Ch.3-Examples 3

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Chapter Three- Examples 1

Example (1): For the footing shown in the

figure, find the ultimate bearing capacity, γ = 18.2 kN/m3
c = 16 kPa
using Terzaghi's Eq. Assume general shear ϕ = 25 ᵒ


B =1 m , L = 20 m
Terzaghi's Equation; from Table (3.1) ; qult = cNcsc + ̅Nq + 0.5γBNγsγ

To choose shape factors; = >> 10;

Hence, the footing can be considered as continuous (strip); sc = sγ = 1

Bearing capacity factors, using Table (3.2); for ϕ = 25ᵒ
Nc = 25.1 , Nq = 12.7 , Nγ = 9.7
̅ = 1 × 18.2 = 18.2 kN/m2
Hence; qult = 16 × 25.1 × 1 + 18.2 × 12.7 + 0.5 × 18.2 × 1 × 9.7 × 1 = 721.01 kN/m2

Example (2): A (1.2m) square footing is
shown in the figure. Determine the gross
and net allowable load that the footing can
carry for a safety factor of (3), assuming; γ = 17.3 kN/m3
c = 9.6 kPa
a- General shear failure of soil. ϕ = 20 ᵒ
0.9 m

b- Local shear failure of soil.

(Note: use Terzaghi's Equation)

1.2 m
Chapter Three- Examples 2

a- General shear failure;
Terzaghi's Equation; from Table (3.1), qult = cNcsc + ́ Nq + 0.5γBNγsγ
For square footing; shape factors are; sc = 1.3 , sγ = 0.8
Bearing capacity factors, using Table (3.2); for ϕ = 20ᵒ ; Nc = 17.7 , Nq = 7.4 , Nγ = 5.0
̅ = 0.9 × 17.3 = 15.57 kPa
Hence; qult = 9.6 × 17.7 × 1.3 + 15.57 × 7.4 + 0.5 × 17.3 × 1.2 × 5.0 × 0.8 = 377.63 kPa

qa = = = 125.88 kPa
Pa = qa . Af = 125.88 × (1.2)2 = 181.27 kN
(qa)net = = = 120.69 kPa
(Pa)net = (qa)net . Af = 120.69 × (1.2)2 = 173.79 kN
b- Local shear failure;

́ = c = × 9.6 = 6.4 kPa

tan ́ = tanϕ ; ́ = ( tanϕ) = ( × tan20) = 13.6ᵒ

Bearing capacity factors, using Fig. (3.3) where ́ = 13.6ᵒ

or using Fig. (3.4) where ϕ = 20ᵒ ;
In the two cases, ́ = 11.8 , ́ = 3.9 , ́ = 1.7
qult = 6.4 × 11.8 × 1.3 + 15.57 × 3.9 + 0.5 × 17.3 × 1.2 × 1.7 × 0.8 = 173.02 kPa

qa = = = 57.67 kPa
Pa = qa . Af = 57.67 × (1.2)2 = 83.05 kN
(qa)net = = = 52.48 kPa
(Pa)net = (qa)net . Af = 52.48 × (1.2)2 = 57.57 kN
Chapter Three- Examples 3

Example (3): A circular footing is shown
in the figure, determine the allowable load
that the footing can carry with safety
factor of (3), using Meyerhof's bearing γ = 18.08 kN/m3

0.61 m
c = 0 kPa
capacity equation. ϕ = 32 ᵒ

γst = 21.07 kN/m3

0.61 m
1.22 m
Meyerhof's Equation for vertical load; from Table (3.1);
qult = cNcscdc + ̅Nqsqdq + 0.5γBNγsγdγ
since c = 0, hence; qult = ̅Nqsqdq + 0.5γBNγsγdγ
Since the footing is circular, no adjustment is required for ϕ
̅ = 0.61 × 18.08 + 0.61 × (21.07 - 9.8) = 17.9 kPa

Bearing capacity factors, using Table (3.4); for ϕ = 32ᵒ

Nq = 23.2
Nγ = 22.0
Shape and depth factors; from Table (3.3);

sq = sγ = 1 + 0.1Kp

Kp = tan2 (45 + ) = tan2 (45 + ) = 3.255

sq = sγ = 1 + 0.1 × 3.255 × = 1.325

dq = dγ = 1 + 0.1 √ = 1 + 0.1 √ × = 1.18

qult = 17.9 × 23.2 × 1.325 × 1.18 + 0.5 × (21.07-9.8) × 1.22 ×22.0 × 1.325 ×1.18
= 855.52 kPa

qa = = = 285.17 kPa

Pa = qa . Af = 285.17 × (1.22)2 = 333.36 kN

Chapter Three- Examples 4

Example (4) (H.W.): Find the

ultimate B.C. for the continuous (a) W.T.

footing shown for different locations

1.0 m
γt = γsat = 20.0 kN/m3
of W.T. (Using Terzaghi equation) (b) W.T.
γw = 9.81 kN/m3

1.0 m
(c) W.T.

0.5 m
Solution (d) W.T.

qult = cNcsc + ̅Nq + 0.5γBNγsγ Sand

ϕ = 34 ᵒ
For strip (continuous) footing; (Table 3.1) Nq = 36.5
Nγ = 36.0
Sc = Sγ = 1

position (a);
for the 3rd term ; γ = ́ = 0 . = 10.19 kN/m3
̅ = 2 × 10.19 = 20.38 kN/m2
qult = 0 + 20.38 × 36.5 + 0.5 × 10.19 × 1 × 36.0 × 1 = 927.29 kN/m2

position (b);
for the 3rd erm ; γ = ́ = 0 . = 10.19 kN/m3
̅ = 1 × 20 + 1 × 0 . = 30.19 kN/m2
qult = 0 + 30.19 × 36.5 + 0.5 × 10.19 × 1 × 36.0 × 1 = 1285.36 kN/m2

position (c);
for the 3rd erm ; γ = ́ = 0 . = 10.19 kN/m3
̅ = 2 × 20 = 40 kN/m2
qult = 0 + 40 × 36.5 + 0.5 × 10.19 × 1 × 36.0 × 1 = 1643.42 kN/m2

position (d);

for the 3rd erm; γ = γ̅ = γ γ γ = 10.19 + = 15.1 kN/m3

̅ = 2 × 20 = 40 kN/m2
qult = 0 + 40 × 36.5 + 0.5 × 15.1 × 1 × 36.0 × 1 = 1731.8 kN/m2
Chapter Three- Examples 5

Example (5) (H.W.): For the continuous Q = 600 kN/m

footing shown, use Meyerhof bearing

capacity equation to find the ultimate
B.C. and the width of footing (B), taking
γsat = 18.0 kN/m3
(F = 2.5).

1.0 m

0.5 m

γsat = 20. 8 kN/m3
For  = 0 c = 100 kPa
Nc = 5.14 , Nq = 1 , Nγ = 0
So; qult = c Nc sc dc + ̅ sq dq
Shape factors; Sc = 1 ( = 0)
Sq = 1 ( = 0)
depth factors; dc = 1 + 0.2 √ = 1 + 0.2 × 1 × = 1 +
dq = 1 ( = 0)
qult = 100 × 5.14 × 1 × (1 + ) + (1 × 18) × 1 ×1 = 514 (1 + ) + 18

(qult)net = qult ̅ = 514 (1 + ) + 18 18 = 514 (1 + )

(qa)net = = = 205.6 (1 + )

Q = (qa)net × B
600 = 205.6 (1 + )×B
B = 2.72m
qult = 514 (1 + ) + 18 = 569.8 kN/m2
Chapter Three- Examples 6

Example (6) (H.W.): A (0.75 m × 1.5 m ) 0.06 m

rectangular footing is shown in the figure.

Determine the magnitude of the ultimate
load (Pult) applied eccentrically for bearing γ = 18.08 kN/m3

0.6 m
c = 0 kPa
failure in the supporting soil. Use the ϕ = 30 ᵒ

general bearing capacity equation.

0.12 m

1.5 m

Hansen's Equation; from Table (3.1);
qult = cNcscdcicgcbc + ̅Nqsqdqiqgqbq + 0.5γ ́ Nγsγdγiγgγbγ
since c = 0, hence; qult = ̅Nqsqdqiqgqbq + 0.5γ ́ Nγsγdγiγgγbγ 0.75 m

iq = gq = bq = iγ = gγ = bγ = 1
Bearing capacity factors, using Table (3.4); for ϕ = 30ᵒ ; Nq = 18.4 , Nγ = 15.1
́ = L – 2ey= 1.5 – 2 × 0.12 = 1.26 m

́ = B – 2ex = 0.75 – 2 × 0.06 = 0.63 m

Shape and depth factors; from Table (3.5);

dq = 1 + 2 tan ϕ (1 – sin ϕ)2 = 1 + 2 tan30 (1 – sin 30)2 = 1.231
dγ = 1
sq = 1 + ́ tan ϕ = 1 + tan 30 = 1.289
sγ = 1 – 0.4 ́ = 1 – 0.4 × = 0.8
̅ = 0.6 × 18.08 = 10.85 kPa
qult = 10.85 × 18.4 × 1.289 × 1.231 + 0.5 × 18.08 × 0.63 × 15.1 × 0.8 × 1 = 385.58 kPa
Pult = qult × Af = 385.58 × 0.63 × 1.26 = 306.07 kN
Chapter Three- Examples 7

Example (7): for the rectangular y

footing shown find the allowable

bearing capacity and the factor of
safety using Hansen's equation. My

Use the following data;

2.0 m
P = 3000 kN , Mx = 600 kN.m ,
My = 1500 kN.m , c = 0 , x

tri = 30o , γ = 16 kN/m3 ,

2.0 m
γsat = 18.8 kN/m3

2.5 m 3.5 m

M x , My
1.5 m

2.0 m

ex = = =0 W.T.

ey = = = 0.2 m
e = = 3.6 m
e = =6m
γ γ γ = = 8.99 m
̅ = = 12.5 kN/m3
̅ Df = 16 × 1.5 = 24 kN/m2
N-factors; for  = 30o [from Table 3.4] ; Nq = 18.4 , Nγ = 15.1
Shape factors; From table (3.5)
tan = tan30 = 1.35
Chapter Three- Examples 8

= = 0.76
depth factors; From table (3.5)
tan (1 sin)2 = 1 + 2 tan30 (1 – sin30)2 × = 1.11
dγ = 1
since B ˃ ; hence = = 0.936
other factors; iq = iγ = gq = gγ = bq = bγ = 1

qult = cNcscdc + ̅Nqsqdq + 0.5γ ́ Nγsγdγrγ

= 24 × 18.4 × 1.35 × 1.11 + 0.5 × 12.5 × 3.6 × 15.1 × 0.76 × 1 × 0.936 = 903.42 kN/m2
̅ = 903.42 24 = 879.42 kN/m2

= = 6.33

By neglecting ( ̅ ) ;

= = 6.5
Chapter Three- Examples 9

Example (8) (H.W.): A foundation (1.5 m ×

2.0m) is located at depth (Df = 1.0 m) in a clay
layer (cu1 = 120 kPa , γ = 16.8 kN/m3). A softer
clay layer (cu2 = 48 kPa , γ = 16.2 kN/m3) is
located at a depth (d = 0.75 m) measured from
the bottom of the foundation. Determine the d
allowable load (Pa) the foundation can carry with
a factor of safety (F = 3).

= 120 kN/m2
̅ = 16.8 × 1 = 16.8 kN/m2

0.4 , b= 0.75 , 1.0

From (Fig. 3.11), Nc = 3.6

́ = = 0.15
́ = = 0.267
= 628.9 kN/m2

209.6 kN/m2
Pa = qa × B × L = 209.6 × 1.5 × 2 = 628.9 kN
Chapter Three- Examples 11

Example (9): Check the adequacy of the

footing shown in the figure. P = 300 kN working load

Use F = 3 and γw = 10 kN/m3).


0.8 m
GS 2.. 2..2 2..2
Soil I
e 0.8 0.0 0.82 .

0.4 m
1.2 m × 2 m
w 0.12 0..0 0..1

0.5 m
c ( kPa) 10 .0 80 Soil II

ϕᵒ .2 0 0
Soil III

To find γt for soil layer I, and γsat for al soil layers I, II, and III;
γ t) I = γ = = 17.25 kN/m3
γsat)I = γ = × 10 = 19.4 kN/m3
In the same manner, γsat)II = 18.7 kN/m3 ,
and γsat)III = 19.5 kN/m3
Assume that the effective depth equals (B = 1.5 m);
Hence; HIII = 1.5 - 0.5 = 1 m

A - Using Hansen equation with average shear parameters;

From Table (3.1) ; qult = 5.14 su (1 + ́ + ́ - ́ - ́ - ́ ) + ̅

(qult)net = 5.14 su (1 + ́ + ́ - ́ - ́ - ́ )

́ = ́ = ́ = 1 ; su = cav

cav = = = 73.33 kPa

Chapter Three- Examples 11

From Table (3.5); ́ = 0.2 = 0.2 × = 0.15

́ = 0.4 = 0.4 × = 0.32

(qult)net = 5.14 × 73.33 (1 + 0.15 + 0.32) = 554.07 kPa

(qa)net = = 184.69 kPa
(Pa)net = (qa)net × Af = 4.6 × .5 × = 554.07 kN ˃ 300 kN o.k.

B - Using Reddy and Srinivasan's Approach;

qult = cu1. Nc (1 + ́ + ́ ) + ̅

(qult)net = cu1. Nc (1 + ́ + ́ )

= = 0.67 ; = = 1.33
Hence; from Figure (3.11), Nc = 6.5
Also, ́ = 0.15 , and ́ = 0.32
(qult)net = 60 × 6.5 (1 + 0.15 + 0.32) = 573.3 kPa
(qa)net = = 191.1 kPa
(Pa)net = 191.1 × 1.5 × 2 = 573.3 kN ˃ 300 kN o.k.
Chapter Three- Examples 12

Example (10): For the soil-footing geometry shown, find the allowable bearing capacity if
(F = 2) for sand and (F = 3) for clay. Use Hansen's equation P

C = 0 ,  = 34o
γ = 17.25 kN/m3

1.5 m

Solution W.T

0.6 m
For the sand layer, clay
qult = ̅Nqsqdq + 0.5γBNγsγdγ (all other factors = 1.0) su = qu/2 = 75 kPa
su = undrained shear strength
qu = unconfined shear strength
For  = 34o , from Table (3.4) ;
Nq = 29.4
Nγ = 28.7

Shape factors; From table (3.5)

tan = tan34 = 1.67

= = 0.60
depth factors; From table (3.5)
tan (1 sin)2 = 1 + 2 tan34 (1 – sin34)2 × = 1.20
dγ = 1
qult = (1.5 × 17.25) × 29.4 × 1.67 × 1.2 + 0.5 × 17.25 × 2.0 ×28.7 × 0.60 × 1.0
= 1821.54 kN/m2
For the clay layer,
= cu1. Nc (1 + ́ + ́ ) + ̅ (all other factors = 0)

́ = = 0.2
́ = = 0.3 D ˃ B [note: in rad]
= 622.19 kN/m2
Punching contribution (per meter length)
P = ̅
Chapter Three- Examples 13

P = (1.5 × 17.25) × 0.6 + × 17.25 × (0.6)2 = 18.63 kN/m

= 1 sin34 = 0 .44
p = 2 (L + B) = 2 (2 + 2) = 8m
Af = 2 × 2 = 4 m2

= 633.25 kN/m2 < qult = 1821.54 kN/m2

The maximum footing pressure is controlled by the clay layer giving qult = 633.25 kN/m2

qa = = = 211.10 kN/m2

Example (11): The (S.P.T.) results from a soil boring located adjacent to a planned
foundation for a proposed workhouse are shown below. If spread footings for the project
are to be found (1.2 m) below surface ground, what foundation size should be provided to
support (1800 kN) column load. Assume that (25.4 mm) settlement is tolerable. Water
table is encountered at (7.5 m). Use Peck, Hansen, and Thornburn method.
1800 kN

S.P.T. depth Blow count.

(m) Nfield γ = 17 kN/m3
1.2 m

0.3 9
1.2 10
2.4 15
3.6 22
7.5 m

4.8 19 B
6 29
7.5 33
10 27


γ́ = 10 kN/m3
Chapter Three- Examples 14

Find pressure ( ́ ᵒ ) at each depth and correct Nfield values;

depth Blow count. ́ᵒ ́ᵒ CN ́

(m) Nfield (kPa) (MPa) (from Fig. 2.12) (Nfield × CN)
0.3 9 ---- ---- ---- -----
1.2 10 1.2 × 17 = 20.4 0.0204 1.55 15
2.4 15 2.4 × 17 = 40.8 0.0408 1.28 19
3.6 22 3.6 × 17 = 61.2 0.0612 1.15 25
4.8 19 4.8 × 17 = 81.6 0.0816 1.05 20
6 29 6 × 17 = 102 0.1020 0.95 27
7.5 33 7.5 × 17 = 127.5 0.1275 0.90 30
10 27 7.5 × 17 + 2.5 × 10 = 152.5 0.1525 0.85 23

Assume that the effective depth equals to ( B )

Try B = 2.4 m ; and take values of ́ in the influence zone to find Nav ;
Nav = 20

= = 0.5
From Figure (3.15) ; (qa)net = 0.211 MPa = 211 kPa
(qa)net = ;

L= = = 3.55 m

So, we can use (2.5 m × 3.6 m)

Chapter Three- Examples 15

Example (12): For the rectangular footing DL = 3000 kN

LL = 1500 kN
(B × 5m), the average value of SPT
number within the footing influence zone
is Nav. = 14. Find;
(a) The corrected value of N considering
the effect of overburden pressure only.
(b) The footing width (B) and the G.L.

allowable bearing capacity using B

Meyerhof approach.

1.5 m

γ = 18.6 kN/m3

Nav = 14

́ = 18.6 × 1.5 = 27.9 kN/m2

CN = 0.77 log = 0.77 log = 1.43


Nc = CN . = 1.43 × 14 = 20
Pw = DL + LL = 3000 + 1500 = 4500 kN

B =
from Fig. (3.16)
(m) (kPa)
2 330 450

3 300 300

So, take B = 3m
Chapter Three- Examples 16

Example (13) (H.W.): For the DL = 1000 kN

LL = 500 kN
square footing shown, if the
average value of the cone
resistance within the rupture zone
is qc = 8.25 MPa, find the footing
dimensions and the allowable B.C.
W.T. (b)
using Meyerhof approach for the G.L.
following two cases; B
( a ) when the W.T. (5m) depth

5.0 m
Medium sand
below G.L. ( qc )av. = 8.25 MPa
W.T. (a)
( b ) when the W.T. at G.L.

Pw = DL + LL = 1000 + 500 = 1500 kN

( ) r
{ }

B qa = ( ) =
(m) (kPa)
2.0 218.21 375

2.5 206.98 240

3.0 199.65 166.67

2.75 202.96 198.35

b 4 0.5 (190.7) = 95.34 93.75

So, for case ( a ); B = 2.75 m

and for case ( b ); B = 4.0 m
Chapter Three- Examples 17

Example (14): A (1.2m × 1.2m × 0.6m) footing is placed at (1.8m) depth in a soil having
γ = 7.3 kN/m3, ϕ = 20ᵒ, and c = 19.2 kPa). Estimate the allowable uplift force
for (F = 2.5).

To find the type of foundation; shallow or deep;
= = 1.5
From Table (3.7), to find limiting embedment ration for ϕ = 20ᵒ;
= 2.5 > 1.5
So, the footing behaves as shallow footing.
To find the ultimate uplift force for shallow rectangular footing, the equation to be used is;
Tu = c.D B + L + γ.D2(2sf .B + L – B) Ku.tanϕ + W
From Table (3.7), for ϕ = 20ᵒ; m = 0.05, and maximum Sf = 1.12
Sf = 1 + m. = 1 + 0.05 × 1.5 = 1.075 < 1.12

Ku = Kᵒ = (1 – sinϕ) √
For normally consolidated clay; OCR = 1;
Hence; Ku = Kᵒ = (1 – sin20) √ = 0.66

W = 1.2 × 1.2 × 0.6 × 24 + (1.8 – 0.6) × 1.2 × 1.2 × 17.3 = 50.63 kN

Tu = 2 × 19.2 × 1.8 (1.2 + 1.2) + 17.3 × (1.8)2 (2 × 1.075 × 1.2 + 1.2 – 1.2) 0.66 tan20
+ 50.63 = 251.3 kN
Tall = = = 100.5 kN

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