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Republic of the Philippines


F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

Name: Cheyselle Anne Altabano Section/Block: BEED-1B


Dyslexia is one of the disabilities that are not visible in the physical appearance.
According to the information I have gathered, many people, including well-known
individuals from throughout the world, have suffered this disability, thus it is not a
particularly uncommon one. Like Ishaan Awasthi in the film Every Child is Special, it is a
learning disability that largely impairs the abilities required for correct and fluent word
reading and spelling.

The show is about a boy with dyslexia and the negativity he receives from those around
him due to the lack of knowledge about what is happening to him. It first focuses on how
his disability affects his education and the reasons why his parents force him to finish
school well. He has difficulty speaking, reading, writing and spelling. He looks
backwards at numbers and letters. What I noticed was his strange behavior that was
actually normal in his situation because of the disability he was experiencing that he
didn't know about. This disability affects his memory, time keeping, concentration and
communication. That's why Ishaan Awasthi is always looking at the window of their
classroom or at his blank paper. Despite what is happening to him, he has a positive
outlook on life and a wide imagination that he applies to drawing or painting. He has a
creative mind and imagination which is why he continues his happy life despite the
problems he is experiencing that no one knows about. But because his father could not
accept Ishaan like that, he was admitted to a school where discipline is the first concern,
so Ishaan felt pressured and exploded. Dyslexia is not an emotional disorder, it can lead
to feelings of anxiety, anger, low self-esteem and depression. So when Ram Shankar
Nikumbh met Ishaan in his difficult situation due to his disability, he helped him
overcome it and patiently taught him from the very basics so that he could follow others.
Ram became the way for everyone to understand Ishaan especially his family. May we
be Ram in the world we live in where we will notice them and not be criticized or
disliked. Let's respect that every child has his own abilities. Most children with dyslexia
can succeed in school with tutoring or a special education program. Emotional support
also plays a big role because just listening to the children's feelings is one of the big
help for them to overcome the test they are experiencing. Although there is no cure for
dyslexia, early assessment and intervention result in the best results.

Having a learning disability does not have to be a disadvantage; the learning style is just
different. Parents and teachers can contribute to the happiness of children with learning
differences. Just trying to make them feel no different from others will be a useful thing.
Always remember to make your child a priority whether they are dyslexic or not, they
need support.

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