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business concern. What does this imply?


U5 Dominos offered ‘Vrat Special Menu’ during navratras to attract the Indian customers with 1
CHAPTER-1(NATURE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF MANAGEMENT) pizza cooked without onion and garlic. Which feature of management is highlighted above?
U6 “There is no restriction on anyone being appointed or designated as a manager of any 1
DATE OF DISTRIBUTION: - DATE OF SUBMISSION: - business unit.” What aspect of nature of management does this statement indicate?
U7 17. Vaughan garments target to produce 10000 shirts per month at a cost of 150 each per 1
S.N. Knowledge Based MK month. But the production manager could achieve this target at a cost of 160 per shirt. Do
K1 1. Define management? 1 you think the production manager is effective? Give reasons for your answer?
K2 2. Name the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals 1 U8 18. To meet the objectives of the firm, the, management of BHAVYA LTD. Offers employment 1
working together in groups efficiently accomplish selected aims? to physically challenged persons. Identify the organisational objective it is trying to achieve.
K3 3. What is the difference between Effectiveness and Efficiency? 1 U9 Which aspects of management unify the effort of various units of organisation? 1
K4 Name the function of management which coordinates the physical, financial and human 1 U10 Management has to see that tasks are completed and goals are achieved with the least 1
resources and establishes productive relations among them for the achievement of amount of resources at a minimum cost.” Identify the two related concepts of
specific goals? management.
K5 How does coordination ensure unity of action? 1 U11 Ms Efficient is the manager of the northern division of a large corporate house. At what 1
What do you mean by Functional Empire? (1/2+1/2) level does she work in the organisation and what is her basic function?
K6 4. ‘Management is a set of functions’ Explain? 1 Manu is the in charge of the Northern Division of a large corporate house. State any two 1
K7 5. Which function of management comes after planning but before directing and controlling? 1 functions he needs to perform at this level of management.
K8 6. It is about finding the right people at right job. Name the function of management? 1 U12 Which levels of managers are responsible for coordination? State. 1
K9 Why is management considered as a group activity? U13 19. Your brother is working as plant superintendent at what level does him working and state 3
K10 7. Management is considering as an intangible force, comment? 1 functions which he is performing?
K11 8. Which function helps in deciding right person at right place? 1 U14 “In the absence of management, the productive resources will remain resources and shall 3
K12 9. Which functions compares the actual and measured performance? 1 never become production’ explain the importance in the light of above statement.
K13 10. What do you mean by levels of management? 3 U15 20. Your brother is working as sales manager at what level does him working and state 3
K14 11. “Management is multidimensional” Explain? 3 functions which he is performing?
K15 12. “Management aims at effectiveness and efficiency” explain? 3 U16 21. Mr. Yakut has retired as the vice chairman of PQR LMT. At what level of management is he 3
K16 Explain the social objectives of management? 3 working? Explain any three functions that he is performing?
K17 Explain the organizational objectives of management? 3 S. No. Application
K18 Explain the personal objectives of management? 3 A1 Sehaj is a well-known businessman in the hospitality industry. He owns three restaurants by 3
K19 Name at least three designations each level of management? 3 the name of Food Forever. He owes the success of his business to his own education in the
K20 “Management is a trinity of art, science and profession” explain? 3 field of Hotel Management and his team of certified chefs. Therefore he decides to send his
K21 Which level is known as the operative management in the organization and why? 3 daughter abroad to acquire a degree in Business Management. He feels that all over the
world, there is a marked growth in management as a discipline.
K22 13. Is management becoming a profession? Discuss in the light of emerging trend. 4
A. Explain the reason why Sehaj considers management as a discipline?
K23 14. “Lack of proper management results in wastage of time, money and efforts” in the light of 4
B. Critically examine any two reasons because of which management is not
this statement, Explain any four points of importance of management?
considered to be a full-fledged profession.
S. No. Understanding Based
A2 GOVINDA LTD. Is a highly reputed company. Different functions are performed by different 3
U1 Which function bridges a gap between present and future? 1
individual in this company, who are bound together in hierarchy of relationships. Every
U2 Satyam garments target is to produce 10,000 shirts per month at a cost of Rs. 200 per shirt. 1
individual in the hierarchy for successful completion of a particular task. MR. GAURANGA is
The production manager could achieve this target at a cost of Rs. 240 shirt. Do you think
responsible for the welfare and survival of the organisation. He formulates overall
production manger is effective? Give reason in support of your answer.
organisational goals and strategies for their achievement. MR. MRITYUNJAI ensures that
U3 15. Dominos pizza keeps introducing new variety of pizza in its menu. Which characteristics of 1
quality of output is, maintained, wastage of material is minimised and safety standards are
management represent this act?
maintained. MR. RAMNATH assigns necessary duties and responsibilities to the personnel
U4 16. In today’s scenario, organisations look for individuals with specific qualifications and 1 and motivates them to achieve desired objectives.
experience to manage them. It has also been observed that there has been an increase in At what levels of management are MR. GURANGA, MR. MRITYUNJAI, and MR. RAMANTH
the corporate form of the business. There has been increasing emphasis on managed workings in GOVINDA LTD? Justify your answers.
A3 The Area Manager of Zonox Ltd was facing lot of criticism from his superiors as his team 3 A8 Wardrobe India Limited is a chain of ladies garments boutiques where most of the work is 6
was failing continuously in achieving target sales. On analysing the problem, he found that done manually. Due to coming of international brands in India, the company is finding it
there was lack of proper understanding between the production and sales department. He difficult to compete on two fronts –finishing and embroidery work. The production
immediately called a meeting of both the department heads and discussed the problems manager realized that without modern machines it will not be possible for them to survive
with them. He also explained them that success can only be achieved by means of team for long. The company purchased new hi-tech modern machines from Germany. During the
efforts and so it is necessary for them to discuss each other before taking any decision as production process, the manager observed that the quality of production is not as per
same will ensure better result. standard and very often production is disrupted due to break-down of machineries. The
Identify and explain the feature of the aspect of the management discussed in the above workers get frustrated by continuous rejection of output and started showing resistance
discussion. towards new technology. To increase the efficiency of the workers, the company decided to
A4 Neel after completing his MBA from a reputed institution started his own publishing house. 3 train their workers on –the-job under the able guidance of specialists. The workers who are
In a few years his business was well established and successful which he owes to his team able to pick the skills are promoted and made in charge of the not so trained groups. This
of certified management consultants and his own education in business management. He created positive impact and everyone became keen to learn. Suggestions from the workers
feels that all over the world there is a marked growth in management as a discipline but are valued and workers are encouraged to communicate freely.
there a still a scope for it to develop into a fully fledged profession. Identify and explain the importance of management highlighted above by quoting the lines.
In view of the above, critically examine the various reasons considering management as a S.No. Value Based
profession. VBQ1 Karko LTD. is manufacturing detergents. They decide to launch a new range of herbal 3
A5 Monu, a popular student of Class XI of a Public school, was made head of the team for 3 Products. As they are in a hurry, they have tested products on animals only.
organizing farewell. Monu was asked to ensure that all team members perform the tasks The necessary information is missing on the package. The management also plans to
assigned to them well in time so that there is no confusion, no gaps and no conflicts. Piku, start a new factory in a tribal area where the required are raw materials easily available
Monu’s best friend, was given the task of food arrangements. Piku, asked Monu to do some and the labour(men, women and children) are available for work at low
of food arrangements but Monu denied him, saying that he is too busy. Piku was wages in the absence of development opportunities and schools.
disappointed. Monu kept on making phone calls for ensuring synchronization and a) Which values do you find disturbing in the above Para?
integration of tasks performed by the team members. In anger, Piku complained of Monu 23. b) As a company what are the objectives that the company followed and what objectives
to the class teacher that Monu was not doing anything: did management ignore?
a) Which aspect of management is being performed by Monu? VBQ2 X Ltd. Company’s target is 5,000 units in a year. To achieve the target the manager has to 4
b) Discuss the significance of concept identified in part (a). operate on double shifts due to power failure most of the time. The manager is able to
A6 IN AKS LTD. Under SALES MANAGER -RAM, there are five sales people working. Among 4 produce 5,000 units but at a higher production cost.
them one is women. Those three men always try to foster male chauvinism in the A) Is manager an effective and efficient manager? Define the same
department by not coordinating with female manager; Ram observes this and takes B) Which values do you find disturbing in the Para?
appropriate steps to integrate efforts for both male and female. VBQ3 XYZ power ltd. set up a factory for manufacturing solar lanterns in a remote village as there 4
1. Which characteristic of coordination is highlighted above? Name and explain the was no reliable supply of electricity in rural areas. The revenue earned by the company was
characteristic referred here. sufficient to cover the cost and the risk. The demand for the lanterns was increasing day by
2. By ensuring coordination, which value is automatically fosters by Ram? day, so the company decided to increase production to generate higher sales. For this they
3. Which management phase is implied here? decided to employ people from the nearby villages as very few job opportunities were
A7 Sushi is running a business enterprise producing handloom and handicraft products in 4 available in that area. The company also decided to open schools crèches for the children of
Maharashtra under the name ‘Fabmart Enterprises’. He has employed 1,000 craftsmen and its employees.
artisans in his firm. The basic reason for its existence is to produce those handicraft items  Identify and explain the objectives of management discussed above.
which have a market demand & are reasonably priced. He performs all the functions of  State any two values which the company wanted to communicate to the society.
management all the time with the help of his managers. He is working with a team of VBQ4 Nisha is the marketing manager of a company selling laptops. She plans to target sales of 4
individuals who have diverse needs and goals. He along with his marketing experts 2000 laptops per month. She allocates necessary resources to carry out the plan. She has
conducts market survey to know the tastes and preferences of consumers. Thus he adapts six salesmen working under her. She works with them guiding and motivating them to
to changing environment and produces goods according to the needs of the customers. The achieve the target sales. At the end of the month after comparison of actual sales with the
employees working in his firm are happy and satisfied, and there is orderliness instead of target sales, she found that Actual sales exceed the target sales. She rewards the efficient
chaos. employees to motivate them.
22. Identify any five features of management from the above Para. Also quote lines that denote  How does Nisha improve the importance of management? Explain.
these features.  Also state any two values which she wants to communicate to the society by her
behavior. employees are always the maximum. We should, therefore, pay all our attention to their
VBQ5 Narayan Computers Ltd. is a leading company in Computer Technology and IT services. The 4 feelings. It is important for us to insure what they want.
Chief Executive Officer of the company attributes the success of the Company to its Thus, by expressing their views all the three realized their responsibilities towards the
managerial team spirit, which have helped to handle rapid changes in technologies and to company, society and employees.
transform threats into opportunities. Like any other business enterprise profits are a) Around which concept of management does the above discussion revolve?
important for survival and growth of Narayan Computers Ltd. The management of the b) State which aspects of the concept identified wide point (a) has been touched
company believes that a satisfied employee creates a satisfied customer, who in turn by the three managers?
creates profits that leads to satisfied shareholders. The company has a strong sense of S.No Evaluation based (MULTI- DISCIPLINARY)
social responsibility. It as set up many educational institutions in the field of management, MDC127. Shreya is a branch manager at ZARA a popular brand for designer clothes. She performs 3
engineering and computer education in which half of the students are girls. On the basis of several different tasks in a single day. Sometimes she spends more time in planning a future
the given information about Narayan Computers Ltd. answer the following questions: exhibition and sometimes in sorting an employee’s problem.
(a) Identify and explain the objectives of the company discussed in the above para. Also 28. 1. At what level of management does SHREYA work in this organisation?
quote the lines for the identified objectives. 29. 2. What characteristic feature of management is highlighted in the above Para? Explain.
(b) Identify any two values which the company is trying to communicate to the society. MDC2 Alia Enterprises, a company was initially producing grinders and mixers. Now, with the 4
S.No HOTS changing scenario and emerging trends of working women there is a greater demand for a
H1 24. What is meant by balancing in coordination? 1 product which is more efficient and a multi-taker. On analyzing the situation, the company
H2 25. “Every organisation whether it is business or non-business should use environmental 4 decided to penetrate into the market for producing Food Processor.
friendly methods of production, give employment opportunities and provide basic a) Which feature of management is highlighted here?
amenities like school and crèches too employees” name and explain the objective indicated b) Which level of management will take this decision?
here MDC3 Robin is working as the CEO of Jargon Ltd. Robin wants that its company should earn 4
H3 26. “Coordination acts as a common thread in the garland of functions of management”? 4 revenue which could cover its cost as well as risk of the business. The company is having
comment shortage of two employees as some of its employees have retired. Company wanted to
H4 A garment making company was doing very well as it was established by four IIM 6 have a reliable person so CEO has told some of his employees to suggest someone who is
professionals who had created a satisfied work force? Due to difference of opinion, three of known to them.
them left the organisation. The company was restructured; the new management wanted (i)Identify the objective of management highlighted above.
to extract maximum work from the employees and failed to give them any space for mutual (ii)Name two steps of one of the functions of management which are followed by CEO of
interaction to develop good social relationship amongst them. This led to fall in the this company.
organisational performance. (iii)Also suggest the next two steps which are required by CEO in the above function of
a. Identify the area where the change is required to bring back the performance of management.
employees. MDC4 The management of VRINDA LTD. Strongly believes that the members of the organisation 6
b. State it’s any five features should work towards fulfilling the common organisational goals. This requires team work
H5 ABC publications Ltd. publish quality books on various subjects. According to the scheme of 6 and integration of efforts of all individuals, departments and specialists, this is because all
the company those employees who give standardised performance will be sent on a free the individuals and departments and specialists. This is because all perform their respective
foreign trip for a week. Three managers of a company namely Ayush Soni, Manoj Gupta, activities. Managers need to reconcile differences in approach, timings, efforts or interest.
and Amandeep Singh got lucky chance this year. All the three managers went on a foreign At the same time it should enable all its members to grow and develop. Thus there is need
trip. During the visit, although they were in pleasure mood yet they remained closely to harmonize individual goals and organisational goals.
associated with the company. One evening they were busy in discussing as to what they can 1. Identify the concept of management discussed above.
do, as managers, for the company and the society. Their opinions in this respect were as 2. State any three features of the concept identified in part (A)
under: 3. Identify and explain the characteristic of management which is reflected form the
Ayush Soni opinion: It is our duty to us the company that has offered us jobs to do above Para.
something to keep it alive for a long period, to develop it and enable it to earn profit MDC530. SANJANA is the branch manager of ABC handicrafts PVT. LTD. The company’s objective is to 6
continuously. promote the sales of Indian handloom and handicrafts product. It sell fabrics, furnishing,
Manoj Gupta was of the view that we all, including the company, live in the society. As ready mates and household items are made out of traditional Indian fabrics, SANJANA
such, we must take full care of health and safety of the society. Not only that, it is also our decides quantities, variety, colour and texture of all the above items and then allocates
duty to supply good quality products at cheap rates to the general public. resources for their purchase form different suppliers. She appoints a team of designers and
In the end, Amandeep Singh remarked that in running the organization, contributions of the crafts people in the company, who developed some prints for bed covers in bright colours
of silk. Although they look very impressive, they were more expensive than they had management that has been ignored by Mita. Also explain the same with the help of an
planned to sell. Average customer could not afford to buy it. Praising their efforts, SANJANA example.
suggested that they should keep the silk bed covers for special occasions like Diwali, CBSE ‘Science is a systematized body of knowledge that explains certain general truths or the 3
Christmas, and offer the cotton bed covers on regular basis to keep cost under control. 10 operation of general laws.’ In the light of this statement, describe management a science.
31. Identify the functions of management which SANJANA performs by quoting the lines from OR
the above PARA. Management is a complex activity that has three main dimensions. Explain these
S.NO. CBSE 2014-15. dimensions.
CBSE 1 What is meant by ‘efficiency’ in management? 1 S.NO. CBSE 2019-20
CBSE 2 How does management help in achieving personal objectives? State. 1 Business studies exam not conducted because of Lockdown and increased number of
S.NO. CBSE 2015-16. corona cases.
CBSE 3 Management is a process of getting things done. State the meaning of the term process 1 S.NO. CBSE 2020-21
used in the statement?
CBSE 4 Explain any 4 points of importance of management? 3
CBSE 5 Explain any four characteristics of management. 6
CBSE 6 Ashutosh Goenka was working in Axe Ltd, a company manufacturing air purifiers. He found 3 1. What is meant by management?
out that the profits have started declining from the last six months. Profit has an 2. Name the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals working
implication for the survival of the firm, so he analyzed the business environment to find out together in groups efficiently accomplish selected aims?
the reasons for this decline 3. Name the process of working with and through others to effectively achieve organizational
A. Identify the level of management at which Ashutosh was working. objectives by efficiently using limited resources in the changing environment?
B. State three other functions beings performed by Ashutosh. 4. Define management in the terms of its function?
S.NO. CBSE 2017-18. 5. Which functions of managements relates to assign duties, grouping tasks, establishing authority
CBSE 7 Saurabh decided to start a chocolates manufacturing business. He set the target of earning 1 and allocating resources required to carry out a specific plan?
10% profit on sales in the first year. As a good businessman, he was concerned about the 6. Which function of management is concerned with finding the right people for right job?
future of the business, which was uncertain. He gathered information that the demand for 7. What is meant by efficiency?
chocolates is increasing day-by-day. He used this information as the base for future 8. What is meant by effectiveness?
planning and shared it with his team. On the basis of the gathered information, he 9. What is the main focus of management?
scheduled a meeting in the following week to find innovative ways to achieve the 10. What is meant by “being effective and ignoring efficiency”?
objectives. List the first two steps, which have been followed by Saurabh that are related to 11. Why management is concerned with the efficient use of resources?
the process of one of the functions of management. 12. “Management is the process of getting things done to achieve goals effectively and efficiently”.
CBSE 8 What is meant by co-ordination? State it’s any four features. 5 What does the term “process” mean in the definition?
S.NO. CBSE 2018-19. 13. Why management is a group activity?
CBSE 9 Mita has a successful ice cream business at Bikaner, namely ‘Smart flavours’. Her ice creams 3 14. Why is management a pervasive function?
are utterly delicious. She makes ice creams from fresh milk and the same are available in a 15. Management of people involves two dimensions. Enumerate them.
wide range of flavours and packs. She sets viable business objectives and works with the 16. Management of an organization strives to attain different objectives. Enumerate any two such
same in mind in order to ensure that the customers will come back for purchasing. Having objectives.
the first mover advantage, her business was doing well. To earn higher profits, she started 17. To meet the objectives of the firm, the management of bhavya ltd. Offers employment to
cutting costs. This would sometimes lead to delay in delivery and the ice cream was not physical challenged persons. Identify the management objectives trying to achieve.
reaching the market in time. Over a period of time, the demand for her ice cream declined 18. Why is profit essential as an organizational objective of management?
and because of it the competitors entered the market. She lost some of her market share to 19. A business needs to add to its prospectus in the long run. Identify the organizational objective
competitors. At the beginning of summer season, she got back to back orders for supply of highlighted by this.
4,000 ice cream packs of different flavours for special occasions. To ensure that the task 20. Name any two indicators of growth of business.
was completed and orders delivered in time she hired additional workers. She was, thus 21. One of the objectives of management is to consistently create economic value for various
able to produce and deliver the ice cream packs but at a high production cost. While constituents of the society. Give two example of this objective.
completing activities and finishing the given task for achieving goals, Mita realized that she 22. List any two organizational objective of the management?
was ignoring one of the important aspects of management. Identify the aspects of 23. List any two personal objective of management.
24. Name any two needs of the employees which are to be fulfilled by the management. 57. Harshil enterprise limited manufactures tea. The production department produces more of tea
25. Management helps in achieving group goals. How? then required and sales department is not able to sell the total production. What quality of
26. How does management increase efficiency? management do you think the company is lacking?
27. Why does management help people to adapt environmental changes? 58. What is the purpose of coordination?
28. Management helps in development of society. How? 59. D/W coordination and cooperation?
29. How does management helps individual to develop team spirit, cooperation and commitment to 60. State role of different functions of management?
group success? Chapter 1: Introduction to Management
30. Name the level of management?
31. Name two designation of operational management? ―Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals
32. Two designation of middle management? working together in groups efficiently accomplish selected aims."
33. Your uncle is servant as foremen in a factory. At what level of management he is working?
34. What gives rise to different level of management in the organization? 1. Match the following:
35. What is basic task of top level management?
a. Management is goal oriented i. A petrol pump needs to be managed, so
36. Name the level of management who analyze business environment and its implication for the
survival of the firm? Does a school, an army and a house.
37. Name the level of management who is responsible for all activities of first line management?
38. At which level of management are the managers responsible for maintaining quality of output
and safety standards?
39. Name the level of managers at which the managers are responsible for implementing and b. Management is all pervasive ii.The effect of management is noticeable
controlling the plans and strategies of organization?
40. At which level of management the managers are responsible for the welfare and survival of the when the targets are met and employees
41. A manager applies the various theories of management in his unique personalized way. What Are happy.
aspect of nature of management does this statement indicates?
42. How can art of management be acquired?
43. “A good manager is born, not made”. Do you agree?
44. “Management is a systematic body of knowledge that explains certain general truths.” What c. Management is multi iii. Management unites the effort of different
nature of management is highlighted here? dimensional Individuals to achieve the common goals.
45. Management is an inexact science. Why?
46. What is the true nature of management?
47. Management as an art and science are not mutually exclusive but complementary. How?
48. There has been an increase in the corporate form of business and increasing emphasis on d. Management is continuous iv. An organization interacts constantly with
managed business concern. What does it imply?
49. There is no restriction on anyone being appointed or designated as a manager of any business Its external environment to update itself.
enterprise. What aspects of management as a profession does this statement indicate?
50. Give any two features of profession that are satisfied by management.
51. Give any two features of profession that are partly or partly satisfied by the management.
52. What is the name of professional association for managers? e. Management is a group v. Management is a complex activity having
53. What is the process called by which a manager synchronizes the activity of different
activity Many dimensions.
54. Coordination is the essence of management. Give any one reason for it.
55. Coordination and cooperation are two related terms. State the relationship between the two.
56. It is the force which binds all other functions of management. It is the common thread that runs f. Management is a dynamic vi. Management is a process consisting of a
through all activities such as purchase, production, sales and finance and ensure continuity in
the working of the organization. Identify it. activity series of steps, simultaneously performed
all the time. ……………………………………………………………………………………………

c. The task of a manager is to give a common direction to the individual effort in achieving the
overall goals of the organization.
g. Management is intangible vii. Management should provide

opportunities to the diverse members to ……………………………………………………………………………………………

grow and develop. d. Through motivation and leadership, managers need to develop team spirit and cooperation
among the group members.


e. Management helps people to adapt to changes of the external environment.

2. Identify the category of objectives of management: (mention the sub-category also)

a) All the employees who complete 10 years of service with our organization will receive a ……………………………………………………………………………………………
special bonus.
4. Write any 2 characteristics of management as an art.
……………………………………………………………………………………………… a. …………………………………………………………………………………………

b) We need to earn Rs. 20,000 net profit every week to cover our costs. b. …………………………………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. Write any 2 characteristics of management as a science.

a. …………………………………………………………………………………………
c) A sale of Rs. 27,500 is must to cover the production cost at least.

b. …………………………………………………………………………………………

d) A play way school will be set up by the company for its employees ‘children within the office 6. Which of the following characteristic of profession match with characteristics of
premises. management?
a. Entry restricted through an exam or completion of a course.
…………………………………………………………………………………………… b. Compulsory membership of an association of professionals.
c. Code of conduct
e) We will introduce one variant of the fruit juices processed by us every six months for the
d. Remuneration as fees
next 4 years.
e. Restriction on transfer of interest
……………………………………………………………………………………………… f. Limited capital investment to start
g. Moderate risk
3. Which aspect of importance of management is highlighted in the following statements? 7. Explain why ‘Coordination’ is specially needed in a large organization because of :

a. Every manager has to reduce administrative cost and increase productivity. Growth in size
…………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………

Functional differentiation
b. Management has to work for the greater good of the people. …………………………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………………………………………… (d) Organising, Planning, Staffing, Controlling
8. Management is:
………………………………………………………………………………… (a) An Activity (b) A process

……………………………………………………………………………… (c) A Tradition (d) An Illusion

9. Management ensures:
(a) Providing employment opportunities
Multiple Choice Questions (b) Maintaining profit

1. How does a manager want to achieve his objectives? (c) Ensuring maximum utilisation of resources
(a) Efficiently (b) Effectively (d) Control on cost
(c) Efficiently and effectively (d) none of the above 10. Management is important because:
2. A manager obtains the required capital at 12% interest while the prevailing (a) It helps in achieving group goals
rate of interest happens to be 10%. How would you describe such a manager?
(a) Efficient (b) Effective (b) It helps in development of society

(c) Efficient and Effective (d) Inefficient (c) It increases efficiency

3. What type of power management is? (d) All of the above
(a) Visible (b) Invisible 11. Which of the following has formalized methods of acquiring training and
(c) Separate (d) Collective experience?

4. By evaluating results what does management try to find out and then takes (a) Management (b) Law
corrective action.
(c) Medical (d) All of these
(a) Profit (b) Loss
12. Which of the following have no representative professional organisations
(c) Deviations (d) None of these available?
5. In the context of business what does research refer to?
(a) Law (b) Management
(a) Finding out new products
(c) Medical (d) Accountancy
(b) Finding out new markets
13. Which degree is essential to become a manager?
(c) Finding out new methods of distribution
(a) B.Com. (b) M.Com.
(d) All the above
6. What happens when the management of an organisation gets weakened? (c) M.B.A. (d) None of these
(a) Organisation progresses (b) Production increases
(c) Profit increases (d) Organisation faces heavy loss 14. For which of following minimum qualification has not been prescribed?
(a) Manager (b) Doctor
7. Which one of the following sequence of process of management is correct: (c) Lawyer (d) Chartered Accountant
15. What is the name of the management institute established in India?
(a) Planning, Controlling, Organising, Staffing
(a) IIT (b) AIMA
(b) Staffing, Planning, Organising, Controlling
(c) IIM (d) ICICI
(c) Planning, Organising, Staffing, Controlling
16. “Art is bringing about of a desired result through application of skill”. Whose
statement is this?
(a) T.L. Massie (b) G.R. Terry
24. A chain is formed from the top-level management to the lower-level
(c) Prof. Dalton E. McFarland (d) None of these Management.
17. Whose specialty happens to be ‘personal skill’?
(a) Vertical (b) Thick
(a) Profession (b) Art
(c) Scalar (d) Small
(c) Science (d) None of these
25. At what level of management does the Chief Executive Officer operate?
18. Who said that management is a soft science?
(a) Top-level (b) Middle-level
(a) Ernest Dale (b) G.R. Terry
(c) Lower-level (d) None of these
(c) Keynes (d) Fayol
26. To which level of management do the managers of first-line belong?
19. The principles of Physics and Chemistry are stable. What is your opinion about (a) Lower-level (b) Middle - level
(a) Stable (b) Unstable (c) Top-level (d) None of these
27. What is that area called where the non-managerial members work?
(c) No principle is available (d) none of these
(a) Shopping Area (b) Showroom Area
20. Management is a/an
(a) Art (b) Science (c) Platform Area (d) Factory Area

(c) Profession (d) All of the above 28. ‘Thinking before doing’, under which function of management is this
21. Name the country in which management is accepted as profession.
(a) Controlling (b) Directing
(a) America (b) Japan
(c) Organising (d) Planning
(c) India (d) America and Japan
29. Under what function of management does the determining of structure of
22. Management may be called which of the following science? roles fall?
(a) Perfect Science (b) Physics (a) Planning (b) Organising
(c) Applied Science (d) Chemistry (c) Directing (d) Controlling
23. Levels of management in an organisation serve as a ________ line among the 30. Under what function of management does the work of filling posts with
different managerial posts. people fall?
(a) Strong (b) Dividing (a) Planning (b) Organising
(c) Weak (d) Straight (c) Staffing (d) Directing
31. Under what function of management does the ‘corrective action’ fall?
(a) Planning (b) Organising
(c) Directing (d) Controlling
32. What, out of the following, does not fall under directing?
(a) Planning (b) Supervision
(c) Leadership (d) Motivation
33. Numbers of levels of management are:
(a) one (b) two
(c) Three (d) four
34. Coordination is needed where the efforts of ________ persons are required?
(a) One person (b) Two persons 42. The words cooperation and coordination are _.
(c) Three persons (d) Many persons (a) Opposite (b) Synonym
35. “Coordination is not a separate function of management but it happens to (c) Complementary (d) All the above
be the final truth of all functions.” In what context this observation has
been made? 43. What contributes to the elimination of complexities of large-scale
(a) Coordination is the essence of management organisations?

(b) Coordination is not established automatically (a) Planning (b) Directing

(c) Coordination is a continuously moving process (c) Controlling (d) Coordination

(d) None of these

36. Which of the following is true?
(a) Coordination is not equally important at all levels of management
(b) Coordination has no importance Multiple Choice Questions
(c) Coordination is equally important at all levels of management
(d) None of these 1. Which is not a function of management of the following:

37. Cooperation means _. (a) planning (b) staffing

(a) Desire to work jointly (b) Determining Activities (c) cooperating (d) controlling

(c) Both the above (d) None of the above 2. Management is

38. To what function of management is coordination associated with? (a) an art (b) a science

(a) Planning (b) Organising (c) Both art and science (d) neither

(c) Staffing, directing and controlling (d) All of these 3. The following is not an objective of management

39. What out of the following has been called the essence of management? (a) earning profits (b) growth of the organisation

(a) Communication (b) Coordination (c) Providing employment (d) policy making

(c) Supervision (d) Leadership 4. Policy formulation is the function of

40. What is the focus of attention when a manager is busy in planning activity? (a) top level managers (b) middle level managers

(a) Coordination (b) Directing (c) Operational management (d) all of the above

(c) Controlling (d) Staffing 5. Coordination is

(a) function of management (b) the essence of management
41. What information do we get about coordination through the medium of
inter- dependence of various processes? (c) An objective of management (d) none of the above
(a) Meaning (b) Characteristics
(c) Need (d) None of these

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