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A. Project Title : Techno-Demo on Agricultural Crop Production

B. Type of Project : Crops

C. Project Proponent : Office of the Municipal Agriculturist

D. Address of the Proponent : Jamindan, Capiz

E. Contact No. of the Proponent : 09981760243

F. Duration of the Project : Nov. 2020-March 2021

G. Status of the Project : (New) ___/___ (Existing) ______

H. Location of the Project : Eperanza, Jamindan, Capiz

I. Total Project Cost : 100,000.00

a. Source of Fund GAD/Amount Requested : 100,000.00

b. Other Sources of Fund : None

c. Other Assisting Agencies/Institutions : None


A. Rationale/Background of the Project

Office of the Municipal Agriculturist is one of the devolved office to the local Government with
the mission of promoting appropriate information and institute technology transfer to encourage
individual/group to engage business out of agriculture.

Agriculture nowadays (Department of Agriculture), has variety of tested technology available for
promotion to increase farm productivity and income, there are also proven technology to fight
mitigate the impact of climate change in crop production.
Gender and development is one of government programs that promotes the gender equality
among individual regardless of sexuality specifically in agriculture
Number of farmers in Jamindan are dominated by men (3,652 men and 354 women, source PSA)
but women played an important role in the sustainability of farming systems through
contemplation of all farming activities.

Demonstration on the other hand is vital part of technology transfer, its serve as window for the
promotion and development of any proven technology it showcase the vitality of any farming
systems for the analysis of farmer if the demonstrated technology are adaptable and replicable in
thier area.

However, attainment of the implementation and promotion of such technology is far impossible
because of limited budget that the office has that’s the reason why office of the Municipal
Agriculturist are looking forward to avail the budget from GAD budget to implement techno
demo project.
B. Objectives

B.1 General Objective: To implement .75 ha. (.5 ha rice and .125 ha veg. and .125
corn) Technology Demonstration Project to showcase different agricultural crop
production technology.

B.2 Specific Objectives:

1. To formulate and submit proposal to funding agency before the end August 2019;
2. To showcase different agricultural crop production technology
3. To replicate adaptable agricultural crop production technology;

C. Expected Output:
With the implementation of this project, it is expected that the office will showcase replicable crop
production technology. Likewise, the following output is expected:
1. Implement and promote Technology on different agricultural crop production

D. Economic Benefits/Impact:
Through the proposed Technology Demonstration Project the office will be able to
showcase different agricultural crop production technology and somehow generate
income to be use for sustainable implementation of such project .

E. Implementation Strategies:
The project implementation is divided into two phases, namely: pre-implementation and
implementation. Pre-implementation phase include: Preparation of Project Proposal,
Submission/Presentation with funding agency, Implementation phase include is done after the
proposal is approved and the budget is release.

It is expected that the implementation of Technology Demonstration Project will

serve as eye opener to the farming community by showcasing different agricultural
crop production technology to replicated in their farm.

F. Timetable of Activities:

Considering the situation , the project will be implemented in a period of one year covering the: Project
proposal formulation and submission, project coordination, monitoring, implementation of project
activities, and impact assessment and reporting. To achieve the outputs listed above, the project activities
will organized in the following order:

G. Budgetary Requirements:

Below is the budgetary requirements for the implementation of the project.

Estimated Cost and
Source of Fund
Cost Items 5 % GAD Fund
1. Materials
1a. inputs
 3 bags t-14 @ 1,300 per bag 3,900.00
 2 bags Urea @ 1,125 per bag 2,250.00
 2 bags 0-0-60 @ 1,350 per bag 2,700.00
 2 bags CS seeds @ 1,500 per bag 3,000.00
 20 sachet Okra seeds @ 60 pesos per sachet 1,200.00
 20 sachet Egg plant seeds @ 60 pesos per 1,200.00
 20 sachet String bean seeds @ 60 pesos per 1,200.00
 10 sachet squash seeds @ 60 pesos per sachet 600.00
 20 bundle lemon grass @ 60 pesos per sachet 1,200.00
 5 kilos OPV corn seeds @ 50 pesos per kilo 250.00

1b. Machineries/Equipment’s/Accessories
 1 unit floating tiller with 12 HP diesel engine @ 40,000.0
40,000.00 pesos

2. Labor Cost

 Land preparation
20 man and animal days for 2 cropping @ 500 10,000.00
per day
 Watering and cultivation
99 man days ( Hired labor none office days) @ 29,700.00
300 per day
176 days @ 300 per day
 Miscellaneous
Gasoline allowance and Cost of Harvest 2,800.00

Grand total 100,000.00

H. Cost and Return Analysis


1.cost of materials 16,300.00

2. cost of labor 33,700.00

Total production cost


60 sack fresh rice @ 45 kilos @ 15 40,500.00

pesos per kilo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1,000 kilos eggplant @ 30 pesos per 15,000.00
kilo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1,000 kilos okra @ 15 pesos per kilo - - 7,500.00
100 kilos string beans @ 15 pesos per
kilo - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

500 kilos squash @ 15 pesos per kilo

1,000 kilos fresh corn @ 10

pesos per kilo


Net income - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - -

ROI = total income/total production costx100

= 53,000.00/50,000.00X100

= 1.6X100

= 106 %

Prepared by: Noted by:


Agricultural Technologist Municipal Agriculturist
Approved by:


Municipal Mayor


A. Project Title : Construction of Small Farm Reservoir

B. Type of Project : Infrastructure

C. Project Proponent : Office of the Municipal Agriculturist

D. Address of the Proponent : Jamindan, Capiz

E. Contact No. of the Proponent : 09981760243

F. Duration of the Project : January 2020-December 2020

G. Status of the Project : (New) ___/___ (Existing) ______

H. Location of the Project : Eperanza, Jamindan, Capiz

I. Total Project Cost : 36,600.00

a. Source of Fund/Amount Requested : 36,600.00

b. Proponent’s Counterpart None

c. Other Sources of Fund : None

J. Other Assisting Agencies/Institutions : None


A. Rationale/Background of the Project

Office of the Municipal Agriculturist is one of the devolved office to the local Government with
the mission of promoting appropriate information and institute technology transfer to encourage
individual/group to engage business out of agriculture.

Agriculture nowadays (Department of Agriculture), has variety of tested technology available for
promotion to increase farm productivity and income, there are also proven technology to fight
mitigate the impact of climate change in crop production.

Gender and development is one of government programs that promotes the gender equality
among individual regardless of sexuality specifically in agriculture

Number of farmers in Jamindan are dominated by men (3,652 men and 354 women, source PSA)
but women played an important role in the sustainability of farming systems through
contemplation of all farming activities

Construction of Small Farm Reservoir is one of the vital component of farming system, specially
in technology demontration
However, implementation of construction of Small Farm Reservoir is far impossible because of
limited budget that the office has that’s the reason why office of the Municipal Agriculturist are
looking forward to avail funds from any available budget to implement this project.
B. Objectives

B.1 General Objective: To construct 100 M2 Small Farm Reservoir to serve as vital
component of .75 has. demonstration field
B.2 Specific Objectives:
1. To formulate and submit proposal to funding agency before the end April 2020;
2. To serve as source of water of demonstration farm.

C. Expected Output:
With the implementation of this project, it is expected the smooth management of technology
demonstration field by serving as source of water.

D. Economic Benefits/Impact:
Through the proposed Small Farm Reservoir Project it will reduce the cost of irrigation and
promote vigorous growth of planted crops in the Technology Demonstration Field .

E. Implementation Strategies:

The project implementation is divided into two phases, namely: pre-implementation and
implementation. Pre-implementation phase include: Preparation of Project Proposal,
Submission/Presentation with funding agency, Implementation phase include is done after the
proposal is approved and the budget is release.

It is expected that the implementation of Technology Demonstration Project will

serve as eye opener to the farming community by showcasing different agricultural
crop production technology to replicated in their farm.

F. Timetable of Activities:
Considering the situation , the project will be implemented in a period of one year covering the: Project
proposal formulation and submission, project coordination, monitoring, implementation of project
activities, and impact assessment and reporting. To achieve the outputs listed above, the project activities
will organized in the following order:

G. Budgetary Requirements:

Below is the budgetary requirements for the implementation of the project.

Estimated Cost and Source of Fund Total

Cost Items Municipal Fund
1. Mobilization
 Gasoline/ diesel 5,000.00

 300 M2 Earth
 2 pcs. PVC pipe 4” diameter
 1 pc coupling 4” diameter
 1 pc.

3. Labor Cost

 Construction of Dike and canal

3 machine days for 2 @ 10,000 per day 30,000.00
4 man days @ 400 per day 1,600.00

Sub-total 36,600.00 36,600.00

Grand total 36,600.00


1.mobilization 5,000.00

2. cost of labor 31,600.00

H. Cost and Return Analysis

Total production cost

Net income - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - -- -- - - - - - - - -21,600


ROI = total income/total
production costx100
Cost of irrigation services = -21,600/36,600.00X100
per year
10,000.00 = -59X100

= -59 %


Prepared by:


Approved by:


Municipal Mayor

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