going to one side, Tina and Abs moved to stand on the other. Both groups made sure that if the doors
opened they would not get hit by the outward swing. After thirty seconds the doors had not opened, all four
girls started back towards where they had parked the two bikes.
“Do you want to drive or shall I?” she asked Sandra when they arrived back at the bikes.
“Do you mind if I do not drive love, I kind of enjoyed just riding pillion for once.”
“Do you want to drive sweet?” asked Tina as she stooped to retrieve the pistol magazines from the box
under the petrol tank.
“Thank you hun,” replied Abs and took the keys when Tina offered them. Abs then climbed on and
kick-started the engine and revved it as the spark plugs fired.
She lent over the fuel tank and watched as Sandra opened the hide under the fuel tank. Sandra slid out
the eight magazines and handed her, her four magazines which were slid back into their home under her right
arm pit. “Thank you hun,” she said as Sandra slid hers back into their holder.
Sandra stood up and allowed her jacket to drop over the magazine holder, and she handed Nibs the bike
She then climbed on and inserted the key into the ignition turning it to the on position. She then flicked
out the kick start and rammed it down. At the bottom of the stroke the engine caught and started turning over.
Sandra joined her as she brought the finger tips of her sniper gloves so they covered her fingertips as the
speeds they did on the ICs and CWs meant her hands would freeze without them.
Abs backed her bike out of the bay and waited for Nibs to join her in the main car route-way.
She backed out of the bay and the pair negotiated the route-way heading for the down ramp. They
needed to stop and wait until five cars, all travelling down from the upper levels, went passed them. The
second of the cars was blaring loud popular Street Voice style music from its speakers. Both the bikes joined
the convoy heading for the exit.
The down ramp dropped them back on the road they had when arriving, slightly south of the entrance
way. As the bikes approached the exit the barrier lifted and allowed them out. They slowed and stopped
behind two of the cars that had been ahead of them, the one blaring music drove towards the junction and it
looked like he planned on turning left at the lights. The two cars both joined the main road, the one just in
front went right, the bikes followed and also turned right onto the main road. The car which let the two cars
out, allowed them to join the main road.
Nibs accelerated slightly behind Abs and she looked at the driver and saw the woman smile at them.
She put her hand up to say thank you which to her surprise received a nod in reply. This reaction surprised
her, as most road users did not seem to care if anyone they helped said thank you.
On the south side of the main road, that made up the south edge of the mall complex sat a hyper-market
belonging to Seaabar Shopping Plc. As the girls slowed for the junction they indicated right and slightly
accelerated as the lights governing their lane changed to green. The headed past the front of the Hypermarket
the crowds using an underpass between the Hypermarket and the car-parks belonging to the Mall. When the
girls approached the set of lights governing the main road crossroads on the south west corner they turned
left and then immediately right into the car-park belonging to the Dalphin Pub. Here they stopped and waited
for Darla and the twins to appear as car-park E was on the western side of the Mall.
After fifteen minutes, Tina said, “There they are,” when they came into view. Darla followed by the
twins turned right at the junction, they slowed and stopped slightly down the main road. They stopped at the
far end of one of the many bus-stops feeding the shopping district.
She followed by Abs rammed the kick starts down and joined the traffic waiting for the lights
governing the near-side lane to change. When they did turn green Darla, the twins and the two bikes
accelerated down the main road passing some high-class hotels, more trendy shops and a couple of more
upmarket clothing department stores. Along with lots of shops which sold many other things people wanted
to buy. The group moved to the centre lanes as these were high speed traffic lanes.
After driving for about a number of kilometres along the main road zipping past the junctions on the
centre lanes the group approached the secondary road junction they wanted. As the main road turned north
Darla indicated and took the junction. They continued onwards towards the coast. After a further five
kilomtres IC1 passed overhead on its flyover. IC1 pretty much ran completely around Suraban close to the
city’s boundaries. They continued on until the secondary road turned sharply south. At this corner Darla
indicated right and turned onto the minor road that led down towards the sea. She drove down it for a short
distance where she turned right onto another minor road that led to a couple of expensive looking 20-storey
apartment blocks. Here, she turned into the short term car bays of the one nearest the sea and parked up.
When everyone else stopped Darla said, “Come up if you want it is going to take about half an hour to
find the item I need to get.” She then turned to Angel and Damieel and said to them, “Go and get the
freshly-dried Cambar you two.”
They both said, “Yes Mistress,” and disappeared back down the minor road on foot.
Nibs quietly asked Sandra, “Where ares those two going?”
“They are going to one of the houses on the street, the owner works at command. He grows and dries
cambar for the local Gangrels to use. The Gangrels have hydroponics centres here, at ours and quite a few
other sites around the city. Close on 60 maybe 70% of all the Gangrel units smoke in some form,” replied
“Ok.” She thought, ‘Bloody hell! I wonder how many members the Gangrels have.’
Darla walked up to the front door, removing a credit card from her purse, and swiped it through a card
reader hung beside the door; she heard a click as the door unlocked. Darla pushed it open and allowed
everyone to enter; she then wandered over to the front desk to sign everyone in. The guy sat behind the desk
looked up and smiled as Darla left the desk. She then led everyone to the lift block and pressed the call
“Must be expensive this Darla?” she asked as the sounds of the lift approaching came from beyond the
metal door.
“It is, but my mum and dad invested a lot of money into the planetary stock market and this is paid for
with the returns, and I still have quite a bit left over to live on plus the allowance all Gangrels get plus money
from the mercenary work,” responded Darla.
When the lift arrived all five girls walked in and Darla pressed the button for the twelfth floor, the lift
travelled up to the sixth floor where the doors opened. Stood outside on the landing were a mother and
toddler in a push chair who asked, “Going down?”
“No, up,” Darla responded.
“Ok, thank you,” said the mother.
The lift continued to the twelfth floor where the doors opened. Darla led the way to her apartment,
where she used the same card to open the front door. She walked in followed by the rest of the group.
“Make yourselves at home everyone,” Darla said
The apartment was plush and expensive looking. Deep purple carpet covered the floor, dark red drapes
covered most of the walls, around two sides of the living room were floor-to-ceiling windows, and through
them the Toraz Sea could be seen. A large balcony overlooking the sea directly with a table and four chairs
sat ready to be used. In the main room were three two-seater sofas and a couple of armchairs. Exiting from
the living room went five doors, one led to a large kitchen where Darla sorted out the drinks. In the middle of
the sofas and armchairs sat a low coffee table with a glass top, beneath the glass top was a shelf on which
were a few magazines. Fixed to the outside wall sat large projector screen, and beneath it existed a cabinet
which contained an expensive-looking stereo system.
Tina got up and opened the door nearest the one they entered the living room by, which revealed a
bathroom, from what she could see the floor was a marble-effect lino. The kitchen had similar effect but
looked like lockboards. Darla came back into the living room carrying a tray with tall cups on, each one
steaming. She placed them on the coffee table and took one herself. Darla then went through the door
opposite the balcony, which revealed a smaller room lit by dim lights. She could be heard rummaging around
in the room only to re-appear empty handed, and looking rather annoyed.
“What is up Darla, lost something?” asked Abs.
“Not lost, Abs, misplaced, yes.” answered Darla.
“What you misplaced?” asked Tina as she came out of the bathroom.
“A copy of VPM,” answered Darla.
“VPM?” Nibs sipped the coffee and turned her head to look at Darla. “Do you mean Virtual Plan
“Yes version 7, I acquired a full working copy, I have been meaning to bring it over to yours for ages,
just never got round to it.”
“I would not worry Darla I run VPM version 8. I have got a cracked copy and the disk image of the
original on my 60-teragig hard drive. Along with a hell of a lot of other software and music,” she said.
“Ok,” said Darla, “It just looks like we are waiting on the twins to arrive then. What other software
have you got Nibs?”
“Loads, about half that drive are various software packages ranging from the latest Black Office to the
standard office suites every computer has installed and about ten teragigs is music I have either downloaded,
copied or been given,” she said and took another sip and then placed the cup back on the table.
“Ten terabytes of music, that is a lot,” said Tina. “Like what?” Tina picked up her cup and took a
mouthful. After replacing it she took out her tin and rolled a cambar cigarette.
“Pretty much most genres except the current CHM supported crap, a lot of good rock, Hatal, githic,
dark beat to name some.”
“Why have you not put that drive on the network?” Sandra demanded looking unhappy.
“I have not had the time to do so; it is not as easy as you may think to do. For one, both drives are
hot-swappable and need to have the bays actually put into a base unit. Then I need to run the security access
software that is only on my tablet.”
“Security access software?” asked Tina after she had lit and taken a draw from the cambar cigarette.
“Yes I have two hard drives, a 60-teragig and a 30. Both are encrypted under three levels of
2048-Wbyte encryption. The software allows authorized users to have unimpeded access to both drives.”
“2048-Wbyte encryption. I thought that level was internationally illegal,” said Abs.
She just smiled and nodded, “Yes it is, Abs, it is totally illegal, but when you have an offline copy of
three BlackNet forums and news sites it is kind of vital that they are protected. A couple of Street Ghosts
from South Aticca asked me to look after the offline backup of the sites. I get the backup updates once a
month. They supplied me with the security access software and encryption. Without knowing the
administrator password, of which there are only four, I have one which is forty characters long, you can’t
update the backups. It is a part of the BlackNet’s security system, and the software requires you to change the
password every couple of months.”
“Damn you must be respected in the Street Ghost community,” said Tina.
“No I am not, I am an unknown and that is what protects the data. No one except the backup software,
the administrators, and those include the two street ghosts who asked me, know I even have a copy of it. It’s
the system that the GhostNet and BlackNet use to protect itself from corporate intrusion.” Nibs took a sip of
coffee and put the mug back on the table. “If a corporation was able to take the main servers down it would
be a massive blow to the community. To protect against that BlackNet and GhostNet has at least five back-up
servers all with multi thousand core fibre optic data links to the main Net dotted throughout the planet, and
no one knows where all five are located. It is rumoured, and I mean rumoured that the Academy has one
backup server. I have no idea if that is right or wrong. It is the one thing that the Street Ghosts like to keep is
independence from all outside corporate influence; the only corporations that are respected are the Echo Tech
and the ATEC ones. Remember this, Street Ghosts are independent, they work for whoever they want to, not
the people or corps that offer the most money or best perks. You get the odd few, but they are normally
salaried to a corporation or have a stripend paid by a few.”
“Yes, that is very much like the Gangrels in respects. We only work for those who we respect and
like,” said Sandra and everyone nodded their agreement.
After ten minutes of chatting, the door from the corridor opened and in walked Angel and Damieel
carrying a couple of small rucksacks and smoking cambar cigarettes. They both looked very happy, as usual.
She just shook her head slightly and smiled wondering, ‘why do they never seem to look down or
“No problems I hope, you two,” said Darla.
“No,” they both said, “He already had it bagged and ready for pickup.”
“That is good to hear,” replied Darla, “When everyone’s finished their drinks let us depart for
“Yes let’s,” said Sandra and Tina together.
After everyone finished their drinks, they all got ready to leave. Darla walked out checking to make
sure the lock did engage when she closed the front door. “Someone going to ring Paul to tell him we are on
our way?” said Darla.
Upon reaching the lift lobby, Darla pressed the call button. After the bell had sounded, the doors
opened to reveal three people already in it so everyone crowded in and travelled down to the ground floor
where the seven friends got out, and left the remaining three people going on down to the underground car
As the group walked through the lobby the security guard stood outside smoking a cigarette, smiled at
them as the approached the door. She operated the push handle to open the doors, and let everyone out then
followed them out into the early evening.
Outside, the guard asked, “You having a late one tonight?”
“Probably Derick. Did the twins give you your stash?” responded Darla.
“Yes they did, this stuff is nice. Have fun then.”
All the girls climbed on their bikes and slammed the kick-starters down. The kick start lever’s internal
servos boosted the action which fed fuel vapour into the cylinders, sent the charge from the battery to the
spark plugs which fired and forced the pistons down which began the cycle.
Sandra’s voice came over the communication system saying, “Everyone hear me?”
“Yes,” came the reply from everyone.
“Which route, IC3 or IC1?” asked Tina.
“IC1 until North Stevran then the main road from it to West Docks Arch Bridge, then via Central
Down town,” said Darla, “It is the route I normally use to yours.”
“Ok,” said Tina.
Darla pushed her 850 Karzak back, closely followed by Abs with Tina riding pillion, then Angel, still
carrying the rucksack, operated the stick shift for her motor-trike and reversed it out. Damieel followed suit
on her motor-trike, then she pushed Sandra’s motor-bike back and followed the others heading for IC1.
Very soon all the motor-bikes and motor-trikes were accelerating up the onramp of IC1. As she
approached 60 kilometres per hour she noticed the auto-gyro had been disengaged, she then re-engaged the
auto-gyro, which would make sure that if and when she needed to corner at the speeds she would be doing, it
would not over lean and send both her and Sandra all over the IC.
“Darla how far before we exit the IC?” she asked over the communication system.
“70 kilometres roughly,” came the reply.
The bikes sped down the IC approaching speeds of 160 to 170 KPH, and weaving through the slower
moving cars. A few times using the side of the IC where broken-down cars were supposed to go and wait for
pickup by the breakdown companies. As they entered Beeches District, She thought ‘This is fun.’ She
glanced down at the speedometer and saw it read 170KPH. She also noticed the fuel gauge looked just on the
red area. “Sandra, the fuel is getting low,” she said over the communication system.
“Ok hun,” came her reply.
“Actually mine too,” said Abs.
“Ok it is not far to IC1 Beeches Services where we can stop and fill up,” said Darla in response to the
fuel issues.
Very quickly they saw the sign indicating services up ahead. As all the bikes were in the outside lane
they all indicated to cross the IC, so they could feed into the services off-ramp. They slowed as they passed
the fast-food place and swung off into the fuel-station where both Abs and she stopped either side of one
Sandra climbed off, gave her a quick kiss and said, “Fill it.”
“Ok,” she said and climbed off, opened the fuel cap, then asked over the communication system, “What
“High Performance hun,” came the reply which she selected by grabbing the nozzle from the pump.
Then she inserted it into the tank and pulled the trigger which started the pump. On the other side, Abs did
the same. Tina stood looking at her smiling.
She tried to guess the reason, but came up with too many answers.
“It is great fun, hitting 160-plus kilometre per hour and knowing that you are not going to loose control
of the bike,” said Abs.
“Tell me about it,” she replied, then after the trigger clicked back off a few times she replaced it in the
slot on the pump, then replaced the fuel cap and climbed back on, kick-started the bike and joined Darla at
the side of the fuel kiosk.
After Sandra returned after paying for both bikes fuel she joined her riding pillion and said, “You are
doing great out there.”
“Thank you hun,” she replied and, as the rest of the group accelerated, she accelerated and rejoined the
road that would lead them back to IC1. Very quickly all the bikes were again weaving through the traffic.
She asked over the communication system, “Darla, where ares the twins?”
“Coming behind us driving trikes, they have not got the ability to weave like we have. They will catch
us up later. They will continue on IC1 until CW4 starts and then they will cut across and more than likely
arrive at a similar time to us.”
“Ah, ok,” she replied, smiled, accelerated and indicated to go into the outside lane, checking the
rear-view mirrors as she did. She swung the bike into the outside lane and passed a two-trailer road-train,
who sounded its horn as Sandra and her zipped past. Both of them smiled and Sandra stuck her fist into the
air in a return salute to the trucker who she saw smiling in the rear-view mirror as she indicated to swing
back into the middle lane. After ten kilometres Darla indicated to cross into the nearside lane for the
upcoming exit, both Abs and her did the same, and joined Darla in the inside lane. As they left IC1 all three
bikes began to slow as the approached the traffic lights at the end of the off-ramp.
After the lights changed and the group turned onto the bridge over the IC she looked down onto the IC,
as they crossed the bridge and saw six low-loader vehicle transports all carrying wheeled armoured personal
carriers heading south. She thought, ‘Interesting they are not painted in military green and whose logo is that
on the side of the tractors.’
“You see the low-loader convoy that just passed us under us on the IC hun?” she asked Sandra as they
slowed for the set of lights on the opposite side of the bridge.
“No, I did not love,” replied Sandra.
“Yes, six low-loader vehicle transports, all carrying what looked like military grade, wheeled armoured
personal carriers.”
“Heading which way?” asked Sandra.
“South and before you say, I do not think they were heading for the military base on the banks of the
Stevran, they were not painted military green.”
“Now that is interesting.”
“Yes I saw them as well,” said Darla, “I cannot identify the logo on the tractor cabs though.”
“Nor can I Darla,” she responded.
As the lights turned green all three bikes accelerated, passing nice-looking apartments on both sides of
the main road. Heading in the opposite direction drove two city police vehicles, lights flashing and sirens
blaring. After an unknown amount of time driving, the traffic slowed as they approached a secondary road
junction. From what she could see it looked like a traffic jam caused by the time of day and the shift change
in West Docks.
Darla’s voice came over the communication system, “Right at the secondary road ahead and head for
the Triple Suspension Bridge.”
“Ok,” replied both Abs and Nibs as they indicated right, and as soon as they reached the junction, they
turned and accelerated down the secondary road.
Some of the shops caught her eye as interesting places to checkout for technology and odd bits she
needed in a couple of planned tools to help her in cracking security systems. They also passed a couple of
large vehicle factories, the first, located on the south side of the road, owned by Suraban Motors the vehicle
manufacturing subsidiary of Forden Incorporated and the other on the north side by DYM Ground. The lots
outside the factories were packed with new cars awaiting distribution to dealers and franchises. Out of DYM
Ground came a vehicle carrier carrying twelve small Hasda style cars, which turned right and headed for
West Docks. The driver looked rather annoyed as she passed the girls, but she did smile and wave at them.
As the bikes approached the main road which would lead them to the Triple Suspension Bridge, the sky
looked to becoming overcast with dark clouds rolling in from the south west. As the amount of light dropped
the overhead lights started to flicker on and more and more cars switched their headlights on. All three bikes
switched their headlights from sidelights to main beam, and turned left across the main road, as the lights that
would have stopped them changed to red, and accelerated down the main road towards the Triple Suspension
As its name suggested, the bridge had three towers, whose top were close to a thousand meters tall.
Running between each tower were two massive continuous cables that had smaller cables coming from it
which actually supported the roadway high enough in the middle to allow the biggest container ships to pass
easily underneath. At its highest point the road topped 450 meters above the river. The entire bridge was
painted white and looked impressive. As the girls approached the northern toll gates all three bikes slowed
and stopped in the queue that waited to pass through the toll area. After about a minute Darla paid for all
three bikes, and when the bar lifted all the bikes accelerated down the short distance of flat road before the
road began to slowly rise. After half a kilometre the four feet wide suspension cables appeared from the multi
thousand tonne concrete bases and then the north bank of the river disappeared in almost a sheer cliff, below
looked to be a small tidal silt beach. As the bikes passed through the first of the support towers one of the
massive super container ships passed on the north side of the central tower, heading out of West Docks
towards the Toraz Sea. Overhead were two city police copters, one heading over the river from the south side
and the other hovered on the south side of the middle tower.

The twins, driving within the speed limits in the outside lane of IC1, passed a convoy of ten
low-loaders each carrying a wheeled armoured personal carrier, coming onto the IC from the junction that
served the city’s North Airfield and port.
After a while the twins passed the junction where the rest of the girls left IC1, and continued on
towards the IC1 tunnel that passed under the river at its mouth. They knew that barring major hold-ups, it
would take about another 40 minutes to an hour to reach home base.
As the twins approached the toll booths that marked the northern reaches of the IC tunnel they
indicated and crossed into the fast lane, as Darla had paid for them to have twenty journeys through the
tunnel and they still another 12 on the current ticket. They saw the six low-loaders that Nibs and Darla had
seen as they left IC1 passing through the toll gates dedicated to trucks and similar.
Damieel said to Angel over their communication system, “Mention the low-loaders to Mistress when
we next see her.”
“Yes, that is what, 16 low-loaders, all carrying the same wheeled APCs,” replied Angel as she passed
the toll gate and slowed to wait for Damieel to pass. When she did, both of them accelerated and entered the
tunnel. After about two kilometres of tunnel they exited and saw four vehicle low-loaders with the same
logos as the other low-loaders parked up in the long term car park to the east of the IC, this time carrying no
Damieel thought, ‘Strange.’ “Angel, let us pull off at the next junction and wait for the low-loaders we
saw on the north side of the river to pass and follow them to their destination. I want to know where they are
going; with those four it makes twenty vehicle carriers all with the same logo on the tractor side. I think
something major is being planned.”
“Yes I think you may be right, and Mistress did say if we see something out of the ordinary we are to
try and locate either the source or destination.”
“That she did.”
The twins pulled off the IC at the next junction and waited for the low-loaders to pass under them; they
then accelerated and rejoined the IC about six cars behind the last low-loader. The twins kept their distance
so as not to alert the drivers that they were being followed, as they took the junction at the start of CW7.
They continued to follow the vehicles until they left CW7, turned left, and as the low-loaders turned left
towards Wacker Incorporated city headquarters, the twins continued to drive along the main road until they
reached the end where they headed for Home Base.

The five girls continued on the main road after the Triple Suspension bridge until they reached the
main road that they would have been on if they had taken West Docks Arch Bridge. Here they turned right
and followed the main road, until it became a secondary road. They continued on until it finished at a
T-junction where they turned left and headed for Home Base.

Upon arrival at Home Base Nibs saw Darla looking worried. “I wonder where the twins are,” said
Darla sounding rather concerned.
“Probably got held up in traffic,” said Tina as she climbed off her bike.
Nibs and Sandra followed Abs and Tina in climbing off. Abs then walked to the garage door and
opened it. Tina who was close behind pushed her bike along with Sandra pushing hers and Darla pushing
hers into the garage and parking them of the main stands.
After all three were out of the garage, Abs closed and locked the door. “The Twins do have a key for
the garage, Darla?”
“I think so, they can always come and get one from us if they do not.”
“That is true. That reminds me,” said Abs, “We need to get a set sorted out for you, Nibs.”
“True we do,” said Sandra as she led the group up the steps to the front door.
When Sandra opened it and walked in she saw Paul look up from the computer saying, “Hi, you are
back early?”
“Yes we know, but we have had an interesting job offer,” said Sandra.
“Oh, what is it?” asked Paul and he turned around to face the girls as they sorted them selves out
jackets and pistols wise.
Nibs took Sandra’s and Darla’s jacket and shoulder holster rigs. She walked into the corridor and hung
Darla’s jacket and shoulder holster rig up behind the door. She entered the bedroom and hung hers and
Sandra’s up.
Her improved hearing easily overhearing the conversation in the living room, “Raid a corporate site
and steal an assault rifle and plans,” continued Sandra.
“Oh, interesting,” said Paul
“Yes, so is the money on offer for the job,” said Tina as she filled the peculator jug to start making
some coffee. “Coffee anyone?” asked Tina, as she refilled the filter after emptying the used one and switched
the peculator on after returning the filter.
When she returned she closely followed by Abs who had taken hers and Tina’s jackets. Nibs looked
around and saw Sandra was loading the big house water-patar. After finishing she took one of the flexible
pipes, and was joined by Abs as she went over the back of the sofa. Sandra lit her lighter and the two sucked
hard, smiles spread across both of their faces, as the smoke had the desired effect. She joined them on the
sofa, grabbed the third tube, sucked and got a hit from it from the trapped smoke.
Paul took the cambar cigarette from the ash tray next to the computer, stood up and wandered over to
the other three-seater sofa and asked, “How much money is on offer for the job?”
“Five million plus a million bonus minimum,” she said in response to Paul’s question.
“You are, kidding,” came Paul’s response.
“No we are not,” she said. She took out her PDU and powered it up. After it finished booting she
opened NetViewer and checked Nick’s two personal NetMail accounts. One was for Nick’s old feminine
persona and her old main account for Nick. She had a few journals netmailed to these accounts rather than
her GhostNet account.
“Shit, Gary is at training this evening, and has a few errands to run for his father tomorrow,” said Paul.
“Any idea how long the errands will take him tomorrow?” asked Abs.
“He thinks most of the morning, but he should be free in the afternoon.”
“Ah, right, we can do some research in the morning and I have a few jobs to do anyway, like secure the
network and install my drives so we can get to my research work, which may prove useful and as is my right
as a holder of a full Street Ghost Licence, to upgrade the associate status of the Vixens to a full Street Ghost
Team,” Nibs said.
Everyone looked at her in astonishment at her statement.
“Do you not remember me saying I was thinking of going into freelance work?”
“Yes I do,” said Paul.
“Yes I had a job offer from Damien Cameron, leader of the Cameron Raiders when I had finished
“Were you going to accept?” asked Sandra.
“I do not know, it was dependent on the corporate offer which I was highly likely to get at the end of
my college course which was almost certainly to be either something computer-related or electronics based
“How come you hold a full licence though? You are only the same age as us,” asked Paul.
“Cameron Raiders, I was advertising my services as a freelance home security consultant and was
contacted by a Damien Cameron; he asked me if I would test the security system in his home. From the
initial survey, I found a couple of weak spots and then when I did break in, I found five major problems in
his house’s overall security grid.” Nibs took her tin out and rolled a Cambar cigarette, “I then wrote a report
on the security grid and as my normal working practice, I offered to upgrade it at five decks per hour plus the
cost of parts. He accepted my offer, and when I turned up to start the upgrade that is when we met for the
first time, up to that point we had been netmailing each other. After the upgrade job was finished he asked a
couple of his friends, both experienced street ghosts, to try and crack the new security system. They failed
before they even got into the house, and it was at that point he offered to employ me as a researcher, he also
introduced me to the rest of his team. Most of which I still keep in 'semi' contact with, I should netmail them
very soon and let them know I am about to start in the biz. After the job he employed me for finished, some
of the team just dropped off the face of the planet bar netmail, but they all said if they ever work in Suraban
or where ever I was at college, they would contact me and if I was old enough offer me work as a full Street
Tina got up and went to sort out the coffees. Sandra, who had rolled a cambar cigarette offered it to
Nibs who showed her hers.
She then continued, “My job with the Raiders was to conduct site assessments, background financial
research and all manner of other tedious tasks, which I had already been doing for a couple of years, hence
how I met the two from South Aticca, and be an extra set of eyes on the outside when the raid which they
where planning went down.” Nibs took another draw and expelled the smoke, “One of Damien’s team was so
impressed by my work he offered to upgrade my associate status to a full license and he also gave me a gift,
namely an experimental tablet computer, ultra-limited issue, only seven tablets of this spec existed as of that
time, and I don't think that number has gone up. The guy also said that when the time was right he had
another gift for me. God knows how he got hold of the tablet, and I do not care. The company that made it
produces a Dual processor version for general sale, but not the triple-processor version I was given, the guy
said he had stolen a couple whilst on a mission he had done before he met me.” She then picked up the mug
and took a sip of coffee that Tina had placed on the coffee table in front of the group, and continued, “he left
the Raiders just after the mission was completed, but he did say to me to keep my eyes and ears open, and
that he would be in contact again when the time was right. He emailed me a couple of months later and asked
me to do some research into a target his current team were planning to kidnap, that is the last time I heard
from him. My listing on GhostNet says full Street Ghost brackets associate until I am 18, and my birthday is
just under a month away, but I have all the privileges associated with having a full ghost license, e.g. I can
sponsor associates so they can upgrade their licenses to full licenses, and if I wanted I could be employed as a
full Street Ghost.”
“Hell, you really are a person of many different aspects,” said Sandra who gave her a kiss on the
forehead and snuggled down into her arm.
“That I do agree with, sis,” said Paul, “nevertheless you are still very welcome, and I think you may
give the Vixens an edge we did not have before.”
She noticed the evil grin that spread across Paul’s face.
“Does anyone have any problem with me inserting my drives and upgrading the network here?” she
“No, I have no problem with you doing it. I had planned to but never got around to it,” said Paul. Tina
also nodded her approval to her request
“You want some help with it hun?” asked Sandra.
“Yes, ok,” she replied, “You can start by getting me my two small rucksacks please, and be careful
with them.”
She went over to the computer and sat down in front of it. She then minimized all the open display
planes, opened the control plane. She then selected and opened the icon that brought up the list of items in
the systems. A quick view of the main system told her what the system currently had a Digital Data Drive, a
one 5 teragig high speed platter drive. The graphics card look to be a good one, the sound card seemed not
bad, but it could have been better. Sandra returned carrying both the rucksacks she requested.
She asked, “Paul, you need anything saved before I install the drives?”
“No, do what you need to, oh; Sarah says she hopes you enjoyed the Harliquanis Mall?” Paul replied.
“I did thank you.” She then turned off the base unit, and only when it finished the shut down did she
kneel down so she could pull the base unit out. Sandra also knelt looking into the rucksacks after she had
placed them both beside her. She opened the one that contained her various tool wallets, and removed a small
tool wallet. She opened it and removed one of the cross headed screwdriver bits and heads along with a
ratchet handle which she used to remove the screws that held the computer's cover on. When the screws were
undone she removed the case completely and placed it beside the computer desk. She then removed two of
the front panels and the metal panelling which sat located just behind. After she removed the front panels and
the metal, she opened the other rucksack and took out the two drive bays, both of which were connected by a
data cable and a power splitter.
“What are you doing hun?” asked Sandra.
She looked at Sandra’s face which looked to be one of being very interested in what she did and how
she did it. “Checking the position of the port where I will be plugging the data cable into.”
“Ok. What is in the other bags and wallets?”
“Various items I have bought, acquired or constructed.” She then undid the two screws that had held
them in her old computer, she then slid the two complete drive bays into the open bays on the computer.
When the drive bays were fully in, she inserted the screws into the newly-installed bays, and she then
screwed them both up tight so the bays would not come out. After they were secured in the computer she
connected the power splitter into one of the free power cables that hung from a power supply located at the
back and top of the computer. “This cable provides the drives with power.” After making sure that the data
cable would reach the position on the main circuit board and not be taught, she pushed the data cable into the
free slot and made sure that it too would not come out by accident.
“What is that?” asked Sandra and she pointed at the graphics card.
“That is the graphics card, and the card just beneath is the sound card.”
“I know which one is the graphic and sound, but that one I am not sure about.” Sandra then pointed at
the third one right at the bottom of the computer case.
“That one is a wireless router card. The computer acts as the house’s fire wall against outside
intrusion.” She then placed the cover back on and secured it to the case. After which she returned it to the
hole where she had removed it from. Making sure it was home and secured. She checked all the cables were
still in place, she pressed the power button on the front of the case. “Hun can you press the Escape key
“No worries,” replied Sandra and she did just that.
She went into the rucksack she removed the drives from and removed one of the black padded bags,
opened it and took out the entire tablet computer and its recharge bay. She found a spare plug, then plugged
in the power cable and pressed the power button, which switched the tablet on. She left it whilst it booted up
and took a look at the LPD screen of the main computer and sat down in front of it. As she looked at the main
computer’s screen she said to Sandra, “If you want get the laptop out and power it up. It should automatically
scan for the wireless router card. I would not do anything for a bit after that.” She then pressed the enter
button, and the screen changed to show a list of the basic system hardware that included the original 5 teragig
drive, a DDD, keyboard and all the other basic computer things that were plugged into the main circuit board.
She then scrolled down using the arrow keys to where the drives were displayed, and, on the two secondary
drive entries, selected Auto Scan. She pressed the escape key which took the screen back to the first screen.
She then, again using the arrow keys, scrolled to the third option, ‘Drive Options’ and pressed enter, the
screen changed to display the various drive options. Again using the arrow keys, she scrolled down to where
it said Drive 3 and changed it from ‘Hard-Installed’ to ‘Hot Swap’, and did the same to Drive 4 entry. She
then returned to the first menu, selected the Save-and-Exit option and pressed enter. The computer then
underwent a complete reboot and started to load the operating system.
When the operating system finished loading the screen displayed a wolf’s head and surrounding it was
the words ‘The Bitch Vixens’. The front door opened and the twins walked in carrying the bags containing
the clothes she bought earlier.
After the twins placed the bags by the door leading to the bedrooms, Angel said, “Mistress, we have
some information that may be useful.”
“Oh. What?” Darla asked.
The twins then told Darla everything they had seen en-route to Home Base.
“Yes, that may prove useful, if not to us but to others,” Nibs responded to the twins’ explanations. She
then turned back to the LPD screen, opened the drive browser and checked the new drives still worked, and
had been picked up by the computer and operating system. she then reached over, unclipped the tablet from
its recharge bay, picked it up, and using the stylus which she took from its hole, opened the network options
screen. She then selected Detect new networks in the area button. “Hun can you open the NetViewer and,”
Nibs paused for thought for a few seconds and continued, “go to Favorites and select Black Net Mail Server,
and tell me how many new messages I have?”
As the detection progress finished. She placed the tablet down on her lap, and turned to the house’s
computer and selected the main drive; selected properties which she then changed to network read/write and
clicked ‘Apply new settings’.
She picked up the tablet, then selected with the stylus, the house network, and pressed the screen with
her finger, which operated the ok button and connected the tablet with the house network. She then
highlighted SecurityAccess.tgz and copied it to the main computer’s main drive, when the file finished
copying, she turned back to the main computer selected the file and opened it. The file opened into a new
window, where she selected the extract option and let the file extract to its own directory. While the files
were being extracted, she listened to the conversation that went on around the coffee table.
“Does anyone know if Tom is a sub or of that inclination?” asked Darla.
“I think he may be,” replied Abs.
“Mm,” responded Darla, “It may be fun to train a male. I’ve not had a man and I know I am bi and I
also know that the twins would enjoy helping.” She saw Darla look at the twins who to her mind smiled even
more, it seemed.
Both Angel and Damieel said, “It would be lots of fun Mistress.”
“Does anyone know his phone number?”
She leant over and whispered in Sandra’s ear, “Tom would love it.”
“I bet he would. Have you got his number?”
“I have,” she said and she took out her PDU, opened the phone book and selected G. when the page
was loaded she selected Tom, which opened the contact page and she then passed it to Darla.
Darla looked surprised when she passed the PDU over. Only when Darla looked at the screen, did she
realised what she was doing, “Thank you Nibs.” Darla copied his phone number into her phone and passed
the PDU back to her.
“How many netmails?” Nibs asked Sandra.
“None, hun,” replied Sandra.
“Ok.” She then went back to the computer and double clicked the main installer program which
brought up the install screen. She clicked next and typed in her 40-character alphanumeric password and hit
the enter button. This action took the installer to the next screen, showing the progress bar and which files
where being copied, at some points lots of various files were being copied, at others only one file which took
a few seconds to copy and install. After the progress bar completed the computer automatically rebooted
itself. When it finished rebooting she opened the 60 tera-gig drive in the drive browser and double clicked the
file named, it would be this program that secured the network from outside access. She
knew how long it took securing the network at her old home. This computer is no where near the speed she
had access to it would take a while to run as it would secure each and every port on the entire system. The
program would also scan the area for known units and secure those too. Nibs spoke over the general
conversation, “Drinks anyone?”
“Yes thank you,” almost everyone replied.
She got up and walked into the kitchen, refilled the coffee peculator and made a fresh pot of coffee.
After the network security finished, she turned off the computer and placed the tablet on standby in its
cradle and joined everyone around the coffee table chatting, which went on until the early hours of the
Around 2-ish everyone said night and headed for their respective beds. As Abs, Tina, Paul, Nibs and
Sandra left the living room Darla dragged out the Sofa bed and dug out the bedding from under the other
Nibs and Sandra undressed, and they both climbed into bed and fell into a sound happy sleep, dreaming
pleasant dreams that night.
Chapter 11 – The Researching

In the morning she woke and found Sandra had already gotten up, on the bedside table was a freshly
rolled Cambar cigarette which she picked up, lit and inhaled a couple of draws from. She then got up and
looked at the clock which read 12:47BN. She realised that she must have needed the sleep; it was not like her
to sleep for that long.
She walked out and crossed the corridor to the bathroom. After finishing in the bathroom she walked
into the living room and found Tina and Paul sat at the breakfast bar reading one of the daily papers. Darla
sat at the computer looking at a net page. The twins, Sandra and Abs were nowhere to be seen.
“Where is Sandra?” she asked when she walked in.
“Out back with the twins and Abs, combat training.”
“No we are not,” said Sandra as she, Abs and the Twins walked into the living room via the bedroom
corridor, sweaty after their workout.
“You should have woken me, hun. I also need to practice,” she said to Sandra who gave her a kiss on
the lips.
“Ok, sorry, but you looked so peaceful I thought it better to leave you than wake you.”
“Thank you, I needed it,” she responded. “Any reports of the APCs moving to Wacker Inc?”
“No. None at all, which is strange, an occurance like the one the Twins described would likely bring
the news crews,” said Tina.
“Coffee Nibs?” asked Abs.
“Yes thank you,” she replied and picked up the laptop, which sat on the coffee table. She sat on the
sofa against the wall, opened the laptop screen and pressed the power button. After the laptop booted, she
opened NetViewer and selected the BlackNet Mail Server page, logged in and found no new netmails. She
then selected the link to the mail options page so she could sort out the redirects. After that she then created
another copy of NetViewer and using the same log-in she created a new Full Street Ghost ID for Nibola
Calton and placed her old account into the not active list. She thought, ‘The next job of the day would be to
sort out the rest of the Vixens and their ghost statuses.’
Abs brought her, her coffee and plonked herself down on the other sofa, Sandra wandered over and sat
down beside her and looked at the laptop screen.
“What you doing hun?” Sandra asked.
“Just sorting out Nibs’ Street Ghost net account and redirecting Nick’s netmails to Nibs’ account.”
After she finished her coffee she realised she was starving, she had not exactly eaten much since leaving
home on Frodar and it was the following Ulleam. “What have we got for food?” she asked.
“Take a look in the cupboards hun,” replied Sandra.
With this statement she got up and walked into the kitchenette and opened the first cupboard above the
work surface. She found a few tins of general food; she then went from cupboard to cupboard and found
some good things to eat. Saucepans and other such items were in the cupboard left of the cooker; to the right
were plates, bowls, knives, forks, and spoons. “I hope no one minds me cooking something?” she asked,
“because I am hungry. I know I have not exactly eaten since dinner on Frodar evening before I left for the
“Hell no,” said Tina, “I will give you a hand.”
“Angel, Damieel if either Nibs or Tina need something go to the shops for them.”
“Yes, Mistress.” Angel replied, Damieel nodded in agreement.
She opened the fridge which sat under the work surface near the front door. In which she found
sausages, bacon, eggs and other food items that needed to be kept cool. “Have we got a freezer Tina?” she
“No we do not actually, why do you ask?”
“Bulk make and cook, then freeze for reheating later. It is the one thing my mum did, was make lots of
some things, divide it up, then bag and freeze it, so if either dad or me were too busy to cook something we
always had stuff available in the freezer.
“Now that is a good idea,” said Paul, “It will save on cooking at points.”
“What to make,” she said quietly to herself. “I know, sausage casserole,” she said after spending a few
minutes looking and grabbing ingredients. “Who does the cooking normally?”
“Whoever can be bothered normally,” answered Abs.
“Angel, Damieel. Hang on, how well stocked is the local grocery store,” she asked.
“Depends on what you need or want?” answered Abs.
“Red split lentils,” she responded.
One of the group’s mobiles, all of them bar her PDU were sat with the rest on the mantel shelf above
the fire place, started to play a song by Dark Hands, a well-known heavy rock band. Paul went and picked it
up, looked at the screen and answered it, “Hello, Gary, what is up?”
After a couple of seconds, Paul continued, “Ok, hang on. Do we need anything? Gary’s finished the
“Yes we do,” said Sandra, “Bread, spread, basic food supplies.”
“Any technology magazines, business magazines, the latest computer trade papers. I do not know the
situation with computer consumables like printer supplies, blank DDDs and suchlike,” she said. “Suggestion;
we will ring him back when we have been able to organise a list of things for the job research we need to
“Did you hear Nibs, Gary,” said Paul into the mobile phone, and after a couple of seconds closed the
top of the phone.
“Pizza I think,” suggested Sandra.
“Yes, I think so, I will cook later,” she said and walked through the door leading to the bedrooms, and
returned after about 30 seconds with her PDU and sat down on the sofa with the back to the wall. She tapped
the screen with the stylus and asked, “Can someone tell me what the situation is with basic computer supplies
like printer supplies, paper, and blank disks. I know my laptop and tablet can write DDDs, I also know I have
none with me.”
“Darla, can you open the cupboard next to you and see how many DDDs we have and the paper
situation,” Paul asked, “I know we have no printer toner,”
She tapped the PDU screen, then entered zero on the printer toner line of the list she looked at. Darla
opened the cupboard door and grabbed the small pile of paper and said, “This much paper,” and showed a
small pile of plain paper, “and it looks like no DDDs at all.”
“Right,” she said, “can someone tell me Gary’s phone number. Can your computer write Rewritable
DDDs or is it a write-once D drive?”
“I think it is a write-once drive Nibs,” replied Paul.
Then Sandra walked in from the veranda and said, “Five various topped pizzas are on their way, they
should be here in twenty minutes.”
“08842779266514 is Gary’s phone number,” Paul said reading directly from his mobile.
She typed it into the PDU which doubled as her mobile, saving it to the memory when it had been
She was wearing a happy smile. It was one that she had gotten use to wearing. “Hello Gary, its Nibs.”
“Oh hello Nibs, can I take it this is your number?”
“Yes it is. I am going to text you what we need; can your phone receive thousand-character texts?”
“Yes it can, it is a top of the range Digital Delta phone.”
“Excellent,” she said, “Hang on, I am going to send the list and put you on speaker.”
“Ok,” responded Gary.
After tapping the screen, she sent the file and switched her PDU to speakerphone. “It is sent.”
“Yes I have got it,” Gary said. “Let me check it, ok, latest business and technology magazines. What is
going on?”
“We have got a job offer yesterday and we are going to spend the afternoon looking into it.”
“Ok, give me an hour, hour fifteen to get these things and get to you. I am currently in Wester Park
District on CW8 and about to pass IC12, I will call into the local hypermarket just off the next main road
junction and I will ring you when I have finished and give you an idea on my ETA.”
“Ok,” she said, “chat to you soon.” She then disconnected the PDU. “Can someone pass me my tablet
and place my laptop on the coffee table pointing at the screen please?”
“Oh why?” asked Darla.
“Photos for your Street Ghost net page. All full licence holders need to have a photo. It is a security
check and allows for identification should something happen on a mission.”
Angel passed her, her tablet, which had been beside the computer and Sandra placed the laptop on the
coffee table facing the screen. She turned the tablet on. “Who is first for their photo?”
“I will go first,” replied Sandra.
“Stand in front of the screen,” she said when the tablet finished its boot sequence and had loaded the
remote control and viewer for the laptop’s inbuilt NetCam. She tapped the laptop screen a couple of times
down to adjust the angle of the laptop screen sat at. On both the tablet screen and laptop screen came an
image of Sandra standing in front of a white background. The tablet also showed a box which surrounded
Sandra’s head and upper shoulders. She then tapped the tablet and a click sound came from the laptop’s
speakers as the photo got taken.
“Next,” she said and Paul stood in front of the screen and again the click was heard as the photo was
taken. It took a couple of minutes for everyone to be photoed. She then sat back down on the sofa and logged
into her Street Ghost net account. She then clicked the link to the create full Street Ghost page and entered
her new log-in into the sponsor box and copied it so to save time when she created everyone’s account. “Ok
everyone think of how you would describe yourself skills-wise, and how much experience you have had as
Vixens and Gangrels.”
“Sandra, do you want to go first?”
“Ok, hun,” responded Sandra and took the tablet when she passed it to her.
“Also be honest. Yes, that something else Street Ghosts don’t generally lie, and if they do there is a
reason why.”
After Sandra, Tina went next, and as Tina finished, a knock came heard from the front door. Angel
walked over to it and opened it. Standing on the other side was the Pizza boy carrying five large pizza boxes,
“Pizzas,” said the boy in a southern Deum accent.
“Yes thank you,” said Sandra who walked over taking her purse out and opening it. “Keep the change.”
Sandra took the pizza boxes, she then shut the door as the boy retreated down the steps and back to his
motorbike at the end of the driveway.
Bring, bring, bring went Nibs’ PDU as Gary phoned, she switched the PDU to speaker and said, “Hi
“I got what I can in the way of business and technology magazines and the rest of the stuff on the list.
My ETA at home base is 50 minutes. The traffic on CW8 is hell and from the traffic reports so is IC12 and
CW23 in places.”
“Ok we will see you when we see you then,” she said, “oh, think how you would describe yourself
skills-wise and be honest with it. I will explain when you get here.”
“Ok, Nibs,” said Gary and turned off his phone.

The traffic was slow moving from the Hypermarket junction to the IC12 junction with CW8. Gary was
driving his father’s LTV which was used to make deliveries in. In front of the van was a stream of nine large
double-decker coaches.
After CW8 IC12 junction the traffic got a bit better and Gary made good time after he passed the
coaches. That was until the IC3 IC12, over the River Stevran junction, where the traffic slowed to almost
dead slow; and continued until the CW1 IC12 junction, where it accelerated again. Gary’s face was one of
anger at the driver’s rubber-necking at an accident that had happened on the other side of the central
reservation. The rest of the journey was not too bad after that. He made good time and was soon turning the
van into the driveway at Home Base. He got out, grabbed the shopping from the passenger’s side, and then
activated the central locking and alarm with the press of the button on the keys he carried. He shoved them
into the inner pocket of his jacket. He climbed the steps and kicked the door. Damieel opened it and let him
“Hello Gary,” said Damieel.
“Hello guys,” he said and put the four carrier bags on the breakfast bar and grabbed a pizza slice from
the nearest open box. “Explain what you meant by describe yourself skills-wise, Nibs?”

“Ah the last person to be upgraded from an associate to a full Street Ghost. Stand in front of the screen
for your photo and I will create your Street Ghost net page,” Nibs replied.
Gary just looked at her, “How can you create a Street Ghost net page, you need to be a full Street Ghost
to do that?”
“Yes,” she replied, “I hold a Street Ghost licence and have done so for about six months.”
“How do you hold a Street Ghost licence?” asked Gary.
She then spent the next ten minutes explaining how she became a Street Ghost.
“You owe me five decks Darla,” said Paul after she had finished explaining things.
“I do at that.”
She realised that Paul and Darla had bet each other Gary would ask something along those lines and
“In answer to your question before you ask it. It was almost word-prefect,” replied Darla to her
unspoken question.
Very soon Gary started typing at the tablet completing his listing, and smoking a cambar cigarette
Sandra previously shoved into his mouth.
“Oh yes, there is beer and the other basic supplies in the rucksack,” said Gary as he finished typing.
She turned the laptop around to check the power levels. She walked to where the power cable sat
plugged in and unplugged it; she also grabbed the tablet recharge bay. She returned to the sofa where she
plugged in both plugs and then connected power cable into the back of the laptop and sat the tablet on the
recharge bay. She then stood up and took the carrier bags containing the computer supplies to the cupboard
where Paul removed the old toner cartridge, then inserted the new one. He then turned the printer on and it
automatically printed a test page. She then looked into the other bags and took out Business Week, which
was one of the many magazines Gary bought.
“What are you looking for hun?” asked Sandra taking Financial Accountant out.
“Anything out of the ordinary surrounding Narizzan Inc., news reports, technology reports regarding
new assault rifles specifically, other than that general R&D information,” she replied.
Paul turned round on the chair in front of the computer asking, “Anything I can do Nibs?”
“Yes, do a net search for Narizzan historical accounts for the last five years,” she replied. “Check the
main Corporate Bank NetSite for big loans, share offers, as well for large fund transfers, generally look for
anything out of the ordinary within the accounts. This is the one thing the Corporate Bank is strict on, the
filling of proper financial reports and accounts. Most of the big corporations fill monthly accounts, normally
one to one and a half months after the month has finished.”
“I would have thought that the corporations would keep that information as secret as possible?” Tina
said as she looked up and at Nibs.
She could see Tina was wondering why.
“Very simple, the Corporate Bank was set up by Echo Tech Inc, Corporate Enterprises and ATEC to be
a site where the corporations, businesses, etcera could facilitate secure money transfers between the various
sites, corporations and such. As we all know there are various banks some owned by the corporations, others
by business practices and all of them need to file details on their customers each month. The bank itself is
divided up into five separate areas, The Audit Area, The Taxing Area, Share Trading Area, Reporting Area,
and Enforcement Area. The best known are Audit Area and Enforcement Area,” replied Nibs and took a
couple of seconds break mainly to see if anyone wanted to ask questions.
“The Audit Area as the name suggests audit the accounts for each and every business from the largest
MegaCorporation to the smallest legit companies. It is illegal for them not to file at least their end of year
accounts for taxes. Every MegaCorporation is Audited every three years on a rolling basis with five being
done each of the three year period. At the moment Echo Tech Inc, 21C and Rotark Theaban are under audit,”
she added.
Darla asked, “How come you know so much about the Corporate Bank Nibs? Some of that I did not
know and I know what I have invested and where they are.”
“Quite literally it is things I have over heard, read postings on the BlackNet’s forum boards and some
times just watching the news programs,” she replied. “I seem to have an editic memory for conversations
normally involving me but sometimes from other nearby ones. I can still remember as plane as the day
conversations involving me, Jum-Fu and Wong-Ma and these are in fleutant Jazzarian. I can speak as a native
seven different languages. When I moved from one place to another I learnt about the country my family
where heading to, including the languages and some of the more popular dialects. One story involving me
and a language revoles around the teacher of the native language. She used to look down at us non-natives;
so on the last day of me being in the country, I sat at the back of the class as normal and waited.” Nibs now
smiled at the fun she did have humiliating the teacher. “With five minutes of class left I slamed my chair
back into the wall, stood up and instructed the teacher to translate everything I was about to say. I spent the
next five minutes swearing my head off and I have to admit she did try to translate what I was saying at
speed. The bell rang and I got swammed by the rest of the class leaving for the day.”
```“You must have scared her for life doing that,” commented Paul.
“I agree,” added Tina. “I wonder if she is still teaching. What country was it?” she inquired.
“Rudeash,” she replied, “and that is something I must do, contact them. I have already netmailed Jum
and Wong just before the party. They have not gotten back to me. I am not even sure what they are doing
other than bounty hunting.” Nibs took a draw from her cambar cigarette and said, “Enough of that.”
“Anything the rest of us can do?” asked Tina.
“Just think, we know who the target is; what do we not know? Remember the first rule of the Street
Ghosts, ‘we work for who we want to, not who pays the most’. A lot of Street Ghosts are very strict on that
“Very true,” said Abs as she took out Battle Technology Monthly, and displayed on the front cover was
a headline New Assault Carbine trialled with the Jarrzar Military.
“When as Street Ghosts you get a job, always know whose employing and why, as it may become
important, as some corporations hate other corporations, corporate takeovers can give the Street Ghost
community lots of work, but it can also cause lots of problems as well. Other information to find out is as
much background as you can about the target, who is on the board, who runs security, any specialist security
forces they have, basically you want to know everything you can about the target. Print and if you can
photocopy everything you find. You want to make a dossier containing all the information about the
Corporations, job and anything you thing that you think may be relevant. My drives have a lot of information
on them about the corporations, who hates who, who is trying to buddy up to other corporations.
“My biggest problem lies with the money trail. Corporations do not pay five million for an assault rifle
unless someone is about to lose a major multi billion military contract over it. Just think when you wrote
essays at High School, what did you do when researching it. This type of research is the same, look at all
military companies that supply assault rifles, who do they supply, do R&D for, etc. find out which country
military and corporate forces are looking for a new assault rifles.”
Tina went into the bag and took out the Financial Week and opened it at the contents page. When Gary
finished his Street Ghost net page he put the tablet down, got up and said, “Drinks anyone?”
“Yes thank you Gary,” said Darla as she went to pick up the tablet, “Do you need to use the tablet
“Yes I do, thank you Darla, I do not need the laptop, so swap?”
“No worries,” Darla said as she passed the tablet to Nibs and took the laptop in return.
She put Business Week down and selected the BlackNet Security Forum site. Tina stooped and picked
up the magazine and started to read the news stories in it. She logged in as requested. “I will make a list of
the useful NetPages to go and look at when researching, like BlackNet’s Security Forum, it has a list of every
corporation and what security system they run as standard and if any of their sites have been upgraded and to
what level.” She then opened the search page so she could run a search for Narizzan Inc’s current Street
Ghost security rating, and to see if they were upgrading or had in the previous few months. The search
brought back a few posts concerning the current security procedures at Narizzan’s Suraban sites, but it also
brought back a rating of a high 6, which meant they were using a security system that included a few
advanced systems. She opened one of the first posts, and a shocked expression crossed her face when she
read high 6 with a security runner. “Mm, interesting,” she said under her breath. She clicked the post
message button. This opened a new layer in which she typed a message asking, `How come a high 6 with a
security runner, should that not it be an 8 or higher. Nibola Calton.’, and posted it to the board.

Darla went to the companies’ registrar to try and complete a paper trail trace of who owned Narizzan
Inc. The screen opened which would allow her to run the search, into which she typed Narizzan Incorporated
and pressed the enter button. After a few seconds, of the computer and net thinking and working, the screen
displayed the result. It showed Narizzan was owned by a Mr and Ms Tuebacca. She then duplicated
NetViewer, where she typed the net address of Zuban Persons search engine and ran a search for Mr
Tuebacca which brought up no results she also carried out a search for Ms Tuebacca. This search also
brought back zero hits, the results surprised her, as 99.9999999% of all people existed in some computer
system or another. “Nibs, what person search engine do you normally use?”
“Zuban Persons normally, why?” asked Nibs.
“I have just run the name Tuebacca through Zuban and got zero hits.”
“That does surprise me, Tuebacca is not a common name, it could be a front name for some other
group, flag it and print it. You could try a Datafox search. It searches all credit records forms. Most of the
major corporations that offer credit use it and to a lesser extent Fu Credit services.”

Gary returned to the sofas and placed a can of beer in front of everyone. He took out New Technology
Monthly and sat down with a can in one hand, the magazine in the other. He placed the can on the floor, then
lit the cambar cigarette stuck in his mouth and opened the magazine to the contents page, “Do the magazines
have an online achieves of back issues?”
“They normally do,” replied Darla, “Why?”
“This one has a two-page update on an article about Naban wanting a new assault rifle for their
“Does the article give an issue for the original article and what’s the net address?” asked Paul.
“Issue 2667 and the net address is net.NewTechMonthly.bis,” he replied.

Paul opened another copy of NetViewer and typed in the net address. The screen displayed the home
page of New Technology Monthly. He selected the back issues link which brought up a list of the previous
twenty years with a next page button at both the top and bottom of the page. “What is the current issue
“2717,” replied Gary.
“That is just over two years,” he responded as he clicked the year then selected the correct issue. When
then page containing the contents opened, he clicked on the article titled ‘Naban in need of new assault
rifle’. A small pop-up screen opened that asked for a user name and password, “Feck. It needs a log-in to
access the article.”
“Favourite the link to the article Paul,” said Nibs.
“Ok.” He then clicked the ‘Add to Favourites’ button then said, “Done.”

Nibs brought up the contents page and the login screen appeared when she clicked the article link. She
opened FileViewer on the tablet and selected the 60-terabyte drive on the main computer. She then double
clicked the directory called NetBackDoors. When the directory finished loading it displayed. She double
clicked BlackOffice which opened and ran the installer. When the installer asked for a directory to be
installed to, she selected one of the temporary directories on the tablet.
“What you running sweet?” asked Sandra as she sat down beside her
“A package called BlackOffice; it’s a login cracker. In a couple of hours it will have cracked the login.
It is great at cracking magazine and journal sites, but that is about it."
Bing bong with the tablet as a reply was posted to the Black Security forum board. She opened the new
post, and after a quick read realised the writer who likely possessed some experience in the street ghost
scene. The name also ran a bell with her, “Tiamus, I know that name.” She screwed up her face in
concentration, “Where. Damn.” She put the tablet on the coffee table. “I am going to get dressed.” With that,
she got up and disappeared through the doorway leading to the bedrooms.

Sandra picked up the tablet and logged out of Nibs’ StreetGhost account and logged in to hers. She
clicked the button that opened the active Street Ghosts search page and typed Tiamus in the search box and
clicked the search button. After a few seconds the screen changed to display Tiamus’ Street Ghost net page.
“Nibs have you ever heard of a group calling themselves Alpha Raiders?”
“Alpha Raiders!” exclaimed Nibs as she crossed the corridor heading of the bath room to wash and
shave. “I spent two weeks working for that group, that is where I know the name from,” said Nibs and
appeared in the doorway. Three weeks after the Cameron Raiders job had finished Tiamus, who had given
me the tablet, emailed me, and asked me to do some net research into a target he and his current team the
Alpha Raiders were going to kidnap. That is who it is. Email him back for me, and say hi from Nick and add
my new name in brackets.”
“Oh, hun. One problem, I logged out of your account?”
“No problem, see the chat program in the background bring it to the front and click the envelope icon it
should take you to my BlackNet netmail server.”

Elsewhere in the city, a short dark haired woman sat in a nice apartment looking at a computer screen
reading forum messages, until she came to one sent by Nibola Calton on a security rating issue concerning
Narizzan Inc. “Hey guys, I may have something here. You know when Paul gave us the Narizzan Inc job he
said that a second team were being employed to steal something from the same site?”
“Yes,” said another woman, with her hair tied up in a high pony tail, sat in the room reading a journal
on new battle equipment.
“Someone called Nibola Calton has posted a message concerning the Street Ghost security rating of
Narizzan Inc.”
“Oh what is the current rating of Narizzan Inc?”
“A high 6 with a security runner, that does sound a bit off, I would have expected a high 8 maybe a mid
“Yes, that is generally what I would have guessed,” said another woman, with platted silver hair that
stretched to her buttocks.
“Post a message back to them, and offer to exchange research on the target and netmail Nibola directly
and ask her was she employed to steal something from the Narizzan Inc site, Bee.”
“Yes, ok, Misty,” responded Bee.

A Bing-bong sound came from the Tablet’s speakers. “Hun the tablet just made a strange noise.”
“Ok, was it a bing-bong type sound?” Nibs responded from the bathroom.
“Yes,” she responded.
“And is one of the NetViewers flashing?”
“It is a forum message, open the NetViewer that is flashing and see who it is from.”
“Ok.” Sandra clicked and opened the flashing NetViewer, scrolling down to the message.
Nibs’ voice came from the doorway asking, “Who is it from my love?”
“Someone called Bee. The message reads – ‘Do you want to exchange research on Narizzan Inc.”
Whoop-bing also came from the Tablet’s speakers, and from the bottom left a small box opened which
said ‘email received from Bee91,Subj: Narizzan Inc.’
“Open it hun.” She heard Nibs leave the door way and head back towards the bathroom and bedroom.
She clicked on the box and another copy of NetViewer opened, loading the BlackNet netmail Server
page. She then clicked the subject line which opened the message. After a couple of minutes Nibs appeared
wearing a pair of black cargo-trousers and a black short-sleeved top.

“What does the message say?” Nibs asked as she walked to where the Pizza boxes were; she opened
one of the two closed ones and took out a slice.
“The message says,” replied Sandra, “‘Have you been employed to steal something from the R&D
research centre here in Suraban, as we have been employed to attack and destroy a specific lab of the same
On hearing the message Paul turned around. “Great.” A big smile spread across his face. “The second
team you spoke about.”
The tablet chimed and a box appeared on the screen saying username:- TonyDrum, Password:-
aaa1146396, the box also possessed an ok button. Sandra looked up at Paul saying, “Paul you still got the
NewTech Login page open?”
“Yes, I think so.”
“Good I have a login and password for you to try.”
“Brill, what is it, sis?” replied Paul and he turned back to face the computer screen and found the copy
of NetViewer that needed a username and password.
Sandra repeated the username and password back to Paul who typed it in, and pressed the enter button,
she looked at the screen as it changed to display the article which Paul started to read.
Gary turned to Darla asking, “Anything on Mr & Ms Tuebacca?”
“That is a good point,” replied Darla and she checked the two credit-check sites, “In a word, nothing, at
“Great,” said Gary, looking a bit disappointed.
Nibs brought one of the Pizza boxes over and put it on the coffee table, sat down, took out her tin,
loaded her patar and then smoked it.
“You look deep in thought hun?” said Sandra and kissed her on the forehead.
“I am. I am still wondering who would want to pay five million for the rifle I know for a fact it is not
Coltanar. They filled for Section 12 Financial Protection last year.”
“I may have an idea though, it says Andromeda has a share issue a few weeks back, and it was
massively over-subscribed, and from the charts and reports; I am looking at the share price, it leapt 300%
overnight,” said Tina who looked up from reading the magazine.
“Mm that does sound interesting,” said Darla, and closed down the two credit-check companies’ Net
pages. She then brought the companies registrar site to the front, typed in Andromeda and clicked the search
button, the screen changed to Andromeda’s details which included a link to its net page which Darla clicked.
“I can tell you the value Naban is planning on placing is worth 400million-plus decks in the first two
years,” said Paul. “It looks like Narizzan Inc, Andromeda, Coltanar and a fourth unnamed company initially
tendered for the contract. That was a couple of years before this article,” said Paul.
She looked at Paul and past him to the screen. “Does the article give a spec of the assault rifle Naban
was after?” she asked.
“Not in this article,” responded Paul, “I will do a search for any more articles on it,”
Abs asked, “Question. Any other arms manufactures in the world who would want Narizzan Inc not get
the contract.”
Nibs looked at her replying, “Research it.”
“I would but we have not got enough technology.”
“Here use the computer, I need a break.” Paul got up and stretched, wandered over to the armchairs,
and plonked himself down into one, he proceeded to lean over and take a piece of pizza, only to say, “Hell
someone email Black Hand, he has always got his ear to the ground surrounding corporate politics and what
is what in the corporate world.”
“Yes, shit,” said Darla in response.
“Love, can you email Bee and say yes we have been offered the contract.” She took another drag from
her pipe. “Also what info do they have on the actual target site, tell her that we are looking at who issued the
contract initially.”
“Ok hun.” Sandra typed the reply to Bee then sent it.
“Can I have the tablet please,” she requested.
After Sandra passed it to her she clicked and opened BlackNet netmail server, when it finished loading
she clicked the compose message. She typed in Tiamus’ BlackNet id, sending the following message, ‘How
have you been and what is your connection to Narizzan Inc Security issues?’. Very soon after sending it, a
chat window belonging to her Blacknet messenger opened and displayed, ‘Hi Nick or is it Nibola now?’
She typed back, ‘Its Nibola now or Nibs.’
About a minute later Tiamus reply appeared which read, ‘I am not connected in any way to Narizzan
Inc, I was offering my services as a Street Ghost to you and your group in planning the operation, free of
She typed, ‘Thank you. What do you know about the situation surrounding an Assault rifle Narizzan
is researching?’
After a few minutes Tiamus’ reply appeared, ‘not much except it is suppose to be a quite advanced
assault rifle. I will keep my ear to the grapevine and email you if I hear of anything.’
“Can someone check the current status of Naban, I always thought it was quite poor,” said Gary.
“Yes true,” responded Abs.

Darla typed GDP of Naban into a search engine, the search engine brought back five pages on the GDP
of Naban, Darla clicked the first item which opened the Naban government home page, plastered across the
top of the page was a massive advert for Rotork Theaban and half way down the front page was a news
article about the government resigning and being replaced after a general election by the entire board of
Rotork Theaban it was dated a couple of years ago. “Oh hell!” she exclaimed.
“What is wrong Darla?” asked Tina.
“Naban looks as if it is run 100 percent by Rotork Theaban.”
Nibs looked up from reading something on her tablet. “You are kidding me Darla, please say that you
are, how the feck did I miss that.”
“No I am not,” she said and picked up the remote for the digital projector, “Can the laptop screen data
be sent for projector display Nibs?”
“Yes, is the projector linked to the computer?” asked Nibs.
“Yes it is,” answered Paul.
“Ok run DigitalShow it is under the Programs menu Darla.”
She did, then turned the projector on, and on the large screen appeared the front page of the site, using
the laserdot built into the projector remote pointed to the article she was looking at.
Nibs mouthed ‘Feck,’ and sat back, “That answers a lot, now I see how Naban can afford 400million
decks in the first two years. It still does not answer whose employing.”

At about 16:00, Nibs turned to Sandra, “Can I borrow your bike I need to go for a ride and see the
target site for myself.”
“Yes you can, if you take me as well,” responded Sandra.
“Ok, hun, shall we go then.”
The pair headed for their bedroom to take their leather jackets, communication systems and shoulder
holster rigs from the hooks just inside the bedroom door. They walked out the front door and opened the
garage so they could take Sandra’s bike out.
Tina appeared at the door and chucked a bunch of keys at her and said, “Take my bike Nibs,”
“Thank you.” She bent down so she could pick up the keys that sat at her feet. She went to Tina’s bike,
unlocked the steering lock and wheeled it out. She swung her leg over and dropped on the kick start and
touched the throttle until the engine was purring. Sandra did likewise and both bikes started up the driveway
as Tina turned and walked back in saying, “Have fun you two.”
“Shall we take some photos of the site if we are going to see it?” asked Sandra.
“Now that is a good idea,” she replied as the bikes turned right onto the main street they accelerated.
“And I know the person to see about the camera as well. We need CW4.”
They followed the road, until it approached the start of CW4. Both bikes slowed and approached the
junction to head south she was hopping to catch the lights before they changed, but after glancing in the rear
view mirrors and seeing where Sandra sat in relation to her, she decided to slow and stop at the lights.
The lights changed and both bikes swung onto the onramp for CW4. They accelerated up it, and onto
the CW, they both accelerated to around 110KPH and weaved through the traffic, which thankfully did not
seem too bad.
She said to Sandra over the communication system, “Exit three.”
“Ok,” replied Sandra.
They drove through an area, of the city, locally known as Enclave City, more widely known as
Richmond High District. Both of them looked around as they drove and as far as the eye could see was the
white and brown of the corporate enclave housing estates, tower blocks, apartments and corporate run malls
and shops. With the associated Corporate Security Check points, Patrols, Rules and Regulations which
governed almost everything the locals did.
She began to wonder to herself, ‘Would I have ever been truly free even if they did accept Nibola’ she
doubted it very much ‘and would I have ever found Sandra and her friends,’ again she doubted it. She
glanced over her shoulder and looked at Sandra as they sped along. She saw simple joy and happiness in the
As they approached the junction they wanted to use they slowed and drifted across the CW to the right
lane in preparation for the off ramp. Both bikes went down and slowed to a stop behind three cars that were
waiting for the lights to change. The junction lights changed and they turned right and drove down the main
road entering North Valley District. After travelling for about seven kilometres the main road went under
IC16 and then after another couple of kilometres she slowed as the pair approached The Pegg Legg Inn. She
turned into the car park, stopped and climbed off Tina’s bike. “Wait here hun.” She then walked in to the
pub, where she walked to the bar and when a member of staff walked over. “Is Simon Peter in today?”
“No he is not, can I ask who is asking for him?” the barman asked.
“Tell him Nick Calton was looking for him, hang on can you tell me where his home is, I need to see
him concerning some Street Ghost research I am doing.”

“Yes, no problem,” the barman replied as he remembered a Nick Calton from the last time Cameron
Raiders got together. He led Nibs down the bar and lifted the bar section that opened to allow Nibs into the
office. “His address is there.” He pointed at the wall beside the door on was a long list of addresses, at the top
sat Simon Peters’s home address.

A couple of minutes later Nibs came out. “He is at home in Valley District.” She climbed on to the bike
and kick started it as did Sandra. Both bikes pulled out and joined the same road as before. After about half a
mile she made a right turn and sped down the road as it seemed to stretch into the distance.
After covering roughly twenty kilometres she pulled into a side road and stopped outside a large set of
“Nice place,” said Sandra as she slowed to a halt next to her.
“Do not let appearances fool you; Simon Peter is a well respected Street Ghost from a few years back.
The house is in his wife’s name.”
She leant over and pressed the call button on the intercom panel. After a couple of minutes a voice was
heard saying, “Who is it?”
“Simon Peters, it is me Nick, you going to let me and a friend in.”
“Ok Nick,” replied the voice and the gates started to open.
The pair drove up the driveway and stopped in front of the main door which stood open and Simon
Peters stood in the doorway.
“If I did not recognize the voice I would have said feck off.”
At this she just smiled. “Yes well all things considered I know it has been a while since I last looked
you up, sorry Simon Peters.”
“Not to worry. Come in the both of you.” Simon Peters said and turned and led then to the study.
“My next question is how can I help you Nick?”
“It is no longer Nick, its Nibs. Do you still have the high-definition digital camera?”
“Yes I have still got that.”
“May I borrow it for a while?”
“I do not see any problem with that, I do not use it and my wife has her own camera, so yes.” With that
he got up, and wandered over to the cabinet on the wall, and got down the camera, its bag. He also grabbed a
couple of memory cards from the cupboard itself, as Simon returned to the seat he asked, “Why do you need
it Nibs?”
“We need to take some high quality pictures of a site we have been asked to research.”
“Anyway I have things to attend to, so if that is all, I am going to have to kick you both out.”
“No worries, thank you for the camera.”
As she opened the door, Simon turned towards the back of the house and disappeared. The pair after
closing the front door walked to the where the bikes where parked and kick started the engines. They turned
around using the raised floor bed in the middle of the turning circle and drove up the driveway towards the
gates which opened automatically as they approached.
After passing a lot of expensive houses and a few expensive apartment blocks they approached the
turning for CW17. It would take them back towards Central District and then onto Eban Hill District. Both
bikes sped down CW17 her mind began to wander again, trying to sort things she as Nick had seen, heard
and assumptions she made about many other things. She was still unable to make sense of a lot of it.
They passed under IC16, and after a few more kilometres CW17 entered a tunnel. Both bikes travelled
through the tunnel, and passed the junction for CW9 and a short while later they passed the junction for IC2.
They emerged from the tunnel just before the boarders of West Park and Central and the junction for Central,
which happened to be located very close to Central Free Fire Zone. They both took the back ways to the best
place to take pictures of the Narizzan Inc R&D centre, Eban Hill. They followed the signs for the Figro Night
Club and turned left when they could see it. The road took them directly to the car park located on the far
side of Eban Hill.
After parking they walked up the path that lead to the top of an old defensive castle’s hill, about 4/5ths
of the way up both of them dropped off the path and into the scrubland that covered the hill’s side. They
moved down the hill until they came upon a perfect spot where they both sat, and looked like a couple of
lesbians enjoying each other's company. She started to take pictures and video of the site.
She worked left to right in strips taking photos so that when they were combined they would have a
close in picture of the site. She finished the first pass and almost filled one complete card. She filled the rest
by videoing the main entrance and how the people dealt with vehicles and people if they could be seen. The
second card she changed lens from the 20 to 100mm zoom to a 200 telephoto lens and took pictures of
specific places through out the site. She concentrated on security towers, any guard posts, and the roof of the
After they had filled both 5gig memory cards with pictures and video, the pair got up and walked back
up the side of the hill and returned to the path so they could walk back to the bikes.
The drive back took place during driving-hour, and the traffic on the CWs and main roads was bad,
thankfully not terrible by local standards.
When the pair arrived back at the house, Abs said, “About an hour after you two left Bee contacted us
again and suggested that we meet at theirs. We arranged to get to there around 20:30. The address they gave
is in Grand South District, 32 to 34 266 West Third Avenue."
“Ah, ok, shall we go then, as it may take us a while to get to there as the traffic is not great,” said
“Yes that is what we where kind of thinking,” said Darla. “Gary you are riding with me.”
“Ok,” responded Gary.
The group switched off the computers and left for the meet.
Chapter 12

Everyone got their jackets and other items they needed for the run to Grand South District. Sandra and
her both turned and were the first two down the steps. Behind them came the rest of the friends happily
chatting away, sliding leather jackets on, making sure the communication systems were working properly,
checking pistols, spare magazines, and their various close combat weapons.
At the bottom of the steps Sandra turned to face Nibs. “I am driving hun.”
“No problem, I was hoping that you would say that,” she responded.
“Ok.” Sandra slid her Tard Kinetic 44 Heavy Automatic back into it holster, then zipped up her jacket
and slid her hands into her gloves.
She looked slightly shock at the cannon Sandra carried it hadn’t registered what she carried until now.
She did the same with her 357 Delt Heavy, slid her hands into her sniper gloves, making sure the glove tops
were covering her fingers, she also made sure that her knife was slid into her boot scabbard.
Gary took his keys out and deactivated the alarm on the van, which also caused the central locking to
unlock the doors. Gary climbed in, started it and moved the van back a little so the bikes could get out of the
Paul led the way, pushing his Mit-bu 1000RSx followed by Darla pushing her 850 Karzak. Angel kick
started her Star Productions 850 Trike. Damieel also started her Star Ground 1000G trike via the electric
start. Bang went something metallic from the garage and two engines started. Damieel was the next person to
come up the driveway closely followed by Angel, Tina with Abs riding pillion were next, Sandra came up
last. The group stopped at the top to wait for Gary and Nibs.
She walked down and closed the garage doors. Gary let the van roll forward until the bumper was
against the door he applied the brake and climbed out. Both of them walked up the driveway to the rest of the
“Do you know something Nibs, after the last game I think I am going to have to break some bones in
“He thinks the team is loyal gang members, everyone is, just not to him, and for the hell he and the
team put the school through over the last two years.”
She burst out laughing to what Gary said.
Gary headed for Darla’s bike and climbed on behind her. She climbed on behind Sandra and wrapped
her arms around Sandra’s waist and kissed her neck.

The bikes headed down towards the main road at the end of the minor street. The young ones from next
door, and up the minor road, were playing with toy guns with the children from the house opposite. They
were shooting each other and generally playing combat and war. The bikes passed a couple of older children
who were both sitting on an old washing machine that had been tipped up to form a small seat, they both
looked over and waved at the group as it passed. Tina and Abs waved back.
Nibs asked Sandra, “Whose youngsters?”
“Duggie and Sam’s older two, Duggie now looks after them two plus the three younger ones playing
war with Alt’s two.”

Just ahead of the group as they approached CW9’s onramp, three city security vehicles sped passed
them and down the same onramp, sirens blaring, lights flashing. As the group accelerated down the onramp,
more city security and a couple of ET Security vehicles also sped in the same direction on the CW itself. The
second vehicle, of the ET Security’s pair, was a large van with Echo Tech Inc Tactical response unit logo on
the side.
Gary said over the communication system, “Feck me. Let us follow guys.”
“Yes,” responded Tina and Paul at the same time.
The group accelerated and sped down CW9 following the security units. All of them left the CW9 at
junction 15 and turned left. At the top were a couple of security officers who stopped the traffic as the
security vehicles sped up the off ramp, after they went passed the pair moved back to the corner. As the
group slowed for the lights they heard sirens in the distance. The lights changed and everyone after hearing a
loud roar, which sounded like as if a jet plane was flying very low, looked up. Flying about 20 metres up
were two dark blue figures. They looked to be using very advanced flight packs with what looked like small
wings. Most of the group stared in shock at the figures.
Nibs used her improving vision to see that they both were carrying advanced looking weapons, not the
normal assault weapons the security forces carried. She gulped and thought, ‘Where ever they are going to is
fecking serious.’
All the bikes drove for about a mile along the street and was stopped by the queue of traffic, most of
the cars looked as if they were empty as a small group had gathered a distance up the road. They slowed and
parked up behind the parked cars. Another two figures flew in from the east over the tops of the houses and
apartments and landed inside the perimeter which had been setup. The friends walked down the traffic stream
until they reached the perimeter where they saw fifteen city security vehicles, three city security tactical
response vans and associated men. Also present were eight Echo Tech Inc security vehicles and two large
Tactical response vans, one of which had the words ‘Mobile Armoury’ on the side. The group could also see
a pair of dark blue figures which looked like a male and female as the outfits they were wearing were
form-fitting, and looked like they were covered in some form of advanced armour plates. Both of them had a
large blade on their left arms and the lower right arm looked like a long tube. On their backs where flight
packs that contained the jets, down beside the packs were the wings they used during flight. The packs had a
couple of bits that extended over the shoulders and around the side at the waist. The female figure turned to
look at the apartment block.
After a short while of looking at the scene, she turned to one of the other bystanders. “What the hell is
going on here?”
“Some creature has escaped and is holed up in the block; both ET Security and City Security want it
More deep roars were heard as two more flyers landed; one of them was carrying a rifle-like weapon
with a belt feed, which usually fed door mounted gunners in planes and copters, it looked to be connected to
the bottom of the flight pack the guy carried. The female said something to the operator in one of the ET
Security vans.
Nibs noticed Sandra shake her head as if to clear it. “What is wrong hun?”
“I do not know. I think I have just heard those two talking as if I was standing next to them.”
She looked puzzled at her and asked, “What did they just say then?”
“I will tell you later.”
“Ok hun,” she responded.
One of City Security Officers, after being told something by another one, picked up a megaphone and
said, “Please move back, this area is no longer safe for civilians. Please return to your vehicles and move
them back, we will be closing the exits and entries to CW9 in twenty minutes.”
“Let us get out of here,” said Gary. “We can watch it on the news.” He pointed to the two broadcast
teams that were present. They all looked like they were wearing some form of body armour.
“Yes lets,” said Paul.
With this everyone turned and started to walk back to their vehicles. On the way Sandra grabbed Nibs’
arm and slightly slowed so the rest of the group could move ahead of them.
As the pair dropped back slightly Sandra whispered into her ear, “This is what I heard. I think this is
the female figure, ‘Is the building cleared of civilians?’ I think this is the guy sat in the van, ‘Almost only the
top floor to be evacuated now lieutenant, City Security has the conservator contained for the time being on
the second floor, but it is not giving up without a fight. We have had reports that it has attacked on a couple
of occasions and we think it may have trapped a family in one of the apartments.’ The lieutenant then said,
‘Ok let’s replace the city security units with ET Security Tactical Squads 3 and 5, then we will move in and
hope we can rescue the family and destroy the conservator’. That is all I got before I almost freaked.”
“Ok, we will check it out later in more privacy.”
“Ok so you do not think I am going mad?” asked Sandra
“No I do not, I will explain later,” she said as they reached where the bikes where parked.
When the group arrived at the bikes and climbed on, they started them and headed off in the direction
they came, back towards CW9 and Misty’s.

After exiting the CW and turning right along one of the main roads, the group was driving down passed
a row of boarded up shops, one looked open and their lights where on. Outside stood a large group of youths,
looking through the security meshed front window. Outside a couple of apartments opposite were citizen’s
and they were looking very concerned at the scene.
Nibs spotted the group stood outside the 26hr mall. “Hold up hun, something is going on in the mini
Sandra glanced left at the scene. “Oh yes.” Sandra slowed the bike and looked on the right hand side
for an alley-way she could turn into and stop.
“What is up Sandra?” asked Tina over the communication system.
“Possible youth led hold-up left of the street. Pull over and let us check it out.”
“Oh shit! Yes,” exclaimed Tina, after she and Abs had looked at the scene. They followed Sandra’s
lead in turning into the alley-way. She said via the communication system. “Gary, Paul we are stopping. It
looks like a group of youths are watching something in what looks like the only mini mall in the area.”
Gary’s voice came over the communication system. “Ok, Tina, we will pull into the next alley-way and
wait for your report on the situation.”
Nibs continued to watch the scene as Sandra cornered and the events taking place inside the mini-mall,
but the group outside concerned her more than what going on in the shop itself. “The group on the outside
look jittery.”
“More like nervous as hell,” said Abs as Sandra and Tina turned right into an alley-way down between
two five-storey tenant blocks.
As Sandra slowed she stood on the foot-pegs and moved onto the small back area where the rear lights
were located and swung her leg over to get off. As she moved back towards the entrance, her Delt sat in her
hand with the safety catch off.
Sandra’s voice came over her earpiece. “The thieves were either high or nervous.”
“Ok” replied Gary.
She knelt down in the shadow provided by the two apartment blocks looking at the scene very intently,
studying it. Her eyes moved along the line of shops including the first floor windows, she saw a couple of
gents looking out of a first floor window at the scene and they did look very concerned.
Abs quickly arrived at the entrance and took up a position opposite Nibs. She looked up the street and
watched as Gary moved to the edge of an alley-way and looked down the street at the scene. As she watched
Gary she suddenly realised that she was seeing Gary far sharper than she should be able to. Very quickly
Paul joined Gary at the corner. She saw Paul move in a low stoop fashion. As she looked at him move she
saw Paul had his HK77 out from his bike’s hide. Paul ran as close to the building as possible, and he stopped
in a sunken doorway belonging to a bookshop some four shops up the street.
“Nibs, Abs, where are you?” asked Paul over the communication system.
“Three shop doors from you opposite side of the road,” she answered.
“Ok, got you,” said Paul, he signalled ok with his hand.

Back at the bikes Sandra and Tina lifted the seats, unlocked a long metal box located above the rear
wheel. They removed two M22 assault carbines from both, along with four magazines. As they walked back
to the entrance they slid a magazine home and operated the action on each weapon.

Nibs felt Sandra join her at the entrance way. Sandra tapped her on the shoulder, as she looked at
Sandra, Sandra offered the M22 to her.
Nibs took it with her left hand. “Thank you. What the hell?”
“M22 Assault carbine love, we all carry assault-level weaponry on the bikes, remember.”
“Oh yes, I do now!” she exclaimed then checked the safety and opened the breech slightly to check for
a round, she saw one was present, she moved the selector to the five round burst fire position.

Abs who looked up the street saw Darla join Gary on the corner and she shoved a Trig 27b into his
hands, in hers sat a HK23 Assault Carbine. Gary then ran in a similar fashion as Paul and joined Paul in the
doorway. She the saw Angel appear around Darla’s leg her Trig 8 semi-auto shotgun. She knew would have
a solid slug in the breech and the 20 round magazine, Angel never used anything else. Damieel then passed
behind her using the stooped run, she headed across the street. About thirty seconds later Angel moved in the
same direction as Damieel. Darla then moved herself towards a car parked on the side of the road.

Nibs, who looked at the scene in the shop saw one youth carried a length of wood, two of the youths
held T100 SMGs, another, who looked like he carried a Y15 sub-machine pistol. He seemed to be acting very
aggressively towards a small group of six shoppers, and the last two carried pistols. One of the two using a
T100 acted very aggressively to the two shop assistants who were filling a bag with money and cigarettes.
The other person carrying a T100 along with one of the two carrying, what looked like, Y7 automatics were
watching two women, one no older than 16 maybe 17 the second a young adult, she wore a business suit, the
pair looked terrified. She understood why, ‘They had been separated from the rest older looking middle aged
people. They both sub consciously knew they were about to be raped by at least one, more than likely gang
raped.’ The five carrying fire arms were the major threat to the people in the shop and the people watching
the scene. ‘I hope some Street Ghosts are nearby we may need them.’

As Damieel reached the opposite side of the road she found a gent with long white hair tied back in a
male pony tail along with a couple of teenagers. One of the pair looked male, the other female. The female
looked to have a round face and shoulder length dark brown hair, piercing hazel eyes and was wearing a
T-shirt with a logo and underneath was the words Club Millana Staff, forest pattern camouflage trousers and
a pair of biker boots. Sticking from the top of both her boots were three knives. She quickly double took the
knives as they looked like throwing knives. The male possessed a squarish face with short matt black hair
and brown eyes; he wore a similar t-shirt as the female and black baggies. On his hands was a pair of
fingerless gloves. She saw the fighting knife in its scabbard across the small of his back. She estimated their
ages to be around the same as the Vixens’.

Angel joined Damieel on the opposite side of the street and the female moved to join Darla at the car.
As she left, she saw she was carrying a well kept Trig 27b SMG. She also saw the male used the same
weapon. The gent on the other hand carried what looked like an MA40. She noticed the guy gulp as he saw
the Trig 8 especially when the pair of them was not exactly largely built. At least the Ydar SMG Damieel
used was in keeping with her body’s overall frame.

Abs suddenly realised she could hear Paul speaking to Gary, and the voices in the shop. She whispered
to Tina, “Can you hear Paul, Gary, and Darla, and what is happening in the shop.”
“Yes I can,” replied a surprised Tina.

Nibs who watched the scene in the shop and the group outside saw movement from the guy forcing the
workers to fill the bags. “Movement.”
The guy who forced the workers to fill the bags grabbed them. She heard him shout, “Get on the floor
now, you Deum Scum!!” As they lay face down, he aimed his T100 and fired a burst into them. She saw the
pair jump and bounce around as the rounds hit them. “Feck!” she exclaimed.
Sandra who stood behind her watching the scene as it unfolded, knelt down and whispered in her ear,
“Welcome to the real world of the streets and the gangs’ hun. You ready to take them down.”
“Yes, let us do it.” The training Uthura gave her along with her natural discipline and the lessons from
Richard C and Damien came flooding back to the fore.
She saw the two watching the two women grab each one and drag them screaming and fighting towards
the door. The one who carried the bags chucked them to one of the two watching the rest of the people. When
the two caught the bags and started to back out of the shop, he shoved his hand into his jacket pocket and
withdrew a fragmentation hand grenade. He took the grenade up to his mouth and pulled away, she saw the
safety bar fly off. “Feck, GRENADE!” she exclaimed.
“Hold back; think tactically Nibs,” said Sandra sternly in her ear. “Way too many civilians currently,
remember the civilians are more important than anything else. As Gangrel’s we respect life, all life.”
“Abs, Tina, Sandra, Nibs, Gary. You have tactical control of the situation; I can see a few adults up the
road from you carrying assault grade weaponry.”
Angel’s voice came over the communication system. “Guys, Angel. Me and Damieel are with a gent
carrying what looks like a MA40 with grenade launcher.”
Abs replied, “Ok Gary.” She turned to Sandra and Nibs. “When they get opposite stop them and
contain. Tina and I will support.”
“Ok,” they both replied and both brought the M22 to the assault position. Her first finger covered the
“Abs, Darla. What is happening in the shop?”
“The six are exiting with two females,” said Abs through the communication system.
As the guy, holding the grenade, backed out of the shop, he threw it into the small group of shoppers.
As he underarm tossed the grenade, the people started to move and get to some form of protection between
them and the explosion. Outside the guy turned and joined the large group which started to move up the
street towards the friends. The hand grenade exploded, after a few seconds, and sent the thousands of razor
sharp pieces of shrapnel out, the thin metal of the shelves and serving desk not providing much protection
from either the concussion or the fragments. All of the shoppers were hit and most fell as the concussion
blast hit them and they over balanced. The safety glass in the front window took the entire explosion. All the
youths started to laugh as the grenade went off.
As group reached the building opposite, Abs commanded loudly, “Take them down.”
When Nibs heard the command, her battle instincts kicked in and she moved out into the street, closely
followed by Sandra. Their weapons at the assault position, shoulder stock into the shoulder, finger on the
trigger, ready to fire. She looked over and as she reached the nearest side of the road, both of them fired a
controlled burst across the street, so it impacted in front and behind the group. They stopped in total surprise
and shock.
Sandra shouted forcibly at the group, “Halt or we will open fire. By the authority placed in us by
Central we hereby order you to halt and surrender, we have you surrounded.”
The one carrying the length of wood looked across the street at the fast approaching pair. To Nibs’
surprise he swung the piece of wood at the shop door which shattered the glass in the door frame. He and
four of the group rushed towards the door and a possible escape route.
Two more of the group moved towards the alley-way and were confronted by two concealed figures;
both of them were carrying assault grade weapons. The rest of the group went face down on the sidewalk as
she shouted, “Face down, now.”
She fired a second burst just into the brickwork above the doorway. The four who had gotten stuck
trying to get through the door, stopped and backed away from the door, back into the street. She saw the shop
lights go on and then she saw the pair standing cautiously in the door way to the stairs and back room, one
did carry a pistol and the other, who stood just behind him, carried a long Pacca fire poker.
She quickly looked up the street, and saw two more had joined Paul’s group and both Paul and Gary
were moving, weapons in the assault position down the street.

Sandra, who had her back to Nibs, could see that the local citizens were now dragging the injured and
trying to fight the fire that started after the grenade exploded. Two people, both, holding pistols were knelt
behind a postbox taking cover, another two had taken cover behind one of the parked cars. They looked as if
they were carrying D300s.
A quick look up and down the street showed the four youths that the shouts where not kidding, they
were surrounded and they all looked like they had fire arms. He and the other three youths dropped to their
knees and placed their hands on the backs of their heads.

“Abs and Tina move to support and separate,” Darla instructed over the communication system.
“Moving to support,” replied Abs over the communication system.
She saw the pair appear and move; weapons in assault position. She then said over the communication
system, “I am moving with two partners.”
“K.” signalled Paul over the communication system.

Nibs saw Darla plus her new partners move to the far corner of the car they all took up fire positions
against the side of the car.
As Sandra and her got to the other curb they moved through the group, they kicked the two gunmen
hidden within the group hard. The kicks got the resulting pain movements indicating themselves to Abs and
Tina who to separate from the rest.
Nibs grabbed the piece of wood from the youth who had been carrying it, threw it over the group and
grabbed his wrist, twisted it and forced him inside the shop. As she forced him through the opening in the
door window, the force busted the lock and almost took the door off its top hinges. The gent stumbled and
ended up face down with her knee digging into his back and the barrel of her M22 shoved into the back of his
head. Sandra threw the other three into the rest of the group where Paul and Gary, and a pair who had joined
the takedown, started to sort people by searching them for hidden weapons and grenades.
She knew the one she kicked felt the impact as she did targeted the ribs and she knew the power would
have broken some ribs. She glanced outside as the pair were grabbed by the backs of their jackets and one
was heaved into the arms of the two adults and the other to Paul and Gary who both roughly searched them
and then forced them both to their knees.
She looked around at the rest of the scene outside and saw the two girls, who were now hysterical,
being taken away by a couple of women who started to comfort and calm them.

Once the girls got taken away, Sandra turned and started to process the rest of the youths roughly, and
Darla joined and her two partners.

Inside the shop, Nibs along with the two gents searched the one she pinned to the floor and took a 9mm
automatic out and threw it across the floor. Then with the help of the shop owner, manhandled him outside
and down the street to join the one Abs had taken to two helpers, both carrying Echo MA-30 assault rifles.

Then the sirens started to be heard, and one of the adults said, “Here comes the city rescue and security
Another adult said to Abs, “Tell your friends to get out of here, let us and the police deal with the
current situation and we will say you will give statements later. You got some number they can contact you
“Yes,” she said in reply. “AnnaDetric@gnetfullorg.”
“Fellow street ghost, nice to meet you, all of you?” he said indicating the rest.
“Yes definitely,” she said and she said over the communication system, “Let us bug before the cops get
“Yes let’s,” replied Gary.

The entire group disappeared back to where they parked their bikes, pushing them away so as not to
alert the city security forces.
After they got a short distance away, Nibs contacted Paul’s group, “We will meet you at Misty’s.”
“Done,” replied Paul. “See you at Misty’s.”
Nibs climbed on behind Sandra who kick started the bike after handing her, the M22, she held both
whilst Sandra drove the bike.
Chapter 13 – Misty’s

After ten minutes more of driving, both Tina and Sandra turned down an alleyway close to the address
Misty told them earlier. As they approached a courtyard area they saw stood outside the back of one of the
blocks were two females in their early-twenty’s. One of the pair wore combat fatigue trousers and a vest top;
the other a pair of cut-offs on and a t-shirt with the logo for Echo Weapons on the front. They both had
pistols stuffed down their trousers at the back. As the two bikes slowed and entered the small courtyard
behind the building, the two girls smiled. The four friends saw the rest of the group had also just arrived and
were putting the various assault weapons away in the various hides.
Surrounding the courtyard were a five 5- or 6-storey buildings, some with fire escapes leading to the
court yard, others without. The yard area also had a couple of large dumpsters and lots of bags filled with
rubbish. The one light was over the open door, illuminating a small set of stairs that led up to the doorway.
The girl wearing the cut-offs approached the group and asked, “Nibs?”
As the girl approached, Nibs handed the two M22s to Sandra who removed the magazines and stowed
them in the ammunition hide and then placed the two M22s in their hide and locked them in place. Sandra
then closed and locked the lid of the hide and dropped the seat back into place.
When the girl asked the question she looked at her and saw her blonde hair was tied into a high pony
tail. She then looked at the other girl and saw she had short brown hair. “Yes.”
With that answer the girl smiled.
After all the weapons were away and the group conjugated together she said, “Welcome to the Raiders
She led the group to the open door and went up the stairs that lay just inside the door. The second
woman brought up the rear and made sure the outside door closed poperly. The stairs were made from
concrete and she could see water stains and small pools of water in the corners and along the edges. On the
first half-landing a small low-wattage bulb that flickered as if it was about to pop and die. The walls were
painted white and in places had either dulled or had flaked off revealing the plaster beneath. As the group
followed the girl up the stairs, she glanced at Darla and she could see that Darla a contented smile as if she
looked forward to seeing someone. She wondered why Darla looked that way and turned and whispered in
Sandra’s ear, “Why is Darla looking so contented?”
She saw Sandra glance in Darla’s direction and saw the same face. “No idea.”
When the group reached the third floor they went through the fire escape door, a sign hung from the
ceiling, just inside, read ‘Raiders Den, Beware all who enter “PMT IN EFFECT”‘. The corridor ran from
the fire escape door to the front of the building, at the far end they could see a partially boarded-up window.
The door nearest the fire escape sat open and the latest release from band ‘The Huntress’ came from inside.
The other female walked past the group and followed the first woman into the apartment. Just inside the door
was a small cloakroom where everyone hung their outdoors jackets and left their shoulder holster rigs.
The inside of the apartment was painted in a light cream colour with a few pictures and a couple of
pieces of modern art hanging on the walls. The kitchen was off to one side, and you could hear the coffee
percolator on the go, along with the kettle boiling away.
“Welcome all, you found us then?” spoke a husky woman’s voice from the kitchen. The rest of the
room was clean and tidy and possessed a few good seats and lots of large cushions and bean bags laying
about. Both girls went and dropped on to a couple of the chairs. Another girl sat on a three seater sofa and a
fourth lounged on some large cushions. In the middle sat a low large table.
Nibs walked into the room, she looked around and saw a large glass tank, which sat on a stand against
the outside back wall. Sleeping against the glass appeared to be a large snake! Its head looked out over the
room. The instant she saw the snake she started to sweat and she started to breathe controlled breaths
concentrating on controlling her reaction. ‘This is not the place to reveal my phobia of snakes.’
She saw Sandra look around and she knew she saw the current state of her, with the beads of sweat and
her expression being one of concentration. Sandra’s face went from a happy one to a very concerned one.
Nibs noticed Sandra’s face and smiled at her. She then moved into the room proper sat down after looking at
the tank.
“Yes we found the place, thank you,” said Gary.
After she sat on a bean bag and Sandra sat behind her. Sandra moved so her mouth was close to her ear
and enquired, “What is up?”
“I have a phobia of snakes, I will tell you back at the house,” she replied.
“Coffee, Tea?” asked a fifth girl standing in the kitchen entrance.
Nibs saw Tina look at her and she then asked, “You ok Nibs?”
“Yes,” she replied quietly so not to let other’s know about it, “I think I must be just coming down off
the high, you have had far more experience than I have. That was my first time in live fire combat.”
“True we have,” replied Sandra to her statement and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
Darla looked and semi ran over to the girl in the door to the kitchenette and threw her arms around the
girl and gave her a hug. “Misty.” Nibs saw Darla’s face which just possesed a big smile.
“Hey.” Misty also wore a smile on her face as well. “Darla. What the hell are you doing here?”
“I am a Gangrel and member of the Bitch Vixens Unit, which happens to be everyone I arrived with.”
Misty just stared at Darla. “Where you a member when me and you were dating?”
“Yes I was, that is was the reason why I was sometimes not around for ages at a time.”
“Bloody Hell.” Misty gently shook her head at the information. “You should have told me I would
have joined you lot and helped you kick some gang arse. Yes, drinks, what’s everyone having?”
The drink orders were given and they all found seats, either on the other sofas cushions or the bean
bags. After a couple of minutes both Darla and Misty passed out the drinks.
“The kitchen is there. We have coffee, tea, squash, some booze in the fridge. We do not stand on
formalities, if you want a drink, get one and anyone else who wants one too,” said Misty.
“Some introductions are in order I think,” said Paul after sipping his coffee.
“Yes you are right,” responded Misty. “I think it’s easier if each of us tells you who we are.”
“Hello, I am Bee, the units computer and communications expert.” She had short dark brown hair,
round face and green eyes; she also had a small amount of obvious CyberWear, it lay just beneath the skin
and was visible around her eyes and running down the sides of her neck. She wore a pair of cut-off trousers
and a Sports bra-cum-top.
“Watch yah. I am Angelique,” said the blond-haired girl who had met them downstairs. She waved at
the group and took another sip of her drink which looked very similar to juice.
The other girl from downstairs said, “Hello I am Rachel, I am the team’s weapons expert.”
The last girl, with long silver-white plaited hair that stretched to her knees, she was also dressed like
Bee, said, “Hello all, I am known as Gretz and I am a jack of all trades.”
Misty wore a green stringy top and dark red velvet trousers, and sat down on one of the two available
Gary introduced the friends to all the Raiders and got a massive Hi from all present.
Angelique sat opposite Nibs and Sandra, and saw her face was one, asking, are you or are you not? She
then said, “It is nice to see someone brave enough to say feck off to the planet and be who they are and not
what society expects.”
“I agree.” Misty looked at her and also smiled and nodded her approval.
“That is a point, you heard the news, some creature was rampaging through a tower block, earlier, and
we saw the setup for some serious operation,” said Sandra.
“Shit, no. Switch the LPD on someone,” said Misty as her hand went for the remote on the table and
she changed the channel to Digital News.
The LPD was put on and soon displayed Digital News, one of the main international news channels. It
was covering the exact story from both a copter and ground crews, on the screen was one of the ground
reporters who was lucky enough to be inside the perimeter and inside one of the command vehicles. He was
reporting on the deployment of four power-armour equipped ET Security Tactical Response Troops into the
target building. He operated a shoulder mounted video camera and watched the various screens which were
displaying the viewpoint of the four troopers as they entered the building. At that point it was cut back to the
anchorman in the studio. “Bill, what is it like on the streets?”
“Pandemonium at the mo, Security forces is engaging a small well-armed group of fanatics that look as
if they where following something related to the creature. It looks like the Security forces are beginning to
get the upper hand with the arrival of two Applom Gunships from ET Special Security.” A loud explosion
took place as a pair of rockets hit one of the enemy strong-points and destroyed it.
Nibs thought ‘What the Fuck? A bit excessive sending in an Applom Gunships.’
The screen went back to show the studio, displayed along the bottom of the screen was a breaking news
line which read, ‘A mini mall was involved in a armed robbery and explosion’. The anchorman said, “In a
breaking news story from Grand South District. Earlier this evening a mini-mall was involved in a hold up.
The robbers destroyed it with when a grenade exploded killing seven including the manager and injuring
four. The group responsible have already been arrested by ET Security forces after a local group of civilians
made some citizen arrests. No others are being sought in connection, but a group of youths reported as
assisting in the citizens’ arrests have been asked to contact the nearest ET Security base so their part in the
incident can be learned and ruled out of further investigations.”
“Oh well, at least we still have some good citizens,” said Bee in response to the story.
“Why thank you Bee,” said Sandra.
“What?” Bee looked quizzically at Sandra.
“Thank you for your comment; we are the group who they are talking about.”
“Oh. Ok,” said Gretz. Her eyes opened widely in surprise. “What happened?”
The four girls told Misty’s raiders the events that transpired that evening.
“I am impressed.” Misty’s face being one of being impressed with the operation and outcome.
“Down to business before we chill and enjoy ourselves I think,” suggested Bee looked around the room
at everyone.
“Before we came here we spent this afternoon trying to work out who would want to either stop
Narizzan from delivering the rifle, or to somehow get a copy of it for reverse engineering. We were turning
up empty on all fronts,” Nibs said looking directly at Misty.
“That does not surprise me, if the information we have is correct, Narizzan is owned via three other
companies all of which are under the control of The Dark Brotherhood,” replied Misty whilst looking at her.
She looked very concerned at this piece of information, as from the few reports she read on BlackNet,
said that the Dark Brotherhood were a group not to be messed with.
“From what my group have been able to learn, the rifle incorporates some seriously advanced systems
that somehow change the bullet into a ball of plasma and accelerates it to speeds in the realm of 1500ft/s.”
“Fecking hell!” Paul looked very concerned at this news.
“Yes I think so.” Misty looked at where Paul sat, she then looked back at the rest of the Vixens. “I do
not know how much you guys know about the target site.”
“A little, Nibs and Sandra went and took a lot of photos of the site.” Gary smiled whilst he looked at
She noticed this and smiled ‘Thank you’ in reply. She then looked back at Misty. “Yes, 10gigs worth of
high quality images and video.”
“Have you got it here?” asked Bee who then stood up and turned towards the door way.
She checked her pockets for the two memory cards. “Yes I have.” She showed the two memory cards.
“That is useful,” responded Bee as she disappeared out of the door.
“How much do you know about our mission?” asked Angelique who was looking at where Tina and
Abs sat.
“Not much other than you been employed to destroy a lab or something,” replied Sandra.
“Yes we have, the lab is conducting research into some form of bio-weapon.” Misty also looked at
where Tina and Abs were sitting. “The weapon is very advanced and involves some very advanced genetic
After a bit of a pause while drinks were sipped, Misty continued, “From what we have been able to
learn about the site the weapon is stored in a vault on the third floor in the head of R&D’s office, and is
protected by a couple of enhanced attack dogs.”

For a couple of hours they brain-stormed and looked at the pictures.

“I think it’s time you saw the facilities we have here,” said Misty. “I take it Nibs you know about
computers and electronics?”
“Yes,” she responded.
“Follow me,” said Bee. Both Bee and Misty got up and turned towards the door.
“Nibs is not the only one good at electronics and computers,” said Tina.
“Sorry,” said Bee.
“No worries,” responded Tina.
“Angelique, show the others the rest of the apartments on this level.” Misty stood and led Nibs and
Tina out of the door.
“Ok Misty,” responded Angelique.
Tina and Nibs followed Misty and Bee into Apartment 3. They entered the main living room and saw
Bee stepping on to a raised pedestal to sit in a laid back chair. Above the chair sat a collection of some
advanced looking electronics.
Nibs looked at it and quizzically asked, “Neural feed?”
“Not quite,” replied Bee as she picked up a small fibre optic cable and slipped it into a port just under
her right ear.
“Neural induction,” replied Misty. “Very advanced.”
Bee then picked up a strange looking item from a shelf behind where the head rested. She placed it on
her head and then moved it around slightly as if settling it.
It looked like a fashion item that one of the new rich would wear. It consisted on three prongs, one
running down both sides of the head and over the top in the centre. Suddenly surrounding Bee appeared a
holographic representation of a control system.
“The entire chair, the three interlinked dual processor boards over there, and the 4048terra gigs of
active storage are connected to a full NetDeck suite along with a few non-released pieces of software from
some very good friends of mine,” replied Misty who stood behind a large desk with what looked like to her, a
Net Interface Control Centre. On the desk were seven monitors and five extra computers and various other
pieces of equipment most of it was off. “You ready yet dear?”
“Yes now.”
After a couple of seconds of quiet as the software executed the various functions it needed to do before
a person went active NetRiding. Flashing up the screen were a stream of very fast characters.

Tina who stood with Misty was looking at the screen and as the words, commands and parimeters
scrolled up the screen. She was in shock as her eyes were actually reading the words as they flew up the
screen, but her brain was working fast enough to actually understand them. She had no idea as to what they
meant, but she knew what each one was. After a few seconds she looked away and blinked a few times and
then looked at Bee as she was also looking at the list of commands.

Nibs walked so she could see the computers and monitors and saw the screen Misty was looking at was
displaying a small room with an open doorway. “Net access opened, integrating digital subprograms,
analogue-to-digital conversion of baseline thought processes,” said Misty and she paused for a few and as the
screen started to display items again. Misty continued to read from the monitor. “Initializing graphics.” The
holographic changed to that of the room and stood in the middle was a figure that walked towards the exit.
Misty turned to where Tina and she were standing watching the various operations and actions. “The
head gear Bee is wearing is a neural induction helmet. As Bee thinks about walking she sees herself walking,
even though she is sitting in the chair. The fibre optic cable is so the system can monitor Bee’s health and
also provide system information directly to the user’s optic nerves.”
“Bloody hell!” Nibs said and turned to face Misty, her face was one of utter shock. “A couple of the
Tech Journals I get have said that this type of control was decades away.”
“Not if you know the right people Nibs,” said Misty. She smiled and turned back to look at Bee in the
middle of the room.
Bee said from the rig, “What attack programs have I got loaded?”
“Standard Combat Alpha,” replied Misty.
“Load Close Zulo Misty,” requested Bee.
“No problem,” replied Misty and typed a few keys on the keyboard and on the screen was displayed the
current actions. When the data files were loaded Misty said, “It’s loaded.”
Then Bee raised her finger, pressed some unseen thing and a menu appeared. She then scrolled down it
until she reached the entries for motorbike and one appeared next to her, she climbed on and drove away.
After a few minutes she arrived at the area she wanted to go.
“Nibs, Tina. Do you see the doors on the front of the buildings?” asked Bee.
“Yes we can, Bee,” Nibs replied.
“They are the entryways to different net hubs; inside the single door are lots of doors, some open, some
closed, where the owners of the computers or networks access the net from. The big tower blocks normally
indicate Corporate Hubs.”
“Right,” she responded. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Tina nod in reply as well.
The scene that was displayed looked like a busy street with cars, people and various items moving
“Here we are,” said Bee whilst she was standing in front of a 10-storey building. “Drop off the system
clone Misty.”
“Will do Bee,” replied Misty and after a few seconds of very quiet noise, an exact duplicate of Bee
appeared; which walked into the building, the screen, Misty was looking at, split in two. On one side was the
original, the other - the clone. The clone’s image reduced to a small window in the top left corner. In the
main screen Bee climbed back on to her bike again and headed off down the street. Very soon she pulled up
outside a tall office block, went down the alleyway and approached a small door in the alleyway, which she
opened and walked in through. Misty then said as Bee was entering a room. “Our backdoor into Narrizan
Inc.” After entering a small room, she accessed the personnel name files for all the people who worked in the
After a few minutes of information flashing up the screen as Bee read the pile of personnel files, Bee
left the building. Outside after closing the door she then dropped the menu down and pressed the very top
item and the holographic display disappeared and Bee removed the helmet and then pulled the fibre-optic
cable from her neck.
“That was a good run, is the clone still running Misty?”
After checking the screens, “Yes it is Bee. It looks like the program worked.”

Sandra and the rest of the group followed Angelique, Rachel and Gretz as they showed the group the
armoury and training facilities they used. It was impressive coupled with the fact that they had an active
firing range and combat house.
“Anyone want to have a go?” asked Angelique.
“Me!!” both Paul and her said together.
“Grab a couple of weapons and load up on magazines and grenades and follow me, the rest of you go
in to the firing range and watch the fun on the monitors.”
“All the targets are cardboard and none of the active weapons are armed,” said Angelique said staring
at Grezt.
“I will make sure now.” Staring back then she disappeared into the house.
“Ok you two, have you seen the show Echo Tactical?” asked Angelique.
“Yes we have,” answered Paul.
“Treat it like the hostage rescue. Kick door, grenade, and then in and shoot. One high, one low.”
The pair nodded enthusiastically.
“Right then, let us play.”
Both of them loaded up with a HK10SD each and 9mm high-powered pistol, eight magazines for the
HK10, four for the pistol, and 6 flash-bang grenades each. They both put on active goggles and combat
helmets. Angelique went behind them both and plugged the camera and communications into the digital
“You guys got the pictures and sound?” shouted Angelique.
“Yes we have,” came back the reply.
“Good, let us play.”
As both of them walked up to the door and prepared to go in, Paul took one of the flash bangs out and
read the fuse length, which read 5 seconds. He moved to stand to one side, she stood facing the door. He
brought the flash bang up and pulled the pin and said, “Three seconds on my mark sis.”
“Done bro.” she responded. He released the safety catch and when Sandra counted three seconds she
brought her boot up and banged the door open she then flattened herself against the opposite wall.
As the door opened he sent the flash bang in and as travelled in the air it detonated. The second the
flash bang went off, the pair span around the frame with him standing and Sandra knelt down. She shot
twice, hitting both the armed targets followed up by four more from his HK10. After they secured that room
they went to the next door and reversed the actions. He kicked the door and Sandra sent the flash bang in.
After completing the course they both came out, and they had evil smiles on their faces and were very
happy. Waiting outside the door were everyone, and they all wore smiles.
“Enjoy that?” asked Angelique.
“Yes, loved it,” they both said.
“I think you may be back here a lot practising. The house is fully equipped with battle-ready target
“That sounds great.”
At that Misty, Nibs, Tina and Bee walked out of the high tech lab, “I think it is a go, so meet back here
in a couple of weeks and we will start to plan the raid, I think it could be successful” said Misty.
“Yes,” responded the group, and all of them traipsed back into the living room of the main apartment,
and spent the rest of the evening getting to know the other team and enjoying the company of fellow street

When the guys had arrived back at Homebase, Darla and the twins unfolded the sofa bed and Gary got
cushions out of chairs and set them up as his bed. Nibs grabbed the tablet and took it with her to the
bedroom. The others all wandered to their rooms.
After a short while, Abs knocked on Sandra’s door and asked, “You two awake?”
“Yes we are,” Nibs replied, “Come in you two.”
After Abs and Tina quietly walked in, Abs asked her, “How did you know it was the two of us and not
just me?”
“I heard you two whispering in the corridor about not waking Paul, Gary, Darla and the twins up.”
“Ok, but how did you hear us through a closed door?” responded Tina.
“I have no idea,” she said, “but both I and Sandra want to tell about some changes in the two of us.”
“And we two want to tell you about some things we have been suffering from,” said Abs.
“Ok,” said Sandra. “You first.”
The pair sat on the two easy chairs which they dragged over to the where the pair sat on the bed.
“Ok,” said Abs. “It started a few months ago, my vision has gotten far superior than it used to be. I can
see things clearly at far greater distance; my hearing has also gotten far better. I could hear Paul, Gary and
Darla talking during the takedown, and I could hear a couple of security officers talking earlier,” said Abs.
“I am getting similar things happen to me,” said Tina.
“I overheard the female figure from the first stop talking to that controller, I know what escaped and
they where trying to contain it,” said Sandra.
“What was it?” asked Abs.
“It is one of these,” Nibs said and showed everyone what an artist’s impression of a conservator looked
like. “It looks like someone had been able to draw one from memory.” She then scrolled the screen and
slightly further down appeared one in what looked like full combat flow.
“Hell. That thing looks nasty,” said Sandra.
“From the write up it is nasty, four arms, tail, mouth, claws, plus skin that is like natural armour, and it
is supposed to be able to withstand a full burst from a heavy rail gun. This may also be of interest as well, I
have the full specs of the assault rifle. It is far nastier than even Misty said.”
“What Misty described weren’t bloody nice,” said Tina.
“Yes I know,” she said. “When Misty said it was a plasma weapon, I remember seeing some posts
about a weapon that was stolen from the Academy, a secretive research centre that only does research for
street ghosts and street ghost teams. Its weapons and equipment are far superior to what is available on open
market.” She paused to accept the cambar cigarette Sandra had been smoking. “The weapon is a plasma
assault rifle; it’s quite capable of cutting through nearly all current body armour and quite likely the armour
of Darra Von’s military vehicles. To give you some idea of the technology available to some street ghost
teams, Black Light coating for armour, armour quite capable of surviving a burst from an MA series
“Feck!” exclaimed Tina, Abs and Sandra together.
“And from what you have described to me it sounds like we are all, all four of us, undergoing the adept
transformation. The one thing which is strange there is none of the usual side-effects though, the increased
breathing, very fast reactions all the time. It looks as if we have a way of controlling it. I have been feeling
similar things to all of you, improved hearing and such, how far it will go, I have no idea,” she said, “I
studied adepts eight months ago. A couple of people, not street ghosts I may add, asked me to look into
adepts to see what had already been done in the way of research. I think with the aim of producing a paper or
similar into weather or not the Adept Transformation could be cured or if they could stave off the burnout
that all adepts seem to suffer from after six to seven years.”
“I know the research you are talking about,” said Tina, “I wrote a general studies essay on adepts and
the lives they lead.”
“Not nice is it?” she asked.
“No,” responded Tina.
“I think we keep this a secret from everyone else until we know what is happening to us far better. I
have netmailed Tiamus and have asked if he would meet me, at least to discuss some of these things.”
Tina said, “Nibs, earlier at Misty’s you were not on a come down. I have been in enough combats to
know that was not a comedown.”
“No it was not, I have a phobia of snakes and the one at Misty’s freaked me a bit.”
“Good,” responded Sandra, “I thought it was serious.”
“Depends on how serious you think a phobia is after being bitten by a Spinnayan Ridgehead.”
“You are kidding,” said Abs as she passed Abs the cambar cigarette.
“No I am not, I was out learning how to survive with a couple of friends, one reared up and bit me in
the leg. Thankfully the adult with us, Nimbo, had a dose of anti-venom. Then a few weeks later a tree snake
falls on me and hisses right in my ear and I freak. Thankfully due to other friends I made on my journeys I
am able to control it when one is in captivity and I can see the case.”
Abs and Tina both left and Sandra and her lay down to sleep. After a few minutes Sandra fell asleep,
she got up and took the tablet off standby and connected to the net. She knew that her netmail would bring a
response very quickly from Tiamus. It did, on the screen flashed the messenger window, ‘Hi you, how can
I help you?’ was displayed, Nibs typed a return, ‘Voice??’ Tiamus replied, ‘yes’ and switched on the
voice system and plugged the microphone and earpiece into the tablet so not to wake Sandra.
“Hi Nibs,” said Tiamus.
“Hi to you too.”
“I still remember the conversations we had when I was researching things for Damien, how much of
what we talked about is true?”
“All of it,” said Tiamus. “The rumours about the Academy being a research centre is partly true; it is a
school for the best of the best Street Ghosts. You Nibs have been selected to attend. What I am going to tell
you now must not go any further.”
“One problem, Sandra my life partner overheard a lieutenant taking to a controller in a van at an
incident earlier this evening; we know ET Security was trying to destroy a Conservator.”
The link went quiet; Tiamus said “Feck,” he paused, “How much you planning on telling everyone
“Abs and Tina also know, and they have been suffering from what I think may be the first signs of
Adept transformation, except without the normal side effects of increased energy burn.”
“How far do you think it has progressed?”
“Improved vision, hearing in Abs, Tina, and Sandra, my reaction times are improving, drastically. I am
almost seeing things as they happen, and reacting to it as well.”
“We need to meet, me, you, Sandra, Abs, and Tina. I have some things that you must hear, and I will
leave it up to you how much you tell the rest of the group.” Tiamus paused. “I am not exactly free until the
night of Ulleam 17th Auar. I am currently training for a major street fight with Surabon.”
“17th Auar, that is my birthday. Where’s the fight going to happen?”
“Club Millana in Bariskin District,” responded Tiamus
“I will see you then. Chat to you soon Tiamus.”
“It is not Tiamus; I use that name it competing; you likely already know me, I am Richard Chancer
from the Raiders. I hope to see you that evening, I will let the bouncers know you and your friends will be
coming, just go to the main door and say you are guests of Richard Chancer and they will let you through.
Chat to you soon Nibs, and be careful.”
Nibs just sat back in surprise that from even before meeting Richard C, she knew Richard C and was a
big fan of his.
Chapter 14

20th Juwar
The morning after the trip to Misty’s, Nibs woke early, mind you, she did not exactly sleep either. She
spent most of the evening thinking about things she was told by Richard C, from what research she had done
after Sandra had fallen asleep and the chat to Richard. ‘How much of what we discussed during Nick’s time
with the Raiders was true, Richard said all of it, was Richard preparing her for something back then? Is the
fact I have been selected to attend the Academy mean the rest of the Vixens are going. I am not going
anywhere with out Sandra.’ She got up and a half-smoked a cambar cigrette, sat on the edge of the bedside
table. ‘My head is spinning and the head ache,’ “Fecking hell, would someone stop the jackhammer” she
whispered to no one. Then she did move she did it with purpose, she wanted to see the area, sightsee, but not
the tourist sights. If she would be living here for a while she wanted to know where she lived, and the only
way to do that was to hit the pavements and walk, and very soon she would be able to use a bike of some
kind, but today she wanted to know where she lived.
She then spent the next thirty minutes getting ready for the day. She put on a pair of nightcamo combat
pants, black tight top, her leather jacket, which still needed to be embroidered with her symbol, the Black
Fairy. She picked up her shoulder holster and made sure her pistol had a full magazine and four spare ones
too. She debated whether or not to carry the HK, but decided against it, she opted for her two short staffs,
given to her by Jum-Fu when she had left Jarrzar. Her short staves and cross were the only two gifts she did
keept, all the others she left behind or given to people who would take care of them. The last two items she
grabbed was her PDU, which she took from its charger on her bedside table, and Sandra’s keys, which would
mean she could lock up.
Just as she closed the bedroom door she heard Tina wake. She then realised Tina would be moving
towards the kitchen very soon. She stepped down the hallway carrying her boots; she would put them on
when she closed the back door. She also hoped that Tina would not realise someone was leaving. She closed
the backdoor just as the door to Tina and Abs’ room opened. When she heard the door to the living room
close she slid the key in and locked the backdoor. She then put her boots on, turned and walked down the
side of the house and up onto the minor road that run in front of the house.
She realised that this exploration would be different, as she knew she would probably not be moving
again for a long while, but it also would tell her the quick escape routes should things get hairy at times. She
took out her PDU, opened the local area map pages, found the house and zoomed out one level; from this
level she saw turning left would be an interesting direction to go.
She started a brisk walk across the street towards the main road. As she approached the main road one
of the two older youths she saw yesterday when leaving for Misty’s came out of her front door and called,
“Hang on.”
She stopped and waited for her to catch up.
“Hello,” she said when she caught up, “I am Amy, you are?”
“Nibola Calton, Nibs to my friends.”
“Hello Nibs,” and after a short pause, “I remember you now, both me and my brother Bill saw you
yesterday riding pillion with Sandra.”
“Yes you did.”
From what she could see the clothes were similar to the ones Nick wore, non descript and the sheer fact
she carried a rucksack she looked like she was going to school. “You off to school?”
“Yes, one of the City-run dumps. I wish Sam, my stepmother, had not disappeared. We lost her
income; she was a PA for a Rotork VP, which paid for me to attend the Rotork Academy.”
“Any idea why she left?”
“No, none. Duggie, my dad, does his best but it is not enough some weeks. Bill, my older brother, run’s
errands for the dealers on the corner over there, so we can get some food on the table some days. I know one
of the regulars wants to get in to my knickers.”
“Bad luck on the Sam issue. You got an up-to-date photo I could borrow. I will put the picture up on a
few missing person galleries I know of.” She looked more closely at her face and read the expression and
manner as one of being depressed with things. She did also wonder if the high school she attended did not
help matters.
“Thank you, the Vixens are some of the best and nicest people I know.”
“Thank you. Hey does Bill attend school?”
“Yes, if he can be bothered to.”
The pair of them started to walk towards the corner; Nibs stopped and looked up and down the main
road, “Just thinking where I am going to go.”
“I am going towards the fuel-station on SR827.”
“Ok,” she replied and joined Amy as she walked slowly in the direction of the fuel-station. When the
pair reached the first secondary road junction on the opposite side, the pair crossed the main road.
“How come I have not seen you with the Vixens before yesterday evening?”
“I only joined the Vixens last Frodar.”
“Oh that party they had, both me and Bill had been invited but Bill was out delivering some drugs, and
I did not feel like socialising.”
As the pair walked down the secondary road the type of building changed from the wood facia single
storey buildings like the one the Vixen’ lived in to at least two storey brick built semi-detached, and the odd
single one on its own, town houses. Most had underhouse garages a few had an old car or in most cases car
wrecks, not much good for much other than spare parts. In some places the small gardens that families tried
to cultivate looked pretty nice.
“Not to worry, many more parties to be had.”
She offered Amy the cambar cigarette she had been smoking, “I had better warn you it is pure.”
“Hell why not,” Amy said and stopped and sat on a low wall and started to cry. She sat beside her and
wrapped her arm around her so to comfort her.
“What is wrong, Amy?” she said in a soothing tone.
“I hate going to school just because of where I live, right next door to one of the major drug dealers in
the area. I get picked on, mostly name-calling and such. Most of the school thinks I am one of his whores, as
he owns nearly all of the neighbourhood, only my home and where you are living are free of his clutches, bar
Bill. I keep being asked to get a free sample.” The tears were still streaming down her face.
“Tell you what. I will pop to the school one lunchtime and we will see how the bullies handle someone
like me.”
“Would you do that for me?”
“Yes, I was also the target for bullies at school. That was until I had finished my exams. Pay back is a
“You, bullied, no way?”
“Yes, anyway you have a bus to catch. If you have any academic problems pop over and I’ll see if I
and the Vixens can help you. I was a straight-A student in a few of my subjects, History and Chemistry being
“Thank you,” Amy said and the two of them started to walk again. They reached the fuel-station, as the
school bus just pulling up.
“Hey next time they give you shit tell me.”
“I will, thank you again.”
She just smiled and started walking again. She turned down the secondary road that ran beside the
fuel-station, then right and walked into a convenience store to buy something to eat.
She walked up to the cold-cabinet and chose a sausage roll. At the counter she paid for it and left the
shop. After leaving the shop she continued on her walk and turned left at the next secondary road junction
and walked along that road.
About halfway through her intended walk, she turned a corner and found herself in a cul-de-sac, at the
end of which sat a large building. It looked like a traditional place of worship, it possessed a small spire
sticking from the roof at the front. She had seen a few on her world travels and read about similar places in
religious studies and history, but never seen one up close, she heard singing from the open doors.
She thought, ‘That is beautiful singing,’ and decided to take a look inside. She opened the inner doors
quietly, crept in and found a chair at the back, and just listened to the music, singing and the last thirty
minutes of the service.
At the end of the service, as she got up and leave, she caught sight of Abbey also sat at the back. Abbey
wore a pair of baggies and a plain black short-sleeved top, other than that she looked very much like normal
person, not the Gangrel she portrayed in school. She got up and went through the door where most of the
people went through. She wandered over, peered though and saw the people who had been sat in the main
hall chatting over drinks and biscuits. She saw Abbey standing in the corner, chatting with the person who
been standing up the front leading the service. She entered the smaller hall, wandered over to Abbey and
said, “Boo,” in her ear.
“Oh, hello,” Abbey said startled, after calming down, she continued, “Hello Nibs, did not expect to see
you here?”
“No I was out walking the area and heard the singing and music and got drawn to listen.”
“Pastor, allow me to introduce Nibs. Nibs, our pastor Dyane Marttan.”
“It’s a pleasure meeting you, Nibs,” said Dyane to her. “But I shall leave you and your friend to chat,”
and the pastor nodded at her and walked away.
“You want a drink Nibs?” asked Abbey.
“Yes, ok,” she responded and followed Abbey to the hatch where the teas where being served. The
hall was light and airy with about fifteen people stood and sat chatting away. After getting a coffee, Abbey
and her turned and went to where the mily, sugar and biscuits were, sorting out the sweetness and colours of
coffee they wanted. Then they both wandered outside via the side door to the hall where Abbey lit a roll-up
“What are you doing here really, Nibs?” Abbey asked.
“Honestly, I was out walking the neighbourhood and turned into this street to see if it had an alleyway
and heard the singing and music.”
“Ok, I only ask as I think I am the only Gangrel who attends a Chribian-based church. I know Tina and
Paul are both Pagano in outlook. I did think that was the outlook for most of the Vixens.” Abbey took a drag
and then took a mouthful of coffee.
“Not me. I follow the Ajarn and that area’s faiths more than the local ones, but I am always up for
learning more about the planet’s faiths.”
“Arh, so you are open to all faiths?”
“Yes in a way. I feel it is a part of my journey to learn, combine and understand all faiths.”
“Interesting,” responded Abbey as they were joined by another member of the congregation
“Hello Abbey, who is your friend?”
“Hello Alan, this is Nibs, someone who is walking the route of the explorer.”
“Right,” Alan said and smiled.
“I think I had better get going,” she said and started to walk towards the front of the church.
“Hang on Nibs, can you pass a message to the Vixens from the Himens.”
“Yes, no worries.”
“The Aces assaulted Himens' homebase yesterday evening, Tymean asked that I contact all Gangrel
units and tell them. Tymean maybe petitioning Central over the assault, as it came during the rush-hour and
there could have been civilian casualties. Thankfully very little damage was caused and no casualties were
reported. It also looked like the Aces were using live ammo from the MGs mounted on their pickups.”
“Tell Tymean that I will let the Vixens know,” she said in response to Abbey’s statement about the
“Personally I think Tymean needs to declare a War zone on the Aces to finish this feud once and for
all,” Abbey said.
“Ok,” she said and turned back toward the front of the church so she could start her walk back home.
She left the church, walked back down the minor road, turned left, then left again at the main road
junction and continued up it, looking around at the various places. Most looked run-down but, a few did look
cared for. She crossed the road and walked a short distance to a footpath, turned on to it, and walked to a
local piece of open land. She headed for a bench seat nearest the route in and sat down so she could relax in
the morning sun.
Thoughts kept whizzing through her mind, always coming back to the same few, the ones from this
morning when she got up. A new one started to come to the fore as well, it was of an old woman in her 70s,
and ‘Nick’ was walking through a Bazaar in native section of Baraish, Ne-U-Bar. She looked as being chased
by a couple of people, ‘What did she say to me?’ She tried to re-call the words. Her edetic memory for
conversations was excellent but she did need a reference point. ‘Got it,’ she thought. ‘That I was someone
very important to the future, and that I had special gifts that would allow me to truly fight the evil that was
coming. Why did those two guys ask me what she had said and told me to wait for them to return.’
After sitting and relaxing in the park for about thirty minutes, she got up and continued up the footpath
towards the main road, where she crossed it and walked up another minor road; which contained similar
housing to the ones on the street where Homebase sat. At the other end she turned left and walked down the
secondary road towards the road with Homebase on.
After turning the last but one corner before she would be back on home street, she bumped into Andres
Cutters, someone she knew from the work she did with the Cameron Raiders.
“Andres. What are you doing here?” she asked
“Do I know you?” replied Andres looking somewhat startled by the person standing in front of him.
“Yes you do, its researcher Nick.”
“Hello Nick??” He looked puzzled at Nibs.
“No, it is now Nibola Calton or Nibs.”
“Ok, sorry, I am reconning that building.” He pointed out the office block slightly down the street on
the other side of the road.
“What for?” she asked
“A raid. My current team has information that an ex-associate of the team’s leader is trading in illegal
goods and services.”
“Like?” she asked as she saw a group of people get out of a mini-bus and walk towards the front door.
The door opened after a couple of seconds wait
“Not sure personally, it looks like it may include slaves and illegal cybernetics, possible bionetics as
“Oh, not good.”
“No, not good.”
“I shall leave you to your intelligence gathering,” she said.
“Thank you, chat to you soon Nick, sorry Nibs,”
“That is better, yes chat to you soon.”
When she got back, she entered the house via the front door and saw she been out for three hours.
“Bloody hell,” she said, “Three hours I only wanted to be out an hour.”
“Where you been then?” asked Tina as she looked up from looking at some web news story on some
illegal biotech that was being sold to unsuspecting people.
“Out having a walk exploring the area,” she responded. She wandered over to where she left her laptop
on charge last night, picked it up and pressed the power button which brought the laptop out of hibernation.
She put the laptop down on the breakfast bar.
“I hope you do not mind I borrow your tablet from your room?” asked Tina.
“No hun, just be careful as it is the only place I have some project work.”
“Ok, I will be. I am only looking at news stories from one of the street news services. After last night’s
chat, when I woke up I came out here and felt the urge to pick it up and start to look at the wider planet,
rather than the one the main stream papers fill us with,” said Tina, she took a sip of coffee
“Which one you looking at, some are better than others?”
Abs wandered in wearing her coveralls and went straight out the front door which she hooked open.

Sandra very soon walked out of the corridor, very much awake and ready for doing something. What,
she did not know. “Where did you go babe?” she asked Nibs when she saw her sitting at the breakfast bar.
“Out exploring hun. I bumped into Abbey at a local Chribian church,” replied Nibs. “She asked me to
pass on a message to you guys,” and Nibs then went on to tell Sandra and Tina what Abbey told her.
“Shit,” she said, “I hope he doesn’t before the last game of the season, Tymean is a little hot headed at
“What?” asked Abs.
“Hello hun,” responded Tina and quickly filled Abs in on what they where talking about.

Nibs opened NetViewer on the laptop, logged into her NetMail account and checked her netmails. She
saw that she the inbox listed three new netmails; one from Jum, one from Wong and a spam message. She
opened the one from Jum –
`It has been a while. Both me and Wong had thought you had forgotten the two of us.
How are things, still travelling the planet or has your parents stopped????
Both of us are normally online if we not working.
Chat to you very soon both us hope.

The email from Wong was similar, but she added I hope you have found a partner?
She looked at the reply addresses for both the netmails and saw they came from a BlackNet account
which showed that they both had messenger logged in.
“Tina, can I have the tablet please?” she asked.
“Yes, no problems,” replied Tina, and passed the tablet to her. After passing the laptop back to Tina,
she opened the control panel, selected language options, and changed the input system to Jarrzarian. She
moved and sat in front of the fireplace, opened her ghost messenger and started a conference. She then
invited both Jum and Wong to the conference room. They both accepted and displayed was, ‘Hi Nibs??’
She inputted, ‘LOL you 2, its Nick,’ then after a short pause she continued to scribe, ‘I have changed
since I left Jarrzar. I no longer go by that name, I go by the name Nibola Calton or Nibs for short.’
‘Nibola Nibs Calton,’ replied Jum. ‘Interesting name, have you gone full-time by some chance?’
‘Yes,’ she sent back. Sandra knelt behind her arm and took a look at the tablet screen.
“Native Jarrzarian?” asked Sandra.
“Yes hun,” she replied. “At some point I will teach you the basics.”
She then sent, ‘How good is your basic?’
Both of them sent back, ‘Not too bad, why?’
‘I have friends here who do not read Jarrzarian.’
‘Ok,’ came back as the reply.
She then put the input system back to basic and sent, ‘That is better.’
Wong sent, ‘Who is with you then?’
‘My partner Sandra is currently reading the screen as we chat.’
‘Ah,’ came the reply.
‘She says hello,’ she entered, ‘As do the rest of the Vixens.’
‘Say hello back,’ entered Wong.
‘How are things over there?’ she scribed.
‘Could be better, the corps are hurting a lot of people with price rises.’
‘Very much like here except they ride roughshod over people’s rights as well.’ At this comment Sandra
smiled and kissed her on the forehead.
‘I hope someone or a group are going to take the fight to the corps soon,’ sent Jum, ‘As it will not be
long before they all but run the countries of the planet.’
Nibs typed the reply, ‘It would cost them too much of their profit margin to actually run the countries
for the time being, Naban has been taken over by Rotork Theaban. I think a lot of corporations will see how
things pan out with them.’
‘That is true,’ replied Wong.
‘Sod the talk about corps and governments, u planning on visiting us here in Jarrzar soon. I know a few
of the people you met at the party would not mind seeing you again and saying hello,’ sent Jum.
‘At some point I will,’ she replied, ‘I have no idea when though. Is it possible for you to send me the
legend of Samr?’
‘Yes no probs, we’ll email you it tomorrow sometime.’
After another twenty minutes of catching up with Jum and Wong, they both were tired and needed to
get some sleep as the last few days had been stressful.
She put the tablet on standby and placed it on the coffee-table. She then headed to get changed into
some clothes she could get dirty with oil and grease. After changing she headed outside to join Abs working
on her bike.
When she walked out she could see Abs had removed the fuel-tank and had the main drive-chain off
the rear wheel. She was about to remove the gearbox cover so she could free the chain, which would allow
her to remove the engine proper. She could see the timing chain casing was off from her attack on it on
Torbar morning.
“You out here to help Nibs?” asked Abs.
“Yes I am,” she replied.
“Good. Go and get me the hoist from inside the garage.”
“Ok,” she said with a smile, turned and went into the garage. It followed the outside walls of the house.
To the right as she walked in was an area marked off by black heavy sheeting, she realised that was the
growing area. In the main area hung on the back wall were tool racks, some of the tools were missing, she
realised that they were the tools Abs used outside. Parked to the left were Sandra’s, Paul’s and Tina’s bikes,
Just behind them were large floor-standing metal cupboards, all of them had stout heavy locks, locking the
doors closed. She guessed that they contained the Vixen’s firearms. Located next to a large worktable sat the
hoist Abs wanted.
She wheeled it out to the driveway and lowered the two slings, making sure that it would not roll. She
then fixed the slings to the engine block as Abs removed the locking nut of the chain sprocket. Abs worked a
screwdriver behind the cog and levered it off, until it dropped away and went clang on the tarmac. Abs
unbolted the two bolts from her side and passed the tool to her so she could remove the one bolt on her side
and the bolt at the rear of the engine.

Abs went into the garage and took, from a rack hung from the ceiling, a flat trolley, which she placed
on the opposite side to Nibs and the hoist. “Lift the engine up a couple of inches so I can swing it out and
then lower it to the trolley.”

“Ok,” Nibs replied and operated the winch mechanism which lifted the engine three inches, allowing
Abs the room to pull the engine out, as the engine swung out she released the tension until it sat on the
trolley. At this point Abs smiled and removed the slings. As Abs pushed the engine into the workshop, she
followed pushing the hoist.
When the hoist sat beside the large workbench Abs released the hoist mechanism and placed the
webbing under the trolley, she then re-hooked the webbing to the hoist’s hook. “Can you lift the entire thing
to the table and make sure the wheels are in the holes.”
“Yes,” she responded seeing the four holes in the bench top. She operated the hoist, and began to lift
the entire thing, engine and trolley. When it sat high enough she swung the whole thing around and lowered
it so the trolley’s wheels were in the four holes.

Abs went outside and gathered the tools she used to remove the engine from the frame and placed them
on top of a large metal tool box which she wheeled over to the bench and opened the third draw. She
removed a clamp tool which she placed on the top of the engine and locked the sprocket that operated the
cams in place.

“Why the clamp?” she asked.

“I hope it is going save on recalibrating the rocker arms when we put the timing chain back on.”
Beep, beep, beep came from a small box on the wall, then Tina’s voice, “Coffee you two.”
Abs walked over to the intercom, then pressed the green button and said, “Thank you sweet, be right
“Ok hun,” came from the speaker after Abs released the button. Abs then grabbed a jar of de-greaser
and the pair wandered out of the garage and up the stairs to the front door, which still sat open from earlier.
Inside Sandra stood at the breakfast bar chopping vegetables, Paul sat at the computer working and
Tina sat on the sofa looking at the digital pictures Sandra and her got the day before. She was also drinking
what looked like a cup of coffee. The percolator jug sat three quarters full stood invitingly next to the cooker.
“What you doing hun?” she asked Sandra as she kissed Sandra on the right cheek.
“Dinner hun,” replied Sandra.
“What?” she asked expectantly.
“Wait and see,” replied Sandra.
Abs said to her, “You going to wash those hands?”
“Yes I am,” she replied and walked to the sink. She scooped out some of the de-greaser then washed
her hands and dried them on the towel Abs passed her.
Abs and her then went and poured out two coffees. She opened the fridge and took out the mily carton
and poured some into her coffee. She then offered the carton to Abs who accepted it and did the same. She
then scooped two spoonfuls of sugar into her cup, then stirred the coffee while walking to one of the arm
chairs and sat down.
Abs soon joined her by sitting on the sofa. She picked up the digital projector remote and using it
switched it on then selected one of the entertainment channels which were showing a repeat of some action
series based around some elite corporate security team, who in this episode was hunting a serial rapist and
murderer who was rampaging through the corporation’s enclaves.
Paul turned round and said, “Nibs I may have found you your bike.”
“Mm,” she responded, got up and walked over to the computer. She saw on the screen the bike, a
Carddra 950gSX. “Oh very nice,” she said when she saw the picture, “how much are they selling if for?”
“The netmail that it came with said nothing, the person who wants it must collect though,” replied Paul.
“Who is selling it?” asked Abs.
“Tybias Mitten,” replied Paul, “the netmail says he hass just upgraded and wants it to go to a good
home, he remembered how much the Vixens love their bikes and so we have first refusal on it.”
“I will take it,” she said.
“I will take you Nibs,” said Tina. “I know where Tybias lives. It is just over the river in Wester Park.”
“Ok. I will netmail him back and tell him,” Paul responded. “When you going to get it?”
“When is good for you Nibs?” asked Tina
“How long is the work on your bike going to take Abs?” she asked.
“A couple more hours, I would guess,” replied Abs.
“This evening then I guess,” responded Paul.
“Yes I think so,” she said then returned to the arm chair to finish her coffee. When Abs and her had
finished their coffees they both washed their cups up and proceeded to return to the garage where Abs loaded
her patar, lit it, then took a couple of drags on it. She passed it to Nibs along with the lighter. She accepted it
and finished it, she passed the patar back to Abs.
“Right then back to work. Can you lift the engine itself up as we’ve got to remove the bottom casing,
so I can see how much damage has been done?”
“Ok,” she responded. She turned and unclipped the webbing from the hook, then fed the webbing from
under the trolley. She then secured the engine with the webbing and operated the hoist to lift the engine up so
Abs could remove the oil drain plug and casing. She did after a bit of working the drain plug, when she
placed a large bowl under the plug to catch and reuse the oil.
“Nibs can I ask you something?”
“Yes, is it personal?”
“No it is not personal, that much I do know. You seen to have life experiences the rest of us do not
have. Do you understand what is happening to me, Tina, Sandra and yourself?”
“In answer to that no I do not. You know yesterday night after you and Tina went back to bed.”
“I could not sleep, I went and did some reading of a few sites dealing with something called the
Conspiracy, some of the things I found out scared the hell out of me. I also had a chat with Richard Chancer;
he said he wants to meet the four of us in the near future to talk to us about the things that are happening. He
cannot see us before the 17th Auar which just happens to be my bday, I was kind of thinking about going to a
local club that night and watching him fight some guy in a street fight.”
“Sounds like fun, then after the fight having this chat with Richard C.”
“Yes that is pretty much my idea, what I do know is that Richard C would not say that he needs to talk
to us unless it was very serious. I did not tell you some of the things that have been happening to me. I am
reacting to things much faster than it may seem and I have been for a couple of months now. It normally only
happens with I am either very angry or just generally pissed off with things. My skin is tougher than it use to
be, I cannot accidentally cut myself at all. Even stroking a knife through a clenched fist doesn’t even mark
the skin. I could have done so much more damage to McKrudder. I know I could have killed him with a
single blow very easily. From the research I have done, it all points to me becoming an Adept at least but the
symptoms the rest of you have been suffering from are similar to the ones I first noticed.”
“That is interesting Nibs. So what you are saying you think we all are Adepts?”
“Yes, that is pretty much the long and short of it.”
Abs bent down and took a look at the oil coming out of the drain hole. “I have had the same dream a
couple of times over the last couple of months,” said Abs.
“Ok, tell me the dream, I may not be able to interrupt it but it can be better to have two people look at
“Ok,” Abs said, “It starts with a group of six youngish people slowly moving down a corridor towards
a big set of double doors, then suddenly we are inside a room fighting in close combat using weapons that
look as if they are glowing. The biggest difference is that the things we are fighting, they not exactly human.
The one I am fighting is suited in some form of heavy armour and it is swinging a staff like weapon with a
glass case on the end, the case contains a small worm like creature that looks like it is writhing around in
agony. I am blocking most of the strikes and dodging the ones I do not block.”
“Do you recognize any of the other combatants?”
“Yes I do, initially I saw only Tina and Sandra, but I had the dream again last night and I recognized
you in it. The other two people are fuzzy, the room itself is also fuzzy so that don’t help in telling us where
we are. What is strange is that you are fighting a large creature with lots of tentacles and you are moving so
fast, that your strikes are just blurs. I also noticed for the first time last night that I seem to be quietly
chanting something, I do not understand the words, but I do know it is similar to the chants Tina and Paul use
when conducting their Pagano ceremonies.”
“Very interesting,” she said, “Can you describe the other creatures?”
“Not really, I am concentrating on the one I am fighting; at least one of them is human and is fighting
Abs bent down and looked at the oil plug hole which now just dripped the last of the oil. “Nibs can you
pass me a 10mm alum key please.”
“No problem,” she said and walked around to the tool box and found the tool on the top of the box. She
then passed it to Abs after tapping her on the shoulder to indicate that she had found the tool.
Abs nodded and took the alum key and started to remove the four nuts that held the crank casing in
place. After she had loosened the last one she lowered the casing and laid it on the top of the bowl. She
fished out the timing chain from the casing and saw that at least one of the links seemed broken and a few
others looked bent. “Ok, that may explain the engine power loss I have felt as well.”
After laying the chain out, Abs saw it weren’t just a couple of links, “Oh well I am going to need a new
timing chain, which I may ask Tina or you to get when you two go and get your bike later.”
“No problem, does Tina know where to get it from?”
“Yes, Tybias’,” responded Abs and continued before she could ask; “he’s one of our main bike parts
“Arh, ok.”
“If he has not got one in, he will know where to get one from. Change of subject as all of our bikes
have at least two hidden areas where we store our firearms and as I am the Vixens expert when it comes to
welding. I was wondering what is your preferred firearm, most of us like the M22; it’s effective at the ranges
we operate at and has a high fire rate when in full auto mode.”
“Do not know, I had never even handled a pistol other than ones supplied with computer games before
Frodar night.”
“You are kidding me. Yet you are a full Street Ghost,” replied Abs.
“I know. I am an expert at armed and unarmed combat, coupled with my speed, strength and toughness,
means I am more than capable of handling drug dealers or their friends.”
“Ok,” said Abs. “You handled the M22 pretty well through I must say, you are a natural with firearms I
“Thank you. I have to thank virtual games for those skills,” she responded, “I liked the HK I used on
Frodar and the M22 does not handle to bad, but I also like the one shot one kill methods of the sniper.”
“Same here, I am the Vixens long range support on combat missions,” said Abs as she rolled a Cambar
cigarette after cleaning the crap off her hands with a few paper towels.
“What sniper rifle do you use?” she asked.
“Zonal Firearms D-1000 with an x200 starlight scope.”
“That is a good point you’ve not seen our arsenal have you?”
“No I have not,” she responded.
Abs turned around, removed her wallet from her back pocket, removed what looked like a smart card
from it and inserted it into a slot on the top of the middle metal cupboard. She then pressed he thumb to a
small scanner that appeared on the left down strip of the same cupboard. Very soon she heard a quiet clunk as
the metal looking bolts retraced. Abs then opened all three cupboard doors to reveal the arsenal. Nibs walked
around the work bench, she then saw the one weapon she loved to use when playing shoot-em-up games.
“Someone must organise getting you a set of keys and security cards too.”
“I did not think this weapon was available to the general public,” she said as she took it from the rack.
“What weapon?” asked Abs, as she poked her head round the corner, “Oh the Zonal Firearms MA240?
Yes it is if you know the right people. Do you remember the chat on Torbar about gangs, missions, and
“Yes I do,” she responded.
“Meet one of the weapons Paul was talking about when he said he thought some gangs had access to
corporate military weapon stores.”
“Arh. I understand now. Do you think anyone is going to mind if I use it?”
“Hell no! Its good someone is going to, Paul has said on a couple of occasions that he wanted to give it
to the Gangrels main arsenal.”
She just smiled as she felt the weight of it, operated the action and slid a full side, side magazine home.
The click of the magazine locking home was like heaven to her. She played Bloodfest I, II, and III and rarely
swapped weapons when she was able to pick the MA240 up. She looked again in to the lockers and saw a
double barrel and breach block just below where the MA240 came from. “What is this?” she asked as she
picked it out.
“That is the one thing people who play Bloodfest do not know about, the MA240 is a multi weapon.
That is the sniper conversion; we picked both the carbine and the sniper conversion kit off a dead body
10months ago when we proved for the forth time that the Aces are an arrogant bunch of fuck twits. I blew the
back of the guy, who was using it head off at 400 yards with one of my wad cutters.”
“Oh nice,” she said over a giggle.
“It was nice to see the skull and brains splatter all over the Hunk.”
With that she just burst out laughing and said, “Oh I wish I had seen that.”
“Yes it was fun as he couldn’t see any opposing forces, his three gang mates just ran before I could get
a bead on them.”
“How come?” she asked as Tina walked into the garage carrying her jacket and communication system.
“He thought he could sneak up on out flank that day. I kind of told him it was a bad idea.”
“What us vs. The Aces?” inquired Tina.
“Yes when we got the MA240 multi weapon.”
“Oh that little battle. That one was fun, anyway you ready Nibs to get your bike, Tybias netmailed us
back and said we can pop over at anytime.”
“Yes,” she responded.
“Oh can you ask Tybias if he has got a timing chain for my bike, sweet?”
“Yes, no worries hun.”
Tina chucked her jacket and communication system to her, after she had put the MA240 away.
“Leave it on the side; I will need to look at it to make the compartment anyway. I’ll also make sure you
have at least two full magazines and a holder for at least four grenades.”
“Ok, thanks,” Nibs said and left it on the side.
Tina bounced her bike off its double stand and wheeled it out and kick started it.
“What route you planning on taking?” she asked Tina as she climbed on behind her.
“IC12, then CW8, Tybias’ place is in the back streets of Wester Park. He normally has at least five
motorbikes and six cars or vans in the yard. He’s one of the best mechanics the Gangrels have access to. He
trained Abs.”
Chapter 15

As Tina turned right into the driveway of Tybias’, Nibs saw a line of four cars and two vans, one of the
cars was at strange angle as if up high on a jack or supports and two of the cars had their bonnets up. Both of
the vans had their backs higher than the fronts.
Tina stopped the bike and Nibs climbed off. Tina joined her in climbing off the bike. She brought the
bike up onto its main stand and the pair walked up the driveway towards the triple garage at the back of the
As they passed one of the cars with the bonnet up a voice said, “Can I help you ladies?”
“Yes,” replied Tina, “we’re looking for Tybias?”
“He’s in the garage getting one of the bikes ready to be returned to its customer.”
“Thanks,” said Tina.
The pair continued towards the garages at the rear, when the fence had finished and turned left the yard
became apparent, it was quite large with a large van sitting beside the far wall, bikes and bike bits where
dotted around what ever clear ground space their was, and at least four men and two women where working
on the vehicles or lent up against the work bench in the middle garage, they where all wearing grease covered
clothes and overalls. A tall well muscled bloke with dreads walked out wheeling a bike, the pair approached
he looked up and smiled, “Hi Tina,” then he paused, “Arh you must be Nibs?”
“Yes, I am,” she responded.
“I guess you want to look at your new bike then?”
“Yes,” she said and smiled.
“This way ladies,”
“Can I ask you Tybias?” she asked.
“No, Tybias is my brother, I am Simon. Tybias is in side tuning a 1300JZX.”
“Ok,” replied Tina and she turned to headed into the garage
Nibs followed Simon to the back to the house located at the front of the yard. Simon parked the bike he
was pushing up and turned to walk to a second one located nearby.
“Here it is, your bike,” said Simon. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Yes. No problem”
“Are you trans or what?”
“I am trans; may I ask what gave it away?”
“Voice, to be honest, but even Tina will tell you most people who met her for the first time think she’s
a woman. Now you ask, your hair is wrong, is not a feminine cut its not badly styled, but it’s not feminine.”
“Arh, thanks.”
Tina walked up to the bike in the middle of the garage and put both her hands on the seat, looked over
and said, “Tybias.”
“Shit, hi,” said Tybias and he looked up, “Hi Tina, how's you and the rest of the Vixens?”
“We are fine thanks, how's you and the Raiders?”
“We are good thanks. What do you think of the bike?”
“Very nice. Before I forget Abs needs a timing chain for her bike.”
Tybias stood and wiped his greasy hands down his overall trousers. He looked over at where Nibs and
Simon where standing talking. Tybias was very much like his brother well muscled, the difference was his
dreads reached his backside and he had a trimmed goatee. He was wearing a sleeveless t-shirt and the
overalls where tied at his waist. “Ben,” he shouted.
“Yes,” came a reply from under one of the vans and suddenly a youngish looking bloke appeared on a
wheeled board. She would have said Ben was no older than 16 if that, “What boss?”
“Go to the stores and get Tina a timing chain for,” Tybias turned to her, “What has Abs got now?”
“Mit-bu 1000RSx,” she replied.
“No problem boss.” Ben disappeared down the stairs to the basement store room.
“What’s your plan for the evening, Tina?”
“Nothing really, why?”
“I want to show you something and ask for some possible help from the Vixens?”
“Ok,” she responded.
The youth reappeared, “Your timing chain, Tina,” said Ben and went to go back to the van he was
working on.
“Ben you going to Dark Zone this evening?”
“More than likely. Why?”
“Maybe see you there.”
“Oh, ok,” said Ben and returned to the work he had been doing.
She picked up the timing chain and along with Tybias wandered over to where Nibs and Simon where.
Tybias asked, “Drinks?”
“Yes,” said Simon.
“This way, ladies,” said Tybias leading them indoors and into the living room, which was small and
kind of cosy. It had a couple of beat up sofas and a couple of arm chairs, a Tele was on one wall next to it
was a stereo. Tybias when to the mini fridge beside one of the sofas and took out a couple of cans passed one
to Tina and the other to Nibs, he then took two more out and passed one to Simon, then all of them sat down.
“Like the bike Nibs?” asked Tybias.
“Yes, love it,” Nibs responded.
“When you get back tell Abs that it already has the pistol hide and an assault weapon hide for a HK-49
SMG. She’ll probably want to change it for the usual weapon for you guys, the M22. You two got anything
planned for the evening?” asked Tybias.
“No, I don’t think so,” she replied looking expectantly at Tina.
“As I said outside, no I don’t think so either. Why?” replied Tina.
“Join us and the local gang at Dark Zone, it’s a local meeting place run by the Back Hearts gang. It’s a
small gang trying to help in the neighbourhood, which has one problem at the moment. It’s being threatened
by one of the other local gangs, The Snakes. The best description for the Snakes is a bunch of arrogant stuck
up corporate types with nothing better to do than cause trouble for the locals.”
“Sounds very similar to the Aces,” said Tina.
“Yes probably,” replied Simon.
“The Back Hearts asked our gang’s leader Sarah for help if it comes down to a War Zone.”
“Has she agreed?” Nibs asked.
“Not yet, she said she would take the request to the council and I’ve not heard back since. I’ve offered
my unit’s support for first dibs of any loot taken. I was wondering if the Vixens would be interested in
“Don’t know,” said Tina, “we can ask them when we get back.”
“Thanks. Anyway, you are going to come tonight?”
“Yes, why not,” said Tina.

At 20.00ish, Tybias, Simon, Nibs and Tina got up and got ready to leave for the short walk to Dark
Zone, located only a few roads away. Tybias led the way out of the house and turned left. At the end of the
road he turned left again. After crossing one secondary road he turned right onto a minor road and just down
the street on the right hand side sat the sign for Dark Zone. Outside were a couple of youths who nodded a
hello as the four of them approached the door. Tybias paid for Nibs and Tina’s entry. After depositing jackets
and side arms at the cloak room, the inner doors opened to reveal a large room with in places three stepped
tiered platforms. Abbak Trance came from the speakers.
Ben from the workshop wandered over and said, “Hello.”
“Hello Ben, who is here tonight?” Tybias replied.
“The boss is in a meeting. Some local official I think.”
On one wall sat a large screen game of Bloodfest Arcade, Nibs lent over to Tina and whispered in her
ear, “Two player game, later?” and pointed to Bloodfest Arcade.
“Yes, what me and you?”
“Definitely.” As Tina replied the current player has his last health shot away and the game ended. The
high score table appeared and showed the top score was 1.29 million dcks, this kid who sat near by got up
and walked over to the game.
“Shit, what, he is not going for record again,” said Ben.
“Looks like it,” said Simon.
“The guy thinks he owns the game and who ever breaks his high score needs to be forced from the top
by him beating it,” said Ben.
“Assuming Bloodfest Arcade,” Nibs said as Tybias wandered back with a tray of soft drinks, “is
anything like Bloodfest II, I was scoring 2.1, 2.2 million dcks nearly all of the time I sat and seriously
“Feck that is good,” said Tybias as he retook his seat.
“I think Arcade is based on Bloodfest II,” said Ben as he took a glug from his soft drink.
“Can we smoke here?” asked Tina.
“Yes you can,” replied Ben.
With this the pair retrieved their tins from their pouches and Nibs loaded her patar and Tina rolled a
cambar cigarette. They both took a good drag from them.
After a short while of sitting and chatting about various subjects, Nibs realised that she needed the
toilet and stood to head for the women’s loos.
As she approached the door to the toilet area, it opened and into the room came a pair of girls, when the
lead one passed she looked back and double took her face. ‘Is that Tracy from Young Trans,’ she thought and
continued into the toilet.
As she sat on the toilet she took out her PDU and loaded Young Trans. She tapped the search link and
scribed the name Tracy into the search name box and then she scribed Wester Park District into the area box.
She then tapped the search button and after a couple of seconds of thinking her PDU displayed Tracy’s
profile page, she scrolled to where the people posted pictures to. She found the one of Tracy’s face and it was
or it was a bloody good doppelganger. She finished on the toilet and proceeded to wash her hands. She then
headed back into the main room and saw Tracy and her female partner sitting on the first floor tear with a
couple of other young people.
She headed for the table and when she approached close enough she walked around and the group and
tapped Tracy on the shoulder. She turned and faced her and she said, “Hello, do I know you?”
“You do Tracy,” she replied, she knew she was feeling and looking very happy. “Do you use Young
Trans netsite?”
“I do, do you?”
“I do, I use to be know as Nicki Calton.”
“Walk me to hell in a hand basket. Welcome to Dark Zone Nicki,” said Tracy. She turned back to the
table and said, “Guys meet Nicki from Young Trans.”
“Hello Nicki,” said the male looking member. He wore a pair of dark blue jeans and a blue t-shirt, “I
am Robert one of the three Trans men that use the chat room.”
She stood and grabbed herself a seat and said down, beside the only true woman present.
“How come, from what I remember from you profile you were trapped by your mum and dad?” asked
Tracy, “and may I say you look very. Mm, Gith.”
“Mum and dad do not know. I did a bunk last Frodar and got invited to join the Gangrels, specifically
the Bitch Vixens unit. I have not had chance yet to update things on my profile.”
Tracy now said, “Allow me to introduce my partner, Alli Stevens.” She wore a smart suit, the type you
would use for an office job. “she also uses the site and that is how we met, and Fiona Tribble.” Who was
wearing a shortish skirt, what looked like tights and a V cut sleeved top. “Also a member and regular.”
“I remember chatting with you a few times Fiona,” she said as Tina walked over from where she had
been sitting.
“Hello,” said Tina.
“Guys, meet Tina a fellow Gangrel and also a full time crossdresser. Tina, Tracy, Fiona, Robert all
Trans people from Young Trans, and Alli Tracy’s partner and also a member.”
“Hey, and hello everyone,” Tina said and took a chair from a nearby table and sat down beside Nibs.
“I guess you no longer go by the name Nicki,” said Robert.
“No I do not. My new name is Nibola Calton or Nibs for short.”
“Hello Nibs. Other than leaving home, how come?”
“Let me tell you a tale of how a young person, my male half made friends with Sandra Patterson.” She
then told the group her and Sandra’s tale from when she moved to Suraban to her change, she included the
fact she was also a holder of a Full Street Ghost licence.
After she finished, Tracy said, “Bloody hell! That is one hell of a story, but it does prove that
somewhere someone cares for us at least.”
“The Bitch Vixens, why do I think I have heard that name on the scene. Someone said something about
your unit,” said Alli S.
Tina then asked, “What unit your self, and why the suit?”
“I work for Telean Xorone Galsen East Suraban Area Office, in the accounts department.” asked Alli,
“What unit, I am not a Gangrel, I am one of the local Giths.”
“How come yourself Tina?” asked Alli.
“My story is very similar to Nibs’ tale except I have been living fulltime for the last three years and
been on hormones for almost two and a half of that time. All thanks to the Gangrels medical staff.”
As she looked around the room, she saw the door next door to the screen open and a couple of people
walk out, a female and a couple of males.
When the three were in the room, Tina called “Sarah C,” and waved an invite to her. Sarah C saw the
wave and nodded that she saw it and started to walk over to where the group sat.
“Hello Tina, Nibs,” said Sarah C. “What are you doing here?”
“Getting my bike from Tybias’, he is sat over there,” she said and pointed at where there were sitting.
Sarah C looked around and saw Tybias sitting with his brother and Ben. “Right, thank you.” Sarah C
walked over and grabbed a chair and sat down and started to chat to them.
“Drinks?” she asked everyone
Tybias, Simon, Ben and Sarah C all stood up and walked back to where Nibs and Tina sat. “May we
join you ladies and gent?” asked Sarah C to the group.
“Yes,” replied Tracy. “Hang on, I know you. Are you Tybias Mitten from T&S Mechanics?”
“Yes, I am, I am the T and Simon my brother, here, is the S. Ben here also works for us. Allow me to
introduce Sarah Cutherlate, leader of the Gangrel Street Gang, which myself, Simon, Nibs and Tina are all
members of.”
“Would some one introduce us, I noticed when you came back you headed here rather than back to us
Nibs,” said Simon.
“Guys, meet Tracy, Alli S, Fiona and Robert D, I know all of them from the Young Trans site I am a
member of. I was getting some drinks.”
“To save netmailing you when I get back to command, Tybias, the council decided to open the arsenal
to Back Heart Gang. We will also be subsidising the four units already employed should the Snakes launch a
War Zone.”
“That is good to hear, any dissenters on the Council?”
“Yes the normal one,” commented Sarah C.
“Oh him,” Tybias said and shakes his head.
“I will tell you on the way home Nibs,” whispered Tina in her ear.
“Anyone for drinks?” she asked. When everyone gave their drink orders to her, she got up and headed
for the bar along with Tracy.
“How have things been, someone said that you had been into the chat room on Moroth and told
everyone that you were full time?”
“Things have been great, how about you?”
“Yes things are not to bad thanks. I had a feeling that you had done a bunk and went full time when
Sophie-Gurl told me Moroth evening.”
“How come you are here,” she said as the pair waited at the bar for one of the bar staff to serve them.
He asked, “Can I help you ladies?”
“Yes,” she said and gave the order to the gent.
“Four weeks ago Alli S came in and we started to chat, she was interested in understanding what it
meant to be trans. I think work has at least one. We meet a later that week and we have been out on a few
dates since.” As the barman moved off to fill the order Tracy asked, “How can you remember that order, I
have problems remembering four items most days?”
“I have an eidetic memory for conversations, it does not matter how it comes across as long as it is
sound I will remember it. I can remember conversations I had five, six years ago.”
“Bloody hell! I can see that being so useful I your line of work.”

After the guy playing Bloodfest Arcade had scored 1.31 million Dcks and died, he moved off the game
satisfied that no one would be able to beat it for a while Nibs turned to Tina, “Shall we?”
“Yes, lets,” replied Tina. They both got up and were joined by Sarah C who stood behind them and
got ready to press the start button. Tina fed in the two decks needed for a two player game and when they
were both ready.
“One practice game as I have not played arcade before,” she said.
“Yes and I think I need one too, it has been a while since I played arcade,” said Tina.
“Ready you two?” asked Sarah.
“Yes,” they both responded.
“Then rock and roll.” She pressed the two player start button.

37 minutes later the two of them had scored a whopping 4.98 million dcks with neither of them loosing
a single piece of health, which for a two player game did draw quite a crowd.
Nibs said to Tina, “I am exhausted.”
“So am I,” responded Tina then together they both put weapons down and took a step back as a missile
from a gunship on screen exploded killing both of the players which ended the game. The cheer that went up
was incredible as the game also registered each player’s total of 2.49 million dcks as well.
She looked over at the table where the kid had been sat at, which was now empty.
When the two of them got back to the table, Ben said, “The kid left after you got 3.3 million in a huff.”
Both of then laughed at the news.
“So he has not seen the scores then?” she said
“I do not think so,” replied Ben.
“Anyway,” said Tina to the people at the table, “we need to head home, we are both exhausted after
that game.”
“No problems,” said Tybias, “you will remember to ask about helping should it be needed?”
“Yes we will,” replied Tina and they both left via the door they came in by, picking up their jackets and
pistols on the way. They both walked the short distance to Tybias’ and collected their bikes.
“Run back IC12,” Nibs said as they took the two bikes off the main stands and wheeled them out of the
yard, “it should be clear at this time of night.”
“It should be,” responded Tina.
And the two of them kicked started their bikes and headed home.
When they reached IC12 she just went low against the fuel tank, engaged the auto-gyro and accelerated
and pretty quickly pushing 230KPH. Tina was not far behind her; it took about twenty minutes to reach
Home Base.
The pair pulled into the driveway and saw Sandra sat on the veranda not looking very happy at all.
After they parked the bikes and dropped the timing chain beside Abs’ engine. They both headed back to the
driveway. Tina closed and locked the garage door.
They ascended the steps to the veranda where Sandra sat on a garden chair smoking a cambar cigarette.
“Where have you been?” she asked both of them in a stern voice.
“Getting my bike hun, why?”
“Yes, were we supposed to be back for something?”
“Yes. Dinner.”
“Oh feck I forgot,” she replied apologetically.
“Oh shit so did I,” responded Tina, “sorry Sandra.”
“Not to worry, it is in the microwave. Just heat it up. Nice bike hun.”
“Thank you love, you coming in.”
“Yes,” said Sandra and got up to follow her and Tina into the house and closed the front door.
The pair heated up the vegetable hotpot Sandra cooked and joined Paul, Abs and Sandra watching a
newly released film.

When the film ended Nibs turned to Tina and asked, “You said you would tell be about the dissenter on
the council?”
“I did,” replied Tina.
“Oh, we talking about Timothy?” asked Paul.
Abs got up and headed for the kitchen to make some drinks.
“Yes we are,” said Tina.
“Timothy, the one problem we as Gangrels have,” Tina started as she rolled a cambar cigarette. “He
leads about six units of various compositions, all of them very militant and generally will cause problems to
most gangs if given half the chance.”
Sandra lent over and took the large house bong and loaded the top and both she and Nibs took two of
the four pipes and as she lit the cambar in the bowl, they both took a draw through it. “I have seen them hire
themselves to the highest bibber and then charge double the original fees for ammunition expenditure, and no
way did they expend the amount of ammo they said they did. One battle which involved us, the Vixens, and
one of the more defensively orientated units, we expended close on double the amount we initially said,” said
Sandra, “Timothy’s unit expended almost none, and still asked for the amount we had expended.”
“That is not good,” Nibs said.
“No it is not,” responded Paul, “but unless they do something that breaks Central’s rules or the
Gangrels Standing orders, there is not much we can do. Central has investigated a couple of incidents but no
one has ever come forward or the proof has disappeared or been destroyed before Central could meet.”
“Which I guess annoys quite a few people?” she enquired.
After hearing the switch being switched on the percolator Abs returned to the seating area and took one
of the other pipes and lit the end and took a drag from it.
“Yes it does, we here are on the north western edge of the area watched over by him and his main unit
The Head Counters,” continued Tina. “He has a couple of occasions tried to convert us from Sarah’s
leadership, he thinks if he can convert us more units will jump ship and join him. But seeing as he has tried
on four occasions to do it and failed every time, he has given up trying.”
“I think he just hopes we will disappear and allow him to continue to win converts to his cause,”
replied Paul.
“Which is a joke if you ask me,” said Sandra. “Some people say he is not himself and has not been
himself for a good couple of years, but no one has any proof of it.”
“How does the Gangrel Council work?” Nibs asked.
“How does it work,” said Paul, “Any matter that may have a major implication for the entire Gangrel
gang goes before the Council and is debated and then voted on by the board of 11 including the chairperson
Sarah, who was the casting vote if one is needed.”
“It can make for some interesting times to say the least. Currently sat on the council is a member from
each district which Suraban has 9, Sarah C and one representative from Central. Timothy’s area of influence
is the south eastern area and it borders the far side of the Free Fire zone.
“We as an A rated unit are exempt from Gangrel district control, we answer directly to the council and
not to an area commander.”
Paul stood and headed for the fridge and took out the open bottle of Cabilla and poured himself a drink.
After returning it to the fridge he returned to the seats and sat down taking the Cambar cigarette he had been
smoking and relit the end taking a drag as he did.
“We have been asked on a couple of occasions to advise the council of certain matters concerning
policy towards certain matters. And we have a non voting seat on the council which we do not take up unless
we are asked to. Currently all the A rated units are under the nominal command of Gaz, Sarah C’s right hand
person on the council. He allows us to do as we please as long as we do not bring the Gangrels into
“That is interesting. The Gangrels are sounding more and more like the Street Ghost Community. The
street ghost community uses a similar system of rating teams and people. If a team stays together for at least
six months the team gets listed as an active team, Cameron Raiders, is currently a non active team, but that is
not to say if they got a mission that brought them all back together the unit status goes to active and then
Street Fixers can contact the team directly rather than going through each team member.”
“What happens if something goes tits up?” asked Abs
“What do you mean when you say go tits up?” she asked.
“Goes horribly wrong and lots of collateral damage is caused.”
“If the unit survives the feck up, they go before the council of elders, the older members of the street
ghost community, and they make a judgement, based on all the evidence they can collect from the various
sources. Punishment ranges from a simple slap on the wrist and a fine to the de-listing of the team and the
members, and that ban can last from 6 months to life.”
“Harsh,” said Sandra.
“Maybe, but the causing of collateral damage to non corporate sites and places may effect the general
population; it is looked at very dimly. The Street Ghosts live by a simple credo the civilians who live in the
area do not want a corporate strike to spill over onto and into their homes. Most street ghosts will move to
help a civilian in distress without thinking, bar the normal ones dealing with the situation. This element
marks the true Street Ghost community as different to the various imitations you will see out there.”

Around 01.00ish Tina and Abs said night and wandered off to bed, Paul also disappeared a short while
later leaving Sandra and Nibs up watching an adventure film. About 3ish they both headed for bed as she
knew she would be helping Abs tomorrow finishing her bike repairs and fitting the hide to her bike.
Chapter 16

Savraday 22nd Juwur

Nibs and Sandra woke at 08:51. Nibs swung her legs out of the bed; took the camber cigarette that lay
next to the ashtray on her bedside table and lit it. Sandra just lay propped up on her elbows.
“You know something hun, I am going to embroider my jacket today, its needs doing,” she said.
“That is true. What you going to put on it?”
“The Vixens symbol and the Black Fairy which is my personal symbol.”
“The Black Fairy?” asked Sandra as she lent over, retrieving the camber cigarette she had put out last
night before the two of them had fallen into a peaceful sleep.
“I have the picture on the tablet, its one of the backgrounds I use.”
After Sandra had lit the camber cigarette she sat up, stretched and said, “You up for some combat
practice hun?”
“Yes definitely,” she said with a smile. She turned and kissed Sandra on the forehead, grabbed her
bathrobe, put it on and wandered over to the bathroom to go to the loo and brush her teeth. Very quickly
Sandra joined her and also sat on the loo and cleaned her teeth. After finishing she asked Sandra, “Coffee
“Yes, then get dressed and head into the back garden and have some fun sparring.”
She walked into the living area and found Tina sat at the breakfast bar sipping a cup of something.
“Good morning,” said Tina.
“Good morning Tina,” she said, “You up for some sparring today?”
“Yes I think Abs is too. She is already up and I think she is downstairs harvesting some of our plants.”
Abs appeared at the front door and as she walked in she said, “Good harvest this cycle.”
“How many plants?” asked Sandra as she walked out of the bedroom zone.
“A good thirty-five plants plus fresh seeds for another three cycles,” said Abs. “What is good is I think
we may have found the best conditions at last.”
Nibs went about sorting out two coffees; when finished she passed one of the cups of Sandra.
“Thank you hun,” responded Sandra and sat down on one of the stools at the breakfast bar.
Abs said, “Tina you going to join me for some sparring, I am going to beat you today.”
“Ok hun,” responded Tina. “In your dreams, you have not beaten me since I moved in here.”
“My luck has got to change sometime.”
“Not today hun,” responded Tina, she then got up to follow Abs to the back garden.
After finishing their coffees Nibs and Sandra went to their bedroom and got dressed in simple baggy,
free-flowing clothes. She grabbed her pair of short staves. ‘I need to see those people again soon,’ she
thought. Sandra grabbed her quarter staff and followed her out into the back garden.
The garden easerly stretched the width of the house plus six feet for the path to the back door a good 10
metres plus long. At the back sat a wooden fence that backed onto a small piece of waste land. From where
she stood she could see the area which also looked as a dumping ground, in places the various large objects
had been stacked or moved to form defences and similar positions. Inside the actual garden were a couple of
punchbags, a speedball and a few other combat training obstacles.
The pair warmed up and watched Abs and Tina as they sparred together; Tina used a pair of short staffs
similar to hers’. Abs used a full staff which was about 6ft long. After watching for about five minutes Abs
went for a low strike which Tina jumped over, then Tina counter-attacked by feinting with the right staff and
catching Abs on the side of the head with the left one.
Abs said, “You bitch.”
“I keep telling you when fighting two weapons you need to seriously rethink letting the enemy get
She nodded her head in agreement; as both Tina and Abs left the ring Sandra and her stepped up.
Sandra asked, “Are you ready Nibs?”
“The question should not be, am I ready, it should be are you ready to face me. I may have only
shadow-sparred more often than not, but I know these staffs,” she responded. “Now defend yourself.” She
stabbed the left staff at Sandra’s head and swung the right at her lower abdomen.
Sandra jumped back and said, “Feck, your fast.”
“I know,” she responded as she returned to a ready-stance.
It took about twenty-five seconds to land the first hit on Sandra, she used both staffs to take her knees
out by tripping rather than hitting there.
During the short fight Sandra noticed a few openings and what surprised her was Nibs used her body as
weapons as well. “Enough,” said Sandra, “feck, you are good.”
“No I am not,” she replied. “I caught you by surprise.”
“That you did, plus the fact you do not seem to worry about taking hits. You left yourself open on a
few occasions.”
“I may have looked as if I was open, but I was ready to receive your counter-attacks.”
“I agree you are good Nibs,” said Abs. “Our resisdent experts in street fighting are Paul and Gary, and I
think you could beat them easily.”
“Doubt it, I have shadow sparred a lot, this is the first time people are fighting back,” she said
“I seriously think if you would be able to beat them both,” said Abs.
“And from what I saw I have a lot to learn about these,” Tina said and indicated she meant her short
“Me and you Abs?” asked Sandra.
“Yes, ok,” responded Abs.
“Show me what you know Tina,” Nibs said.
For the next couple of hours the four of the practised and sparred together.

About 11.15 all four felt exhausted from the workout.

“That was one of the toughest workouts I have had,” said Abs. “But I have learnt a massive amount
about how to deal with people with two weapons.”
“It may be an idea if we think about making these a slightly more regular occurrence than once in a
while,” said Sandra.
“Yes I agree,” said Tina.
Sandra knocked on the bathroom door which sat closed. “Paul you in there?” she asked.
“Yes I am,” responded Paul.
“Hurry up. There are four sweaty girls out here needing a shower.”
“Ok, I will be finished in a couple of minutes,” replied Paul.

Nibs walked into the living-room after putting her short staffs away. She headed for the fridge, got out
some cold filtered water, poured herself a glass and drunk it quickly. When she returned to wait for the
Paul walked out of the bathroom in his black bathrobe and headed for his room to get dressed.
A burst of Silver Hand played from Paul’s mobile on the fireplace. She wandered over to see who
wanted a chat and shouted. “Paul, Darla’s ringing you.”
“You answer it Nibs, I am currently indisposed at the moment.”
“Ok,” she answered, picked up the phone and flicked it open, then said, “Hi Darla, its Nibs, Paul is
currently indisposed at the moment. How can I help?”
“Hi Nibs, I am inviting all the Vixens to my place in the Low Back Forest from today until we head for
the festival.”
“Ok,” she replied and asked, “Where in the Low Back forest, it is kind of big?”
“Yes I know, I am sending you the location co-ordinates now via text.”
Beep, Beep went Paul’s phone as it received a text, “Ok it has arrived.”
“Good, how long before you guys leave, so I can tell Gary when to meet you lot?” asked Darla.
“45 minutes to an hour, we need to shower and get some clothes together for the trip,” she replied.
“Ok, I will say an hour and a half then to Gary. Meet him at the truck stop on IC5 before it leaves the
“Ok, see you soon,” she said and closed Paul’s phone.
“Guys, Darla’s invited us to her place in the Low Back Mountains until the festival.”
“Do you know if she invited Misty’s group?” asked Paul.
“She did not say,” she replied; then she walked to the computer to check the location Darla sent in the
text. She pulled up the Map software, typed in the co-ordinates and the map software displayed a largish
house at the end of a road, the name displayed alongside was Graham Cottage. It looked as if it sat on a cliff
edge looking south, ‘Nice place,’ she thought as Abs and Tina finished in the shower.
“Our turn Nibs,” called Sandra.
“Ok hun, coming,” she called back and walked towards the bathroom.

Thirty minutes later everyone stood in the living room, they all carried rucksacks, which contained a
couple of changes of clothes for the break at Darla’s.
Tina asked, “We coming back on Sumbar or Moroth?”
“Do not know,” Nibs said. “Darla did not say.”
“I hope Sumbar as I know we will need to get ready for the festival with camping gear.”
“I think Savraday then would be better,” said Paul.

Two days previously, Darla received an envelope in the post from her parent’s lawyer. The letter had
said he wanted to meet Darla, and gave a Motel just off IC5 Junction18 in a small town called Forest Scope.
It had also said he would only be there for a week from the date printed on the letter and that was two days
“Angel, Damieel we are going on a road trip to the Low Back forest, we leave in half an hour.”
“Yes Mistress,” they both called back from the bathroom.

Darla’s bike and the two trikes, belonging to Angel and Damieel, pulled into the Motel car park and she
located the room indicated on the return address. She knocked on the door and the door was opened by a
gentleman in his mid-thirties.
“Darla Graham?”
“Yes that is me,” she answered.
“Then please come in.”
The twins and her walked into the room, “Allow me to introduce Angel and Damieel, my partners in all
things,” she said as the gentleman looked Angel and Damieel up and down.
“No problem,” he said, “I am Simon Grayson of Grayson Lawyers Ltd, I represent your father and
mother and have done so since 2041, and I am currently the probate officer of your father and mother’s last
will and testimony. Four years ago you know your mum and dad undertook a street ghost operation against
Grinlinn Manufacturing and never returned.”
“Yes I remember them leaving.” She moved to sit on the bed and Angel and Damieel joined her. Angel
sat and looked over her right shoulder. Damieel knelt behind her looking directly at Simon over her left
“As was the norm they contacted me before the operation and normally they contacted me again after
the operation to inform me of their safe return. Neither of them has contacted me since that day four years
ago. The last will and testimony stated that should they and I mean either or both not contact my firm via
some method within four years then the last will and testimony should be read. The document countersigned
by three other lawyers all who worked for my firm at the time. The will states that the entire estate which in
today’s monetary terms is worth 56.2 million decks and includes the apartment you currently reside in, a
large house located in the Low Back Forest and a further house located in the Chimilla Highlands goes to
their only true daughter Darla to do with as she sees fit.”
She said sounding very shocked and surprised, “The entire estate, valued at 56.2 million decks plus
three houses are mine to do with as I see fit.”
“Yes I also have a sealed letter for you. This was sealed in my presence by both your father and
mother,” and he handed her the letter. She took it and just looked at it in disbelief.
“I shall give you some space and time Miss Graham. I shall be in the bar opposite if you wish to see the
house in the Low Back forest.”
She shook her head slightly and said, “Thank you.”
After the door closed and she listened to his steps as they crossed the gravelled surface or the car-park.
She broke the seal on the envelope, taking out a letter which was wrapped around a key and a swipe card,
both of which dropped out and fell to the floor.
After picking up the swipe card and key, she read the handwritten letter.

Dear Darla,
If you are reading this letter then it means that both I and your mother have not returned from an
The lawyer we instructed to carry out our wishes has served not only us but many Street Ghosts over
the years and he is the one responsible for making sure you always had the apartment to live in.
The next few paragraphs were about the mission they where employed to conduct.
The house in the Low Back Forest is mine and your mum’s retreat from every day stresses. It is also
the location for an Academy Battle Store, as both myself and your mum where trained at the Academy of the
Street to become elite Street ghosts and Conspiracy Operatives. Most of your inheritance is money gathered
and earned during those days. The store assuming it has not been plundered by Academy trained people on
operation is also yours and your friend’s to use as the entire group sees fit.
The store itself has equipment that is six to seven years out of date by current Academy standards, but
is probably still twenty to twenty five years ahead of technology enjoyed by the planets military forces and
probably twenty years ahead of most corporations’ equipment. It is yours and your friend’s as is the money
and shares. Simon has power of attorney over them at the moment and has been instructed that they are never
to be used as collateral against things. Both your mum and I advise you to leave the status quo as is
concerning them.
Enjoy the houses and the secrets they contain.
Yours Thomas and Clare.
PS. The coordinates for the house are -1692, 9013.

After she finished reading the letter she put it back into the envelope and re-sealed it. She placed it in
the inside pocket of her leather jacket. Then after composing herself she stood up and walked out with the
twins in tow. “You two wait here, I will be back shortly.”
She crossed the road to the bar, and opened the door. The inside was a dark bar she knew places like
Forest Scope would have. The main tap room was 50feet long by at least 30feet wide. Behind the bar was
three staff serving 30 odd customers. Most looked like trappers and people hardened by work in the foot hill
forests and mountains. Simon sat on a bar stool drinking what looked like a coffee. She walked towards him
at the bar. “Thank you for the information about my inheritance. I am heading to the house now, but I would
like to go alone and spend some time alone with my thoughts and memories.”
“No problem Ms. Graham, can I assume that you wish me to remain as your lawyer and maintain the
power of attorney over the shares and other incomes.”
“Yes thank you, I shall leave the status quo as is as you have served my family well over the years. I
may have some more people who may be interested in your legal services.”
“Why thank you Ms. Graham and I look forward to meeting you and your friends in the near future.”
Darla turned and had two drunken men block her exit.
“Hey babe, you want some cock?” the left hand bloke said.
Simon turned to face them and she said, “Leave it Simon, I have dealt with twats like this before.” She
then turned back and looked at the guy who had spoken, “I would exhaust you before we got started,” and
she then flicked her jacket open to reveal the presence of a Y7 pistol and before his partner could move she
grabbed his crotch and squeezed, “My advice to you is it sit down and forget about me unless you have a
death wish,” Darla said in a no nonsense voice and she then pushed both of them out of the way and departed
the bar to return to the bike and the twins, who had already started their motor-trikes.
Within forty minutes of leaving the motel car-park, the twins and her where on the road that led to the
hjouse. After travelling about 75 kilometres the three of them arrived at a large, single storey house situated
overlooking a beautiful view point on the edge of a cliff. They parked the vehicles in front of the steps to the
front veranda, which was large enough to have a garden table and chairs on. Darla took the swipe card, which
had dropped from the letter, out and inserted it into the card reader. She pressed her thumb to the small
scanner located next to the card reader. After a couple of seconds the door clicked and opened.
The inside of the house looked to be large with an open plan kitchen located on the left hand side of the
large living room. On the right wall sat two doors one up some steps the other on the same level as the living
room. Dust sheets covered all the furniture and with the air conditioning set to its current level meant very
little moisture looked to have collected.
“You two uncover the furniture and sort out the living room whilst I explore the rest of the house,” she
said, and turned towards the lower of the two doors. She tired the door and found it locked. She looked at the
door and found just beneath the handle a long hole, very similar to the lock on the bathroom door at the
apartment. She took the key out and inserted it in the hole under the handle and turned it. She heard the lock
go clunk as it retracted, she then tried the handle and the door opened towards her. In front of her was a
passageway which lit up as sensors detected her presence in the doorway. Darla started down the passage
way and after a good thirty metres of it going on a down grade it opened up into a massive room which like
the corridor lit up when sensors detected the presence of her. The room looked to be filled with shelves upon
shelves of firearms, equipment, armour, tools, and electronic devices. She whispered, “Thank you mum and
dad, I love you both lots and lots,” and a tear trickled down her cheek.
She snapped back out of those thoughts and said to herself, “Vixens here, when?”

Nibs and the others closed the front door of the Homebase, walked down the steps and went to collect
their bikes.
“Helmets everyone,” said Paul.
“Good point,” Tina said, “We do need to wear them when we leave a city on an IC.”
“You know I have not got one,” Nibs said.
“Oops, good point and we have not got a spare,” said Tina.
“Then I suggest we go and buy one then,” suggested Sandra.
“Now that is an idea,” she said as she wheeled her bike out and sat on it waiting for everyone else to be
When Abs finished locking the garage doors and setting the alarm, everyone started their bike engines
and pulled up the driveway and onto the main street. Nibs thought, ‘I need to upgrade that.’
After spending about twenty minutes browsing the various head protections Sam’s Super Bikes had on
show, Nibs selected a plain black full-face helmet with a darkened visor. She tried it on and found it fitted
exactly. After paying for it she joined everyone outside; where they headed for the truck stop where they had
said they would meet Gary.
After picking up IC5 from the start they sped along it until Junction 10 where the main IC5 city
truck-stop was located. As normal it was quiet, most of the people using it either slept in the cabs or was
inside the Inns enjoying their hospitality. In the second, of the four truck-stops, Tina spotted Gary’s bike and
signalled the rest of the group and pulled in beside it. When everyone had arrived they all walked into the
truck-stop and saw Gary tucking into a large breakfast. As they walked in, he lifted his head and waved them
over. Sandra and Paul headed for the counter and ordered some food while the rest headed over to the table.
The inside of the truck-stop had fifteen tables next to long windows that over-looked the car park. The
counter ran down half of the back wall, with a door at each end. The door closest opened and a waitress
appeared carrying a tray of plates, heading for one of the tables where a couple of men sat. One of the pair
was large and had a beer belly, the other more lean and mean, wearing leather trousers and had a full-face
helmet on the table next to him. The waitresses were wearing white blouses with name badges over the left
breast and black knee-length skirts and black shoes. Tied around their waists was a red-and-white checked
apron with a pocket in the front. Nibs, Tina and Abs approached the table and Gary slid along towards the
window. Both Tina and Abs slid in beside him, Nibs sat opposite Gary, and was soon joined by Sandra and
Paul joined them, "Food shall be with us soon," Sandra said as she sat down.
Very soon, a waiter approached the table with a tray full of cups, a couple of jugs and a small bowl. He
set the cups, jugs and small bowl down and then went back to the counter, picked up the coffee and teapots
and placed those down as well. Paul and Tina both said "Thank you."
"Any drinks sir?" the waiter asks Gary.
"No thank you," replied Gary, "I will drink what is on the table, but thank you for asking."
"You are welcome sir."
The door to the car park opened and in walked a couple of men, both of medium build. They walked
over to a table in the corner; the waiter that had served the drinks headed over towards them. After about five
minutes the door to the kitchen opened, two waitresses walked out and approached the table, each was
carrying a large tray piled high with steaming food. The first waitress placed the plates down and the second
placed three large plates in the middle of the table; the plates in the middle contained bacon rashers, eggs,
sausages, hash browns, toast, and various other fried food stuffs. The first waitress returned with two large
bowls containing baked beans and todats.
When the last of the baked beans was finished by Tina, Nibs got up and wandered to the toilets, at the
far end of the counter. Coming out of the door was a woman dressed in leather biker trousers, which went
straight outside to one of the bikes, which she climbed on and sped away. When Nibs had returned from the
loos the rest of the group were just preparing to depart. Sandra and her walked to the counter, paid for the
food and drinks, the total bill was 25 Decks, ‘Very good value for the size of the meal,’ she thought
Outside the sun was high in the sky and felt quite warm, but a light breeze was also blowing from the
north-east. Gary, Paul, Tina and Abs waited for the pair to pay for the food; when they came out the group
walked towards where the bikes were parked. Everyone checked the chokers and earpieces were still in
place, climbed onto their bikes, and each one rammed the kick-starts down and let the engines idle.
Gary suggested, “It may be a good idea to stop for fuel and work out the route to Darla’s,”
“Good idea,” Paul responded.
Nibs led the way out of the truck-stop, towards the fuel-station located next to the line of toll booths.
The station had fifteen fuel pumps, three dedicated to refuelling trucks and road-train tractor units and twelve
to refuelling other vehicles. As five pumps were not being used, each bike pulled up beside each one,
completely filled their tanks with high performance. After filling, the five moved out of the way of the pumps
to let four other users in, while Gary took the fifth pump and filled his tank as well.

Sandra, who had gone into the shop, stood at the counter waiting for Gary to finish so she could pay of
the fuel. After paying for it she came outside and walked to where the bikes were parked. The group were
having a discussion over which route was best.
As she walked back Nibs said, “That is true, I don’t mind cross-country work, but I don’t speak for
everyone, it isn’t fun for most people, plus I think it will be very hard on the bikes they’re not setup for cross
country work.”
“What are the options for the journey?” she asked.
“Driving to Junction-18 and then heading north via Forest Scope to Darla’s, or coming off at
Junction-15 and heading north and then east via a town of Little Middleton,” replied Paul.
“We don’t know the area, I vote for easy Junction-18,” she said.
“Ok then, Junction-18 it is then,” said Tina, “I just want to see Nibs go cross-country.”
“If that is the only reason then I can show you when we get there on a push-bike rather than a
motorbike. It’s a lot more fun, plus it would give me an excuse to get one, I had one at home, but kind of
forgot to bring it,” responded Nibs as she walked towards her bike. Everyone picked up their helmets and put
them on, as the Surra Country law indicated all people riding bikes must wear a helmet when on the IC
outside the city perimeter or else health and vehicle insurance is invalidated.

All the bikes started and moved off in the direction of the tollbooths, where each rider had to pay a
Deck to get onto IC5. The booths themselves were one long line of about twenty situated on the entry-ramp
slipway and the IC itself, the bikes pulled up to one of the booths and Nibs said, “Six bikes.”
“Six Decks,” came the reply from the operator over loudspeakers. She dropped six deck coins into the
hopper and the gate lifted to allow the bikes through. After leaving the controlled area of the tollbooths, all
six worked their way through the bikes’ gears and accelerated down the slipway and onto the fast-moving
traffic of the IC5; all the bikes were pushing 170KPH quite quickly.
As they drove along the IC she was being her ever observant self, noticed that as they passed over
IC10, that even through the landscape of crops stayed the same it became considerably more militant the
further they travelled from the city. As they passed Junction-16, which did have a small town located just to
the south of the IC, she saw at least two patrol cars on the bridge and the officers carrying heavy firepower.
About an hour later the bike saw the signs for Junction-18 and a warning of no turning for
642kilometres. All the bikes indicated and took up the inside lane that would lead them up the off-ramp,
towards the junction that would put them on the main road that ran near Darla’s.
The group drove into the small town of Forest Scope, a tourist trap for those wishing to explore the
“Stop here for some light refreshments,” suggested Tina over the communication system.
“Yes, that would be an idea,” replied Sandra, “I do feel in need of a drink and a smoke, if nothing else.”
The group headed up the main road that ran through the centre of the town and found a couple of local
diners and a fast food place, owned by Kannock.
“Which one?” she asked.
She had an idea which one would be chosen, everyone agreed not Kannock.
Tina, as she drove a the front of the group indicated left, crossed the road and parked up in front of the
diner near the north side of the town. The outside of the diner was very much a modern looking purpose-built
building. It was opposite one of the bigger motels. Everyone followed Tina and parked up outside the diner,
climbed off, left their helmets on the seats of the bikes and walked inside.
The group walked into the diner, which possessed a homely feel to it as the inside was lined with wood
panelling; with tables along the side wall and a couple along the front window. Each table was covered with
a blue-and-red checked tablecloth and had a salt and pepper shaker on in front of a menu. The group walked
up to the counter which stretched along the left wall to the very back of the diner, where two doors where,
one to the toilets, the other to the kitchen area. Behind the counter stood a largish male wearing a light blue
T-shirt, black trousers and a black apron. “How I may I be of help?” he asked.
Abs responded first, “Do you have any ojan juice?”
“We do.”
“A glass of ojan juice please. How much,” Abs asked.
“One deck,” the man responded.
Abs took her wallet out, took out a 5-Deck note and passed it to him; he stuffed it into the pocket of his
apron, dug out 4-Decks change and passed it to Abs.
Paul spoke next, "A ham sandwich and a mug of coffee please?"
"Ok, can I take the rest of your orders?" he asked.
She spoke next asking for, “Can I have a chicken sandwich and a Chai Latte please.”
Gary just behind her requested, “A bowl of tomato soup and a fresh baguette please.”
Sandra spoke next and asked for the same as Nibs, except she ordered a coffee.
Tina spoke last and asked for a salad sandwich and an Earl Grey tea.
“Thank you, please take a seat and your orders will be with you shortly.” responded the man, who
walked out to the kitchen area. Very soon a middle-aged woman appeared at the door and quickly looked
around, saw no one new and disappeared into the kitchen. About ten minutes later the woman appeared
carrying a large tray to the table and placed the tray down and speaks, “Chai Latte?” as Nibs indicated that
she ordered it, she passed it to Nibs. “Coffee?” both Paul and Sandra indicated that they wanted them, "Earl
Grey?" Tina indicated that she ordered that and accepted it as the women passed it to her. “Your sandwiches
and soup will be with you shortly.”
Paul responded, “Thank you.”
A couple of minutes later, the man returned carrying a tray laden with plates, sandwiches and a bowl of
soup. He, like the woman, set it down and passed the plates and bowl to each person, asking Abs, “Do you
wish to order some food ma'am?”
“No thank you, I am quite all right, thank you,” responded Abs.
The door to the street open and two men walked in, each wearing a light blue short-sleeved shirt and
black trousers, both wearing police utility belts with a 9mm automatic and other assorted police equipment.
The man looked up and says, "Ah Sheriff, Deputy. How may I be of help to you?”
“Brian.” the older man said in response, “Food and drink for myself and Thomas.”
“No problems.”
The two men took a table in front of the window and, after the man finished handing out the food, he
went over to the men and took their orders, then disappeared into the kitchen.
The group tucked into the food and silently finished; she listened to the Sheriff and Deputy as they
chatted about the general happenings in the town and local area.
When the guys finished eating, a young woman stood behind the counter; smiling at the group as Gary
walked up and paid the bill; then he followed the group outside, clipped the helmet to the bike, as when they
left the IC the law about wearing helmets no longer applied. They all mounted and started the engines and
departed heading north.
“Not too far now is it?” Sandra asked over the communication system.
“No it is not,” she replied after checking her PDU which sat clipped on to the handlebars, “The
turn-off is nine-to-ten kilometres ahead and off to the right.”
After travelling ten kilometres Abs saw a sign pointing to the right indicating that the dirt road would
lead people to Timber campsite, signposted as being 60 kilometres away. All six bikes slowed, turned right
and started up the 30kilometres until they turned and headed east up to Darla’s country retreat.

Up at the house Darla, Angel and Damieel were stood in the kitchen. Both Angel and Damieel were
dressed in combat fatigue trousers and a green tight vest top. Both carried Academy MZ65Ks on shoulder
straps and had two extra magazines on the opposite side of their bodies.
The kitchen was a large square area surrounded on two sides by open-top counters; the only way into
the kitchen, from the rest of the house, was from a set of stairs on the south-east side closest to the front door.
Along the north-west wall was a large fireplace where a nurance was slowly turning on a spit. The kitchen
was made from the local forest. Even the fire beneath the pig was local dead wood. A door on the north west
wall lead to a small out house which housed the wood supply for the fire places.
"Shall one of us go to the main road mistress?" asks Angel.
"Yes,” she replied and continued after looking at the clock, “Angel if you leave now you should meet
them on the dirt road, but go right to the junction with the main road.”

As Angel left the kitchen she headed for the front door, as she passed the coat tree she grabbed her
leather jacket and slid it on over the SMG. When she exited the house she heard the bird song and chirp,
chirp of woodland life. Her motor- trike sat in the garage, which also doubled as the main workshop. She sat
on the seat and hit the electric start and selected reverse and slowly pulled out of the garage and headed down
the track that led from the track that went to Timber campsite.
As she drove at about 40KPH down the uneven road she got a strange sensation, the hair on the back of
her neck stood and she felt very euphoric, as if she had just smoked a compete camber cigarette at once. As
she drove she felt the sensation die away as she got further and further from, what she could only defined as
the source.
As she turned down the track towards the main road, she saw the rest of the guys heading up the track
towards her. She turned her motor-trike around and waited for then to get to her and she joined the group as
they waved and passed her. She directed the group up the dirt track heading for the house after about 15
kilometres the ground started to rise and the track went up, the track followed the cliff edge for most of the
route to Darla’s.
At the house Darla and Damieel heard the approach of the bikes and wandered towards the front door
to welcome the guests. Damieel and she stood on the veranda at the top of eight steps up; it also had a swing
seat on it now.
The guys pulled up and parked, climbed off and then started up the eight steps to the veranda and
onwards into the house.
“Welcome to my parents and now my country retreat, everyone,” she said as they got to the veranda.
“Please hang your coats on the coat poles and make yourselves at home, normal Vixen rules apply.”
Everyone traipsed in side and deposited their bags near the two coat poles that were located near the
front door. The layout of the living room now looked slightly different from when Darla, Angel and Damieel
arrived. The sofas and arm chairs had been moved around slightly so to face the large window that ran the
entire length of the south side of the house. The view was one of looking out over the tall Willabba pines and
other tall forest trees.

Nibs said to Sandra, “What a beautiful view.”

Sandra replied, “Yes your not kidding are you.”
"Damieel go and put the kettle on," said Darla after everyone stood inside
"Yes mistress," responded Damieel and she disappeared into the kitchen.
Darla pointed to the door up the stairs and said, "That leads to the bed rooms. And down there," and
she points to the other door, "that is the cellar door." Off to the left sat another set of steps which led to an
open plan kitchen, where Damieel worked preparing some drinks. Just beyond the window looked to be a
large veranda with a wooden garden table and chairs. Surrounding the veranda was a waist high railing. All
the internal walls of the house were very much like the external, made from wood painted with a light
varnish. Everyone moved into the seating area and sat down, then they all took out their tins and either rolled
a camber cigarette or loaded a patar. Then everyone smoked them and relaxed after the long drive.
“Nice place you have here Darla,” said Gary, after Damieel passed out the drinks.
"Thank you Gary,” replied Darla, “I thought relax tonight and have fun tomorrow and the next few
days. Then decide what to do after that."
"Do the Forest Rangers mind this being here?" asked Sandra as she sat beside her partner looking out
over the forest.
"No, my mum and dad both worked for the Surra Forest Rangers before they passed away, its one of
the perks of the job; the rangers get to build their own homes in the forest they work in. So therefore mum
and dad built this place. It was passed to me in their wills."
"Very nice," Nibs said
The rest of the evening was spent relaxing and enjoying the company of everyone. About 10ish both
Nibs and Sandra excused them selves and went to bed. Lets just say they did not sleep much that night as
their room overlooked the cliff and a clear night.
Chapter 17

At some point during the night Sandra lowered her head and laid it on Nibs' chest and they both fell
into a restful sleep.
Nibs woke first and looked at her PDU and saw it read 07.30, both she and Sandra must have got only a
few hours sleep but it felt like a full nights worth. The sun streamed through the window, she looked down
and saw her partners head resting on her breasts, and just laying there with her life partner she realised she
knew what her life until this point meant. She lifted Sandra's head off her chest and moved a pillow so it laid
under her head and lowered it back and slowly slid out of the bed and quietly walked across the wooden
floor. She picked up a dressing gown from the back of one of the two chairs, exited the bedroom and walked
through the corridor to the living room. When she walked into the in the living room she saw both Tina and
Abs laying arm in arm on the cushions. She crossed the living room to the kitchen and made herself a cup of
chai and walked back across the living room towards the veranda. As she crossed back towards the veranda
she spotted her tin and patar laying in the same place as she left it the previous night. She slid the door back
and walked into the fresh clean air. She then walked to sit on one of the garden chairs and placed her cup of
chai on the table and just looked out across the tree tops. It was a beautiful sight, Darla's family had found a
most beautiful place to build there retreat. The sun felt warm and pleasant and she felt at peace with herself
whilst she sat there absorbing the sun's rays.
After a while, which she did not care how long, the door to the house slid silently open and Sandra
quietly walked out and kissed her on the cheek. She moved her head and kissed Sandra back.
"Thought you were out here, I distinctly remembering going to sleep on your breasts last night and then
waking to find a pillow under my head." she shook her head at her all the time smiling.
"The sun woke me hun and I could not get back to sleep. So I got up and just sat here and relaxed."
"Where is your tin?" Sandra asked as she walked around the table and placed her cute bum in one of
the other chairs.
"In the living room where I left it last night."
"Oh good as long as it not lost."
The next thing the two knew Darla came out blearyed eyed carrying Nibs’ tin. "Whose tin?"
"Mine Darla. I knew where it was and that it was not going to be nicked."
"True, but never let it out of your sight."
"Ok. Mistress," she responded with a hint of mirth in her voice.
"Watch it you. Just because Angel and Damieel are my slaves does not mean I cannot have another one
in my stable," responded Darla to the comment. "Anyway, what is the time?" asked Darla.
"Do not know, do not care," responded Sandra.
"When everyone is awake and up, I will show all of you the reason why I asked you here. It is in the
"Oh sounds interesting," she responded.
"Oh I think you all will find it good and interesting."
Soon after Darla walked out Damieel walked out carrying a tray with 3 steaming cups of coffee, a jug
of milk and a bowl of sugar, "Breakfast is on its way mistress."
"Thank you Damieel," replied Darla.
Damieel placed the tray on table and placed a cup in front of each of the three seated at the table and
then placed the milk and sugar in the middle and then she returned to the house.
After about 10 minutes both Angel and Damieel appeared in the door way leading from the veranda
both carrying trays with steaming plates piled high with a cooked breakfast. They placed the plates in front of
the each person seated. Then Angel asked Darla, "May we join you mistress?"
"Of course you may girls, grab a seat and enjoy yourselves. You both know you not cooking tonight?"
"No we did not mistress. Do you not like our cooking?" Angel said with a sad face appearing on both
of the girls.
"No. Do not fret. I am cooking tonight and just for once no help in the kitchen other than maybe a bit of
washing up after dinner. I am intending to do most of the prep washing up before we eat, to give you both
you, Angel," Darla said looking at Angel. "And you Damieel." Darla turn her gaze to Damieel. "A break. I
am not the only one on holiday here, you two are as well."
"Thank you mistress," both Angel and Damieel said simultaneously.
"And another thing, drop the mistress, yes you two may have once been my slaves, but now I think you
two are more than that to me and if I am not mistaken to everyone else as well," she said whilst smiling at
both Sandra and Nibs.
"I think so," Nibs responded.
"And so do I," responded Sandra and Paul as he walked out of the house carrying a glass of ojan juice.
"May I assist you in preparing dinner this evening Darla?" she asked
"Thank you Nibs. It would be a pleasure to have you assist me."
About twenty minutes later both Tina and Abs stuck there heads out of the house and looked as if they
where still half asleep. "We are planning on going for a walk before breakfast. Any of you want to join us."
"I will join you," replied Sandra, "I need a walk to settle the large breakfast I have just finished."
Both Angel and Damieel went to stand, but before they could Darla said, "No you two stay put. You do
not mind preparing breakfast when you get back do you Tina, Abs."
"No, it is no problem." they both replied.
Abs, Tina and Sandra disappeared leaving Nibs, Darla, Paul who moved from standing just behind his
sister to the chair she vacated, Angel and Damieel sitting in the warn morning sun.
A short time later Gary appeared and joined the group on the veranda. “Where are the girls? No offence
Nibs,” asked Gary.
“Out having a walk around the local area,” replied Darla.
“Arh, ok,” said Gary.
“Has anyone thought about adding another new member to the Vixens?” asked Paul.
“No,” replied Darla.
“Who did you have in mind Paul?” asked Gary.
“Amy, from over the road to Homebase,” responded Paul.
After a few minutes of thought, Nibs said, “I have chatted to her, on a one to one a couple of days ago,
I think she is sound, but remember Paul, she is not from the world of gangs, gang violence, guns, and such?”
“I know, but we had similar apprehensions when Sandra brought up asking you to join us,” said Paul,
“to which Gary, if I remember right, came up with similar arguments against asking you.”
“I did, and I am very happy that I was wrong,” said Gary.
She took a sip from her cup of coffee, which seamed a bit cool, so she got up and ask, “Anyone for
more coffee?”
“Yes me,” said Gary.
“And me,” said Paul after looking in his cup.
She disappeared and after pouring out the last of the coffee from the percolator and refilling it, she
returned to the group.
“I think it would be a good idea,” said Darla. “I will probably not be around in a couple of years, and
all of you lot are 17, 18 year olds, even Angel and Damieel are only 20.”
“Now that is true Darla, and it will be a sad day when you retire from active combat,” said Paul. “You
have been an excellent guide on the way the Vixens have grown.”
“And soon it will be time for the students to become the teachers,” responded Darla, “and I think the
best teacher is sat at this table right now.” Darla was looking at her which she picked up on.
‘What does she know,’ she thought. ‘Does she know things I do not about me.’

The three girls went out and turned towards the mountains and walked through the forest on a path. The
forest surrounding the path did not look as thick as the main forest and let quite a lot of light through the tree
canopy. This did mean that the ground was littered with brambles, ferns, and other forest ground plants,
Sandra who was leading the girls, stopped after a while and pointed ahead at the path, on it was a couple of
small rabbits which stopped and were looking around then suddenly they disappeared into the undergrowth.
All three of the girls smiled and continued walking along the path, which continued up a slight incline, until
the path exited the forest into an open area on the edge of the cliff as it turned from going North East to going
in a more northerly direction.
The three of them just stopped, stood and looked out from the viewpoint. The viewpoint over looked
the Low Back Mountains which where covered for about half their height in forest, and the tops of some of
the higher mountains where snow capped.
"You know something. This is a beautiful place Darla has here," said Tina as the girls stood and looked
out over the view point.
Set back a little way lay a trunk of a tree facing the viewpoint just in front looked to be a blackened
area. Also sat around the edge where some stones, all of which led to the conculsion it must be a fire-pit.
"I must bring Nibs here before we go, she is going to love it," Sandra said as her face was one of great
Abs and Tina walked up to the log and sat down, Abs continued the thought that was going through all
the girls’ minds, "I wish Darla had told us about it sooner. As I think it would have become our retreat from
the hectic life we all lead in the city."
"Yes I know it would have been nice to know, but we know now and that is what is important,"
continued Tina.
"Very true it is," finished Abs.
After sitting at the view point for the time it took to smoke a patar. The girls continued their walk and
returned after 30 minutes to the house. When the girls returned to the house they found the rest of the guys
where up and both Nibs and Darla where in the kitchen cooking a good hearty breakfast for the guys who did
not have breakfast yet.

As Abs and Tina walked up the steps to the kitchen, they both asked, “Is there anything we can do?”
The kitchen looked modern with an old times appearance. It used natural wood for the tops and all the
doors to the cupboards done in a similar way as was the rest of the house a dark varnished pine on all four
sides where long working surfaces with the stairs up located in the south east corner near the main front door.
Most of the cupboards which where located both under and over the working tops, where filled with general
supplies and food. Along the North West wall sat an open fire place where a small fire was burning under a
large blackened pot and inside it was water which was steaming. Next to the fire sat a six ring hob, and under
the hob and a full oven. The only major piece of kitchen equipment missing looked to be a microwave. Under
the main window was a double sink and extending from both sides where draining surfaces. To the right of
the sinks where a couple of open front cupboards with plates and cups stacked neatly. Above the plate
cupboard was a rack that contained knives, forks, spoons and other kitchen equipment utensils.
“Not at the moment,” said Darla who was standing over the cooker.
Nibs turned and lent over the bench and said to Sandra, “Did you enjoy your walk hun?”
Abs and Tina both turned and followed Sandra who had replied to her question by saying, “Yes I did,”
and she wore the smile she loved. Sandra walked out to the veranda where everyone looked happy and most
were sitting eating breakfast or drinking.
Very soon afterwards both Darla and Nibs walked out onto the veranda carrying another cup of coffee.
Darla carried a tray with two plates, piled high with a cooked breakfast of a couple of sausages, egg, a couple
of rashers of bacon, beans, and fried todats. Darla put the two plates in front on Tina and Abs.
At the end of breakfast both Tina and Abs volunteered to do the washing up and cleared away all the
plates and cups. A short while later whilst the Tina and Abs were completing the washing up the rest of the
guys wandered in from the veranda and sat in the living room still chatting about gangs, the planet and
general stuff. After finishing the cleaning in the kitchen Tina and Abs joined the rest of the friends in the
living room.
Darla stood up, and said, "Now is the time for you all to see the reason why I invited you here this
weekend," she paused and then continued, "Would you all please follow me."
She lead them to the door to the basement, she inserted the key into the lock and turned it. The lock
unlocked with a clunk and she pulled the door open and like they did on the first time Darla walked down the
passageway the lights that ran down the ceiling switched themselves on and illumined the down slope
passageway. The passageway was fifteen foot across and about fifty foot long and as everyone in hushed
silence followed Darla down the passage way she walked in to a room which lighted in a similar way as the
passage was a large room about 180 to 190 feet long by about 150 feet on the north south axis, the south wall
had eight high windows that let in a good amount of light.
The sight everyone saw was an armoury full of weapons, technology, equipment, armour, and other
things Street Ghosts wanted to keep them alive. Almost everyone headed off for the weapons aisles, but Nibs
headed for the equipment shelves. As she walked the length of the shelves, she looked and saw equipment
she could only dream of. She remembered hearing rumours of Academy Tech being state of the art
equipment in all areas of Street Ghost work. She looked on in wonderment as she passed a Beta grade Level
3 targeting and information rig.
Darla walked over to her and said, “You are in heaven I can see.”
This comment from someone brought her out of the trance, “Was. I was in heaven. Now I am back in
reality. Now I want to know what the armour at the back of the room is.” She headed off in the direction of
the armour. Darla felt intrigued as it looked like street armour most of the cops wore when in tactical alerts.
When she arrived at where the armour stood, like everything else it possessed a labelled ‘Black Light
Street Assault Armour’, “Feck me, black light!”
“What is black light?” asked Darla.
“The rumours on BlackNet concerning what Black Light is, is it’s a coating that allows the wearer to
literatly disappear from all artificial methods of viewing, including thermoptic.,” she replied.
“Feck me. Where is the letter I got when I was told about my inheritance,” said Darla, and she started
to check her pockets. “I remember where it is now,” and she disappeared up the corridor leading to the living
Sandra wandered over carrying what looked like an MA240. “What’s that hun, an MA240?” she asked.
“No, MA260 Pulse rifle with under slung 30mm grenade launcher. Pump Action with 4 grenades.”
“Give me,” she said.
“Yes no problem, there’s another 5 on the assault weapon racks. What is the armour?” asked Sandra.
“It says black light, but I always thought black light was still in the very early R&D stages,” she
Darla returned carrying the letter. “Hi Sandra,” said Darla. “Do you want me to read it; it’s in my dad’s
“Please,” she responded.
Darla started to read the letter, only when she came to the section on Academy Battle store, did she
stop her, “Academy Battle Store?”
“Yes, that is what it says here,” responded Darla.
“Then that would explain a lot of the Academy technology on the shelves and would probably mean we
have 25 what look like complete suits of Black Light armour.”
“What the hell is black light armour?” asked Sandra getting slightly annoyed.
“From the rumours on the Black Net Tech Forums, you literaty disappear under artifical vision means
including thermo, only the naked eye could spot you in black light. As it is a full suit of armour camouflage
rules do apply.”
Sandra smiled at this. “Oh yes, the guys where heading up to the veranda, for a firing line, do you wish
to join us,”
“Hell yes,” both Darla and she said.
“I have one question, what is a pulse rifle?” asked Sandra.
“A pulse rifle it’s another sort of assault rifle except it works with electrical current rather than a firing
pin. When you depress the trigger it causes an electrical signal to come into contact with the binary ammo the
260 normally uses, but like the 240 it’s a multi-weapon, it has the adaptation to take, normal rounds, and also
has barrels and block assemblages for ISW, Sniper, Assault rifle and carbine variants.”
“Bloody hell, so how does it work?”
“The way you pull the trigger, the speed, hardness determine how many bullets fire, the selector on the
side, has three settings, off, pulse, and full auto modes.
Sandra led them to the weapon shelves, Nibs picked up an Echo MA260 and two magazines. Darla
grabbed The Academy ISW and a box of ammo for it, and followed Sandra up the corridor and out towards
the veranda.
The rest of the group stood on the veranda in a line waiting for the last three to arrive.
Gary asked, “Would the mistress of the house mind being firing line officer?”
As Darla took up her position the rest of the guys fell into the line. Each member carrying a different
weapon, Abs was carrying an Echo 27 .55Cal Assault Sniper Rifle, Tina was carrying a modified Coltanar 85
Squad Assault Weapon, Gary was holding a Zonal Firearms DX-2 Assault shotgun, Paul was readying an
B&T Military Weapons and Ammo M40 pulse rifle, Damieel was carrying an HK23 Assault Carbine and
Angel was using a Echo Assault Weapons Close assault shotgun.
“Certainly, why thank you Gary,” Darla responded, and then shouted, "Team, Weapons ready." She
then paused slightly as everyone ready the weapons, "At the open sky in front take aim," another pause. The
last command she issued was, "Firing line, ROCK AND ROOOOLLLLL." On this command the entire line
just pulled the triggers and the combined sound was deafening but the smiles said it all. After a few seconds
of firing the line stopped and everyone just laughed out loud.
As everyone quietened down after laughing, Nibs lifted the 260 to her hips, her thumb selected the full
auto-mode, she then pulled the trigger plate and a few seconds later the 260 magazine was empty. Sandra
who was stood next to Nibs, lifted her 260 and pulsed fired until the 100 rounds the 260 carried for each
barrel was empty.
Angel was looking out into the area of space her shotgun was firing into, Nibs looked at her and Angel
looked like a demeond. Angel was muttering something under her breath, she caught a bit of it, “So Chit-tar
negotiate with the worst evil,” then the laughter of Gary as he emptied his shotgun ruined what she could
Tina down the end of the line had not released the trigger on her Coltanar since the order to open fire
was given. The end of the barrel was glowing a dull orange as the two hundred round box magazine was
exhausted and it stopped firing. Tina shouted at the top of her lungs, “MY FRIENDS WE ARE GODS IN
“LET ALL WHO FACE US FACE US FEAR US,” shouted Abs as she fired the last round in her
twenty round magazine.
“AS WE FIGHT FOR FREEDOM,” said Darla to finish.
After everyone calmed down after the high, she said with an evil glint in her eyes and a devil’s smile
on her lips, “With this tech I say let us put it to use. What type of workshop is it in the garage, Darla?” she
“I think it is a general, but it has all the necessary gear for a basic electronics and micro electronics lab
I think.”
The guys then walked in to the main house and sat on the seating.
“At last someone with a microelectronics lab,” she said after everyone sat down.
“Why hun?” asked Sandra.
“I have been wanting to modify the communication system, to use all the channels, rather than just
“You talking about the radios?” asked Tina.
“Yes, I am talking about improving them,” she responded.
“How?” asked Tina.
“The garage has an electronic and Darla thinks a micro electronics workshop.”
“Hell yes,” said Tina said and moved closer to her to discuss the options for modifying the
Communication System.
“If it is a micro electronics then I can add chips to the circuit board to allow voice activation and
control,” she said.
“How, you need to be able to write ROM chips for that,” said Tina.
“I know you do, my tablet has a program that from what I can see does exactly that, and included was
the software for exactly what we need a complete voice control system for our communicator, down to
person to person scrambled voice and data.”
“Oh, nice, yes exactly what we need, I also saw micro cameras that transmit live images back to a
central control centre and at least four stationary communication systems, with secure scrambled digital and I
think one had laser communication options as well,” said Tina who smiled.
She noticed that Tina now possessed a glazed expression about her eyes.
Angel and Damieel stood up and asked everyone, “Drinks?”
Most of the group nodded, ‘yes’ answers.
“I would love to know where Darla and her family got this stuff from,” said Tina.
“It is an Academy battle store,” she responded.
“You say that like I should know what it means, remember you have been ghosting for a lot longer than
I have.”
“True, ok. The talk on the forum boards is that the Academy is a training, research and design centre
for the Street Ghost scene, it trains elite street ghosts. It also researches technology for the Street Ghost world
to use to stay alive and to complete their missions. Some reports say that Echo Technologies set the academy
over 35 years ago to counter the growing threat of Security Command a similar style of place but it trains
people to work in the field of corporate security and similar. Sec Com relay on state of the art cybernetics and
brainwashing, Academy people rely on technology and the intuitiveness of the humans.
“Have you looked in the equipment shelves, a lot of it is Academy technology. Most of the weapons
look Echo Tech or Sister Company related.”

Sandra said to Paul, “All this technology and no way of getting it back to the city or Homebase?”
“Yes they is,” said Darla, “I will get my family’s lawyer to purchase a couple of vans and we then go
and pick them up from the city, and gather up the stuff we need from the city and bring it here and build our
selves some combat vans,”
“Yes, we could, but it would mean a lot of hard work for us, especially me as I am the only person here
who can weld,” said Abs.
“Yes true, but I was not thinking of keeping it to ourselves, Misty and her crew should be allowed to
use the gear as well, they are as much a part of this raid on Narizzan as we are,” said Darla, “and I know
Misty can weld, and I think probably one more person could do it as well.”
Angel and Damieel stood and asked, “Drinks?”
Most of the group sat with them nodded their heads. Paul said, “Yes thanks.”
“Ok, and did I hear you right you have a complete workshop and garage here as well,” said Abs.
“Yes, it has a good ten foot clearance and there is a large canopy box under the kitchen windows that
extends out in front of the doors.”
“And the angle and extend of the eves help a lot in keeping the rain off workers. Side walls?”
“Do not know,” responded Darla.
Nibs and Tina both got up and said to Darla, “Is the garage open?”
“Yes,” replied Darla.
“Thank you,” they both said and disappeared towards the front door.
Abs moved to follow the two saying as she went, “I think I will join you two, hang on.”

Nibs, Abs and Tina headed out of the front door and tried the garage doors, which opened to reveal a
large expanse of work space the layout followed the rough layout of the kitchen and living room, with the
area under the living room down a few steps as the floor sat a good metre lower than outside ground surface.
Abs looked in and saw a mechanics heaven, all the tools she would need to customize bikes and other
vehicles to specific specifications.
Nibs saw that and what stood beyond, down eight steps sat the rest of the workshop, top end computers
across the board, two digital projectors one facing the east and the other facing the north wall, around the
edges and beneath the window, that almost ran the length of the south wall, looked to be high tech analytical
and scientific equipment, microchip creation equipment, peel and reseal equipment for making and
modifying printed circuit boards, an Scanning Electron Microscope and numerous other pieces of scientific
equipment. The three long science room style desks in the middle sat on glass screened cupboards containing
beakers, flasks, and other equipment and supplies for chemistry and related physical sciences.
“I am in heaven,” said Tina, “I never thought I would be able to have access to this type of scientific
“What?” she said.
“During my years at school north of the river, I found that I really excelled at chemistry, and biology. I
had the distinction of being the youngest pupil to have complete 100% access to the science labs, after
school, by year 8. Give me a chemical formula and I will be able to work out how to make it safely,” said
Tina in reply.
On the east wall at the corner nearest the windows sat a door, she opened it and wandered up the
passageway as it went up, it levelled out at about where she thought the living room floor to be. She operated
the door handle and the door opened inwards and was located next to the door leading to the basement.
“What the hell, where did you come from hun,” Sandra said when she had walked through a door that
had not been there 10 seconds before.
“The garage and workshops, we have a complete science, electronics, microelectronics and a complete
mechanic’s workshops, and all the technology is top of the range stuff if not some experimental as well.”
“Hell, oh man. We where just talking about how can this equipment be used to help us in our street
ghost and gang operations,” said Gary.
“I would say we need some specialist large van sized transport or transports, the gear and supplies to
modify said vehicles, and the man power to actually complete the work,” she said.
The twins walked back from the kitchen carrying a couple of trays on which were cups containing each
member favourite drinks.
“Right I think Nibs has just answered the question,” responded Gary.
“What types of van you thinking about Nibs?” asked Darla.
“Three maybe four non-descript long wheel base high topped transit style vans really, nothing that
fancy,” Nibs said.
“Ok assuming we can get them how do we get them here and remember I have got the first playoff
game on the Savardar and we did say we would help at that festival from the Moroth.”
“The vans won’t be to hard to get as I saw a second hand car place in town selling what we wanted or
we can buy then in the city for cheaper but then getting them here is hard,” said Paul.
“No it is not, I am about to ring Misty and her group and invite them here, I think we should start to
work out the raid proper and not just sit around chatting about it,” said Darla.
She picked up her cup and took a mouthful of the Spiced Chai Latte and smiled at the Twins who just
smiled back happy as ever it seemed.
“And I have got to go back anyway, I need my tablet, it has got a program I need here to upgrade our
communication system,” she said, “So get the vans I will head back to the city tomorrow morning with a list
of things we need to get, meet Misty and her group and then convoy back with the vans.”
Both Abs and Tina appeared in from the concealed door, and came over and sat down and started to
design the combat vans with everyone else.
By the end of the evening three vans where designed and a list of the things that needed getting ready.
Gary left for the practice at about 16.00ish and would drive one of the vans back tomorrow. Darla had rung
her lawyer who had gone out that afternoon and purchased three vans. He then had them all moved by the
dealers to a specific car park to await collection in the morning. He also ordered the rest of the materials that
would be used to construct the vans. It would be due to be collected from the various fabricators.
Nibs said her good nights at about 24.00ish as she did feel tired and would be doing a lot of driving the
next day.
Chapter 18

The next morning at about 07.00, Nibs’ PDU alarm went off. She lent over and took the camber
cigarette she made the previous night, which laid in the ashtray on the bed side table and lit it and she took a
couple of takes from it. After expelling the waste from her second take she got up and headed to the
bathroom to wash, shave and do a basic makeup job, as she really did not need much on. As for most of the
day she was going to be either driving from metal fabricator to metal fabricator, or electronics shop to
electronics shop.
About 07.30ish she walked back to her bedroom and put on her leather trousers and a t-shirt style top.
She then headed for the basement where she went straight to where the black light armour sat and took one of
the cases; she opened it and checked the contents, which included one outer garment and all 93 ceramic
plates. She then headed for the kitchen where she took some bread and put it into the toaster. Whilst it toasted
she stood waiting for the kettle to boil so she could get an instant coffee rather than messing around with the
peculator. ‘Sandra must have had a good night as she did not hear her come to bed after I went to sleep,’ she
She typed a quick text message, giving her ETAs at places, to Misty and sent it. About five minutes
later she received the reply from Misty, saying, message received and would meet her at her second stop,
where the vans were parked.
She left the house at about 07.45 and headed for Forest Scope to refuel before heading towards

She walked up the steps of the house and opened the front door, she saw a couple of items of post on
the floor, one was the electric bill, which Nibs put on the side for dealing with when they got back. The other
letter had a handwritten envelope and was addressed to the Bitch Vixens, Gangrel unit, and then the address
of Homebase. She slipped it into the pocket on the side of the Rucksack she grabbed from her room she then
switched off the laptop and tablet. After they finished switching them selves off she slid them into their
protective bags and then into the rucksack, she also grabbed a couple of the DD disks to back some things up
to. She also dug out of her other rucksack her Digital Memory Player, where she kept 120hours of her
favourite music tracks and 40hours of her favourite music videos. At the end of gathering all the things she
needed she unclipped the box from the passenger’s seat and took it inside the house. She removed her clothes
and wiggled into the black light outer garment and then by a process of elimination, and the fact the plates
just did not slide into any other slot. She inserted the correct ceramic plate into each pocket. Each time she
closed the top of the pocket it seemed to melt into the armour material itself. When she finished the time
looked to be 09:40 she needed to leave then or else she may miss the guy with the keys. When she got up and
put her trousers, top and jacket back on it felt as it she covered by a layer of water, but she did not feel wet.
Her next stop would be the car-park near Misty’s where the lawyer said he would meet her. He said he
would be there at around 10.00. It was almost 09:40 which gave her about 20 minutes to get there. She
thought CW9, then off at junction 15, it would an easier route, bar any police hold-ups, otherwise it was off
at junction 17.
As she drove herself to the car park she realized what she must have been feeling; the plates must be
nanyte technology bloody advanced nanyte technology. She knew, ‘Nanyte technology is still in its early
stages. It meant that all the rumour she had heard about the academy being 25 to 30years more advanced
than the rest of the planet, was probably true.’

She arrived at the car park at 09:58 and saw Misty and the girls waiting a little distance away from
where the three vans where parked. She saw the lawyer standing beside the blue transit and slowly drove
towards him. As she approached, the gent stood up and walked towards her. She stopped and climbed off,
undoing her jacket so he could see her pistol and then made sure her hands where obvious to him.
When the gent was close enough he asked, “Nibola Calton?”
“Yes that is me,” she responded.
“Can you tell me were Ms Darla Graham is please?” asked the gent.
“She is currently staying at her late family’s forest retreat in the Low Back Foothills,” she replied.
“Thank you, and may I say you know the Street Ghost Scene and I respect your actions this day, here
are the keys for the three vans, I shall leave you to them and hope that my company is able to conduct
business for you at some time in the future.” He said and handed over three sets of keys and a business card,
which read, Grayson Lawyers Ltd.
He then just walked off in the direction of a car which stood beside the exit; she then took out her PDU
and rang Misty on it, saying when it connected, “Hi, its Nibs, I have the keys.” She disconnected the phone
and waited for the group to arrive.
A couple of minute’s later three bikes approached from the other end of the car-park. When the bikes
arrived all five girls got off and walked towards her.
Grezt asked her, “Where is Gary?”
“Do not know this is the only timed appointment we have today.”
After about fifteen minutes Gary turned up. When he climbed off, he said, “Hi, sorry for being late the
traffic over the West Docks Arch Bridge was at a stand still.”
“Ok let us get moving then, I have got everything we need from homebase in the rucksack and case.”
Nibs handed out the three sets of keys to Gary, Bee and Rachel. Everyone helped load Gary’s bike into the
back of the blue van. When it was in and secured Misty, Grezt, Angelique and her led the three vans down
the 6 floors to the ground floor. The first stop for the group would be one of the two steel fabricators.

The pickup from both the steel fabricators went like clockwork. Each one made sure all the things that
had been asked for, the steel plates, round bar, the square bar, and the materials and supplies for the Oxy
torch and welder, ready to be loaded into the back of the vans. The electronics shops were also very helpful,
both of them had prepared the orders before they even turned up and the one of the shop staff even helped
Gary and Nibs load the purchases into the van.
The next stop was to drop off Gary’s bike at home as later on in the week getting the vans back from
Darla’s would be a problem if Gary had his bike up there as well. Nibs already agreed to lend Gary her bike
for the match on Savardar.

Gary and Nibs met up with the rest of the group at the truck stop where everyone filled their fuel tanks,
and headed off in the direction of the Low Back mountains.
Gary said over the communication system, “If you girls want to get on and speed up, I do not think
Grezt or Bee really mind, do you?”
“No,” both of them replied.
“Ok, thank you Gary.” The four bikes accelerated away from the vans, he continued when the bikes
left, “It will take a couple of hours at this speed, but who cares.” He lent over and dug his Digital Storage pen
out and plugged it into the radio and switched it on. When the music started the journey did not bother him.

When the vans arrived at the house, Abs, Tina and Nibs where all waiting for the three vans to arrive so
they could unload the electronics and supplies straight into the workshops. Misty and the rest of the girls
were in the living room chatting and planning the raid and finalising the plans for the vans.
After Grezt parked up and climbed out she headed into the house to say hi to everyone, also to get a
drink. Bee went straight into the workshops and started to help unload the supplies. She also made sure
everything was tidy and did have a home found. They also started to make an inventory of all the items in the
garage and the purchases. Sandra and Tina had moved some of the more useful tools from the armoury into
the labs for easy access, and also testing the systems.
About 19.00, that evening, everything was away and everyone gathered on the Veranda where Misty
and Darla cooked an excellent barbeque.

On Torbar Nibs woke up early and decided to take a walk along the cliff edge.
She walked near the cliff edge until the forest thinned and opened into the small clearing which looked
out over the tops of the trees in the valley that stretched from inside the mountains to as far as the eye could
see. She looked around and saw the fire pit and log and walked to the log to sit down and looked out over the
scene. She looked out south; her eyes scanned the many mountains that where visible, most had a covering of
forest until at least half way up their sides, some had the last vestiges of snow from last winter’s big freeze,
this area had. Very soon she heard a twig crack and then the rustle of leaves and the word, “Damn.”
“Is that you hun?” she called out.
“It is babe,” came the reply closely followed by Sandra. “I was trying to sneak up on you and surprise
She just smiled and when Sandra sat beside her, cuddled her. She whispered in her ear, “I will always
find you Sandra, if you disappeared or where kidnapped, I would move heaven and hell to find you and
rescue you. You do know that?”
“Yes I do and I would do the same for you if the tables were turned.”
They both smiled and when their mouths met, she stroked her tongue along the lips of Sandra whose
mouth opened and their tongues played hide and sneak between each other’s mouths. When they broke they
both just sat and looked out of the clearing.
“What are your plans for the day babe?” asked Sandra.
“The next few days working on the communication system, assuming I have everything I need, it
should take me about an hour to write 6 chips, and then another hour to fix and coat them.”
“I know Abs is going to need a lot of help today, with the modifications for the vans. Do you know
what she is planning?”
“Yes I do. You were there too?
“I know,” replied Sandra, “but things like what is needed and the planning went well over my head.”
“Ok. Here is the basic plan for the vehicles, the blue van is going to be where we keep a lot of the fire
power and the mobile command base which is going to live at homebase. The white one is going to be an
equipment and ammunition store, and live with Misty and her group. The red one is a second command
vehicle and general office. Both the command vehicles are going to have at least two stations in the back and
one in the front, with the front having as much access as can be provided by the limited space. I think Abs is
planning on getting as much done before the weekend and then finishing the work either during or after the
festival has finished.”
“Ok, let us go then,” said Sandra as she stood up and turned and offered Nibs, her hand to help her up.
“Thank you darling,” Nibs said with a hint of a mockery of an upper class voice.
“Har har,” said Sandra, and the two of them walked back hand in hand, when they got to the house they
found Tina already up and just walking down the front steps. On the way back Nibs did pick up a nice branch
which she would use to make a door stop for the workshop door.
“Hello you two,” said Tina as she passed them.
“Hello Tina,” she said and started up the steps towards the house. When they got inside they both
turned and headed for the kitchen to either get or to make a coffee. “It looks like Tina got here first,” she said
when she saw the peculator was about two thirds full.
“So I guess you are heading to the workshop now?” asked Sandra.
“No, I am on holiday, and I intend to enjoy it as well as working, plus the work I am doing is not that
hard and I have the program and coding for the chip already written.”
After collecting their coffees, they headed for the veranda, where Bee and Angelique sat enjoying the
early morning sun.
After stepping from the house, Bee turned around and said, “Hello you two.”
“Hello Bee, Angelique,” said Sandra.
An MA260 sat propped up against Bee’s chair and Angelique had an HK29 Assault rifle hung from the
back of her chair.
Angelique turned and asked, “Where are your weapons?”
“Right here,” she said pointing to Bee and hers. “Think about it do we need to carry anything more
than a pistol when some of the people here are carrying assault weapons. Should anything start we will have
enough time to get to the basement and get ours, and surprise the arse holes when they get double the level of
firepower suddenly.”
“True,” said Bee.
“I guess you are heading into lab today then Nibs?” said Angelique.
“Yes, in a bit, I will be heading that way,” she replied, and unsheathed her knife and started to whittle
down the branch she found.
“What is that for?” asked Bee.
“A door stop for the door to the labs,” she replied.
“Good idea, it needs it,” said Angelique.
Bee got up and picked up her MA260 and said to the three, “I am heading for the workshop to start on
the cupboards for the C and C vehicle. I hope Abs is up soon as I need to know the specifications for the
boxes.” Bee disappeared into the main house.
The three of them just sat on the veranda for a while soaking in the sun. When she finished the door
stop she got up and said, “Chat to you two later.”
Inside the house she headed to the left hand side and starting beside the armoury door she tapped the
entire wall so she could locate the door. She found the concealed handle that opened it, and opened the door;
she then stuck the door stop in place to hold the door open. She then walked down into the lab and workshop
and found that two of the base-station units already set up on the side ready to test the communication
system. Tina sat at the computer calibrating the Digital signal so the teams Communication system could
pick up the base-station signals.
“Arh, Nibs, can you help here, I am trying to calibrate the base station to our communication system.
The communication control boxes will not accept the digital signal.”
“Right, ever thought it may be the communication control boxes that are not calibrated correctly to the
base station,” she responded.
“No I had not thought of that.” Tina then pushed herself along to where the test communication system
sat set up and inserted a small screwdriver; she took from her pouch, into the calibration hole. She turned it a
quarter turn and heard the test signal from the base unit. “Got the test signal now.”
“Right, time for the real test,” she said, and placed the microphone system in place and said, “Hi Tina.”
“Heard that Nibs,” responded Tina when she heard her voice over the ear piece she wore. “Good, Now
I know it is the communication control boxes.”
She laughed and walked over to her rucksack and took out the Tablet computer and base station, placed
it on the central bench nearest the PCB circuit writer and plugged in the power. She then booted it up and ran
her copy of High TuCoder. She then loaded the Chip writer program and then spent the next couple of hours
checking the code and the data files, after reading through the code she was happy with it and hit the run key.
The High TuCoder compiler ran, compiled the program which then ran and compiled the data files. It asked
to have the cable that would connect the chip writer to the computer inserted, which she did and wrote one
chip using her voice pattern files from one of the dictation programs she used.
After encoding the chip with the necessary data and programs she unplugged the chip writer and took
the now finished chip to one of the spare communication systems. There she opened the box and took a look
at the various pieces inside. She realised Tina thought about possible upgrages as the circuit board did have
an expansion slot for new chips.
As a part of the test code on the chip it would respond to the primary voice by saying hi. Nibs spoke
into the microphone and listened to the response over the speaker she plugged in, she heard the word hi
emitted from the speaker, and when she heard that she smiled as phase one worked, now to sort out the
command codes. She booted up the nearest computer hoping there would be an inventory of the supplies in
the lab.
Abs walked through and headed for the workshop.
“Good morning Abs,” she said as she passed.
“Oh, good morning Nibs, sorry, miles away,” responded Abs with a start.
“Yes I guessed.”
The computers not only an inventory but also some advanced programs and projects stored on them.
The archive that caught her eye was called CommandProcessorCoding. ExecuatableDataFile, she doubled
clicked the file which brought up a list of the other files stored in the archive. She then hit the extraction
button and extracted the archive to the computer. When it finished she took a look at the data file coding and
realised that the files possessed coding that would allow the ability to learn what each command meant and
what it should do. Nibs thought, ‘Putting this coding on to the ROM chips to activate the system and the
coding onto the Processor it should mean that we have total control of the system. The question is not
whether or not it works; it’s whether or not the programs are compatible with our system.’
Nibs spent the next three hours going through the coding and the comments.
By the end of the three hours Nibs thought, ‘Who ever wrote this knew what they were doing, and they
have also followed the best practice in the commenting of the program.’

As Abs walked into the workshop, she saw Bee had cut three of the sheets of 5mm steel into lengths
indicated by Abs on the rough plans they made the previous day. Outside under the awing sat the Blue van.
Inside worked Grezt, who looked to be removing the wooden panelling from inside the Van. This would
allow them to insulate and armour it from small arms at least. She picked up a tool belt and checked the
power charge of the cordless items; they all possessed a full charge. She then walked out to the blue transit
and looked inside and saw Grezt just getting the last piece of panelling off its support brackets. She looked
around the inside and saw that Grezt had also removed the brackets by using an angle grinder. The area
around each was smooth as she also smoothed the surface. She took the panel out when Grezt passed it to
her. As she moved away Grezt turned and picked up the angle grinder.
She carried it and laid it up against the side of the house, where the rest of the panels were. When the
last of the brackets got removed Grezt exited the van and said, “Hello Abs how are you this morning?”
“Not to bad thanks. How abouts you?” she asked.
“Not to bad thanks.”
Both of them walked to where the 8mm armoured steel lay waiting to be used.
Grezt asked, “How are we going to armour the van?”
“That I am still working out, I thought that we could heat the sheet with the oxy torch and then mould
the sheet to the van’s walls.”
“We could, but I was thinking cutting the sheets to fit the areas and the weld it to the van walls and to
the next piece in the chain,” Grezt suggested.
“Now that is a good idea, as it will allow the injection of the insulation to be done and allow it to dry
and solidify completely,” Abs responded, “and as it solidifies it will expand to fill the gaps and expand
through any gaps we miss when welding the plates in place.”

“True,” Grezt responded and grabbed the first sheet of armoured Steel and carried it to the work bench
and using g-clamps made sure it got fixed down. She started to measure the dimensions of the panels inside
and wrote each down.
A couple of minutes later she knew all the dimensions and exited the van and grabbed her cordless
angle grinder. She walked to the work bench where the first panel sat ready and she drew the shapes of the
first couple of panels on to the sheet. She used the angle grinder to cut a basic oblong shape and took it to the
van so it could be fitted up to the inside. She drew the shape of the corners on to the panel so it would sit
flush with the structured framework.

Abs worked on measuring and cutting the 5mm steel for cupboards noticed Bee walk in and approach
“Do you need any help Abs?” asked Bee
“I do not, I think Gretz might though,” she replied.
Bee headed off in the direction of the van and asked her as Gretz came out.
“What about the actual frame work?” asked Bee as Gretz carried the first panel back to the work bench.
“We’ll have to cut into the frame work and weld it back when the armoured steel has been welded into
place.” Abs replied.
She took her cordless angle grinder and made the first cut on the cupboards. After finishing the cutting
she positioned the cupboard and only then did she start to weld the plates together.

Around mid-afternoon, the rest of the guys wandered in and asked if there was anything they could do
to help, Abs knew of a load of jobs ready of them to do. Sandra walked into the tech lab rather than the
workshop and asked Nibs the same question.
“Of course they is, can you go to the armoury and collect all the technology that you think would be
useful to us when on operation,” she said.
“Anything specific?”
“No, just use your common sense,” she responded.
Over the next few days everyone got involved in modifying the vehicles and technology.

On Frodar evening during the wind down, Gary got up and said, “Right guys I am going to say bye and
see you lot on Moroth at the festival.”
“Oh right you heading back now then,” said Misty.
“Yes, I have a playoff game I am playing in tomorrow evening,” said Gary.
“Bye then, see you on Moroth then,” everyone said.
About 10ish in the evening Sandra, Nibs, Paul, Abs and Tina wandered out onto the veranda and sat
under the stars looking up and out into the universe above. Sandra said, quite out of the blue, “I wonder what
it is like out there, in the universe I mean?”
“A very philosophical question for you hun, that,” responded Nibs.
“I know, sometimes I do think about things that interest me, I would love to know what KRX is mining
on the second moon, and what Echo Tech Inc is doing on the three orbital platforms they have in orbit of the
planet,” she said.
“Those things are not easy to find out,” said Tina.
As the conversation happened she continued to look up at the stars wondering what did exist out there,
beyond the second moon and the close orbit. She heard some people say that the galaxy was over 4.5 million
light years across, but others said that the galaxy only included the Darra Von sun system.
“Yes, well, who cares, as I have all my closest friends alone away from everyone else, I was thinking
who is up for a little hunting trip?” Sandra asked.
“Yes,” said Abs, “Me. I need a break, 95% of the work is done just the little things like putting the
panels back and such, and the vans are pretty much finished.”
“I have definitely finished the work on the communication system and it works like a dream,” said Nibs
who grabbed her hand and squeezed it.
She looked at her and saw her looking out over the forest and mountains, smiling. Her entire face was
one of pure happiness.
“Oh yes, what you done to the system?” asked Abs.
“The system had four channels I have taken the three spare ones and made one a private channel or a
general announcement channel, the other two either transmit a data stream from any technology we carry or
they can be extra communication channels. I have also added a complete voice activation and control system
to it along with a carrier signal transmission, that allows the others to know who is on and receiving.”
“Voice activation?” asked Abs sounding surprised.
Tina replied, “The system requires that everyone has their own communication box as it requires a
known voice to control it, but lets say you, Abs, wanted to chat to me on a private matter, you would say
communicate Tina end, and the communication control box would open a private channel between you and
“Arh, I get you now, so if I want to chat to say Nibs, Sandra and you, I would say Communicate Nibs
end,” responded Abs.
She looked over to where Paul sat and saw how happy he looked.

“No,” Nibs said, “I will brief everyone on Moroth at the festival but the end command finished the
command, using your example you would say communicate Nibs, Tina, Sandra end and that would open the
channel to the three of us and also open the return channel, the carrier signal carries a lot of information in
“What about the data channels though?” Abs asked, “Sorry for all these questions.”
She looked at her other two friends and saw the same happiness as she did in her love Sandra.
“Do not be, it lets me and Tina know what the group will want to hear when we are giving the briefing.
The data channels, one is dedicated to live video feed, all the black light armours have fittings for a small
high definition camera. Each suit has two cases one is the armour and the other is the technology options
available, which include an external Smart scope HUU, Thermo and UV image intensifiers, targeting scope,
full band radio communication package.”
“Why are we not using those instead of ours,” asked Abs looking very surprised.
“Position Locators, all of them have a position locator inbuilt and until I know for sure whose receiving
the data I am not willing to use them, it compromises our independence to have someone outside the group
knowing where we are.”
“Put it that way, I do agree with you.”
“Everything else is hard wired into the suit via the head block, the helmet has all these functions as
well, but I know for a fact I hate wearing a helmet, I do cause I have to. Over the last couple of days I have
become accustomed to hearing the planet and nature, rather than the city, and wearing a helmet puts a
physical barrier between me and the planet,” Nibs said.
“The hunting trip tomorrow what shall we do, use the bikes or go on foot?” asked Sandra.
“I say lets go exploring, there are hundreds of footpaths some signposted some not, out there, lets go
exploring, my PDU has a Position Lock system in built and it records each lock automatically.”
“There you go the perfect guide. What’s the resoltition Nibs?”
“A couple of meters I think, it is not much more, I spent a lot on the PDU and made sure it has all the
upgrades and I keep the software updated automatically. A new update comes online, I get it.”
“I have done some exploring over the last couple of days; the hut just up the way has ten mountain
bikes in, unused,” said Sandra, “And I am betting you will not be able to buy these for love nor money.”
“Yes, somewhat,” she said sounding interested in the fact.
“And we all wear full Black Light, as I think we had better get used to it, as I think we will be wearing
it a lot over the next few weeks.”
“Yes more than likely,” said Tina, “Well if we are going bike-hunting then I think we all should get
some sleep.”
“I agree Tina,” said Abs and got up with Tina.
“We will come in a bit,” Nibs said.
“Ok, not too long though,” said Tina.
“Ok,” Nibs said and along with Sandra went back to looking out into the night’s sky. She wondered,
‘What is out there, no one could tell anyone what lay beyond our own control, but it’s the pull of the
unknown that makes it all the more exciting and special if you find something amazing.’ About ten minutes
later both Sandra and Nibs got up and went inside.
Chapter 19

07.00 Savardar
Nibs and Sandra woke as Nibs’ PDU played ‘Lost Death Mark’ by The Fallen Raven. She lifted herself
to her elbows and kissed her partner, Sandra, on the forehead saying, “I love you hun.”
“The feeling is returned,” replied Sandra and swung her legs out of the bed. She then reached for her
cambar cigarette and lit it.
She then joined Sandra in taking her cambar cigarette and lighting it as well. She then swung her legs
out and after taking a draw on it; she grabbed her bath robe and put it on. After this she picked up her boots
and PDU, which went into her Gangrel pouch. She carried that and waited for Sandra to join her.
Sandra quickly joined her as they headed for the armoury. As she passed the door for Abs and Tina she
knocked on it and opened the door. She saw Tina’s head lift and smile. She did the same for Paul’s room.
The pair continued for the Armoury and first headed for the kitchen and switched the coffee perculator on.
The pair headed for the armoury and where the Black Light where stored. Upon arrival Nibs took four
of the larger cases down and passed one to Sandra. She placed the other three on the ground and retrieved the
smaller cases that paired with the larger cases. The last one she took out she checked the name and found is
belonged to hers. She noticed Sandra looked at her strangely as if to ask ‘What are you doing?’
“I wore this when I went to get the vans and I think it is better that we each have out own separate suit
rather than changing suits,” Nibs said as Tina, Abs and Paul appeared. “Good a quick briefing on what I have
found out from wearing a suit earlier this week. The wet-suit garment has 93 pockets in and will only accept
the correct piece, no other piece will slot into that pocket. Also label your cases, I am not sure but I do not
think my suit is the same size as it was when I took it out the first time. Also you cannot wear anything that
impedes body heat, hence me not wearing my forms.”
The three girls, and Paul along with Nibs all opened their cases after writing their names with a
permant marker. From inside the case they all took the outer garment and untied their dressing gowns and
slipped their legs into the trouser section of the suit.

Abs was the first to have pulled the top over her head and tucked in the overlap. She picked up one of
the larger plates and tried it in the right breast pocket it and when it did not slide in she turned and looked at
Nibs looked back at her and said, “Remember what I said about pieces only going into specific pockets,
it is a process of elimination more than anything.”
She nodded as she remembered what Nibs said earlier and then tried it in the other pocket and found it
slid in straight away with no resistance. She then sealed the top and found that the area where the plate sat
been suddenly became a very vicious mix of garment and something else. “What they hell!” she exclaimed
and Sandra, Tina and Paul joined her.

“From what I was able to find out from the computers in the lab are that the plates are made from
nanytes, a good forty plus years beyond anything we have now. They have an inbuilt sensor that detects fast
moving incoming objects and they then lock together and form a stiff area around the site. Except this area
also has a bit of give in it. The one suit on display when Darla showed us the armoury did not have the
nanytes power source which is body heat. I am not sure what weapon they can defend against, but I bet it is
going to be most of today’s street fire arms. I think a lot of the one’s here are advanced enough to be a threat
to the wearer,” Nibs said as she slotted the last piece and picked up one of the pieces for Sandra’s back and
started to help her get sorted.
When everyone stood sorted she opened the tech box and was followed by everyone else, she looked at
Sandra who now wore a little smile on her face as if she hid something. “What you hiding hun?” she asked.
“Oh nothing except now I become the expert. When you and the others were busy and you did not need
me I came down here and learnt how the tech on the armour worked,” replied Sandra as she bent down and
retrieved the forest pattern camouflage outer. She put it on and then wrapped her utility belt armour her
waist. On to this she picked up and clipped a small box with a power charger hole and two small pipes
sticking out. Into these she plugged two tubes that looked like they were sewn into the camouflage layer
when she switched it on a small display appeared and the over suit shrunk to fit her body. “A primitive
environmental system, which should keep you hot or cool.”
“That I am not so sure on hun. On Moroth when I was moving the stuff around I never once felt hot, I
think the nanytes deal a lot with our body overheating.”
“That is damn useful,” said Abs as she also switched the environ box on.
She soon joined the other four, she then took down a complete light weight webbing set and opened the
main rucksack and dropped a sleeping bag in and to the bottom she fixed a bed roll. Into the main section she
opened and packed properly three one day food packs. The nibbles and other easy to eat items she made sure
sat in the outer pockets, in the main section she placed the rest of the food items, the next item, a complete
survival pack, she put in to the main section. She also picked up a small first aid kit and saw Sandra also
slotted the complete first aid pack in to her rucksack.
“I thought it better if one of us carries a complete first aid kit and as you just slotted the complete
survival kit home and Paul, Abs and Tina are selecting equipment. I thought I would carry that.”
“Ok,” she replied and she then picked her last item a small clip which she fitted to the top of her
webbing back, this she knew would carry the weapon she would be going to take. The next two items from
the tech case were the head rig for the HUU she knew she would take in a minute and the second small box,
except this one possessed a couple of data plugs as well as the recharge port. Upon close inspection she saw
that it fitted nicely together with the environ box and looked as if more could be added. She then plugged in
the twin cables that ran from the head rig. The last item out was the small box of tricks that slotted onto the
head left hand side of the webbing rig. She lowered the actual eye piece so it was covering her eye and it was
as if she was using her two eyes to see, not just the eye uncovered. ‘I am impressed this tech is going to make
as lethal on the battle field.’ She lifted the eye piece and saw Sandra also fitting the head rig.
After Sandra finished fitting it, and the checked it worked, she moved to help her with fitting the
webbing. She lifted the webbing rig so Nibs could clip in the front fixings. Sandra then clipped the two at the
back. Nibs then lifted Sandra’s and allowed her to do the same. By the time the pair finished clipping the
other pouches to their utility belts Tina and Abs had both just left heading for the aisles where the sniper
rifles where kept.
When the pair were ready they headed for the aisles they wanted and walked together until the aisle
with the MA260s on where Sandra turned down, except she kept going. The weapon she wanted was a
combat compound bow, which if the stats of the computer were right would mean the arrows would be fired
with forces close to 800lbs which with the arrows she had seen beside it, were vicious looking. She picked up
the bow and checked the balance and found it needed some stabilizing, and she picked up a single short rod
and fitted it to the front. The next item was a small digital scope which she fitted to the off side and made
sure the connection between it and the bow was good. When that was set she picked up a quiver of arrows
and she strapped that to the right hand side of her pack. She dropped the eye piece into place and saw a
targeting reticle in addition to the rest of the items in her vision. The one item she collected from the end of
the aisle was a two foot long machete which she slid along with it’s scabbard down the left side of her
The last job to do was to fill the water bottles. She joined Paul, Abs, Tina and Sandra, all of them
looked like they were ready. Abs looked a little annoyed with something.

Abs, Tina and Paul stood and when Nibs passed them the webbing and packs. Abs liked that Nibs
picked up a couple of one day ration packs and emptied the contents onto the floor and slotted the snacks into
the right side pocket and the rest of the food items went into the main pocket. She already placed a sleeping
bag into the very bottom and roll matt to the underside. The next items both she and Tina selected were a few
of the survival items that were located on the back wall.
When the three back-packs were packed she lifted her webbing set and she set and positioned it for
comfort, she did the same for Tina and Paul. All three headed for where the sniper rifles were stored. She had
an idea of her and Tina wanted. She walked to her new rifle the Echo 27 sniper rifle. When she stood in front
of it she picked it up and took from the cupboard beneath the sling and attached it to the rifle. She slung it
and then collected six magazines of 30 rounds and slotted them all into the front pouches. She picked up a
seventh and slotted that home into the weapon replacing the one she had emptied on Sumdar on the firing
She looked at Tina who held a Z2 and Paul carried a Coltanar TD-7, one of the more nasty weapons
Coltanar constructed. It only fired 10mm roundsbut the standard rounds were fin stabilized darts.
“Tech time I think,” she said and turned heading for the shelves holding the various items of weapon
Tina and Paul quickly caught her up and Tina smiled at her. They entered the aisle where Tina selected
a UV x200 scope. She stopped in front of a full smart scope modification for the Echo Series of weapons.
She picked one up and slotted the unit to the right hand said. She then made sure the unit was locked into
place as on the side of the rifle was a small data port which married up to the data port on the smart scope.
When it was locked home she dropped the HUU over her right eye and on the display was the armoury.
When she saw the image she thought, ‘Something is wrong.’ She grabbed the rifle’s grip and saw nothing
other than what she saw earlier. “What the hell is wrong?” she said.
“What is up hun?” asked Tina
“The smart scope I have added is not working.”
“Try plugging it in,” replied Tina as she pulled the short cable at her left hand side. “The armour has a
wire built into each arm than runs from the contact pads in the palms to the computer, and also plug in the
data cable from the HUU.”
“Good point,” she replied and took the two cables and plugged them both in. This time when she
grabbed the handle on the Echo 27, on the display appeared a target ring and all the rest of the information
coming from the smart scope. “This screen is a mess.” The screen in front of her right eye changed slightly
when she released the pistol grip. She walked towards the exit and waited for the rest of the girls to arrive

“What is up Abs?” Nibs asked when they gathered at the entrance way.
“The HUU screen is a mess,” replied Abs.
“There is a switch on the side of the HUU, it controls the eye scanner. I think one blink selects double
activates it,” replied Sandra.
After a few seconds Abs and the rest of the group found the switch and shifted the various screens
After the group got set they all walked up the passageway where Nibs asked Sandra, “Could you fill
my two water bottles whilst I collect the communication systems.”
“Ok hun,” responded Sandra and took the two water bottles.
She headed down the ramp into the lab and took four blank units and her own one. She returned to the
kitchen and walked to where the water bottles were placed. She gave each person a communications unit,
picked up her two water bottles and slid each one home into their carriers on her utility belt.
After each of the group picked up a communication system and fitted the microphone and ear piece in
place they walked towards the front door.
Outside she checked the range to one of the trees with the range finder built-in to the HUU and then
checked the range from the smart scope.
She asked, “Shall we take the pushbikes?”
“No,” replied Tina. “Abs persuaded me that it would be more fun to foot-hunt than bike-hunt.”
“Shall we go then?” asked Abs.
“Let us,” said Tina and Paul.
The group walked the short distance towards the forest.
“Communication-check, everyone,” Nibs said. “One, two, three.” After everyone confirmed they did
hear her she asked, “Shall I take point?”
“Yes no problem,” said Abs. “I do not care who leads. I would trust all of you with my life and I think
everyone else would agree.” The group nodded its approval to what Abs said and she continued, “All I am
going to say is that I like last position in a line.”
“Why did you ask, hun?” asked Sandra.
“Just wondered if anyone wanted to go first,” she replied
“If you want to, then lead.” Sandra gave a little pout to her.
She smiled and turned to the rest of the group who were following. “Ten meters or visible distance,
whichever is shorter? Agreed?”
“Agreed, that is a good operational distance,” said Tina.
She turned and started onto the track through the edge of the forest. The track took them on a
North-Easterly route away from the house. As she entered the forest, she took out her PDU and took a
position lock and saved the coordinates. She could see ahead that the forest looked to be getting darker and
denser. Light still got to the ground but it was considerably less than at the edge.
“You know guys, this technology is going to make us one of the most deadly units the Gangrels have
on the rosters,” said Sandra.
She then moved out slowly, looking around. After travelling ten metres, Sandra followed looking
around for animals.

After a couple of hours of following dead tracks, Sandra saw an ulit and dropped to the kneeling
position and brought the rifle to her shoulder and prepared to fire.
“Ulit, 400, 10 o’clock,” she said over the communication system so she would not scare any other
animals in the area.
“Your spot, your kill, Sandra,” said Abs.
Sandra knew that the other two thought the same.

Nibs readied her bow as Sandra had said ‘Elk, 400’ so that it aimed left so that should the shot not be
fatal, the elk was likely to move to the left and get nailed by an arrow. She doubted the arrow would be really
necessary, but the chance was there that Sandra missed or the animal moved suddenly it would be dead.

“Ok,” Sandra responded as she breathed slowly and in a controlled fashion. She squeezed the slack out
of the trigger. Sandra paused to ready her breathing, released the safety catch and started to squeeze the
trigger. The chemicals in the binary round exploded the bullet down the barrel, there was a muffled crack as
the bullet accelerated passed the speed of sound. Just ahead of the bullet was a cloud of chemical smoke. The
next sound was the quiet twang of bowstring as Nibs loosed her arrow. There was a thud as the bullet struck
the skull of the ulit and the ulit dropped down dead. The arrow flew down the left side and then thudded into
a tree.
“Why the arrow shot? My spot, my kill?” she asked.
“Let me say it was insurance. It is better to kill the animal outright than to have it die in pain because of
an injury that we caused. And, if you noticed, my shot was down the left-hand side, same height. The biggest
difference is my arrows expand when they hit something, making a nasty mess of the area they hit.” Nibs
then grabbed one from her quiver and operated the spring action on the expanders.
“Anyway, let us go and get your catch and package it for the trip back,” said Tina.
“Yes let us,” she responded and she started to walk to where the kill lay closely followed by Nibs and
When they arrived at the kill site, they saw the mess that Sandra’s bullet left.
“APEX round hun.”
“Oh, nasty,” responded Abs as she looked at the mess.
They spent ten minutes gutting and preparing the animal for transport. It got hung from a lowish branch
and position locked so the group could pick it up when they returned to the house.

The next few hours were uneventful. Then they approached a clearing and saw two deer grazing.
Before anyone could say anything, Nibs drew an arrow and Abs dropped to a kneeling position and had
readied her rifle. Nibs drew the bow string back and aimed at the closest one to the edge of the clearing, a
fraction of a second later, she released the bow string and sent the arrow on its way.
Abs pulled the trigger and there was a muffled crack. The two deer slumped down dead.
“Looks like we have dinner and a campsite to boot,” said Paul.
“Yes it looks that way,” she said.
As the group approached the clearing they could see that it had indeed been used as camp site, a
darkened area in the middle indicated where a fire had been lit there. Surrounding the area were a few logs
and stones.
“I will get on with butchering one of the kills,” said Abs.
“Sandra, Tina, Paul and me will gather fire wood and nuts and also try to find some water,” she said.
“Water? I do not hear any,” said Sandra.
“Just because you cannot hear it, does not mean it is not in the area. Very few people build a fire pit
without a water source nearby.”
“That is true,” responded Abs.
Paul dropped his pack off and stood ready to go with her. “Tina, Sandra, you two coming to help me
gather firewood and vegetables for dinner?”
“Yes,” said Sandra, releasing the pack and jumping up. Tina did the same.
She clipped her bow to the webbing as clip meant she could carry her bow and leave her hands free.
“Right here begins your first lesson in survival 101,” said Nibs. “The first lesson is easy; try not to get
lost and not to run out of food. It is one of the reasons I packed three days’-worth of rations this morning. But
if you do get lost then the area you are in will more than likely be able to provide enough sustenance for
people to survive. Come on, what did the hunter-gathers of twenty thousand years ago live on?”
“Nuts, fruits and things,” answered Abs.
“You done this before Abs?” she asked.
“I know basic survival, my dad is a hunter and goes to the North wasteland forest to hunt from mid to
late fall every year,” replied Abs.
“Ah, Ok,” she said.
“That is one of the reasons I said I would butcher the kill for dinner.”
She smiled and walked off into the forest. “First job is to find a water source as it will provide us with
water and there should be edible plants nearby. Pick anything, but eat nothing, unless Abs or I have cleared it
as edible. Ok you three?”
“Yes,” said all three and followed Nibs out of the campsite and down the hill.
After walking about ten metres, she stopped and signalled for silence. After listening she continued
walking and said, “Water is this way I think.” Having travelled nearly a hundred metres, the group came
upon a small gully in which ran a stream. Most of the forest had patches of ground plants, but sixty to
seventy metres downhill from the stream was a great mass of ground plants. She stepped over the gully and
stooped and grabbed a handful of red berries from a bush and ate one. She then passed some to Tina, Sandra
and Paul saying, “Jattar berries, quite juicy and sweet actually for this time of year.” The three each took one
and popped it into their mouths. They smiled at the juicy and sweet taste.
“Just wander and pick what you think will be edible. You are not going to learn if you don’t try.”
“Ok,” they all said and started to hunt around the area.
“Don’t forget the firewood.”
“Ok hun,” said Sandra.
Tina just nodded as she was engrossed in picking all the berries.
“Don’t take too many Tina. The local animals eat it as well. Here’s your second lesson; learn to live in
harmony with the environment. Don’t take too much or you may cause problems to the local animal life.”

“Ok,” Tina said and stopped. She looked around and spotted a tall bush, with things hanging from the
branches. “Is this edible Nibs?”

“Chuck me one,” Nibs replied when she saw what Tina was looking at. Tina picked one and threw it to
Nibs who, after opening the outer case, nodded to Tina.
After thirty minutes of gathering wood, Paul, Sandra and she had armfuls. Tina had already gone back,
dragging a couple of large logs to keep the fire going overnight. The three wandered back to see Tina, under
Abs’ instruction, clearing the fire pit out and putting most of the burnt wood in a pile close to the side. She
bent down, took her knife and scraped one of the logs Tina brought back. She soon held a small pile of strips,
she put them in the middle of the darkened area. She took her flint and steel from her pack and scraped a few
slivers of the large silver block off. Using the striker strip and knife, she caused sparks to jump and these
caught the silver strips and that caught the made the pile of wood strips smoulder. She took some of the small
twigs she had brought back and created a pyramid around the embers. She bent close and lightly blew onto
the kindling. The embers started to glow red and then small flames leapt and began to lick around the top of
the pyramid. After a couple of seconds, the twigs started to smoke and then burn. She put some more slightly
larger twigs around the base of the fire, then sat back and waited for the fire to catch properly.
“Where did you learn how to do that?” asked Sandra as she sat back.
“In Spinnaya and Rudeash, I know five more methods of fire lighting. I did not do much when I was in
Suraban, but I think that was down to my depression and also the bullying.”
“Anyway, you are now teaching some willing pupils the skills you know,” said Sandra.
“And also learning new ones as well, I hope,” said Abs.
“Oh yes I am,” Nibs responded. The pyramid collapsed a little so she put the twigs from the base into
the flames. These quickly caught and started to burn vigorously. “Well we are going to need a lot more
wood, people.”
Abs said, “The meat is butchered and hung. Come on Sandra, Tina. Let’s go get the wood. Remember
we will need a lot as the fire needs to be burning all night.”
“Ok,” said both the girls. Paul, Sandra and Tina followed Abs as she walked out of the camp site.
“Abs, Sandra,” Nibs called. “Go and fill the empty water bottles.”

“Good point,” Abs said.

She walked to where the packs where and grabbed the four empty bottles. There was a thud and a rustle
as a water bottle landed near her. Abs looked at it, then at her, who was smiling, “Fill mine please, I am
putting the tea on.”
“What we got tea-wise?” she asked
“Nature’s own Jattar Berry tea,” replied Nibs.
“Nice. Not had that before.”
“Nice change from the normal stuff,” responded Nibs as she stirred the mixture over the fire. “Can you
look for some wood for a spit and stands?”
“Yes no problem,” she responded and left the campsite heading for the water. The others were already
hunting for good sized logs and more berries, nuts and root vegetables. She called to the three of them,
“Come here you three, I want to show you something.”
The three of them came over and looked at what she was looking at.
Tina asked, “What is it?”
“A natural herb garden, you will find garlen under that plant, brissam stems, gristh leaves there, and
sarg leaves there,” Abs replied, “I think Nibs is good at making sure people are safe. I am more of a plant
When the group walked back to the campsite they saw that she held a cup and from the cup came
“Have a drink and a break for a bit, then start dinner, which is roast deer and a vegetable stew I think.”
All of the workers went and grabbed their cups from beside the fire.
“Mm, very nice.” After letting the taste settle, Abs continued, “just the right sweetness and tang.”
“I have to admit that too, it is a good tea,” said Paul.

“Thank you guys, I am just happy everyone liked it,” Nibs said
“We need loads more wood, you can never, not have enough wood for an open fire. Whatever we do
not use will get chucked in the morning before we leave,” said Abs.
“Ok,” said Tina, Paul and Sandra. The three stood up after finishing their teas and disappeared in the
search for wood.
Abs dragged a large stone out and tipped a small amount of boiling water over the top to wash it. She
then got out the herbs and passed one piece of the branches she collected to Nibs who looked at it and nodded
her approval.
Nibs got up and collected the machete from the side of her pack. She swung the machete and cut the
branch where wanted so she could make the spit. She selected two sturdy branches from the wood pile and
sharpened them. She then stuck the stands into the earth either side of the fire. She turned towards where the
meat got hung; she walked over to it, and selected a good size piece. She pushed the spit through it and
brought it back to the fire. She laid the spit on the stands and sat back down.
Abs put some more of the smaller branches and logs onto the fire. The flames after they caught did just
touch the meat in places but they died down after a short while.
She took the herbs Abs prepared and dropped them into a mess tin with a bit of water in and started to
heat the mixture whilst the two of them started to prepare the vegetables and other items for the stew.
“Nibs,” said Abs out of the blue.
“Yes,” she responded.
“If we had not asked you to join the Vixens, what would you have done?”
“Do not know, more than likely gone to college and then more than likely gone to work for one of the
corporations I suppose.”
“Not work in the freelance industry?”
“It would have depended on the offers when I was near leaving college, I know Damien would have
offered me a good package for me to work for him, but as I said I do not know, way too many variables to
even start working it out.”
She dropped the first batch of vegetables into the mess tin. “Catch the fat dripping. We can use it
tomorrow for breakfast.”
“True,” responded Abs as she grabbed a mess tin and caught the fat as it dripped off the meat.
“Waste not,” Nibs said.
“Want not,” responded Abs with a smile, “I see we got taught by similar teachers Nibs. My father
“Nimbo, from Rujuniva he was living in Spinnaya, a beautiful country of forests lakes and mountains,
and a lot of ice and cold, and Cubbadar from Rudeash.”
“Oh, I bet.”
“But a perfect place to learn survival techniques from.”
“Very true,” said Abs.
The pair saw Tina and Paul; both looked concerned, walking back to the campsite carrying quite a few
branches. “Where is Sandra?” asked Abs.
“We found something and Sandra is trying to locate is mother,” said Paul.
“What did she find?” Nibs asked.
“That it is we are not sure, it is small, furry and has bright blazing red eyes,” said Tina as she dropped
the logs in the pile. Paul joined Tina in dropping the wood he carried onto the pile; he then sat near the fire
and took a mouthful of water from his bottle.
After about fifteen minutes Sandra wandered back into the campsite, a bit despondent. “I was not able
to find its mother, but I have left it near the stream.”
“Oh, what the small ball of fur,” said Paul.
“Yes.” Then the five of them heard a whine coming from down the slope. “Hell, I cannot let it die out
there, it is not right,” exclaimed Sandra, as she got up.
Nibs very quickly followed her out of the campsite and down the slope. Laying on the ground near the
stream was this very light grey ball of fur. She walked up and down the stream looking for a dead animal; she
turned around and returned to Sandra saying, “I can see anything. Ok, take it back to camp this evening w
will do a search for its mother tomorrow.”
Sandra said, “Ok,” in response and bent down and picked it up and carried it back to the camp. “I do
not think we will find his mother, I think she may have fallen off a cliff or been killed someplace and the
young one has wandered here on its own.”
“More than likely, but you never know.”
“Well anyway whilst he is with us, I am going to call him Daraus,” said Sandra as they walked back in
to the campsite carrying the small ball of fur. She put Daraus down and Daraus crawled a short distance away
and just lay there absorbing the heat generated by the fire. After a while he sat up and looked at each one
individually and went to each and gave them all a sloppy wet kiss with his tongue.
Everyone coughed, spat and wiped away the saliva. “Ok, I think you may be right Sandra,” Nibs said.

A while later when the stew and the deer meat finished cooking, she took her machete and carved off a
chunk. She gave it to Daraus to eat, who tucked into it ravenously. She just smiled and carved off a few
smaller chunks, placing a piece in each of the mess tins. She poured some of the stew into each of the mess
tins and refilled each person’s cup with red berry tea. When she finished, she called, “Dinner everyone.”
Sandra and Abs wandered back into the campsite from the direction of the stream, both Paul and Tina
walked over from sitting on the ground looking up at the tree canopy.
After everyone started eating, Paul asked, “How would you react to me asking Amy to join the
“I would have no problem with it if everyone else is ok with it,” said Sandra. “What about you hun?”
she asked Nibs who sat beside her eating.
“Paul already knows my answer. Gary, Darla, The Twins and I had a chat about it when you three went
“Ok,” responded Sandra.
“Me too as long as no one has major reservations,” said Tina.
“Same here,” said Abs after swallowing a mouthful of food, “Excellent food Nibs, you have excelled
yourself again.”
After the meal Tina commented, “That was the first meal I have had that is been cooked over an open
“How come you are so knowledgeable about so many things Nibs?” Paul asked.
“Its things I have picked up on my travels. When my family moved to a new city I made friends with
the locals rather than my own people. I think I could operate, culturally that is, in at least 60 countries and I
know how to blend in and not stand out like a tourist. I also know eight languages fluently, one language
“Feck, you are kidding Nibs!” exclaimed Abs. “I have problems with Portguule, that is incredible.”
“How many countries can you operate in totally?” asked Tina as she put her cup down empty.
“23 without major problems, 37 if I am very lucky. It takes me about three months to pick up and
understand a language to be fluent. I will tell you a story about one school I attended. The teacher that took
us for the native language classes was an arrogant bitch, she thought herself so much better than the rest of
the class. I broke into her house and took some pictures; I was planning on humiliating her on my last day.
Oh I did use my skills for things like that,” she was nodding her head in answer to an unspoken question,
“but she deserved it. On my last day in school, I was moving the next day, I had her last and I sat where I
normally sat at the back of the class. About five minutes from the end of class I stood and commanded her to
shut the feck up, in the native tongue, and to translate what I said accurately. I pealed off a long line of swear
terms that only a person fluent could real off and at speed as well, she stood there shocked. Give her due she
did translate some of the stuff. As that was my last class of the day when the bell rang I disappeared with the
class throng as they left the class and was gone. I do wish I could see some of my friends from those
“What you thinking about hun?” asked Sandra as she placed her arm around her waist.
“Oh nothing. Just reminiscing about times spent, friends made and lost.” She sighed and continued,
“When I get back to the home base I must try and find them again and at least email them if nothing else.”
“When Sandra suggested asking you to join us, I have to admit,” said Abs, “I did almost laugh, but I
remembered what Sandra had been like when you first joined the school.” Abs paused for a moment to
collect her thoughts and continued, “But now I see that asking you to join us was one a great idea. I think I
can speak for at least everyone here; we had been looking to break into the professional world of Street
Ghosts and Elite Special Forces types of Mercenary work. We had a basic idea that you needed to be a full
Street Ghost and we knew we could get sponsored by Darla or any of the staff at command. That was about
the sum total of our street ghost environment knowledge, we knew about the net sites and other stuff, but we
had no idea how to even start to organise a job from the start to the end.”
“Yes we had planned combat operations from the Tactical level. We never really thought about how
much work goes into an operation from the strategic level, we never needed to. I think over the last couple of
weeks I know I have learnt a lot especially all the other things you must consider when planning an operation
from the strategic level. I think we all realised after that Ulleam that we seriously lacked in the research skills
and knowing where to look and where to put Net questions,” Tina continued. “And to be honest, I personally
think you make a great looking female street ghost, if I had not been dating Abs I would defiantly go for you,
“Thank you Tina. Where is Daraus?” she asked.
After a quick look around with their heads and eyes Sandra spotted Daraus just behind her legs,
“Behind your legs hun,” she said.
“Oh, there you are. Come here,” she said in a comforting tone. Daraus padded and jumped over her
legs and curled up in front of Nibs’ stomach.
“I think you have made a new friend Nibs,” said Sandra.
After the commotion of trying to find Daraus Tina continued, “And then to find that you not only
understood the world of the street ghost but also respected it enough to actually understand that to survive in
it you must be skilled in many of the areas we already understood, that was too good to be true.”
“I agree with Tina hun,” said Sandra as Abs moved one of the logs and placed a second on it so the
embers would heat and dry it, “you are one good looking girl with the skills and attitude to boot.
“From the first day I saw you in school, I fell in love with you Nibs, but as I said not with the male
version of you, but from your stories, you had a great life and lots of fun at times, but the female side of you.
I did not realise at the time that your family were travelling contractors for Ebbsu. That I only found out later.
Both Tina and Abs will tell you, they had to sometimes almost physically hold me back because I wanted to
go and protect you from the bullying, but due to the rules gangs have to abide by when attending the school,
meant I was not able to.”
“As I said a last week hun, what you did was all you could do,” she replied, “I think it is a stupid rule.”
“Is it, but central says it saves the schools from being raised to the ground by the different gangs
protecting non-gang members just because they like them or attacking other gangs.”
“Yes ok,” she said as she filled her mess tin and dropped in some leaves she collected earlier. She then
placed it between a couple of small rocks and dragged some of the embers so they were under the mess tin
heating it.
“On a couple of occasions I had to stop myself from lumping a few of the bullies for the shit they put
you through. I had been able to lump Gary a few times, but as members of the Gangrels and also the Bitch
Vixens we needed to keep a low profile, as we specifically are not exactly liked by The Aces. Do you know
something, next Gangrel Gathering I do think someone should bring up the issue of The Aces and what the
feck are we going to do about them?” said Abs.
“I think Gary is already to leave them after the final match,” said Tina as she took out a bag of
massaimmer smiling.
“Does anyone know how he intends to leave the Aces?” asked Paul. He saw the bag and also smiled.
“No I do not think he has made any plans yet. I think he wants to get through the play-off games and
actually get to the final first,” replied Tina as she opened it and took the spit and stuck a few on it and held it
over the heat and small flames that were licking around the propped log.
“That will be interesting; we are planning on supporting the team if they do get to the final as I know
the match will be played at The Suraban Dome?” Nibs asked.
“Oh definitely,” said the three girls.
“Does anyone know when the next Gangrel Gathering will be?” asked Tina, “it has been a while since
the last one.”
“I think Sarah C is organising a gathering mid-Auar I think on 19th or 20th Auar,” replied Sandra.
“I hope so because it would be a good time for the problems some of the North Stevran units have been
having with the local gang population, it was not aired and chatted about at the last council meeting. Which
come to think about it was over six months ago.”
“What we did not get told about the last council meeting?” asked Tina.
“What last meeting, the last one we got told about was six months ago,” said Sandra, “because you
know if I know of a council meeting I always try and go.”
“You remember when we got your bike Nibs,” said Tina as she took the spit off the fire and took a bite
from the end massaimmer. She then offered the spit to Abs who took the next one and took the spit and
offered Paul the last one. He took it and then held it so Tina could put three more on. He then held it over the
“Yes, Sarah C was at the club Tybias took us to, she had just been in a meeting with a local gang boss,
about the Gangrels supporting his gang in its problems with the other local gangs.”
“Yes, she had the council’s approval to open the armoury to the gang and to subsidise the four units the
gang had employed in support,” said Tina.
“That were not on the agenda of the last meeting I went to or knew about,” said Sandra.
“That is not like Sarah C to not email A-rated unit commanders about council meetings,” said Abs after
finishing her mouthful. “Thank you hun, that has nicely capped the day.”
“Yes it has and very true, this does need to be brought up very soon,” said Sandra.
“What is this about units from the north of the Stevran having problems?” Nibs asked.
“Yes, you should know this as it could mean a few Gangrel led war zones. Some of the gangs from the
North Side have been putting the beats on some of the Gangrel units that operate in the area. Most have with
drawn south of the river. A few roads away is another Gangrel unit, the Matterhorns, a close assault team,”
continued Abs.
After a few more hours of chatting about gangs, issues some gangs have with others and the Gangrels
and how they fit in to the Suraban gang scene. The group bedded down into their sleeping bags and chatted
whilst watching the fire as it slowly burnt through the wood.
As everyone slowly drifted off to sleep Nibs suggested, “If you wake check the fire, give it a stir and it
feed more wood.”
“Ok,” came everyone’s reply.
Chapter 20

In the morning, Abs woke first and she stirred the fire to life again. She then stuck some water on for a
hot drink. She wandered over to the two hung kills she could see the one she butchered looked to be
smoke/air drying nicely and the other no longer dripped blood. She then headed to the spring to fill the water
bottles. Daraus, who looked like he had not moved the entire night, stretched and looked over at her. He got
to his four legs and followed her down to the stream sticking his nose into the water. He lapped up a good
drink of the fresh cold water. She filled the water bottles and then the pair walked back to the campsite.
Nibs and Sandra where both stirring and when she walked into the campsite Nibs stretched and yawned
herself awake.
“Looks like we have all made a friend,” said Nibs looking at her and Daraus.
“So what is the plan then for the day?” asked Paul as he opened his eyes.
“Not got one other than we had better get back as tomorrow is the start of the festival setup. I would
like to get to that after a good nights sleep in a proper bed,” said Sandra.
Tina then opened her eyes and said, “What is the time?”
“About 06.00 I think,” Abs replied. She turned and picked up one of the mess tins so she could pour a
bit of the collected fat into it. She then placed the mess tin in the same location as Nibs used the previous
evening to heat up the last tea. Using the hunting knife they all had taken as a part of the basic survival
equipment she cut eight strips of meat from the butchered carcass and started to fry them. As the mess tin
would only allow her to fry two pieces at a time Paul and Tina got the first two pieces, after they were
thoroughly cooked. Nibs went about boiling up some Yalliammium tea from the few patches of
Yalliammium she found near the stream. Around 08.00BN the group broke camp by covering the fire pit and
also moving the logs and placing them in the undergrowth. As the group left Nibs position locked the site so
if they wanted to they could return to it easily. They headed back in the direction of the house; they
sometimes hunted, sometimes not. The route Nibs led then on made sure they picked up Sandra’s kill.
At about 03:00AN they arrived back at the house and all five had a kill to their name. Daraus loved the
return, bounding around, helping in the hunting when he was able to.

“First job when we get back is to somehow preserve the meat,” Sandra said as the group neared the
“Yes that is true,” responded Nibs. “We had better butcher the meat before we leave and pry we can
find a freezer big enough to take all the meat. I think the butchering should be done out front of the house. It
will save on the mess.”
“Agreed, I will give you some help with it,” said Tina.
Followed by both Sandra and Abs agreeing to help, as it would get it done quicker. Some of the work
could be left for tomorrow.
As they approached the front of the house, the front door opened and Bee came running out; closely
followed by Angelique.
“What the hell is going on?” Sandra said to Nibs.
“Yes what?” responded Nibs and Paul
“Hello guys,” Bee said as she ran past the group.
“Good hunt I seeeeee…,” Angelique said as she started to run after regaining her foot fall balance after
tripping off the last step and almost landing on all fours.

The group dropped the four kills and the rest of the butchered meat at the foot of the stairs up to the
front door and as they started up the steps Angel and Damieel came out of the door and the leapt over the
railings evil glints and smiles playing in their faces. The pair started after Bee and Angelique
As all five walked in to the main house they saw Darla and Misty where sat legs intertwined and hand
in hand. Grezt and Rachel where out on the veranda.
“Very strange,” Nibs quietly said to no one.
Daraus bounded over to where Misty and Darla were sitting.
Misty lifted her head and stared at Daraus as he bounded over and give then both a sloppy kiss. She
said after spluttering and wiping her mouth. “Hello hunters, you have returned without any kills and this is
new?” asked Misty questionably looking at them.
“No five kills, we left them outside to save contamination of the house. Yes meet Daraus we found in
the forest close to where we camped last night,” Nibs said
“Any idea what sort of cub? And it is not a good idea to take wild animals from the natural
environment.” Misty asked as she got up off Darla, who also got up and walked over to Sandra.
“Let us just say it adopted us,” she replied and then said after giving Daraus a tap on the nose with her
first finger. “Have him for a while whilst I and the rest of us go and get cleaned and butcher the kills.”
“Right, thank you Nibs, I will try and find what sort of cub it is. I would say its some form of wolf cub,
but we have three different wolves in the mountains and forests,” said Darla as she walked towards the book
“If anyone wants to feed him they can, it does have some teeth so we have been feeding him very
finely cutup raw meat from the kills.”
“Where are you going to butcher them?” asked Misty.
“Outside I think would be better,” Nibs replied.
“Excellent, you want any help?” asked Misty.
“Yes, more hands the better as we are planning on helping to setup a festival from tomorrow. Oh yes,
you guys are invited to join us if you wish,” said Tina, “It is the festival my mum and dad helped at so I am
going to help and maybe catch up with friends and things.” She followed Nibs and Sandra down the ramp to
the Armoury.

After about twenty minutes all five hunters appeared from the armoury in the bath robes they wore
yesterday morning. They all disappeared up to the bedrooms to put some more appropriate clothes on. They
then all came and sat down for a smoke and a bit of relaxing before they started butchering and skinning the
kills. After Sandra finished the Cambar cigarette she rolled she headed for the kitchen and checked the coffee
machine. “Coffee guys?” Sandra asked.
“Chai please, thank you hun,” answered Nibs.
“Yes thank you Sandra,” both Abs and Tina replied.
“You did not have a choice babe, that is what I am doing; if you want something else you do it!!”
Sandra spiritedly said with a smile on her face.
Nibs got up and headed for the kitchen and smiled as she passed Sandra. She placed her hand on her
right buttock and gave it a squeeze at the same time.
“Oh, mm,” she responded and turned to see Nibs wink at her.
“I will think about it hun.”

Nibs looked playfully down, as she knew Sandra was playing, but Nibs wanted to get the yes out of
“It is not going to work hun,” said Sandra with a smile.
“Ok then,” she responded, and continued to prepare a cup of Chai for herself.
“You two are two real lovers and it is nice see,” said Darla when she and Sandra returned carrying the
drinks. Darla sat back down still holding Daraus and carrying a book.
“Daraus come here,” she said. Daraus jumped down from Darla’s lap and took two bounding jumps
and landed in her arms.
“Right, what I can tell you it has an Albino wolf’s eyes and the Timber wolf’s cub fur. That is about as
far as I can tell you.”
“Mm, interesting,” she said. “Well anyway, when I have finished this I am going to get the butchering
and cleaning process started.”
“Yes true, especially with the festival setup starting tomorrow,” said Darla. “One bonus the vans are
ready to go, they all now have camping gear and general outdoor supplies loaded, all that is got to go on is
our specialist gear, armour and weapons.”
“That is an easy job for tomorrow morning,” said Abs.
Upon finishing her chai, Nibs got up and disappeared in to the Armoury. She headed for a small section
near the farthest corner where she saw what looked like some general survival equipment and they included a
butchering and skinning kit. She grabbed a complete kit and also a couple of sharp knives. She then went to
where she put her kit and took her machete and started back up the ramp. As she walked out of the
passageway, she smiled at everyone and turned towards the front door. Outside she headed for the garage and
found one of the largest tarps, she laid it on the ground in front of the house. She took Sandra’s kill laid it on
the trap, she swung the machete and removed the head, it quickly followed by her removing the hoofs of the
Ulit. She placed the machete on the ground and took the larger of the two knives dragging it down the centre
of the chest and stomach wall. The blade easily sliced through the skin and muscle. Very quickly she had a
cut running from the base of the neck to the animal’s gentiles.
She looked up and saw Sandra appeared on the veranda and stood watching her work. She stopped and
walked into the garage and took a large bucket and a pair of gloves. She walked back and slipped her hand
into the internal cavity and pulled the guts, lungs and heart out they dropped into the bucket. She reached in
for a second time and pulled the blood vessels from the neck and limb muscles. The last yank pulled the
colon and the bladder tube away.
She then looked up and saw Abs and Darla were stood waiting for the carcass so they could start
skinning it.

Abs and Darla walked out and headed down the stairs, whilst Darla waited for Nibs to finish processing
the first animal Abs walked into the garage and collected a second and third tarp and laid one of them on the
ground for Darla and a second for a third set of people to work on.
After laying out the third tarp she went back to help Darla as Nibs passed the now gutted animal to
them she remembered, ‘The hide from yesterdays dinner.’ She headed back into the house and down to the
Armoury, where they dropped their stuff. She took out the skin she from yesterday’s dinner and headed back
to the front of the house with it.
She walked past Darla and Misty as they removed the skin from the second animal. She walked into the
garage and took five pegs and a length of cord. She came out and she forced the five pegs in and attached the
skin to four of the pegs by its four limbs and to the fifth by its neck. She then walked back into the garage
and collected a set of over trousers and slipped them on. As she walk out she saw Tina and Sandra standing
outside waiting for her.
“You two here to help or watch?” she asked as she walked out of the garage.
“Help if you can use us,” replied Sandra.
“Yes I can, follow me and,” she looked at the pair and continued, “you may want to put on some over
trousers, because scrapping the fat from the inside of the skin is not pleasant and is rather smelly.”
“Ok,” said the pair and they heading into the garage.
Abs walked to where the bag sat and took out two fat scrapers, she ran her thumb across the edge and
felt what she wanted to feel, a very sharp blade. She looked down the edge and saw that it was incredibly
fine, and the edge on both sides was polished. She turned and saw both the girls standing waiting each
wearing a pair of over trousers. She walked towards them and said, “What we are going to do is scrape the
last of the muscles and fat from the inside of the skin.”
She knelt down and placed the scraper at a very shallow angle and took a film of muscle and fat from
the skin. “This will take a while as no fat or muscle can remain as it will start to decompose and will stink to
high heaven.”
As the three walked towards where Abs had pegged out the first skin Sandra asked, “What are the uses
for the skins?”
“Uses are many,” replied Nibs as she walked over after finishing the gutting process on all four
carcases. “Skins on some drums are made from animal skins. Some cultures use skins for clothing,
ceremonial situations. The uses a skin can be put too are numerous.”
Abs looked at where Nibs worked and saw Paul in the process of gutting the last animal.
“I came over to suggest that we,” Nibs indicated the pair of them, “We should look at butchering the
“That would be a good idea. How about a large fire to celebrate a very successful week I think,” she
said as she walked with Nibs to the last tarp.
Bee, Rachel, Angelique, Angel and Damieel returned after they finished what ever had been happening.
Abs stopped and turned to the five and said, “We are going to light a fire and therefore we need wood lots of
“Ok,” replied Bee and Angelique and they both now had smiles on their faces. The five just
disappeared into the forest surrounding the house.
After the five left Abs turned and drew her hunting knife. She picked up one of the animals and ringed
the hind quarters with the tip. She then placed the hand carrying the knife against the side and with the left
hand she gripped the leg near the hip area. She then pulled the leg away from the body. She then finished the
cut and then using a considerably more pressure she sliced through the muscle and tendons she quickly
reached the joint and here she pulled it away.
“Shall I,” said Paul from above her.
She looked up and saw Paul stood there carrying the machete. “Yes thank you,” she said and removed
her hand.
Paul bent down and after placing the edge of the blade where he wanted the cut to go. He swung up and
brought the blade down hard against the joint, which came apart fully when Paul turned the blade so
widening the gap. “I think Nibs prefers her method, but the machete works at going through joints so well
why not use it.”
“For this work, Paul the smaller boning knife is a butcher’s preferred weapon, with a razor sharp knife I
can strip the meat away and then keep the joint intact rather than possibly shattered. The very action of a
swing brings possible inherent errors. Paul did you notice I switched blades when I came to actually opening
the guts up.”

Paul walked over to where Nibs butchered one of a carcaus. Nibs moved from the hind quarters to the
fore leg area, where she made an initial deep cut and drew it around the top of the shoulder and back to the
opposite side. She then pulled the limb away and finished the cut. She then stroked the blade through a
second time. A few seconds later she saw the joint and a quick work of the blade around the joint it came
“You use the heavy blades when you want ribs or that style of meat made up.”
“Oh,” he replied as he realized that the variety of knives an old fashioned butcher was for different jobs
in the preparation of meat.
After a short while of watching Nibs and Abs butcher the animals, he saw the five girls collecting wood
gathered quite a pile and he walked to where it sat and gathered up an arm full of twigs and small branches.
He made a pile and using his boot knife he made short cuts that caused a small bit of the branch to roll away,
a short while later he made five and using his lighter he lit them. He used the smallest twigs to make sure the
kindling stayed lit and when these were burning well he used the slightly bigger twigs and progressively
larger branches until the fire was well lit and hot enough to dry out some of the other logs.

As Abs watched Paul and the rest of the group work she said, “I never realized how good it feels to
actually be teaching the skills my dad taught me to other people, especially those willing and wanting to
Gretz walked towards the her asking when she got close enough, “You planning on continuing the
scrapping at the festival?”
“Yes, we will have to due to the possibility of decomposition and the smell attracting scavengers and
carrion eaters.”
“You thought about how you are going to go about it?”
“No, other than use the same system of laying it out and scrapping it that way,” she replied after
spending a couple of seconds thinking about it.
“Why not use the side of the vans. All you are going to need is a sturdy frame and you can tie the skin
to it and scrap that way.”
“That is a good idea Gretz,” she replied as Nibs walked to where Sandra stood up.

Nibs turned around and saw Abs and Gretz both heading for the garage to build the rig they would need
when at the festival. She moved behind her and grabbed her around the waist and gave her a kiss on the
Sandra turned and kissed her back. She then pulled away and headed into the house with Tina to get
cleaned up.
She followed her so she could start the dinner.

Around 20.00 most of the friends were outside, only Nibs and Sandra were inside but the windows of
the kitchen area were open and the limited music selection from her Digital Player could be heard playing
from the windows.
Then they heard the sound an approaching motorbike, she wondered, ‘who could that be?’
Her question soon got answered when Gary appeared around the last bend and slowed. He parked up
with the other bikes and the three vans, saying. “Sorry guys for not telling you I was coming back this
evening, the coach has dropped me from the team for the next game only, he wants me back for the final,
especially after last nights performance, 13 of our 25 points from my ball handling skills.”
“Sweet, Gary,” she called from the kitchen, “I will be out in a minute.” A short time later Sandra and
her appeared from the front door carrying a large roasting tray with a good sized portion of meat on, she took
it to the fire then covered it with a large metal lid. She placed it on the hot embers at the side of the fire and
using a stick she scrapped some of the embers so they were surrounding the tray. Sandra appeared carrying a
spade which she took and picked up more and dropped them onto the top of the roasting tray and lid. She
used the spade and pushed it closer to the centre of the fire so it would stay hot and continue to cook the
Darla disappeared into the house and quickly returned with a traditional coffee making jug which she
placed at the edge of the fire on one of the hot stones.
“Tell us the low down about that is happening at school?” asked Tina.
“Ok, I will, give me a chance to chill that is a hard ride.”
“Ok,” responded Tina.

After Gary finished a drink and a smoke he continued, “Yes, The Aces want pay-back big time,
rumours have it that Zoë and Amy are planning something for both you and Abs, Sandra. And Simoine wants
his shades back, Nibs.”
“He can have them if he can take them from me,” responded Nibs.
“I thought that would be your answer to that.”
All of the Vixens laughed at the comment. Misty then said, “When you guys go head to head, invite us
as this bunch sound like the need a good street kicking.”
“They do,” said Nibs.
“Yes, bring it on Aces, We’ve kicked them a few times in a war zones, lets do it close and personal,”
said Darla smiling from what he could see.
“From what I have heard, Simon is laughing at the complaints, saying they brought the pain on
themselves for being bullies, and that people who bully sometimes get their comeuppance. But he will make
sure any thing the Aces plan is as above board as he can make sure it is.”
“That is good to hear,” said Abs.
“You know we are all planning on coming to the big game itself,” said Paul.
“No, I was hopping you would do that,” he replied smiling at the fact that when the last game finished
he could tell Detric what he thought of him, which was pleasant. He smiled as he thought of what he knew
Detric would want to do to him and if it came down to a fight that the twat would not stand a chance against
him. ‘You’ve never met Gangrel Street up close and personal before have you Detric, oh this is going to be
so much fun.’
“Let Simon T know that if the Aces want to come get a piece of us then all they have to do is ask
formally and nicely,” said Sandra.
“Yes and we will be happy to accommodate them,” both Paul and Nibs said.
For the rest of the evening the friends sat around the fire enjoying each other’s company.
Chapter 21

On Moroth morning Darla woke along with all the friends at about 06:00, and soon joined in the hustle
and bustle of people getting dressed, having drinks, and just generally making sure the house looked ready to
be left again maybe, for quite a while.
The twins spread the dust sheets over the furniture whilst the rest of the group worked on cleaning and
tidying up.
Around 08:00 everyone except Gary, Bee, Rachel and Daraus, who already left in the vans, gathered
for a last smoke before departing for the Festival. Darla was the last person to walk out, she turned and
closed the door, she then pressed her thumb on the scanner which released the swipe card from the reader
which she then removed and the system locked the door. She smiled and walked down the steps and towards
her bike. Everyone started their motor-bikes or motor-trikes and drove down the dirt track away from the

All the bikes pulled into the garage located on the main road just north of the Forest Scope. After filling
the tanks and paying for the fuel they all headed out heading for Suraban. As the group approached the
junction for IC5 Nibs slowed and placed her helmet on her head and made sure the chin strap felt tight, the
rest of the group did the same and then they all turned onto IC5 and accelerated down the onramp.

As the motor-bikes and motor-trikes approached the outskirts of Suraban they saw signs indicating that
the IC1 Bridge over the Stevran was closed due to vital maintenance.
“Ok, which route then?” Nibs asked.
“IC3 then CW23 then CW8,” replied Gary.
“Where are you Gary?” asked Sandra as she indicated to pull right and cross into the middle lane from
the outside.
Misty was already in the middle lane and passed Sandra as she pulled in.
Nibs closely followed Sandra and indicated again to pull into the inside lane.
“Just passing the truck stop now,” replied Gary
“Ok,” said Sandra. “Chat to you in a short while then.”
“Yes chat to you in a bit,” responded Gary.
The group approached the interchange junction between IC5 and IC3, Darla, who was in the lead
position indicated right and slipped across the IC and entered the slip-road. The road banked slightly as it
took fast moving traffic from IC5 to IC3. Darla slowed upon entering the corner and slipped across the road
towards the corner. She glanced in her rear view mirror and noticed that the rest of the group stretched back
behind her. She accelerated out of the corner and indicated left to enter IC3.
Nibs accelerated and passed Darla when she pulled over and began to move towards the rear of the
After Darla pulled over, she became the lead and she accelerated to 170KPH. The distance between
IC5 and CW23 flew past and the interchange junction soon approached. She indicated right and pulled across
into the nearside lane, she slowed the bike to 100KPH and entered the slip-road. The corner was a long fast
corner which joined the slip-road from the opposite side of the IC before joining CW23. She pulled around
the corner and two more motor-bikes joined the group as it accelerated out of the corner and slipped on to the
CW. She pulled over and slowed slightly to allow Abs to take the lead position
Abs just behind her in the convoy took the lead as they joined the CW23. The group overtook a 4
trailer road train, two of the containers belonged to Rotork the other two were blank and they could not see
any logos or indication of who owned them.
Each side of the CW was walled and all that you could see over were the tops were trees. As CW23
crested a rise they got the first sight of West Hills District. At the same time they also caught their first
glance of the Blue Ridge Hills, which are a set of low hills but they had a distinctive blue ridge to then, due
to the top of the hills being made from a blue quartz mineral. As the group sped into West Hills District they
passed the first of many Upper class and Exec enclaves.
All they could see over the walls were lines of trees, but they knew from the LPD programs that the
houses hidden behind them belonged to some of the most powerful people in the city. These people had
either made their money from working in the corporations or via less legal means. Even with the
multi-million deck bank balances they had, some were still very active in corporate affairs. Most of them did
very little actual work; most of their time was spent in private intrigue and espionage against other members
of the enclaves rather than the corporate or governmental variety.
“The Toffs’ district,” said Abs over the communication system.
“Not exactly Abs, North and North Ridge Districts are Toff districts, not this area of West Hills,
slightly upper class yes, but not Toffs.”
“Do I have this right? Does Richard C live in this district,” asked Abs as she saw the bike slow to allow
a car to pull into the middle lane and overtake a slower moving van.
“That is what the Street Ghost rumour mill has it as,” she answered. “One very true street ghost fact is
that if you specialise in espionage or in similar lines of Street Ghost work, you make sure you have at least
one apartment in the surrounding communities, more often a couple at least. All with fully equipped safe
rooms and escape routes, planned, practiced and secure.” She continued as she joined the four person line
that ran behind Abs. “I have heard some interesting stories on BlackNet about the stuff and happenings here
in Intrigue City.”
“Intrigue City?” asked Paul his voice sounding as if he was very interested in knowing about the area.
“Yes, it is the name that the Street Ghost community has given this area and the sounding support
communities,” she answered. “Most of the areas Street Ghosts have named are centres for work in the city,
Combat Mall in the north Industrial Districts of North Cove, Western Beeches, Mukar. It’s ten square blocks
of combat and battle related equipment stores, R&D centres, Battle Training grounds, and the only way to get
into the Newbran Combat District, 40 square kilometres of free fire zone. There are stories of entire Ghost
teams disappearing in the Newbran Combat District.”
“Jesium,” said Paul sounding somewhat shocked.
“Oh and do not use that word in there. It is rumoured that the last person to do so was visited by a
wraith that goes by the name of Jesium,” she replied
“You havve got to be kidding Nibs,” said Abs.
“No she is not,” said Misty.

When the group came off the CW8 they drove through the streets towards the large park they knew
would be holding the festival. They saw some signs for car parking and followed one and entered the main
car park bar the one linked to the Athletics stadium. The park itself easily measured 50 hectares of open
space. Criss-crossing it were foot paths and cycle-tracks, hedge rows and trees lined some of the paths. Small
clumps of trees dotted the park along with small mounds and small ponds; these were ringed with plants that
would conceal animal life. On the northern side sat a large athletics stadium and associated car-parking. A
skate-park and a couple of children’s play areas were also located in the park. The skate-board park was near
a smaller car-park a little distance away but on the same road that the main car-park was on.
The group slowed and stopped near the railings. They all climbed off and she stretched after the ride.
Nibs walked with the rest of the group onto the actual park where they all sat down to wait for the vans to
A little distance away they could see a small pile of things; it looked like someone was also pulling
their hair out waiting for something to arrive.

Tina sat and looked at the gent in the middle, her improved vision saw it happened to be Tim, her
brother and he looked like he was smoking something. When the vans arrived they parked up along side the
motor-bikes and motor-trikes. Gary, Bee and Rachel climbed out along with Daraus who just jumped out and
bounded over to where the group sat. He went to the small gap between Nibs and Sandra and sat down.
Abs and she got up and they walked to the van Gary drove and Abs slid the side door open allowing
her into the van. She bent down and opened one of the under work top cupboards retrieving a couple of
cookers and the tea and coffee making equipment.
Tina overheard Nibs say, “That guy seriously needs to chill out. I swear he is going to burst a blood
vessel soon.”
“More than bloody likely, as I think he is my older brother,” she said when she returned with the
cookers, and drink making equipment. Abs carried a large water carrier and the container of mugs. When the
pair sat down Abs filled the two kettles and a few seconds later they were on the cookers being heated.
A low loader pulled into the main car-park and was followed by a second one and then the nose of a
third appeared in the entrance way. Each looked to be stacked with fencing panels and the feet needed to
stand them up.
Tim picked up his bike and cycled over to the gate into the main park, where he unlocked it and gave
the driver of the lead lorry a sheet of paper with what looked like a plan drawn on it. The driver climbed
down and was joined by the other drivers and a mate who climbed down from the cab of the third truck.
When Tim finished dealing with the driver, Tina could see the relief on her brother’s face. She called to
him using John’s voice, “Hey mate, come chill with us for a bit, the lorry drivers know what they are doing,
so leave them to it.”
Tim turned and thought for a second and walked with his bike over to the group. As Tim approached
she confirmed her earlier guess about him smoking as cambar mix sat between his fingers. “Hi, my name is
Tim Griffiths.”
“Do you want to try something a little stronger,” said Rachel and passed him one of the Cambar mixes
she smoked.
Tina knew Rachel only ever put a few strands on tobacco in hers.
“Thank you,” said Tim and sat down in a gap both Rachel and Grezt made in the circle. “Ah, I see you
have tea and coffee making facilities?”
“Yes we do, would you like a drink?” she inquired.
“Yes I would thank you.”
“Oops our manners. Sorry,” she said, again using John’s voice rather than her normal one. “Allow me
to introduce Paul, Abs, Nibs, Sandra, Misty, Bee, Rachel, Angelique, Grezt, Gary, Darla, the twins Angel and
Damieel and lastly Daraus. Oh and myself Tina.”
She could see his face was one of ‘I know that voice’. Tim opened his mouth as if to say something
then he stopped and thought for a second and asked, “That is the voice of my missing brother. How the hell
can you know that and mimic it?”
“Thank you bro,” she said looking rather annoyed at his comments. “Look at me,” she continued, “your
eyes do not deceive you, it is me, John. You have a good memory for what my voice sounded like.”
“Are you surprised the week before you left the rows you and mum had. What the feck?”
“I have been living full time as Tina since I moved out.”
Tim just stared at her. Then after a couple of seconds he said, “Ok, we will have to catch up,” then he
asked, “What have you got to drink?”
“Chai, tea, coffee, cambar tea,” said Nibs, as Tim took a draw, then coughed and spluttered a couple of
Everyone present smiled at his reaction.
“Cambar tea please,” replied Tim.
“No problem,” said Misty as she dropped a scoop of normal tea and a scoop of ground cambar into a
small teapot and added hot water. After a few minutes the tea brewing she poured it into a cup. Misty then
passed Tim the cup, raised it to everyone and took a sip.
“Strange taste, but nice,” said Tim after tasting it.
“I know festivals and I also know that the person to ask about helping out over one is either the site
manager or someone connected with the committee,” Tina said looking rather inquiringly at Tim. “And I am
guessing that you are the site manager?”
“Yes I am, and what can you offer the festival?” asked Tim looking at each member of the group as if
he was studying them.
“Fourteen fit people, globally linked by a communication system that can be patched into nearly all
networks, security for the nights, stewards and general help people. All we ask is for a small area to reside
whilst the festival is happening?” she asked. “We would commute to the site but we live in South Central and
that area.”
“What type of security could you offer?” asked Tim.
“We are all Street Ghosts,” replied Misty.
“That changes a few things then,” said Tim with a smile. “I have no problem at all with you helping.
We do need a trained security team to patrol the site over the weekend. I will confirm it with the chair, but I
cannot see any problems, you have all got Street Ghost ids? As one of our number was a Street Ghost once
and is still listed as inactive.”
“Yes we do,” said Paul.
At this Tim got up and passed the Cambar mix, after taking a second take, to Grezt who passed it back
to Rachel. Tim walked to where his stuff sat, collected it together and walked back to the group.
Upon Tim’s return with his stuff, Gary said, “Well anyway, enough with the chilling, shall we secure
the site.” Gary stood up and dropped his jacket where he had sat as the sun had appeared and the clouds were
beginning to dissipate.
“True,” said Tim in response to Gary’s suggestion. “First job is to secure the crew and site office areas
and they are both around us now.”
“What is the situation with the car-parks?” asked Misty as she also joined Gary in standing. The rest of
the group also stood up and dropped the jackets they wore for the drive.
“We control both car parks and we always close them to the general public as it gets hectic as hell over
the weekend. The District Council opens up the Athletics stadium car park, and operates a minibus service
from there to here for the disabled and infirm, et cetera. The plan is to keep all vehicles that will be here the
whole weekend in the small car park and only use the main for deliveries and as a trader entrance, other than
crew-related vehicles.”
“Good as we will be needing access to the vans and bikes, as the vans are our mobile command centre
and if we need to get places we need the bikes,” said Nibs as she got up and she helped Sandra up. They both
dropped their jackets on the ground and covered Daraus, who then wriggled out from under them.
She saw a small red van pull into the main car-park and drive towards the open gate. It drove onto the
park and headed for where the group were standing around. She saw and recognized the driver as Celia and
to her Celia’s face was one a great happiness. Sat in the passenger’s seat was a small girl, who Tina
recognized but she remembered the young girl as a baby cum toddler.
The friends walked to where the first stack of fencing lay and Paul dragged the first piece of fencing off
the pile and along with Gary they carried it back to the crew area and laid it on the ground.

Nibs and Sandra walked to where Tim chatted with the new arrival. Nibs asked, “Have you got a plan
of the site saying where the fencing goes?”
“Yes I have,” replied Tim, “Celia, meet Nibs and Sandra, I think?”
“Yes, hello Celia, the plan please,” said Sandra.
Tim walked to where he dropped his stuff and took out one of the plans. He then handed it to her and
said, “Give the crew area enough room to house your tents and the vans.”
“Ok, we will leave the vans on the car-park side rather than bring then onto the field.”
“Right so how are you going to do this then?” asked Tim.
“Park the vans end to end with the blue one on the end,” she said.
“Why the blue one on the end?” asked Tim as he walked towards the fencing pile and saw six pairs
working on carrying fence panels from the nearest piles to the crew and site office areas.
“The blue one is the main command centre and has been outfitted with an ISW mount in the door. It is
equipped with a belt feed to 10,000 rounds of APEX ammunition,” replied Sandra. “We of the Gangrels have
a saying prepare for the worst, and hope for the best.”
“Weeouch!” exclaimed Tim. “What is the ISW?”
“A MA70ISW,” she said.
“MA70!” exclaimed Tim, and stared at the pair. “That is a military grade weapon.”
“We know,” said Sandra.
“Darla’s mum and dad had an armoury stocked with military weapons and equipment from a place
known as the Academy. Which on the BlackNet Forum message boards is an R&D centre for the Street
Ghosts,” Nibs said as both her and Sandra looked at the plans and worked out floor area for the eight tents
and area around them.
“I take it you know what the hell you are doing then?”
“Yes, nearly all Gangrels undergo thirteen weeks basic training at Gangrel Command in South Docks.
During our time there we are taught to be safe and sensible around all weapons from simple knifes to the
HSWs that are seen on the back of some pick-ups,” said Sandra as she carried a couple of feet to the gate and
dropped one there. Sandra then started to walk down the hedge and a short distance later she dropped the
second one. Sandra then returned to the pile of feet and took two more.
Tim and her grabbed a couple of feet each, they followed Sandra who continued, “Even through mine
and Paul’s mum and dad were already members and had done basic training, we both completed it with a
training cadre. Nibs has not but she has considerable knowledge of the Street Ghost scene.”
“How much do you know of the Street Ghost scene Tim?” She looked at the plan and dropped a second
one as a marker of a junction off the outer fencing.
“Hang on, wouldn’t it be easier to have the vans inside and a route out to the main area,” suggested
Tim, “and a little bit. John was a Street Ghost once. That was until he had an accident which has messed up
his leg. When you meet him you will understand I think.”
“Did you know that only a Full Street Ghost can sponsor people to become Street Ghosts?”
“Yes I did know that, why?”
“I sponsored all the Bitch Vixens; I have been classified as a Full Street Ghost for the last six months.
And I spent almost eighteen months learning the scene from a member when I lived in Ne-U-Bar.” She
looked at the vans thought about the new idea and the hedge, ‘The hedge is going to make it kind of annoying
to get into the vans.’ “I agree with you Tim. Hun lets move them so they are inside the perimeter.”
Sandra stopped and dropped the two feet she carried and asked, “Same order of vans though?”
“Yes,” she replied and started towards the red van. Sandra soon caught her up. “I think we need to paint
them though.”
“Yes we do,” replied Sandra. Sandra then opened the driver’s side door of the white van.
She opened the red van’s door and found the keys still in the ignition. She smiled and climbed in, she
turned the keys and the engine started. She closed the door and selected reverse so she could slowly back it
out and right so the nose pointed at the gate. Tim walked to the gate and opened it as she selected first and
slowly accelerated. As she passed the white van Sandra reversed out and followed her. She turned onto the
field and took a wide circle round and parked up alongside the hedge row where it joined the one that
completely ringed the park. Beyond which sat a sharp mound that was a deterrent to those who liked to ruin
places, with vehicles. She reversed it so the back had enough room to open, but not much more. Gary had
jumped into the blue van and had driven that one onto the park, after Sandra parked with a similar amount of
room behind hers. Gary positioned the blue van at the front.
She locked the driver’s side door and took the keys from the ignition. She saw Paul carrying two feet
walk down past the drivers side. Looking in the rear view mirror she saw him drop one foot at corner made
by the hedgerow surrounded the car-park and the one that completely ringed the park. Paul called to the three
drivers, “Any chance you can move forward a couple of feet as we need to drop a fence panel behind here
and along the hedge row on the road.”
Each van then moved forward by a couple of feet with Gary moving first then Sandra and lastly she
moved her van. Abs and Tina slotted the first fence panel in place whilst Gretz and Bee carried the second
one down beside the vans. Nibs moved over and got out of the main sliding door.
Gary joined Paul in carrying feet and clips whilst the rest of the group carried fence panels.
A tall guy, with grey wiry hair arrived and asked, “Do you want me to do anything?” On his back sat
an acoustic gui-dram.
As Sandra and she walked towards the now considerably reduced pile of fence panels, Tim turned to
face him. They took the next panel and her improved hearing heard Tim and Celia talking around the initial
base, “No, these guys have volunteered to help set up, steward, provide security and break the festival and all
they ask for is a small area for them to stay.” She went back to concentrating on what Sandra did with the
other end of the fence panel.

After a few hours of fence panel shifting and erecting, the crew area, Site Office and main Stewards
area were totally secured. In front of the crew area would be the back stage area for Stage 1 and beside the
stage would be the first of the two beer tents that operated on site. Sandra and she walked in from putting up
the last panel to secure the Generator for Stage 1, the Beer Tent, Crew area and Site and Steward Office they
watched Darla and Misty playing house, so to speak. They were using the red van as it was designed to be
used as an area to live from. In two piles outside the kitchen area, which had been tarped off so people
walking by on the street could not look in were the tents and everyone’s personal kit. The side door of the
blue van sat open and both the stations were ready and powered up by the internal power, the aerial was also
up and transmitting.
Celia erected a couple of small tents into which she guessed a lot of the things around them were going.
A short distance away sat the fire pit; Gretz had constructed whist the five had been hunting. In it was a small
fire that was heating an old fashioned kettle, which was hanging from a hook that was fixed to four poles that
came from the corners. The kettle looked to be close to boiling at this point. Misty walked out from the
kitchen area smiling at the pair as they walked in. Sat around the fire already were Angel, Damieel, and Paul.
Gary came out of the white van. Abs stood with Celia helping her unload her van and erect the tents and

Tina arrived into the crew area from the toilets over the other side of the car-park and said, “I had
forgotten how much fun it was being at the festival during set up.”
Three young ones and Daraus ran past and into the crew area.
Tim walked up and said, “It is cleared you guys can stay, Celia has no problem and the chair said, it
helps in keeping certain people from camping as crew.”
“That is good to hear,” Tina said. “Who is the chair this year?”
“Do you remember Big Malla?”
“Yes.” Then as something dawned on her, she said, “She is not?”
Tim nodded. “She will be here this afternoon.”
“It will be good to see her again.”
Both Sandra and Nibs looked at her asking the same question, ‘who’s this?’
“Big Malla, is a large dark skinned woman from Chivvera. She use to look after the younger ones, my
last year here was Willoo’s first. Celia had her nine months after one fair and the following one was my
family’s good bye, we moved to South Harbour District, two months afterwards, we never made any more.
Tim is four years older than me and three days after I moved out Tim moved back to the area and I guess
volunteered again.”
“You said hi to Celia yet?” asked Tim her
“Not yet, I have been kind of busy.” She turned and walked to where Celia had stood up.

Nibs, Sandra and Tim walked to the fire area and sat down. She looked beneath the fire pit and
registered that the grass had been removed, she looked around for it and found it had been placed under the
white van. She lent in and said quietly to Sandra, “Good idea, we need to remember that when having an
open fire.”
“Yes,” replied Sandra as the pair sat down and Darla walked out carrying a tray with loads of cups on.

Tina walked towards where Abs had just turned around and gotten something from the open side door
of the van. “Celia, hello, I am not sure if you would remember me from seven years ago?”
“Tim said that some one we use to know was back. Welcome back.” Celia looked her up and down in
an approving manner. “What name do you go by now?”
“Tina and let me introduce my partner Anna Detric, Abs to everyone.”
Celia looked at the pair and shook her head at the sight, “Those last couple of years before you moved I
knew something was wrong, but I would never have guessed it was you being Trans.” Celia turned to face
her and called, “Willoo, here now.”
The three youngsters that had been playing around the six man team working the right hand side of the
trader gate ran over, Daraus trotting at Willoo’s heel.
“I want you to meet someone who has come back to the festival after seven years, so you see people do
come back and she’s brought most of the guys in black as friends and helpers.”
Willoo looked at Tina and said, “Hellooo friend.”
“Whose pet?” asked Celia to Willoo.
“That is Daraus, he is a Bitch Vixen,” Tina said.
“Ok, what species is he? I would say from the colouring and amount of fur, he’s not pure bread dog.”
The group walked to where the teas were being sorted and sat down around the fire pit.
She felt someone tap her on the shoulder, she turned and saw Sandra was offering her a Cambar
cigarette. She took it and removed her lighter from her pouch and lit the end.
Abs answered Celia’s question about what species Daraus was, “We are not sure. He has the eyes of an
albino wolf, but the colour of a Timber Wolf cub. We found him in the Low Back Forest, no sight of its
mother and he is not been long of this world by his size.”
“That I would agree with, but albino eyes with Timber Wolf cub fur.” Celia paused for a bit and
continued, “That is not a combination I have heard of before, ask Melanine when she gets her which should
be some time today, she is an expert in things out of the ordinary.”
She saw the three younger one’s eyes light up at the mention of Melanine arriving. “That is a name I
have not heard before?” she asked Celia.
“No, she volunteered the following year to your last one. Her, her husband, Adam, Adrian and Cathy,
have helped set up and she and her partner Griffit organize the Chill-Out Zone. Adrian has for the last couple
of years looked after all the young ones during the set up, when the fair was open and site break.”
“You said husband Adam and then partner Griffit?” she asked her looking generally interested.
“Yes, Adam was one of six bystanders that were gunned down in a local pub when one of the local
crime bosses took offence at something one of the people drinking had done. No one has ever been arrested
for it and I think the case is currently a cold case. The local decent Security have been regularly re-looking at
the files, but still have not found anything new to tell them which group he had pissed off.”
“That is not good,” said Abs as Darla passed her a cup of coffee.
“No,” said Celia and Misty passed a cup to her.
“Adrian is fun to be around,” said the female of the other two.
“That is Dorris and the gent is Marick. Yes. Adrian looks after the children whilst we are putting the
festival together and then looks after them and helps in the kids’ area when the festival is open. He loves
them with an unbridled passion. You must have had some adventures over the years and how is Dominic?”
She smiled when she remembered her younger brother Dominic. “To be honest I have no idea. I have
not spoken to mum, dad or Dominic since I moved out, three years ago.”
“What!” exclaimed Celia looking very shocked and then her face went to one of not being very pleased
with her. “You have not seen your mum in three years, how come?” The tone Celia used, she knew she was
being told off, she deserved it. She knew that much.
“The last couple of weeks before I moved out, all me and mum use to do was row and argue over the
stupidest of things, and to be honest I have not needed to. The Vixens and Gangrels have given me more of a
family, I know mum never accepted me as Tina, so why force those who do not accept to accept.”
Celia sat there thinking about what she said and said, “Yes, you are right, but it pains me that the
situation exists in the first place.”
“At some point I will contact them, I know something will happen that I will need to.”
A horn sounded from the main car-park as a sat-rit style car pulled up. She looked over and saw a
woman get out of the passenger’s seat and she immediately noticed her eyes were red, and she also had large
bags under her eyes. She nudged Abs who was also looking at the woman.
Celia looked over and said, “Mel.” Then as Mel stepped over the bar Celia’s face went from being
happy to see her to one of being very concerned at her state. “What the hell is up?” she asked as her friend
came and sat beside her.
“Adrian and I had a massive row and he walked out, he’s not answering my calls, and a report from a
friend he was seen leaving the Tran Youth Centre with a friend and couple of people known to be associated
with Trivvoth.”

Across the fire pit both Nibs and Sandra looked very concerned at hearing what Mel told Celia.
“Adrian is a nice kid, that argument was serious to have him leave home and been seen with one of the
problems this and the nearby districts have. Trivvioth is the boss of a relatively powerful organized crime
family. He is suppose to support one of the local gangs, I think it is the Blue Diamonds and I can tell you
they are not like by the locals at all,” said Tim looking very concerned at the news
She looked at him and asked, “Any ideas how come?”
“No, we try and stay out of it, but sometimes the problems of the local areas spills over onto the
festival,” replied Tim and he then took a mouthful of coffee.
She looked at him and felt Sandra tap her on the shoulder. She turned her head to look at Sandra, and
her eyes now looked to be worried. The face Nibs was pulling was, ‘I know, talk to you later’.
Daraus padded over and lay beside her right heel. She over heard Celia say to Mel, “Can you have a
look at the pup beside. I am sorry I have not been introduced?”
“Nibola Calton, everyone calls me Nibs, Sandra Patterson my partner and this is Daraus, a wolf of
some kind, but that is all we can work out.”
“A wolf, I would say you have a Timber Wolf pup from the colour of the fur,” said Mel
“Yes, I would agree but he also has the eyes of an Albino Wolf, blazing red,” said Darla.
“The Albino is always white from the start, not a light grey. Can I take a look?”
“Yes,” she said smiling as Mel’s expression had lifted slightly.
Mel got up and walked around the fire to where Daraus lay. She picked him up by the scruff of his
neck. Mel then opened the right eye and looked at it. She could see how dark the eye was. Up-until this point
she had really not looked at Daraus’ eyes. She placed him back down and returned to her seat thinking. After
she had sat down, she said, “I would say from the eyes and the colour of the fur around the eye socket you
have something that I have only heard about from myths and legends.”
“What do you think he is then?” asked Darla as she sat beside Tim.
“An Angel Wolf.”
She noticed how Darla looked at Mel as if to say, ‘You must be kidding’.
“No I am not. I’ve seen the eyes of Albino wolves and they are considerably brighter red than those.
They I would say are a mauve more than a red which from the myths is the colour people say the eyes of the
Angel wolves are. I will check when I get home, but I have got to go to the local Security Station and give
them a statement about Adrian’s disappearance. I will be back later this afternoon and Griffit will be here this
Sandra and her got up and were joined by Angel and Damieel as well as Paul and Gary.
When the group had exited the crew area Daraus bounded over and Gary said, “This could be serious.”
“I know,” she replied. As the group walked she knew her face was one of ‘I am thinking feck off’.
They arrived at the pile of fencing, feet and connectors. She looked at the plan seeing that the fencing ran all
the way along the hedgerow and did have both an entrance and Emergency gate at the entrance way into the
park. She also looked for the next pile of fence panels and saw them near the middle of the next stretch of
hedge row. “Ok then, this pile from the Generator pen to as far as we can get them. The plan indicates an
Emergency and people gate when the footpath comes through the hedge row.”
“Ok,” replied Paul as Gary and him picked up a pair of feet each heading towards the generator pen.
Paul dropped one of his feet at roughly the right distance for a fence panel.
Angel slid the top panel off and dragged it to where it would join the fencing of the generator pen. She
was closely followed by Damieel and then Sandra.
A young woman, no older than maybe 22 walked to where she was dragging a fence panel off the
stack. She asked, “Hello I am Leia. You need any help?”
“Yes, grab some of the connectors and finger tighten then on the fence panels,” she requested
“No problem,” replied Leia as Tim walked over carrying a plan and a can of something.
“Any of you want to give me a hand marking out where the marquees and power lines are going?”
“Yes I will,” replied Leia.
“Oh, hello Leia. I see you have met the new crew and very likely the security for this year’s festival.”
Leia looked at Tim when she had stood up. “What!”
She stopped and smiled at her, “So, we are security now?”
“Yes, just had a quick chat with Darla and she says that is what you guys do. You assist other gangs
and providing security is one of the jobs you have been called to do.”
Gary walked back and took two more feet saying, “Yes I know I have, I am not sure about the Vixens
but I only joined eight months ago.”
Tim nodded as Nibs took the fence panel she was pulling to be the next panel in the chain. Sandra and
she lifted it so it was vertical and Sandra dropped her end into the foot beside her. Nibs dragged the closest
foot over and slid the fence panel into the hole in the foot. After that Sandra headed back for the pile and took
the next panel. Angel, who was the next person in the chain, dragged a panel to where Nibs stood, waiting for
the next panel so she could drop the panel end nearest her into the second hole of the foot.
A new gent passed her carrying the bag of connectors and he started to join the fence panels together.

After the group, of seven friends the six Vixens and a new guy to them, finished three entire piles of
panels they returned to the crew area.
Back at the crew area where a few new faces, one was a large lady who very definitely came from the
continent of Olliath. Tina, Abs, Gretz, Rachel and Angelique walked back in just behind her and her group.
Tina made a bee line for the lady from Olliath and when she got close enough, the pair, after she saw the
woman’s eyes open in shock they embraced as friends do.
Willoo started to jump up and down as a white Esszan type motor-car pulled up. She looked over and
saw climb out of the driver’s seat a woman. Tim got up and called, “Celia, KaVon and John are here.”
“Excellent,” came Celia’s reply from the area of the crew area known as Celia’s zone. Tim walked to
the gate and opened it.
The car drove on and as it approached the entrance to the crew area Angelique opened the gate. It drove
in and parked up beside a new motor-caravan and Celia’s Van. Out from the passenger door came a large
stocky gent.
Tim walked back into the area and said, “Hello John.”
“Hello man.”
She looked at the way he walked and realised he used crutches, when he travelled past the back of the
car she looked at the legs. Around his lower right leg sat a couple of halos connected to each other and
through the skin on his leg.
She turned to see Tim sit back down asking, “Is he the inactive street ghost?”
Tim nodded and smiled.
“I can see why he is on the inactive list.”
John sat on one of the seats and took out of his pocket a tin, similar to the one she stored her cambar in.
“Celia, catch,” said John and then from the other pocket came a blue bag and it was then in the air heading
for where Celia stood. Celia caught it and walked to the fire and joined John and KaVon in sitting down.
From the back of the Esszan came two young girls one around the age of Willoo and the other younger by a
few years. From the same pocket as the tin, came a bag which looked to contain a green material similar to
the way cambar looked.
She offered her half finished Cambar cigarette to John, who accepted it sticking it in his mouth and
then lighting the tip. He took a draw and his face screwed up a bit as the pure Cambar smoke burnt his throat.
“What you got in here?” asked John as he passed it back.
“Pure, I take it you mix?”
As Celia looked like she was about to roll a cambar mix she asked, “How much do I owe you John?”
“Forty, thank you.”
Celia took her purse from the right hand pouch of a pair of cloth pouches. From the purse came a
twenty dck note which got passed to John.
She heard Sandra quietly snort and she looked at her. Her face was one of being angry at something.
Sandra then realised she looked at her and smiled. Sandra got up and walked to where the tents got dropped
bending down to pick one up. Sandra then moved a short distance away empting the contents on the floor so
she could start to put it up.
She then heard John’s voice say, “What are we doing about security especially with the situation on the
streets at the moment?”
“Meet the security,” said Tim. “The Giths and the five new women.”
John looked at her and asked, “What level of training have you lot got?”
“We all hold full Street Ghost Licences and as Tim put it eight of the Giths have done Gangrel basic
training and I spent 18months learning direct from the scene,” she replied.
“Without knowing what Gangrel basic training consists of. No worries. I pretty much run the security
and the stewards here.”
She nodded as Darla handed her, her mug with a steaming drink in.
“Thank you Darla.”
Melanine and a second woman, she guessed must be Griffit as they were walking hand in hand, entered
the crew area and they both came and sat beside her. “From the books I have, I am confirming that Daraus is
an Angel Wolf.”
She looked at her in shock. She had heard one myth about the white furred wolf, whose eyes burned
with a deep red. “If Daraus is, then why me and Sandra, their must be people who deserve him more than we
“The one thing I know from the myths is that they select very carefully and they know if you and those
around are of a good heart.”
Griffit looked around the fire at the various people and to her she looked really happy.
“I hope you do not mind me asking, but I over heard you and Celia talking earlier and something Tim
said a while back. What has been going on in the local area?”
Melanine sat back and said, “The argument me and Adrian had was over me dating Griffit. I am bi, but
whilst Adrian’s dad was alive I held that side of me in check, he died a couple of years ago and I let go, I
have been with Griffit for eleven months now and we are friends first and foremost, and sexual partners
She noticed Melanine squeeze Griffit’s hand, the small movement of the hand squeezing most people
missed, she had been trained to notice, and to understand how they would react in situations. To her mind as
long as they knew the other was safe, then they would be strong and helpful.
“What is going on in the local area? Is that one of the local street gangs is running out of control, they
are extorting money from businesses, saying if they don’t pay then the boys are going to visit. The boys are a
mob of twenty local youths, high and looking to wreck someplace. I know a lot of the local traders have been
complaining to the authorities about it. I have no idea what has happened since, I heard that a couple of
weeks ago.”
“Ok,” she replied and looked at her partner trying to work out why the snort and face. After a couple of
seconds she took out her PDU and powered it up, she checked the power bar, which was almost full. She
connected it to the Net. She was going to two places, one being the BlackNet Forum for Suraban, and the
other was to post an advert for the festival on the Young Trans site. The message to the BlackNet Forum site
would be to ask for information about the situation in the area. When the two messages were posted she shut
her PDU down.
Melanine got up and walked to where Celia stood thinking about something.
Griffit asked when Melanine was gone, “What were you doing there?”
“Posting a message to BlackNet and also to a Young Trans site I belong to, I have only been out a
couple of weeks and I love it.”
“Ok. May I say that you do look very good like that, but the shadow could do with some dealing with.”
“I know,” she replied smiling, “but that comes in a while when I have been able to earn the money I
will need to complete the treatments.”
“How far are you planning on going?”
“Do not know, at the moment I am exploring life, having a loving partner, and all things Gith.” She
took a mouthful of Chai. This brought her up, from the initial taste it was not chai she got from the cafés she
“I can see from the way you just pulled up, you have just had some of Big Malla’s Spiced Chai?” asked
Griffit as she took a mouthful as well.
“Yes, I know my Chai, but this one had a spiced taste all of its own.”

Tina, Abs, Gretz, Rachel and Angelique walked in through the entrance to the crew area. She saw Big
Malla standing chatting to Darla who held a tub. Tina went straight towards Big Malla and when she got
close enough she said, using as close to young John’s voice as she could remember, “Hello Big Malla.”
Big Malla turned and looked her in the eyes and she said, “I remember those eyes, John Griffiths or
who ever that person became, come here and give me a bloody hug. It is so good to see you. What the hell
brings you back?”
“We saw an advert for it in a café we use in the Harliquanis Mall, South Peninsula district,” she replied,
“and I go by the name Tina now.”
“Yes, my young lady, what is this I hear from Celia about you not speaking to your mum.” Big Malla
looked at her in a very disapproving way. She also sat down on an empty seat and a young girl run up and
almost jump into her lap. “Hang on Demitre, let me get settled first.” After a few seconds Big Malla said,
“Now I am ready.” Demitre almost climbed and was lifted into Big Malla’s lap.
“Yes, I have already had the lecture from Celia. I will I promise, but it has to be in my own time.”
“Hey I know. Something like this drives most families apart in some form or another, but one thing I
do know your mum and dad will always love you in some small way and a simple letter telling them that you
are ok and that they are thought about releases so much tension it is unbelievable. Very few people know that
I had a daughter that rebelled against me when she was 14 and disappeared. We had had some slanging
matches over the previous couple of months. Then out of the blue I receive a letter through the post, it had
been forwarded on from my previous address. I contacted them and said thank you and invited them here.
The letter was from my daughter, it said she was sorry for the things she had said, it also told me she was
working and had been living with a partner for five years. The relief I felt knowing she was ok and not dead
was massive.”
“Yes I bet,” she replied and was handed a mug by Misty, who also handed Malla her cup.
“You left when, seven years ago now, and Tim came back three years ago. So what have you been up
to in those three odd years?”
“Loads, I now run with the Bitch Vixens, a Gangrel Street Gang unit, the entire unit are here helping. I
am also living with my life partner.”
Over her shoulder came Abs’s head and she planted a quick kiss on her cheek. “Hello, who must be
Big Malla.”
“Yes I am, and you must be Tina’s life partner?”
“That is me, I am known as Abs, it is short for Anna Detric.”

Nibs got up after finishing her chai and walked to where Sandra played house mum, with their kit.
“What is up hun?” she asked after she had bent down.
“What John and Celia just did the exchange of money for cambar. The supplies the Gangrels have we
could destroy the need for dealers and payment. It is one of my pet hates.”
“Arh, how does everyone else feel about the subject?”
“I know Paul and Tina support me, Abs is sitting on the fence, Gary, Darla do not know.”
She sat down just out side the door, Sandra came out of the door and joined her. “So I say go and get a
large amount and make this festival, for the crew, a free cambar festival.”
Sandra sat there thinking about the idea, “Yes why not. I know SD Unit Nine have a couple of large
growing rooms and a couple more sites supply the other units, and if need be I can always put a request in to
She smiled. “I think some of us could do with a refill. I know I could.”
“That is settled then get the rest of the fence panels up and I will go and sort out some cambar.”

A couple of hours later 70% of the fencing was up and the two groups were feeling the hard work,
Tina, Abs, Sandra and her less so than the rest. To Angel and Damieel it was as if they had spent the
afternoon lightly working out the way they moved the panels around. She shook her head at seeing them
carry and shift the panels effortlessly.
Sandra departed half an hour earlier on the mission to gather a large quantity of cambar for the crew
and also to have a chat with a couple of local units about the situation in the area.
When the group arrived back in the crew area they saw Malla, Misty and Darla sat around the fire pit
pealing something and dropping them into a large bowl. The three of them were laughing at something. A
large long tent now sat along the fence of Stage 1’s back stage area. Celia’s area looked tidy and a couple
more tents now sat ready to be occupied. In one sat Leia and laying inside, head in the doorway was a gent.
Nibs estimated him to be about Leia’s age. The front of the other tent was zipped closed.
She walked to the front of her tent and grabbed her cup from the entrance. She turned and headed for
the kitchen area. On a long, strong table sat a large urn, written on the side were the words ‘Big Malla’s
Spiced Chai Urn’, a sign on the top said, ‘Help your self’. She did just that, she opened the tap and poured a
mug full and after closing the tap she walked out to the where the fire sat and joined Big Malla. She said after
taking a sip of the hot Spiced Chai, “Madam, may I say I like your Spiced Chai. It has got a twang the other
Chais do not have.”
“Please it is either Big Malla or just Malla, and thank you. I make it myself from spices and herbs I
grow at home. There are so many new faces this year what with the friends Tina brought and may I ask, you
“Nibola Calton, I am known by nearly everyone as Nibs.”
“Nibs it is then.”
Darla stood up picking up the bowl and she tipped it into a large saucepan that sat on a large grill over
the fire. Daraus came padding in with four other dogs two small terrier type and two larger lean, you could
see the power in the pair’s bodies. Behind then came a young woman no older than her. She wore a pair of
jeans and a vest style top. She had to her ear a mobile and was talking to someone about art or something
similar, from what she could hear.
When the woman arrived she sat down beside her taking out a small bag of baccy and a small plastic
bag. From the small plastic bag she took a quantity of cambar and the woman started to make a cambar mix.
She took out her tin and said, “Rather than use yours, use mine, I have got more coming sometime in
the next couple of hours.”
“Thanks mate. You new are you not you. I am Hinita and the two small dogs are mine. The one with
the brown nose is Himms the other is Maelstrum. The other two belong to two of the guys talking to Tim.”
Hinita then looked around and saw a lot of new faces. “Ok. When did the festival gain so many new people?”
“Yes, I am known as Nibs, and yes you have Tina Griffiths to thank for the sudden increase in helpers.”
Tim walked back in looking really happy and surprised. Tim walked to where she sat and said to her
after he knelt down, “We have never got the fence to the position it is now until mid Torbar. I will not ask,
but feck me you lot work fast.”
Big Malla turned around and asked, “How much is done then Tim?”
“We have just got the chill out area to fence and then the internals and secure compounds to sort.”
“That is good, assuming the marquees come tomorrow then we should have them up by Ulleam and
then the last couple of days finishing off,” said Malla.
“That is the hope, I hope the fencing company deliver the rest of the fences tomorrow, we are sixty
panels down and they have not delivered the low fencing we need for the arena,” said Tim.
“Ok. Ring them tomorrow lunch time if they do not arrive in the morning.”
She looked at Darla and asked, “What is for dinner and what is the status of the meat we brought
“Ulit shoulder and vegetables. The meat is at a local restaurant freezing, Melanine and Griffit took the
lot and dropped it into a friend’s chest freezer.”
“Ulit shoulder. How come?” asked Hinita
“A few of us over the weekend went hunting and brought back five kills. We butchered, and skinned
them before we left where we were. Abs I know is going to spend some time cleaning the skins whilst we are
Hinita looked and thought about something and then asked, “How much do you want for a skin?”
“Do not know, your best bet is to talk to Abs about it.”
Hinita then looked down seeing the various items on her lap she started to make a cambar mix from the
supply in Nibs’ tin.
Sandra walked back in smiling and carrying a rucksack that looked rather full. As she walked past
Sandra stopped and only when Nibs looked up did Sandra place a kiss on her lips. Sandra then walked to the
tent and took off the small rucksack. Sandra placed it inside the inner tent and took a bag from it carrying it
to where she sat. She took from her pouch a clear bag and passed it to her saying, “Yours hun.”
“Thank you,” she replied smiling.
Hinita looked at the bag and said, “How much is in that bag?”
“Almost two ounces, it is what our tins take,” replied Sandra. “Arh, I see you smoke, well have a
present from the local Gangrels.” Sandra took a bag from the large one and gave it to Hinita saying, “Just do
not sell it.”
Hinita looked at the bag and started to say something then Sandra cut her off, “The Gangrels get
cambar free, and we grow enough to wipe out the need for dealers and the semi illegal trade in it, and ours is
a lot stronger than you get on the streets.” Sandra then looked at John and Celia and said, “Here for the pair
of you, just under two ounces each.”
“You are kidding!” exclaimed John whilst he looked very wide eyed at the bag in his lap.
“No, at some point over the next couple of weeks give me a list of all the core crew smokers and I will
give it to Wester Park Sliders Gangrel Unit. They have agreed to supply the core crew with free cambar.
They along with SD Unit Nine will be providing support forces should we need it over the next couple of
“That is a good point I need to talk to you about the security arrangements for the weekend,” said John.
“Have that chat after dinner I think,” Nibs replied.

Nibs sat in the open side door of the Blue Van. Sandra stood leaning against the front door looking in
to the rear area.
John hobbled over and lent against the open door and asked, “How much do you guys know about the
current situation surrounding the Blue Diamonds?”
“Enough to know if they come calling over the weekend, they will have the very sharp thin edge of the
stick with us and the other local units. When I left I visited a couple of local units and asked them about the
current situation, which is that Central has declared the entire gang Personna non Grata. Which mean’s being
seen in anything related to the Blue Diamonds expect to be removed from the gene-pool,” said Sandra.
“I asked you,” and John looked at Nibs, “earlier about the level of training people had. You said
something about Gangrel Basic Training, what does that involve?” asked John whilst he looked at Sandra.
“Basic Training involves normally a minimum of ten man units learning how be a unit, being safe
around fire arms from the pistols we all carry through to the HSWs. We also learn how to protect our-selves
in both ranged and up close and personal both with our fists and other combat weapons.”
“Ok, how about security procedures?”
Sandra walked to the door crouching down, and replied, “The Bitch Vixens are mainly a close assault
unit, but we have like all the other units have a basic understanding of security procedures.”
“That is good, it adverts my own issues about the entrance gates,” said John and he took a draw from
the Cambar mix he carried. “What about the general level of equipment?”
“We all work on a global communications network that is routed through the command and control
centre in this van,” Nibs replied. “We are also equipped with state of the art equipment taken from the
armoury beneath the forest retreat of Darla’s parents. We all have a complete set of, including all the
technology, Black Light armour, MA series weapons and APEX ammunition, we also have access to
standard ammunition.”
“The box here,” said Sandra whilst she tapped the cupboard beside the entrance. “Contains a
MA70ISW with a belt feed to 10000 rounds of 10mm binary APEX ammunition. We prepare for the worst
and hope for the best, and the worst next weekend will be the Blue Diamonds coming down mob handed.”
“Black Light you say?” asked John.
“Yes,” Nibs replied and accepted the cambar cigarette Sandra passed her. “We found 25 complete sets
at the retreat and brought them all back. The plan is that all people on security duty wear a set and you use
here as the base for the security.”
John looked into the van and saw the monitors and computer stations. “Can I take it all the cupboards
are weapons and such type equipment?”
“Most are, the cupboards under the bench contain surveillance and communications equipment.”
John turned and looked across the crew area and the area just outside and looked as if thought about
Outside the crew area were a couple of the local traveller vehicles, they, from what she heard from Tim
and Dan, helped in decorating the site and they organized the art gallery. Hinita sat on her Rudeashian drum
and along with a couple more beat out a song they knew. She remembered back to the twelve months she
spent with Cubadar. ‘It would be really good to meet him again. I know he will have a lot of new stories and
“Hun,” said Sandra as John hobbled off in the direction of his family’s tent.
“Sorry, miles away, just thinking about times spent with other friends.”
“Ok, you were going to teach me about the van?”
“Yes I was.”

Tina and Tim sat around the fire and Abs read one of the local papers in their tent.
“So you going to tell me about what you have been up to then?”
“Yes I am. You know about the rows and such me and mum had.”
Tim nodded his head in reply.
“The moment I closed the door the last time, a weight lifted and Abs will tell you I was so much more
happy. A couple of weeks later after Sandra and Paul’s mum and dad’s funeral, me and Abs moved in to the
Bitch Vixens Home Base in South Central.” She took a draw on the cambar cigarette and went to offer it to
her brother.
“No thank you, sis,” said Tim, “I smoke, but I cannot take a pure one, it rips my throat to pieces. Thank
you anyway.”
She smiled at her brother and asked, “You got your present from Sandra and the rest of the Vixens?”
“What the bag of Cambar?” asked Tim as he took out his tobacco pouch, his long cigarette papers and
small bag of Cambar.”
Tim nodded, ‘yes’. “I could not believe it when she dropped it into my lap. How come anyway, you all
have large tins?”
“Yes, it’s one of the perks of being a Gangrel we get cambar free.”
Tim shook his head, and started to roll a Cambar mix. “I could not help but notice that all of you are
carrying pistols, how come, I thought it was not permitted under some rules you guys live by.”
“No you can carry a pistol as long as it is only loaded with blanks. Ours are not we all carry live
Tim looked at her in shock, “What, you are carrying live ammunition for that, cannon.” He looked at
the Colt X33 44 magnum under her arm pit
She looked at him and smiled, “Yes. Even though it is unofficial, the Gangrels act as Central’s policing
force. I do not know of a single street gang that can match a War Zone Gangrel force.”
“How come some of the street gangs, from what I know are pretty good.”
She shook her head, “To untrained eyes yes they may seem good, lots of victories and such. Yes?”
Tim nodded his head to her question.
“90% of all Gangrels when they join spend thirteen weeks living at command in South Docks learning
how to be a Gangrel. As part of the training we are taught to work as a team, we get taught how to act around
all weapons, be they fire arms or knives. A large part is getting fit and when you are they hit you with
Gangrel Street, our own combat form, it was designed to be effective and nasty. The first rule you get told is
there are no rules to street fighting. It is very true, if a kick to the groin works at stopping people, then a kick
to the groin happens. Nibs took down a six foot four inch 250lbs defensive footbaal player in two moves. She
landed a kick to the groin and then brought her knee up and it connected with his face. Nibs is a trained street
fighter as well, so the bully was lucky as that combination has been known to kill people.”
“I bet,” said Tim looking in the direction of Nibs. He then muttered, “Remind me never to get on the
wrong side of the Gangrels.”
“Ok. How is mum, dad and Dominic?”
“Mum and dad are ok, I do not know about Dominic, I never really talk to him unless he picks the
phone up when I ring and that is rare.”
Angel walked out of the kitchen area and walked to the fire carrying a tray of cups.
Then a fast beat picked up from the drummers out side and she started to sway in time to the beat. Tim
just sat beside her. She was thinking about so many things, but she felt good as she had seriously thought that
when she walked out she would never see Tim again, not seeing Dominic was also not a good thing to
happen, but that could not be avoided though.
After a few minutes of just sitting there, Tim said, “I have to admit though you do look good sat there,
ask you a personal question sis?”
“Yes, I have no secrets, secrets lead to mis-trust and other problems.”
“Your tits, are they real, and how far do you intend to go?”
She sat there and looked at her older brother. “They are real. When I had finished Basic Training, I was
seen by one of the doctors the Gangrels have access to and he wrote the prescription for me and has said that
he was happy to write a referral to any medical doctor qualified to treat trans people. I have been on them
ever since.”
Tim shook his head and said, “I have to admit you do look very good sis, you look fit, strong and
confident. Not like the way I remember John, he was weak, timid and lacked confidence, but I can see why,
Celia has chatted to me about being trans and how it makes people feel. The festival had a trans woman
volunteer for a couple of years between us leaving and me coming back. She left the year before I came back
to help. No one has heard from her since.”
“Ok. When Darla told me and Abs and I went shopping, I dreamt John was being picked on and a girl
dressed as a Gith laid into them and scattered the attackers. When I looked up I saw Tina looking back at
Tim shook his head slightly smiling as Angel passed both him and her, a hot drink.
“Damn, it has got a bit nippy,” she said and called to Abs, “Hun can u pass me my jacket?”
Abs got up and carried her jacket to her and continued on out of the crew area and started to watch a
couple of people who had started to twirl things. She put it on and said, “How about you, you have probably
had some adventures yourself?”
The next couple of hours was spent chatting and telling each other their adventures and fun.
“I will say this the Gangrels sound like a great bunch of people,” said Tim.
“We are, and the festival crew they also sound like a good group, just like I remembered them and the
feelings are the same as I had when mum and dad helped.”
“I know, those feeling’s do not just go away,” said Tim and he wrapped his arm around his sister and
gave her a hug of welcome home.

Nibs and Sandra sat in the door war of the Command and Control van watching Tina and Tim. “It is
good to see Tina feeling the way she does now, she was very apprehensive about what awaited her when she
did return, she thought her mum and dad had come back and had begun to volunteer again,” said Sandra.
“Well it is nice to see so many people happy,” she replied smiling. “Tomorrow is going to be fun finish
the fencing and I think help put the marquees up.”
“That will be interesting,” she said, “I have seen various marquees up. I wonder what style will be
Chapter 22 –

Early the following day Nibs, Sandra and Daraus were sat around the fire pit having just finished the
last security shift of the night. The sun came up a couple of hours earlier when Tina and Abs’ tent door
opened and Tina stepped out.
“Good morning you two,” said Tina.
“Good morning Tina,” said Sandra.
She nodded her hello and pointed to the still steaming kettle.
Tina’s eyes lit up as she grabbed her mug from the entrance to the tent and saw the coffee and other
items sat on a small table beside the fire place.
“We did a bit of a skip raid during our shift, and found a couple of slabs that will serve as somewhere
to put the kettles and the table for the coffee, and other drink making stuff.”
“Nice idea,” said Tina she grabbed a seat beside her. “You two enjoying it here?”
“Yes,” she replied. “Ever since you guys asked me to join I have loved it, I said to Griffit yesterday, I
am enjoying life, having a partner and all things Gith and Alternative.”
“Same here, you are a lot happier than you were last week,” said Sandra after taking a mouthful of
Tina bent down and sorted out herself her first coffee of the day. “I know, seeing Tim was a surprise,
but it is so good that the original crew has not changed that much in seven years.”
An hour later a couple of trucks pulled up in the main car-park in front of the gate, the two drivers and
two mates climbed out. They walked towards the crew area as Nibs stood up and started towards the gate to
let them in. She stopped when she saw then walking towards the crew area and sat back down taking a sip of
her coffee. She then felt the weight of the kettle and headed for the kitchen area to re-fill it.
She heard the lead guy say, “Hello, you got a drink on in there?”
“Yes in a second,” she replied as she turned the tap off, of the now almost empty water carrier. She
walked back out carrying them and four cups she took one of the hooks from the table hanging the kettle over
the fire pit.
“I do not remember you, where is Tim?”
“Still sleeping,” said Tina, “Hang on.” After a couple of seconds, “You Jeff?”
“Yes, how do you know that?” asked Jeff looking very perplexed.
“I am Tim’s sister/brother from seven years ago, I was known as John Griffiths.”
Jeff looked at her and said after recovering his mouth from the floor, “That is some change.”
“Yes I know,” said Tina as she got up and asked, “You lot want a drink?”
“Yes please, thank you,” replied Jeff.
An hour later Tim’s tent door opened and a very bleary eyed Tim appeared and said, “Good morning
campers. God you are up early sis.”
“I know I do not need much sleep.”
Tim then looked at Sandra and her and asked, “Any thing to report?”
“No, easy night. Did a bit of skip raiding and got a small table for the coffee and stuff and a couple of
slabs for the kettles and pans to sit on.”
Tim nodded asking, “Is the water hot?”
“Stick it on the fire and it will be,” replied Sandra.
“Hello Tim,” said Jeff as he walked back in from the toilets.
“Oh, you are here.” Tim stood up and moved the seven feet to a free chair. He lent forward and hung
the fullest kettle on the hook.
“Who has got the keys for the gate Tim?” asked Jeff after Tim took his first mouthful of coffee.
“Nibs has them,” replied Tim.
She smiled at Jeff who looked rather annoyed, “Why did you not say you had them?”
“You never asked,” she replied. She then passed them to Jeff who stood and dragged the other driver
with him. A couple of minutes later the two trucks’ engines started, slowly they drove onto the site and
parked up just outside the crew area. The pair walked back into the crew area and gave Tim the keys.
“Thank you,” replied Tim.
“What is the situation about crew for putting up and taking down the marquees?” asked Jeff
“Meet your crew,” replied Tim and pointed at the three, “with others. They had 70% of the fence up by
7 last night.”
“70%!” exclaimed Jeff, “That is good. If you are that good, then we should have them up by this
“Yes, show us one and we will do the rest, if you want to supervise the complicated ones like the stage
1 and 2 and the Gallery.”

After thirty minutes the first signs of Celia and Malla getting up happened with Willoo appearing from
hers and Celia’s tent and the rear door to Malla’s van opening. When Willoo appeared she headed for the
fire, pit rubbing her eyes, she said, “Hello friends.” Daraus padded over to Willoo and she bent down and
gave Daraus a stroke, this got Daraus to give her a sloppy kiss in reply.
“Good morning people, and I think it will be a fine day as well,” said Big Malla.
“Good morning Big Malla,” said Tina who seemed to be naturally happy and smiling constantly.

A couple of hours later the two trucks sat empty having dropped their contents of pegs, cables, bundles
of various coloured canvases and pole sections in seven locations around the site. Nibs and the rest of the
Vixens and Raiders, minus Misty and Darla as they helped in the crew area and manned C&C, along with a
few of the other crew were gathered around one of the single pole marquees. It took the group an hour and a
half to put the actual marquee up.
After the group finished erecting the marquee Gary, Paul and a few of the crew went off with the
second driver and the two mates to erect the twin pole marquees. It left three single pole marquees to be
erected by the remainder.
As the group of twelve friends and Jeff walked to where the first of the piles lay, she suggested, “Lets
put two up and then the first to finish starts to put the third up.”
Tina called back as she led Abs, Angel and Damieel and Angelique towards the second pile, “Ok
She looked at Tina and stuck her tongue out as she walked off.
Gretz along with Rachel started on sorting out the pole.
“Sledge hammer, I knew I had forgotten to pick something up,” she said angrily turning towards the
crew area and the tools in the white van.
When she walked into the crew area she saw Melaine and Griffit both on their knees painting signs for
when the festival opened. Two more new faces now sat around the fire drinking a drink. She slid the side
door open and reached in, taking the two sledge hammers from the tool area. She turned around and saw Tim
head towards the gate as a truck carrying some toilets parked up waiting to be allowed entry.
She carried the two sledge hammers back to the group and handed one to Bee who swung it and it
impacted the top of a setadar spike. Sandra held it until the ground held it. She continued to walk to where
Jeff and the second group were getting things ready. Angel smiled as she approached and headed to take the
sledge hammer from her.
When she returned Sandra held the third spike which would act as the base of the pole Rachel and
Gretz were dragging the various quarter sections out so they were in place around the pole.
Jeff walked to the head of the pole and started to attach the four steel cables that would support the
pole. “Nibs,” spoke Jeff as he looked up, “can you run the four cables out and then take four spikes and place
them at quarter points.”
She nodded her reply and walked the cable that ran down the actual pole itself. When she intangled the
cable Bee and Sandra walked to where she srood. “Where is the next spike going Jeff?” asked Sandra as Jeff
walked towards the group.
“Pretty close to where you are standing. Place a spike at quarters the pole.” He then turned and walked
towards the second erection team.
A couple of hours later the all but one of the marquees were up and the first batch of toilets now looked
ready to use and been sited in the back stage areas of the four performance stages and the Gallery. Two also
stood in the crew area. One of the pair had been sealed so it could be moved to the steward area near the
main gate. The toilets the public would use were arriving on Frodar.
When Sandra and she walked back into the crew area they saw John sat in the command and control
vehicle and stood outside were a pair of new women. She also saw Misty sitting in the passengers seat
explaining something to the three.
Darla walked back in from somewhere in the main field and followed by a couple more new people.
“Drinks you two?”
She shook her head to clear it and replied, “Thank you Darla, Chai please.”
The pair walked to where Willoo and Katerina were sitting around the fire, Daraus lay between the two
She looked at the sight and suggested to Sandra, after they sat down, “Shall we let the pair of them be
in charge of Daraus whilst the festival is not open to the public. It would keep him busy and hopefully out of
mischief and would give us the time to get the festival properly set up.”
“Yes, I do not see why not,” replied Sandra, “Celia, how do you think Willoo and Katerina are going to
take being responsible for Daraus whilst the festival is not open to the public?”
“Do not know, they should be supervised, but Katerina and Willoo are both intelligent and have been
around animals for all their lives. Let them have him today and ask them again tomorrow and each day.”
She nodded as did Sandra at the good advice Celia just gave them.
She saw the two women move away from the van. When they saw the red haired woman carried a Delt
357 in a side holster. The mousey coloured haired one was also carrying what looked like a Coltanar Police
Service Automatic. John climbed out and Misty followed.
The red haired one asked, “With the new technology, what would happen if something was to occur?”
“That is easy, you hand all tactical control over to the security forces and they deal with the situation.
Hello I am Sandra and this is my partner Nibola also known as Nibs.”
“Carol Hill, Street Ghost and I work as a bouncer at a local night club.”
“Ruth Timms a team member when we get offered Street Ghost work.”
“And for the last few years the festival’s security force. Meet two members of the new and improved
“Hello, I guess we are going to be working together then over the weekend.”
“It kind of looks that way,” she replied as Big Malla handed her and Sandra a cup of hot spiced Chai.
She took a mouthful and smiled at the beautiful taste of the drink. “What are your thoughts for the
security over the weekend, John?” she asked.
“At least one person in command and control; I would like to have two, but I think the numbers are
only going to allow one in there. Then split the entire force into two and have each work as a combination of
static security on the gates and patrols around the rest of the site,” replied John, then Darla handed him a
thermal mug. “Thank you Darla.”
“No problem John,” said Darla as she handed out the rest of the cups on the tray she carried.

The afternoon Nibs spent relaxing in the crew area whilst Tina and Abs travelled meeting the local
units. The rest of the Vixens sat in tent mouths or around the fire. Celia walked in after returning with
Melanine from a local place which stored paint for people after they had finished with it. The centre also
acted as a place where people could go and get leftover paint.
She felt someone tap her on the shoulder, and then a voice asking, “You two busy?”
“No,” replied Sandra.
She turned to face the voice and saw it was Melanine. “No,” she replied and looked around to see a pile
of recycled wood and a good twenty paint cans of various colour. “Right then, what do we need?”
“That lot,” replied Griffit as she sat back pointing to a list on the fence.
She looked at the list and saw it contained about twenty items. “How are the signs being placed?”
“The ones on the gates are being fixed by strip ties and the ones for inside are either being fixed with
strip ties or hammered onto posts and then they are hammered into the ground,” replied Celia.
“Where are the posts then?” she asked as she knelt down and picked up a paint brush and dipped the tip
into the red paint.
“We make them as we need them,” replied Melanine as she and Sandra headed off back to the car and
the paint in the boot.
She looked at the list and decided to start on the sign for the Skate Board Stage.
Nibs, Sandra, Melanine and Celia spent the afternoon creating the signs that the festival needed.

Frodar 5th Auar 09.00

Laying on the bedding mat Nibs looked out across the crew area. Both John and KaVon were just about
up, they liked the late nights and hated the early mornings, she could see that from the state of their eyes.
Katerina and Demmia sat on smallish chairs eating their breakfasts.
Inside the inner tent was a small pile of clothes and the rest of the personal gear the pair used. Their
pistols were locked in the C&C van.
Sandra slept beside her and down at their feet slept Daraus.
Nibs looked back at him as he woke up and both warned and stood up. He padded up the tent, between
her and Sandra. As Nibs looked at Daraus she could swear she saw a face where Daraus’ nose should have
The face smiled at her as Daraus walked out of the tent and headed into the Crew Area.
Damieel’s head appeared in the door way asking in a loud voice, “Do you two want coffee?”
“Thank you Damieel. You have just woken sleeping beauty here.” She smiled at her. “Please.”
“Hey, I heard that,” came from the sleeping form next to her.
“Oh, you are awake then,” she said re-lighting the cambar cigarette she smoking.
Sandra rolled over on to her back and looked up at the roof of the inner tent.
She looked at her partner who just smiled and looked very relaxed. She passed Sandra the cambar
cigarette and lighter then Damieel appeared again in the door. She carried steaming mugs.
Sandra rolled over and shifted slightly so the outside did not see her in her night clothes. She then let
out a plume of smoke and smiled ‘thank you’ at Damieel. Sandra rolled over onto her front reaching out to
take her cup from Damieel which she took a sip from.
John sat cooking on a couple of gas cookers the frying pan he used came off and he took out a couple
of strips of some meat. It went into a roll which Tim picked up and he headed for the pairs tent.
He knelt down and took a bite from the roll, asking when he finished his mouthful, “No problems last
“None we heard off, the Gallery was up late, but it was quiet music and singing,” she replied.
“Ok, we should have the District inspector on site at about 16.30ish, which team is on?”
She sat and thought about it, and replied, “I am not sure I think it is team two.”
“Right,” said Tim, “Any chance when I go round with the person someone from security comes with
“I would have thought someone would be free to,” she replied and then stared at him.
After a couple of seconds he left the pair to get up. She dragged the front of the tent down, sitting up
when it dropped. She pulled the sleeping bag from her legs and said, “I need a shave today without fail, I
have let it go two days, no more.” She grabbed her pants and slipped them over her legs and they were joined
by her trousers. “I also need to get some washing done, this I have had on a couple of days as well and I have
not got a clean one.”
“Yes your not the only one who needs to do some washing, so do I. I wonder how many of the others
are also in the same situation.”
A few minutes later Sandra rolled the front up and stepped out and into a pair of sandals Celia gave her
a couple of days earlier.
As she stepped out she said, “I think today I am going bare foot, my feet were toughened once, I think
they need to get back there.”
John called to the pair, as Nibs bent down and zipped the front of the tent up, “Breakfast guys,” she
looked at where john cooked and saw a couple of rolls similar to the one Tim ate.
“Thank you John,” said Sandra as she walked towards him and took the two rolls.
She walked to where Sandra stood eating a mouthful of roll, she took the second roll Sandra held and
asked KaVon, “Do you know if anyone has a 3 metre length of cord, I want Daraus on a lead this weekend.”
“Ask Celia or Melanine. Yes that is a good point where is Melanine and Griffit. I have not seen them
this morning.”
“Do not know, we were up chatting until about 1, then me and Sandra took a patrol and they had gone
when we got back,” she replied after finishing her mouthful. “What is the meat?”
“I think it is from the meat you guys brought. She brought us some yesterday and said some more
should be coming today,” replied KaVon
The pair nodded thanks around a second mouthful and walked towards the C&C.
Ruth stepped out as they approached and said, “You two want your pistols?”
“Yes, thank you Ruth,” replied Sandra as she licked her fingers after finishing the roll.
Ruth turned stepping back into the van and could be heard opening the cupboard beside the ammo
store. She then reappeared and handed the pair their pistols and ammunition blocks. And got the order wrong.
“The 44 is Sandra’s,” she said when she saw Ruth pass her Sandra’s pistol.
“Oops, sorry,” said Ruth with a slight chuckle in her voice, she then crossed her arms and got the
pistol’s right. “I am surprised you use that cannon,” asked Ruth looking at Sandra.
“I have found that when someone is looking down the barrel of a weapon more than capable of blowing
the back of a head off they are very compliant when I want them to do things.”
“That I can understand,” said Ruth as the three walked out of the Crew Area.
“Do you know what happened to Melanine and Griffit.”
“Yes, they got a call from some security person and they left,” replied Ruth as she stopped and checked
the door of the toilet.
Sandra and her continued walking towards the Traders Zone between Stage 1 and the Theatre Area. As
they walked they passed Tim who looked like he was fighting with one of the small marquees owned by
people connected to the festival.
She noticed Tim look around and started to run towards them shouting, “Nibs. Sandra. Hang on
Heading from the Chill Out Zone came Angel and Willoo, Daraus walked at Willoo’s heel
They both stopped and waited for Tim to catch up. Out of breath Tim said, “Would you mind heading
for the Chill Out Zone and finish the set up there, Melanine and Griffit are not in and are likely not to be in
“What has happened, they vanished last night. Ruth said they had a phone call and just left.”
Angel smiled at the pair as they passed.
Sandra turned and said, “Daraus heel.”
Daraus walked away from Willoo’s heel and padded to where the pair stood and sat beside Sandra’s
“From what Griffit told me when she rang, Adrian’s been seen with the leader of the Blue Diamonds
and was seen being the eyes as he collected protection money, it is even on security camera footage.”
“Feck me. They likely to be in at all over the weekend?” she asked.
“Do not know,” replied Tim. “I will sort something out, but could you two go and help setup the Chill
Out Zone?”
“No problem,” responded Sandra and the pair turned towards the Zone.
“I will send a copy of the area plan to you in the next few minutes,” called Tim as they walked away.
As they walked away she nodded and smiled at a member one of the stalls who worked on setting up,
“I wonder about what Tim has just said. I think Adrian is being led rather than going willingly, what with
what Melanine was saying last night.”
After a couple of seconds Sandra said, “I agree, but I also think he may be rebelling as well. To have a
dad and then loose him violently and then to have your mum start seeing and sleeping with women can be
quite a shock to the system. I have known Gangrels go off the rails due to less.”
“Bloody hell!” she exclaimed. “What happened?”
“One guy knew his dad was in jail for murdering a Corporate Security ‘goon’, who we find out during
the trail had been running a small protection racket in the local businesses. Mum does not divorce dad, but
starts seeing both men and women. The guy went off the rails and had a nervous breakdown. He almost
killed himself with his pistol a few weeks later. Mystique from the Dark Mysts Combat Support Unit talked
him into giving her his pistol and then became his best friend. Mystique drove him from Central District to
Gangrel Command three times a week to see one of the counsellors the Gangrels have. I think it is time we
let you into the whole secret. Only the A rated units know the full picture.”
She looked at her and went to say something.
“We would have told you when you were introduced to the gang; it is the traditional time for telling
members we told Tina when she was introduced.”
“Ok, I will let you off not telling me, you got any other secrets?”
“No. Officially the Gangrels also include 17 full Mercenary Commands and 177 Youth Feeder groups,
these groups feed trained personal directly to the mercenary commands. We also have an under 14s section
called the Young Gangrels. Across the broad the rules each group lives under are the same, we care for the
little people. Seek members from those disadvantage by society.”
She smiled at Hinita who had just walked out of the Gallery somewhat the worse for the lack of sleep.
“Good morning,” said Nibs.
“Good morning,” responded Hinita rather sleepily as she walked towards the crew area. Behind the
Gallery sat Hinita’s truck and home.
Sandra continued when she realized she listened again, “The Gangrel Street Gang has over 1100
members spread through out Suraban and that does not include the support personal and the guys at
command. The reason the Street Gang is not as big at the other groups is the environment here in Suraban.
The very north and some of the western side a lot of the people who would join the street gang join the youth
feeder units. The street gang does have units in these areas, but we have more in the south. Most of the
mercenary commands have their bases in the north of the city around Merc Quarter. Most of the commands
have a few youth feeders feeding directly into the ranks, most of the youth feeder units feed directly to a
central pool and the commands select from there.”
“What about training and all the support services that would be needed?”
“Gangrel Basic Training applies to all; all Gangrels should undertake basic training. Only a rare few
are deemed not to need it, your one of those,” replied Sandra as they reached the Chill Out Zone.
She looked around and saw one zone sat already fully set up and looked to semi open for business. A
second looked to be setting up. The area’s generator sat in place and the two areas for the toilets that would
be used by the public were ready if empty and at the other end of the zone sat one of the entry gates.
As she finished looking around she saw out of the corner of her eye she saw a large multi-coloured van
driving slowly across the field, in front walked Dan who wore a high visibility vest. When he arrived he said,
“Tim sent me with this for you two and he arrived as I was coming across.”
“Thank you Dan,” she replied and saw Sandra chatted to the driver of the van. She walked over and
said, “Hello.”
“Hello, I was just telling your colleague I am this area,” said the gent, with a very heavy Spinnayan
accent. He pointed to the area which said, ‘Cats seeks Dog’. “My name is Hiemlirk. I was wondering where
is Melanine or Griffit?”
“From the reports we have heard, Mel’s son was seen to be involved in an outlawed gang and the local
security called her last night and we have not seen either of them since,” she replied.
“Ok. Has my area been marked out?” enquired Hiemlirk.
“From the fact one has set up I think we can assume it has,” replied Sandra.
“And you are in the far corner. Only one more to arrive and that looks like a stall rather than an actual
Heimlirk climbed out and stretched saying when he finished, “That is a long drive.”
“Where were you before you came here?” she asked in perfect Spinnayan.
Heimlirk looked at her very surprised. “That is perfect Spinnayan. I left Port Freeton yesterday
morning. It is over a sixteen hundred kilometres from there to here.”
“I know,” she replied, “I lived in Spinnaya for a half a year and I have a talent for picking up
He walked to where the area looked to have been marked out and after a few seconds of looking at it he
headed back for his van.

As Sandra and her walked back into the crew area they saw Melanine looked to be crying against
Celia’s shoulder and Griffit stood behind her with her hands on Melaine’s shoulders comforting her. Sandra
looked at her and caught her attention and indicated ‘can I have a chat with you’ to her. Griffit moved away
and walked towards the pair.
“What is up with Melanine?” she asked
“The local security force says that if Adrian is picked up with any known Blue Diamond then he is
going to be treated like a gang member,” replied Griffit.
“Feck me!” quietly exclaimed Sandra. “All I hope is that if he is spotted then it is by a Gangrel unit and
not City Security. Hun can I borrow your PDU. I will email the local units and give them a heads up on the
situation with Adrian. If they come into contact with him they will offer him a place as a probe, but he will
be treated as a full Gangrel, everyone is. Do not tell Melanine I do not want to raise her hopes and then it not
“You would do that for Melanine?” asked Griffit sounding very surprised at her offer.
“Yes Griffit. The Gangrels recruit from those people disadvantaged by society, from hearing Melanine
talk, Adrian has been disadvantaged by society. We understand that it is not easy to come to terms with the
death of a family member especially a loved father, and then, nothing against you Griffit, to find out your
mum is bi-sexual and she is dating women can send most people off the rails. The Gangrels care for all
especially the little person, those not able to defend themselves or get in over their heads. It sounds like
Adrian has gotten in over his head.”
She took out her PDU and handed it to Sandra after booting it up. “I am going to go and have a shave.”

“Ok.” Sandra opened NetBrowser and went to her Gangrel netmail address and from the GangrelNet
she selected the various units in the area and sent them a netmail explaining the situation concerning Adrian
and asking that they keep an eye out for him. After sending it she shut it down and saw Nibs looked in a
mirror fixed to the fencing and in front of her sat a bowl.
“That can not be fun for her,” said Griffit. “Will you find out if the do find him.”
“Probably not,” she replied. “It is better that people outside the unit do not know. The message will be
read and dealt with by the people who need to read it.”
Griffit sat there and said, “I wish I had had the Gangrels in Ulin. They hate people like me, lesbians, I
have known them to torture, rape and degrade the lesbians and gays. I will not go back ever, well not until we
get better treatment than we do now. Bastards. I watched them as the took away one of my best friends just
because she had been outed by her ex-boyfriend.”
“That is not right at all.” Sandra now felt her anger rising because of the situation in Ulin, ‘Why do
people do that hate people like Griffit, I bet they would hate people like Nibs and Tina. No, that is wrong.’

Nibs, Sandra, Daraus and Tim were all waiting at the main gate for the District Inspector to arrive.
He walked up and smiled at the three people waiting for him. “Good afternoon Tim, ladies.”
“Good afternoon,” responded Tim. “Shall we.”
“Yes, lets.” The group led by Tim started to walk towards the main Beer Tent and Stage 1. Brac, the
head electrician, Stood outside the generator enclosure and he smiled as they walked past. Tim constantly
chatting to the District Inspector, answering questions and all the other jobs the Site Manager does when the
District Inspector is on site.
About half way round Tim and District Inspector stopped and he asked Nibs and Sandra, “Tim says
that you two are two members of the new security the festival has brought in. I do not seem to have any
“That would be because we were only employed as security when the festival found out that the
fourteen members of the security team all hold Full Street Ghost licences. Also nine members, including us
two, are members of the Gangrel Street Gang and are listed on the Central Databases as Security trained.”
“Well with that, I am happy. You must know of the situation on the streets around here?”
“We do, and we are ready should they try anything. All the stewards have been briefed about the
security procedures in place for this festival,” she said. “From what we have been able to find out they either
do not know the festival has a new security team or they think they will be able to brush what ever security is
present aside. Which if they try, they will find out that it is them getting the rough end of the stick.”
The rest of the tour went without incident and when the group arrived back at the main gate, the
District Inspector said, “I have no problem in allowing you to open and good luck over the weekend.”
“Thank you,” replied Tim.
“C&C, Nibs. We are cleared to open.”
“Yes,” came back over the earpiece from all the guys in the crew area who could hear her comments
about opening.
The three walked back to the crew area and found the steward and security briefing just starting and so
they joined the back of it.

After the first shift finished, Sandra and her walked in from completing their last patrol and saw Abs,
Ruth and Carol were all sat around the fire with a hot drink. John sat in the C&C as he volunteered to cover
the five hours the festival would be open this evening.
She collapsed into one of the seats and she knew everyone could see how happy she felt. “This is great;
I will have to thank Tina for suggesting coming.”
“It is great, and a lot of fun,” said Ruth.
Then over the speakers in C&C came Darla’s voice saying, “Control, Gate two. We have a group of
youths trying to blag their way onto the site, and from what I can see some of them are carrying at least side
All of the people sat around the fire sat up with what Darla said.
John then said, “Thank you gate two, message received and understood. Patrol teams, Control, head for
Gate two.”
“Control, Paul. On route to Gate two now. ETA 2 minutes.”
“Control, Gate two. Fire Arms visible.”
“Move,” commanded John and all the people around the fire headed for the van, Abs jumped up into
the open side door and sat in the driver’s seat. Carole followed Abs into the passenger’s seat where Nibs
noticed she dropped her pistol and checked the breach and magazine.
She shook her head as she, Sandra and Ruth climbed into the back. John moved seats to the rear one so
allowing access to the main weapons store. She opened the cupboard door and she began to remove the
weapons stored.
As she did that, John said, “Car-park gate get the crew area van exit open.”
The next sound was Abs starting the engine and driving up the short driveway before exiting into the
main area.
The entire festival was now absolutely dark and quiet; as the security briefing did say that the second
trouble happens kill the sound and the lights, only the generators are to remain running. She realized the
noise other than the generators and van’s engine was the revellers understanding that something not good is
taking place.
As Abs exited the road, John said, “EMU gate 4, C&C, get that gate open.”
She passed Sandra Abs’s sniper rifle which Sandra took and placed behind where Abs sat driving.
The next weapon was a HK22 SMG which Sandra took and used it to tap Carol on the shoulder. She
then took out a second HK22 and when Sandra turned back she passed it to Sandra. Tina appeared in the door
and took the next weapon in her hands which was an MA60. A second MA60 followed which she passed to
Sandra. She unclipped her bow as Tina jumped out she disappeared and she also took a handful of normal
As Sandra climbed in behind Nibs she opened the cupboard holding the MA70 and clipped back the
door. Nibs handed her Abs’s sniper rifle which she placed behind Abs. She also grabbed a HUU and passed it
to Abs who was about to start the engine. Abs took it and slipped it over her head and then went back to
driving the van out.
She turned back and Nibs handed her a HK22 which she used to tap Carol on the shoulder. Carol
turned around she saw Carol’s face to be one of shock as Carol took the HK22. Carol carried out the standard
safety procedure with the weapon. She turned back and she saw Nibs held a second HK22. This went to Ruth
who looked out the windscreen in the middle. She took the MA60 Nibs passed her as Tina jumped into the
open door and hung on as Abs drove out of the open EMU gate. Sandra passed Tina the MA60 and that was
closely followed by her HUU unit which she took and disappeared from the door. Ruth followed Tina out of
the open side door.
She turned back and took the second MA60 Nibs held, she saw Nibs unclip her bow as she turned and
grabbed her HUU and along with Carol they both disappeared out of the side door. She jumped out, moved
right and knelt down. She placed the HUU over her head and configured it for the smart link. The screen
inside the HUU displayed the High frequency infra red view of the area. It showed the group of twenty,
twenty five people some seven looked like they were carrying and were acting very aggressively towards the
gate staff and Darla.
She looked along the fence line and saw stewards leading the people away from the area and others
were also bringing in extra flood lamps, which she knew combined with the lamps on the van would make
their lives difficult when they moved to secure the area.
John’s voice came over the communication system, “All people report.”
“Sandra here, ready you getting my video feed John?”
“Yes I am,” replied John.
She then looked at the van and saw John sat in the door operating the MA70, and she could see Abs
resting her sniper rifle on the bonnet of the van. She saw Nibs moved closer to the fence and stood bow
drawn back, arrow notched. She thought ‘I hope that is not one of her special arrows.’
A few seconds later she heard John’s voice command, “Now,” and the flood lights came on and
illuminated the area with light. The compensators took care of the initial glare and allowed her to view what
happened. She could see most of the group bar the seven were suddenly looking very scared and most moved
their hands to shield their eyes from the light and they were looked around into the now pitch blackness. She
knew that only people trained in understanding the street would know how to react to the differences in light.
One person caught her eye, he, like the rest he shielded his eyes, but he did not look as scared as the
rest. It seemed to her that the person understood the basics of street survival had and possessed the discipline
not to look scared but controlled. She saw Tina and Carol move closer to the group. Just inside the fence line
knelt Gary, Paul and Darla. Darla carried her HK27 and looked around at the situation beyond the fence.
John’s voice came again this time over a megaphone, “Everyone on the floor, palms up, legs crossed at
the ankles,” he paused slightly to let the instructions sink in and continued, “NOW.”
The speed which the scared group went face down impressed even her, she then realized that this did
not figure in any real plans for the group and this might be the first time they needed to deal with this type of
situation and she knew that they now fear what might be about to happen. Unknown force with unknown
firepower all they could see was a figure in the side door of the van and he looked like he operated some
form of weapon. She saw Tina and Carole move and at the same time she saw Darla, Paul and Gary move out
from the festival.
She maintained her position along with Ruth, Nibs and Abs. She saw Tina swing the butt of her MA60
and it removed the legs of one of the guys who remained defiantly standing holding his weapon ready to
shoot. She continued looking at the various situations as something landed on a pile of something she
guessed must be the weapons. Tina bent down and said something very forceful into the guy’s ears. One guy
went to punch Darla which she blocked and brought her knee up and the power behind the impact forced the
guy to flinch and this allowed Darla to apply a wrist lock and forced him against the fence and like Tina said
something to him. More than likely concerning how stupid he was being.

Tina heard Darla’s message immediately leaving the Skateboard stage and running for where the Van
would be leaving the crew area. She saw it leave altering her path to intercept it. She jumped on and grabbed
the handle just above the door. She took the MA60 Sandra passed her along with her HUU. After the van left
the festival grounds it turned heading around in a large arc towards the site of the incident. She jumped down
and went to ground. She placed her HUU over her head and dropped it into place.
Upon switching it on she saw the whole scene for the first time, the high frequency infrared lamp
providing enough light for the infrared camera to use and work. The scene she looked at seemed to be one of
a large group of people; most of the older ones were standing in a group to one side, she guessed they moved
to there when the shit hit the fan. She could see inside the fence line knelt Darla who now held her HK27 and
beside her also knelt Paul and Gary, both of them held their pistols. She looked over the field and saw Sandra
and Carol jump out. The pair spread out from the departure point. Sandra knelt and lifted the MA60 to her
shoulder. Nibs left the van last before Abs turned the van around and headed back to the middle of the area
where she turned and made sure John sat in a position to command the scene. She saw Abs climb out and
grab her sniper rifle using the bonnet of the van as a rest site.
She heard John’s voice over the communication system order, “All people report.”
“John, Tina. Set and ready.”
After a couple few more seconds whilst the stewards dealt with the final preparation inside the festival
she heard John command, “Now” and the ten flood lamps inside the festival went on and the four above the
door of the van were switched on. The light compensators in the HUU made sure she did not end up blinded
by the sudden change in lighting. She saw the instant the lights went on all of the group brought their arms
and hands to shield their eyes from the very bright lights. ‘The light is doing nothing for their night vision,’
she thought.
She stood and moved using a stooped run and again went to ground a good bit closer to the group. She
saw Carol also move and glanced at where Sandra knelt surveying the scene with the MA60 in the ready
When John commanded the group to their faces she only moved when most of them went face down.
Upon reaching the scene she brought the shoulder stock of her MA60 round and impacted it with the back of
one guy’s legs this caused him to collapse and she placed her face very close to his head and said, “I bloody
well hope you lot are not Blue Diamonds, because if you are, you are in a lot of shit.” Before she stood up
she grabbed the guy’s pistol and threw it towards the gate. She looked at where it landed and saw one of the
stewards pick it up and place it with the other pistols and knives. She stood and saw one guy with his face
against the fence. Darla held him there and looked to be having a few words with him.
Suddenly in amongst them were more guys all of them wearing night camouflage and carrying similar
assault weapons. Then Nibs’ voice came over the communication system, “Local Gangrels are now on site.
Hand control to them only when they have active control of the situation. Darla lock the gate when you get
back inside, we will keep that gate closed until tomorrow.”
She heard Darla’s voice replying, “Confirmed will do when not holding this guy.” She saw one of the
new Gangrels take the guy from Darla and he got heaved into the middle of the others with pistols. The guy
she stood over looked up and the look in his eyes told a tale all of its own to her; he feared what would likely
be coming. She looked at him with a bit of pity, but the law was the law, Street Gangs that went out of
control were investigated and if they were found to have broken the rules then Central would pass a
judgement, only in the most extreme case would they pass Persona non Grata judgement. He knew that when
he got taken away he would soon be dead as the Gangrels were renouned for not being very sympathetic in
situations like this.
She felt someone tap her on the shoulder, looking around she saw a second guy arrived. The pair took
control of the guy. She moved back and took up a covering position.
She saw Darla, Paul and Gary retreat back inside the gate and she saw Darla lock the gate closed. She
stood and headed for where the van waited. She stepped up into the open side door and saw John sat at the
back smiling at something, more than likely the effectiveness of the new security.

As Abs drove the van, very slowly under steward escort, back to the crew area Nibs and Sandra both
smiled at everyone and then stepped off and headed for the Gallery. Earlier in the evening during their
security shift, they watched Hinita sat with a few other people and they all had Rudeashean drums close by.
As they started to walk towards the Gallery Willoo, Katerina and Doris ran with up a happy Daraus on
his length of cord lead. She bent down and made a fuss of Daraus and Daraus gave her a kiss in return.
“Willoo can I have the lead, we are off duty and I want to enjoy the company of my partners.”
“Yes no problem, can we look after him tomorrow?” asked Katerina.
“Of course you can,” she replied and Willoo handed her the end of the lead. As they walked off Daraus
walked at her heel. The three ran off in the direction of Stage 2.
“Hun,” said Sandra.
“Yes darling,” she replied.
“I am not sure but I think Adrian was in the group we have just stopped.”
“What makes you say that?”
The three stopped at one of the traders stalls in the East Trader Zone. She picked up a necklace and
asked Sandra, “What do you think?”
“For you or me, I like the cross you wear.”
She smiled and remember how she got it, ‘I want to visit those two, find Tammeria and the others at
some point.’ “No I thought for you. I think its suits you.”
Sandra took it and looked at it in the mirror as she held the necklace in place. She smiled at her
partner’s choice, it did suit her.
She smiled at the stall owner who walked over to the pair and asked, “You two with the security
“Yes,” she replied and then asked, “How much for the necklace?”
“On the stall, with what you lot did this evening you deserve it. That gang has been the cause of a lot of
problems for the local area.”
She noticed the venom the trader used when he spoke about the gang. “Thank you.” She released the
catch and placed it around Sandra’s neck. She looked at her partner in the mirror.
“Thank you hun,” said Sandra and gave her a light kiss on the lips.
They both smiled and left continuing towards the gallery. As they passed one of the food vendors on
site, Sandra suggested, “Food, I am hungry.”
“Same here,” she said as her stomach made grumbling sound.
They both stopped and joined the back of the queue. When they got to the front the Skate-park Stage
had just start to play and the voice from the singer was high pitched words formed into screams rather than
actual words or lyrics. Sandra’s arm slipped through hers and the pair passed the marquee. The stage’s
steward stood near the back of the tent beside the sound desk and they nodded in his direction.
He looked back and made the sign of ‘Arh’ to the music and singing. They approached the Gallery and
saw Hinita and her two dogs sat on the ground. A tall gent sat on a Rudeashean Drum and he seemed to be
quietly playing a beat. She looked at him play and realized, ‘I need to play again.’
Hinita stood when she saw the three and walked towards them saying when she joined them, “What the
hell happened earlier?”
“We had an incident at Gate Two, the power and sound being killed were as a precaution. It is back
though,” she replied.
“Yes I know. I saw how you looked at James, do you play Nibs?”
“I did a couple of years ago.” She smiled at her saying, “Any sessions tomorrow I could join in on?”
“Yes James is planning a couple of workshops tomorrow afternoon evening.”
“I will be here,” she said. The four then walked into the actual Gallery and browsed the exhibits.

A while later after all the revealers left the site, Sandra and her were walking back to the crew area
when Sandra stopped and looked out-side the fencing.
Sandra said, “Hun look at the person sat there.” She pointed at him.
She looked over and saw the gent sitting there. “I wonder if that is Adrian, from what you said earlier
today I think he could be.”
“I am surprised he is sat there and not someplace warm.”
“Some people need space after what happened tonight. We cannot know what was going through his
mind during the take down. I can guess but that is from someone trained in combat.”
The three started to walk again and she said, “I hope he is going to be alright out there,” said Sandra.
“I would have thought so. I hope he has got someplace to go as I do not think he is going to be coming
in here.”
Sandra looked her as if to ask ‘why?’
“Melanine and Griffit.” her face said ‘you should know hun’.
“Oh, yes I forgot this has been such a great evening I forgot that this is not run by the Gangrels. You
will be surprised at how many big events we do not get to; this is my first true festival.”

The three walked back into the crew area and they smiled at everyone who sat around the fire.
Big Malla walked in just behind the pair saying as she passed them, “People of the festival we made
this evening even with the problems, over three thousand decks which means tomorrow and Sumdar’s taking
are profit for next year.”
Everyone around the fire chorused, “Yes.” Everyone looked very happy at the news.
Chapter 23

Nibs lay in the tent, and beside her lay Sandra, who like her, loved the Frodar evening.
“If today is anything like yesterday, then it will be very good,” Nibs said.
“Yes,” responded Sandra.
She sat up as the front of the tent rustled. “Who is it?”
“Joanna, I have got your washing in a bag, I will leave it outside the tent.”
“Ok, thank you Joanna,” called Sandra.
Nibs grabbed one of the crew tops and slipped it over her head, afterwards she opened the door and
brought the bag in before she closed the front and sorted the clean clothes into two piles. She took one of her
three clean bras and pants sets and put them on, these were joined by the clean trousers and a clean crew top.
Sandra soon joined her in getting dressed and the pair exited the tent with Daraus on his lead. Damieel
handed them both a coffee as they walked towards the fire pit.
Tina sat looking very contented at things and how the last few weeks had worked out. “Hello you two,
have a good evening last night?”
“It was great thank you Tina.”
“I wonder what today will bring?” responded Sandra.
“Yes true,” responded Big Malla from the kitchen area.
After she sat down, she asked, “What is the time?”
“07.35,” replied Big Malla, “I have not been to bed yet and I will not go to bed until effectively Moroth
when I am home and had a bath. I will be back Torbar to help break the festival.” She walked out and sat
around the still going fire. “I have to admit, this is the first year I have been to when we have not had to
relight the fire at least once. You lot keep some strange hours though. I noticed Sandra sleeping yesterday
and you doze as well Nibs.”
“It is something mum and dad taught both me and Paul when we were little.”
She saw Paul and Gary walk back in from a patrol of the site and Paul placed his hands on Sandra’s
shoulders and looked loving at his sister.

Having completed their latest circuit of the site Paul and Gary both walked back into the Crew area and
saw Tina, Nibs, and Sandra awake and sat around the fire pit.
Joanna then left the toilet and headed for the Crew area.
Paul walked so he stood behind his twin sister and looked down at her. She looked up at him and
smiled. ‘The only way this could be better is having mum and dad alive,’ he thought. He then looked at his
sister’s partner and she also smiled looking into the fire.
He moved and took the seat beside Sandra and smiled as Damieel walked out of the kitchen carrying a
tray with some cups on.
Joanna also sat down and said, “This has been the best festival ever. I have never stewarded a festival
which has the vibe this one does.”
“What is the vibe?” asked Big Malla as she walked out from the kitchen carrying a couple of cups. She
passed one to Nibs, who nodded ‘thank you’.
“It is difficult to describe, but I am feeling as if I am safe and a lot of the punters are enjoying it more
this year as well.”
“I have had comments in the information tent about the new security system in place. A few people
have asked who found the people in black; they are courteous, helpful and very professional. All I do is smile
and say, ‘I know, we have to thank one of the past members for the help’.” Big Malla then took a sip from
her cup and asked, “Up until this week I have never heard the name Gangrel Street gang, and yet someone
said you guys have 1100 plus members, how come?”
Gary replied, “The simplest reason is that we do not advertise as other gangs do other than we are all
members of the Gith sub culture. Most of our members come from either families of previous members or the
brother or sisters of current members, we also take members from those disadvantaged by society.”
Joanna looked at Gary with a face that asked ‘what’. She asked, “Disadvantaged by society?”

“Yes Joanna,” Sandra replied. “My partner Nibs arrived at the school most of the Vixens attended ten
months ago and became the other major street gang at the school favourite target. Rules of the school meant
we were unable to intervene as they were also bullying a few other members of the student population, but
none to the level of Nibs’ suffered. At that point we only knew her male side. She may have walked out with
top marks but that is due to intelligence and strength of character, but by being bullied she is disadvantaged
by the school culture.” She took a mouthful and continued, “As is our way I asked everyone what they
thought about us inviting Nibs to join us. Everyone had no problem and so I broke into his place and looked
at the person Nibs is, it is now that I find out she is Trans and it is then I understand the depression she seems
to be suffering from and how she acted when she first arrived.”
She felt the hand of her partner squeeze her hand in an affectionate manner.
“Come the end of exams party to which we invited both Nibs and Tom, one of the other favourite
targets, and it is then we ask her to join the Bitch Vixens, she accepts and here we are now.”
After she finished Paul said, “When we get home we are planning on asking another member
disadvantage by her school, from across the street to us. She lost her mum a couple of years ago, dad is temp
worker and some days Bill, her brother, stays off school to look after Damien and any of the other two young
ones who is ill. We know she is being bullied as she only joined the school a couple of years ago, and before
she attended Rotork Academy, but due to her mum’s disappearance she had to transfer. She was the PA to
the President of the then Rotork and now president of Naban. We have met her old school friends from the
Rotork Academy, a bunch of stuck up toffs, a few were not but that was to do with where their families and
the culture they grew up in. I know she has been suffering from depression which I think has gotten to the
point where she has thought about suicide. That would devastate the family.” Paul took a mouthful of his
“That is something we as Gangrels do our best to avoid and attempt to stop, before it hits the suffers,”
she said. “I like Amy a lot and I know it would devastate me if something bad was to happen. I would start a
hunt and go after the reason for it, and in this case it’s a one Abilgail Miller and her friends. A Gangrel on the
war path is best avoided.”

After Nibs and Sandra’s first shift of the day, the pair left the crew area after the shift change and were
caught up by Abs and Tina.
Tina asked, “Where you two going?”
“To play some Rudeashean drums,” she replied smiling at the pair.
“You going to join us?” asked Sandra.
“Yes, why not,” replied Abs.
A few minutes later they arrived at the Gallery and found James and the others just getting ready.
Hinita walked around the back of the small group setting up and asked, looking very happy that Nibs
and Sandra did make it. “Are you going to join us today?”
“Yes I am,” she replied and walked to where a pile of drums were stood. She picked one up and played
the three main beat types. She made the face along with nodding a couple of times which said, ‘this is well
She joined the others whilst a few people twirled Poi and other items across the main festival goer’s
route-way. One of the small group twirled a 5ft staff.
After no more than five minutes a few more people did join the group drumming and James started the
workshop. She listened to what James told those playing for the first time. He started the first beat and after a
few minutes the group played the base beat and James played the over beats and passed it to Hinita who after
a short while passed to her.
Everything Cubadar taught her and all the feelings she felt when she played, returned. She played the
over beat for a good thirty seconds then passed it back to James. After a short while he brought the beat to a
finish and started a second beat which she knew and matched James beat for beat, response for counter
After he brought that beat to a close he asked, “You know of any beats?”
“Yes, except I do not know how easy they will be for everyone as I was taught them by native
“Who cares, start slow and we will try and pick them up.”
“Ok,” she replied and smiled as she played the first base note and then played the main beat slowly for
a good six runs and then when she could see everyone knew it she started to get faster. James and Wayne
took over playing the backing beat and let her fly.

Inside the Gallery a tall dark skinned gent heard the work shop start and after a couple of beats he heard
a traditional beat of the Eastern Tribe, his tribe. This person knew the beat well, he walked out and saw the
drummers playing and behind then worked a group of people twirling Poi and other items in time with the
He walked to the end of the semi-circle grabbing himself a chair as he went. Just as he sat down he
unslung his drum, taking it from its bag. As the female opposite him hit a response and counter-response
section of the beat, James and the others played the counter response they knew, except he played the
traditional counter-response, the one other tribes and families used to signal they heard the message.
He looked at each person seeing the experienced ones, he came to rest on the last person in the line, and
she acted as the leader of the circle for this beat and passed the lead to him for a while. He played and the
intensity of the playing rose to a whole new level. After a good minute he passed it back to her and she
brought it to a halt. After it finished all of the group and others standing around listening clapped the beat and
the two leaders.
One of the experienced players said, “That was incredible. You know any good beats that you want to
teach us mate?”
“Yes I have a few,” he said and started to slowly play a beat.

Nibs looked at the new arrival and heard the beat start. She instantly knew the beat as one of the
Rudeashean beats she learnt during her and Cubadar’s visits to his home tribe. As he played she saw in him
the style of the player, a style she saw only in Cubadar. She smiled inwardly as one of her friends from her
travels sat opposite her, playing with her without knowing who played opposite him.
After the beat finished she stood up and walked around the back of the group. She placed the drum
where the spares sat and headed to kneel down beside him and asked him in fluent Rudeashean, “Did you
know a gent who went by the name Nick Calton?”
“I did know a gent by that name a very fine player and student.”
“Bloody hell, it is, Cube, I am the new and improved Nick or as I am called now, Nibs.”
His eyes opened in surprise and stopped playing the next beat which James had started. “Where the hell
is your drum.” He did not look very happy at the fact.
“I gave it to Jarrina when I left; I hope she still has it?”
“She does and she still plays her heart out on it. She never said where she got it from.”
She smiled as she remembered Jarrina, she came to the group without a drum and some sessions she
would not be able to play as all the spares got taken by other players, but when she did play she did sound
“She would not have known it was me unless she could recognize the patterns on it, I left it the day of
departure at 05:00.”
Cubadar smiled at the present Nick gave a fellow drummer, the drum he made for Nick, “Why leave it
“Come and meet some very special people, I know one will very definitely want to meet you.”
Cubadar stood up and one of the people watching asked him, after some else had picked up the last
spare drum, “Can I?” and she indicated she wanted to play.
“Yes,” replied Cubadar and handed his drum to her. She sat in the seat he vacated.
As the pair moved off, she replied, “When I left I never thought I would have the chance to play again
and I have not until now been in a position to play. Why carry something that you are never going to use
“Yes, true. You would have had weight issues with moving, and you did not move to Suraban from
She looked over to where Sandra sat and saw Daraus laying beside her, he looked asleep. “No, I went
to South Aticca and from there to Ne-U-Bar. Then to here and the hell that was the high school I was sent to,
but through that I meet my life partners Sandra and Daraus.” She then looked around for Tina and Abs who
practiced twirling Poi.
When the pair arrived at where Sandra sat she said, “Hun, I want you to meet someone from my past,
the guy who taught me how to play Rudeashean Drums and loads of other useful things.” Cubadar and she
sat down and as the sun was strong and quite warm she took out the shades. She said, “Cubbadar meet my
partners Sandra and Daraus.”
“Good afternoon miss,” responded Cubbadar. “You have lost none of your playing skills.”
“That is a compliment coming from you Cubbadar. How is the rest of the circle?”
Cubbadar said in reply after thinking about it, “The circle is still going strong; my sister says she still
thinks of you as one of the nicest foreigners she has known. I also bring a message from the Language 101
teacher you destroyed from the stories I have heard. She apologises to you and the class after two weeks off
to recover from the shock.”
She remembered some of the swear terms she had used and smiled. “Would you mind taking a message
back and you need to take my phone number and netmail, and I need yours.”
“Damn true,” said Cubbadar as Abs and Tina walked over each carrying a pair of poi.
“Cubbadar meet Tina and Abs, two of the many new friends I have here in Suraban.”
“Hello, Cubbadar. Very interesting name,” asked Abs as she and Tina sat down.
“It is a traditional Tribal name. I have standard name as well, but I like Cubbadar.”
After fifteen minutes of catching up, Cubbadar, Sandra and her all got up and went back to the circle,
where they started to play.

Nibs and Sandra were stood watching a local rock band play to the audience in the Stage 1 Marquee.
The lead gui-dram player made the gui-dram sing notes she only heard from some of her un-heard music
collection. She looked around the listeners and saw a female stood near one of the main marquee support
poles. She took a closer look at the person and saw tell-tale things that marked people as Trans.
“Stay here hun, I need to check something.” She moved away and walked towards the woman, who
seemed to be almost dancing to the music. She stood beside her and looked at the person and recognized
from her pictures on Trans-Youth as Chloe-Yinst. “Chloe-Yinst?” she asked inquiringly.
Chloe turned and looked at her and went to say something, she then looked away and looked back
saying, “Nicki?”
“Yes, I was once called that, I now go by the name Nibola Calton or Nibs to my friends. Come and join
me and my partners.” She grabbed her hand and led Chloe to where Sandra stood smiling at the two.
“Good evening young lady,” said Sandra when they had arrived.
“Hun meet Chloe from Trans-Youth. Chloe meet Sandra and Daraus.”
“Hello,” responded Chloe. “How come? On your profile you said you were trapped by family.”
“That is my old one, I updated it just under three weeks ago, and I put up a couple of new pictures, one
of the new me, and a second of Sandra and me. Hun we need to get a new one of all three of us.” She
indicated she meant Daraus as well.
“I have been kind of busy, looking after mum and my younger brother. They are thankfully away for a
few days which has given me the break I needed. Seeing your post about here gave me the incentive to
“And it is good that you did, the more trans people who come out the better it is for everyone,” said
Tina, Abs and Cubbadar walked into the tent carrying a couple of trays of burgers and drinks.
“I think outside and enjoy the sun,” suggested Abs.
“Yes, why not,” she said.
The group walked out and found a spot where they could see the stage. “Guys meet Chloe a friend from
Trans-Youth. Chloe meet Tina a fellow trans woman, Abs her partner and Cubbadar a friend of mine from
“The pleasure is all mine, miss,” responded Cubbadar.
This made Chloe blush a deep crimson and look away in embarrassment.
“Do not be embarrassed hun,” said Tina, “Cubbadar put into words what I know I was thinking and I
am certain Abs was thinking similar.”
“May I say from a genetic woman’s perspective you look good in that dress, it suits you,” said Abs.
“Not even my trans friends say things like that,” responded Chloe and she blushed again.
“Hun, I would not be here today if it were not for these people. You being here is excellent before I
went full time I thought I would never meet the people I chat to. Since coming out, I have met Tracy, Robert
and Fiona a few weeks ago, at Dark Zone Youth Centre.”
“Yes I know those guys, they said they would try and make this evening and tomorrow,” replied Chloe
smiling and looking very happy.
“Food,” said Abs and handed covered warm boxes to Sandra and her. Cubbadar then passed around the
“It will be good to see them again,” said Tina.
“Yes that is true,” she said and she then took a mouthful as a gent walked out of the tent looking for
someone and walked towards the group.
“Chloe, you said you would not move.” Haben-pride sat down beside Chloe and gave her a kiss on the
“Sorry, I met a friend from the Young Trans site. Nibs meet Haben-pride.”
She looked at him and smiled, “We have already met.”
“How?” enquired Chloe expecting an answer.
“Remember I volunteer as a steward and crew for the festival,” replied Haben-pride.
“Yes I have busy until today.”
“Meet four members of the festival security team.”
Chloe stared in shock at Haben-pride and slowly turned and stared at Nibs. “I never took you for being
security personal.”
All four girls smiled at Chloe. “You need to read mine and Tina’s profiles, we all are members of the
Gangrel Street Gang. I joined when I went full time and have not looked back since.”
“I definitely would have never taken you for even thinking about street gangs or anything to do with
the street culture Nibs. You never struck me as being that way inclined.”
“The time when you and me chatted Chloe, a lot of it was the depression talking. I am a full Street
Ghost and have been for almost seven months, I know people like Damien Cameron and Richard Chancer.”
Now it was Haben-pride turn to stare at Nibs. “How?” he asked. “Those two are names at the top of
their game. I am listed as an associate and I will remain one until I am ready to become a full. John has
already said he is willing to be my sponsor.”
She then told Haben-pride and Chloe how she met Damien and Richard C.
At the end of the tale she said, “We have a security shift to get ready for.”
“True and I have a stewarding shift to get ready for.” Everyone got up and looked at Chloe sat on the
grass. Haben-pride said to her, “You coming hun?”
Chloe looked up at everyone and said, “Oh sorry.” She then stood up and grabbed Haben-pride’s hand
and the group walked back around Stage 1 to the Crew area and their shifts.

After the steward and security briefing for the last shift finished Haben-pride, Chloe, Vartoughi-rose
Sandra and Nibs all walked out as a roving team. Vartoughi-rose was six foot three inches tall and towered
over the rest of the group. She came from Hipotite and her Basic was not brilliant, but she knew Deebinian
pretty well. Chloe and Haben-pride were hand in hand as was Sandra and her. Stage 1 looked to be
undergoing a band change and so the music came from the sound desk.
Tim stood in the entrance to Beer Tent 1 his left hand held a plastic glass of what ever beer the bar sold
selling and a burger in the other. Tim smiled and nodded at the group as they walked past. Sandra and she
both nodded a reply; their faces were ones of joy and happiness.
She said, “I do not know what could be better, I am here with my partners and a friend from the one
place that has kept me sane over the past ten months the last three weeks I am not including and have the
possibility of meeting more.”
“Not much,” said Chloe. “I am trying to work out what has changed in you, you were always a good
ear in the room, a person a lot of us turned to for someone to shout and rant at. The advice you gave, gave a
lot of us a boost especially in my case and a kick up the arse in Tracy’s case.”
She looked questionably at Chloe.
“What you do not know?”
“No, this is the first I have heard of me giving Tracy a kick.”
“Yes, not actually in the chat room, when you met her at Dark Zone. If she gets here tonight I think you
see what I mean.”
Nibs broke away from Sandra and walked towards the Gallery and James who sat outside tensioning a
drum. “James.”
James looked up and replied, “Yes Nibs.”
“Your choice, pick me two drums and set them aside I will pay for them tomorrow after I have been to
a cash point.”
“Ok.” James smiled. “Bring me 20decks for each, and play with me Wayne and a couple of others
when the fire show is on.”
“Done, I will make sure Cubbadar is also there.”
James smiled at her statement.
“I will pick them up later; I want them for tonight in the crew area.”
“Yes, I am going to be there as well.”
She left James and caught the group up as they passed the Skate board stage and the Huntress cover
As they approached Gate 4 Ruth who acted as the Gate’s security saw them and smiled. She walked
over to them and said quietly to her, “I know I saw Adrian earlier today, and I swear he left with a couple of
people dressed in similar fashions.”
“Thank you,” she replied. “Sandra and I saw him last night after the festival closed sat on one of the
mounds and we know he slept there last night.”
“Well I hope he is ok now.”
She smiled at her saying, “If he did then I think he will be safe and brought back to the straight and
The group moved on from the gate and entered Traders Zone 2. In the large arena that separated Trader
Zone 1 from Zone 2 hosted a judging workshop. They saw Tina and Abs watching the various people
learning; they both now wore, wrapped around their waists a pair of poi. Most of the stalls were open and
they seemed to be doing a good trade as most did have quite a few people in them.
“Remind me hun, I want one of the skirts from here as a memory reminder.”
“I thought you had an eidetic memory.”
“For conversations, involving me hun. I remember everything else in the same way as everyone else.”
Sandra’s face looked as if she was going to say something but she said nothing. As they walked
through the Zone they came upon the second Beer tent and the entry to the Chill Out Zone. People were
streaming through the massive archway coming in from Gate 3. Walking down the path that the volume of
people made walked Fiona, Robert, Alli and a couple of new faces.
She tapped Chloe on the shoulder and pointed to them. She bounced up and down really happy they
made it and she walked towards them.
One of the two security men working the beer tent walked over and said, “Nice take down last night.”
“Thank you, not to excessive I hope.”
“No the boss says thank you as well, he has been having trouble from the gang and I think the take
down removed the head of the gang,”
Nibs smiled at the news, and thought ‘I need to contact Peter about what happened to the guys they
took away.’
Chloe walked back with the group of five and then she realized one of the two new faces was Tracy,
she was now very Gith as was Alli in appearance. Fiona was wearing her usual style of clothing mini skirts,
revealing top and a pair of low heeled court shoes her hair was in a pair of bunches and her makeup was not
to heavy, but you knew she was after something else. Robert wore a pair of jeans, a baggy t-shirt, and a pair
of walking boots. The last girl was in general everyday wear of a pair of feminine light weights and a top, her
shoes were a pair of flats.
“Nibs,” said Alli happy to see her friend. “This is a surprise I thought you lived over South Central?”
“Yes I do, but Tina comes from this area and her mum and dad use to volunteer here. We saw an advert
that reminded her about it. Friends allow me to introduce my life partners Sandra and Daraus.”
Sandra walked over and said, “Hello friends.”
“Hun, meet Tracy, her partner Alli, Robert and Fiona and a new person?”
“Yes, meet Jackie, this is her first time out,” said Alli.
“Hun, if you want to stay and chat, I can wander this area and meet you back here, Abs and Tina are
not too far away as here come Dan and Leia.”
She looked at the route Tina and Abs walked and saw Leia and Dan both heading towards the chill out
zone. From behind then appeared Abs and then she saw Tina leaving one of the trader stalls. “Oh, yes, I can
see them now. Ok, chat to you in a bit then.”
Tracy opened her eyes in happiness at the news that Tina was also near by.
“Yes, very nice Tracy,” she said looking Tracy up and down.
“Thank you,” replied Tracy. “Meeting you and Tina that evening and then chatting to Tybias, Simon
and Sarah C told me where I should be and I now live as a member of the local Gith community.”
She smiled at the news as clockwise security patrol walked up. Tina saw the group, “Hello, I never
expected to see you lot here.”
“Snap,” responded Tracy.
“No Chloe lives in the area and told the room one evening about it. Alli and Robert saw some adverts
and here we are.”
“Friends, meet Abs my partner.”
“Hello Abs,” said Fiona.
She saw Jackie at the back trying not be noticed and she said, “Do not try and hide Jackie, Tina, Abs,
meet Jackie this is her first time out.”
“That is good to hear,” responded Tina as she looked at Jackie stood just behind Robert, who moved
aside to reveal Jackie who blushed a crimson colour.
“Young lady, may I say you look lovely in that,” said Abs.
“Thank you,” came Jackie’s quiet reply.
“Just because I have good hearing does not mean people can talk quietly around me,” responded Abs
smiling. “Do not be frightened, Tina and, I am not sure with you Nibs, suffered the same nerves the first time
out. Do your mum and dad know about you?”
“No, I had to change at Roberts before coming here,” replied Jackie as Sandra, Haben-pride and
Vartoughi-rose returned to the arch-way.
Haben-pride walked around the group and grabbed Chloe around the waist and smiled at her friends.
He then gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“Very nice,” responded Fiona to the kiss.
“Lucky you Chloe,” said Tracy.
“Thank you guys,” said Chloe. She then gave Haden-pride a kiss in reply.
“We will see you around, but I think we have some patrolling to do,” she said and the group departed
the area.

As the group departed Sandra whispered in Jackie’s ear, “You look beautiful, if you get any trouble
from the people here, find the nearest person wearing a high-viz and get them to contact Sandra or Nibs.”
She saw Jackie smile as she left arm in arm with Nibs.

Nibs, Sandra and Daraus, Haden-Pride, Vartoughi-rose stood outside the Stage 1 marquee watching
Frank, Elle and Jenni as they moved the festival goers out of the marquee. A few minutes before Celia
bounced past the group and using her fluffy duster gave them all a quick dusting. This made Nibs quietly
chuckle as it just seen natural that this person with a fluffy duster would just come up to you and give you a
dusting almost.
A couple of gents a little worse the wear for alcohol consumption stood to the side of the marquee and
Frank asked them move towards the exit. Nibs focused in on the conversation between the three.
“Would you please move towards the exit, there is going to be no more music tonight mates’ time to go
“There is always going to be more music if we say so,” responded one, then saying, “Come on where is
the next band.”
“There is no more bands mate, you have to leave the site,” said Frank and one tried to move around
him towards the stage, where the Kim and Liam finished removing the last bands equipment.
Nibs moved in one motion towards Frank and very quickly stood beside him blocking one of the pair
whilst Frank blocked the other. “Would the gents please like to move towards the exit, it is time for you two
to go home and go to sleep I think. We have more music and events happening tomorrow.”
The gent who in front of her swung his fist at her head. She saw the attack and moved her head out of
the way. “Sir with the amount of alcohol you have consumed this evening and I have had none all weekend,
it would not be much of a fight and you would ‘be’ heading for the exit.”
The pair then slowly started to move towards the main gate, a short while later they bumped into some
friends and got their second wind. The group headed for the main gate. She then pulled back and Sandra and
Daraus join her. Haden-pride also pulled back as there were quite a few stewards now moving the last
remnants towards the exits. Gary and Paul stood at the main gate so they could close and secure it.
They joined Nibs, Sandra, Daraus and Haden as they walked back towards the crew area.
“Today has been brilliant,” said Gary, “I have never enjoyed myself so much.”
“I know, man the music alone was more than I expected. I wish I had known about festivals a few years
ago,” said Paul.
They walked back in and found Chloe, with Big Malla and a few other crew and stewards sat around
the fire dish, enjoying the after day chill.

Chloe said to her, “Thank you for being you.”
“Anytime hun,” she replied. “After we got back the first time I went and found them watching James at
the Gallery. I know Hinita was chatting to Jackie.”
“That is good to hear,” she said and took a sip from the cup of Chai she held. The heat from the cup
and the fire warming her nicely.
“One thing I do know, they are all coming back tomorrow, and Alli and Robert also volunteered for a
stewarding shift.”
She smiled at the news and the fact she sat here with friends both new and old in the form of Cubbadar.
“Hun, where is Cubbadar?”
“I think I saw him in the Gallery chatting to James and Wayne.”
Cubbadar along with James and Hinita walked back in with, both Ruth and Dan and they carried their
Gui-drams them. Cubbadar sat beside Chloe and asked, “How have you found today miss?”
“I have loved this evening. I have meet so many nice people, Haden-pride had said the festival was an
excellent place to make new friends. He said they accept all as people not societal norms. Then to meet Nibs
a friend and I may say confidant in my case was too good to be true. The traders say the female of things
rather than the male which I may say is the way I see myself some days, but that is due to my skills with
“Now that is something I think people here and I would say Fiona would be more than willing to help
you correct.”
Sandra walked back from the toilet and sat beside her.
She asked Sandra, “How much make-up have we got here hun?”
“A bit, why?”
“Tomorrow is ‘Ladies Day’ and Chloe has admitted she is not that good at make-up.”
“Yes I see,” replied Sandra. “I think the canvas that is Chloe will look her best tomorrow, you staying
on site tonight hun?”
“No,” replied Chloe.
“Get here as early as you can as a few of us are going to be wearing the same traditional Gangrel
Chapter 24

Sumdar 08:00
Nibs, Big Malla, Celia and Ruth sat around the fire were as Sandra, Daraus and Tina walked back in
after the 07.30. The pair walked back into the crew area carrying a couple of large bags of rolls. Some of the
cafés and eateries looked to be taking in supplies for the day.
“A present from the Bower Café,” said Tina.
“That is good of them,” Nibs said and she lent forward and stirred the fire back into life. She stood up
and walked to the pile of wood beside the kitchen. The pile looked small and could do with restocking. She
bent down and picked up a couple of timber blocks and a couple of planks. She returned to her seat placing
the planks over the few flames and the blocks beside the fire pit. “We need to restock the wood pile today.”
“Do that when Dan gets up,” said Big Malla.
Into the Crew area walked a happy Chloe and Haden-pride followed her in. “Good morning campers
and friends.”
“Good morning Chloe,” Nibs replied and Daraus walked in from playing with Himms and Maelstrum
as they came in ahead of Hinita and Brain, both of them slept in the Gallery as security for the exhibits.
“Good morning,” said Hinita as she sat down. “Creator do I hate the early mornings.”
“It was quite nice this morning seeing the sun come up,” said Sandra.
“I do not mind seeing the sun up, but I then go to bed,” replied Hinita.
“Arh, ok,” said Sandra then she picked up the full kettle and hung it on the hook over the fire.

Celia and Nibs returned to the main car-park after collecting Celia van’s worth of wood from a local
building site, Dan worked as a steel fabricator at. After Celia parked up close to the gate in, she climbed out
and opened the side door. Nibs grabbed a couple of the large pallets and after she opened the herris fencing
she carried them to the crew area and dropped them against then outside fence.
She turned around and saw Sandra working on Chloe’s make-up for Ladies Day. As she had walked in
she had seen a couple of the crew wearing long dresses that if they had tits looked good on them.
Cubbadar walked in wearing his traditional tribal clothes and over his shoulder was his drum. “Good
morning Nibs,” said Cubbadar and then, “Good morning Big Malla, Sandra, Chloe.”
“Good morning Cubbadar,” said Big Malla as she walked out of the kitchen. “Oh, your back, that was
“Yes the wood was already piled and prepared.”
“Dan’s work is good for that,” said Celia as she carried an armful of off cut shoring and similar.
Paul and Gary both walked in and Gary headed for his tent and grabbed his head band.
“I will say this,” said Paul, “some of the outfits and dresses are fun and very imaginative.”
“From what I have seen I know,” Nibs said as she headed out of the crew area. She hoped the stall
where she wanted to buy her reminder dress from would be open.
A few minutes later she saw the front up and the owner placing racks and clothes rails outside. “Good
morning,” she said as she approached and saw the skirt she wanted. Just behind it sat the exact opposite of
the one she wanted.
The owner’s wife came out from a caravan at the back of the stall and walked to where she stood
looking at the two skirts. “Can I help?”
“Yes. No, I will take both thank you.”
The owner walked back in and said, “Give us thirty for the pair and I will throw in a couple of tops for
an extra ten.”
“Done, now to choose the right tops.”
“That is easy,” said the wife and she led her to a rack where similar tops to the skirts were hung up.
“Here you go, the prefect two, and if this sun holds we are going to be in for a good afternoon and evening.”
“I hope so, it looks like the stalls and crew are getting into the mood for ‘Ladies Day’.” She took out
forty decks and handed it to owner’s wife and left carrying the two skirts and two tops.
As she walked back she saw James and Cubbadar sat outside the Gallery chatting and enjoying the sun.
She headed for the pair and said, “Good morning James.” She took out her wallet taking forty decks out and
handing that to James.
James took the money and smiled asking, “You going to join the workshops this afternoon?”
“I will if I can. We are planning on entering Daraus in the dog show and team two have the security
shift this afternoon.”
“Arh, ok, we hope to see then,” said James.
She turned away and started back for the crew area, James asked Cubbadar, “Are you in a position to
have a visitor after the summer is over? I am planning on touring both Afrradal and Olliath to learn some
new beats.”
She returned to the crew area and saw Chloe sat around the fire pit in a long, very pretty skirt and top
that you could see cleavage, but it was subtle. She took a good look at Chloe’s chest and realised they were
forms and not natural. The make-up Chloe wore could only be called subtle and without knowing she was
Trans it would be difficult to tell. Sandra did an excellent job of doing her make-up. She saw Sandra backing
out of the tent. “Hun I have a surprise for you.”
Sandra’s eyes lit up and she stood waiting for her surprise.
She took out of the bag the skirt and top combination. She looked at it and said. “That is yours?”
“No, they had the exact opposite skirt behind the one I wanted, which is also in the bag with a similar
“Thank you hunny,” said Sandra looking very happy. “We have done Chloe’s make-up for the day,
your next hun.”
“Right then shall we.” She followed Sandrfa after taking her small make-up bag from the inner tent.
“You did a good on Chloe’s make-up. If you did not know she was trans I would have said she was a real
“Thank Tina for the base, I hate doing that bit. I excel at the finishing touches; I am doing simple
Gangrel make-up today for the two of us. Abs and Tina I think are doing the same.”
After thirty minutes sitting in the chair in front of three small mirrors she looked excellent. Sandra and
her then disappeared and changed into the festival skirts and tops. She came out first and walked to the seat
beside Chloe. “That is a nice skirt and top,” she said.
“Thank you Nibs,” replied Chloe looking very happy, “Big Malla has already committed on it too and
you look very festival in that.”
“Thank you, I feel in a festival mood,” she said.
Sandra soon exited the tent and did the front up; she joined her and Chloe around the fire.
Big Malla came out of the kitchen area carrying a tray on which were four mugs all of them steaming
with freshly made hot Chai. She passed each a cup and the sat down as well.
“Where is Daraus?” she asked Sandra.
“Tina, Abs, Willoo, and Katterina took him for a walk; hopefully he will be good for the dog show.”
“We can but hope,” she said and took a sip from the cup. She smiled when the sweet spices and
flavours of Big Malla’s Chai slipped down her throat. “Malla I need your receipt, I love this Chai.”
Malla smiled in reply saying, “Ok, on one condition you lot come next year and each year after that or
provide us with as good a security setup.”
“The best answer we can give is we will try. I never got the figures for yesterday’s takings?”
“Ask Vee, I have not even been told them either, but from her face as she left to go home with the
evening’s takings, was very much one of happiness.”
“And that happiness is cause we took yesterday over 15,000 decks, that has paid for next year.”
Big Malla smiled a big smile, “At last we are self sufficient and today’s money is profit to be ploughed
into the local community.”
Vee walked to the fire pit and sat down, happily smiling at the news. “The money aside, this year has
had a different vibe to the festival. Everyone is having a lot more fun.”
“Do not know, I have had comments from the festival goers and they have said they feel safer this year
than they have over the past few years. To be honest it is you guys that have had that effect, some have asked
you who guys are and if they can employ you to security their events.”
Sandra put her cup on the ground and said, “Damn I wish we had known, we could have put together a
display of things, and probably brought in a couple of people to be a front end for us.” After a few seconds of
thinking Sandra said, “Can you remember who asked you?”
“No,” replied Big Malla.
“Ok. Tell you what, I will give you commands number and get the people to ring then, it is the best
people to enquire off.”

Team two and the steward shift that would be working with them were in the steward area being
briefed by John and Nibs. At the end of the briefing John said, “Have fun out there and remember the
security teams and people are there as a deterrent to those who like to thief or blag.”
Alli and Robert sat in the stewards as both said they would volunteer. Tracy sat beside Alli and Chloe
sat with Haden, Jackie and Fiona were stood at the back with Tina and Abs. Jackie wore a long straight
velvet material skirt, Tracy lent her along with the top she also wore as the outfit she had on yesterday
evening was her only one, other than odd assortment of other clothes.
Jackie suddenly said, “Tina, I think mum and dad would be ok with me being Jackie, but I think they
need to see more adult members rather than Tracy or Fiona.”
“No problem hun, either me or Nibs would be more than happy to.”
“Thank you, when Tracy and Alli persuaded me to come out they will tell you I was scared as hell
about it, but Robert said he would be my chaperone.”
Tina smiled saying, “And now you are here?”
“I love it, I am still a little scared of talking to people, but I think that will go when I get more
“Tina, do you know who did Chloe’s make-up it is excellent,” asked Jackie.
“Yes, me and Sandra,” she replied. She looked at the make-up Jackie had on now and she asked, “May
I ask who did yours this morning?”
“Most of it I did, Tracy finished it off for me.”
Sandra and Nibs both walked over after the briefing with Alli and Robert would be joining them on
roving patrol with Tina and Abs, Haden and Keeley would be with Nibs and Sandra. Vartoughi-rose hadn’t
been able to get the time off her job at the local hypermarket to help on the day shifts.
“We have thirty minutes before the gates open, I think a last patrol before we open, and you know you
two will be the only security on patrol whilst the Dog Show is on.”
“Yes Nibs we do,” she said, “Sandra, when we get back from the first patrol have a go at Jackie’s
Sandra looked at the make-up Jackie had on and nodded. “Yes, I think we can do something here.”
The group turned and walked out of the Steward’s Area and into the main area of the festival.
Sandra asked, “Which way?”
“If you do not mind I think we will go that way,” said Abs as she pointed towards the Gallery.
“No problem at all,” replied Nibs and then her group headed off in the direction of the Theatre.
Tina’s group turned and started to walk towards the Gallery.
“I have a question Tina, Abs. How would I go about joining the Gangrels?” asked Jackie.
“The best way for those not disadvantage by society would be to find the nearest one to you and go and
ask,” she replied.
As the group walked the traders were putting the finishing touches to their stalls the beer tent did look
to have been open for about thirty minutes. Even the staff behind the bar looked like they got into the spirit
on things. The head bouncer was standing at the entrance and nodded hello at the group as they passed.
As the group moved away from the Beer Tent Alli said, “That bouncer is an arrogant son of a … I
swear when he is working the door he personally touch searches the older female teenagers through the door
of the Club I and a lot of the local Gith community use, it is also used by others.”
“In what way?” asked Abs looked concerned at what Alli said.
“I do not know, but I swear he gets turned on as from about 00:00 onwards he always chatting to the
girls he seemed to take special attention of, once I saw him almost have one guy thrown out because he was
chatting to one pretty blond girl. I left very near the end of the night and she was sat at the far end of the bar,
not even thinking of leaving. I found out outside she was the 15 side of 16, she looked 18, 19 in her short
mini and all the rest of the slut look, no offence to Fiona, but that is the only way to describe her.”
“Sounds like someone the local Gangrels should be looking at. Do you think he knew her age?” asked
Abs as James, Hinita, and Cubbadar sat outside the Gallery. Brain walked out and joined them in sitting
outside, the sun beating down, hot but not too hot, there also felt a light breeze blowing which kept the heat
and sun stroke victims down, as the previous day the first aiders had been run off their feet with people who
had to much sun.
“This has been the best weekend I have had. Meeting you guys, the traders, a couple have apologised to
me when they have made a mistake. I think Robert or Alli have pulled them up on it.”
“That is good to here,” responded Abs, “We were very lucky in being Giths, and to society Giths are
strange and so we were able to get away with it. I think it was three months.”
“No six months before I got rid of the facial hair, the Gangrels do care for their members. I am under a
Gender re-assignment specialist, but at the moment I am leaving things as they are and when and if I do
decide to have the op, it’s a four week wait and I am under the knife.”
“That is nice to hear,” said Fiona as the Skate Board stage was gearing up.
Stood in the entrance way was For-un who smiled at the group as they approached.
When they approached she asked, “No problems last night?”
“No, just waiting on the first band to arrive and the Skaterz Display Team are ready to start the
workshop and displays. So we are pretty much set for the day.”
Jackie looked upset as they moved away. “What is up hun?” Abs asked.
“I wish I had my trousers here, I use to blade and I know the Skaterz Display Team have a very good
Blade Team. I think two of the world’s best Extreme Sportz Bladers come from the Skaterz Blade Team.”
“You every done it in competitions?” asked Alli sounding interested.
Jackie replied, “No I was never that good, it was more a method of getting me around and keeping me
Kim walked over from EMU Gate 8 and smiled at them. “You would not mind waiting here whilst I do
“No, it is what we ate suppose to do,” said Alli.
Kim disappeared towards the toilet block.

Nibs, Sandra, Haden, Keeley, Chloe and Fiona walked through the Traders Zone they approached the
small craft zone.
The zone was small as only three craftsman came to this years festival. One of the three was a leather
worker who was sat outside under his work awing working a strip of leather. The second was a traditional
joiner and few items sat outside she made. The third was a tailor a couple of manikins wore her wears.
She said, “I will catch you up I need to pick something up.”
“Ok, hun,” replied Sandra.
She walked to where the leather crafter worked; she smiled at him as he looked up and saw her
approach. He stood up and turned towards a table alongside his live-in van.
She stood on the edge of the awing and awaited his approach.
“Arh Miss, there you are,” said the gent, he picked up what she came to collect and pay for.
She took out her wallet and took out the 50decks they agreed on, on Frodar evening. She looked around
the work area and saw the work did on and the tool that sat beside it. ‘That is how they do it,’ she thought as
the blunt ended piece of wood and damp leather, ‘then edge the design.’
The gent walk over carrying her two short staves fitted to a pair of holders that would hang down
beside her legs and be looped over the utility belt she wore.
She asked, “The edging tool you are using, where would I get one from?”
“Any good leather suppliers.”
Sandra, Nibs, Haden, Keeley, Chloe and Fiona all walked back in just ahead of Tina’s group. Sandra
waited for the other group and as they approached she took a good look at Jackie’s face and thought, ‘I think
simple and bring out her eyes, they have a real piercing quality to them.’ As they walked in she guided Jackie
to the seat set up in front of three mirrors.
Tina followed and said to the pair, “Back in a sec. Jackie, clean off all the make you have on now and
begin to work a good amount of moisturizer in.”
“Ok,” replied Jackie as she sat down and Sandra passed the cleansing pads to her.
“I leave the initial stages of the work to Tina. That part I find hard, and she has an eye for where you
will need covering,” she said as Tina, Fiona and Tracy walked back.
Fiona and Tracy both sat and watched the transformation.
Tina looked over the various make-up items and selected a light concealer and started to apply it after
the moisturizer vanished.

Twenty minutes later Jackie sat around the fire with a new look to her face and the knowledge of how
to do it herself. She turned and looked at Tracy getting sorted and she hoped learning from true experts.

After Nibs and Abs arrived back at the crew area, Tracy sat with Jackie smiling, laughing and chatting
about something. She walked to the front of her tent and grabbed her cup. She turned and headed for the
kitchen opening the urn of Chai. She saw it looked to be about half full so she poured herself a drink, she
walked out Sandra indicated by making a T sign with her hands that she wanted a drink. She walked to the
front of the tent taking Sandra’s mug and filling it with Chai. She took it to Sandra and saw Fiona’s new
look. “Now that is different.” As the very subdued but revealing of beauty make up brought out features that
the look she use to covered before.
“Yes, when Fiona removed the make-up she had on I saw a beauty in the face that is I would say only
enhanced by what we have done,” said Sandra.
“Very much so hun, here, your chai,” she said.
“I think I need to look seriously at my wardrobe,” said Fiona, “I so feel like a classy woman, rather
than the slut I thought I was,”
She turned around and returned to the fit pit joining the rest of the group. Tina walked over as it the the
base finished is would be now up to Sandra’s skill in the finishing touches.
“Tina, how many belt holsters do we have in the van, the shoulder holster rig is beginning to chafe a
“I think we have ten, generic fabric ones and five leg holsters.”
She got up and started towards the vans. She stopped, turned and asked, “Which one?”
“White, lower left rear, I think, that is where they are I remember seeing them as I went rummaging for
the fat-blade,” said Abs
She walked to the white van and slid the side door open. She climbed in, turned heading down towards
the back. She stopped and stooped opening the cupboard containing the holsters. She found the fabric
holsters and magazine pouch. She took a set and closed the door, returning to her seat. She slipped her Delt
357 out and slotted it home into the belt holster. She fitted it just behind the left leg short stave holder.
“Hey, they look new Nibs?” asked Tina.
“Yes, the leather-worker in the Craft Area made them for me yesterday, I have just picked them up,”
she said.
“We have also got rid of a complete hide, he’s going to be around later to take a look at that we have,”
said Abs.
“That is a point, has Hinita seen you Abs about some skins for the drums?”
“No she has not yet, I will catch her next patrol.”
Fiona stood up and joined the friends around the Fire Pit.
She said when Fiona sat down, “Ladies and gents shall we go and spend the afternoon and evening
enjoying the festival.”
“Yes,” said some of the friends and they stood up whilst she put more wood onto the fire.

Tina, Abs, Alli, Tracy, Robert, Fiona and Jackie were slowly walking the security route whilst Nibs
and Sandra got ready for the dog show.
The group slowly walked up passed the Skate Board Stage and the Bladers Team was performing a
display in the skate board park. Stood behind the fencing were a small crowd, at one end stood a husband,
wife and younger child. Jackie saw them and went very pale indeed.
Tina turned and saw the paleness of Jackie’s face. She asked, “What is up?”
“My mum, dad, and brother is stood watching the Bladers.”
“Arh,” she responded. “Well it makes things a bit more interesting then. I do not know what you look
like in male mood but I doubt they will be able to recognize you, and if they do then we cross the bridge
about them having a chat with us. I do think Nibs and Sandra would be better for it as she has known you a
lot longer than I have.”
The group walked over to the railing and Tina and Abs stood between Jackie and her parents.
Jackie’s dad said to one of the guys leaning against the inside of the railings, “I wish Adam was here,
he would love to watch you guys go.”
“Why, is he a bit of a blader then?”
“Yes, he has a pair and uses them, but I do not think he has ever gone near a skateboard park.”
“Tell him, we run afternoon and evening sessions here at the weekends through out the summer and we
are also organising a trip to the World Extreme Games Championships when it happens in Echo County.”
“Ok, thanks,” said Jackie’s dad.
Tina and Abs both turned and ushered the rest of the group away.
“Remember what your dad said, he saw you watching them,” said Abs.
“See he did not recognize you,” Tina added.

Nibs and Sandra walked to where Stephanine stood registering dogs and their owners for the Dog
Stephanine saw them join the back of the queue and when they arrived at her she said, “All-ready
registered. I did that earlier.”
“Thank you, Abs and Tina are patrolling; we are on communications though,” Nibs said.
Stephanine turned to one of her helpers and handed him the clipboard she carried and walked with the
pair to an empty area where they all sat down.
“Thank you for coming,” said Stephanine. “I honestly do not know what we would have done without
you on Frodar.”
“Thank you. Thank Tina and her family more than the rest of us,” she said. “She suggested coming.”

Daraus walked at Sandra’s heel into the arena the obstacles were setup ready for him. He looked
around at the people watching and the human inside him thought, ‘Lets try and win this for my friends.’
Sandra led him to the see-saw and stood at the middle and said, “Come on Daraus. Come to me.”
He padded to her, sat down and looked up at her. Sandra bent down and picked him up. Sandra walked
back to the start of the obstacle. Sandra said, “Up the slope Daraus. You know exactly what I want.”
‘Yes of course I do Sandra; I am having some fun and making a lot of people laugh.’
This time when Sandra returned to the middle he walked to the exact middle and made the whole
balance go horizontal with the floor. He just sat there looking up at her. Sandra moved towards the opposite
end to the one he started on and he jumped down and followed her, to the laughter of the crowd, including
Sandra looked at him and looked as if she gave up on the balance and they walked to the next obstacle
which was a small jump except the area beneath the bar was open. He walked right underneath it and smiled
at Sandra as if he had been a good boy.
“Daraus follow me.” Sandra walked round to the other side and stepped over the bar. He followed and
again he walked right under the bar. “Not under, over, jump over the bar Daraus.”
The rest of the course was the same, he did the opposite to what Sandra wanted him to do.
At the end of the course he got 4.5 from one judge, 4.6 from a second and a 5 from the third judge,
which gave a respectable score of 14.1.

After they finished it and left the arena Nibs bent down and made a big fuss of Daraus which got the
resultant lick in reply.

After all the other entrants had completed Daraus got third place behind a couple of incredibly funny
dogs and owners, but he only lost first place by 0.3 so the partners were not too unhappy by that. Then the
next competition was ‘Find your owner’, they had not entered Daraus in that one, but seeing the dogs trying
to find the owner was hilarious and had Sandra in stitches laughing. The last event was the Festival king and
queen. Nibs just walked Daraus around the six judges; who after a bit of consultation wrote the scores down.
At the end of the competition the scores were announced and Daraus was voted the king of the Festival just
ahead of a brown-coloured long-haired lapdog. The queen was a short haired mountain rescue bitch.

After the Security shift finished Nibs, Sandra and Daraus walked towards the theatre as it held a open
comedy stage during the changeovers. Tina caught them up and asked, “Nibs, Sandra, would it be possible
for you to have a chat with Jackie’s parents, they are here now in the acoustic tent.”
“Where is Jackie?” she asked.
“She is in the tent with Alli, Tracy and Fiona. Last I saw was Haden and Chloe were heading that way,
Dan and Ruth are about to do a fifteen minute set.”
Sandra looked at her and the group changed direction heading for the Acoustic tent and the café located
When they arrived the previous three piece were just coming off as Sandra, Tina and her walked in
they saw Dan and Ruth nod, and she returned the greeting. Jackie sat opposite the café area; Tracy and Fiona,
sat with a gent not much older than Fiona was, except he was a Gith; the three walked towards them.
She knelt done beside Jackie and asked, “Which three are your mum, dad and brother?”
“That group.” She pointed to the group sat over in the lounge section.
“Shall we then?” she asked Jackie.
Alli and Tracy both said, “Good luck hun.”
Fiona then said, “If they do not you always have us.”
The pair of them walked towards the family group Jackie knelt down and said to the three, “Dad do you
remember standing watching the Bladers perform you said ‘I wish Adam was here, he would love to have
watched you guys go’?”
“Yes,” replied Jackie’s dad, “I do remember.”
“Well Adam did as me.”
Jackie’s mum looked at her and said after a few seconds, “Is that really you Adam under there?”
“Yes it is mum,” replied Jackie. “I have wanted to tell you about the real me, but I have never had the
friends or the confidence to do so. I asked that one of my friends and confidents from the young Trans net
site I use to, to come and.”
“Provide you with moral support. Please have a seat, I am David, this is Maurice and our son Oliver.”
The pleasure is all mine, I am Nibola Calton, also known as Nibs.” She sat down along with Jackie.
“You probably have hundreds of questions.”
“Yes and the first is yourself, how do you define?” asked David.
“I define as a full time Trans woman and have been for the last three weeks, before then I was a three
major high school student and the target of the schools bullies. Lets just say ‘bullies should look out for the
reply punch’.”
As she chatted she also watched the happenings on stage. Dan sat down and plugged in his Gui-Dram
and made sure the cable got tucked away and not likely to come out by accident.
“That I know all too well, I am a city security officer, I work as a plain clothes detective working from
the security office on the borders of West Hills and Blue Ridge. I would say by the fact you are carrying a
pistol you must be security and I would say more than likely a Street Ghost as well. May I ask how old are
you Nibs; that is ok to call you that?”
“Yes it is David; I am 17 now and 18 in a week and half. I am a full Street Ghost and also a member of
the Gangrels Street Gang, as are most of the members of the security here. Jackie is not here on her own
either, sat over by the entrance are more of her friends from the chat room.”
Dan started to play and soon Ruth joined him, they both sang as well.
David looked at the group and saw them all sat over the other side. “Go and bring them over here you, I
have never met the people you call friends.”
Jackie got up and disappeared towards them.
“My work has brought me in contact with some interesting and varied people, most Trans I see they
have an attitude problem.”
“I have not been out that long and have not really started to explore the alternative world yet.”
Jackie returned with the entire group and they sat down after David said, “Maurian, Oliver move this
way and let them sit down.”
“Is someone going to introduce us please and what is everyone, to me you all look like real girls?”
asked Maurian.
Jackie introduced each and each described them selves in terms on status as Trans or real.
She looked at Oliver who sat beside her, as he looked around in wonderment, “Oliver how old are
“12 ma’am.” He blushed a bit.
“Hay do not blush, just think of Jackie as your new sister.”
After a while of chatting and listening to the excellent music coming from Dan and Ruth, both Carol
and Leia joined the large group.
Maurian asked Jackie, “Why did you not tell us, we are family?”
“The simplest reason mum is so many of my friends from the Trans chat room who have, have ended
up on the streets with no one to help them or support them. I thought that would be my fate mum,” replied
“What, you must be kidding, they get thrown out on to the streets for being trans?” asked Maurian
looking very shocked at the information.
“It is very true,” Nibs said, “On more than one occasion I have been the crying board in the room. A lot
of the girls looked up to me before I went full time. Now, I think I am a goddess to some.”
“It is all down to the LPD and how they portray the perfect family of dad, mum, the boys are boys and
girls are girls. A boy cannot be a girl.”
“And a girl cannot be a boy. Hi I am Robert.” He walked up looking very relieved.
“And how do you define, trans or real?” asked Maurian, “I hve asked everyone else in the ground.”
Robert sat down between Chloe and Leia replying, “I self define as a Trans Man, I was born a woman
and when I can raise the funds I will become as close to a man as I can.”
“Thank you, it makes life easier if I know from where you come and how you define, as all of the
Trans women look stunning, in that make-up. Who did it? Nothing against any of you, but that is the work of
a trained make-up artist.”
“Never knew I was one of those,” replied Tina looking very pleased with herself. “My self and Sandra
did all of them and taught them how to do for them selves.”
“To come back to the situation, so how do they survive, eat, sleep and such?”
“Most to be honest are eaten by the meat factory that is Street Life. Depending on the back grounds
most who come from corporate enclave backgrounds, do not survive very long, the street life deals a heavy
blow to those arrogant and who act above their station. Of those from the street, most survive of sorts, they
are very careful with who they make friends with and they pretty much live on the fringes of the Alternative
and Gith scenes. The lucky few are caught by the Gangrels and are given a place they can call home. We
accept people as people, be they Gay, Lesibian, Bi-sexual, Trans, Intersexed, Straight, or whatever, you are
you. We judge you on your actions from the point of meeting or if we have been watching you from the start
of that watching. Tina was picked up by Abs and she is now the person you see their, a professional woman,
who specialises in electronics, and communication systems. Her preferred weapon is Z2 Assault Sniper Rifle
and she is the Spotter for Abs,” replied Sandra. “Now Nibs has introduced us to the world of the Young
Trans more will be helped.”
One of the male staff members walked over and asked, “Can I take a drinks order?”
David replied, “Yes I could do with a drink?”
“I will get the tab,” Nibs said, “my treat for my friends.”
Everyone then gave their drinks order to the male staff member. He headed back to the café section and
started to fill the order.
“I know the work the Gangrels do for those people downtrodden by society,” said David.
The staff member returned carrying a large tray and passed out the drinks. She gave the staff member
more than enough to cover the bill and said, “Keep the change.”
“Thank you,” responded the staff member and he returned to the counter.
After a while of chatting Maurice said, “I think I might look at offering my help to the Trans
Oliver and two of his school friends walked back into the marquee and over to where the group sat.
She said to Jackie when the three sat down, “See it was not that bad was it?”
“No, thank you Nibs, not only are you a confidant, but you are … I can’t describe what you are.”
“I agree with my daughter Nibs, you have a presence that builds self confidence and changes people’s
attitudes,” said David.
After Jackie’s reply, one of Oliver’s friends looked around the group and muttered something and left
the table. Oliver followed him out of the tent.
Sandra lent over and whispered in her ear, “Lets just say what came from his mouth was not very nice
as it concerned the Trans community.”
She looked at Sandra and Oliver’s other friend who said, “And what you heard from Ben is not my
opinion. I have never really like him, he has a foul mouth and that is due to his mother’s language. I just wish
I was older I think I could really fancy some of you.”
Jackie and Fiona both blushed at the comment. She guessed that they were ready but to hear comments
like that from someone most of them do not really know was nice.
Oliver walked back, upset and angry at something; when Oliver sat down he said to Jackie, “That twat
is no longer my friend and I told him he could… He is not a nice person that boy and the mothers as bad.”
After a couple more hours of chatting the festival closed and all of the people left, but netmail’s, phone
numbers had been exchanged and the Gangrels knew where to find most of them, online.”
The break went without incident and on Frodar some emotional farewells were had.
“We will always be around, we have your phone numbers and netmails and you have ours,” Nibs said.
“True,” responded John. “It has been excellent to work alongside such professional people.”
“Very much so.”

When the two group reached Home Base Sandra said to Misty’s group, “We are having a party at Club
Millana on Ulleam next week, you lot are invited. We’re going for a meal first I think and then onto the
“What is happening at the Club?” asked Misty.
“A friend of mine, Richard Chancer is having a Street Fight with Surabon,” replied Nibs.
“We will be there,” replied Misty.
Chapter 25

Darabar 20th Juwur – 06:00

Stood in the bathroom Amy looked at herself in the mirror above the wash hand basin, laying on the
small shelf above the sink was her father’s close-shave razor and the blade was open. ‘Why mum, why did
you have to disappear on us? I hate that shite hole school, I hate Abigail Miller and all her friends. Why do
they never leave me alone?’ She looked at the open close-shave razor and realized she was thinking the
thoughts about suicide again. “NO,” she shouted and realized that had been a lot louder than she had meant it
to be.
Bill’s voice called through the locked bath room door, “You ok sis?”
“Yes thanks,” she called back and closed the blade putting it away in the cupboard. She washed her
face and put her bra and dressing gown on. She walked out of the bathroom, passed her brother who was
standing outside waiting to get in.
As she passed him, Bill said, “You thinking those thoughts again?”
She turned, looked at him and nodded. She looked down at the floor.
“Sis, you are stronger than them, do not let them win.”
As she turned into her, Hemma’s and Beatrice’s room she smiled at Bill and said, “I am not letting
them win, but it is getting harder.”
She walked in and saw Hemma and Beatrice sleeping peacefully on the bunk beds. She walked to it
and shook the pair awake.
Hemma opened her eyes and looked at her, she smiled and cuddled her. “I love you sis.”
Beatrice woke and peered over the railing of the top bunk and smiled at her two sisters.
“I love you both, but you have got to get up and ready for school, Bill’s going to be taking you, dad’s
already left for work.”
“Ok,” replied Hemma and the pair got up and walked to the bathroom, where they waited for Bill to
Amy then got herself dressed and went down stairs where she made sure her school bag sat ready for
her when she left to catch the school bus. In the kitchen she prepared Hemma, Beatrice and Damien’s
breakfasts and small lunches. She looked in the fridge and saw very little. ‘I hope dad gets paid today, we
need some food.’
Bill walked into the kitchen, grabbed himself a cup and made himself a coffee. “You want one sis?”
“Yes, thank you, I am going hungry today, we have got no food for my lunch, the kids have theirs.”
She looked at Bill and said, “You going to school today or any day this week?”
“What is the point, I am not learning anything, I will be lucky to walk out with any qualifications.”
Damien walked in and sat at the table where he started to eat his breakfast. Damien was soon joined by
a smiling and happy Hemma and Beatrice.

Amy opened the door and saw the new face, she saw the previous evening, walk up the side passage of
the Bitch Vixens Home base. She turned towards the main road and started to walk towards it.
She called out to her, “Hang on.”
The female stopped, smiled and waited for her to catch up.
“Hello, I am Amy, you are?”
“Nibola Calton, Nibs to my friends.”
“Hi Nibs,” she said and after a short pause, “I remember you now, both me and my brother Bill saw
you yesterday riding pillion with Sandra.”
“Yes you did,” replied Nibs who looked her up and down, but kept smiling at her. “You off to school?”
“Yes, one of the City-run dumps. I wish Sam, my stepmother, had not disappeared. We lost her
income; she was a PA for a Rotork VP, which paid for me to attend the Rotork Academy.”
“Any idea why she left?” asked Nibs sounding as if she wanted to know why.
“No, none. Duggie, my dad, does his best but it is not enough some weeks. Bill, my older brother, run’s
errands for the dealers on the corner over there, so we can get some food on the table some days. I know one
of the regulars wants to get in to my knickers,” she said. She wanted to meet someone who could put the
dealers in their place, and also do the same to the bullies.
“Bad luck on the Sam issue. You got an up-to-date photo I could borrow. I will put the picture up on a
few missing person galleries I know of.”
“Thank you, the Vixens are some of the best and nicest people I know.”
“Thank you. Hey does Bill attend school?” She heard the question and realized that Nibs was someone
who cared for people.
“Yes, if he can be bothered to.”
The pair started to walk towards the corner; Nibs stopped and she wondered why Nibs looked up and
down the main road. “Just thinking where I am going to go.”
“I am going towards the fuel-station on SR34827.”
“Ok.” Nibs joined her as she walked slowly down the road towards yet another day in hell. They
reached the junction that led to the fuel-station, they crossed the road, her inquisitive nature got the better of
her and she asked, “How come I have not seen you with the Vixens before yesterday evening?”
“I only joined the Vixens last Frodar,” replied Nibs
She remembered the party Nibs talked about, both Bill and she did have invites to go, but that Frodar
she had not felt like even chatting to her dad about the problems at school let along going out to try and enjoy
herself. “Oh that party they had, both I and Bill had been invited but Bill was out delivering some drugs, and
I didn’t feel like socialising.”
After a short while Nibs said, “Not to worry, many more parties to be held.” She then offered the
cambar cigarette she smoked. “I had better warn you it is pure.”
She stopped, looked at it and thought, ‘Feck it why not, it is not like no one smokes.’ She said, “Hell
why not.” She took it and sat down on a low wall. She couldn’t help but start to cry. She had never met
anyone like Nibs she had presence that she had never come across. She was confident, caring,
compansionate, but without showing them obviously. She felt an arm around her shoulders pulling her into
its warm embrace. She felt safe within these powerful arms, not even her dad had arms that felt the like these
A soft voice came to her through the flooding tears, “What is wrong, Amy?” The tone was soothing
and comforting. Not unlike Sam had been when she had hurt herself or was feeling down.
After the sobbing eased slightly, she said, “I hate going to school just because of where I live, right
next door to one of the major drug dealers in the area. I get picked on, mostly name-calling and such. Most of
the school thinks I am one of his whores, as he owns nearly all of the neighbourhood, only my home and
where you are living are free of his clutches, bar Bill. I keep being asked to get a free sample.”
When she had sat back up straight Nibs said, “Tell you what. I will pop to the school one lunchtime
and we will see how the bullies handle someone like me.”
“Would you do that for me?” she replied still crying.
“Yes, I was also the target for bullies at school. That was until I had finished my exams. ‘Bullies
should watch for the reply punch’.”
“You, bullied, no way?” she said as the tears stopped and she wiped away the residual.
“Yes, anyway you have a bus to catch. If you have any academic problems pop over and I will see if I
can help you. I was a straight-A student in a few of my subjects, History and Chemistry being two.”
“Thank you,” she said as they started to walk again. They reached the fuel-station, as the school bus
pulled up.
“Hey next time they give you shit tell me,” said Nibs as she walked on and turned past the front of the
fuel station.
“I will thank you again.” She sat on the wall as the people who always got in first climbed aboard and
headed for the back. She boarded and sat in her normal seat at the front.
As the driver pulled off she thought about what Nibs had said, ‘No one has ever offered to come in and
deal with the bullies. I know I am going to need help to get my exams in a couple of years. Why am I letting
them win I am stronger than that, the young ones need someone who is strong.’
Torbar 16th Auar – 07:45
Amy arrived at the Fuel Station where she heard a group of girls start quietly talking and they kept
glancing in her direction. They boarded the bus and sat in their normal seats, as did she. As the bus left the
fuel station the forecasted rain started to come down hard and the colour of the clouds which had been
building for a lot of the morning did not look good. The whispering and the feeling of being watched
continued throughout the trip to the high school. She was happy she had Mark Hill first and his wife
Angelique third and fourth.
The walk from the bus to the school entrance was down a pavement strewn with puddles most
stretching from one side to the other. Even using her light jacket as a hood she got wet. A couple of people
she knew to say hi to walked across the car-park using a large umbrella and they used it to shield her from
the worst of the rain.
The female who’s jacket had the badge for Combat 90, a local Street Gang, which had a relatively good
association with this school. Most of the gang didn’t care about school. She said, “You ok hun?”
“Yes thanks, I’ll be ok.”
The pair stopped and looked out, “I bet it don’t clear until this evening if not over night.”
“I hope it does ease at least before the end of school,” Amy said, “otherwise I am getting very wet.”
The male who also had a jacket with the emblem of Combat 90 dropped the umbrella. The three of
them walked in and she went left and headed for her form room.
It was next door to the form room of one Abilgail Miller, the ring leader of the bullies. She was
standing opposite the door with four of her cronies around her, most were laughing at something one of the
had said. She walked into the form room and Abilgail called after her, “Got that sample for us yet hunny.”
The sneer in her voice was repulsive; she had only heard her sneer as she said things at her.
Form time happened as it always did, then the bell for first period went and the class got up and headed
out of the door. She walked out after putting her jacket into the straps of her rucksack. She walked and
thought she heard people whispering again.
She walked into Mark Hill’s Science class and sat in her usual seat far end of the front long desk,
nearest the door. Even in there she thought she heard people whispering and she couldn’t help but feel
people’s eyes were on her. She knew tomorrow was the anniversary of Sam’s disappearance and was feeling
down because of that.
Mark caught her as she was leaving the class and he asked, “You ok, you don’t look very happy.”
“I am ok Mr. Hill,” she replied as one of Abilgail’s group pushed past her out of the door. Mark looked
after him. “I’ll let you go, but I want to see you after school one day, and don’t worry about getting home,
either me or Angelique will drive you.”
“Thanks,” she said and walked out. Mark Hill was a nice teacher he made his lessons fun and
The next lesson was Maths was one she was not that good at, happened. As did all Maths lessons. After
that came first break, the rain was still coming down in droves which made everyone stay in. She walked to
the library and found a desk hidden away. She took a novel from the shelves and started to read it. The
twenty minute break ended and History started, Angelique Hill’s subject.
This like all the History lessons was fun, but she still couldn’t get the feelings of people watching her
and the whispering to go away. She began to feel very down by the start of lunch which again had to be
indoors due to the weather. She sat near the canteen windows and looked out of them or read the novel she
had picked up. She had no lunch again, as the three younger ones needed it more than she did.
The two from Combat 90 walked over to where she was sitting and the gent asked, “Can we join you
“Yes,” she replied and slid the book she had taken out of the library into her bag.
“You had any lunch hun?” asked the woman.
“No, my two younger sisters and younger brother need the food more than I do,” she replied.
“Here take this and get yourself a lunch,” said the bloke and he handed her a five deck note.
She smiled at the pair and left heading for the food run. She return a few minutes later with a good
sized dinner, but she still felt depressed and she knew she was looking it.
“Cheer up it can’t all that bad can it,” the female said, “I am Gill and this is Roger, you’ve probably
guess we are members of Combat 90 Street Gang.”
“What’s the cause of the depression and unhappiness?” asked Roger.
Amy stuffed fork full of chips into her mouth. “The bullies, life mainly.”
“Who Abilgail and her bunch of friends?”
She nodded as she took a mouthful of Ojan juice.
“She and that bunch will get there comeuppance soon I think,” replied Gill.
After ten minutes the pair got up and left, when they did the feeling of people whispering at her
returned. The intensity grew over the rest of lunch, and it kept growing through out the afternoon form.
The fifth lesson was with Mrs Killant for Spinnayian was in her form room. Twenty minutes into the
lesson the feeling of people watching her, looking at her, the thoughts that people were whispering about her
got too much. She slammed her chair back into Paula’s desk and that shifted with the force of the impact. At
the same time she sent her desk flying and she ran from the class room crying her eyes out. She knew where
she wanted to be, the only people other than her direct family she knew who understood what it meant to be
different, ‘The Bitch Vixens’.
She ran from the class and she headed for the main door, she slammed into two people and they were
forced to step aside from the power of the impact. Her eyes were blurry with the tears that were streaming
down her face. She hit the door and the force caused both the heavy doors to slam and bang very loudly
against the wall.
Within a few metres she was drenched to the skin, she just did not care. She wanted to feel the security
she felt when Nibs held her the few weeks before. The friendly smiles from Abs, Tina and Sandra, and the
fun times when Paul was around. Her trainers landed in the puddles and she just ran on, she crossed the road
outside the school and headed down the back roads and alley ways towards South Central.

Stood in the main door were Mark and Angelique they watched her back as she crossed the road and
disappeared into the back streets.
Mary Killant walked up and stood beside them and said, “What the hell just happened?”
“I think the bullying she has been suffering from has gotten too much. That and the fact that from what
we know tomorrow is the second anniversary of her mum’s disappearance. I wonder how many times she has
thought about killing herself.”
Angelique said, “That is something I wonder myself hun. Mary.”
Mary turned and headed back to her disrupted class, shaking her head.
“I wonder where she is going?”
“Home I guess, we can drive past tonight and see if she is in.”

As Amy ran, wet and semi cold, the pavement and tarmac changed into muddy roads and then it
became heather and similar plant life. The West Richmond Bad Lands, as the area was called. The various
gangs used the for war zones and similar. Various grasses, piles of tipped rubbish, burnt out car and van
wrecks along other items people did not want and could not be bothered to recycle littered the area. Amy ran
on and about half way across she needed to stop. She collapsed as images and sounds entered her mind, the
images and sounds were not of the local environment. As suddenly as they had started they stopped, she
stayed in the shelter of a burnt out van wreck for a short while as she tried to make sense of what she saw.
The images were as real as if she was seeing them for her self, the sounds sounded as real as well. She now
wanted answers to the question of what the hell happened.
She stood up refreshed, another question popped into her mind ‘How come?’ She ran a good five
kilometres and she only rested a few minutes, she looked for her phone and realized it sat in her bag still at
school. She started to semi walk and semi run, she checked her pockets and found her breather unit with her
medication. She would have had sports this afternoon and she always needed it afterwards. She felt as if she
did not need it now, something else was keeping her medical condition under control. She pressed on and
soon left the bad lands crossing over the under ground CW17 she walked along the main roads. She was
beginning to feel a little light headed as the cold from the wet clothes began to effect her judgement. She
shook her head to clear this issue and began to run again.
About 45 minutes later she turned into the minor road that led to hers and the homebase of the Bitch
Vixens. ‘Nibs please be home, please be home.’ She turned onto the driveway and ran up the steps and
knocked on the closed door.
Abs’ voice came from inside. “It is open.”
She opened the door and stood under the overhang from the roof very wet and shivering, her hair a
matted mess her top hanging down, her bra was visible as were the six tattoos she possessed, two on each
arm and one on each of her breasts.
Sandra looked up from reading something and said, “Get those clothes off now. Bathroom, move.”
“I will get a hot drink made,” said Abs and headed from the breakfast bar to where the drinks were
“Yes, make it a Chai.”
She stepped into the front room and her trainers went squelch and water just dripped from her, she
walked into the bathroom.
She was followed by Sandra who stood in the bathroom doorway saying, “Get those clothes off now, or
you will catch the sniffles, young lady.”
“Ok,” she responded and took her top off and dropped it into the bath. She sat on the edge of the bath
and simply slipped her trainers and socks off and these also went into the bath. She undid the trousers and
slipped them off with her pants and this pair of clothing items also joined the trainers and top in the bath she
could see little streams of slightly coloured water run from the clothes.
“Is Nibs around?” she asked sounding hopeful that she might be.
“And the bra hun,” said Sandra. “Nibs should be back later Paul, Tina and she went out to conduct
some research.” Then the sounds of three motorbikes were heard turning into the driveway. Sandra turned
and headed across the corridor.
She picked up a towel and started to dry herself. Sandra returned and chucked a green towelling bath
robe to her. She put it on and stood in the door way, still shivering.
“Come here you and let me sort your hair out,” said Sandra.
She crossed the corridor heading to sit on the bed beside Sandra, who took the towel and started to rub
and dry the wet hair.
“Stay here whilst I sort out some clothes for you hun.” The voice she heard was one that cared for how
she felt and she felt cold and safe at the same time.
As Sandra sorted through the clothes she passed her a bra and a pair of panties. The next items were a
pair of black baggies and one of her Rockster t-shirts. When she put the t-shirt on the sleeves stopped just
above the tattoos on her arms.
Nibs walked in to the room, stopped just inside the room and looked at her sitting on the edge of the
bed. “Hello love. Hello Amy. What do we owe the pleasure?”
“Oh nothing,” she responded and she knew she looked very depressed.
“Your lying Amy, you should still be in school and yet you are here, what happened today? Bullying?”
asked Nibs sounding very concerned at her state.
“Yes bullies, name calling, and everything, I hate that school,” she said and started to cry, she placed
her head in her hands and just cried, she could not hold it back any longer, tears pouring down her cheeks.
She felt the embrace of someone and then realized the embrace felt the same as she felt what seemed like
ages ago when she met Nibs for the first time. She rested her head on her damp leather jacket tears still
streaming from her eyes.
The voice she heard was also the same, caring, compassionate, wanting to help in anyway she could,
“Let it all out hun. You have no need to hold things back.”
She just could not help her self, the last two years hit her full force and she just cried and cried all the
time she felt the secure embrace of someone who understood what it meant to be on the receiving end of the
A little while later after she did start to slow the tears to a trickle. Nibs asked, “Do you want to tell me
what happened today?”
“Yes I need to talk to someone who understands,” she responded. “It started this morning I thought a
group of girls started to whisper things and I know they were looking in my direction if not right at me. From
what I heard it concerned the disappearance of Sam, me, and the local dealers.” She could not hold it back
talking about her Sam just made it worse and the tears just flooded out again. She felt Nibs’ arms embracing
her again. After a couple of minutes again she controlled the crying.
Sandra’s voice came from the other side of her and also sounded caring, comforting and soothing, “We
are in no hurry hun we will always be here for our friends.”
She had never heard the words ‘we will always be here for our friends’ from anyone. Those words
made the friendship she possessed with these people special. They were Giths and Gangrels; she came from a
single parent family.
She felt like Nibs moved her to Sandra’s embrace and this too felt strong, warm and comforting.
Nibs returned to the bed and she just waited for her to be ready.
After a little while Amy sat up off Sandra’s chest and took the cup Sandra offered her. She took a sip
from it.
“You feeling a bit better now hun?” asked Sandra.
“Yes I am, thank you, I have never had friends like you lot,” she responded she knew her face was no
longer one of sadness, but was one of being a lot happier.
“Shall we go and sit in the living room so you can tell us all about what happened today?” suggested
“Ok,” she responded.
Nibs stood and offered her hand to her leading her into the living room. Tina sat on the sofa against the
wall quickly vacated it when they walked in. Nibs and Sandra sat down and she sat between them.
She took another sip of Chai, and started to tell everyone about her day, “It started on the school bus
this morning, a couple of the girls started whispering in the seats just behind where I sat, they were saying
Sam ran away cause of me being a failure at the Rotork Academy and because I was dating one of the drug
dealers, and was one of his whores,” Amy took another sip of Chai and continued, “Then a bit later other
girls got in on the whispering act and it spread to some of the boys as well.”
“Ok hun,” said Sandra using the same tone as she had in the bed room, “Take your time.”
“They started to whisper things like, if they dealt drugs they would like me as their whore. It went on
all day. I normally sit outside during breaks and lunch, but with the rain I was not able to. I was forced to sit
in the canteen it was just hell all I could hear was people whispering and looking at me,” Amy’s started to cry
again and took some of the toilet paper. She blew her nose and wiped the tears from her eyes. “It got too
much and by the middle of the afternoon’s first period I lost it. I ran and I know I hit a couple of teachers as I
did. I was crying so much I just did not care; I needed to be away from that place. I wanted Sam to be
outside, but she was not. I just ran, my only thought was where did I feel the safest, and each time I came to
the conclusion with the only people to understand what it is like to be different, you guys,” she said and
looked at each one in turn.
She saw everyone listened intently to her and looking at each she swore she could see anger boiling in
their eyes. She did not want to go back to the school but she realized that she would have too as dad was in
no place to home teach her. “I was about half way home, crossing the bad lands near the free fire zone close
to the school, when I had a series of visions.” She wiped away more tears and continued, “It may sound as if
I am going mad, but I swear I saw Sam. It was as real as you all are.”
Abs said, “No we will not think you mad. If you want to tell us then do so.”
“I know you and Sam where close,” said Sandra as she squeezed her hand.
“Thank you. She was right there in front of me and looked as if she was not very happy at all, from
what I could see, it looked as if she was being forced to work somewhere. The next vision I was able to look
around the scene and she was as close to me as you lot are, but she wasn’t alone, she was working with other
people, but she was being watched by a couple of very strange looking creatures. One looked like a tall ape
and the other was at least eight foot tall and wore what looked like a large suit of armour.
“What surprised me was a tall creature sitting on a raise area. Its mouth had no lips and was full of
dagger style teeth. He was wearing a helmet which contained a large eye that I swear blinked and moved in
the holder. He was holding a staff with a large transparent container at the top, inside the container sat a large
worm like creature which moved as if it was alive.”
She looked down and saw a small animal sat at her feet looking up at her. She could not help herself
but she needed to bend down and pick the animal up. The feeling of just having an animal sat in her lap felt
incredible, it was uplifting, something she had never felt before. “Who is this?” she asked as she started to
stroke him.
“That little fur ball is Daraus, we found him during a trip to Darla’s Forest retreat,” replied Sandra.
“What is he?” she continued.
“We are not sure,” answered Nibs. “We have been told by someone knowledgeable she thinks he may
be an Angel wolf.”
She knew that when she looked down at Daraus she looked sorrowful. She could not help herself but
she just felt like stroking Daraus, which made Daraus very happy and snuggled down into Amy’s lap.
As she stroked Daraus she heard a soft comforting voice saying to her, “Sleep sorrowful one, let me
show you your sorrow and love, let me take you to a place where you can be once again with your mum.”
As hard as she tried she could not keep her eyes open and she drifted off into a peaceful dream filled

Amy realized she no longer sat in the living room with her friends, she stood on a large open expanse.
Walking towards her came a figure covered in whiter than white hair. From his back came two large very
finely haired wings, his face, beautiful and scène.
He stopped a short distance away and said in the same soft comforting voice as she heard when she
drifted off to sleep, “Amy I come to you this day as a guide, for I am Daraus and I will guide you upon a
journey that should show you that you are not and will never be alone. For the people sat in the room with
you are there to help you, and that includes me.” Suddenly the figure disappeared and standing at Amy’s side
was a large white dog style creature, who said in the same voice as the figure, “Journey now with me, though
your fears. This journey will cause you pain and heart ache, but these I think are necessary to allow you to
become what I know you are, to gain the strength that I know you need. Remember this, you cannot effect
what has happened, you can only effect what will come.”
A fog appeared and surrounded both her and Daraus. It disappeared as suddenly as it came and
revealed a scene of Sam sitting in her office in Rotork Tower in Suraban. Sam looked happy as from the
clock on the wall it approached the end of the working day and she would soon be on her way home to
Duggie and the rest of her family. Beep, beep went the high tech phone on her desk, Sam lent over and
pressed the intercom button, a voice said, “Would you come into my office please Sam. I have something for
you to do.”
“No problem boss,” she responded, got up and walked into her boss’s office via the interconnecting
door. Sat in three chairs in front of the large desk where two humans and a creature that looked like the one
she saw earlier that day, during the visions, they all turned to face Sam as she entered.
“Would you please close the door my dear,” said a voice from a darkened corner to the right of the
door where Sam stood in complete shock looking at the ape creature. The door behind her closed on its own.
“Do not be afraid these are three colleges of mine,” the voice said as the lights where turned up and Sam
could see what the voice was emitting from.
Amy realized that it was the creature she saw sat on the raised platform. She went to say, but stopped
herself in case it revealed them.
“Say what you want Amy, remember what I said earlier you cannot effect what has happened and this
has already happened. Two years ago today.”
She smiled and said, “I saw that,” and pointed at the creature which stood, “earlier this afternoon.”
“I know you did. That is the reason why I brought you here. So it may reveal it self to you.”
The creature said as a shocked Sam stared at it, “I am High Lord Karazzakkia, High Lord to my Master
Lord Tyythauiyffuth the owner and chief exec of Rotork and soon Rotork Theaban, and very soon the
President of Naban.”
“What are you? What do you want with me?” said Sam after regaining her composure.
“What I am, I am a high lord, an extension of the Splugorth intelligence that owns Rotork. What do I
want with you? I want you to be my concubine my dear. You have served my human front,” and with that
he/it changed to the human Sam worked for and then back again, “very well over the years. I now want to
make sure that you are safe from the violent streets that may take your life at a moments notice.”
“Never, I will never be your concubine.” Sam turned and tried to open the door which was jammed
“You will come round in time my dear,” and the creature spoke a series of words that Amy did not
understand. When it finished Sam fell unconscious. It walked over to where Sam lay, lifted her head and
placed a small black ball object against the back of her neck. Amy saw legs protrude from the ball and insert
themselves into Sam’s neck. “Take her to my air transport my slaves. I shall be travelling to the Pyramid this
“Yes master,” the two humans responded. They both got up, picked Sam up and carried her out of an
unseen door.
The ape like creature remained sitting and spoke, “Boss why did you want me here?”
“I wanted to ask you, when would the Serpent armour production facility be ready to start production?”
The scene faded as the fog grew back, the last thing Amy heard was the ape creature saying, “A month
perhaps two.” The fog dissipated and both Amy and Daraus stood again on the open expanse.
She asked, “Daraus what where those,” and after thinking for a bit, “creatures.”
“The creature who put you ‘mum’ to sleep is a willing ally of an alien intelligence that has to feed off
an energy field called Mana, all living things produce it naturally and this planet has a naturally high amount.
The two humans were tattoo men, warrior slaves of the Splugorth Alien Intelligences. The ape creature was a
Kittani, let me just say most of them are as evil as the Splugorth and have been allies of them for close to
40,000 years. Onwards to our next stop Amy.”
The fog began to rise and after what seemed like a couple of minutes it dissipated and they where stood
in a birthing room of a medical facility. Sam lay on the birthing bed and Duggie stood at her side, the female
doctor passed Sam a newly born baby and she asked, “Have you decided on a name for your new daughter?”
Duggie looked into Sam’s eyes and answered, “We have. She is to be named Amy Demitrie.”
Amy stood stunned and then said, “That is my name.”
“I know. Sam is your birth mother!” said Daraus. “This is something that you need to ask Duggie
about.” The fog rose again and as before when it dissipated they were again on the expanse.
Amy went to sit down and sat on a rock that suddenly appeared. “Hey where did that come from?”
“Your thoughts and dreams Amy. This is your dream plain. I am as I said when you fell asleep your
guide on this journey. Here your dreams are real and you can be with your memories of Sam and the love
you two had.
“What I know, from what I sensed and have been able to detect, you are a human manifestation of a
Chaing-Ku dragon. The joining that created you is not possible with a human. It leads me to believe that your
mum has what is called the Copier mutation, whatever creature your mum mates with a human version of it
will be born. I do know that the mutation is incredibly rare, but if I am right then your mum may be the
saviour of the race. You need to ask your father about what a Chaing-Ku is and can do, but I do advise doing
it in private, away from ears that can hear.”
She nodded agreement to what Daraus said.
“I also provide you with this advice, Nibs Tina, Abs, Sandra and all the rest of the Vixens accept you as
you, as they accept all things. The general populace would not; they fear the unknown and different. Use
your gifts to protect, help and never use it to hurt and destroy for those bring ruin and pain. The Vixens and a
few others know this, they understand this and hide the skills and the abilities they have. Talk to them; learn
from them, follow their teachings and you will not go far wrong.
“You are asleep, wake when you want to, but before I leave you I will show you Sam. I am unable to
travel there as it is protected by powerful runic inscriptions.”
A fog cloud appeared and in it Amy saw Sam working as a slave to the High Lord, who like earlier was
sat on the raised pedestal now stroking the head of a large green, scaly animal like creature. Stood to one side
of the dais were two men similar to the two Amy saw earlier in the office, they looked like they were
guarding a large door.
“Before you go Daraus, why does Sam not fight?”
“She is, but in her own way she knows she is unable to fight them physically at this time, so she is
fighting them by showing you she is alive and by learning, by watching those who keep her and others
prisoners and as slaves.”
The cloud faded and she stood alone, Daraus also disappeared from the plain.
She sat and thought about what Daraus told her, shown her, the feelings she felt around her friends.
After a short while she woke up and found she slept on the sofa in the home of her friends exactly where she
sat before she fell asleep. Daraus still asleep on her lap, Nibs stood in front of the cooker stirring a saucepan.
Sandra sat next to her looking at a tablet computer. Abs and Tina were watching one of the News Channels
and Paul sat at the computer again reading something. She stretched, yawned and looked at the clock located
on the projector screen, it read 20:34.
“Feck have I been asleep that long?”
“Yes you have. I do not worry about Duggie worrying. I popped over earlier and told him you where
here,” said Tina.
“Oh, you are also invited to my 18th bday party tomorrow evening,” said Nibs, “The five of us
discussed the issue whilst you were asleep and we will visit your school tomorrow lunch time and have a chat
with those who think its fun to bully.”
“Thank you, you lot are great,” she said feeling a lot happier. She hoped now the depression she
suffered from would begin to lift.
“No problem Amy, we all suffered from it but due to having the friends we did we were able to deal
with it,” said Paul.
“I think I had better get going home,” she said.
“No you are not going anywhere,” said Nibs. “Well not until after dinner.”
Chapter 26

Throughout Amy’s explanation Nibs’ anger boiled just below the surface, not only for the bullies, who
would be facing the reply fist tomorrow, but also the dealers on the corner. She knew they needed dealing
with and they, the Bitch Vixens, possessed the fire power to do it. To her mind most people who looked
down the barrel of an MA240 or 260 did exactly what you told them to do, without much argument.
As Amy finished, she could see Amy slowly dropping off to sleep, stroking Daraus.
When she finished fallen asleep, she quietly said, “We deal with the dealers tonight.”
“I agree,” responded Paul. “It would be best to do it after the sun has gone and night has fallen
properly, as the lights on the corner and up the street do not work at all and I think we are best if it is night.”
“Yes especially as I would say we use black light and the weaponry we brought back from Darla’s
place,” suggested Abs, “and tomorrow I think it is about time the bullies were put on notice that we do not
like them and will be paying them visits.”
Sandra got up and said as she headed for the corridor, “The local community relay on then for small
amounts of cash.”
“Think though hun, it is the payments back that hurt the people. I bet most would be happy when they
are gone,” Nibs said
Paul stood up heading for the computer and switched the monitor on. He slid in the first of the two
memory cards and started to upload the pictures they took in the rain.
She stood up and walked to the kitchen so she could start to prepare one of the shoulders from one of
the daken they killed at Darla’s Retreat.
A couple of hours later Amy woke up and said “Feck have I been asleep that long?”
“Yes you have. I would not worry about Duggie worrying. I popped over earlier and told him you
where here,” said Tina.
“Oh, you are also invited to my 18th bday party tomorrow evening,” she said. “The five of us discussed
the issue whilst you were asleep and we will visit your school tomorrow lunch time and have a chat with
those who think its fun to bully.”
“Thank you, you lot are great,” she said.
“No problem Amy, we all suffered from it but due to having the friends we did we were able to deal
with it,” said Paul.
“I think I had better get going home,” said Amy.
“No you are not going anywhere,” she said. “Well not until after dinner.”
After dinner finished and got cleared away. She said, “Who is coming with me for a walk.” Daraus
stretched and padded over to the door. “Thought you would.”
“Is it open to anyone?” asked Amy.
“Yes,” Nibs answered.
“Me then,” responded Amy.
She got up and walked to her room to retrieve her damp jacket and shoulder holster rig, she also
grabbed a jumper from the bottom draw of the chest of draws. When she returned she passed the jumper to
Amy who had retrieved her wet shoes from the bathroom. She sat on the back of the sofa and put her feet in
them and squelched towards the door.
Abs asked when Amy squelched a couple of steps, “What size feet are you Amy?”
“Size 7, why?”
“Wait here and get those trainers off,” replied Abs and she disappeared and after about a minute
returned with a pair of boots, “Here these are now yours Amy.”
“Thank you Abs,” said Amy smiling and she kissed Abs on the cheek.
Amy and her followed Daraus down the steps and up the drive way. They turned right and walked in
silence towards the local park, Daraus padded at Amy’s heel.
She could see Amy to be deep in thought through to the start of the park where she asked, “Nibs can I
ask you for some advice?”
“Yes no problem.”
“Well its not exactly advice I want to know what you think I should do.”
“Ok,” she responded.
Amy told her what she dreamt.
When Amy finished she looked at Daraus playing with a couple of other dogs saying after thinking
about it, “My advice to you, because I guess you want to find Sam, is to follow your heart. Tomorrow talk to
everyone else in the Vixens. The plan is to go for a meal first, then onto Club Millana to watch Richard C, a
good friend of my old self and also a good friend of mine, in one of a few street fights and also to enjoy good
music and company.”
When the three finished the walk, Daraus and her walked Amy to her front door and she said, “Do not
worry about your problems with the bullies.”
“I do and I do not,” said Amy. “See you tomorrow Nibs.”
“Yes see you tomorrow.” She turned and wandered back to Home Base. She stood at the corner of
Home Base and looked at the house on the corner. She could see six people inside as some of them scored
and others sat smoking or doing whatever they did to get high. She then turned and walked back to the house.
In the living room Sandra, Paul, and Abs where all loading magazines with bullets. She shut the front door
and went through the door into the corridor, opened the trap door into the cellar and dropped through it. She
collected her MA240 from its hide under her bike seat. Tina joined her and disappeared into the Hydroponics
area and slid their five complete sets of armour into the main loading bay area.
She went back to the trap door hole and stood under it. She grabbed the ladder from it’s run and scaled
it to the corridor. Tina then closed the ladder and passed up the cases containing the armour, she also passed
up the some extra firepower and a box of 8mm ammunition and a box of 10mm APEX magazines.
She then pushed the cases into the living room and when the last case disappeared Tina also grabbed
the steps down and then slotted them away when she stood in the corridor.
Paul said when the pair had returned, “Ok what's the plan then?”
“Simple,” she responded. “Do what we do best, scare them into leaving the area.”
“That may be easier said then done,” said Tina as she dropped the magazine of the Zonal Firearms
DX-2 assault shotgun in to it’s home and checked the ammunition status.
“I doubt it. Having this level of firepower shoved into your face generally scares most people,” said
Sandra. “Especially if we give them a small demonstration, if they require one.”
“Which will be me, I think,” said Abs as she operated the action on her Echo 27. Just then the group
heard an explosion in the distance.
“It looks like the local free fire is partying this evening,” said Paul.
“Add into it they are all high on something and they are dealing with us,” she responded and began to
undress. She opened the case that contained her Black Light Armour. She sat on the sofa and put her legs into
the legs of the second skin. She stood pulling the top half on over her head and tucked in the back, she then
removed the ceramic plates that is made up the protection layer and slid everyone into their pocket making
sure each was secure and the nanotechnology was working before moving onto the next one. After the
armour was completed she picked up her set of combat webbing and put it on. She made sure the front and
side pouches where secure. Into the left side pouch she placed her communications box and the tactical
computer from the case. She made sure the cables where plugged in and also made sure that the plugs at the
neck end where free. She then took her pistol and slid that into its holster on her left hand side and then
grabbed her helmet and MA240 and said, “I’ll meet you out side the back door.”
She then walked towards the back door, where she slung her rifle, opened the face plate of the helmet
and placed it on her head. She locked it into place on the armour. She then connected the bundle of data
cables to the port on the back of the helmet and closed the face plate; this activated the technology and
brought up the display. She operated the switch that allowed her eye movement to shift screens around on the
inside of the blackened visor. After everything was set she switched off the corridor light and opened the
back door.
She stepped out into the night. The few street lights that did actually work where on but flickering
trying to stay lit and they were a little distance away, the ones on the corner and up the street didn’t work at
all. As she moved up to the corner Daraus padded beside her heel. “Sorry Daraus. This time you can’t join
us, as you are known to be our pet and we need to be anonymous tonight.”
Daraus looked up at her and seemed to smile, he then returned to the house, as if he knew what she had
said and agreed with it.
She knelt at the corner of next door and switched to thermo looking at the front of the house. The
thermo vision system picked up what she had seen earlier six heat patterns. Paul soon joined her looking the
front of the dealer’s house.
Paul asked, “Where’s Daraus?”
“I sent him inside. He’s too well known as being ours for this operation.”
“Ok,” responded Paul.
She saw two more people approach the front door; they stopped, knocked and waited. A couple of
seconds later the door opened and they where allowed entry. “That makes eight inside.”
“Confirmed, Thermo shows eight bodies,” said Paul.
“I am moving to cover the rear of the target house,” she said into the inbuilt microphone.
“Confirmed,” responded Paul and moved to cover her movement across the street.
She crossed the street heading for the short distance of Duggie’s front that had no fence. When it did
start she slowed and looked around using the high frequency infra red system. The surrounding area looked
to quiet of people and sounds, it was 24.30. The alleyway down beside the target house looked like the local
dumping ground for large and small items of household rubbish. She moved slowly through it watching,
using both Infra-red and normal vision for things that would make a sound and alert the people inside to the
fact she moved towards the back of the house. Just as she approached the back right corner of the house, a
dog from over the rear fence started to bark and after a short while got shouted at, “Shut, up you stupid
mutt.” The dog quietened down. From her position she could see the back of the house and the backs of the
houses that fronted the main road, in some a few candles burned, more than likely they indicated where
people were squatting of something. The back of the target house possessed a large back veranda, with a
battered old swing lover’s chair on and very little else. She then switched over to thermo and after checking
the near vicinity for unseen thermal images switched back to infra-red.

Paul switched over to the position lock system; the tactical computers were equipped with. He saw a
blip had stopped moving a little distance, he assumed it was Nibs and from the position she seemed to be on
the far side of the street and looked to be about to negotiate the dumping ground that along the side of the
target house. Very quickly he saw three more blips activate and move towards his position after a couple of
He heard the back door being closed quietly and beside him moved Abs, Tina and Sandra.
Sandra asked Paul, “Is the blip on the far side Nibs?”
“It is,” he responded.

“I am moving in support,” Sandra said. As she crossed the street she followed Nibs in using Duggies’
land before moving on to the dealers place. After a couple of minutes she negotiated the rubbish strewn side
alley way.
“Who is this?” asked Nibs quietly.
“It is me hun,” she responded.
“Team Alpha this is Paul are you receiving?” came out of the internal speakers.
“Confirmed, we are receiving,” responded Nibs.
“Confirmed,” Sandra also responded.
“Abs is moving to a better vantage point via the ladder at the back of Home Base to cover the assault. I
and Tina are moving to positions in front of the target.”
“Confirmed, Team Bravo, Charlie. Signal when in position,” said Nibs, “Go on my signal.”

“Confirmed,” Paul said. “Moving to assault positions when Abs is in position.”

“Abs here, I can see the house, I have eight thermal images from inside and a couple of what look like
heaters working.”
After receiving Abs’ confirmation of her being in position Tina and he moved across the street and
took up assault positions on either side of the steps leading to the front door. The side nearest the main road
thankfully did have a couple of cars which hid Tina from the one main road street light that did work. The
rest of the front yard was similar to the rear area, it had lots of house hold rubbish and other things, like rusty
engines and other assorted car and bike parts. Along with a few rubbish bags dumped in the garden.
“Team Charlie to Team Bravo, I have two bodies moving towards you.”
“Confirmed,” he said after checking thermal vision for himself.
“Physical take down?” asked Tina.
He nodded as the door opened and one of the two said, “Thanks man, we will be back in a couple of
hours with the stuff.” The two of them walked out and closed the front door with a bang. They then started
down the three steps that led off the front veranda to the driveway. As they walked up the path and passed
Tina and Paul’s hiding places, both of them moved and applied tight sleeper holds to both of the targets, they
also removed the target’s vertical bases with a good boot to the back of the knees. When they were on the
ground it took about thirty seconds for them both to stop moving.
“Dealt with,” said Tina, “Moving to the door.”
“Confirmed Team Bravo, signal when ready,” Nibs said.
After ten seconds, Paul signalled, via the signal beep. After a final thermal check of the interior to
confirm the locations of the occupants, and she said, “Move.”
The rear door almost came off its hinges as Sandra booted the door open.
She led carrying her MA240 in the assault position, she knocked the guy sat in the chair nearest the
back door to the floor before he could reach for his sidearm and bellowed over the inbuilt helmet speaker,
“Anyone moves and we will kill you.”
Paul and Tina entered, via the same method, the front door and Tina brought the stock of her DX-2
assault shotgun round and caught one guy in the side of the head as he was going for the assault weapons by
the door. Paul quickly removed any chance of them getting access to them by picking them up and sliding
them down the front veranda, they both fell off the end in to the alley way.
“We have rights,” said the guy who was face down, after Tina knocked him to the floor.
“You would have if we gave a shit and if we were cops, as we are not and we do not give a shit. You
have not got no rights,” said Sandra, Sandra’s voice like hers distorted by the software in the tactical
“You all have until morning to vacate this premises and area. If we see any of you within five miles of
this address, we will bury you 6ft under,” she said in a very stem voice. “And if you think we were kidding
when I say that, Team Charlie. Fire.”
The crack of a heavy round came from outside and then a large hole got created in the side wall and
floor. Then a small explosion came from the area under the house as the .55cal APEX round exploded.
“Extract, Extract,” she said over the communication system. “And remember we see you, we bury
Both teams extracted from the building, Sandra and her leaving through the back door and Paul and
Tina left through the front. All four disappeared into the night.
As the pair got into the garden they both went face down in the darkness created by the verandas
shadow from the lights inside.
A few seconds later one of the guys from inside stood on the veranda where the steps joined, she could
see he was looking out over the garden. Never once looking down, and even if he did, she thought, ‘if you
had looked down, the night camouflage and the black light armour would hide me from your gaze.’ He
carried an M22, which from what she could see the safety was on and it did not look in good repair.
She heard him say “They fecking well disappeared.”
She then heard another voice coming from inside, “You must be kidding, they where here ten seconds
“I know, but they have totally disappeared,” said the guy standing on the veranda and he then went
back inside.
She moved to the fence that marked Duggie’s property from the dealers, Sandra joined her and using
the tree half way down the fence they scaled the fence and dropped into Duggie’s garden. As she went over
the fence her hearing picked up a conversation from inside the target house, “I am leaving tomorrow early,
the fire power they where carrying was not the usual firepower for the local gangs, those guns where far
more advanced. I think the way they handled themselves they are quite likely to be Street Ghosts, and I am
sorry I am not ending up six foot under cause you think they will not carry out their threat,” and after hearing
the response from the guy she hit she smiled, “Yes you may be right, I have no problems in handling the
local gangs but not Street Ghosts they are ruthless and most will keep their promises.”

As the pair moved through the rear garden of Duggie’s house, she saw someone standing in a rear
window, she saw the person looked to be Amy. Amy looked like she smiled at them as they both moved
through the garden. After again quietly stepping over the low fencing that marked Duggie’s from the Foxxes’
place, they moved passed the side of the house crossing the road and they headed for the back yard of

When Nibs and Daraus turned and walked across the street Amy opened the door smiling. Her dad sat
in the living room playing with Beatrice, whilst Hemma did some work. Bill she thought would probably be
up stairs reading or designing something. She knew he possessed a real talent for designing adverts, posters
and she thought with a little encouragement he could become pretty good at advertising and designing
“Dad, I would like to talk to you in private please,” she said.
“Is now good enough,” replied Duggie.
“It could take some time.”
“Ok.” Duggie looked at the clock on the mantle piece and said to Hemma and Beatrice, “Bed you too;
it is a good thirty minutes after your bed time Beatrice. It is pretty close to yours as well young lady.” He
looked at Hemma as he poke.
She walked down the corridor into the kitchen to make her self a drink.
“Head into my den Amy, I will meet you down there,” called Duggie from carrying Beatrice up stairs.
“Is Bill in Dad?”
“No, he went out a couple of hours ago and I have no idea when he is going to be back. I am working
from 5 tomorrow.”
“Ok dad,” she replied and seeing a fresh large cartoon of mily in the fridge she poured herself a glass
and walked back down the corridor to the door to her dad’s private den. The only place in the house where
the children did not go ever, only him and Sam had spent time down there. She opened the door and walked
down the handmade stairs to a landing. A small sign at eye height read, ‘Please remove your shoes before
proceeding.’ She did and walked down the final steps into a good sized room. Cushions covered the floor and
there looked to be a depression in the middle of the room. She noticed on the walls hung photos of Duggie
and Sam in many wondrous places around Darra Von. In a few she saw Sam and a large green dragon, her
eyes opened slightly when she saw it.
“Yes Amy, the dragon you see is me.” Her dad’s warm voice said as he came down the stairs. He took
off his shoes and walked to the centre and cleaned out the cushions from the depression. She saw it was a
circular seating arrangement with a table made from solid rock. “Come and sit, my daughter, for tonight you
learn the truth of me and Sam.”
She walked to the middle, sat down and cuddled up to her dad.

Duggie looked down at his daughter Amy and cast an Aerial Helper spell. He sent it off to get him a
drink of water and to bring the packet of biscuits as well. He started, “23 years ago I met Sam your mother
when she was working as a legal secretary in the Legal department of Rotork Rujuniva. I worked at the time
as delivery guy, and regularly took large consignments to the department building in the provisional town of
Gitertarn, we got chatting and friendly, then one day Sam not being exactly the reserved type, asks me on a
date, I go and we love each other.”
Duggie felt Amy move as she took a sip from her glass. Amy looked over as the tray with the glass and
packet of biscuits on floated down the stairs. He saw her eyes open in amazement at it. Amy then turned to
look at her dad and asked, “Are you doing that?”
“Yes and no. When you snuggled into me I cast the Aerial Helper spell and sent that to get my drink
and the biscuits. In a bit I will explain what both me and Sam know you, Bill, Hemma, Beatrice and Damien
“We are human Chaing-ku, dad, I think rather than you telling me your story I think I will tell you what
I dreamt and saw earlier today. I know some things that you do not about mum and what she is doing at the
This time is was his turn to be surprised. “How?” was his only question as Amy pulled away slightly.
“How do I know that dad,” replied Amy and she then explained what happened that day concerning the
dream and visions.
Throughout Amy’s telling he sat there listening intently to what she said. When she finished he sat
thinking. “Come here you, I never realized that not telling you Sam was your mum had hurt that much.” He
took her into the warm security of his arms.
“That does not worry me dad, I know now, what worries me is the situation she is in now. I am going
to go and do my best as I try and rescue her. I think the Vixens from across the street are going to help.”
“I think I should then tell you what I can do as it is very likely that you will be able to do them as
“Please dad, boy is Miller going to be in for a shock tomorrow.”
He looked at her and smiled. “The tattoos are magical tap one and concentrate on it.” She tapped the
short Karack blade wrapped in flames. In her hands appeared the blade and it had flames coming from it.
“Now concentrate on it disappearing.”
It disappeared, “Dad what do they all do, you have lots more than I do, why?”
“Why, at the time when we decided to tattoo all our children, we decided to stop it at six. As
Chaing-Ku we can have lots. Humans cannot if you go above six the magic involved in the creation destroys
any ability to control magick and changes you into a supernatural, and to those in the know who saw you and
the tattoos they would think you a interdimensional traveller or an Attlan, a member of a race who tattoo
themselves with these tattoos, we taught them how to do it. What each does, the suit of armour creates a
magickal shield that surrounds and protects you from the advanced weaponry the true enemy use. The Bird
Tattoo, creates a bird that will warn you if people get to close and will attack them if you tell it to. The one
on your wrist allows you to read and understand all languages except Magickal runes and writings. The one
on the opposite wrist provides you with protection from being controlled and turned into a vampire. That
one.” He pointed to the one on her right upper arm, “Gives you the power to shoot bolts of fire from you
finger tips, you also become immune to all fire and similar.”
Amy sat there and said, “Dad, Ms. Miller had a strange looking tattoo on her lower arm,” and she
pointed to the location on her lower left arm. “It’s a wolf’s head and when I look at it, its eyes glow with a
white aura.”
He looked at Amy in shock. “That sounds like Miss Miller has a magickal tattoo.”
“I think she has more than just one, last summer she came to school on a few occasions in just a bikini
and crop top and I saw at least eight across her body and arms.”
“Eight!” he quietly exclaimed. “That makes her a tattooed warrior.”
“Yes and what the hell is a high lord and Splugorth intelligence?” asked Amy
“What a High lord and Splugorth intelligence are, are some of the worst nightmares you can imagine.
Our lovely nice planet is just a veneer covering what is a very nasty and dangerous place, the Splugorth are a
race of creatures that live for thousands upon thousands of years most control massive empires that span
dimensions. They control the empires through the High lords and in these places people like me, you, the
guys from across the street would be slaves and similar to those who support the rulers, it is what is
happening now in places around Naban and very likely across the planet.”
Amy yarned and he said, “Up to bed you. You understand that what I have told you cannot be told to
anyone other than those you truly trust, and not to Bill, as he is likely to go next door and do something
“I know dad. I just wish Bill could see that he could be really good at designing adverts and drawing.”
“So do I,” he said as he followed her up the stairs grabbing the shoes and Amy’s new boots. “Whose
“Mine, they were a present from Abs.”
“Oh I almost forgot Mark and Angelique Hill called past today asking after you, they said would you
go and see them tomorrow first period, they have organized it so you can. I think they are concerned about
Amy turned towards the kitchen to wash her glass up and said, “I know they do, they are the only two
teachers that do.”
“They also have your bag and jacket.”

Amy looked out of the window over the sink and she saw two people drop from the tree on the dealers
back garden into their garden. They crossed the garden and stepped over the low fence between them and the
Foxxes’ garden. She turned smiling at what she knew the guys had done. She walked out of the kitchen and
switched the light off and again as she left the corridor. She went upstairs and as she did she said, “Night
Duggie looked up from unfolding his bed and said, “Good night Amy and remember what I taught you
all those years ago about controlling one’s anger.”
“I do dad, and thank you.”

All five arrived back inside Homebase and they all felt very happy that the operation went so well.
Daraus ran towards the group when they opened the back door and launched himself at Sandra as she came in
“Whooh Daraus,” said Sandra. “It is good to see you too.”
Woof, woof, went Daraus
As the group walked up the corridor, they opened the face plates on their helmets, and when they
entered the living room they disconnected the data cable, unclipped the back of the helmet. They then
removed the unit and placed it in their cases.
“A successful operation that,” said Paul.
“Yes, but I measure success on outcomes not how well the job goes,” Nibs said, “Lets wait until
tomorrow when they have gone.”
“That is true, plus the ramifications for the local community will be massive if they do leave, most of
the houses are in hock to them,” responded Paul.
“Some will be happy they have gone, others not so, you have got to remember the income for most of
the people here is below the poverty line which is not good,” said Abs.
“I know,” she said as she removed the magazines and other technology from her webbing, “If they go
that is good if not, I am sorry to say it we bury them. We have to.”
“Yes we do,” said Paul. “Anyway Nibs, it is your birthday tomorrow so I say we chill for the rest of
tonight.” He took out the first ceramic plate and slipped it into its home in the case.
“What are the plans for tomorrow?” asked Abs as she did the same.
“Mm,” she said, “help Amy with her bullying problems at school.”
“Then out to the restaurant for about 20.30 then to Club Millana for about 22.30 to watch Richard C in
a street fight,” said Sandra. “We have invited Misty’s group to the club, but the table we have booked at the
restaurant is for ten. Paul suggested we invited Amy along and seeing as you did do exactly that today, we
have not had to worry about it.”
“Ok,” she said, as she removed the second skin and folded it up and placed it in her case.
Paul nudged Sandra at her comment; Sandra just turned and looked at him with a face that said I know
you like her.
The rest of the evening the five spent it watching a couple of good films and getting stoned.

Nibs and Sandra walked into their room and when Sandra closed the door, she asked, “Is Paul after
“Yes he is,” replied Sandra as she undressed for bed.
“I think Amy may have some kind of special ability,” she said as she removed the trousers she had put
on after the raid.
“What makes you say that hun?” asked Sandra after she climbed into bed and lit the final cambar
cigarette of the day.
She joined her and replied, “When we were crossing Duggie's yard, I was on Infra-red and saw who I
thought was Amy stood in the window, she smiled at us as we passed.”
“That is freaky,” responded Sandra, “As the whole point of where we were moving was well out of the
light from the house,” after a moments thought Sandra continued, “Hang on, you know I can see auras.”
“Yes,” she responded.
“You saw the tattoos she has on her arms.”
“Yes I did,” she replied taking a draw on the cambar cigarette and exhaling the smoke.
“I swear I saw areas within the overall tattoos glowing a faint white, and she produces a very vivid blue
aura. One of the designs was an eye surrounded by a sun and both the eye and sun where glowing.”
“That does sound interesting,” she said. “Something to be looked at tomorrow I think.”
“Yes I think so too,” responded Sandra.
“Mind you there is a lot we do not know about Amy and the rest of her family,” she replied. “Oh and
earlier I swear Daraus put her to sleep and, never mind.”
“What hun?” Sandra asked sounding interested at what she was going to say.
“I think Daraus put her to sleep.”
“Ok,” replied Sandra.
Daraus jumped up and gave her a sloppy kiss.
“I swear you know what we are thinking Daraus.” She swore she saw an image of a human face where
the muzzle should be and it winked at her and smiled.
“What time should I set the alarm for hun?” asked Sandra.
“About 10:00, it will give us a few hours to get ready,” she replied and stubbed out the cambar
cigarette. She kissed her love on the lips and they both laid down cuddling with Daraus located at their feet.
Chapter 27

Sandra heard a quiet knock on the bedroom door. She looked over at the clock and saw it displayed
09.30. Sandra got up and tiptoed out of the room, wearing her bath robe, and into the living room where Paul,
Tina and Abs where wrapping the various presents they got Nibs. She took the Githage bag that contained
her present to Nibs and took out of the bag a thin square box. She took a large piece of wrapping paper and
wrapped it up and placed it at the bottom of the pile of other presents.
When she finished it she got up and went into the kitchen to prepare Nibs her breakfast. When she
heard the alarm go off she walked in to the bedroom carrying the tray which carried a hot steaming cup of
some of Big Malla’s Spiced Sweet Chai Latte, a bowl of Nibs’ favourite cereal, a vase with a single black
rose in and four envelopes, all containing birthday cards.
“You know the significance of the Black Rose hun?” asked Nibs who sat resting against the outside
wall stroking Daraus.
“Yes, when it is laying on the pillow beside your head, but when the Black Rose is given by a partner
to a partner on her birthday it means that my undying love is yours forever and a day,” she replied. “Mum
and dad told me that when I hit 14. Paul and I were inducted at the next Gathering, which is something we
must think about for you and your formal introduction to the Queen Sarah.”
“True,” said Nibs as she passed the tray to her. Nibs took it and put it on her lap.
Sandra then walked around the bed to her side and climbed back into bed and gave Nibs a kiss on the
Nibs took the four cards and opened each of them and found the top one came from her and Daraus,
who had placed a paw print just under her name. The next one came from Paul and then Tina’s and lastly
Abs’ card they all carried jokes on and made her laugh when she read them.

After breakfast, Nibs swung her legs out and stood up taking her green towelling robe from the foot of
the bed.
“Now close your eyes hun, the rest of the house has some surprises for you in the living room,” said
“Ok,” she said and closed her eyes.
Sandra took her by the hand and led her into the living room where she said, “Open your eyes hun.”
She opened them and Abs handed her a large box wrapped in birthday paper. She took it and moved to
sit down on her usual sofa. Daraus came in from the garden and jumped up to the sofa so he could sit beside
her. He placed his head on her thigh. She unwrapped the box and opened it. She took out the helmet she
bought on the trip to Darla’s forest house, except on each side of it was a stylized image of the Black Fairy.
“Thank you guys this is beautiful.”
“Thank Abs for it she had the idea,” said Paul.
She got up moving to give Abs a kiss on the cheek and also gave her a hug.
“You are the personification of the Black Fairy, fun loving but deadly serious and very evil as well,
when your friends are in trouble,” said Abs.
Tina passed her present next, it was a small wrapped box. She unwrapped and opened the small box, to
find two identical Celtar crosses in earring form. They matched the one she wore around her neck. Sandra
took them and removed the studs she currently wore, Sandra then inserted the new ones. They had been
designed to sit on the ears and hang just slightly below the lobe. “Thank you Tina these are beautiful.”
“Thank you for being who you are Nibs,” said Tina. “Abs is right when she says you are the
personification of the black fairy through.”
Paul handed her his present next, it tubular and was soft with hard lumps in it. She unwrapped it and
when the paper had been removed she untied the cord securing the tubular leather protection. She unrolled
the item and saw, what she recognized to be a religious symbol important to the Paygan religion.
“Allow me to show you and over the next few days instruct you in its use. It is a Paygan Medicine
bundle, as you know both me and Tina are priests in the Gangrel Paygan group and tonight is a special night
for us as it is a planetary alignment that includes both our moons and seven other planets in our system,” Paul
said, “At 23.42 this evening it starts and lasts for 37 minutes, if we were not going to the club we would be
conducting a ceremony in the garden to celebrate.
“The bundle has five herbs thought by Paygans to have special qualities and the nine crystals are also
thought to possess similar qualities.”
“Thank you Paul,” she said looking very happy and interested at the same time.
“Do not thank just me, Tina wrote the runic inscriptions in the corners of the outer, dakan, leather
covering and she also inscribed the wheel inside,” Paul said.
She got up and gave Tina a kiss on the cheek and said, “Thank you.”
“And lastly mine hun,” said Sandra and handed her another wrapped box, this one thinner than Abs’.
She unwrapped it and took out a full length leather trench coat. On the back was an embroidered image
of the Black Fairy but this one was holding two short staves and slung from its shoulder was an Echo MA260
Assault pulse rifle. In the background was Nibs’ bike and over the head were the words ‘The Black Fairy
Vixen’ and below was written ‘Be Warned’ the writing was in deep red thread. The wings where extended as
if she was about to take off.
“Thank you hun,” she said, getting up so she could give Sandra a kiss on the lips. After sitting back
down she asked, “Can I ask, have they left or are we preparing to bury them?”
“They left at a quarter past nine,” said Abs rather happy at the fact, “I saw them leaving when I
returned with your helmet.”
“That is good we will check it out tomorrow evening.”
“Anyway I think we had better get ready to go and help Amy,” said Paul
Knock, knock came from the front door, “It’s open,” called Paul.
The door opened and Bill stood on the other side of the door.
“Come in Bill,” said Paul.
“Amy said it was your bday Nibs. Just something small from us as a thank you for being a human who
cares,” said Bill stepping into the living room, and offered her a small bag with something at the bottom
“You know where we are going at lunchtime?” she asked as she got up and walked towards Bill.
“Yes to her school to have a chat with the bullies, I wish I could go but Beatrice is off school with a
stomach bug and dad had to go to work today,” answered Bill.
She took the bag and opened it. In the bottom was a bracelet which she took out and placed on her left
“Well if Beatrice is off sick you had better get back to her,” said Tina.
“It was Sam’s, Duggie said I should give to you this morning, he thinks Sam would have wanted it to
be with someone with a good heart.”
“Thank you Bill and tell Duggie thank you.”
Bill turned and started down the steps. “Hang on Bill,” she said and stepped on to the veranda. She
closed the door, and said in a quiet voice to Bill, “Can you ask Duggie if it would be possible for me and
Sandra to have a private chat with him in the next few days, tell him it concerns Amy.”
“I will, shall I drop off a note to you giving you and idea of when he is free.”
“Yes,” she responded. “Now get back to looking after Beatrice.”
“I am gone,” said Bill, “and happy bday.”
“Thank you,” she responded sounding happy turning to walk back inside, the clock read almost 11.00.
“When does Amy’s school lunch start?” she asked.
“Assuming it is a city run school, around 14.00,” Tina said.
“So three hours then,” she said.
“Enough time to get dressed and find the school,” said Paul as he stood and headed for the kitchen and
the coffee peculator.

At the same time as Paul walked back in after seeing Bill and getting the address of the school, the four
girls walked in from the bedroom corridor and Sandra and Abs sat down waiting for the time of departure.
Tina walked to kitchen and asked, “Coffee everyone?”
“Yes,” answered everyone.
Nibs walked to the cupboard beside the front door and took down a tin of food for Daraus; she opened
it and scooped half the tin into the bowl. She picked up his water bowl, so she could replace the water. She
looked down and saw Daraus sat there waiting for the bowls to be returned to the floor. She put the water
bowl down first and that got followed by the food bowl down. When she stood up Daraus had his muzzle in
the bowl and was chomping his way through the food.
She turned and headed back to the sofas, her short staves now firmly fixed to her legs.
Sandra said as she came back, “They look good, they suit your weapons and you hun.”
As she pasted Tina she handed her two cups of coffee mouthing, “you and Sandra.”
She nodded that she understood and took a sip from one and found that was hers. “Thank you, I have
always had a plan to carry them there, but never had the items needed to make it the leather stall had
everything else except the clips which were easy to get. He also told me how to decorate it as well.”
“Got any ideas for the designs?” asked Paul.
Tina walked back carrying three cups. Paul got his and he took a sip from it before putting on the
ground and taking out his tin.
Abs got the next cup and that went straight to the coffee table and was joined by Tina’s cup.
“Yes, something very similar to the designs in the Celtar Cross and the ear rings.”
“That sounds like a really interesting design to do, but the work in the cross and the ear rings is
incredibly intricate.”
Soon the time rolled around for them to leave for the school. She brought up the map and found the
route to the area.
As everyone walked out the front door, Paul grabbed the baby carrier; they used to transport Daraus,
from the hanger beside the front door and said, “Who has got Daraus?” Who walked at Nibs’ heel.
“Me,” she said in reply.
Paul passed the carrier to her. She also took her sunglasses from her pouch. She smiled as she
remembered taking them from a prostrate Simoine all those weeks ago.
“Thinking about your last day as school hun?” asked Sandra as she gave her a kiss on the cheek.
Soon all five bikes were on the driveway and Paul closed the garage door.
She put the carrier on her back. Sandra grabbed Daraus and slid him into the carrier so his head was
looking out over Nibs’ shoulder, his front paws were resting on her shoulders as well.
Everyone stood on the kick starts, which started the engines and selected first, they all pulled up the
driveway past the blue van and turned left. At the main road junction they turned right, heading for Eban Hill
close to the High School Amy went too.
It took about twenty minutes to drive the distance to the school and all five motor-bikes parked up in
the student’s car park. After climbing off Nibs let Daraus down and passed the carrier to Tina as she
volunteered on the drive over to carry Daraus when they left the school. Nibs, Sandra, and Paul, with Daraus
padding along beside them, all walked to the main area between the school buildings. Here they found a
secluded table to sit at and waited for the bell to indicate the start of lunch.
At 14:00 the bell sounded and the students started to come out of the buildings.

Amy left the house, and she hopped to see Nibs so she could wish her a happy birthday. She turned
towards the fuel station, and she felt a lot happier. The chat to dad last night gave her, her confidence back.
She would act depressed and she knew miss Miller would be her usual self, but she also knew that at lunch
time she would be getting such a comeuppance.
At first period she walked to Mark’s Office and found both Mark and Angelique sat waiting for her.
“Come in Amy. I guess your dad told you about us coming to see you last night?” asked Mark
“Yes he did,” she replied.
“Good. We were both concerned about what happened yesterday, am I right in saying that it is the
bullying you have been getting?” asked Mark sounding very concerned at the bullying.
“Yes it is.”
Amy walked to one of the easy chairs and sat down.
“You look a lot happier today Amy.”
“Thank you Mrs Hill.”
“Please like this.” She indicated the relax atmosphere. “It is Angelique. Do you want to tell us what
happened yesterday?”
She then told the pair what had happened but left out what happened after she left the school and when
she got to Homebase.
“That is not a nice story at all. Abilgail has a lot to answer for then. I have heard reports from other
teachers that she is also picking on other students. I am keeping a very close eye on her now, for two reasons
someone by the name of M Killaton has just listed a street gang out of a tenant block just south of the
Wacker hospital. From the descriptions and reports of local Gangrels is that he has been seen with Miss
Miller and they have been in charge of the gang. I know that they have also employed a Gangrel unit to assist
in training the gang.”
The bell for second period rang outside in the corridor.
“Right, thank you for popping by. Oh yes your bag,” said Mark as he rummaged through a pile of
things. He found in and presented it to Amy along with her mobile. “I thought I had better take this, just in
“Thank you, it has got some sentimental pictures of friends lost and family.”
She slipped it into her trouser pocket and took the bag. She left Mark’s office just ahead of both of
them. She walked down the corridor and turned the corner which would take her to her second lesson of the
day. She almost walked into the back on Miss Miller who seemed to be chatting to a group of her friends.
She avoided her by continuing straight down the corridor, this route would make her a bit late, but it was
safer, other wise she may blow later’s fun.

Amy walked out of the main block carrying her bag and lunch. Dad had been paid yesterday for the last
three days work and had four confirmed days and possibly another eight after that. A lot more work for her
and Bill having to get the young ones out to school. She still looked down as she glanced around the area, she
could not see her friends, but she knew they would be in the area.

As the last of the flood of pupils had left the buildings Sandra spotted a lone figure slowly walking to a
table and said to Daraus, “Find Amy and bring her to us.”

Daraus stood, stretched and padded off in the direction of the lone figure. It took him about five
minutes to locate Amy who sat on her own at the opposite end of the courtyard area, slowly eating her lunch.
He jumped to the bench, seat next to her and put his paws on the table top. He looked at Amy who looked
down and he saw her face change to one of realization of who sat beside her.
“Where is Nibs, Daraus?” asked Amy.
He jumped down looked up at Amy who suddenly realized he came to find her.

Whilst Daraus found Amy, Nibs and Sandra used their improved hearing to filter out the background
noise and listen into the various conversations. She heard one group say, “There is the druggie whore, oo
what is that with her, a druggie play toy?”
She looked over and saw a group of nine girls giggling as Amy and Daraus walked towards them and
said to the other two, “Found them Sandra, Paul.”
“Oh where hun?” asked Sandra.
“The group of girls over the far side of the court yard,” she replied.
“Ah, got them now,” said Sandra, “and repeated the last comment so Paul knew what they said, “Your
druggie lover buy you the animal so you can remember your step mum.”
“I thought you were changing sis,” said Paul with a smile, “I see the change is for the better.”
“Yes I am Paul and it is for the better of everyone.”

When Amy and Daraus rounded the last corner she saw Nibs, Sandra, and Paul sitting at the table, she
ran to them and gave Paul, Sandra and Nibs a hug.

“Time to have a little chat with the bullies,” Nibs said, “would you join us and show us which group it
“It would be my pleasure Nibs,” responded Amy, as Sandra passed Amy the cambar cigarette she
smoked along with a lighter, “I like your coat Nibs, bday present?”
“Yes it was, from Sandra.”
The four of them, with Daraus padding beside Nibs’ heel, walked past small groups of pupils and as
they moved, heads turned and looking at them. Nibs knew that first impressions counted and she knew the
manor of her walk, the sunglasses, the new jacket, and her short staves were the image of a Street Ghost.
Having Sandra and Paul both wearing their jackets with the Unit’s name and Gangrel Street Gang across the
back was just what she looked for to complete the picture. Amy walking with a purpose head up back straight
gave them the reason for being there. She thought to herself, ‘The persona of the Black Fairy must be seen
with a certain amount of trepadation.’
Two hall monitors walked out of the main building and started towards the group. She just stopped,
turned her head towards them and just stared them down. They stopped and slightly back up.
She finished the walk to where Abilgail and her group of friends stood and sat. Abilgail sat with her
back to them as the approached and she noticed a few of the group gulped when they saw the group. Sandra
whispered in to her ear, “Most are producing a faint white aura from various places on their bodies.”
She smiled as she took out her right short stave and brought it down hard. As it hit the table it made a
resounding crack. “Ladies.” She paused. “Gentlemen, I hear that you find if fun to bully people, would you
like to call me names like the ones you call Amy.” After a short pause as she looked around the table and
smiled at the three teenager men, “I take a very, very, very dim view of bullies especially one’s who bully my
friends and as Amy is a friend I take an incredibly dim view of it. I advise you all to grow up as if I hear of
another incident of you lot bullying people, who are different to you, I will be back and next time I will not
be just talking, I will be acting.” After a last intense stare at all those sitting at the table, the four friends
turned and walked away in the direction of the student car park..
Paul turned to Amy, as the four of them walked away, and asked, “Do you wish to join us and blow
this joint Amy?”
Amy spent about a second thinking and replied, “If that is ok with all of you?”
“Yes, that was the reason why we came today, was to give you the chance to enjoy life away from
bullies and school work,” said Nibs.
“Oh we are so scared your druggie friends had to come and save you from us,” said Abilgail. She heard
the sneer in the tone of voice.
The group stopped and Amy turned saying to her friends, “Would you mind waiting for a couple of
minutes?” She could see her eyes were those of, ‘that is it, no more’.
“No we do not mind Amy,” said Paul after looking at everyone.
Amy then walked back towards the group and punched the Abilgail, using the palm of her hand right
on the nose, which flattened against her face and forced her to sit down on the ground, hard. Abilgail glared
at her. She looked down at her and said, “That is, for the last comment and all the others I have heard you
utter over the last couple of years. Sam did not run away, she disappeared and I intend to go find her.” Amy
turned around and walked back towards her friends.
Nibs turned and faced the bullies. “Oh and by they way, get your facts right before making
assumptions, we are all Street Ghosts. Watch for us in the night.” She turned back and continued to walk
towards the bikes.
She saw one of the teachers walk out of one of the buildings and she then heard him say “I doubt we
will be seeing you again Amy. Good luck in your new life.”

When the four friends arrived back at the bikes, Abs and Tina were chatting to the two people Amy
knew from Combat 90.
“No problems I hope?” asked Abs.
“Nah,” replied Paul.
Gill asked Amy, “No problems I hope hun?”
“Yes but it is sorted now,” answered Amy.
“Who was it?” asked Roger.
“Abigail Miller and her group of friends,” replied Amy as Nibs picked up Daraus and put him in the
baby carrier Tina wore.
“That would have been fun to watch. Is there anything we can do?”
“Yes make sure that they do not do it to other people in the school,” replied Amy.
“Yes we will,” said Gill in response and the two of them walked off in the direction of the court yard.
“It is nice to be recognized,” said Tina.
“Especially by those we have not helped,” said Abs.
“Let us blow this joint and head back to ours to chill before the party tonight,” suggested Paul looking
very happy at something, she knew it was Amy being with me and accepting the initial offer of leaving the
“Yes, lets,” said Amy smiling a happy smile.
“Now that is the attitude I like to hear, one were the person is at peace with themselves,” Nibs said in
response to Amy’s reply. She climbed onto her bike and indicated for Amy to join her. She then slammed the
kick start down to start the engine and along with the others they pulled out of the student car park and
headed for home base.

When they got back they found Gary’s bike parked on the driveway, they all parked up outside the
garage and walked into the house. They found Gary sitting on the sofa smoking a large cambar cigarette; he
said when they had walked in, “Hello guys.” Gary sounded rather happy at the fact of it being a party day.
“Hello Gary,” replied everyone.
Tina took the carrier off and from it jumped Daraus who walked to his bowl and lapped at the water.
“How was the match?” asked Sandra.
“We won 46-20, we are in the final,” replied Gary and turned to face them. “Oh, happy bday Nibs.”
Gary got up and retrieved a large bag which he then passed to her flat. Inside the bag were a couple of boxes.
“I hope I got your size right, you are a size 12 yes?”
“Yes I am,” she responded and opened the bag. She took out a full length dark purple dress and shoes.
The dress had a built in corset and lace sleeves.
“Oh is that the finished jacket Sandra?”
“It is,” replied Sandra.
“Give us a twirl Nibs,” requested Gary. She did. “Oh very nice. Sarah C did do a good job on the
Paul took the jackets and waited for Nibs to hand him hers. She took it off and passed it to Paul, she
joined everyone sat down.
“Yes she did,” said Sandra.
After finishing at his bowl Daraus padded over to where she sitting just in front of the sofa and lay
Amy who sat next to her turned to face her and said, “I am sorry I have not been able to get you a
“You have Amy,” she said smiling, “being here is present enough and Bill popped over this morning
and gave me this and said it was Sam’s.” She showed Amy the bracelet Bill gave to her that morning.
“It was and I know Sam would have wanted someone of good heart to have it,” responded Amy when
she saw it on her right wrist.
Gary said, “Hello Amy,” and smiled. “Can I take it you will be joining us this evening?”
“Oh, hello Gary,” responded Amy, “Yes I will.”
“Good, more the merrier,” said Gary.

Around 15:00 Darla and the twins pulled into the driveway.
When the three new arrivals walked through the front door, they all said, “Happy bday Nibs.”
“Thank you Darla, Angel and Damieel,” she said.
All three walked over and sat down on the pile of cushions and bean bags and passed two large, long
wrapped presents to her.
She took them both and by simply feeling the weight of them and looking at the length of them, she
realized what they were, “You shouldn’t have Darla, Angel, Damieel. Thank you so much.”
“You know what they have got you hun?” asked Sandra.
“Yes I do but only one who knows the culture of ancient Jarrzar would recognize the weight and feel of
a pair of Naj Blades also known as Assassin swords.”
Darla and the twins smiled and nodded a yes reply.
She unwrapped the two packages and found it to be a matching pair. On the outside was a strip of silver
like metal and coming from that was thin tendrils of what looked like the same metal. The tendrils had been
worked to form a highly intricate pattern that looked like it only sat on the surface of the short staff. There
was no obvious indication that it was a blade of any kind.
Upon looking at them which everyone was. Tina asked the question, which she knew everyone was
asking, “They are not a blade, they look like a pair of short staves?”
She handed the one she looked at to Tina and said, “Watch.” She took her hand away and the top of the
blade came away in her hand. Connected to the section in her hand was the blade section. The top of the
scabbard section, now sat in her hand and cut into the wood of the scabbard was a groove where the blade
section sat.
She brought the blade so she could look down the length of the sharp edge. “Feck me the edge is
sharp.” She stood up and went to the cupboard beside the computer station. She took a piece of paper out and
rested the sheet on the blade. She gently dropped the blade so letting the paper drop off. The actual paper did
not move down the blade it fell in half. Everyone stared in shock at the two pieces of paper.
“Feck!” exclaimed Darla, “when Tony said they were sharp, I never realized they were that sharp.”
She then looked at the inscription at the base of the blade. She asked Darla, “Can I ask how you got
“Yes, no problem, Tony from Demology café got them into the country for us they arrived a couple of
days ago and we picked them up this morning.”
“Do you know where Tony got them from?”
“No all I know is that I asked for a pair of Naj swords.”
“Ok,” she replied. “Hun can you get me the digital camera?”
“Why do you want the camera hun?”
“I want to send a picture of the inscription to Jum and Wong I think the inscription belongs to one of
the master sword smiths. If it does, then he broke Jarrzarian Law by making these.”
Tina asked, “May I Nibs?” She indicated she wanted to have a look at the other one.
“Yes. Here.” She handed one to her.
“You are kidding,” exclaimed Darla.
“No I am not Darla. Jarrzarian Law states no one can make or ask to have made a Naj sword with a
lethal edge, if he got caught he is looking at two and a half million dck fine plus at least twenty years in
prison plus the revoking of his license to create swords. That is a serious punishment for a Sword Smith.”
“Why are they called Assassin Swords?” asked Tina in ‘I am getting that right’ style.
“Without knowing that was a blade, from just looking at it would you say it was a lethal blade?”
“No, quite simply from just looking at the outside you can not tell,” replied Tina as she passed it to
After a couple of seconds Abs asked, “How do you get the blade out and which end is the handle?”
She looked at the item and said in reply, “The end nearest you is the handle. How do you get it apart?
Place your thumb at about a hand width from the end and press.”
Abs did that and the two separated. She looked at the fact in shock. “That is a light catch.”
“It is no catch, the scabbard fits so snugly to the blade even in full flow combat using them as staves
the scabbard will not fly off. The first time I use them will tell me if they are made by a master smith or a
simple sword smith. I have fought using a pair made by a master sword smith and fought using a pair made
by the same master’s apprentice as one of his test pieces. The difference when fighting is considerable as the
master made set the scabbard did not move. The set made by the apprentice moved very slightly. And how to
tell which end the scabbard is. In the base is a tiny amount of metal as the blade curves down.”
Darla placed a small wooden box on the table. She looked at the box in a puzzled fashion.
“The cleaning kit Nibs,” replied Darla.
“They are the perfect weight for fighting with them as staves,” said Tina
“I know,” she replied as she focused in on the base and the inscription there. She took the picture and
took the camera to the computer and booted it up, when it finished booting she opened two NetViewers and
in one did a search for Jarrzarian Sword Smith inscriptions and in the other she checked to see if either Jum
or Wong was online. Wong’s name appeared as online, she opened BlackNet messenger and typed, ‘hello’
and pressed the enter button, very quickly Wong replied with, ‘Hello’
She then typed, ‘Are you on voice?’
Wong replied, ‘Yes I am why?’
‘Can I switch over to it as I have a question I want to ask you and I am here with the rest of the
Vixens,’ she typed.
“Ok,” replied Wong over the voice system.
“Hello Wong, can I send you a sword smith’s inscription.”
“Yes no worries, can you not look for it on the net,” said Wong.
“I am looking on the Net but it is not listed on the Sword Smith Lists.”
“Ah, ok, send the image.”
“Sending now.” She pressed the send button, then selected the image from the camera and pressed the
ok button.
After about 30seconds, Wong said, “Got it viewing now.”
After a couple of minutes she transferred the Messenger to the tablet and switched the sound system
over to receive its source from the tablet and not the computer. She said, “I am not surprised you can not find
it, it is ancient Jarrzarian and if the details I have in front of me are correct it belongs to Krum-Wong-Fu.”
“Krum-Wong-Fu,” she repeated.
“Yes,” responded Wong.
“Feck, Double feck,” she said. “Do you want to tell everyone here who Krum-Wong-Fu was or shall I.”
“I do not mind doing it, but Jum would be better as he is much better read on Jarrzarian History than I
“Ok, would you correct me if I get it wrong, to your knowledge, please Wong?”
“No problem.”
Amy got up and asked, “Drinks everyone?”
“Yes thank you,” everyone, including Wong, replied.
Abs also added, “I will give you a hand with it Amy.”
“And that is a good point, you got a NetCam setup?” asked Wong.
“No we have not,” she responded. After a brief pause, she continued, “but we can, back in a sec.” She
got up and walked to the bedroom and opened her tech bag. She took out one of the two NetCams.
Abs called out, “What do you want to drink? Darla brought some beer over.”
“Caferras please Abs,” she replied and she started back towards the living room.
She returned to the living room and plugged the NetCam in, Wong sent the invite for Nibs to view hers
Sandra pressed the ok button and on the Tablet appeared a NetCam window with Wong walking towards a
couple of arm chairs.
“We keep our NetCam on when ever we are online and it is always aimed at the arm chairs so people
know when we are at the computer and up for a chat,” said Wong.
“Now that is a good idea,” said Gary.
She clipped the NetCam to the top of the projector screen and aimed it at the middle of the coffee table,
“Ok Sandra click the NetCam transmit button on BlackNet Messenger,” she requested. “Someone switch the
projector on and run DigitalShow please.”
After Sandra ran the program and Paul switched the projector on Wong appeared on the screen. Sandra
then clicked the NetCam connect button, and Wong accepted the invite to view, she said, “Now that is
Abs and Amy returned with two trays with the drinks on and re took their seats.
She said, “Hello Wong,” and waved at the cam, “it’s good to see you again.”
“Same here, Jum will be back soon, he works at a local club as security and I know he will be happy to
see you again.”
“Ok, yes it will be good to see him too. I wish I had kept in contact with you,” she said.
“Introduce me Nibs,” said Wong.
“Sorry Wong, everyone wave when I say your name,” she suggested. “Sandra my partner in all things.”
Sandra said, “It’s nice to put a face to the name Wong and also nice to meet another one of Nibs’
“Are you the person Nibs was talking about when we first chatted on messenger?”
“Yes, that was me,” replied Sandra.
“Can I get on,” she said.
“Sorry, Nibs,” replied Wong.
She then introduced everyone else in the room to Wong, and as she had suggested each one waved
when she introduced them. At the end she said, “Lastly but by no means least we have Daraus.” Nibs pointed
to where Daraus laid looking up at the screen.
After she finished Wong said, “May I say you look well Nibs.”
“Thank you,” she responded and from the speakers came the sound of a door closing.
“Hello Jum,” said Wong, “Nick or to be more correct Nibs is on NetCam.”
Jum suddenly appeared and sat on the other arm chair, he reach forward and took a cordless mouse and
placed a can on a small table, and said, “Hello friend, long time no see,” in native Jarrzarian.
“Jum please basic only, only I speak Jarrzarian,” she said.
“Sorry Nibs,” responded Jum in basic.
Wong turned to Jum and asked in Jarrzarian, which Nibs translated, “Is this the symbol of
After viewing the picture which sat on the screen where Jum looked, he said, “Yes it is, why do you
want to know?” asked Jum.
“I have a pair of Naj blades with that inscription on the base of the blade just above the start of the
hilt,” she said taking a swig from the glass and letting the liquid pour down her throat.
“May I see them Nibs?” asked Jum.
“Yes,” she replied and picked one up from the coffee table and showed Jum.
“Can you remove the handle, I need to see the shaft as to my knowledge all documented Naj Blades,
from that era, are known about and have not been sold. Mind you I do not think you or your friends could
have afforded the estimated asking prices.”
“Why, not?” asked Darla looking rather playfully miffed.
“The estimates on the last pair to be sold were 20million dcks and when they did sell a pair they went
for almost double that.”
“Ouch,” said Darla looking rather relieved.
She pressed the remove button located in the base of the hilt and then released it. She swivelled it to
complete the release. The hilt spilt and allowed her to remove the entire blade.
“Show me the base where the hilt sits,” requested Jum.
After a couple of minutes of Jum looking it over, Jum said, “You have a pair of original Naj Blades
Nibs. Do you know the provenancing of the blades?”
“Darla,” she asked.
“No I do not,” responded Darla. “I did a bit of research into native Jarrzarian martial arts weapons and
discovered that the Naj Blades where the closest bladed weapon to Nibs’ favourite weapons. A friend of ours
was able to acquire them for me.”
“Let me research something here and I will message you Nibs,” said Jum.
“Ok,” she said, “and that a good point we need to get ready for this evening.”
“Oh yes we had better start thinking about that,” said Sandra. “The table is booked for half seven.”
“Table?” asked Wong.
“Yes, it’s my bday Wong,” she answered.
“Happy bday, we are gone.” The picture froze as Wong pressed the pause button.
“Amy cannot wear that this evening,” said Abs and Darla.
“Damn right,” said Sandra and after a quick glance at everyone who nodded their approval, Sandra
turned to Amy and asked, “Amy we of the Bitch Vixens ask you to join us as a full member.”
“You are kidding,” responded Amy looking rather shocked at the invite.
“No,” said Paul, “We are not kidding. Do you want to become a Bitch Vixen, a Gangrel and a Street
“A Street Ghost,” exclaimed Amy, her eyes opened in even more surprise.
“Yes we all are,” Nibs said smiling. “Some of the comments when we walked to where the bullies were
sitting were along the lines of ‘That is a Street Ghost’ and the tones used were of awe, respect and a bit of
“Yes,” replied Amy and smiled a big beaming smile. “But can I ask that you help me in my search for
my mum, Sam?”
“Hey,” said Tina, “I thought Sam was your step mum?”
“Duggie told me that Sam is my birth mum, but due to work and other things, she left when I was little,
and reappeared when I was eight. Duggie and she both decided that it was better and easier if Sam became
my step mum rather then mum. I understand it in some ways, but I also wish they had told me a lot sooner
than Duggie did,” responded Amy.
“Amy you are a Bitch Vixen first and foremost now,” said Darla, “And Vixens help Vixens.”
The girls all stood and walked towards the bedrooms to get ready leaving Paul and Gary in the living
“I have a question. If I am a Vixen, this is not what a Vixen wears for a night on the town,” said Amy.
“Very true,” said Abs. “Leave that to me and Tina.”
Sandra and her said, “Baggies the shower first.”
“Ok,” responded everyone.
The pair turned right and closed the bath room door behind them.

As Nibs and Sandra got undressed Sandra said, “I swear those runes moved when you handled the
“The blades did feel as if they belonged to me in some way, if that does not sound strange,” she replied
as she cleaned the earlier makeup off and ran her hand over her face. She found a few rough areas and
decided to have a second close shave. She then ran the bowl full of water and got her shaving kit down.
“No it does not, what with the things that have been happening to us, what with our abilities. I have
been doing some research into my own aura sight if that is the right word. I found three references to it, one
in a book Paul owns on Paygan magic rituals and spells, one from a translated ancient,” and Sandra put a lot
of emphasis on the word ancient, “scroll that was found in an excavation in the north of Jarrzar and the third
in an online paranormal journal edited by Professor Zikheim which refers to a specific scroll held in the
Suraban Central museum. It has never seen the light of day on any display.”
“Yes,” she responded sounding interested in the research Sandra did. When she finished shaving
Sandra finished with the shower. She stepped out and went about nipping the tops of any erroneous hairs.
Nibs checked the back of her legs and arms and nipped any in those locations. She then climbed into the
shower and like Sandra gave herself a good wash down. Whilst she washed herself Sandra took a look at the
back of her and nipped any hairs that appeared.
“Do a scan after we are ready, it will be easier to for you too see the different auras when everyone is
“Yes, that is a better idea hun.”

Jum sat at his computer centre having an online chat with a close historian friend. “You know you told
me that Krum-Wong-Ma made 40 pairs of Naj blades and you have documentary proof of 38 pairs. I may
have found the 39th pair.”
“You must be kidding me the last two were thought lost when Zuaarbh disappeared 440 years ago,
“No I have seen his mark and the blade shaft has the runic inscription of the five chromatic and five
metallic dragons. I cannot be sure but I think there is an eleventh dragon wrapped around the very bottom of
the shaft and in all my research I have never seen that runic inscription before.”
“I would need to see it first hand to help in determining what it is, but this means there is a possibility
the 40th pair may not be lost and out there in someone’s hands.”
“Or buried in forgotten place,” he added.

Back in Suraban when Nibs and Sandra finished getting ready she opened the door as Abs, Tina and
Amy walked past, Sandra just looked shocked as they passed heading for the living room.
She asked Sandra when she saw Sandra’s expression, “What is up hun?”
“Abs and Tina’s are the same colour as me and Amy is producing a vibrant blue. Let us join the guys in
the living room.” The two of them smiled and walked hand in hand out into the corridor and entered the
living room were the rest of them waited. Amy wore one of Abs’ Dark rocker low cut sleeveless tops, black
tight leather trousers and the boots Abs gave her yesterday.
“Nibs a message from Wong, and Jum want to NetCam chat with you for a bit,” said Paul.
“Ok,” she said and activated NetCam and the voice system.
“I was beginning to wonder if you were there,” said Jum.
“Sorry Jum, what is up?” she asked.
“A historian friend of mine wants to see the shafts of your blades, he wants to check something.”
“No problem,” she said and took one from her thigh holders and removed the hilt. A NetCam request
appeared from a Dr Hi-Jar Fong, which she accepted.
“Hello,” said Hi-Jar Fong and then he said in broken basic, “May I see both side of the blade and base.”
“Yes no problem,” she said in Jarrzarian and showed Hi-Jar Fong each side and the base.
“Thank you Nibs. I now have enough information to go and try and find out what the eleventh dragon,
on the base, is. I will let Jum know my findings in a couple of days,” replied Dr Hi-Jar in Jarrzarian.
“Ok, thank you and bye Jum, we are off out.”
“Ok, Nibs, enjoy your evening.” The line went dead. She pressed the stand by button and made sure the
hilts where locked in place before sliding it home into the scabbard. When they locked closed, she looked
closely at the scabbards and hilts, it looked as if it was one length of wood not a hilt and scabbard. She
returned the Naj Blade to her thigh clips.
“Ah, I must not forget this,” she said and headed for the bedroom where she grabbed her old leather
jacket. Upon returning to the living room, she said to Amy, “A gift from me to you, welcome to the Vixens
and do you wish to drive?”
“Drive,” responded Amy.
“Yes, drive my bike.”
Amy stuttered, “What? You have got to be kidding me, drive your bike.”
“All Vixens ride so you might as well get use to is and start learning,” said Tina
“Yes,” said Paul. “If Nibs had not said I would have.”
“Ok,” responded Amy as Nibs handed her the leather jacket.
“Shall we go,” said Abs, smiling.
“Hang on,” said Tina, “your communication system.” Tina handed Amy the transmitter box, black
choker and ear piece. “Clip the transmitter to your belt, wrap the choker over your voice box and ear piece
into your right ear. Its voice activated.”
“Ok guys,” she said. “No one use channel four unless vital. That will be me to you Amy. I will teach
you how to drive.”
All of the group descended to the driveway, and everyone walked into the garage where Abs said,
“Your second gift from us is this.” Abs disappeared behind the sheeting that split the garage in two, returning
after a few seconds with a pouch, “Your Gangrel Pouch, I know you smoke cambar, therefore your tin, pipe
and lighter, and your third gift,” said Abs as she swiped her card which opened the armoury cupboards and
took out a Y7 9mm pistol and a shoulder holster.
Amy took off her jacket and put the shoulder holster on. She made sure the cables were inside the
jacket when she put it back on.
“Right let us go,” said Darla after Abs locked up the armoury and garage.
She walked over to her bike, inserted the key and said to Amy, “Switch to channel four on your
communication system.”
“How?” asked Amy.
She then explained how the system worked, the commands used and how to control the box.
When Amy understood the system she switched over to channel four.
“Good, can you hear me?” she asked with out opening her mouth.
“Yes, I can,” responded Amy.
“Excellent,” she said. “How much do you know about motorbikes?” she asked in her normal voice.
“Not much,” replied Amy.
“Right,” she said, as she led Amy to her bike, “My bike, a Carddra 950GSx.”
“I am going to be driving a 950?”
“Yes,” she replied, “Do not be scared by it, it is heavy to lift standing still, but once it is moving your
weight and balance keep it under control. Use your common sense rather than just your mind, is the first rule,
the second is do not fight the bike go with it, the bike is equipped with an auto-gyro which keeps the bike
relatively upright and should make sure that you cannot over lean when travelling.”
Amy climbed on and said, “What next?”
“The basics first. Your right hand controls the throttle and operates the front brake via the lever, your
left hand controls the clutch via the leaver, your left foot operates the gears, which currently is in neutral,
push down once selects first, push up selects second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth. Your right foot operates the
rear brake. Have you ridden a push bike?”
“Yes a few years ago,” responded Amy.
Everyone else climbed on to their bikes and started the engines.
“Just think it is like riding a bike. I am going to be on the back, follow my directions. Oh yes you had
better wear these.” She passed Amy her sniper gloves. “We’ll go shopping tomorrow for clothes and other
things you will need. And do not worry about things like money, I have more than enough and we are about
to be paid a very large amount of money for a Street Ghost Job.”
“Ok,” said Amy as she put them on, “Now what?”
“Start the bike, the kick start is by your right calf, its servo assisted.” Amy put the ball of her right boot
on the L piece, “Now stand and force your whole leg down hard, and twist the throttle a small amount, not
right round, otherwise your flood the engine.”
Amy went to stand up on the kick start and forced her whole leg down, when her leg travelled down
she operated the throttle and the servo assistants started the engine as her leg reached the bottom of the
“Give it a bit more gas now,” she said. The engine revved and died to a purr. “There you go, one bike
started,” she said as Amy smiled.
“Ok, maybe I can get use to it,” said Amy.
She said, “Get out of here you lot.” she said to Amy, “Take your time, everyone out there will take
corners at speed. Take them wide if you need too.” Everyone else pulled up the driveway to the minor road
and turned left. They stopped waiting for Amy and Nibs to join them. “Pull the clutch fully in then push
down the gear lever to select first. Take the revs to about 4000 rpm and slowly release the clutch.”
She climbed on behind Amy and slid her hands into the pockets on Amy’s jacket, and then Amy did
exactly what she told her, revved the engine to about 4000 rpm selected first and slowly let the clutch out the
rpm dropped as the clutch engaged the drive system. Nibs then said, “Keep the rpm at about 4000 as you
ride, use the front and rear brakes to control the speed more than the clutch.” Amy did as instructed and
slowly pulled up the driveway and using the brakes. “Now pulled the clutch in,” she said as she crossed the
apex of the driveway and was on flat ground rather than the slope of the driveway, as the bike slowed Amy
placed her foot on the ground to support the bike.
“Shall we then,” said Amy looking very pleased with herself.
“Well done Amy,” she said.
“Thank you Nibs.”
Daraus stood at the top of the steps up to the house. Sandra said when she saw him sitting there, “Do
you know something, I think it would be fun to have Daraus join us this evening. He is as much a member of
the Vixens as we all are I think.”
Tina turned to Angel and asked, “Would you let Daraus ride with you?”
“Yes, no problem,” replied Angel and called, “Come here Daraus.” She tapped the seat behind her.
Daraus jumped from the veranda and ran the short distance to Angel’s motor-trike, he jumped up
behind her. When Daraus gotsettled, everyone selected first and headed for the main road.
As the bikes accelerated, she said over the communication system, “Give it some more gas and when I
say change up or down change the gears.”
Amy accelerated the bike.
She said, “Change up.”
Amy pulled the clutch and selected second, she then released the clutch and the bike accelerated. She
then slowed the bike as she approached the junction and followed the rest of the guys round the corner
heading for CW9.
“Nice,” she said. “After a while you will get to hear and understand the engine sounds, so you should
be able to select the right gear for the sound and speed. I would advise not selecting sixth unless you know
you have a good clear run ahead. This is how I learnt by driving Sandra’s bike.” She said after a short while,
“Listen to the engine, and change up.”
Amy did as instructed and changed up and accelerated more. She said with a happy sound in her voice,
“I think I am beginning to get it.” After a short while before she could say she change up. Amy did just that,
she changed up and continued to accelerate and follow the rest of the friends.
“Bingo, very nice,” she said. “Keep your eyes on the rev counter and change gears when it reads about
As the two of them slowed for the junction that would take them onto the CW, Amy dropped the down
through the gears as the bike slowed, and as the lights indicated red. Amy stopped and she said, “I think you
may be getting it Amy.”
“I think so too,” replied Amy, sounding very happy with herself.
She looked in the wing mirrors and saw that Amy looked very pleased with herself and she knew she
must be feeling similar feelings to the ones she felt when she had been offered the chance to become a
As the lights changed the group turned left and accelerated down the on ramp, Amy now changing up
through the gears as the bike accelerated and when the group moved onto the CW they all surrounded Amy
and her. Angel with Daraus, riding pillion, in front, Damieel behind, Gary, Darla, and Tina on Amy’s left and
Sandra, Paul, and Abs on her right hand side. The group accelerated to about 160kph , and stayed on CW9
until junction 21. As the junction approached the group indicated right and took the off ramp. They slowed
for the roundabout at the end of the ramp. They indicated right and took the main road exit that would lead
them to the restaurant.
After a couple of minutes of driving down the main road, Sandra said over the communication system,
“The Restaurant is just ahead,” and indicated to turn right in to the car park, in front of it. The restaurant
looked to be a combination pub and quite exclusive restaurant.
All the bikes slowed and stopped. When everyone parked up she said to Amy, “Enjoy that.”
“Loved it, especially the speed we where going on the CityWay,” responded Amy.
“See, it was not that bad was it,” said Sandra.
“No it was not. It was easier than it looks when the bike gets moving.”
“Anyway it is almost 07:20AN, time to eat I think,” said Abs after looking at her mobile.
“Yes time to eat,” said Paul.
All ten of them plus Daraus walked into the Pub section of the establishment, hanging up jackets on the
coat hooks provided, and they walked up to the bar. The pub area looked to be open plan in design with lots
of seating alcoves around the walls and a few round tables and chairs located in the floor area. The bar front
looked liked it would not be out of place in an inn from the 1600s.
The bar-girl said, “Hello, can I get you some drinks?”
“Please,” said Sandra, “Ten cabilas and some water in this please.” Sandra produced a small cloth bowl
which sprang open.
“No problems Ma’am.” The bar-girl started to fill the first of the glasses she got out from under the bar

Paul walked over to where the concierge stood and said, “The Patterson party. My sister confirmed a
table of ten with you yesterday evening?”
“Yes we have the table almost ready we should only need a couple more minutes,” said The Concierge
and looked up, he saw him in his best Gith makeup and the guys face changed to one of shock and surprise.
He replied, “Thank you, would you be so kind as to inform us when the table is ready.”
“Yes sir.”
He walked back to where the group stood and retrieved his glass of cabila from Tina.

Sandra caught the conversation between the concierge and the head chief, “Did you realise the party of
ten was a bunch of Giths.”
“From what I can see from the jackets not only are they Giths but they are bikers as well,” said the head
“Very likely as they did pull up on those bikes,” and from what Sandra could see the concierge was
pointing at the bikes.
“As long as they pay, let us serve them the best. My son is a Gith and he is actually a very pleasant
person to be around and remember we have a waitress who does look gith is style.”
“Ok,” responded the concierge and he also nodded.
She put all her concentration back into listening to the group and very soon afterwards one of the
waitresses came over and said, “Madams’, sirs’, your table is ready.”

“Thank you,” said Abs.

Nibs lent over the bar and called the bar-girl over and said, “Can I ask you keep on eye on our pup
Daraus,” the bar girl lent over the bar and saw Daraus lying on the floor with the bowl of water.
“No problem, ma’am,” replied the bar-girl
“Daraus will cause you no problems, just leave him alone,” she said and followed the rest of the group
into the main restaurant area.
The main restaurant area consisted of a large open area with tables and chairs as well as a few people
eating the food from the kitchen. Along one wall sat a long table with ten seats four each side and two at
either end. The concierge met them as they walked through the arch way, “This way sirs,” he said and led
them to the long table, the rest of the tables could only seat groups of between four and six with a couple set
up of hosting two people. Five of the tables did have customers who looked around when the group entered
and most just simply returned to enjoying their meals.
“May I ask who the bday person is?” asked the concierge.
“I am,” Nibs replied.
“Your seat ma’am,” the concierge said and indicated the seat at the head of the table facing the car
“Ah, thank you,” she said and went to the seat indicated. Sandra moved to her right hand side and Amy
went to her left. Paul moved next to Amy with Tina beside him, Damieel sat at Darla’s right, who sat
opposite Nibs at the other end of the table. Angel went to the opposite side to Damieel and up the other side
of the table went Abs, who sat opposite Tina and Gary sat beside her.
After everyone sat the concierge said to the entire table, “Waitress Dieter will be serving you this
evening.” The waitress stood next to him wore a black skirt that reached her knees, black mules and a white
short sleeved blouse. Her matt black hair looked to be in the style traditional of gith’s generally. The
make-up was subtle but very definitely gith in style.
“Thank you,” said Paul. When the Concierge turned and returned to his stand, Paul asked, “May we
enquire as to you name and what unit?”
“My name is Charzz, and I am sorry sir, what Unit?”
“We are all members of the Gangrel Street Gang and as your hair is of a gith style and your make-up is
definitely gith.”
“Arh. I have heard of the Gangrels, but no the local area has a very big Gith population and I am a
member of that crowd but I must earn something to live on. The wine menu sirs, ma’ams.” She passed out
ten copies of the wine menu.
“No need, but thank you,” said Sandra, “We will be drinking soft drinks from the bar. We are heading
for a Club Millana later and we do not generally drink when we are driving.”
“Ok,” responded Charzz and then asked, “Can I refill your glasses?”
“Please,” replied Sandra.
She went and collected a tray and gathered up six of the glasses and disappeared out towards the bar
area. After a couple of minutes she returned carrying six full glasses of cabila and set them out from where
she took them from. After she finished, she disappeared and returned with the soup menu for each person.

Paul lent over and said to Amy, “The vegetable soup sounds nice.”
“Yes it does Paul,” responded Amy.

Abs said to Tina, “The mushroom soup sound delicious.”

“It does at that hun,” replied Tina.

Charrz returned after a few minutes with her order book and asked, “Are you ready to order,” when she
saw all of the group sat with their soup menus closed.
“We are thank you,” Nibs said with a smile on her face.
She took the order of four Vegetable soups, three mushroom soups and three crab mulligatawny soups.
After ten minutes the waitress returned with a colleague, both of them carrying a tray each, a third one
carried a large bread basket. The last waitress placed the bread basket in the middle of the table and departed
for another table that indicated they wanted her. Charzz and the second waitress, who carried the trays placed
each of the steaming soup bowls in front of each person, so that each person got the soup they ordered.
Nibs then picked up her soup spoon and started to eat.
After finishing the soup course and Charzz removed all the bowls and spoons she handed out ten main
course menus and departed to refill three of the empty glasses.

As Charzz dished out the main course Gary whispered in her ear, “You busy this evening, as were
going to Club Millana after here and I thought do you want to join us.”
“I wish I could, but not in this.” Charzz indicated her current outfit. “If you are down here again, I will
give you my number.”
“Ok, thank you.”

A short while into the Main Course Tina asked Nibs, “You were going to tell us about
“Yes I was,” she replied and then took a piece of Mullab. “Krum-Wong-Fu was a master sword smith
who lived during the rules of Emporer Shillan the 4th and Emporeress Tillatar and was the first amongst the
20 sword masters in the Emporer’s employ. He was also in the employ of one of the most ruthless criminal
syndicates. He is suppose to have been commissioned to produce 40 Naj Blades and as the only tree that has
the properties required by the scabbard lives in the south of Jarrzar in the Emporial Gardens, Krum broke the
law and stole enough wood to make 80 scabbards and handles. He completed the 40 and they went on to be
one of the most feared weapons in the syndicate arsenal. Up to that point the blades were simply a martial
arts weapon combining the short staves versility and the lethalness of a blade.”
“How hard is it to actually make a Naj Blade?” asked Tina.
“You talking about traditional creation using folded Azzar Sei?” she asked.
Tina nodded as she stuffed a piece of Nut loaf into her mouth.
“Try first find a master to be apprenticed to, then spend ten maybe twelve years under him and then
maybe after 7 maybe more years experience, and you may have the skills necessary to actually produce a
weapon worthy of yourself.”
Tina stared at her. “You are kidding, minimum of 17 years to gain the skills necessary.”
“Yes and the master must be willing to teach you the skills. They can terminate the deal at a moments
“Ah, ok.”
She took a mouthful of Cabilla and she cut a piece of the Mullab and put that in her mouth. “Back to
the answer, The syndicate disagrinated after being in existence for 200 plus years due to internal friction
between the ruling house and three of the other houses. Most of the blades were kept in circulation, but two
were lost during a massive street battle between one of the houses and the City of Tullabar Milita. The battle
destroyed the house but also led to the down fall of the Emporeress Tillatar. The next few emporers built
Jarrzar into the trading power house it was for the following 200 years.”
Amy asked her, “How come you know so much information? And back at the house you spoke, I think,
Jarrzarian fluently.”
After finishing a mouthful of Puttan leaves she said, “I have a talent for languages and I have an eidetic
memory for conversations. I know nine languages including basic and five computer languages.”
Amy stared at her. “Nine languages. I know Basic and that is it.”
Sandra lent over and said, “That is all I know hun. Nibs is very talented in certain areas.”

After the meal the group waited for what Charzz said was a special gift from the head chef and
Paul stood up and said, “A toast to our newest two members Nibs and Amy and if there time from now
is anything like ours, they and us are in for some interesting and fun times I think.”
“Here, here,” said everyone.
Nibs then stood and gently persuaded a now very shy Amy to stand. “I think a toast from us now, in
answer to Paul’s. To friends we both never realised we had, both here and in my case abroad and to those
who have faith and see past the surface.”
Everyone said, “To friends.”
Then the head chef wheeled out a large trolley with something covered on the top shelf, the concierge
walked just behind him.
The concierge passed the chef and walked up to her and said, “Is the animal in the bar yours?”
She saw he did have a smile on his face.
“Yes is he causing a problem?” she enquired.
“No but the chef has a gift for him. Would you call him please.”
“No problem,” she said and called, “Daraus heel.” Very quickly Daraus sat at her side.
Out from under the cover the chef produced a large metal bowl and placed it in front of Daraus and
said, “For you so you as a member of this group can also sample our food.” He then turned his attention to
the table and said, “For the birthday person, a cake, I keep in the cooler for special occasions,” and he
removed the sheet that hid the cake which was square and covered in white icing. Painted using a red icing
read ‘Happy Bday Nibs’.
“How did you know my name?” she asked.
“I asked the waiting staff to listen for names and what with the smile you have on your face I guessed
you must be Nibs and you are seated at the head of the table.”
Darla stood after the cake got distributed to all, “My toast as the oldest member of the Vixens and out
of the current grouping the one who has been a Vixen the longest. I may only be around for a short amount of
time in the scheme of the new generation, but if the newest members sat opposite me are anything to go by
the Vixens and the Gangrels have little to fear.”
“Yes I agree with that sentiment,” said Gary who also stood and raised his glass to both Nibs and Amy,
soon everyone else joined him by raising their glasses to Nibs and Amy.
Nibs and Amy both nodded and smiled ‘thank you’ and raised their glasses in response. When
everyone sat back down, the entire group tucked into the cake and the coffees that Charzz brought over to the

At the end of the meal Darla called Charzz over and asked, “Can we have the bill please?”
“Yes ma’am,” replied Charzz and disappeared, shortly returning with an itemized bill with the drinks
consumed crossed out. Darla then took out her wallet and handed Charzz her Abtron Planetary Bank Gold
card. Charzz disappeared and returned after a couple of minutes with the credit card and receipt. Darla then
took out a one hundred Dck note and placed it on the plate where the credit card and receipt sat. She also
stuffed a twenty Dck note into Charzz pocket and said, “A gift from us.”
“Thank you ma’am,” said Charzz, “I will.” As she walked past Gary she smiled at him and handed him
a small card. He looked at it and saw the mobile number on the back.
“Thank you.”
She smiled and left the table to sort themselves out before departing for the Club.

When everyone retrieved their jackets from the hangers by the door they walked out and over to the
bikes, Nibs turned to Amy and said, “Do you want to ride or shall I?”
“Can I, I will very likely need you to drive home when we leave, as I am not exactly a night animal.”
“No problem and nor was I,” she responded as Amy climbed on to the bike in the drivers position, and
along with everyone else slammed the kick starts down.
She climbed on behind her and the group pulled out of the restaurant car park. Again as they drove
down the main road they surrounded Amy and her. Behind Damieel sat Daraus. After roughly ten kilometres
of travelling past apartments, town houses and the odd corporate housing enclave, most of them looked
maintained and relatively nice. The group arrived at a five way roundabout complex and took the main road
that exited on the far side of the roundabout heading west southwest. After a short distance they saw posters
for the club advertising the fight night.
The group slowed and turned into the main gateway, which looked very much like the entrance ways
that some enclaves possessed except normally the gates stopped people from coming in, this evening the
gates were wide open. Inside stood a lot of revellers waiting for the main fights to start at about 24.00. The
first fight displayed on the running order would have two women, Lady Lee and The Amazon fighting. The
last fight of the evening would be going to be the big one, Richard Chancer, master of the Tiranna Martial
Arts, and Surabon, a master of the Tabal Combat Forms.
Located around the main house, which looked massive and contained three stories, at the front, with a
semi submerged basement area, where, to the south, a large six storey office block style building. To the
north and along the main road were a few apartments buildings. Damieel led the group to an area where the
club staff indicated for them to go and park up.
After everyone gathered behind the bikes, she said to Amy, “Now that was an excellent drive thank
“You have never been in a night Club Nibs have you, I know you have never Amy,” said Sandra.
“No,” she replied, “but I am now officially 18 and it is legal for me.”
“True,” said Sandra and then she said directly to Amy, “I would not worry about having problems from
the punters inside. Most of the cliental respect the Gangrel Gang and see the Street Gang as equals and
therefore welcome in clubs and pubs frequented by Street Ghosts and bikers more often than not.”
Amy smiled as Sandra said that. Paul then walked over and offered his arm to her, which she accepted
and followed Nibs, Sandra, who also walked arm in arm towards the main door, with Daraus walking at
Sandra’s heel.
As the group approached the main building they saw a ramp down to a closed heavy door leading to the
basement area. Around both the north and south side looked to be a high mound easily five metres high and
looked man made. On the south side were also a few ET Security vehicles and a couple of ET Medical
emergency response vehicles parked in a purpose built car-park.
The main door sat up ten steps and three Street Ghosts stood in front of it. The rest of the Street Ghost,
Gith and alternative scene cliental were going through two small doors either side of the main door. Stood on
the ground in front of the steps were another couple of Street Ghosts. One carried a list on a clipboard.
Sandra and her walked to this person and she said, “Nibola Calton and her friends, we are guests of
Richard Chancer.”
After the person checked the list he replied “Yes I have been informed that you were coming please,”
and he gave the gesture to indicate permission to pass. Two of the three at the top of the steps up opened the
large double doors and allowed the group to enter.
As the group passed, Nibs said, “Thank you,” to the security people. They all smiled in response.
Inside stood another security person watching the two streams of people being processed by the staff
who sat in a cloak room on either side. He directed the group to a small booth in the middle. Above the
window sat a sign that read, ‘Please deposit all your firearms and ammunition along with any unwanted
jackets and other items with the staff member.’
The staff member smiled as the group approached and she dropped her pistol out and took the four
magazines from the opposite side. She also removed her trench coat and passed that and her shoulder holster
rig to the staff member, who placed all the items in a basket and removed one half of the ticket which she
passed back to her. The basket then disappeared up. Sandra who stood just behind her did the same, as did
everyone else.
When Darla, being the last person finished depositing her stuff, the person behind the counter asked,
“Are you Nibs Calton?”
“I am,” she answered.
The person then handed out a red card to each, which said ‘VIP access card’. “Use this to gain access to
the VIP lounge tonight and when you get your drinks from the main bars. Your drinks are on the house, by
order of the manager and owner.”
After everyone deposited the card into wallets and purses, the inner doors opened to reveal the inside of
the club.
The inside of the main club travelled all three stories and in the centre of the roof, right over the raised
area looked to be a large glass dome, on the top floor was a long sheet of glass and from what she could see
inside there were a few people chatting and watching the crowds mill about. On each side of the window
were two platforms the top pair was supported from the roof by what looked like cables. The lower ones was
supported by pillars coming from the ground. It looked like the two floors were made from a transparent
On the raised area extending from the back of the club were eight people dance fighting in time to the
As the group approached the bar to the left of the door, the crowd parted to let them get access to the
bar. They ordered ten Cabillas and when the barman finished pouring the drinks, Nibs suggested over the
communication system, “Second tier looks the quietest.”
“Yes it does,” came the reply from Bee as she tapped her on the shoulder, “Happy bday.” She moved to
give her a quick hug.
“Bee,” she said.
“The invite to the club to come and watch two of the leading street fighters on the same bill and your
18th bday sounded to be an excellent idea. Misty seems to know Richard Chancer from someplace and got us
in for free and we have VIP passes for the VIP lounge over there,” and Bee pointed to the large window on
the second floor.
When everyone held their drinks they all followed Bee to the second tier seating area, the entire floor
was made from square pieces of transparent material so the people sat on the tier could see the dance floor
and the first tier.
Here they could see the raised area had been divided up into four circles each ringed by posts and
lengths of cord.
Bee led everyone to where Misty and the rest of the Raiders sat. Misty said, “Happy bday Nibs. It is not
much but, here catch.” Misty passed her a small bag, which contained a small hand drawn picture of the
Raiders and the Vixens at Darla’s forest retreat, “I drew it from memory after the festival ended.”
“Thank you Misty,” she said and gave Misty a light kiss on the cheek.
They group dragged tables and chairs over to increase the seating and table area.
“What are the rules here?” asked Amy and Tina as one of the Ushers walked over from the direction of
the stairs that led to the VIP lounge.
“Very simple friends,” said the usher. “When the pre fight show ends at about 23.00 anyone can enter a
ring and either challenge or accept an issued challenge. The fight then continues until one is unable to
continue, submits or leaves the ring and does not return for a count of ten. The club owner hopes you had no
problem with the door staff.”
“No, none, thank you,” Nibs responded.
“Richard C hopes to see you all after his fight in the VIP Lounge.”
“We will, thanks,” she said.
About 10:00AN the floor was cleared and four referees entered the rings along with four house
fighters. A voice boomed from the speakers, “Ladies and Gentlemen, honoured guests of Club Millana I give
you fight night. The four fighters in the ring issue an open challenge to anyone who thinks they have the
skills to compete.”
Soon all four rings had two fighters in, as club goers entered the rings to fight.


Nibs, Tina and Amy all walked to the bar on the first level to replenish the group’s drinks. As they
walked they were jossled by someone without realizing someone moving behind them and she bumped into
another club goer, completely by accident. The dump caused his drink to slop over the edge and down his
front. When she dumped into the guy and caused the spill she stopped and said, “Sorry,” in a very apologetic,
but her normal male voice.
The person turned and looked her up and down and said, “You fucking transvestites we do not want
your kind here.” He was a good six feet tall and did have well toned arms and she guessed he also had a well
toned body. He had a single strip of hair in the middle of his head and his arms were covered in one
continuous tattoo.
She said “Please tell me you did not just say that?”
As the situation evolved the revellers moved aside and formed a small area around her and the other
person, Tina and Amy where both stood at her side.

Tina immediately contacted Sandra over the communication system saying, “We have a problem, some
one has taken offence at Nibs because of her life choices.”

“Say what, you trannie scum, fuck off out of my presence.” He threw the drink he carried all over Nibs.
She looked down at her how very wet clothes and she tensed and released her fists preparing them to
belt this guy.

Sandra looked at the first tier and found the small area with Nibs, the guy, Tina and Amy in the middle.
She saw a female security person heading for the situation and said, “Tina, a female security person is

Tina looked up and nodded her reply.

When the female security person entered the area, she said, “You have two choices outside or the
“Rings,” the guy said in a stern voice, “I am going to make you wish you had not come here tonight.”

Richard C, who looked down upon the situation, turned to Jaboc and said, “This could be interesting.
One of Surabon’s group has just thrown a drink all over one of my guests.”
“Mm. This could be,” answered Jaboc and then asked, “How good a fighter is the person?”
“Pretty good, some times she pushed me when we did spar and if I am not mistaken she is carrying her
short staves with her.” He smiled at the memories of Nick fighting with them and if what he knew to be the
usual reaction when a person takes the life choices she made. “She’s likely gotten better.”
He looked at Jaboc who was smiling. “Combat challenge?”
“Yes,” he replied and spoke into the club’s communication system, “Samantha ask them if they wish to
have a combat challenge issued?”
He looked at the floor area and saw Surabon stood up and started to head for the situation and he did
not look pleased. “I think I had better get going, I have just seen Surabon approaching the situation and he is
not happy.”
“Ok, chat to you soon, and say the same to your female friend, good luck.”
“I will do,” he said, as he disappeared out of the back door.

Surabon was sat on the first floor tier on the opposite side to where Nibs and her party were sitting. He
had seen the aftermath of the bump and saw the drink get tipped down the person’s front. At this he mentally
said, ‘Metzza is gone, that is the last straw.’
He got up and led his six current students as he crossed the floor area towards the situation.
He arrived as Richard C arrived at Nibs’ side.
He said in Metzza’s ear in a tone that he meant what he said, “I will support you now, but after you and
I are no longer master and student. I banish you from my sight on pain of death. Do I make myself clear.”
“On pain of death I do not need your support, I am more than you think. You teach nothing but want
perfection.” He then spat on Surabon.
At this he turned and walked the six paces to where Richard C and Nibs stood saying, “I shift my
support to you my dear. Metzza has dishonoured me for the last time. After this the next time I see him we
will be fighting to the death, only one of us will leave the circle alive.”

The female security person said, “I have just been instructed by the management to ask do you wish to
issue a combat challenge?”
“A what?” Nibs asked.
Sandra, Daraus, Paul and Abs all pushed their way through the circle and joined Nibs, Tina, Amy and
Richard C. She felt Sandra kiss her on the cheek.
She was silently receipting a prayer of combat “Creator I pray to you this day to provide me the skills I
need and the tools to build my armour and weapons. I pray for the strength and knowledge. Control and
sight. Hearing and feeling. Oh creator I call upon both your sides female wisdom and compassion, male
anger and strength.”
“Do you want to fight him and it is armed or unarmed Nibs,” said Richard C and smiled at Surabon as
he approached them.
“Hell yes, shall we settle this in the ring?” she asked with a confident voice. ‘I have friends at my back,
my skills are good, let us see how good they are.’
“Yes,” said Metzza. “If the trannie thinks she can handle herself I say armed.”
“Yes I can. Armed it is,” she responded.
“What weapon do you choose to fight with?”
She replied, “Short staves.” She took the pair from their holders on her thighs.
“Short Blades,” Metzza replied.
The group then started to move towards the rings after the other combatants had been asked to clear the
rings. Metzza and a few of his friends moved to the far side of the raised area.
On the main speakers came the announcer’s voice who said, “Ladies and gents of Club Millana and all
those watching us on the live cast. We bring you an unexpected contest pitting on one side, an unknown of
reputed considerable skill aged a mere 18 this very day, and on the other one who is master to some but
student to Surabon. Who this very night finished his relationship with Metzza the Unforgiven.”
She and her group walked to the ring and she stared at Metzza as he prepared himself.
Surabon said to her, “Be careful, Metzza is very good.”
“Thank you,” she replied.
Richard C who was stood to her right hand side asked, “Do you remember when I said I have two gifts
for you?”
“I do Richard,” she replied.
“Then the second are these.” He produced a pair of short staves and offered them to her.
“No thank you, tonight, these get blooded for the first time.” She lifted the pair Darla gave her.
“May I have a look at them?” asked Richard.
“Yes, here.” She gave them to him and he immediately opened the blade and took a close look at the
sword makers mark. She noticed Richard C’s eyes open and stare in utter shock at the mark.
“You do realize the maker’s mark has been physically engraved into the actual metal, not just the
harick patterning.”
It was her turn to stare at Richard C. He split the handle and looked at the hilt. “I will need to have a
chat with you about these, but I think they may be over 8000 years old. These date from around the time of
the last Grand master of the Tiranna Martial Schools. Kick his arse,” said Richard C.
She bent down and removed her boots and concentrated on a pin head of light just in front of her closed

Amy stood at ring side when one on Metzza’s friends squeezed her right buttock and before she could
react he moved out of reach and laughed at her and she thought her friends. “Your mine arse hole.”
Paul walked over from chatting with Tina and asked, “Why the face and who is yours?”
“That guy just tweaked my arse.”
Paul looked at the person and said, “No he is not, he is mine. Remember what Darla said, Vixens help
Vixens and I do like you too.” He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.
She blushed and turned wearing a big beaming smile across her face.
“Why thank you Paul, and I like you too,” and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Tina joined the pair and she and Paul started to quietly chant the prayer of celebration.

Richard C looked at where both Paul and Tina where standing the both seemed to be concentrating on
something and their mouths are moving in time with each other. He tapped Paul on the shoulder, which
caused him to stop. He said, “May I ask what are you doing?”
“Conducting a ritual of blessing as a planetary alignment happens in 5 minutes.”
He then remembered the alignment and said would you join me in a ritual to bless Nibs, all I need you
to do is to chant Rimmbi, Dalid, Karm.”
They both nodded and started to chant the words. He, being a master of the Tiranna, had gained certain
abilities one of which was to Magickally bless either a group or just one person, the blessing would be in the
form of armour, defence against surprise and the ability to instantly heal from the time the first wound is
made for five minutes.

Sandra who was getting use to the various auras people produced saw a ball of light grey form above
She looked at Metzza and saw he produced a very distinctive white aura similar to the ones she saw
when they went to Amy’s high school coming from the group associating with Abilgail. ‘I hate not knowing
what I am seeing.’
After a couple of minutes she saw the bubble of grey drop and settle over Nibs. At the same time she
saw a very faint ghostly outline and she almost could not see it, but it approached Nibs and came to rest
inside her.
Nibs looked at her as it did and she saw her eyes were solid black, no pupil, iris, or anything. She knew
her mouth was slightly open but that was the only action she could do. Nibs winked at her and smiled.
“Hun, everything is going to be ok,” said Nibs as the female in the ring indicated for both combatants
to enter the rings.

Sat in a pub somewhere in West Hills, John, Ruth, Carole, Dan and Big Malla were all enjoying the
evening’s entertainment from Club Millana and the Street Fights.
John stared at the screen when the words ‘an unknown of reputed considerable skill aged a mere 18 this
very day’ and the camera zoomed in on the person. “That is Nibs.”
“Feck me!” exclaimed Ruth, “it is, and there is Sandra, Paul, Tina, and Abs. I am wondering who the
new girl is. She looks somewhat happy.”
“I would say she is Paul’s partner. Look at how he’s holding her.”
On the screen Paul gave the new girl an affectionate kiss on the cheek.
“I agree,” he said.
“We should send her our good wishes, for the day as well,” said Big Malla.

Nibs walked to the steps up, walked up the three steps and stood on the outside of the ring and bowed
to the referee, she then entered the ring and in the manner taught by Sensei Hume she bowed to Metzza. She
showed her weapons to the referee who looked at them and then she looked at Richard C. Who she saw nod
‘they are ok’. She nodded to her and she took up her defensive stance, except this one did not feel right. Her
left short stave sat up her left arm, the right one on she held in the usual fighting stance.
She stood there relaxed looking at Metzza. As she looked at him her vision was also showing
something else. His body was covered in a shimmer, not really visible to the referee or the people outside.
Metzza returned to facing her.
The referee backed up a few steps saying when she stopped she called, “Fight.”
Metzza moved, fast, he whipped around in an anti-clockwise movement whipping his left blade around
and closely following the blade attack his left heel also targeting her head.
As Metzza started his attack the entire scene slowed, the people in the background became blurs the
only sounds where the breathing of the pair and the beginnings of a whistle as the knife swing started. She
decided the best defence was to place her left short staff stopping the knife and kick attack which were both
coming for her head. She would counter attack by moving in on an anti-clockwise move and ramming her
knee into his back.

As Metzza’s first attack completed he felt her knee strike right into the small of his back. The power
forced him to hop a few times as his attack hit her short stave, which just stopped the attack dead, the arm did
not even move an inch. He brought himself back to a vertical position; he knew he looked very surprised
‘This thing should not be able to do that. No planet modern close combat weapons can stop my rune blades.
Yet her stave stopped it dead and theirs not a scratch on it.’
He saw her begin her next attack and then he felt the impact of stave against his rib cage and then a
second strike again against the opposite side, and he felt those attacks. ‘There is no way on Darra Von that
thing is going to beat me, no trannie has beaten me, ever.’

As Metzza hopped away, after Nibs first attack she brought her right stave in and it hit his ribs hard.
Following that hit she brought the left stave in and that too hit his ribs on the opposite side. For the return
strike she flipped her hand over and reversed the direction of the stave. She swung it so it targeted his chin on
an upward climb direction.
Metzza turned so his right side was facing her, the stave caught him just under the chin. The power of
the attack forced him up and over in a high arc.

Sandra stared in shock at the power in Nibs’ first attack and the speed she brought the second and third
attacks in was incredible.
Tina, who was stood next to her, whispered in her ear, “Feck me. Nibs is good. Nibs is very good.”
“Yes I know. The power she has through and the speed, if she is anything to go on, are we going to be
as fast and as strong?”
“I would say yes we will be. I am going to use my abilities to fight the corps rather than support them.”
She then saw Nibs return attack caught Metzza right under the chin. He took off in a high arc. At the
impact and the launch, the crowd collectively gasped. Even she with her knowledge of street fighting she
knew that area some times led to death.

As Metzza took off Nibs back off a few steps and went to the same style of stance as she took at the
start of the fight. ‘What the feck is going on! I am not that good. My stance is wrong, my attacks are wrong.
Who the hell has taken up resisdence in my body, they can feck off. MY BODY, MY LIFE.’
She saw Metzza land on his front, he brought up his head as the shimmer disappeared. ‘That is better.’
Metzza brought his arms in and his legs to the ready power position under his body. His hands still grasped
his blades. His hand checked his jaw and he sprang at her.
As Metzza started the roll she got ready to receive what she knew would be the first main attack either
one blade stabbing in or both, either way the only way to miss the attack was not to be there. She went to
move left and readied her staves in case he put a second or third attack with the first one. The blade swiped
outwards, this surprised her a little as it was a nice way of catching someone who moved either left or right.
As the blade swipe followed her she brought her right stave in and targeted the wrist area rather than
the blade. The stave hit and it stopped the swing. He span anti-clockwise in an attempt to surprise her.
The left hand spin did surprise her slightly but the left stave was there almost instinctively as her
hearing picked up the faint whistle of the left blade swing. As he span he reversed the right blade so to use it
as a stabbing weapon and brought it in targeting her gut area. She reversed the right stave’s position and
smacked his wrist again; this aggressive parry’s strike actually weakened the wrist enough to force Metzza to
drop the right blade to the ground. She quickly whipped her left foot in and knocked it across the ring
towards Sandra and Richard C.
Metzza span away throwing the blade from his left hand into his right, he then used his left to rub his
right wrist. She could see his eyes were pin pricks as he analyzed and watched her trying to work out how he
could beat her.
She knew how to stop him, but she needed a clear shot at his back. He moved his left arm to a position
ready to defend against any attacks and slowly came towards her.

‘I have got one chance otherwise ‘it’ is going to beat me.’

He did have an idea how he could do it, but it needed her to open herself to him. Those staves, they
were lethal. He never in his long life come across staves like them, they were rock solid and yet looked so
highly crafted they could not be as hard as they proved themselves on a couple of occasions. ‘I wonder what
took my armour out, I doubt it was it hitting me, it must have been those staves, they must be magickal in

Nibs started to bounce around a bit in the fashion Uthura taught her. She went to hit his head and this
brought his left arm up. She then bounced to his left and this bought him around to face her again. He was
going to chase her around the ring. She stopped moving back and bounced on the spot. He thrust the blade
forward. She brought her left stave across in front of her and then brought the right stave in slightly closer to
Metzza than the left stave and trapped his blade.
As Metzza tried to withdraw the blade to strike again, she span down his right arm and placed her left
arm around his neck using the direction of the short stave as a stop. Her right hand dropped the other stave
and grabbed his wrist before he could stab her with the blade. She applied a wrist lock and using her massive
strength she forced his wrist to almost a right angle. This caused Metzza to drop the other blade. She then
dragged his whole arm up his back and used her foot, which she placed against the back of his knees, to force
him to the ring floor where she held him until he stopped moving.

Sandra watched the fight unfold and saw the roll and dual thrust strike, the next move scared her as it
happened very fast. The strike of the stave against the wrist revealed her massively as that she understood,
aggressive parrying, a very effective way of forcing people to drop things held in the hands.
She saw Metzza spin and the saw the reverse blade and the blade that stopped in front of her. She
looked back at the fight and saw Metzza rubbing his right wrist.
She saw Richard C have a quick glance at the blade and she saw him open his eyes wide at something
and he then smiled at her and pulled Surabon slightly back from the ring side.
As Metzza moved and got caught completely by surprise by Nibs’ counter attack she smiled as she
applied a sleeper hold and put Metzza into the land of sleep.
As she watched the end of the fight she could see the same ghostly figure being forced from Nibs, it
looked like it fought to stay inside, but it looked to be loosing the battle. She could see more and more of it
being thrown out, until it got completely forced from Nibs’ body and thrown back where it dissipated and
As Nibs stood in the ring she sprang from the ground and was the first person in the ring.

Nibs stood up from the form of Metzza as he slept face down. ‘What the hell just happened to me. I feel
different but yet I feel complete now.’
The sound of the crowd erupting in cheers and applause brought her back to the here and now,
combined with the feeling of having a pair of arms wrapped around her neck and a kiss placed on her cheek.
The referee walked over after checking Metzza and raised her arm to indicate the winner of the fight.
The crowd erupted in noise. The referee moved close and said, “The management has provided a change of
clothes for you in the changing rooms. The usher will show you to them.”
“Thank you,” she responded and along with Sandra she walked to the edge and used the steps to get off
the rings. As the pair got to the ground, Daraus stood at her heel. She looked down and he looked up and to
her he looked pleased at something. ‘I wonder what Daraus is so pleased about.’ She turned towards the
usher as Metzza got moved to a stretcher and that was taken away to be checked out. The usher led the pair
into the back area and the changing rooms located there. As they departed the floor area the crowd were still
cheering the fight, as most of them knew the reason for it and they loved an underdog winning.
The usher showed them to the changing room where she looked at her ruined outfit.
“What the hell happened out there, that was no way you?” Sandra asked
“I have no idea. I remember the entire fight as if I was fighting it, but my moves, my blocks, my attacks
were not mine You know I do not fight one stave down one stave up, it is not my style it is both up or both
down.” She took off her drenched top and put it over the bench seat. She took one of the dark red tops from
the clothes rail. On the front sat a small logo representation of the building with the words ‘Club Millana’
around it. Across the back were the words ‘Club Crew’
“I do not know if this is anything, but I saw a grey ball rest over you before the fight and then an
apparition floated and landed inside you. Just before you climbed into the ring your eyes were completely
black, there was no iris, pupil or white area.”
She turned and looked at her, she knew her face was one of I wonder too. “That is something to be
looked at later.”
She unclipped the short stave holders and took her trousers down and after she sat down she took them
off completely. “Why hun?”
“Why what hun?”
“Why did he hate me so much to throw his drink over me?”
“Who knows, only he does.”
She selected a pair of baggies and slipped them up her legs and over her backside. After she fastened it,
and put her utility belt on she found two ties that fitted the standard utility belt she wore. She fastened the ties
around the belt and fastened the two short stave holders around her legs.
“I will say this, they worked.”
“I know, I love this design. I think it may work for combat knives.”
Sandra looked at the design and said, “I think you might be right.”
“Shall we return to the floor,” she said smiling at her partner.
“Let us enjoy the rest of you bday.”
The pair stood up and opened the door, to find the usher just standing up. Hesaid, “The management
has extended the invite of the VIP suite for you and your friends. To my knowledge the four from ring side
have been shown to the suite.”
“Thank you,” she said and the three partners followed the usher as he headed out the back doors.
“What is happening outside?” asked Sandra.
“The rest of the fighters have agreed to allow Richard C and Surabon to fight early and they are at the
moment fighting.”
The pair smiled as the usher led the pair through the maze of the corridors and ramps to the top floor;
and the doorway into the VIP room. The usher opened the door and showed the pair into the room. A gent
stood in the middle of the large room. His long straight silver hair tied back into a male pony tail, he turned
as the door opened and smiled as the pair walked in. “Good evening and welcome to Club Millana, Nibola
Calton and Sandra Patterson and unknown pet?”
“Good evening sir and Daraus is no pet, he is as much a partner as Sandra is,” she said using the tone
that indicated ‘it would be nice to have his name’.
“Arh, ok. I am Jaboc, the owner and manager of the Club and the grounds surrounding it.”
“Good evening Jaboc,” said Sandra as the pair walked to the front and looked down on the ring. Where
they saw Richard C execute a series of kick attacks, which Surabon blocked a few and dodged a few. The
rest of the group stood beside the ring. Sat at the tables on the second tier were the rest of the friends, they all
looked like they were enjoying the current fight.
Into the VIP suite walked two young people. She looked at them and she said, “I swear I have seen you
two before.”
“Yes quite possibly, the take down a few weeks ago, me, my sister Hell Bright, my name is Ren, and
our adoptive father, Jaboc were scouting new band talent and were at the bar just down the street. We
assisted in the take down, whilst dad provided cover with I think Angel and Damieel.”
“How are the group?” asked Jaboc.
“They are ok, they are loving the fights,” replied Ren
At this Surabon launched a series of rapid punches and elbow strikes, which rained down on Richard’s
head and upper arms. After receiving a good ten hits Richard was able to get inside the blows and land a few
heavy knee strikes and then he was able to move and get behind Surabon where he tried to apply a sleeper
Surabon saw the move and eased his way out of it, bringing his leg around and forcing Richard from
his position behind him.
“Those two will go at it for a while yet,” said Ren. “Excellent fight, Metzza on the street fighting
circuits is a well known fighter, but by fighting you here, when he was known to be one of Surabon’s
students was the worst mistake he could make. After this fight Surabon will inform all the reputable fighting
arenas of what transpired and he will not be allowed to even step foot through the door. I think you may have
made an enemy there as well Nibola.”
“Please it is Nibs, not Nibola.”
“Sorry,” said Ren and Hell Bright signed something to Ren who translated it, “Hell Bright says thank
you and she hopes that you two and the rest of your friends will want to make friends with her and me.”
She smiled at the pair saying, “What made you think we would not?”
“Oh something in the way you are Nibs. It is very hard to describe.”
“Yes, we like all our friends out there would love to be your friends.”
Hell Bright’s smile grew into a beaming smile as she and Ren walked over to join the group.
After a few minutes of watching the fight Ren said, “I do not remember a pup being with you then?”
“No Daraus was not, he joined us on a hunting trip to the Low Back Forest we found him and he kind
of adopted us. A friend from the West Hills Music and Arts festival reckons he is an Angel Wolf. That we
will take on advisement, but he has been very close to some strange things happening.”
After another ten minutes of watching Richard C fight Surabon, Richard C was able to connect the
right combination of attacks and moves which allowed him to place a sleeper hold on Surabon and he
dropped off to sleep. Richard C laid him on the ring, stood up and stepped away.
A few seconds after the referee checked Surabon he declared Richard C the winner. The crowd cheered
and clapped after the fight. Richard C came down and the crowd parted to allow him and the other four
friends to move towards the back area.
Twenty minutes later Richard and the other four walked in and joined the rest of them. When the door
opened she noticed the glass darken slightly and then returned to full transparency.
“Multi-glass, very nice,” she said
“Yes Nibs, very observant,” said Jaboc.
“Yes and it is one of Nibs’ unique skills, her ability to notice the smallest thing,” said Richard C.
Into the arena below walked the two women who should have been the first fight on the card.
She looked at Richard C and said, “When I first come into contact with you Richard C you started to
became a friend, and now I count you as much a friend as the rest of the people here and outside. You do
realise that I have no idea how to say hello.”
“That is simple,” said Richard C and moved to embrace her like a brother embraces a sister, “You are
family as much as Jane C and Nicolai are.”
“Your!” she exclaimed looking very shocked, took a step back from the embrace and continued, “Jane
C and Nicolai’s are family, as in what type of family?”
She glanced at Paul and Tina; they both looked at Richard C in shock.
Richard C then looked at them and said, “I think you, me and your friends here, do not worry about
Jaboc or his kids they know everything I am about to tell you, Jaboc graduated from the Academy 16 years
Jaboc then said, “Well all this standing is tiring for the legs, lets grab some seats where we can chat and
drink. I retired from being an active street ghost six years ago to bring up Hell Bright and Ren. We have met
before, the gang hold up on the connivance store.”
“No way!” exclaimed Paul.
“Yes, Paul I presume,” replied Jaboc.
“I was impressed that night, the way you dealt with the entire situation was one of utter
professionalism, violence where it counted, discretion 90% of the time. The only person I do not recognize is
you my dear.” Jaboc looked directly at Amy and he looked as if he wondered who she might be.
“Sorry, we asked Amy to join us as a member this afternoon, she accepted,” replied Paul.
“Any way shall we go and sit down and talk, I think that is why we are here.”
“Yes lets,” Richard said and moved to the seats.
After everyone sat down, Jaboc said, “Yes, I was impressed and I made it my job to find out as much as
I could about all of you. Out of all of you, including your friends out there, most of you were relatively easy
to get information on. I just did a trace on your Street Ghost Pages. Nibs you were not so easy. Your Street
Ghost page gives a lot of information about your street life, but nothing about the person before meeting
Richard C. Being a retired Street Ghost I pulled in some favours and a couple of NetHackers conducted a
complete NetSearch on both Nibola Calton and your previous name. Here are some things about your past
they were able to find out.”
She sat listening to Jaboc and Sandra snaked her arm around her waist and cuddled in. Daraus sat on
the floor beside her left heel.
“The fact that Pamela and Antoney Calton are not your birth parents.”
“You are kidding me,” she exclaimed, she knew her face was one of shock.
“I wish I was. You were adopted seven hours after your birth. From the medical records my friends
were able to find, some look as if they have been sealed. You were the oldest of quads, your brother and two
sisters disappeared after that. Their medical files along with your birth mum and dad have been sealed and
they were unable to open them. All the official records have been filled with zeros. I have not been able to
find out anything else.”
“Thank you,” she said in a matter of fact tone.
“I am surprised at your reaction Nibs,” said Ren.
“Why, they put me up for adoption, not much I can do about it now. If they want to find me they will
find me,” she said.
“Ok,” responded Ren. She could see he was trying to work out why she reacted that way.
“Yes. Right drinks,” Richard C said.
“Good point, you all are my guests tonight and as much of tomorrow as you need to recover,” said
Jaboc and he got up and went through a door and slid the grill over the VIP bar up.
“When you spoke to me a few weeks ago you spoke to me about a conservator Nibs?” asked Richard
“Yes I did, sorry Paul, we have been keeping a few things secret from you, but until now all we have
really had is information from conspiracy sites and some of the more out there forum boards.”
“Do not worry, watching you down there told me you were different and to be honest it do not change
who you are and sure as hell it will not stop me from being a friend, Vixens help Vixens,” said Paul. “That is
our unit’s motto.”
Sandra, Tina, Abs and her all smiled at Paul’s statement.
One of the two doors to the rest of the Club opened and in walked a staff member who headed for the
now open bar.
“One problem,” said Sandra looking at Paul. “Nibs is not the only one who is changing, me, Abs, and
Tina all of us are. How and why, we have no idea that is one of the reasons why we are here to try and work
out what the feck is going on.”
“Sis, I do not give a shit, how much you change, you are my sister,” said Paul smiling at her, “as is
everyone else, you are my friends; I will always be there for you. I know how much you love Nibs and how
much Nibs loves you in return; I love each of you, including you Amy probably as much if not more. May I
ask what the changes have been?”
“Yes you can, this is what we know. Our hearing, sight, speed, and strength are all improving. Do you
remember the first trip to Misty’s?”
“Yes I do,” replied Paul.
“Do you remember the woman in the blue body armour at the first stop?” asked Sandra.
“Yes,” said Paul looking as if he was trying to work something out. She noticed Paul’s arm sat around
Amy’s waist.
Amy sat listening inventively resting her head on Paul’s shoulder.
“I over heard her talking to the controller in the Tactical response unit van. Just before the local
security forces moved us back I heard the controller say that the security forces had a Conservator cornered
in the apartment block. When we got back from Misty’s the four of us researched it and a few other things.”
“And discovered a nasty four to six armed killing machine,” said Richard C.
“Yes,” said Abs. “How did you know?”
“I put the information there,” replied Richard C as Jaboc passed him a drink.

“I think I am beginning to understand now,” Paul said.

“What would you and Amy like to drink, the bar is open,” asked Jaboc
“Ah, right,” Paul looked at Amy and said, “Northern Blue and cabila,” and Amy just nodded a yes as
she looked up at Paul, “Two of.”
“No problems,” said Jaboc.

Richard continued, “What a Conservator is, is a bio-borg hunter, and is used by the Splugorth.”
At this Nibs saw Amy suddenly sit forward and even she begin to listen to what Richard said.
“The what?” asked Tina.
“The Splugorth are alien intelligences that control empires that span dimensions. On Darra Von some
control the various Mega Corporations around. Other intelligences seek to dominate people by changing
them from living breathing people into undead monsters that need blood to survive.”
“That can not be true, it would be reported on the news,” said Sandra as even she looked stunned by
what Richard C told them.
Even she thought, ‘What the feck. This can not be true, the Corporations controlled by.’ “What are the
Splugorth?” she asked
“What they are Nibs, are very evil and very nasty. They feed of an energy field called mana and off the
suffering their minions cause the populations of the planets they control. To them humans and other races are
nothing, pieces of meat if you want. Most will be sold as slaves to the powerful rich members of the elite.
They along with their supporters normally do not bat an eyelid at the fact humans can not stand toe to toe
with them in the arenas. In some arenas they go through 80 to a 100 humans and human like races each day,
and they are the ones killed in the actual arena to provide entertainment for the masses.”
Paul looked at Richard C as Jaboc handed him and Amy their drinks, she could see his mouth was open
in shock. “How do they get these slaves?”
“Either they are born to it or they send slaver teams to gather them. Normally it is a bag over your head
and you are then man-handled into the back of a vehicle and that is it, you have almost zero chance of
escaping or seeing freedom again,” replied Ren
“Ok,” she said and wrapped her arm around Sandra.
Jaboc tapped her on the shoulder asking, “What drink would you two like to drink?”
“Yes,” she said and looked at him asking, “have you got any ales or similar?”
“We do, we have Blam Sweet Ale and Blam Foxxers Ale,” replied Jaboc.
“Blam Sweet Ale, thanks,” she said.
“Sandra?” asked Jaboc looking at Sandra. He also moved to the other side of the pair.
“Let me tell you my story as it is probably the easiest way of telling you what the hell is going on,” said
Richard C. “Just over three hundred years ago I was living with my mum, Duchess Patricia Chancer of the
South East Peninsula, Kingdom of Darrumith. I am the youngest of four, Nicolai or Nicole, she self defines
as Trans, is the oldest, Katerina, second in line, had a mental age the doctors at the time estimated to be about
10. Now we estimate her age to have been about 14 maybe 15. Jane C third and then me. I am very much the
adventurous type when I was young and it was a bad idea to teach me to walk.” Richard C took a drink and
continued, “If you took your eyes off me for a second, I would just disappear. When I was about three we
moved, under the request of the King of Darrumith, to the Ajar court and mum became the ambassador.
When I was five and half someone left one of the doors to the outside open and I was gone. I knew enough
about the street environment from my past forays out of the house, that I was not easy meat plus I had taken
what my dad, General Ricard Echo, taught me about defending myself to heart. A couple of the local street
toughs saw me and they knew who I was as they had seen me with mum and dad enough times and they
caught me. I gave them such a beating it impressed a master of the Tirannan Combat Forms who took me
under his wing and taught me how to become a Tirannan Master which I became aged 20.”
Jaboc walked back to Nibs and Sandra carrying two glasses and a small bowl. He put the bowl on the
floor for Daraus and placed the two glasses on the small table.
Nibs took out her tin and rolled herself a cambar cigarette and lit it.
“Mum and dad had both long been recalled to Darrumith when I returned to the capital I became a
travelling missionary, helping people when and where they needed help. During this time I became aware of
what was around, Slaver Teams, the very nasty criminal organisations, and in some cases the control of the
very governments. I spent eight years travelling all over Zukarra, Jarrzar, and Afrradal. When I was in
Afrradal I had a waking dream sent by the creators telling me to go to a specific stone circle on the Ebba
Landmass which I did only to find the stone circle was very close to the Chancer Mansion. When I walked in
through the front door and saw my three brothers and sisters all of us broke down into tears. It was then I
found out both Nicholas and Jane C also had the same dream and we waited for the last person Antonie
Farradara to arrive and only then did the twelve of us go to the Stone Circle. It was there we received The
Planetary Prophecy which told us to prepare for the coming of a force powerful enough to send The Evils
back to where they came from. It was then we, the twelve, formed The Council of Twelve and created what
we called The Conspiracy and ever since we have been working on getting the planet ready for the war we
know is coming. Who the force is, we have no idea, other than what the planet knows via myths about The
Dragon Defenders. To give you an idea of who sits on the Council, Nicole sits as the chair and has done so
since we received the prophecy. Other members include Paul Atrun, Kev Marks, Ju-Dong and the current
leader of the Gangrels Sarah Cutherlate.”
Nibs looked very surprised at the names Richard C told them and when she looked at Sandra, Paul,
Tina and Abs she saw them to be incredibly surprised. She guessed their surprise must be down to Sarah C
being a council member.
“The Creators gave us all a number of gifts, one is we do not age. Another is the ability to travel to
other dimensions which some of us have used and brought back a number of weapons, vehicles and
equipment which gives The Conspiracy the chance to actually beat The Evils.”
Richard C now looked around the group and quietly giggled when he saw the surprised faces.
“How does that effect us?” asked Abs.
“How it effects you is that you are now a part of it. Most of the intelligences and other Evils, would
love to control you four so they can experiment on you, and try and work out why you are different from all
the other adepts. I know you all are different, both me and Jaboc have worked with adepts and even though
you are undergoing the same transformations, you do not seem to have the biggest side effect and that is an
increased metabolism, I can see now that you all are breathing normally, not permanently hyper-ventilating
which other adepts do. If a normal Adept had just done what Nibs had done they would have had to eaten a
massive meal to replenish the energy stocks they had burnt.
“I have told you about the Conspiracy the choice is now yours and the offer to join is permanent.”
“If my partner is up for it then so I am I,” she said and looked around the room at the rest of the friends.
“Where you go, I go, Nibs,” said Sandra, “we are partners in all things.”
“You can count me in then as well,” said Abs and Tina simultaneously looking like the Evils had better
start being very careful.
“Looks as if I might as well go and keep you lot, and that includes you Amy out of trouble,” said Paul.
“I could see you wanted to join Nibs and everyone when the offer was made.”
“I think it is probably best we do not tell the others about this at the moment,” she said and took a
mouthful of drink and then re-lit her cambar cigarette.
“That is very possibly a very good idea,” said Richard smiling at the news. “Paul and Sandra, what I
am about to tell you is an apology and an explanation about certain events in your past, that now you are
apart of the Conspiracy you would very likely have found out. The death of your mum and dad was due to a
combination of events. Intelligence knew that the site where they worked had an entrance to an underground
slaver base located on it, the drums that collapsed and crushed your dad’s cab was an accident, a strike team,
had been sent into the base and the firefight that resulted between the slaver forces and the team cause a
minor collapse in a tunnel that ran under the drums and it was that that cause them to collapse. Everything
else was as you know it, the company had, cut back on the health and safety which led to the drums being
unlabelled and the safety signs not being present. Echo Tech via one of its Trust funds made sure that you
always were looked after, they made sure that you were placed in the high school you went to.”
“Thank you for your admission Richard C,” said Sandra. “So what, the Conspiracy made it look like
the company had done it as compensation?”
“Yes and no, the trust fund forced the company to do it, via the threats of some very public law suits.”
“Ah, well I know I am grateful to them, as if it had not of happened then I would never have met Nibs.”

After a couple of hours of chatting and just generally enjoying the excellent company of Jaboc, Richard
C, Hell Bright and Ren, she noticed the rest of their friends getting ready to leave. She turned to Sandra and
said, “I will be back in a minute hun.”
“Ok,” said Sandra and realized what was happening outside. Sandra also stood up and joined her as she
walked to the exit and towards the friends.
“Sorry, I have not been much of a host.”
“Do not worry about it,” said Misty and she winked at her.
When she smiled she realised she knew what was happening in the VIP lounge.
Darla then said, “Nice fight, especially the last knockout move, he really did not see it coming.”
“Anyway I think we will head off, we are all going back to Misty’s for the rest of the night,” said Gary.
“I think we will head home tomorrow, as most of us have had a lot to drink, and I know I am not going to be
safe on the bike driving home.”
“We need to think about the operation,” said Misty. “Give us a ring tomorrow, so we can organize a get
together and plan and start training for the operation.”
“Yes will do Misty, when we are all in the land of living,” she said.
“Have fun you lot,” said Darla. “You may want this for Daraus.” Darla handed her Daraus’ cloth bowl.
“Night guys,” she said as the group started to descend the stairs heading for the exit.
She turned and the pair walked back to the VIP lounge.
After another hour of chatting Jaboc ordered some blankets and cushions for those who wanted to get
some sleep, which happened to be most of the group as the day had been a long one.
After collecting a couple of blankets and cushions the pair moved some of the sofas and large cushions
around so they had enough room to lie down in comfort. She made Daraus a small bed out of one of the
blankets, and very soon everyone except Amy and Paul who were quietly talking were fast asleep.

To Be Continued in Volume 2:The Wacker War.

The Making of Nibs-Volume 2:The Wacker War
Chapter 1

Laying on a sofa asleep was Nibs, Sandra and Daraus, with them in the VIP lounge of Club Millana
were Tina, Abs, Amy, Paul, Richard Chancer, Jaboc, Hell Bright and Ren. She rolled over and opened her
eyes to look into the face of the one person who gave her life meaning. She realised her other partner was at
her feet, curled up and not in the small blanket bed she had made last night. She swung her legs out and sat
up lent forward and rested her head in her hands. ‘What a night last night was. I wonder how Metzza is.’
She felt Sandra shift behind her and she looked down at her to see her open her eyes. At this she smiled
at her and Sandra returned the smile and she gave her a light kiss on the lips.
“Did you enjoy your birthday my sweet?”
“I did love the only thing that would have made it better would have been having my adoptive mum
and dad here too,” she replied. She smiled at spending, this, the most important birthday of her life with her
closest friends, she even got to see her other two best friends, “but they are very straight and with some ideas
very closed minded, I doubt they would understand my life choices.”
Sandra sat up beside her and the moving of the blankets woke Daraus.
Nibs looked at the clock above the bar and saw the time was only 06:50BN.
“Don’t you want to know about your birth family?”
“In a word no,” she said in a matter of fact way. “They decided to put me up for adoption and haven’t
tried to contact me since. They must have there reasons for that, and if they do ever get in contact it’s at that
point I will ask them why, and anyway I need a coffee.” She (then) stood up, picking up Daraus’ bowl and
tip-toed through the sleeping bodies. The staff member who had manned the bar was asleep on a roll mat in
front of the bar itself. She lifted the hatch and pushed open the front.
She heard the staff member move and she looked back and saw his eyes were just about open.
“Coffee?” she asked him.
He nodded ‘Yes please’ at her.
The bar area was a metre and a half wide and under the bar was loads of glasses. Above the bar area
was bottles and other drinks. Behind the bar at the farthest end were the kettle and the sink she was looking
for. She filled the kettle and switched it on. As the kettle was boiling she went hunting for cups, coffee,
sugar, mily and a spoon. She found the cups and took three. Just after finding the cups she found the rest of
the drinks making equipment she was looking for and got them ready, she ran some water into the Daraus’
bowl and took it to him. He soon had his tongue lapping at the water. She crossed back across the lounge and
poured the now boiling water into the three cups and stirred them.
When she offered the staff member his coffee he took it and placed it on the ground beside him. She
carried the remaining two cups across the room and gave one to Sandra.
Sandra took it and sipped at the hot coffee.
She sat down beside her and placed the cup on the table. She took out her tin and loaded her patar and
smoked that instead of rolling a Cambar cigarette. She lent back and was joined by Sandra as she also placed
her cup on the table.
“When Jaboc told us you were adopted, I began to wonder about what your real parents were like and if
they would like the person you’ve become,” said Sandra as Jaboc rolled off the sofa he had stretched out on.
Jaboc woke with a start and quickly looked around the room and then he sat up and shook his head as
he realized what had happened.
The way Jaboc had acted then made Nibs quietly chuckle. “Good morning Jaboc,” she said.
“Oh, good morning ladies,” responded Jaboc whilst turning to see where the voices had come from.
“Did you enjoy yourselves last night, I must apologise for the incident, but at least the outcome was
“Yes thanks,” she replied.
Jaboc stood up and walked towards the bar.
Sandra lent in and whispered in her ear, “I think I know what blue means. Hell Bright is producing a
really powerful blue aura, very similar to the one Amy is producing. Ren has a mid yellow surrounding him.
I wonder if he even knows he’s different. Hell Bright’s is controlled, Ren’s isn’t.”
Paul stretched and as he brought his arms back he hit Amy who was asleep beside him. He sat up after
making sure the blanket didn’t uncover Amy. He looked around and when he saw Nibs and Sandra he smiled
at them.
Daraus then padded towards where Tina and Abs were asleep in each other’s arms and gave then both a
sloppy kiss as a wake up call. They both coughed and spluttered at this. Daraus then walked to each person
asleep and gave each a sloppy kiss before returning to where Nibs and Sandra were sat.
Nibs lent forward and picked up her cup and sat back. She sipped it and blew air over the surface to
cool it. Jaboc walked out and saw everyone walking up and he placed his cup down and headed back behind
the bar. The switch for the kettle was switched on and he took his cup and had a sip. She saw the staff
member stand up and move to give Jaboc a helping hand.
Ten minutes later everyone had a hot coffee in their hands.
Richard had come and sat beside Nibs and Sandra and said, “Your Naj Blades I said I wanted to have a
chat with you about them, can I have a look at one?”
“Yes,” she replied and took one from it’s scabbard and handed it to Richard.
“If what I think is right then these are at least 8,500 years old and may have either been cast by the
Chrometal Dragon the creator of the Tiranna Martial Arts or the Tiranna Martial Arts Grand Master. “
Richard opened the hilt and took a look at the inscriptions. “Red partnered with the gold, green with silver,
black with bronze, blue with brass, white with copper, and the last one,” said Richard quietly. He took out a
small hand held unit, similar to her PDU. He placed the blade across his lap and used the stylus to open
NetViewer. He loaded a page from what she could see off a net server. She looked at the path and it was one
she had never seen before. “Yes, this was the only one I couldn’t identify at ring side but it is, this it the rune
symbol for the Chrometal dragon. Only a very few of these were every made and all of them are Greatest
Rune weapons. They are very powerful weapons. I wish I could help in working out what their abilities are, I
am not sure if I know of, yes I do, Sharra would be a good person to talk to about trying to work them out.”
She nodded as Richard reattached the hilt.
“From what I saw in the ring last night, you had the makings of a Tiranna Master. A brief history
lesson on the Tiranna.”
“Ladies and gents as you are guests of Club Millana may I suggest we head for the canteen and
Nibs and Sandra both stood up and was joined by Richard who handed the short stave back to her. She
re-attached it to its holder and followed everyone out of the VIP lounge.
Outside Richard continued, “The Tiranna Martial Arts have been around for countless millinum and
use to have a school dedicated to each of the ten dragons. Five were metallic and five were Chromatic, and
out of the ten schools a grand master was chosen and became apprenticed to the previous, until the previous
died and the student became the master around 10,000 years ago the then Grand Master died and his female
student became the Grand Master, she took an apprentice and began to teach her the arts of the Tiranna.” He
put emphasis on the word, ‘her’. “Her student was the metamorphosed Chrometal and made three pairs of
Naj Blades. The Grand master has one set, the student had a set and the third disappeared. That is as much as
I know from my own research into it and lessons from my master.”
“Ok, thanks.” She had the look of, ‘This is going to be interesting to look into’.
“Do you know the provincing of them?”
“No, you are the second person to ask me. Darla bought them as my birthday present. I would ask
“Thanks I will.”
After walking for a few minutes through the corridors, Jaboc led them down a ramp that she worked
out would lead them in the basement of the house. The corridor opened in to a very large room with twenty
pairs of long tables, with each table was a pair of benches and between each set was a good three metre gap.
Along the far wall was a barriered off area behind which was rack upon rack of what looked like food,
breakfast foor.
“The Canteen here is self service, free to staff and guests and damn excellent,” said Richard as Jaboc
led the group into the run.
She took one of the trays and asked Richard, “How much can we take?”
“As much as is required,” replied Jaboc as he stood on the other side. He pulled Richard back and
whispered something into his ear. Her hearing picking it up, “Reports from a couple of people are Wacker
Inc are up to something, they are parading a very large body of corporate security and their military.”
Richard stopped and looked wide eyed at him. “Back in a bit,” said Richard and he disappeared after
handing Jaboc his tray. Jaboc took the tray and moved in behind the pair.
“How’s Metzza?” she asked.
“He is ok, sleeping off the fight, from what the doctors say, he’s not happy at all. Surabon saw him first
thing, he just looked at his sleeping body and left with his students, two of Metzza’s friends stayed with him
all night the others were put up in the guest quarters. The doctors will check him over this morning and then
release him.”
Ren led the friends to one of the tables and they sat down. A couple of staff members, both were
wearing the same coloured tops as her lent turned and said, “Nice fight.”
She looked at them in surprise and said, “Thanks.” She sat with Sandra sitting beside her and Daraus
who was under the table. She placed a plate with a couple of sausages on and her water bowl beside her. By
the time she had retrieved her hand the sausages had gone and Daraus was lapping at the water.
A couple of minutes later Richard returned and her PDU started to vibrate and play Delta Ray by
Vizza. She took it out and saw the number was Gary’s phone. She connected the call and said to him, “A bit
early for you isn’t it?”
“And you. No Misty got us up, she heard that Wacker was up to something and me, her and Bee came
down their HQ to take a look.”
“Hang on I’ll put you on speaker phone.” She placed the PDU on the table and pressed the speaker
button and said, “Your on Gary. What can you see?”
“Lots of Wacker security forces and also what I think is their military. They all looked like they are
wearing combat armour and they are look heavily armed.”
Misty’s voice came over the phone, “They have sand bag implacements around the parimeter of the
Headquaters and there is a considerable amount of military vehicles and I think I’ve seen a couple of new
looking CSMRs.”
Richard then said, “Describe them Misty?”
“About 9 maybe 10 metres tall what look like two gun ports on down each side of the chest and it’s left
arm above the hand is what looks like a barrelled weapon of some kind.”
Richard looked at Jaboc as Misty was describing, what she knew to be quite new technology. To her
the CSMRs were the pinicial of combat mobility and fire power. She knew from the specs of the few she had
seen on Digital Systems News when they covered wars and military actions that they pack the equilialant of a
medium tank’s firepower.
The group then heard a bellowed order, “Move to control the Zone. Move out.”
Bee’s voice was heard along with running footsteps, “Here they come.”
The last sound before Gary disconnected was a couple of bikes starting up.
Jaboc stood up and bellowed, “Listen up people, we are Ops level 1 as of now. Get this place ready to
receive Street Ghost refugees and possibly battle casualties.”
Jaboc then turned and said “Ladies and gentlemen, if you would excuse me please.”
“Hell no, you want any helpers,” said Amy and Abs together.
“No your guests,” Jaboc said.
“No we ain’t, we’re Street ghosts and Gangrels first and foremost,” said Tina
“Hell yes we are,” everyone said.

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