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Worku Teklearegay Structural and Geotechnical

Megezez Trade & Year- January 2023

Consultancy G.C
No. of Project Bills: 3 Date: 06/03/2023.
Works Enterprise
Report No.: 10 No. of Copies : 3 No. Page: 2

Monthly Report

1. Name of the Project and Engineer’s Role

Project: 1.Two Blocks (G+6 & G+7) Staff Apartment Buildings (Lot IVB)

2. DBU student dining room & kitchen maintenance

3. Ankober Botanical Garden project

4. Animal food processing building

2. Project holder Name: Mirab Construction, DBU student dining room & Kitchen maintenance

3. Reporting Period: February 2023

4. Project Task Focused Progress Summary

Project 1: Staff Apartment

The staff apartment project is located around the fence at Debre Berhan University consists of two blocks with
a G+6 (two bed rooms) and G+7 (three bed rooms) buildings. The G+6 building design were revised to add a
Basement floor and working drawings are on progress. The G+7 building also needs some revision and it is on
progress as well.
Project 2: Student dining room and kitchen maintenance

It consists of different parts of the student dining rooms and kitchen maintenance at Debre berhan University.

Project 3: Student dining room and kitchen maintenance

The project located around Ankober chefa area and it consists of different Botanical garden structures and

Project 3: Animal Food Processing Building

The project is located around the elevator water tank at Debre Berhan University and it consists of animal food
processing rooms, different stores and offices.
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5. Major Activities Accomplished in the Reporting Period

Staff Apartment

- Prepare working drawings for both G+6 &7 buildings.

- Prepare the detail of modified structural elements on G+7 building.
- Collecting the data of animal food processing project.
- Design structural elements for animal food processing building.
- Gathering necessary information for Botanical garden project works.

Major Challenges Encountered and Measures Taken to Address the Challenges

- Weather condition at night when we go to our home on foot from the office. So the main cause is the
absence of transport access.

Challenges Faced Beyond Organizational Capacity

6. Lesson Learnt

 Analysis, design and how to face challenges

7. General Performance of the Projects

Table-1: Physical Report Summary

Status of the work activity Planned Vs Executed

Mark by (✔) Mark by (✔) Rema
Description Work activities
On Progress Completed Delayed Within the plan
1 G+6 & G+7 Buildings Design Revision ✔ ✔
2 Student dining& T. lounge Design work ✔ ✔
3 Ankober B. Guarden Analysis Design ✔ ✔
1 Animal Food Processing Design Revision ✔ ✔
Table-2: Overall Performance of the Project (Using financial incurred)

8. Conclusion
Eventually, even if the works performances were not as such attractive we have jointly worked to have best
quality construction outputs.

Reported By: Worku Teklearegay Signature: ________ Date: 06/03 / 2023_

Approved By: Yirgalem Damtew Signature: ________ Date: 06/03/ 2023

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