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Created by: Kamini Wall
Muscles of the scapular
Muscles of the scapular – anterior view

Nerve: Subscapularis
Action: Medially
Muscles of the scapular – posterior view

Nerve: Suprascapular
1. Supraspinatus
Action: Abduction

Nerve: Suprascapular
2. Infraspinatus
Action: Laterally rotates

Nerve: Axillary
3. Teres Minor
Action: Laterally rotates

Nerve: Subscapular
4. Teres Major
Action: Medially rotates

Supraspinatus I
Nerve: Suprascapular Infraspinatus
Action: Abduction Nerve: Suprascapular T
Action: Laterally rotates Teres Minor
Nerve: Axillary
Action: Laterally rotates
Nerve: Subscapularis
Action: Medially rotates
Muscles of the back and neck
Muscles of the back – superficial view

Nerve: Accessory
Action: Elevates, depress, laterally
rotates scapula

Nerve: Axillary
2. Deltoid
Action: Abducts

Nerve: Thoracodorsal 3. Latissimus

Action: Adduction, extension dorsi
Muscles of the back – superficial view cont’d

Nerve: Dorsal scapular

Action: Elevate scapula
4. Levator scapulae

5. Rhomboid
Nerve: Dorsal scapular minor
Action: Adducts the scapula
6. Rhomboid major
Intrinsic back muscles - superficial

Action: act together to extend head, act

1. Splenius capitis singularly to laterally flex, or rotate head
to the same side

Action: act together to extend vertebral

2. Splenius Cervicis column, act singular to laterally flex or
rotate vertebral column to the same side
Intrinsic back muscles – intermediate

1. Splenalis

2. Longissimus: thoracic,
cervicis and capitis

3. Iliocostals
Intrinsic back muscles - deep

1. Semisplenalis capitis Nerve: Spinal nerves

Action: Extends and contralaterally

2. Semisplenalis rotates the head and vertebral
thoracis column

Nerve: Spinal nerves

3. Multifidus
Action: Stabilizes the vertebral
Muscles of the pectoral region
Muscles of the pectoral region

Nerve: Medial pectoral

1. Pectoralis minor
Action: Abducts scapula

Nerve: Long thoracic

2. Serratus Anterior
Action: Retracts and lateral rotation of the scapula
Muscles of the pectoral region

1. Pectoralis major
Nerve: Lateral and medial pectoral

Action: Flexes, adducts and medially

rotates arm

2. Serratus Anterior
Clinical Relevance

S Serratus

A Anterior

L Long

T Thoracic

Winged Scapula:
injury to long thoracic nerve
Muscles of the upper limb
Muscles of the Arm – Anterior Compartment

Action: Arm flexion

1. Coracobrachialis
and adduction

Action: Flexion of
2. Biceps brachii shoulder and elbow,

3. Brachialis Action: Flexion

Muscles of the Arm – Posterior Compartment

1. Triceps brachi

Extension of shoulder and elbow

Nerve: Radial
Muscles of the forearm – Superficial anterior Compartment
Action: Flex, Supinate, Pronate
1. Brachioradialis
Nerve: Radial

2. Pronator teres Action: Pronates

3. Flexor carpi radialis
Flex and adducts wrist (radially)
4.Palmaris longus Action: Flexes wrist Median

5. Flexor digitorum Action: Flexes the proximal

superficialis interphalangeal joint

Action: Flex and adducts (ulnar

6. Flexor carpi ulnaris deviation) wrist
Nerve: Ulnar
Muscles of the forearm – Deep Anterior Compartment
1. Supinator Action: Supinate
Nerve: Radial

Flexes distal interphalangeal
2. Flexor digitorum joint
Nerve: Median & Ulnar

3. Flexor pollicis longus
Flex thumb
4.Pronator quadratus Action: Pronate
Muscles of the forearm – Superficial Posterior Compartment

1. Extensor carpi ulnaris longus

2. Extensor carpi ulnaris brevis

3. Extensor digitorium

4. Extensor carpi ulnaris Nerve: Radial

5. Extensor digiti minimi

6. Abductor pollicis longus

7. Extensor pollicis brevis

Muscles of the forearm – Deep Posterior Compartment

1. Supinator

2. Anconeus

3. Abductor pollicis longus

Nerve: Radial
4. Extensor pollicis longus

5. Extensor indicis

6. Extensor pollicis brevis

Muscles of the hand – superficial view

Ulnar nerve
Median nerve
3. Adductor pollicis
1. Abductor pollicis
5. Abductor digiti
2. Flexor pollicis minimi
6. Flexor digiti minimi

Median & Ulnar


Muscles of the hand – Deep view

Median nerve Ulnar nerve

4.Abductor digiti
1. Opponens pollicis

2. Adductor pollicis 5. Flexor digiti minimi


6. Opponens digiti
Ulnar nerve minimi

3. Dorsal interossei 7. Palmar interossei

Muscles of the abdominal region
Muscles of the abdomen – right anterolateral superficial view

1. External oblique
Action: Flex trunk
2. Rectus abdominis Nerve: Segmental ventral rami
Muscles of the abdomen – right anterolateral deep view

2. Internal oblique

1. Internal intercostals 3. Traverse abdominis

Action: depresses upper rib Action: Flex trunk

Nerve: Segmental ventral
Nerve: Intercostal nerve rami
Muscles of the Thorax for Breathing

Which structures pass through the diaphragm? Which nerves supplies the diaphragm?

Inferior Vena Cava I

T8 ate (eight)
T10 ten
Esophagus eggs
Phrenic nerve C3, C4, C5
Aorta at
3,4,5 keeps the diaphragm alive
T12 twelve

IVC at T8, Esophagus at T10,

Aorta at T12
Muscles of the hips
Muscles of the hip – anterior view

1. Psoas minor
2. Psoas major
Action: flexes thigh and trunk

Nerve: Anterior rami lumbar

3. Iliacus
Action: flexes hip

Nerve: Femoral nerve

4. Tensor fasciae latae

Action: abduct and flexes
Nerve: superior gluteal
Muscles of the hip - gluteal region posterior superficial view

1. Gluteus maximus

Action: extends and rotates thigh


Nerve: Inferior gluteal nerve

Muscles of the hip - gluteal region posterior deep view

1.Gluteus medius

2. Gluteus minimus

3. Piriformis

4. Superior gamellus

5. Obturator internus

6. Inferior gamellus

7. Quadratus femoris

8. Adductor minimus
Muscles of the gluteal region – posterior deep view
Muscle Action Nerve

1 & 2. Gluteus medius Abducts, and rotates thigh medially Superior gluteal
& minimus
Sacral Spinal
3. Piriformis

Nerve to
4. Superior gamellus
Abducts and Obturator
5. Obturator internus laterally rotates
6. Inferior gamellus Nerve to quadratus
7. Quadratus femoris
Laterally rotates
Muscles of the thigh
Muscles of the thigh – anterior view

5. Vastus
1. Sartorius intermedius

2. Pectineus 6. Vastus lateralis

3. Adductor longus 7. Vastus medialis

4. Rectus femoris 8. Gracilis

Muscles of the thigh – anterior compartment

Muscle Action Nerve

Rectus Femoris Flex thigh and extend leg

Vastus Intermedius

Vastus lateralis Extend leg Femoral

Vastus medialis

Sartorius Flexion of hip & leg

Muscles of the thigh – posterior view

1. Adductor minimis

3. Semitendinosus
4. Biceps femoris
5. Semimembranosus 2. Adductor magnus

Action: Adduct
Action: Extend thigh, flex leg
Nerve: Obturator & Sciatic
Nerve: Sciatic
Muscles of the thigh – posterior compartment

Muscle Action Nerve

Biceps femoris

Extends thigh, Sciatic

Semitendinosus Flex leg

Muscles of the leg
Muscles of the leg – anterior compartment

1. Extensor digitorium Actions:

longus Dorsiflexion, Extension of toes

2. Tibialis anterior
Dorsiflexion & Inversion
Deep fibular
3. Fibularis tertius Action:
Dorsiflexion, Eversion

4. Extensor hallucis
Action: Dorsiflexion
Muscles of the leg – lateral compartment

1. Fibularis longus
Action: Eversion
2. Fibularis brevis
Nerve: Superficial
Muscles of the leg – posterior compartment
1. Plantaris Action: Plantar flex the foot, flex leg

2. Gastrochnemius Action: Plantar flexion

3. Popliteus Action: flex leg, medially rotate tibia

4. Soleus Action: Plantar flexion

5. Tibialis posterior Action: Plantar flexion, Inversion

6. Flexor digitorium Action: Plantar flexion, flexion of the

longus toes

7. Flexor hallucis longus Action: Flexion of big toe

All are innervated by the Tibial nerve

Muscles of Mastication
Muscles of Mastication

1. Temporalis : elevates and retracts

the mandible

2. Masseter: elevates mandible

3. Lateral pterygoid: depresses and

protracts mandible

4. Medial pterygoid: elevates and

protracts mandible

Trigeminal nerve
Muscles of Facial Expression
Muscles of facial expression

Innervated by Facial nerve Oculomotor nerve

Frontalis Levator
Orbicularis oculi superioris
Zygomaticus minor
Clinical Relevance:
Zygomaticus major Bell’s Palsy – loss of
innervation of the facial
Levator anguli oris nerve

Depresor anguli oris

Orbicularis oris
Muscles of the anterior neck
Muscles of the anterior neck

1. Thyrohyoid 3. Omohyoid

4. Sternohyoid
2. Sternothyroid

Responsible for moving the larynx during
swallowing and speaking

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