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1Academic English (PEN0065)

Trimester 2, 2022/2023 (T2220)

Reading Project (30%) /30

Student ID: 1211108271
Faculty: FCI
(example FOE/ FCI)
Section: FCI6
(example FE01/ FCI5)


1. Their proposal drew bitter criticism in the fraught debate over transgender 3 marks

2. The policy proposed by the Women's Sports Policy Working Group is to 2 marks
lobby for federal legislation requiring transgender girls and women, in high
school sports and above, to suppress testosterone for at least one year before
competing against other girls and women. They also suggest accommodations
such as separate races, podiums, or teams for transgender girls in high school
who do not suppress testosterone.

3. The Women's Sports Policy Working Group portrays their proposals as a 3 marks
science-based compromise between right-wing politicians seeking wholesale
bans of transgender athletes and transgender activists advocating for full
inclusion. They position their proposals as a way to ensure equal
opportunities for girls and women in sports, considering biological
differences between males and females.
4. Transgender women in college sports are required to undergo one year of 1 mark
hormone therapy before competing against other women.

5. the main idea of paragraph 8 is to tells the readers that those online petitions 1 mark
needs to be heard to avoid injustice to many women athletes that compete
against transgender women unfairly.

6. The word 'her' in line 78 refers to Terry Miller, a transgender girl who 1 mark
participated in high school track and field events.
7. After puberty, transgender girls and women who have gone through male 4 marks
levels of testosterone may experience physical advantages in sports, such as
increased height, strength, muscle mass, and other physiological factors that
affect athleticism.


8. a) Opinion: The statement reflects the views and accusations made by 4 marks
transgender and women's equality activists, which may vary depending on
one's perspective and beliefs.
b) Opinion: The statement presents the viewpoint of some individuals who
question whether the Women's Sports Policy Working Group fully considered
the impact of their policies on transgender girls' lives. It is based on their
perspective and concerns.
c) Fact: The statement provides information about the number of states that
currently prohibit transgender girls from competing in high school sports.
d) Fact: The statement presents data from a 2019 CDC report about the
percentage of high school students who identify as transgender, indicating it
as a factual statistic.

9. a) Pioneers 4 marks
b) Prohibit
c) Universal
d) Debate

10. i. In my opinion, the author intended audience is to all the public as it gives 3 marks
people exposure about the debate, viewpoints and opinions about transgender
rights in women sports championships.
ii. The support from the text can be found that the article focusing into the
details of the proposals, reactions, and controversies surrounding the issue of
transgender athletes in sports. This indicates that the author is addressing
individuals who are interested in or involved in the debate over transgender
rights in women's sports championships. Additionally, various perspectives
and arguments from different sources, making that the author aims to provide
a good understanding of the topic to the intended audience achieved.
11. i. In my opinion, the author tone in paragraph 10 is natural and very 4 marks
ii. The author presents information about the concerns and debates
surrounding transgender athletes without expressing and writing personal
opinions or biases. The paragraph focuses only on the different viewpoints of
those involved, without favouring one side over the other. This neutrality in
presenting the information indicates an objective tone.

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