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Strong acid scouring with a strong base, sodium hydrochloric acid, with sodium hydroxide

Experiment tools:- 1)Sodium hydroxide solution. 2) Burette. 3) pipette. 4) Erlenmeyer

.flask. 5) The evidence is a Ph.D

How it works: 1- Fill the burette with a solution of hydrochloric acid, a known concentration
0N.1. 2- Take with the pipette 01 ml of dideroxynide sodium NAOH, the articulated flask
cone. 3- Add two drops of the directory 4- Concentration and until the change of
red-pink red loo. 5- Repeat the experiment above, one or three times. 6- Find the average
size of the acid needed to calibrate the known volume of the solution of unknown
concentration. 7- Calculate the concentration of the sodium dideroxide solution from the
sweeping law. Calculations: Strong acid sweeping with a strong base, hydraulic acid with
sodium hydrochloric acid. Titration of hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide NHCL * V HCL

Introduction: This experiment aims to determine the concentration of sodium hydroxide

solution by calibrating it with a solution of acid according to the hydrochloric equation of
known concentration. The following: NaOH + HCL NaCl + H2O, and at the end point, the
mean Is neutral, and using phenolphthalein guide, its color at this point changes from pink
.red, base to colorless In acidic medium

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