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Nama Mahasiswa : William

NIM Mahasiswa : 043717601
UPBJJ : Batam

Export and import are vital components of international trade, and they play a
crucial role in determining a country's economic health. In a country with a healthy
economy, there is typically a balance between exports and imports. This means that
the country exports goods and services that are in demand by other countries while
simultaneously importing goods and services that are needed to support its own

One example of a country that has a healthy economy with a strong balance
between exports and imports is Germany. Germany is one of the world's leading
exporters, with a strong emphasis on high-quality manufactured goods. At the same
time, Germany also imports various goods and services to support its economy, such
as oil, natural gas, and raw materials. This balance of exports and imports has
enabled Germany to maintain a robust and stable economy over the years.

Another example of a country with a healthy economy that demonstrates a strong

balance between exports and imports is Singapore. Singapore is a major exporter of
electronics, chemicals, and other high-value goods, while also importing various raw
materials and other goods to support its economy. Singapore has been able to
maintain a healthy balance between exports and imports, which has contributed to
its robust economic growth and stability over the years.

In conclusion, a healthy economy is characterized by a strong balance between

exports and imports. Countries that have achieved this balance, such as Germany
and Singapore, have been able to maintain stable and robust economies. It is crucial
for policymakers to carefully manage the trade policies and relationships with other
countries to ensure that the balance between exports and imports is maintained to
support the country's economic growth and stability.

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