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Light: Reflection and Refraction

Q1. Define the principle axis of a concave mirror.
Ans. The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point (F) on its principal axis to
which all the light rays which are parallel and close to the axis, converge after
reflection from the concave mirror.

Q2. The radius of curvature of a spherical mirror is 20 cm. What is its focal
Solution: Given: radius of curvature (R) = 20 cm The focal length of the mirror
is 𝑓
𝑓 = 𝑅/ 2
F= 20/2
F = 10 cm

Q3. Name a mirror that can give an erect and enlarged image of an object.
Ans. The concave mirror can give erect and enlarged image when the object is
placed between pole and focus.

Q4. Why do we prefer a convex mirror as a rear-view mirror in vehicles?

Ans. Convex mirrors give an erect, virtual, full size diminished image of distant
objects. Also, they have a wider field of view as they are curved outwards.
Thus, convex mirrors enable the driver to view a much larger area than would
be possible with a plane mirror.

Q5. Find the focal length of a convex mirror whose radius of curvature is 32
Solution: Given: radius of curvature (R) = 32 cm
The focal length of the convex mirror is 𝑓 = R/ 2
= 32/2
F = 16 cm

Q6. We wish to obtain an erect image of an object, using a concave mirror of

focal length 15 cm. What should be the range of distance of the object from
the mirror? What is the nature of the image? Is the image larger or smaller
than the object? Draw the ray diagram to support your answer.
Ans. We know when an object is placed between the pole(P) and focus(F) from
the concave mirror, the image formed is virtual and erect. So, to obtain erect
image, the object should be placed between pole and focus or between 0 cm
to 15 cm. The image formed will be virtual and enlarged.

Q7. Name the type of mirror used in the following situations. (a) Headlights
of a car. (b) Side/rear-view mirror of a vehicle. (c) Solar furnace.
Situation Mirror Used
Headlights Mirror Concave Mirror
Side/Rear View Mirror Convex Mirror
Solar Furnace Concave Mirror

Q8. An object is placed at a distance of 30cm from the convex mirror of focal
length 15cm. Write four characteristics of image formed by the mirror.
Ans. Four characteristics of the image formed by the given convex mirror are:
a. Virtual
b. Erect
c. Diminished
d. Image is always formed behind the mirror between pole and focus.

Q9. An object is placed at a distance of 12 cm in front of a concave mirror of

radius of curvature 30cm. List four characteristics of the image formed by the
Ans. If Radius of curvature, R= 30cm, object distance is 12cm in front of the
mirror. Thus we can say that the object is placed between pole and focus of a
concave mirror. Four characteristics of the image formed by a concave mirror
when object is placed between pole and focus are:
a. Virtual
b. Erect
c. Enlarged
d. Image is formed behind the mirror

Q10. Name the type of mirrors used in the design of solar furnaces. Explain
how high temperature is achieved by this device?
Ans. Concave mirrors are used to design solar furnaces.
When a solar furnace is placed at the focus of a large concave mirror, it focuses
a parallel beam of light on the furnace. Therefore, a high temperature is
attained at the point after some time.

Q11. List two possible ways in which a concave mirror can produce a
magnified image of an object. Where should the position of the object be
relative to the mirror?
Ans. A concave mirror can produce a magnified image of the object when
object is placed at:
a. In between pole and focus
b. In between its focus and centre of curvature
a. Image formed by a concave mirror when the object is placed between
pole and focus of the concave mirror(Object between P and F)
 Nature of the Image: Virtual and Erect
 Position of the Image: Behind the mirror
 Size: Highly Magnified

b. Image formed by a
concave mirror when the object is placed between Centre of the
curvature and principle focus of the concave mirror(Object between C
and F)
 Nature of the Image: Real and Inverted
 Position of the Image: Beyond Centre of Curvature
 Size: Magnified

Q12. If the image formed by a spherical mirror for all positions of the object
placed in front of it is always erect and diminished, what type of mirror is it?
Draw a labelled ray diagram to support your answer.
Ans. If the image formed by a spherical mirror is always erect and diminished
then it is a convex mirror.

Q13. A concave mirror is used for image formation for different positions of
an object. What inferences can be drawn about the following when an object
is placed at a distance of 10cm from the pole of concave mirror of focal
length 15cm.
a. Position of the image
b. Nature of the image
c. Size of the image
Draw a labelled ray diagram to justify your inferences.
Ans. Given –f = 15cm, u = -10cm
Thus, the object is placed between principle focus and pole of the mirror.
Image formed by a concave mirror when the object is placed between pole
and focus of the concave mirror(Object between P and F)
 Nature of the Image: Virtual and Erect
 Position of the Image: Behind the mirror
 Size: Highly Magnified

Q14. Draw a ray diagram to

show the path of reflected ray in each of the following:
a. When an object is placed between focus and pole of a concave mirror.
b. When an object is placed at focus of a concave mirror.

Ans. a. When an object is placed between

focus and pole of a concave mirror.
 Nature of the Image: Virtual and Erect
 Position of the Image: Behind the mirror
 Size: Highly Magnified
c. When an object is placed at
focus of a concave mirror.
 Nature of the Image: Real
and Inverted
 Position of the Image: At the
 Size: Highly Magnified

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